Conversation, grammar, reading.
Conversation, grammar, reading. Pre: 101.
Course content of SPAN 101 and 102 covered in one semester. Three two-hour sessions per week.
Continuation of oral practice and grammar study; increasing emphasis on reading and written composition. Pre: 102 or 103.
Continuation of oral practice and grammar study; increasing emphasis on reading and written composition. Pre: 102 or 103.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201.
SPAN 201 and 202 content combined, oriented to business Spanish. Three 50-minute sessions per week plus online work. Pre: 102 or 103.
Intensive course of full-time formal instruction on the second-year level in Spanish language and culture in a Spanish-speaking country. Pre: 102 or 103.
Continuation of 258.
Development of language skills through reading of literary and cultural texts. Pre: 202 (or concurrent) or 203 or 259.
Improvement of Spanish vocabulary, language accuracy, and expression of ideas in Spanish through writing. Pre: 202 or 203 or 259, or consent.
Improvement of Spanish vocabulary, language accuracy, and expression of ideas in Spanish through writing. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent.
Intensive practice in spoken Spanish, focusing on the preparation and completion of oral tasks and presentations. Pre: 301 (or concurrent), or consent.
Continuation of 303. Pre: 303 or consent.
Practical introduction to SpanishEnglish translation with translations of texts from Spanish to English and the reverse. Pre: 301 or 310 or consent.
Language as used in specific professions. (B) commercial Spanish; (C) medical Spanish. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent.
Students will begin to develop the listening and memory skills for direct and inverse interpretation. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent
Focuses on standard and academic varieties of Spanish for English-dominant heritage speakers in order to improve their literacy skills. Pre: placement exam. (Fall only)
Introduction and development of Spanish skills for critical reading and writing, rhetoric, and vocabulary. Choices with particular emphasis on literary analysis and academic writing. Online course. Pre: 301 or 310 or consent.
Analysis of the Spanish phonological system, in contrast with English. Practice in pronunciation. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent.
Survey of the history and cultures of Spain. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent.
Survey of the history and cultures of Latin America. (B) Pre-Columbian and Colonial periods; (C) Independence, nationhood and current issues. Repeatable one time for other topics, but not for the same topic. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent.
Intensive formal instruction at the third-year level in Spanish language skills: reading, writing, grammar, or conversation in a Spanish-speaking country. Pre: 202 or 259 or equivalent.
Continuation of 358.
Intensive formal instruction at the third-year level in Spanish language skills: reading, writing, grammar, or conversation in a Spanish-speaking country. Pre: 202 or equivalent
Reading and discussion of representative works of Spanish literature: origins to 18th century. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent.
Reading and discussion of representative works of Spanish literature: 18th century to present. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent.
Reading and discussion of representative works of Spanish-American literature: Colonial period through Romanticism. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent.
Reading and discussion of representative works of Spanish-American literature: Modernism to the present. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent.
Introduction to the study and analysis of genres, techniques, and cinematic styles as used in Hispanic film. Pre: 301 or 310 or consent.
Independent study of approved reading with faculty supervision. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: 301 (or concurrent), consent and departmental approval.
Explores issues in Spanish language in society (media, communication, advertising, government, technology). Introduces and examines current sociolinguistic and sociopragmatic issues. Pre: 330 or consent.
Advanced practice; emphasis on building active vocabulary. Pre: 302 or consent.
Factors in the art of translation. Practice in translating material from Spanish to English and the reverse. Pre: 305 or consent. (Cross-listed as TI 404)
Practical course on consecutive and simultaneous interpreting from English into Spanish and from Spanish into English, plus cross-cultural considerations related to the interpreting profession. Pre: 308 or consent.
Evolution of Spanish from Latin; modern social and geographical dialects. Pre: 302 or 330, or consent.
Analysis of morphology, syntax, and semantics. Pre: 302 or 330, or consent.
Intensive course of full-time formal instruction on the fourth-year level in Spanish linguistics, civilization, culture, and literature in a Spanish-speaking country. Pre: any two of 301, 302, 303, 358, 359, or 360.
Continuation of 458.
Intensive course of formal instruction on the fourth-year level in Spanish language and culture in a Spanish-speaking country. For semester programs only. Pre: 360 or equivalent.
Representative works from Spanish Neoclassicism (18th century) and Romanticism (19th century). Genres: theater, poetry, essay, novel. Pre: 361 or 362, or consent.
Study of the literature of U.S. Hispanics written in Spanish or bilingually. Pre: 371 or 372, or consent.
The feminine experience in Western literary and cultural traditions as seen by women in Spain and Latin America. Pre: one of 361, 362, 371 or 372; or consent.
Study of representative authors and plays from Spain and Latin America. Repeatable one time. Pre: one of 361, 362, 371, or 372; or consent.
Hispanic authors, periods, or themes. (B) literature and society, DL; (C) Hispanic poetry, DL; (D) literature and film, DH. Repeatable for other topics, but not for the same topic. Pre: one of 361, 362, 371, or 372; or consent.
Intensive study of selected topics in Latin American and/or Iberian cinemas; e.g. national or regional cinemas, periods, movements or issues, major filmmakers, film theory and criticism. Repeatable two times. Pre: one of 361, 362, 371, 372, or 396; or consent.
Independent study of approved readings and research with faculty supervision. A-F only. Repeatable two times. Pre: consent of instructor and departmental approval.
Study of social, cultural, and pragmatic issues in Spanish Translation Studies. Graduate students only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)
Introduction to the dialects of Spanish spoken around the world. Lectures and discussions cover the variation and change of Spanish phonology, lexicon, morphology, and syntax. Graduate students only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)
Repeatable unlimited times with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Supervised participation in online course at UNED University (Spain) relevant to student’s specialization for Second Language Studies or Spanish Applied Linguistics. Students also complete projects and meet with advisor to check progress. Repeatable two times for different topics. Graduate students only. Pre: Spanish Proficiency assessment: B- (CERFL) or Advanced low (ACTFL).
Representative readings in prose and poetry, from origins through 15th century. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Spanish literature from the 16th and 17th centuries. (B) theater; (C) prose; (D) poetry; (E) Cervantes. Pre: graduate standing.
Nineteenth-century Spanish realism in the novel. Authors include Galdós, Clarin, Alarcón, Pardo Bazán, Blasco-Ibáñez, Valera. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Representative works from 20th-century literature. Genres: poetry, theater, essay, novel. (B) generation of 1898; (C) pre-Civil War; (D) post-Civil War. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Critical analysis of major Spanish-American novels. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Spanish-American literature from period of discovery to independence. Representative authors such as Sor Juana, Bernal Díaz del Castillo. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Study of representative poets from all periods: Martí, Darió, Mistral, Guillén, Neruda, Paz, etc. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Study of representative writers from various periods: Sor Juana, Palma, Quiroga, Reyes, Borges, etc. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
A period, author, genre, or region. Repeatable unlimited times with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of department chair.