Student awareness of the translation process and the criteria for evaluating translations. Includes readings and discussions of the translation process, terminology research as well as intensive practice in precise writing, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Pre: at least 300-level proficiency in a second language.
Develop an awareness of the principles and the basic skills involved in the three modes of bilingual interpreting: simultaneous and consecutive interpreting and sight translation. Repeatable one time. Pre: at least 300-level proficiency in a second language.
Factors in the art of translation. Practice in translating material from Spanish to English and the reverse. Pre: SPAN 305 or consent. (Cross-listed as SPAN 405)
Introduction to the legal system, as well as theoretical principles, ethics, practical techniques, and current issues surrounding the practice and profession of court and other legal interpreting. Repeatable one time.
Basic principles, ethics and skills involved in community interpreting in medical, legal, and social service settings; practical information about the community interpreter’s role and profession; practice of various community interpreting situations and techniques. Repeatable one time.
Combined lecture/ discussion/practice. Continuation of 405 Court Interpretation, diving deeper into the practical side of oral interpreting for various proceedings, including arraignments, trials, witness testimonies, etc. Must
Healthcare interpreting requires students to understand basic biosystems, common illnesses and treatments, as well as interpreting skills. Students must have 402 or above equivalency of second language skills (or instructor approval). Repeatable one time. Pre: 406 or consent.
A three-part course consisting of business models for interpreters, a language-specific practicum lab, and an internship. Repeatable one time. Pre: 403 or 406. (Spring only)
Translation of nonfiction texts into English. Emphasis on editing target version and producing camera-ready copy. (J) Japanese; (K) Korean; (M) Mandarin; (O) other; (S) Spanish. Repeatable one time. Pre: 411, senior or graduate standing, and pass CITS screening exam. Co-requisite: 414 and 452.
Translation into a Second Language. Processes, methodology, and techniques. Web-based. (J) Japanese; (K) Korean; (M) Mandarin; (O) other; (S) Spanish. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: a previous translation course, or consent.
Training in techniques; theory of translation. (B) Chinese– English; (C) English–Chinese. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as CHN 421(Alpha))
(1 Lec, 1 1.5-hr Lab) The use of computers as aids in the translation process. Basic desktop publishing and technical writing. Computer aids for terminology studies and glossary building. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 421, senior or graduate standing, and pass CITS screening exam. Co-requisite: 402, 412, 452.
Training in techniques of translating English in Japanese. Pre: JPN 407D or JPN 407E, or consent. (Cross-listed as JPN 424)
Training in techniques of translating Japanese into English. Pre: JPN 407D or JPN 407E, or consent. (Cross-listed as JPN 425)
Extensive note-taking and note-reading in a bilingual context. Focuses on the translation of numbers, acronyms, initials, and economic and financial information. (J) Japanese; (K) Korean; (M) Mandarin; (O) other; (S) Spanish. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: CITS screening exam.
Simultaneous interpretation of speeches. Focus on the study of formulaic and frozen language characteristically used in international meetings. (J) Japanese; (K) Korean; (M) Mandarin; (O) other; (S) Spanish. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: CITS screening exam.
Focus on the ability to translate orally information from a written text. Emphasis on improving linguistic (discourse analysis) and communicative (public speaking) skills. (J) Japanese; (K) Korean; (M) Mandarin; (O) other; (S) Spanish. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: CITS screening exam.
Independent study of approved readings and research with faculty supervision. Repeatable two times, up to nine credits. A-F only.