Structure, development, physiology, reproduction, evolution, behavior, and ecology of animals.
Laboratory to accompany 101. Pre: 101 (or concurrent).
Biology and ecology of marine plants and animals; coral reefs, the deep sea, rocky shores, marine mammals, fisheries, aquaculture, pollution, and conservation of marine resources.
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory, field trips to accompany 200. Pre: 200 (or concurrent).
Introduction to animal and human ethology and sociobiology; emphasis on social and interspecific behavior, its causes and adaptive significance. Lab optional. Pre: 101 and 101L with C grade (non-science majors), or BIOL 265 with C grade (life science majors); or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Application of methods in demonstrations, films, and projects. Pre: 306 (or concurrent).
Introduction to the evolution and systematics of vertebrates, with emphasis on comparative morphology, physiology, and ecology. Pre: BIOL 265. Co-requisite: 320L.
(2 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 320. Pre: BIOL 172 and BIOL 172L. Co-requisite: 320.
Animal parasites of man, and domestic and wild animals; systematics, comparative morphology, life history, pathology, treatment, control. Pre: BIOL 275.
(2 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 340. Pre: 340 (or concurrent) and BIOL 275.
Pre: written consent.
The biogeography, evolution, ecology, and physiology of corals and coral reefs, and the application of this information to the management of coral reefs. Emphasis will be placed on processes such as dispersal, the evolution and operation of mutualisms, calcification, reproduction, and the maintenance of diversity. Pre: BIOL 265 (or concurrent) or BIOL 301 (or concurrent). (Spring only)
Functional microanatomy of the animal body, emphasizing vertebrates. Oriented toward pre-professional students. Pre: BIOL 275. Recommended: BIOL 407.
(2 2-hr Lab) Light microscopic study of animal tissues, especially vertebrates. Primarily for pre-professional students. Pre: BIOL 275. Recommended: BIOL 407. Corequisite: 416.
(2 Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) Preparation of animal tissues and organs
for microscopic examination; introduction to cytochemical and histochemical techniques. Pre: BIOL 275 or consent.
Fundamental principles, methods, concepts, and significance of developmental biology, emphasizing experimental methods. Pre: BIOL 275. Recommended: BIOL 407.
(2 3-hr Labs) Analysis of animal development by experimental methods, using local organisms. Pre: 420 (or concurrent) and BIOL 275, or consent. Recommended: BIOL 407.
Introduction to function of organs, tissues, and cells, especially in vertebrates. Nerve and muscle physiology, endocrinology, circulation, respiration, excretion, and temperature regulation. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 275. Corequisite: 430L
Laboratory investigation of function of organs, tissues, and cells, especially in vertebrates. Nerve and muscle physiology, circulation, membrane transport, respiration, excretion. Pre: BIOL 275. Co-requisite: 430.
Physicalchemical cellular mechanisms underlying function of organ systems; general principles inferable from study of adaption to diverse environments. Pre: BIOL 171 and 172, and MBBE 402 (or concurrent) or BIOC 441 (or concurrent); or consent.
(1 4-hr Lab) Introduction to methodology, experience in characterizing populations and communities. Pre: BIOL 265.
Nerve cells, their signaling capabilities and the developmental organization of nervous systems, both invertebrate and vertebrate, for sensory reception, integration, behavioral command and learning;insights from on-going research using molecular,
genetic, biophysical, and imaging methods. Pre: BIOL 275 or consent. (Spring only)
(2 Lec, 1 1-hr Lab) Geography, geology, climatology, biotic environment of Pacific Basin
and Hawaiian Islands; endemism and evolution in terrestrial and marine biota. Pre: one semester of biological sciences at college level. (Cross-listed as BOT 450 and SUST 450)
Broad coverage of the morphology, physiology, ecology, behavior, and evolution of birds, emphasizing the relation of birds to general theory in biology. Pre: BIOL 265.
Survey of fish biodiversity focusing on major lineages, their phylogenetic relationships, and their geographic distribution in light of evolutionary history. Taught spring semester in alternate years. Junior standing or higher. Pre: BIOL 171 and BIOL 172. (Alt. years: spring)
(2 2-hr Lab) Overview of the major orders and families of fishes of the world; introduction to local Hawaiian fishes; coverage of basic fish anatomy; introduction to field and laboratory techniques in fish research. Junior standing or higher. Pre: BIOL 171, BIOL 172, and ZOOL 465 (or concurrent). (Alt. years: spring)
General characteristics of fisheries; harvesting methods; principles and techniques to derive data and analyze fished populations. Field trips. Pre: one of the following: 410, 465, 470, 608, or 620; or consent.
Reproduction, early life history, age and growth, feeding, niche specificity, competitive interactions, communities, and evolutionary mechanisms. Pre: 465 or consent.
Biology, physics, chemistry of lakes, streams, estuaries. Pre: BIOL 172 or consent. Co-requisite: 470L.
(1 3-hr Lab) Experimental and descriptive field projects on the biology, chemistry, hydrology, and physics of lakes, streams, and estuaries. Pre: BIOL 172 or consent. Corequisite: 470. (Alt. years)
Body plans, development, cellular construction, physiological integration, natural history, and ecology of invertebrate animals. Emphasis on marine species, especially local ones. Pre: BIOL 172 and CHEM 161, or consent. Co-requisite: 475L.
(2 3-hr Lab) Pre: BIOL 172 and CHEM 161, or consent. Co-requisite: 475.
Process of evolution: genetic basis, natural selection, population genetics, speciation, the fossil record. Pre: BIOL 171 and BIOL 172. Recommended: a BIOL or ZOOL course at 300 or 400 level.
Distribution of plants and animals and processes that cause, maintain, and modify them. Approach is synthetic and dynamic. Pre: BIOL 172.
Reports on research, reviews of literature, or research experience. Required of students majoring in zoology or entomology. (B) general zoology; (D) animal behavior; (E) ecology; (F) physiology; (G) developmental biology; (H) marine biology. Repeatable 2 times per alpha, credits earned for 3 credits only. Pre: 306 or equivalent or consent for (D).
Teaching internship in zoology. Required of ZOOL BS degree students. ZOOL BS majors only. CR/NC only
Performance of a laboratory, field or library research project under the direction of a faculty advisor. Preparation of a proposal and written final report required. Limited to zoology majors. Repeatable eight times, up to 45 credits.
Enrollment for degree completion. Pre: master’s Plan B or C candidate and consent.
Critical review of theories of ethology, sociobiology; social and interspecific behavior, communication, and evolutionary theory. Lab optional. Pre: graduate standing.
(1 3-hr Lab) Group or individual research projects depending on interest of students. Pre: 606 (or concurrent).
Introduction to concepts and techniques in the genetics of behavior. Techniques include next gen sequencing, GWAS, and more. Students may use real data to analyze associations between genotype and phenotype. Repeatable one time. Graduate students only. (Fall only)
Lectures, readings and presentations on sensory systems and behavior of fishes. A-F only. Pre: 306, 430, 465, 606; or consent. Co-requisite: 608L. (Alt. years)
Laboratory study of fish sensory systems and behavior. A-F only. Pre: 306, 430, 465, 606; or consent. Co-requisite: 608. (Alt. years)
Discussion and survey of literature on specific topics; some field and lab work may be required. Repeatable three times.
Effective teaching methods, organization of courses, lectures, laboratory exercises; development and evaluation of examinations; computers and audiovisual aids. Open to graduate students in various science disciplines. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as NSCI 619)
Principles of ecology of marine biota and environment. Pre: graduate standing in zoology, oceanography, or botany; or consent.
(1 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab, 1 Discussion) Formal quantitative approach in identifying, designing, performing, analyzing, and interpreting ecological field problems. A-F only. Pre: 439, 439L, and 631; or consent. (Alt. years)
Fundamental elements of modern evolutionary theory and research, with a strong focus on marine organisms and ecosystems. A-F only. Pre: instructor approval. (Alt. years: fall)
(3 Lec, 1 2-hr Discussion) Basic statistical methods: design of studies; data exploration; probability; distributions; parametric and nonparametric one-sample, two-sample, multi-sample, regression, and correlation analyses; frequency tables. Pre: MATH 215 or 216 or 241 or 251A or NREM 203 (or equivalent), or consent.
(3 Lec, 1 2-hr Discussion) Multivariate statistical methods: multiple regression and correlation; multiway anova; general linear models; repeated measures and multivariate anova; loglinear analysis and logistic regression. Pre: 631 or consent.
Biophysical and membrane mechanisms of conduction, synaptic transmission, and other electrical responses of nerve cells. Pre: consent. (Alt years: spring)
Theory and applications of population biology; behavior of population models, as revealed by analytical methods and computer simulation; application to population problems such as endangered species; discussion of classical and current literature in population biology. Pre: one of the following: 439, 467, 620, 623, BOT 453, BOT 454, BOT 456, NREM 680, PEPS 671; or consent. (Cross-listed as BOT 652)
Graduate level course to train students in the pedagogical tools to enhance active learning in STEM classes. Includes discussions of the primary literature, demonstrations and practice using scientific teaching techniques. BOT or ZOOL or MBIO majors only. Graduate students only. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as BOT 670)
Theories and concepts of ecology, evolution and genetics for conservation of biological diversity. Topics will include restoration ecology, management planning, laws and policies, biological invasions. Pre: BIOL 375 and either 480 or BOT 462; and either 410, 439, 620, 623, BOT 453, 454, 456, or 492. (Cross-listed as BOT 690 and NREM 690)
Reports on research or reviews of literature. Graduate students required to take this or one topics course (710–719) per year. (B) general zoology; (C) zoology literature; (D) animal behavior; (E) ecology; (F) animal physiology; (G) development biology; (H) marine biology; (I) systematics and evolution. Each alpha is repeatable five times.
Directed research and reading in various fields of zoology. Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Selected advanced topics in experimental design or data analysis for biologists. Repeatable unlimited times. ZOOL majors only. Pre: 631 and 632, or consent.
Advanced treatment of selected topics under current active investigation. Repeatable unlimited times. ZOOL majors only. Pre: a graduate course in physiology, neurology, or related subjects and consent.
Lecturediscussion of selected topics. Repeatable three times, up to nine credits. ZOOL majors only. Pre: consent.
Comparative morphology, development, taxonomy, phylogeny. Repeatable three times, up to nine credits.
Lecture-discussion of various aspects. Repeatable up to nine credits. ZOOL majors only.
Selected problems in environmental physiology, electro-physiology, or neurophysiology. Basic concepts and measurements of function at the organismic or cellular level. Repeatable three times, up to nine credits.
Selected problems of current or historic interest. Repeatable three times, up to nine credits. Pre: consent
Advanced topics in ecology; discussion of literature and in depth survey of specific areas. Repeatable three times up to nine credits. Pre: graduate standing and consent.
Advanced topics in conservation and environmental biology. Repeatable three times, up to twelve credits. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as BOT 750)
Graduate level introduction to evolution and ecology emphasizing foundational literature, modern models and inference, and major questions in evolution and ecology. Topics include population ecology, community ecology, the genetics of populations, systematics, and speciation. (Alt. years: fall)
Graduate level introduction to evolution and ecology emphasizing foundational literature, modern models and inference, and major questions in evolution and ecology. This is the second semester continuation of 780. (Alt. years: spring)
Repeatable unlimited times.