Drugs discussed with emphasis on sites and mechanism of action, toxicity, fate, and uses of major therapeutic agents. Pre: mammalian physiology and dental hygiene major.
Similar to 201 but wider in scope of drugs discussed. Intended for undergraduates in the health sciences and related fields. Pre: mammalian physiology.
Directed reading and research in experimental pharmacology. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Enrollment for degree completion. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: master’s Plan B or C candidate and consent.
Elective for medical students in Pharmacology. Repeatable up to 12 credits. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 551.
Pharmacology elective course for medical students. MD students only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 554 or consent. (Fall only)
Pharmacology research elective for medical students. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 551 or consent.
Pharmacodynamics, receptor theory, modeling, clinical trials and the FDA will be covered. Concepts in ADME/T and clinical research are also considered. Pre: consent.
Provides instruction at an organ systems/functional level covering major organ and functional systems of the human body. Concepts in pharmacological research at the animal, organ system and whole human level will also be considered. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Physiology and pharmacology of central and peripheral nervous systems, focusing on synaptic chemistry and signaling. A-F only. Pre: CMB 606, or consent from the course director. (Cross-listed as CMB 640)
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.