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Maori (MAO)

MAO 101 Beginning Maori I (3)

Listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar. Meets three hours weekly.

MAO 102 Beginning Maori II (3)

Continuation of 101. Meets three hours weekly. Pre: 101.

MAO 201 Intermediate Maori I (3)

Continuation of 102. Meets three hours weekly. Pre: 102.

MAO 202 Intermediate Maori II (3)

Continuation of 201. Meets three hours weekly. Pre: 201.

MAO 261 Maori Literature and Culture (3)

Survey of literature concerning myths, traditions, poetry and song as well as contemporary literature (in English) relating to the Treaty of Waitangi, Maori prophetic sayings. Students who have previously taken this course as PACS 492 may not take this course. Pre: consent.

MAO 301 Advanced Maori Language and Culture (3)

Advanced Maori language and culture. Pre: 202, no waiver. (Fall only)

MAO 302 Advanced Maori Language and Culture (3)

Advanced Maori language and culture. Pre: 301. (Spring only)

MAO 361 Modern Maori Literature and Culture (3)

Survey of modern Maori and Hawaiian literature and culture from the mid-twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Pre: 261 or consent. (Fall only)

MAO 384 Te Reo Waiata: Maori Language in Song (3)

Survey and analysis of Maori song poetry texts, traditional and contemporary, and their development and performance over time. Pre: 102 or HAW 202, or consent.

MAO 401 Fourth-Level Maori I (3)

Continuation of 302. Conducted in Maori. Advanced reading, writing, and conversation. Cultural contemporary and historical topics. Pre: 302 or consent.

MAO 402 Fourth-Level Maori II (3)

Continuation of 401. Conducted in Maori. Advanced reading, writing, and conversation. Cultural contemporary and historical topics. Pre: 401 or consent.