Ornamental Crops
Research Specialties and Interests
▴ Developing improved varieties of ornamental plants for commercial producers
▴ Ornamental crops, with emphasis on Leucospermum (Pincushion) and landscape trees
Ph.D.︱Horticulture, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
M.Sc.︱Horticulture, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
B.Sc.︱Horticulture, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Courses Taught
‣ TPSS 369 – Ornamental Plant Materials
‣ TPSS 430 – Nursery Management
‣ TPSS 492L – Internship Experience
‣ TPSS 695 – Masters Project
Membership and Service
American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS)
International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)
International Protea Association (IPA)
Co-Editor, Journal of the Heliconia Society International
Selected Publications
Leonhardt, K.W. 2022. Breeding Leucospermum for Improved Horticultural Characteristics, Disease Tolerance and Cultivation in Tropical Climates. Acta Hort. 1347. ISBN. 978-94-62613-46-1. Link
Leonhardt, K.W. 2020a. Cultivar Improvement in Tropical Ornamentals, for Landscape Uses and Floral Products. Acta Hort.1288, 21-31. DOI:10.17660/ActaHort.2020.1288.4
Leonhardt, K.W. 2020b. A polyploid pink and white shower tree, Cassia javanica, produces diploid progeny. Acta Hort. 1282, 49-52. Link
Leonhardt, K.W. and M.G. Wright. 2020. Breeding Leucospermum hybrids for potted flowering plant production, landscape uses and for cutflower production in the tropics; genetic factors contributing to plant architecture. Acta Hort. 1282, 163-166. Link
Leonhardt KW, Shingaka P, Nakao P, Jewell T, Miguel T, Oka D.2005. New protea cultivars for Hawai‘i growers from the University of Hawai‘i protea research project — 1999 to 2004. Honolulu (HI): University of Hawaii. 28 p. (New Plants for Hawaii; NPH-11) PDF
Leonhardt, K.W. 2019. Polyploidy as a Management Strategy for Invasive Species. HortTech. 29(5):554-558. Link

Kenneth W. Leonhardt
Specialist and Graduate Chair
Contact Information
Fax: 808-956-3894
St. John Room 19
3190 Maile Way,
Honolulu, HI
More Information
Graduate Faculty and Chair