Question Set: Comparing Ionic and Covalent Compounds
NGSS Science and Engineering Practices
NGSS Crosscutting Concepts
NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas
Table of Contents
- Using Lewis dot structures, what covalent compound could you make with only N and H? Draw the structure and write the formula.
- How does the octet rule apply to covalent bonds? How is this different from how it applies to ionic bonds?
- Why do elements on the same side of the periodic table tend to form covalent bonds? Why do elements on the opposite sides of the periodic table tend to form ionic bonds?
- In Fig. 2.31A, how many silicate ions are needed to form a neutral ionic bond with the potassium ion? Why?
- In Fig. 2.31B, how many nitrate ions are needed to form a neutral ionic bond with the ammonium ion? Why?
- When salts dissolve what happens to the bonds holding them?
- Explain the differences between the three processes dissolving, dissociating, and diffusing.