COVID-19 has changed the way that we do business and provide services. We will keep this page updated with the latest resources.

Last Updated: October 29, 2021

The information provided below may not be the latest information available and is provided as a historical reference.  For the latest UH COVID-19 information, please refer to the following sites:

COVID-19 Updates | COVID-19 FAQs

IT / Connectivity Links

Electronic Transmission of Documents to Provost and Manoa Vice Chancellor Offices

To facilitate working remotely, the following Vice Chancellor offices are requesting that documents for review/approval to routed as follows. Documents with sensitive information MUST be sent via filedrop ( For all internal documents, digital/electronic signatures will be accepted, and original hardcopies will not be required.

  • Vice Chancellor for Admistion, Finance & Operations (OVCAFO)
    • For the following documents, please send to
      • OPM Form 136 (Purchase of Meals, Refreshments, and Protocol Items with Special, Revolving, and/or Endowment Funds)
      • OPM Form 154 (Request for Advance Payment and/or Deposit)
      • FMO-1 (Fiscal Administrator Appointment and Delegation of Purchasing Authority Form)
      • Cash Award Form (Request for Approval of Cash Awards)
      • OPM Form 65 (>=$25,000) (Request for Sole Source)
      • OPM Form 152 (>=$25,000) (Request for Emergency Procurement)
      • OPM Form 138 (Request for Exemption from Chapter 103D, HRS OPM)
      • Form 158 (Report of Procurement Violation)
  • Vice Chancellor for Research (VCR)
    • Submit F&A waiver requests and RCUH service orders to:
    • Submit LSR’s and all other documents that require the iVCR’s signature, such as internal MEMO’s to:

Help for Student Hires

General Q&As / FAQs

  • Accounts Payable (Updated April 1, 2020 – 12:15pm)
    • Create a separate accounts payable email address to receive electronic invoices and ensure that multiple individuals can access the account to retrieve invoices.
    • If invoices are emailed directly to an individual staff member, others will not be able to retrieve them should the individual become ill, go on vacation, etc.
    • If you are unable to age stamp your invoices, use the “Add Text” feature in Adobe Acrobat to notate the invoice received and goods/services received dates on the PDF.
    • Although Disbursing can create and route PREQs without inputting aging start dates, the invoice received and goods/services received date fields must be completed prior to approving the PREQ.
  • Commuter Services (Updates posted at
    • Parking Office Location
      • The Commuter Services Office located at QLC has closed due to a building closure. The relocated office is now located at the Auxiliary Services Building at 1951 East West Road. Please park in the lot between the Agricultural Sciences Building and Auxiliary Services. Enter through the double glass doors titled “Campus Services.”
    • Parking Adjustments
      • Effective Saturday, March 28, 2020, the Waialae and Varsity gates to enter lower campus will be closed until further notice. The only way to enter lower campus will be to enter off Dole Street onto Lower Campus Road.
      • Effective on March 28, 2020, the Zone 20 lower campus parking structure and Zone 22 Dole Street parking structure will be restricted to current permit holders only.
      • In addition, daily flat rate parking for $5 will be available to authorized guests, employees and students, at the Zone 13 Kennedy Theater visitor lot, and Zone 18 ROTC lot. This will be for green parking stalls only in both locations on a space available basis.
      • Although all entrance kiosks will not be manned, all parking regulations that have not been changed will be in effect.
    • Campus Shuttle
      • UHM Rainbow Shuttle service suspended until further notice.
    • Computer Equipment / Internet Access
      • Under the current circumstances, employees are allowed to take home university-owned laptops and desktop computers in order to perform work from home.
      • In addition, the purchase of hotspots for employees without broadband service at home is permitted.
      • Fiscal administrators are encouraged to use their discretion in logging computer location, and in determining the need for related purchases.
    • Deliveries
      • Contact Campus Mailroom to arrange delivery of daily USPS mail and UPS/FedEx package delivery.
        • Kylee Malo, Campus Mail Supervisor, can be reached at or 956-5246.
      • Off campus units may wish to arrange for weekly delivery instead of daily delivery.
        • This can be done via a vacation hold (USPS) or tagging the address with a specified day of the week for delivery (UPS/Fed Ex).
    • Deposits
      • If your department already has a DPS scheduled pickup, pickups will remain the same
      • If you do NOT have a scheduled DPS scheduled pickup, you will need to contact the cashier’s office (956-2100) to get a special zipped envelope and transmittal book.
    • Disbursing/Payroll Processing Adjustments (effective March 30, 2020, updated April 1, 2020)
      • All physical checks will be processed and mailed ONLY on Mondays and Thursdays
      • ACH payments will be processed daily.
      • There will be NO enclosures or special handles. All checks will be mailed to the recipients directly at the current address on file.
      • On pay days, paychecks must be picked up between 9:00am and 11:00 am.
      • Payroll check distribution will continue to be held at the regularly scheduled time and place but employees should take the time NOW to enroll in direct deposit since it takes up to two pay cycles for enrollment to be completed.
      • The cashiers office will continue to process deposits daily.
    • Equipment Over $25k & Services Over $100k- Exemption from Procurement (Updated: April 27, 2020 – 11:00am)
      • Action memo addressed to David Lassner, President via Michael Bruno, Provost and Alexandra French, iVCAFO
      • Send the memo to
      • Must contain the following information:
        • Total Costs
        • Funding Source (GF, Tuition, RTRF, or Special & Revolving Funds)
        • Description of the equipment/service being purchased.
        • Justification for not delaying procurement.
        • Description of other options considered to fill this need and why they are not adequate.
        • Description of the impact on the program and UHM if the request for exception is not approved.
  • Invoices
    • In order to minimize trips to campus to pick up mail, consider requesting vendors to email their invoices.
    • Such requests could be made when issuing/transmitting POs to vendors.
    • For POs that were already issued, an open commitment report could be generated to identify open POs, then vendors could be contacted for electronic invoices.
  • Motor Pool – Fuel Pump Hours
    • Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 7:30am – 2:00pm
    • Fueling Hours: Monday-Friday: 7:00am – 12:00 pm
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