The Department of LLEA offers a Master of Arts degree in Spanish.
The Spanish MA is a two-year program that provides a variety of courses on Spanish and Latin American literature, film, and cultural studies, as well as courses in translation, linguistics, pedagogy, and U.S. Latino studies.
UHM Spanish MA graduates have found careers as teachers in local, national, and international secondary schools, community colleges, colleges, and universities, as well as positions in tourism, communications, business, translation and government service. MA graduates have also pursued advanced and doctoral studies in Spanish, Political Science, Second Language Studies, Tourism Studies, Education, American Studies, and law.
PLAN A THESIS. Plan A requires a minimum of 24 semester hours of coursework, including a research seminar and a minimum of 18 hours at the 600+ level, plus 6 semester hours of thesis research (LLEA 700), a written thesis, and a final examination.
PLAN B NON-THESIS. Plan B requires a minimum of 30 semester hours of coursework. At least 18 of those hours, including a research seminar, must be in courses numbered 600+. Plan B students must take a two-part comprehensive exam.
For information on how to apply to the Spanish MA Program at UH click here.
Deadline for Fall Semester is February 1. Deadline for Spring Semester is August 15.
Students who do not have a degree from an English-language institution are required to take the TOEFL or IELTS exam. The GRE is not required.
To qualify for an appointment as a graduate assistant, you must have a satisfactory academic record and an adequate undergraduate background in your major field. International students who do not hold a degree from an English-language college or university must show evidence of a high level of English proficiency (a score of 600/250/100 on the TOEFL, with subtest scores of 25 for listening and 25 for speaking).
For more specific information about the Spanish MA at UH, you should visit the UHM Graduate Division webpages where you can find a description of our program and the requirements for graduate studies in general at the University of Hawai'i: https://manoa.hawaii.edu/graduate/content/spanish If you apply, please send your application and current and past university transcripts directly to the UHM Graduate Division, according to the guidelines on their website.
Your two letters of recommendation may come in after the application deadline. The letters of recommendation may be written in Spanish or English. You may apply for a graduate teaching assistantship (TA/GA position) at the same time that you apply to the UHM Graduate Division for admission to the MA program. To apply for a graduate teaching assistantship, please fill in the form below and send it to the email you will find in the form.
Students who receive a graduate teaching assistantship receive a tuition waiver which pays for a full time course of study. TAs also receive a monthly stipend/salary in exchange for teaching one section of beginning Spanish each semester of the assistantship, plus performing ancillary responsibilities. (Spanish 101 meets for 50 minutes, three times a week, MWF). As long as the TA remains in good standing, both academically and as a teaching assistant, the TAship will be extended on a yearly basis to cover all four semesters, the Spanish MA is a four-semester program.
Deadline: February 1 (for Fall semester); August 15 (for Spring semester) Graduate Application form.pdf
The Advanced Graduate Certificate in SLS/ Spanish Applied Linguistics is designed to provide contemporary knowledge and skills in topics and issues related to
- Spanish second language analysis, learning, pedagogy, and use
- utilization of research findings
- application of research methods.
Applicants to the AGC in SLS /Spanish must have completed a master’s or doctoral degree in an appropriate field, or must be currently enrolled in a master’s or doctoral degree program in an appropriate field at the University of Hawai‘i. Appropriate fields include but are not limited to second language studies, applied linguistics, foreign language education, second language acquisition, or Spanish studies. Applicants must also demonstrate adequate proficiency in Spanish.
See [ https://www.hawaii.edu/sls/graduate/agc/agc-spanish-applied-linguistics/ ] for more information and admission process.
- Spanish MA Program Sheet.pdf
- Spanish MA PLOs and ILOs