
Program Founders

Casey Leigh (Jarman)

Professor Casey Jarman

Professor at Law

Professor Jarman came from the University of Mississippi, where she was Director of the Coastal and Marine Resources Program, to join the School of Law faculty in 1987. She was the founder and first director of the School’s Environmental Law Program (ELP). She retired in the Fall of 2011.

Jon M. Van Dyke


In memoriam, 1943-2011
Professor of Law
Carlsmith Ball Faculty Scholar
Regents’ Medalist for Excellence in Research
Presidential Citation for Excellence in Teaching

(BA, cum laude, Yale University, 1964; JD, cum laude, Harvard University, 1967) was a member of the faculty beginning in 1976, until his untimely death on November 29, 2011. Prof. Van Dyke taught constitutional law, international law, international ocean law, and international human rights. He was instrumental in helping to establish the Environmental Law Program. He also supervised the School of Law’s successful Jessup International Law Moot Court Team. Prof. Van Dyke authored and edited numerous books, including International Law and Litigation in the U.S. and Freedom for the Seas in the 21st Century, which earned the Harold and Margaret Sprout Award as the best book on environmental policy for 1994 from the International Studies Association. His work included research and writing on the legal issues raised by shipments of radioactive materials through the oceans, the use of low-frequency active sonar by navies and its impact on marine mammals, the siting of nuclear power plants, the impact of atmospheric testing in the Pacific, water rights in Hawai‘i, the rights of natives to land and resources, and management of fisheries on the high seas and whaling. He travelled frequently, lecturing in Fiji, London, Kuala Lumpur, Panama City, and Bangkok. Between his frequent trips to the Pacific Islands and Asia, he enjoyed his home nestled in the tropical rainforest overlooking Manoa Valley with his wife Sherry Broder, a prominent Honolulu attorney. Although JVD’s passing has deeply saddened all of us, we are comforted by the knowledge that his legacy will be long-lasting… (more)

David L. Callies


Benjamin A. Kudo Professor of Law
Regents’ Medalist for Excellence in Teaching

David L. Callies is Benjamin A. Kudo professor of law at the Law School where he teaches land use, state and local government and real property. Prior to coming to Hawaiʻi he practiced local government and land use law with the firm of Ross & Hardies of Chicago during which time he also taught as an adjunct professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s School of Architecture and Urban Planning and served as an Assistant State’s Attorney. He is a graduate of DePauw Univ… (more)