Greek Literature, Latin literature, and the Classical Tradition
Professor Ball recently published his sixth book, The Classical Legacy of Gilbert Highet: An In-Depth Retrospect (Lockwood Press, 2021)—a biographical study of one of Columbia University’s greatest teachers, regarded in his day as the most celebrated classical scholar in America. For the publisher’s listing of this book, see https://www.lockwoodpress.com/product-page/the-classical-legacy-of-gilbert-highet-an-in-depth-retrospect-with-updated-bibl, which provides the book’s table of contents, reviews of/endorsements for the book, and the author’s academic accomplishments. For an article Professor Ball published on this subject aimed at the general reader, see “Gilbert Highet, the First Celebrity Classicist,” Antigone (May 2022) at https://antigonejournal.com/2022/05/gilbert-highet—an article included in a list of this journal’s fifty most-read publications as of July 2023.