An experience-based introduction to teaching as a career. Repeatable one time.
Principles of learning, individual differences and classroom assessment; relationships of these factors to classroom experience.
Theory and use of self-regulated learning strategies in academic contexts.
Individual reading or research. Pre: consent.
Introduction to the methodology of systematic study of problems in education: principles of research design, data processing, technical writing, and evaluation of research proposals and reports.
In-depth analysis of contemporary issues in education from the theoretical and methodological perspectives of the faculty in educational psychology. Repeatable one time.
Introduction to basic concepts and issues in assessment and measurement, development of formative and summative assessment procedures, descriptive statistics, scales of measurement, and standardizing testing.
Introduction to concepts and logics of statistical reasoning and statistical literacy. Topics include descriptive statistics, sampling distribution, and inferential statistics such as z-test, t-tests, correlation, and one-way ANOVA.
Application of motivation theory and research to understanding and increasing human motivation for education.
Enrollment for degree completion. Pre: master’s Plan B or C candidate and consent.
Introductory graduate-level statistics in education and social sciences. Topics on descriptive and inferential statistics including central tendency, variability, sampling distribution, z-test, t-test, correlation, simple linear regression, and one-way ANOVA. (Meets PhD common inquiry methods requirement or elective.)
Survey study designs, survey sampling, questionnaire construction, interviewing, pre-tests, pilot studies, logic of measurement and association, table construction, and elaboration models. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as EDEA 608 and SOC 608)
Analysis of variance and other models of assessing results of experiments. Relation of analysis to design.
Introduction to linear statistical models as principle of data analysis. Topics include multiple regression models with continuous and categorical predictors. ANOVA with multiple factors, ANOVA with repeated measures, and ANCOVA. Pre: 601 or EDEA 629 (with a grade of B+), or consent.
Multivariate forms of multiple linear regression, analysis of variance and co-variance, and exploratory factor analysis are developed. Pre: 604, PSY 610, or consent.
Conditions for valid applications of nonparametric statistical techniques in education and behavioral sciences; theoretical and methodological perspectives. (Cross-listed as PSY 615)
Fundamental design and evaluation procedures in educational research. Topics include an introduction to qualitative and quantitative research, the review of literature, developing research questions, research design, instrumentation, data collection, and writing a research proposal. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) (with a minimum grade of B or higher) or consent.
Graduate level introduction to educational psychology theories, research, and topics.
Theories and applications of multilevel model to analyze cross-sectional and longitudinal data. Topics include two-level and three-level models, growth models, and multilevel logistic regression. Pre: 604, PSY 610, 612 (with a minimum grade of B or higher), or consent.
Introduction to methods of qualitative research in education. (Meets PhD common core requirement.) (Cross-listed as EDEA 604)
Concepts, theories and practices in testing and measurement. Specific topics include classical and modern test theories, reliability estimation, validity, psychometric validation methods including factor analysis and item response theory. Pre: 604 or PSY 610 or consent.
Theories and methods for data analysis with categorical and discrete variables; analysis of contingency tables, loglinear models, introduction to generalized linear models for binary, nominal, ordinal, and count outcomes in cross-sectional and longitudinal data sets. Pre: 604, PSY 610, or consent.
Theories and applications to test models with manifest and latent variables. Topics include path analysis, factor analysis, latent variable model, multi-group analysis, latent means model, and other advanced topics in SEM. Pre: 606, PSY 610, PSY 614, or consent.
Theories and applications of modern psychometrics. Topics include item response theory, detecting biased items, measurement invariance, and current issues in psychometrics. Pre: 604 (with a minimum grade of B+) or consent.
Discussion-based course presenting an overview of educational psychology applied to teaching adolescents, including theory and research on human learning, adolescent development and its social context, and student assessment.
Introduction to concepts and issues related to program evaluation. Topics include formative and summative uses, planning and design approaches, and metaevaluation processes. A-F only. Pre: 608 (or equivalent).
Analysis and critique of (Piagetian) developmental stage theory and traditional behavioristic and cognitive learning theories; introduction to current models of learning and development. Pre: consent.
Research methods and theories relating social mediation and learning group structures to intellectual growth.
Cognitive models of knowledge acquisition, organization, and utilization; theory and research relating learning and cognition to interactive instructional models.
Application of learning theory and cognitive skills training in instructional settings.
Systematic analysis of social reasoning abilities conjunctive with or prerequisite to effective social interaction in educational settings.
To be taken in the final semester or the second to last semester to complete the certificate. Students are expected to integrate, extend, critique and apply knowledge learned in the certificate program. Repeatable three times, up to 12 credits.
Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable ten times. Pre: consent.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable seven times.
Research techniques and thesis development.
Supervised practicum in teaching or program evaluation as each is reflected by professional activities of the members of the faculty. Repeatable six times. Pre: consent of supervisory professor.
Analysis of psychology of adult learner; forces that affect learning in dynamics of individual, group, and organizational behavior; concept of lifelong learning vis-à-vis development of creative strategies that assist maturing, self-directed persons to develop their potentialities. (Cross-listed as EDEA 745 and NURS 745)
Current issues and problems in the context of education: (B) general; (C) learning; (D) measurement; (E) statistics; (F) psycho-social development; (G) educational evaluation; (H) research methodology. Repeatable nine times. Pre: consent. Seminar may be repeated for credit as topics vary.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times.