Spencer (Espe) ReemelinInstructor, Spanish

Spencer (Espe) Reemelin

Spanish 2nd year; Portuguese;  Spanish Reading, Grammar and Speaking; Sigma Delta Pi Advisor
Office: Moore Hall 429
Email: reemelin@hawaii.edu

Aloha! I am a Spanish and Portuguese instructor in the Spanish Division of the Department of LLEA. Originally from California, I have lived and traveled many places around the world. This inspired me to earn an Applied Linguistic Certificate from SDSU and teach English in Chile and Argentina. After finishing my BA in Spanish at the University of California, at Berkeley, and living abroad in Portugal and South America, I began my MA at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa in 2004 and have enjoyed teaching Spanish and Portuguese since 2006.

I believe that acquiring a second language can greatly benefit students’ professional and personal lives. Key to students’ success is an environment where they feel relaxed, and can have fun and take chances with the target language. With an open mind and learning from my students and colleagues, I continuously aim to refine my skills as a teacher. Some of my influences come from the late great Duke Kahanamoku–and his creed of aloha–to my previous professors and mentors. Teaching European languages in Hawai‘i requires reverence for the Hawaiian culture; I encourage students to show respect, offer their time as a volunteer, and to mālama ‘āina.

Some of my professional interests include second language acquisition, Project Based Language Learning, and advocating for Spanish and Portuguese as a member of the AATSP. I look forward to joining the UHM faculty senate, working as a board member for HALT, encouraging students to join and participate in our Spanish Honor Society, (Sigma Delta Pi), and promoting study abroad education. My info