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Languages and Literatures of Europe and the Americas (LLEA)

FR 101 Elementary French (3)

Conversation, grammar, and reading.

FR 102 Elementary French (3)

Conversation, grammar, and reading. Pre: 101 or consent.

FR 110 Intensive French-Elementary (6)

Content of 101-102 covered in one semester.

FR 201 Intermediate French (3)

Reading, conversation, laboratory drill, composition. Pre: 102 or 110 or consent.

FR 202 Intermediate French (3)

Continuation of 201. Pre: 201.

FR 210 Intensive French-Intermediate (6)

Content of 201-202 covered in one semester. Pre: 102 or 110 or consent.

FR 258 Intermediate French Abroad (3)

Intensive course of full-time formal instruction on the second-year level in French language and culture in a French-speaking country. Pre: 102 or 110 or consent.

FR 259 Intermediate French Abroad (3)

Continuation of 258.

FR 301 French Phonetics (3)

Analysis of phonological system; methods of teaching pronunciation; understanding various types of spontaneous speech. Drills in pronunciation, intonation, stress, and rhythm. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.

FR 302 Reading in French (3)

Development of language skills through reading of cultural and literary texts. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.

FR 306 Structure of French (3)

Structure of contemporary French as analyzed by descriptive linguists. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.

FR 309 Business French (3)

Reading and writing commercial materials. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.

FR 311 Conversation (3)

Systematic practice for control of spoken French. Further development of vocabulary for accurate, mature expression. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.

FR 312 Composition (3)

Emphasis on strengthening facility with language through further training in syntax, structure, and composition writing. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.

FR 321 Advanced Conversation (3)

Systematic and advanced practice for control of spoken French, advanced development for accurate, mature expression. Pre: 311 or consent.

FR 331 Survey of French Literature (3)

Major authors and movements. Pre: 311 (or concurrent) and 312; only 311 may be concurrent.

FR 332 Survey of French Literature (3)

Continuation of 331. Pre: 311 (or concurrent) and 312; only 311 may be concurrent.

FR 358 Third-Level French Abroad (3)

Intensive formal instruction at the third-year level in French language skills: reading, writing, grammar, or conversation in a French-speaking country. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.

FR 359 Third-Level French Abroad (3)

Continuation of 358.

FR 360 Intensive Third-Level French Abroad (V)

Intensive formal instruction at the third-year level in French language skills: reading, writing, grammar, or conversation in a French-speaking country. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.

FR 361 Contemporary French Civilization (3)

Survey of culture and institutions of modern France. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.

FR 364 Survey of French Civilization (3)

A historical survey of the development of French culture. The course is interdisciplinary, focusing on the relations between politics, literature, science, and the arts. A-F only. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.

FR 391 (Alpha) Topics in French Literature (3)

(B) French film; (C) the Fantastic; (D) Francophone literature. Repeatable two times with consent. Pre: 311 or 312, or consent.

FR 399 Directed Reading (V)

Independent study of approved reading with faculty supervision. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: consent.

FR 405 Advanced Oral and Written Expression (3)

Further development of listening, comprehension, speaking, and writing skills through viewing of French videotapes, reading French newspapers, frequent oral and written reports. Pre: 311 and 312, or 306, or 358, or 360; or consent.

FR 406 French-English Translation (3)

Practice in techniques based on contrastive linguistics. Translation of texts from various fields from French into English and the reverse. Pre: 306 or 309, and 312; or consent.

FR 408 Masterpieces of Medieval Literature (3)

Samplings from epic, novel, verse and prose, tale, lyric poetry, chronicle, theater, didactic literature. Elementary readings in original text in editions giving modern French translation. Pre: 331 or consent.

FR 409 Advanced Language Study: French (3)

Advanced course in spoken and written French with intensive review of alternative grammatical structures and shades of meaning in the modern language. Graduates who have not taken prerequisites may request consent. Pre: 306 or 405 (or equivalent); or consent.

FR 410 Masterpieces of 16th-Century Literature (3)

Samplings from all major writers of the period. Readings in original text in editions giving modern French equivalents for difficult words. Pre: 331 or consent.

FR 411 Masterpieces of 17th-Century Literature (3)

Principal works of major dramatists: Corneille, Moliere, Racine. Principal movements and major authors of non-dramatic prose and poetry. Pre: 331 or consent.

FR 413 Masterpieces of 18th-Century Literature (3)

Pre: 332 or consent.

FR 417 19th Century French Prose and Poetry (3)

Study of representative prose and poetry of the major trends of 19th century France: romanticism, realism, symbolism, aestheticism. Pre: 332 or consent.

FR 421 20th-Century French Theater (3)

Major French playwrights and their works: Claudel, Giraudoux, Anouilh, Sartre, Camus, etc. Pre: 332 or consent.

FR 423 20th Century French Prose and Poetry (3)

Study of representative prose and poetry of the major trends of 20th century France: modernism, surrealism, existentialism, postmodernism and multiculturalism. Pre: 332 or consent.

FR 458 Fourth-Level French Abroad (3)

Intensive course of full-time formal instruction on the fourth-year level in French linguistics, civilization, culture, and literature in a French-speaking country. Pre: 359 or 360 or equivalent.

FR 459 Fourth-Level French Abroad (3)

Continuation of 458.

FR 460 Intensive Fourth-Level French Abroad (V)

Intensive course of formal instruction on the fourthyear level in French language, culture and literature in a French-speaking country. For semester programs only. Pre: 360 or equivalent.

FR 491 (Alpha) Seminar in French Literature (3)

(B) French literature by period; (C) Francophone literature; (D) French film; (E) topic in French literature. Repeatable two time per alpha. Pre: 331 (or concurrent) and 332 (or concurrent), or consent.

FR 499 Directed Reading and Research (V)

Independent study of approved readings and research with faculty supervision. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: consent.

FR 506 French for Reading Proficiency (3)

Reading of scholarly and technical French for graduate students; open to undergraduates with consent of department chair. Not applicable to undergraduate language requirement. Repeatable two times with consent. CR/NC only.

FR 601 Seminar in 20th-Century French Literature (3)

Authors and movements of modern period.

FR 609 French Renaissance (3)

Poetry, theater, prose. Emphasis on Montaigne and Rabelais. Lectures, discussions, reports.

FR 620 Masterpieces of the 17th Century (3)

Dramatic or prose works of the classical period.

FR 651 Philosophic Currents in 18th Century (3)

Philosophic movements and their impact on the social, political, and literary life of the period and the modern era.

FR 661 Advanced French-English Translation: Practice and Theory (3)

Advanced practice in translation into French and from French to English in various fields (literature, business, medicine, other), with reflection on choices. Readings in translation theory. Repeatable one time.

FR 671 History of the French Language (3)

Origins and development of French language in its cultural context. Contrastive analysis.

FR 672 Seminar in Medieval Literature (3)

Genesis and evolution of literary genres from the 12th to 15th centuries. Epic, romance, lyric poetry, prose, and drama.

FR 681 Seminar: The Novel in France (3)

Novels which have influenced movements or established techniques. Repeatable two times with consent.

FR 690 The Theater in France (3)

Historical development; major dramatists who have influenced movements or established techniques. Pre: 6 credit hours at 400 level.

FR 699 Directed Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of department chair.

FR 735 Seminar in French Literature (3)

Study of authors or a period. Repeatable two times with consent. Pre: consent of instructor and French graduate advisor.

GER 101 Elementary German (3)

Conversation, grammar and reading.

GER 102 Elementary German (3)

Conversation, grammar and reading. Pre: 101.

GER 110 Intensive Elementary German (6)

Combined content of 101 and 102 covered in one intensive course. (Summer only)

GER 201 Intermediate German (3)

Conversation, grammar, reading and writing. Pre: 102.

GER 202 Intermediate German (3)

Conversation, grammar, reading and writing. Pre: 201.

GER 260 Intensive Intermediate German Abroad (V)

Intensive course of formal instruction on the second-year level in German language and culture in Germany. Pre: 102.

GER 301 Phonetics and Pronunciation Practice (3)

Analysis of the German phonological system and practice in pronunciation. Pre: 202 (or concurrent with consent) or 260.

GER 302 Structure of Modern German (3)

Study of syntactic and morphological structures and basic pragmatic principles. Focuses on spoken and written Modern German. Pre: 202 or 260.

GER 303 Reading and Writing (3)

Further development of reading and writing skills through the study of short texts, focusing on modern German short stories, fairy tales, poems and song lyrics. Pre: 202.

GER 304 Business German (3)

Advanced German conversation, reading, and writing with a special emphasis on the vocabulary and cultural context of the German business world. Pre: 202 or consent.

GER 305 Contemporary Topics in Media (3)

Development of listening and speaking, reading and writing skills through analysis and discussion of media: newspaper articles, radio, and television programs and online sources. Pre: 202 or consent.

GER 306 Conversation (3)

Intensive practice in spoken German designed to increase vocabulary and improve oral proficiency. Pre: 202 (or concurrent with consent) or 260.

GER 307 Modern Readings: Wanderlust, Love, and Desire (3)

Development of reading skills through the study of authentic modern texts (short stories; articles from newspapers, magazines, and the internet) with topics relating to culture, society, and history. Pre: 202 or consent.

GER 308 Modern Readings: Freedom, Happiness and Free Body Culture (3)

Further expansion and improvement of reading skills through the study of authentic modern texts (short stories; newspaper articles, and internet) with topics relating to culture, society, and history, e.g., FKK Freikörperkultur, or ‘free body culture’. Pre: 202 or consent.

GER 312 Introduction to German Literature 1750- 1914: (3)

Reading and discussion of representative works of German literature from 1750 to 1914. Pre: 303 or consent.

GER 313 Introduction to German Literature 1914-Present (3)

Reading and discussion of representative works of German literature from 1914 to present. Pre: 303 or consent.

GER 320 German Cinema (3)

Study of German film history, film analysis, film theory, and film study. Lecture/discussion. Repeatable one time, or take LLEA 320 one time, for different topics. 6 cr. limit on GER/LLEA 320 courses. Pre: 303 or 306.

GER 360 Intensive Third-Level German Abroad (V)

Intensive course of formal instruction on the third-year level in German language and culture in Germany. Pre: 202 or 260.

GER 361 Germanic Civilization to World War II (3)

German cultural heritage and history in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland until World War II. Pre: 202 or consent.

GER 362 Modern German Culture (3)

Modern culture in post-World War II Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Pre: 202 or consent.

GER 371 Practical German for use in Hawai‘i (3)

Use of German in practical situations in Hawai‘i, e.g., in travel industry. Pre: 202.

GER 409 Enlightenment—Sturm und Drang (3)

Lessing and his contemporaries; early dramas of Goethe and Schiller; Goethe’s early lyrics. Pre: 306 or consent.

GER 410 Classicism (3)

Classical writings of Goethe and Schiller; some reference to other writers. Pre: 306 or consent.

GER 411 Romanticism (3)

Novalis, Tieck, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Eichendorff, etc. Pre: 306 or consent.

GER 415 Culture of Two Germanies: 1945-1989 (3)

(taught in German) Literature, culture, and film of East and West Germany, 1945-1989. Credit cannot be earned for both LLEA 415 and GER 415. Pre: 306 or consent.

GER 416 German Literature, Culture and Film: 1989 to Present (3)

Study of German literature, culture and film, 1989 to present. Credit cannot be earned for both 416 and LLEA 416. Pre: 303 or 306 or consent.

GER 460 Intensive Fourth-Level German Abroad (V)

Intensive course of formal instruction on the fourth-level in German language and culture in a German-speaking country. Pre: 360 or equivalent.

ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (3)

Conversation, grammar, and reading.

ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (3)

Conversation, grammar, and reading. Pre: 101 or consent.

ITAL 110 Immersion Italian-Elementary (6)

Combined content of 101 and 102 covered in one summer session. (Summer only)

ITAL 160 Intensive Elementary Italian Abroad (V)

Intensive course of formal instruction on the first-year level in Italian language and culture in Italy.

ITAL 201 Intermediate Italian (3)

Reading, conversation, composition. Pre: 102 or 110.

ITAL 202 Intermediate Italian (3)

Continuation of 201. Pre: 201.

ITAL 258 Intermediate Italian Abroad (3)

Intensive course of full-time formal instruction in Italy on the second-year level in Italian language and culture. Pre: 102 or 110 or 160.

ITAL 259 Intermediate Italian Abroad (3)

Continuation of 258.

ITAL 311 Conversation (3)

Systematic practice for control of spoken Italian. Further development of vocabulary for accurate, mature expression. Pre: 202 or consent.

ITAL 358 Third-Level Italian Abroad (3)

Intensive formal instruction at the third-year level in Italian language skills: reading, writing, grammar, or conversation in an Italian-speaking country. Pre: 202 or 259 or equivalent.

ITAL 359 Third-Level Italian Abroad (3)

Continuation of 358.

ITAL 360 Intensive Third-Level Italian Abroad (V)

Intensive formal instruction at the third-year level in Italian language skills: reading, writing, grammar, or conversation in an Italian-speaking country. Pre: 202 or equivalent.

ITAL 458 Fourth-Level Italian Abroad (3)

Intensive course of full-time formal instruction in Italy on the fourth-year level in Italian language, linguistics, culture, and literature. Pre: 359 or 360 or equivalent.

ITAL 459 Fourth-Level Italian Abroad (3)

Continuation of 458.

ITAL 460 Intensive Fourth-Level Italian Abroad (V)

Intensive course of formal instruction on the fourth-year level in Italian language and culture in Italy. For semester programs only. Pre: 360 or equivalent.

LAIS 120 Islands/Islas/Ilhas and Global Exchange (3)

Cross-cultural study of global issues of navigation, commerce, and the environment, as expressed by the arts, traditions, and narratives from 1492 to the present. Connections with Europe, Africa, Americas, Asia, Oceania. Oceania.

LAIS 320 Vaqueros, Gauchos, Paniolo: Cowboy Legacies of the Americas and Hawai‘i (3)

Histories and traditions (literature, music, dance, poetry, food, fashion) of the Hispanic cowboy, Americas to Hawai‘i.
Examines symbolic interpretations of the vaquero concerning nation and identity, and the material consequences of ranching (colonialism, commerce, environment). Sophomore standing or higher, or consent.

LAIS 340 Chocolate Tales & Culinary Cultures: Latin America to Hawai‘i (3)

Traces evolution of uses, meanings, and cultural representations of chocolate and other food native to Latin America. Emphasis on how narratives of food and food practices engage with national, ethnic, social, and gender identity constructions. Sophomore standing or higher, or

LAIS 360 (Alpha) Studies in Culture (3)

Politics of culture and representation. Will consider issues, traditions, movements, texts, and cultural icons for their significance for national and regional identity formation, intercultural relations and global flows of images, people, and capital. (B) Latin America; (C) Iberian Peninsula. Pre: sophomore or consent.

LAIS 363 U.S. Latino Culture and Literature (3)

The culture and history of U.S. Latinos through an analysis of their literature and arts and their sociopolitical relationship to the U.S. mainstream culture. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.

LAIS 365 Spanish Film (3)

A chronological survey of films from Spain, from the Silent Era to the present. Conceptually, a cultural history of Spain in the 20th century, as seen through films. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.

LAIS 366 Latin American Film (3)

A survey of films from Latin America, the Silent Era to the present, and their representation of the cultural history of the region. Develops written communication skills. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.

LAIS 368 Households in Cross-Cultural Perspectives: Home, Hale, Casa (3)

Study of cross-cultural patterns in household and community level organizations in Latin America and elsewhere. Topics may include gender relations, kinship structures, political economy, impacts of colonialism, modernization, and globalization on households. Sophomore standing or higher. (Cross-listed as ANTH 368)

LAIS 372 (Alpha) Indigenous Peoples of Latin America (3)

Survey of the history and culture of the indigenous peoples of Latin America through a study of their literature, texts and practices. (B) Mesoamerica; (C) Andean South America. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: sophomore standing or consent. (Cross-listed as ANTH 372 (Alpha))

LAIS 380 Studies in Culture: Portugal and Brazil (3)

Surveys the cultures of the Portuguese-speaking world from pre-Lusitanian times, including connections with Africa, Asia, the U.S., and Hawai‘i. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.

LAIS 381 Asians and Pacific Islanders in Latin America (3)

Survey of the history and culture of Asian, Polynesian, and Pacific Islander communities in Latin America. Sophomore standing or higher.

LAIS 468 Colonial Latin American History (3)

Pre-Columbian civilizations: Spanish and Portuguese colonization; political, economic, social and religious evolution to 1810; independence. Pre: 360 or consent. (Cross-listed as HIST 478)

LAIS 478 New World Rituals and Ideologies (3)

Study of cross-cultural patterns in ritual behaviors and creolization of African, indigenous, and Iberian ideological frameworks in the Americas. Topics may include syncretic religions (voodoo, candomble), Andean Christianity, spiritual conquest, conceptions of death, etc. Sophomore standing or higher. Minimum C- required grade for prerequisites. Pre: 360, or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as ANTH 478 and REL 478)

LAIS 495 (Alpha) Topics in Latin American and Iberian Studies (3)

Combined lecture-discussion on political, social, cultural themes of Iberia and Latin America; (B) Aztlán, Quetzalcóatl, Pachamama; (C) Luso-Hispanic pop culture. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 360 or LAIS 363 or LAIS 368 or
LAIS 372 or LAIS 380, and SPAN 351, and SPAN 352; or consent. (Once a year)

LAIS 683 Hispanic Cultural Studies (3)

Critical overview of contemporary theories on Hispanic culture. Issues of identity such as mestizaje, hybridity, and pluralism will be discussed from a hemispheric perspective. Pre: consent.

LLEA 147 Death and Dying in Literature and Film (3)

Exploration of death and dying in literature and film as manifested across time and cultures throughout the world. Analysis of narratives from ancient times to the modern era from multiple theoretical and cross-cultural perspectives.

LLEA 199 Directed Language Study (V)

Study in European languages not taught regularly, depending on demand and staff. Pre: consent of department chair.

LLEA 236 Italian Film (3)

Study of Italian film history and technique. A-F only.

LLEA 237 French Film (3)

Study of French film history and technique. A-F only. Pre: freshman standing.

LLEA 247 Gods, Heroes, and Dragons: Germanic Myth, Legends, and Fairy Tales (3)

Study of Germanic myth, legends, and fairy tales. Analysis of narratives from ancient times to the modern era from multiple theoretical perspectives.

LLEA 264 French Culture for Americans (3)

Study of the shared cultural and historical foundations of France and the U.S. both past and present. A-F only.

LLEA 270 Freaks and Monsters (3)

Monsters, freaks and otherness in literature, film, history and medicine. Suitable for non-literature majors.

LLEA 320 German Cinema (3)

Study of German film history, film theory, film analysis, and film style. Repeatable one time or take GER 320 one time for different topics. 6 cr. limit on GER/LLEA 320 courses. Sophomore standing only.

LLEA 334 Italian Literature as Film (3)

Exploration of the distinction between literature and film as artistic genres as well as study of major works of literature in respect to the present, from the Middle Ages through the 20th century. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.

LLEA 335 French Literature Since 1800 (3)

Rapid reading in translation; lectures, discussions, reports. Pre: junior standing or one course in French language or literature.

LLEA 336 French African Literature (3)

Black African literature in French in 20th century. Major themes of negritude, national political unity, colonialism, traditional culture. Pre: junior standing or one course in French language or literature.

LLEA 337 Topics in Italian Literature in Translation (3)

Introduction to Italian literature in translation, with varying topics in different iterations. Repeatable one time. Sophomore standing or consent.

LLEA 339 French Literature as Film (3)

Exploration of the distinction between literature and film as artistic genres as well as study of major works of literature in respect to the present, from the Middle Ages through the 20th century. Pre: sophomore standing.

LLEA 340 Classical German Literature (3)

Readings in translation from dramatic works of Lessing, Goethe, Schiller. Philosophic and aesthetic views of leading writers of the Enlightenment, Storm and Stress, and classical periods.

LLEA 341 German Opera and Literature (3)

Introduction to German opera, its history, and analysis. Developing critical skills through analysis of German opera music and literature. Sophomore standing or higher, or consent.

LLEA 342 German Fascism and Propaganda (3)

Study of German Fascism and propaganda in German literature, art, film, and associated ethical issues. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only.

LLEA 350 Russian Short Story (3)

Origin and development (19th and 20th century); periods, themes, styles, and major authors. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.

LLEA 351 19th-Century Russian Literature (3)

Survey in English of major writers from Pushkin through Chekhov; lectures, discussions, short papers. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.

LLEA 352 Russian Literature 1900–1950 (3)

Study of significant works of twentieth century Russian literature with particular focus on its relationship to Europe and Asia. Students will work intensively on their own writing and research in close collaboration with their instructor. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.

LLEA 353 Russia: Between Europe & Asia (3)

Russian culture (literature, film, theater, music, arts, etc.) as an amalgam of European and Asian traditions and its impact on the world throughout history; develops written communication skills. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.

LLEA 354 Russia: Faces of Asia (3)

Survey in English of 19th-21st century representations of Asia in the contexts of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and post-Soviet space. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.

LLEA 355 Russian Film (3)

A study of Russian film from the 1920’s to the present. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.

LLEA 364 Survey of French Civilizations (3)

A historical survey of the development of French and Francophone cultures. The course is interdisciplinary, dealing with politics, music, art, other forms of cultural expression, and daily life.

LLEA 371 Europeans in the Pacific (3)

European presence in the Pacific, in relation to literature, art, culture, civilization. Not applicable to language requirement.

LLEA 390 Teaching Practicum in Large Lecture Courses (1)

Supervised undergraduate teaching practicum in large-lecture LLEA courses. Repeatable two times. CR/NC only. Pre: completion of course in which practicum will be done and consent of instructor, no waiver.

LLEA 396 (Alpha) European and Latin American Cinema (3)

Study of major developments in European and Latin American cinema studies focusing on a specific area. (B) Topic; (C) Genre; (D) Director; (E) Era. Sophomore standing or higher. Repeatable one time for different alphas.

LLEA 399 Directed Reading (V)

Pre: limited to senior majors with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or a minimum GPA of 3.0 in major, and consent of department chair.

LLEA 415 Culture of Two Germanies: 1945-1989 (3)

(taught in English) Literature, culture, and film of East and West Germany, 1945-1989. Credit cannot be earned for both LLEA 415 and GER 415. Sophomore standing or higher.

LLEA 416 German Literature, Culture and Film: 1989 to Present (3)

Study of German literature, culture and film, 1989 to present. Credit cannot be earned for both 416 and GER 416. Sophomore standing or higher.

LLEA 455 Learning and Teaching World Languages (3)

Hybrid technology intensive course for pre- or in-service teachers of world languages. Topics: online learning, curriculum and lesson planning, assessment, language teaching approaches, technology for learning world languages. Junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as SLS 455)

LLEA 470 Freaks and Monsters 2: The Ethics of Otherness (3)

An interdisciplinary examination of corporeal Otherness. Unusual real and fictional bodies from fairground history, art, anatomy, literature, natural history and ethnology. Discussion of the moral, medical, philosophical and aesthetic dilemmas of spectacular difference. Pre: 270 or consent.

LLEA 471 (Alpha) Fantasy and the Fantastic (3)

Cross-cultural study of fantasy and the fantastic in short stories, fairy tales, films and novels from Europe and the Americas in English translation. Discussion of illusion, identity, time, the future, the bizarre and major concepts in fantasy literature. (B) fairies, devils and fantasy; (C) the fantastic, the strange and science fiction. Repeatable one time in different alphas. Pre: 270 or consent.

LLEA 499 Directed Reading and Research (V)

Independent study of approved reading and research with faculty supervision. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: consent and departmental approval.

LLEA 630 Seminar in Research Methods (3)

Study of basic research methods and tools, including technology. Print and electronic source materials. Information literacy. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

LLEA 671 Western Literature and Cultures in the Pacific (3)

Impact of and reaction to western writings and cultural influences in the Pacific as represented in texts from the 16th century to the present. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

LLEA 680 (Alpha) Topics in Literature (3)

Study in English of a topic, period, or genre; aesthetic considerations common to European literatures: (B) the modern novel; (C) European literature as a path to self-knowledge; (D) Middle Ages; (E) introduction to literary theory. MA candidates in European languages read works in their major in the original. Pre: graduate standing or consent of department chair.

LLEA 681 (Alpha) Topics in Language (3)

Study in English of topics, periods, etc., in the languages taught in the department: (B) comparison of Romance languages; (C) interpersonal communication; (D) social perspectives. Repeatable two times for different alphas (up to 9 credits). Pre: graduate standing or consent.

LLEA 682 Masterpieces of Medieval Welsh Literature (3)

Key prose and poetry underlying the Arthurian tradition in Europe. Language instruction leading to reading knowledge of medieval Welsh. Pre: consent.

LLEA 699 Directed Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of department chair.

LLEA 700 Thesis Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times.

PORT 101 Elementary Portuguese (3)

Conversation, grammar and reading.

PORT 102 Elementary Portuguese (3)

Conversation, grammar and reading. Continuation of 101. Pre: 101.

PORT 103 Intensive Elementary Portugese (3)

Intensive elementary Portuguese course covers content of 101 and 102 combined. Hybrid format combines 3 credits online and 3 credits face to face. HSL. (Fall only)

PORT 201 Intermediate Portuguese (3)

Reading, conversation, writing, laboratory drill. Pre: 102 or 103.

PORT 202 Intermediate Portuguese (3)

Continuation of 201. Pre: 201.

PORT 203 Intensive Intermediate Portuguese (6)

Intensive Intermediate Portuguese course covers content of 201 and 202 combined. Hybrid format combines 3 credits online and 3 credits face to face. Pre: 102 or 103. (Spring only)

PORT 303 Conversation (3)

Intensive practice in spoken Portuguese, focusing on the preparation and completion of oral tasks and presentations. 40% or more of the grade is based on 3-4 oral communication presentations. Pre: 202.

PORT 360 Third-Level Portuguese Abroad (V)

Intensive, formal instruction at the third-year level in Portuguese language: reading, writing, pronunciation, grammar, or conversation in a Portuguese-speaking country. Repeatable one time. Pre: 202.

PORT 460 Fourth-Level Portuguese Abroad (V)

Intensive formal instruction at the fourth-year level in Portuguese language, linguistics, culture, civilization, film, or literature in a Portuguese-speaking country. Repeatable one time. Pre: 360.

RUS 101 Elementary Russian (3)

Conversation, reading, writing, grammar.

RUS 102 Elementary Russian (3)

Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.

RUS 201 Intermediate Russian (3)

Reading, conversation, grammar, composition. Pre: 102 or consent.

RUS 202 Intermediate Russian (3)

Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.

RUS 209 Russian Phonetics (3)

Basic theory of Russian sound system; practice in pronunciation, intonation, and fluency. Pre: 102 or 201 (or concurrent).

RUS 260 Intensive Intermediate Russian Abroad (V)

Intensive course of formal instruction on the second-year level in Russian language and culture in Russia. Pre: 102.

RUS 303 Advanced Russian (3)

Systematic practice for control of spoken and written Russian, vocabulary building, fluency in various subjects, accuracy in sentence structure, phrasing stylistic appropriateness. Pre: 202.

RUS 304 Advanced Russian (3)

Continuation of 303.

RUS 306 Russian Structure (3)

Advanced grammar; complexities of standard contemporary Russian; word formation and verb system. Pre: 202 or consent.

RUS 311 Readings in Russian Civilization and Literature (3)

Mid-level readings in Russian civilization and literature of edited and adapted texts. Pre: 202.

RUS 312 Readings in Russian Civilization and Literature (3)

Continuation of 311. Pre: 311.

RUS 360 Intensive Third-Level Russian Abroad (V)

Intensive course of formal instruction on the third-year level in Russian language and culture in Russia. Pre: 202 or 260.

RUS 399 Directed Reading (V)

Independent study of approved reading with faculty supervision. Repeatable two times or up to six credits. A-F only. Pre: 202 and consent and departmental approval.

RUS 403 Advanced Conversation and Composition (3)

Systematic practice on selected topics; vocabulary building and development of fluency; writing short reports, narratives. Pre: 304 or consent.

RUS 404 Advanced Conversation and Composition (3)

Continuation of 403. Pre: 403.

RUS 418 Advanced Reading and Translation: Modern Prose (3)

Readings in various fields, emphasizing idiomatic usage. Pre: 312 or consent.

RUS 419 Advanced Reading of Russian Press (3)

Materials from Soviet/Russian newspapers and magazines. Pre: 311 or consent.

RUS 431 Russian Folklore (3)

Selected Russian folk narratives, bylinas, songs, and proverbs. Influence of folklore on major Russian authors. Pre: 312 or consent.

RUS 441 Russian Short Story (3)

Origin and development (19th and 20th century); the major writers. Pre: three years of Russian or consent.

RUS 442 Russian Novel (3)

Origin and development from 18th century to present. Pre: three years of Russian language or consent.

RUS 451 Topics in 19th- and 20th-Century Russian Literature (3)

Focus upon the selected writings of one major Russian writer of the 19th century (e.g., Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Dostoevsky, or Tolstoy) or 20th century (e.g., Bely, Blok, Bulgakov, Chekhov, Pasternak, Sholokhov, or Solzhenitsyn). Repeatable unlimited times with consent. Pre: 312, LLEA 351; or consent.

RUS 452 Topics in 19th- and 20th-Century Russian Literature (3)

Continuation of 451. Pre: 312, LLEA 352, or consent.

RUS 460 Intensive Fourth-Level Russian Abroad (V)

Intensive advanced courses of formal instruction on the fourth-year level in Russian language and culture in Russia. Pre: 360 or equivalent.

RUS 495 Seminar (3)

Literary or linguistic topics, movements, genres, or their representatives. Repeatable unlimited times with consent. Pre: consent of chair.

RUS 499 Directed Reading/Research (V)

Independent study of approved reading with faculty supervision. Repeatable up to six credits. A-F only. Pre: 303 (or equivalent), consent or departmental approval.

SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish (3)

Conversation, grammar, reading.

SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish (3)

Conversation, grammar, reading. Pre: 101.

SPAN 103 Intensive Elementary Spanish (6)

Course content of SPAN 101 and 102 covered in one semester. Three two-hour sessions per week.

SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish (3)

Continuation of oral practice and grammar study; increasing emphasis on reading and written composition. Pre: 102 or 103.

SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II (3)

Continuation of 201. Oral practice and grammar study; increasing emphasis on reading and written composition. Pre: 201 or 258.

SPAN 203 Intensive Spanish for Business (6)

SPAN 201 and 202 content combined, oriented to business Spanish. Three 50-minute sessions per week plus online work. Pre: 102 or 103.

SPAN 258 Intermediate Spanish Abroad (3)

Intensive course of full-time formal instruction on the second-year level in Spanish language and culture in a Spanish-speaking country. Pre: 102 or 103.

SPAN 259 Intermediate Spanish Abroad (3)

Continuation of 258.

SPAN 300 Legends, Stories, and Current Events (3)

Development of language skills through reading of literary and cultural texts. Pre: 202 (or concurrent) or 203 or 259.

SPAN 301 Language and Writing I (3)

Improvement of Spanish vocabulary, language accuracy, and expression of ideas in Spanish through writing. Pre: 202 or 203 or 259, or consent.

SPAN 303 Conversation I (3)

Intensive practice in spoken Spanish, focusing on the preparation and completion of oral tasks and presentations. Pre: 202 or 259, or consent.

SPAN 304 Conversation II (3)

Continuation of 303. Pre: 303 or consent.

SPAN 305 Introduction to Spanish-English Translation (3)

Practical introduction to written Spanish-English translation through the translations of texts from Spanish to English and the reverse. Includes an emphasis on composition and style. Pre: 301 or consent.

SPAN 306 (Alpha) Spanish in Use (3)

Spanish language as used in specific professions; (B) marketing, tourism & business; (C) health & public safety.
Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: 301, or consent.

SPAN 308 Introduction to Spanish-English Interpreting (3)

Students will begin to develop the listening and memory skills for direct and inverse interpretation. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent

SPAN 320 From Comics to Classics (3)

Introduction and development of Spanish skills for critical reading and writing, rhetoric, and vocabulary. Choices with particular emphasis on literary analysis and academic writing. Online course. Pre: 301 or consent.

SPAN 330 Phonetics and Pronunciation Practice (3)

Analysis of the Spanish phonological system, in contrast with English. Practice in pronunciation. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent.

SPAN 351 Spain: Traditions & Trending (3)

Survey of the history and cultures of Spain. Pre: 301 or consent.

SPAN 352 (Alpha) Latin American Cultural Studies (3)

Survey of the history, traditions, and cultures of Latin America; (B) empires and traditions; (C) nations, identity & the arts. Repeatable one time for other topics, but not for the same topic. Pre: 301 or consent

SPAN 358 Third-Level Spanish Abroad (3)

Intensive formal instruction at the third-year level in Spanish language skills: reading, writing, grammar, or conversation in a Spanish-speaking country. Pre: 202 or 259 or equivalent.

SPAN 359 Third-Level Spanish Abroad (3)

Continuation of 358.

SPAN 360 Intensive Third-Level Spanish Abroad (V)

Intensive formal instruction at the third-year level in Spanish language skills: reading, writing, grammar, or conversation in a Spanish-speaking country. Pre: 202 or equivalent

SPAN 361 (Alpha) Reading Spain (3)

Reading and discussion of narratives from and about Spain; (B) heroines, knights, witches; (C) love, loss, liberty. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: 301, or consent.

SPAN 371 (Alpha) Reading Latin America (3)

Culture and history of Spanish America through literature; (B) warriors, nuns, and rebels; (C) the magical and the real. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: 301, or consent.

SPAN 396 Introduction to Hispanic Film (3)

Introduction to the study and analysis of genres, techniques, and cinematic styles as used in Hispanic film. Pre: 301 or consent.

SPAN 399 Directed Reading (V)

Independent study of approved reading with faculty supervision. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: 301 (or concurrent), consent and departmental approval.

SPAN 400 Spanish Language in Society (3)

Explores issues in Spanish language in society (media, communication, advertising, government, technology). Introduces and examines current sociolinguistic and sociopragmatic issues. Pre: 330 or consent.

SPAN 403 Building Advanced Fluency (3)

Advanced practice; emphasis on building active vocabulary. Pre: 301 or consent.

SPAN 405 Spanish-English Translation (3)

Factors in the art of translation. Practice in translating material from Spanish to English and the reverse. Pre: 305 or consent.

SPAN 451 Historical Spanish Linguistics (3)

Evolution of Spanish from Latin; modern social and geographical dialects. Pre: 330 or consent.

SPAN 452 Introduction to Spanish Linguistics (3)

Analysis of morphology, syntax, and semantics. Pre: 330 or consent.

SPAN 458 Fourth-Level Spanish Abroad (3)

Intensive course of full-time formal instruction on the fourth-year level in Spanish linguistics, civilization, culture, and
literature in a Spanish-speaking country. Pre: any two of 301; 303, 358, 359, or 360.

SPAN 459 Fourth-Level Spanish Abroad (3)

Continuation of 458.

SPAN 460 Intensive Fourth-Level Spanish Abroad (V)

Intensive course of formal instruction on the fourth-year level in Spanish language and culture in a Spanish-speaking country. For semester programs only. Pre: 360 or equivalent.

SPAN 477 U.S. Latino Literature (3)

Study of the literature of U.S. Hispanics written in Spanish or
bilingually. Pre: 320, 361, or 371; or consent.

SPAN 478 Hispanic Women’s Literature (3)

Women’s literary and cultural expressions in Latin America and Spain. Pre: one of 320, 361, or 371; or consent.

SPAN 480 Hispanic Theater (3)

Study of representative authors and plays from Spain and Latin America. Repeatable one time. Pre: one of 361, 362, 371, or 372; or consent.

SPAN 495 (Alpha) Topics in Hispanic Scholarship (3)

Hispanic authors, periods, or themes. (B) literature and society; (D) literature and film. Repeatable for other topics, but not for the same topic. Pre: 320, 361, or 371; or consent.

SPAN 496 Studies in Latin American and Iberian Film (3)

Intensive study of selected topics in Latin American and/or Iberian cinemas; e.g. national or regional cinemas, periods, movements or issues, major filmmakers, film theory and criticism. Repeatable two times. Pre: 320, 361, 371, or 396; or consent.

SPAN 499 Directed Reading and Research (V)

Independent study of approved readings and research with faculty supervision. A-F only. Repeatable two times. Pre: consent of instructor and departmental approval.

SPAN 605 Spanish Translation Studies (3)

Study of social, cultural, and pragmatic issues in Spanish Translation Studies. Graduate students only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)

SPAN 658 Seminar in Spanish Applied Linguistics (3)

Repeatable unlimited times with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

SPAN 659 Topics in Spanish Applied Linguistics (3)

Supervised participation in online course at UNED University (Spain) relevant to student’s specialization for Second Language Studies or Spanish Applied Linguistics. Students also complete projects and meet with advisor to check progress. Repeatable two times for different topics. Graduate students only. Pre: Spanish Proficiency assessment: B- (CERFL) or Advanced low (ACTFL).

SPAN 660 Medieval Spanish Literature (3)

Representative readings in prose and poetry, from origins through 15th century. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

SPAN 665 (Alpha) Golden Age Literature (3)

Spanish literature from the 16th and 17th centuries. (B) theater; (C) prose; (D) poetry; (E) Cervantes. Pre: graduate standing.

SPAN 669 19th-Century Spanish Realism (3)

Nineteenth-century Spanish realism in the novel. Authors include Galdós, Clarin, Alarcón, Pardo Bazán, Blasco-Ibáñez, Valera. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

SPAN 670 (Alpha) 20th-Century Spanish Literature (3)

Representative works from 20th-century literature. Genres: poetry, theater, essay, novel. (B) generation of 1898; (C) pre-Civil War; (D) post-Civil War. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

SPAN 680 Spanish-American Novel (3)

Critical analysis of major Spanish-American novels. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

SPAN 681 Colonial Spanish-American Literature (3)

Spanish-American literature from period of discovery to independence. Representative authors such as Sor Juana, Bernal Díaz del Castillo. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

SPAN 682 Spanish-American Poetry (3)

Study of representative poets from all periods: Martí, Darió, Mistral, Guillén, Neruda, Paz, etc. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

SPAN 683 Spanish-American Short Story and Essay (3)

Study of representative writers from various periods: Sor Juana, Palma, Quiroga, Reyes, Borges, etc. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

SPAN 695 Seminar in Hispanic Literature (3)

A period, author, genre, or region. Repeatable unlimited times with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

SPAN 699 Directed Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of department chair.