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Educational Administration

EDEA 360 Dynamics of Student Leadership (3)

Theoretical approaches and an experimental orientation toward leadership in student organizations via classroom activities and practicum experiences with student organizations.

EDEA 370 Peer Leadership Education and Mentoring (3)

Theoretical explorations and a supervised practicum experience in student peer leadership education and mentoring in a variety of curricular and co-curricular contexts. Pre: 360 (or equivalent) and consent.

EDEA 460 (Alpha)Topics in Emergent Paradigms of Leadership (3)

Exploration, application, analysis and synthesis of advanced leadership concepts including emergent theories, issues, trends and empowering approaches. (B) survey of emergent paradigms; (C) Asian Pacific American leadership; (D) gender and leadership; (E) ethics and leadership; (K) issues and problems in leadership. Repeatable one time per alpha. Pre: 360 (or equivalent) and consent.

EDEA 499 Directed Reading (V)

Planned individualized study, reading, research, teaching, and/ or projects under direct supervision of instructor. A-F only. Repeatable up to six credits. Pre: consent.

EDEA 500 Master’s Plan B/C Studies (1)

Enrollment for degree completion. Repeatable unlimited times. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Pre: master’s Plan B or C candidate and consent.

EDEA 601 Introduction to Education Administration (3)

Develops view of administrative process and organization elements in context of system of personal, social, and physical variables. Emphasis on role and functions of school administrator. Repeatable one time.

EDEA 602 Research in Education Administration (3)

Develops basic concepts of research on educational administration: methodology, status of particular topics, communication, and application of findings to problems of school administration. (Meets PhD common core inquiry methods requirement.) Repeatable one time.

EDEA 604 Qualitative Research Methods in Education (3)

Introduction to methods of qualitative research in education. (Meets PhD common core requirement.) (Cross-listed as EDEP 613)

EDEA 608 Survey Research Design and Analysis (3)

Survey study designs, survey sampling, questionnaire construction, interviewing, pre-tests, pilot studies, logic of measurement and association, table construction, and elaboration models. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as EDEP 602 and SOC 608)

EDEA 610 School-Community Relations (3)

Application of principles, techniques, policies, organization of school-community information program. Repeatable one time.

EDEA 620 (Alpha) Education Finance (3)

Educational revenues, apportionments, budgetary procedures, costs, business management, economics of education, measures of productivity. (H) higher education: specific for higher education students; (K) K-12: specific for K-12 students. A-F only. Pre: consent.

EDEA 623 Administration in Kinesiology (3)

Current problems, trends, and strategies in the administration of athletic training, physical education, recreation, sport and fitness programs in school and non-school settings. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as KRS 623)

EDEA 629 Educational Statistics (3)

Statistical inference including applications of parametric and nonparametric methods to educational problems.

EDEA 630 (Alpha) Education Law (3)

Status and functions of educational institutions and personnel relative to their legal rights and responsibilities. Includes interpretation of important court decisions, statutes, equity measures. (H) higher education: specific for higher education students; (K) K-12: specific for K-12 students. A-F only. Pre: consent.

EDEA 645 Principles of School Leadership (3)

Examine the emergent theories, issues, practices, and problems relevant for educational leaders in school organizations. Integrates the aspects of management and administration within the context of leadership.

EDEA 646 College Student Development Theory (3)

Study of psycho-social characteristics of the American college student and college environment, from viewpoint of student personnel work. Repeatable one time. EDEA majors only.

EDEA 650 Organizational Leadership in Education (3)

Analysis of the nature of organizations, human nature and needs, and their relationship to leadership, staffing, and staff development. Implications of group structure and human conflict, communications, and supervision and evaluation considered. Repeatable one time.

EDEA 652 Conflict Management for Educators (3)

Conflict resolution theory and practice for administrators, faculty and staff in educational organizations. K-12, community colleges and universities. Application and theory of negotiation, mediation, facilitation and hybrid ADR processes. Repeatable one time. Pre: 601 or 650, or consent. (Cross-listed as PACE 652)

EDEA 655 Intercultural Interactions (3)

Theory-based frameworks and training methods of intercultural interaction and their applications to educational administration situations. Repeatable one time.

EDEA 657 Introduction to Higher Education (3)

Salient historic, social, and organizational aspects of higher education; history, philosophy, purposes, governance, administration, structures, financing, faculty and student selection, curricula, legal and social issues. Repeatable one time.

EDEA 660 Leadership in Higher Education (3)

Trends, research, and problems in college and university management. Repeatable one time. EDEA majors only. Pre: 657 or consent.

EDEA 661 Leadership in Student Affairs (3)

Philosophy, history, organization, and administration of student personnel services at college and university levels, including admissions, housing, student activities, financial aids, placement, counseling, health services. Repeatable one time. Pre: 657 or consent.

EDEA 662 Curriculum in Higher Education (3)

Traditional and contemporary curriculum issues. Development of performance competencies in curriculum design and evaluation using systems and design theory as central paradigms. Repeatable one time. Pre: 657 or consent.

EDEA 663 Community College Leadership (3)

Development and changing missions of community colleges; in-depth study of emerging leadership issues: planning, financial management, decision-making, governance, and student personnel. Repeatable one time. Pre: 660 or consent.

EDEA 670 Teacher Development and Evaluation (3)

The role of teacher evaluation in the development of teachers and learning communities and to support effective teaching. Repeatable one time.

EDEA 675 Introduction to Educational Policy Studies (3)

Examines theories and models of educational policy and policy-making and the contribution of policy analysis to the policy-making and change processes. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as EDEF 675)

EDEA 676 The Politics of Education (3)

Examination of the ways in which education can be viewed as political, arising from its connection to the larger political system including local, state, and federal governments. A-F only. Pre: 675, EDEF 675; or consent. (Cross-listed as EDEF 676)

EDEA 680 Curriculum Administration (3)

Master’s level course in curriculum administration and leadership, focusing on fundamental theories underlying curriculum development, as well as the implementation of curriculum policy at the school level. Pre: consent.

EDEA 695 Capstone Project in Educational Administration (3)

Required for higher education Plan B option. 3 credits required for program completion. Taken in final semester or second to last semester in program. A-F only. Pre: 602 and 657, and consent of instructor and chair.

EDEA 699 Directed Reading and/or Research (V)

Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of instructor and department chair.

EDEA 700 Thesis Research (V)

Research master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times.

EDEA 704 Advanced Qualitative Research (3)

Study in trends, research, and problems. Pre: 604 or comparable, or consent.

EDEA 720 Internship in Education (V)

Supervised intern experience in school and university administration. Emphasizes the development of leadership skills through program and project management. A-F only. Pre: approval of cooperating agencies and department.

EDEA 745 Creative Learning Strategies for Adults (3)

Analysis of psychology of adult learner; forces that affect learning in dynamics of individual, group, and organizational behavior; concept of lifelong learning vis-a-vis development of creative strategies that assist maturing, self-directed persons to develop their potentialities. (Cross-listed as EDEP 745 and NURS 745)

EDEA 767 Seminar on the Educational System (3)

Examination of structure and dynamics of the educational system. Particular focus on how educational policy interacts with principles that explain educational system behavior. A-F only. Pre: 675 or EDEF 675, or consent. (Cross-listed as EDEF 767)

EDEA 775 Seminar on the Principalship (3)

Series of planned seminar experiences on problems and issues confronting school principals, such as contract administration, program planning and budgeting systems (PPBS), teacher evaluation. Topic to be announced. Repeatable unlimited times.

EDEA 780 (Alpha) Seminar (3)

Study in trends, research, and problems. (B) policy formulation; (C) organizational change; (D) evaluation and research management (meets PhD common required advanced methodology course); (G) school governance; (H) college student affairs administration; (I) higher education administration; (J) administrative theories; (K) administrative problems and issues; (M) engaging diverse student populations; (N) exploring Indigeneity in higher education. (K) is repeatable two times in different topics. EDEA majors only for (I) and (K). A-F only for (M). Pre: consent.