Fourth-year electives in which students study selected topics within field of medicine. (B) allergy/immunology; (C) cardiology; (D) medicine elective in Asia; (E) dermatology; (F) endocrinology; (G) gastroenterology; (H) general internal medicine: ambulatory care; (I) general internal medicine: inpatient; (K) hematology; (M) nephrology; (N) neurology; (O) nuclear medicine; (P) oncology; (Q) pulmonary diseases; (R) research in medicine; (S) rehabilitation medicine; (T) rheumatology; (U) heart failure/electrophysiology; (W) internal medicine sub-internship. MD students only for (U). CR/NC only. Pre: 531 or 532 for (C), (E), (F), (G), (H), (K), (M), (N), (O), (Q), (R), (S), and (T); 532 for (U); 541 for (D) and (W).