Hawai‘i PH Workforce Catalyst Lab

Visit our website: www.hiphworkforce.org

Who We Are

We are the Hawai‘i Public Health Workforce Catalyst Lab: a group creating and piloting innovative pathways to support the public health workforce.

What We Do 

At the Catalyst Lab we consolidate evidence, strengthen training resources, pilot new career pathways, secure funds, and connect with our partners. We're working towards a future that supports and retains the existing workforce and builds the next generation of public health practitioners of Hawai‘i.


A robust and diverse public health workforce that supports lifelong healthy living for Hawai‘i and its residents.


Amplify existing infrastructure and uplift the next generation of Hawai‘i’s public health workforce that serves and advocates for our communities.

  • Centering health equity
  • Reducing training barriers
  • Building bridges