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Application / Funding Hearings

At the Information Briefing Session, you will be given a unique password, please make sure its saved somewhere safe as you will need it to apply. You will also be given a link to the funding application. 

In the application one applicant group is allowed to submit up to three (3) separate event proposals within their application. The funding application must be completed and submitted with the following items:

We will NOT be asking groups to upload their budget sheets as separate documents. Instead, please insert clear screenshots of your budget into your presentation

If you do not follow the SAPFB budget template and include a screenshot of it in the presentation the board may reject your funding.

For “Micro Award” events requesting less than $1,500, DO NOT sign up for a funding hearing presentation slot (a presentation file is still required to complete the application). The Board will deliberate and make a funding decision for your Micro Award events using the above documents. A funding hearing presentation for Micro Awards can be requested and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Applicants who are requesting $1,500 or more for any single event MUST sign up for a funding hearing. The purpose of this procedure is to allow the Board to ask any questions regarding your event that a presentation may not answer.

If you do not sign up for a funding hearing and you are requesting over 1,500 for a single event your funding will be rejected without review.

The application should only be submitted if you attended an information briefing session. Info session attendance will be cross-checked with all application submissions.

Any questions or concerns? Please contact our Office Staff at and be sure to indicate in the email subject line that your inquiry is regarding the Funding Application.