Please see the update emailed by the Vice President of Research and Innovation to UH…
Update to AP 8.851 Travel Advances
A UH System Policies and Procedures Information System (PPIS) message was released recently announcing changes to AP 8.851 with regard to travel advances. Subsequent to that notice, the Financial Management Office February newsletter was released and included an article on the APM revisions. Per the newsletter, the effective date for the travel APM revisions has been postponed to July 1, 2022 to provide for implementation time. Please continue to process travel advances where appropriate.
System-wide conversations are continuing regarding how to best implement these changes. More information will be provided when available.
Note: This is excerpted from an email sent to the Talk Story listserv on February 17, 2022.
Notification of Updates to AP 8.851 – Employee Out of State and Intra State Travel
Target Audience: Travelers, Fiscal Administrators and Fiscal Support Staff
On January 27, 2022, the AP for employee travel was updated to limit the use of travel advances as well as address other minor housekeeping items. The AP update affecting travel advances is part of a broader approach to reduce administrative processing of expenditures and to focus on other efficient ways for the University to pay for business expenses, like travel.
Under AP8.851, travel advances will now be limited to only student athlete or student related travel expenses. Student travel disbursed by means of DV payment type S would not be affected. We highly encourage employees to work with their business office to pay for their up-front travel costs through PCard or PO (airfare, lodging and conference fees, etc.). For out-of-pocket expenses or amounts paid using personal credit cards, the turn-around time for reimbursement currently averages 9 calendar days from the time the travel completion is submitted to UH Disbursing in UH E-Travel. For even faster reimbursement, travelers should sign up for ePayment to receive reimbursements electronically via direct deposit, which is a requirement per AP 8.802 – Requirement of Direct Deposit and/or ACH.
To give time for departments to work through an implementation plan, this new AP will be effective for travel after July 1, 2022.
The AP was forwarded to UHPA, HGEA and UPW for comments and feedback. It was also vetted through various UH departments, including Community Colleges and system offices prior to submission.
Should there be any questions regarding implementation of these changes, please email If you have questions on the PCard process, please email
Note: This is excerpted from the FMO Newsletter – February 2022.