Teresita D. Amore

Floriculture Breeding


Research Specialties and Interests

▴ Breeding and genetics of orchids and anthurium

▴ Tissue culture


Ph.D.︱Horticulture, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

M.Sc.︱Horticulture, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

B.Sc.︱Horticulture, University of the Philippines at Los Baños

Courses Taught

TPSS 402 – Flower and Foliage Crop Production
TPSS 440Tissue Culture/Transformation
TPSS 492 Internship
TPSS 664 Orchidology

Selected Cultivar Releases

Kuehnle, A.R., T. D. Amore, H. Kamemoto, J. T. Kunisaki, J. S. Lichty and J. Y. Uchida. 2002. ‘Waimea’ Anthurium. Univ. of Hawaii CTAHR New Plants for Hawaii. Anthurium Cultivar Release 6.

A.R. Kuehnle, T.D. Amore, E. Mersino, K. Sewake, T. Wagoner. 2003. What do Dendrobium orchid producers want in their potted flowers? Results of a grower survey. Univ. of Hawaii CTAHR Coop. Ext. Ser. Series NPH-8

Ehrenberger, J.A., A.R. Kuehnle, and T.D. Amore. 2003. Evaluation of University of Hawaii Anthurium Accessions, 1986-2001. Univ. of Hawaii CTAHR Coop. Ext. Ser. Series NPH-10.

Kamemoto, H., T. D. Amore and A. R. Kuehnle. 1999. Breeding Dendrobium Orchids in Hawaii. Univ. of Hawaii Press, Honolulu.

Teresita D. Amore

Associate Professor

Contact Information

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