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Interdisciplinary Programs

CIS 699 Directed Reading and/or Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times.

CIS 701 Communication/Information Theories of Society (3)

A critical review of major theoretical and empirical traditions in communication and information sciences. Focus on European, American, Third World, and applied research. Pre: consent.

CIS 702 Communication/Information Technologies (3)

Technological concepts underlying data communications; information processing and computers; communication channels and networks, information storage and retrieval, and computer hardware and software. Pre: consent.

CIS 703 Communication/Information Research Methods (3)

Current research methodologies in decision sciences, computer science, library science, and communication. Emphasis on methodologies suitable for interdisciplinary analysis. Pre: consent.

CIS 704 Special Topics in Communication and Information Sciences (V)

Seminar reflecting research interests of faculty and current interdisciplinary topics in communication and information sciences. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only.

CIS 705 Data Science Foundations (3)

All aspects of data science: the methodology and processes; ethics and regulatory issues; programming tools; data acquisition, cleaning, analysis and mining; visualization, publication, curation, and preservation; applications in various fields. Graduate students only.

CIS 720 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Communication and Information Sciences (1)

Exploration of relationships between disciplines in social sciences, science and technology, and humanities. Faculty and student presentations. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.

CIS 799 Directed Reading and/or Research (V)

Individualized program of directed reading and/or research outside the scope of regularly titled courses. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent. Plan must include goals and rationale.

CIS 800 Dissertation Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times.

GHPS 101 Introduction to Population Studies (3)

Introduces the study of population (demography), human fertility, mortality, and migration. Focus on the U.S., Hawai‘i, and the Asia-Pacific region.

GHPS 301 Populations of Hawai‘i (3)

Demographic characteristics of Hawai‘i’s populations: origins, distribution, growth, and behaviors. Open to non-majors. A-F only. Pre: an introductory social science course (ECON 120, 130, 131; GEOG 151; POLS 110; or SOC 100) or consent.

GHPS 302 Population in the Pacific Islands (3)

Survey of the characteristics of human populations of the Pacific Islands region. Working of population forces from early settlement to the demographic transitions of the present day. Pre: consent.

GHPS 401 Forced Migration (3)

Global view of refugee and other forced migration; emphasis on humanitarian assistance. Pre: junior standing and consent.

GHPS 412 Analysis in Population and Society (3)

Global and U.S. patterns of population growth; composition and distribution, elementary demographic techniques; development issues and population policy. Pre: SOC 300 or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 412)

GHPS 432 Economics of Population (3)

Determinants and consequences of growth and structure of human populations. Relationships between economic factors and fertility, population growth and economic growth. Pre: ECON 301 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as ECON 432)

GHPS 652 Interdisciplinary Seminar (1)

Topics such as contemporary issues in global health and population studies, international health programs, demographic methods, global economy and health, human right and humanitarian assistance, social justice, global environmental changes and health. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as PH 652)

GHPS 659 Methods of Demographic Analysis (3)

Statistical evaluation and analysis of population data; data sources; population growth; composition; standardization of rates; mortality and the life table; nuptiality and fertility; distribution, migration, urbanization; projections and stable population theory. (Cross-listed as PH 659 and SOC 659)

GHPS 677 Managing Global Health Service Delivery (3)

Provides knowledge, skills, attitudes and resources that health managers require to manage and maintain the quality of partnerships, facilities, programs, community services, people, drugs, and information in limited resources settings. PH majors only. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PH 677)

GHPS 680 Health Emergencies in Large Populations (3)

Health Emergencies in Large Populations is run by the Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance and the Red Cross. It provides knowledge, practical skills, and networking for global health practitioners. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PH 680)

GHPS 690 Global Health Challenges (3)

Addresses critical, contemporary, and transnational issues best addressed by cooperative international action. Health issues are examined in the context of intersecting effects of limited resources, socioeconomics, politics, and environmental change. A-F only. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as PH 690)

GHPS 699 Directed Reading and Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of program director or instructor.

GHPS 719 Comparative Family and Gender (3)

Discusses the major perspectives on family and gender relations and examines related empirical research. Emphasis is on the cross-cultural comparisons across the U.S. and Asia in the context of globalizing economies and cultures. A-F only. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as SOC 719)