Fundamental biomedical statistics concepts and tools will be introduced, as well as their applications to biomedical data. Students will perform hands-on analysis using statistical software and learn to interpret and present the results. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as TRMD 655)
Advanced biomedical statistics principles and tools as well as their applications will be introduced. Topics include: model selection, hierarchical model, repeated measurements, proportional hazard model, classification methods, structural equation modeling and multivariate analysis. A-F only. Pre: 601 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent.
Fundamental concepts in bioinformatics with a strong emphasis on hands-on training. Covers topics such as molecular biology, sequence alignment, biological databases, phylogeny, and genomics, including microarray and RNA-seq data analysis. A-F only. (Fall only)
Focus on bioinformatics approaches for functional genomics related to DNA, RNA, and protein. It will provide of virus, bacteria, and human genome and bioinformatics approaches to human disease. A-F only. Pre: 610 (or equivalent) (with a minimum grade of B) or consent. (Spring only)
Introduction to clinical trials. Topics include history, definitions/terminology, adverse events, FDA and government regulatory agencies, ethics; monitoring committees, recruitment, introduction to protocol development, basis designs. A-F only. (Fall only)
Covers basic and advanced statistical methods utilized in clinical trials design, conduct, and data analysis. Topics cover statistician’s role in drug development and DSMB, statistical theory in phases I-IV clinical trial designs and analysis. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or equivalent) or consent. (Fall only)
Will allow students who are new to using secondary data to become comfortable with accessing the data, forming hypotheses, and designing study proposals. Will introduce examples with basic and advanced techniques. A-F only. (Spring only)
Introduces students to issues in working with complex data sets and adds the hands-on experience needed to conduct individual research using secondary databases. A-F only. Pre: (601 (or equivalent) and 650) with a minimum grade of B, which can be taken concurrently. (Spring only)
Special topics in quantitative health sciences. Reflects special research interest of QHS faculty or guest lecturers. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only.
Investigate the roles and responsibilities of the biostatistician as both consultant and collaborator with biomedical researchers, guide students in enhancing problem-solving and communication skills, and provide opportunity to observe real-life biostatistical consultations. A-F only. Pre: 601 and 602 (or equivalent), or consent. (Fall only)
Under the supervision of biostatistics faculty members, students will have the opportunity to provide statistical consultations to biomedical researchers and gain hands-on experience conducting biostatistical analysis in solving real-life analytic problems. Repeatable two times, up to six credits. A-F only. Pre: 675 (or concurrent.)
Directed research in quantitative health sciences. Students will work closely with a QHS faculty member or mentor who will guide them through the process of conducting a research study. Repeatable two time, up to nine credits. A-F only.