
Bilger 101
2545 McCarthy Mall
Honolulu, HI 96822
Tel: (808) 956-8516
(808) 956-8517
Fax: (808) 956-9879
Interim Dean: Laura E. Lyons
Associate Dean: Kimi Kondo-Brown

Departments and centers: East Asian Languages and Literatures, English, Indo-Pacific Languages and Literatures, Languages and Literatures of Europe and the Americas, Linguistics, Second Language Studies, Center for Biographical Research, Center for Interpretation & Translation Studies, Center for Language & Technology, National Foreign Language Resource Center


Within the context of a liberal education, the College of Languages, Linguistics & Literature assists students in clarifying their life and career goals, developing meaningful educational plans, and preparing for productive lives, enlightened citizenship, and life-long learning. Students are expected to be active partners in the advising process by initiating contact with their advisors and by coming to advising sessions prepared.
Students at UH Manoa have exceptional freedom in crafting their college experience. Students are able to explore connections between fields, engage in co-curricular activities, and develop unique combinations of majors, minors, and certificates. In addition to meeting all mandatory advising initiatives required by their major departments, declared Arts and Sciences majors meet with their advisors throughout their career at UH Manoa for clarification of degree requirements, individual concerns, and resolution of complex academic issues.

Advising Office

Advising Center for the College of Languages, Linguistics & Literature
Honolulu, HI 96822
Tel: (808) 956-8755
Fax: (808) 956-9796

Degrees, Minors and Certificates

Bachelor’s Degrees: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Master’s Degrees: Master of Arts (MA)
Doctoral Degrees: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Honor Societies

Honor societies at UH Manoa in the College of Languages, Linguistics & Literature include Delta Phi Alpha (German), Golden Key National Honour Society (undergraduate), Japanese National Honor Society-College Chapter (Japanese), Lambda Delta (freshmen), Mortar Board (seniors), Phi Beta Kappa (liberal arts and sciences), Phi Eta Sigma (freshmen), Phi Kappa Phi (general scholarship), Pi Delta Phi (French), and Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish).

Instructional and Research Centers

Center for Biographical Research


The Center for Biographical Research (CBR) is dedicated to the interdisciplinary and multicultural study of life writing. CBR programs include teaching, publication, and outreach activities.

In conjunction with the Department of English, CBR offers thesis advising for PhD and MA projects, and awards the Biography Prize annually for work in life writing by a UH Manoa graduate student. The Department of English also offers a number of graduate and undergraduate courses in life writing.

CBR publishes Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly, the premier scholarly journal in the field. Appearing continuously since 1978, Biography explores the theoretical, historical, generic, and cultural dimensions of life writing. CBR also sponsors the Biography Monograph series, a book publishing enterprise designed to further the study and practice of life writing in all its forms.

CBR maintains a library and resource collection and has organized, since 1988, the public lecture series Brown Bag Biography, part of the center’s commitment to supporting and publicizing contributions to life writing. The center regularly hosts visiting scholars from academic institutions throughout the world. CBR is a founding partner of Biography Hawai‘i, a television documentary series that focuses on residents whose lives have had a lasting impact on these islands. The center also manages, the listserve and discussion forum for the International Auto/Biography Association.

Center for Interpretation and Translation Studies


The Center for Interpretation and Translation Studies (CITS) was established in 1988 at UH Manoa within the College of Languages, Linguistics & Literature. The center’s primary goal is to provide basic training in translation and interpretation. Emphasis is on the sociolinguistic and communication skills and techniques needed to facilitate cultural, scientific, and technical exchanges in cross-cultural and multinational settings. These skills can be used at international conferences, as well as in medical, legal, and social service settings.

Given our commitment to the community, a number of CITS courses are made available to non-UH Mânoa students through Outreach College. Generic courses are conducted in English, and any language speaker is welcome. Language-specific courses may require proof of language proficiency before enrollment. Currently interested students can receive a BA in Translation and/or Interpretation through Interdisciplinary Studies.

The Center offers a six-week, non-credit Summer Intensive Interpreter Training program (SIIT) every other year through Outreach College. This high-level certificate training program is offered in English in combination with Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, French, Vietnamese, or Korean.

Center for Language and Technology


The mission of the Center for Language & Technology (CLT) is to support the informed use and integration of technology into instruction and research in the curriculum of the College of Languages, Linguistics & Literature.

The CLT fulfills its kuleana by: a) supporting the research and development of technology-based materials for language teaching and learning; b) providing faculty development opportunities for technology integration into the curricular areas of the college; c) providing professional enrichment opportunities to teaching assistants; d) providing expertise in media design, production and delivery; e) researching and supporting innovative technology tools and pedagogical approaches that are specific to the curricular areas of the college; and f) providing technology resources and services that are specific to the curricular areas of the college.

The CLT additionally provides leadership and guidance in the creation of online learning experiences. In the last few years, activities in this area have included the creation and implementation of a review process to assist online-teaching faculty in the development and maintenance of quality online courses. The CLT also supports faculty by providing expert feedback throughout the process as well as numerous opportunities for professional development in this area, with a particular emphasis on the academic areas of the college.

To fulfill its mission to support informed use of technology in instruction, the CLT provides flexible, technology-rich physical spaces that are designed with consideration of the specific academic areas of the college. Faculty can avail themselves of facilities such as broadcast-standard video and audio production suites, a state-of-the-art project development room, a high-end theater projection room, web-conferencing meeting rooms, and a smart classroom primarily intended for instructional research and special projects.

Technologies available to instructors include physical and virtual technology tools. The former includes a variety of audio-visual equipment available for check out; the latter includes specialized technologies developed in-house.

The CLT regularly hosts local, national, and international events sponsored by various units in the college, collaborates with several campus units, and also conducts outreach activities to support Hawai‘i’s language-teaching community.

National Foreign Language Resource Center


The National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) is one of 16 Language Resource Centers across the U.S. and the only one to have been continuously funded since the inception of the original three centers established by the Department of Education in 1990. The ultimate mission of the NFLRC is to improve the learning and teaching of world languages while focusing primarily on the underserved populations of both teachers and students of the less commonly taught languages of Asia and the Pacific.

Taking advantage of Hawai‘i’s geographic location and drawing on the rich expertise of the College of Languages, Linguistics & Literature, the NFLRC works to improve teaching through the production and dissemination of a broad range of resources, including instructional materials, scholarly books, and edited collections. Online resources include three e-journals, video and audio archives, and bibliographic databases.

NFLRC works closely with the Center for Language & Technology on a number of initiatives, for example, developing and researching instructional models that combine distance and face-to-face instruction and collaborating in the design and development of technologies that support those models. Throughout the year, the NFLRC hosts and co-hosts local, national, and international conferences and workshops.