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PHYL 103 Human Physiology and Anatomy (5)

Introduction to human physiology and anatomy designed to serve the needs of dental hygiene students and others interested in pursuing health-related careers.

PHYL 103L Physiology and Anatomy Lab (1)

Laboratory to complement 103. Co-requisite: 103.

PHYL 141 Human Anatomy and Physiology (3)

Anatomy, histology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics of human organ systems presented in integrated anatomy-physiology format. Priority to students in nursing. Pre: high school chemistry.

PHYL 141L Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab (1)

Anatomy, histology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics of human organ systems presented in integrated anatomy-physiology format. Priority to students in nursing. Pre: 141 (or concurrent) or consent.

PHYL 142 Human Anatomy and Physiology (3)

Continuation of 141. Pre: should have an understanding of basic physiology concepts as presented in 141 or equivalent.

PHYL 142L Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab (1)

Anatomy, histology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics of human organ systems presented in integrated anatomy-physiology format. Priority to students in nursing. Pre: 142 (or concurrent) or consent.

PHYL 301 Advanced Anatomy and Physiology (4)

Integrated presentation of human anatomy and physiology. An optional laboratory (PHYL 301L) is available separately. Pre: BIOL 171 and BIOL 172, or any PHYL course; and CHEM 161 (or higher) or any BIOC course; or consent.

PHYL 301L Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab (1)

Laboratory study of human anatomy and physiology by means of models, histology slides, experiments, and demonstrations. Co-requisite: 301 or consent.

PHYL 302 Advanced Anatomy and Physiology (4)

Continuation of 301. Pre: 301/301L or consent.

PHYL 302L Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab (1)

Continuation of 301L. Pre: 301/301L, or consent. Co-requisite: 302.

PHYL 401 Human Physiology: Organ Systems (4)

Basic function of the major organ systems in man. Covers cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, acid-base, and gastrointestinal physiology. Pre: 302 or equivalent with consent.

PHYL 402 Human Physiology: Integrative Systems (4)

Senior-level course in integrative systems (central nervous system and endocrinology). Complements 401. Pre: 401 and either BIOC 341 or CHEM 152, or consent.

PHYL 405 Applied Muscle Physiology (3)

Science and technology of strength training. Anatomy, kinesiology, physics, and physiology applied to development of muscular strength and mass. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 302; or consent.