On April 19, 2024, the Environmental Law Program hosted the inaugural Climate Reflections Series in honor of Dr. Toufiq Siddiqi. The event was attended by over twenty-five people both in-person and on Zoom and featured keynote speaker Dr. Haunani Kane and UH law students Emily Sarasa ‘24, Debbie Akane ‘24, and Eleng Kazangiljan ‘24.

Dr. Haunani Kane, a scientist, surfer, and voyager on the Hōkūleʻa, spoke about ongoing research at the MEGA Lab, a non-profit research based lab in Hilo, Hawaiʻi. The research blends observations by surfers, skaters, and artists with western science like coastal geomorphology, paleo environmental reconstructions, and spatial analysis to show how islands, reefs, and people are affected by climate change.
Emily Sarasa ‘24, Debbie Akane ‘24, and Eleng Kazangilan ‘24 shared about their experience at the COP 28 UN climate negotiations. A full recount of their experience can be found using the hyperlinks in their names.
The speakers were followed by a brief reception where attendees convened over food and drinks, and filled bags of popcorn for the film screening of Thank You for the Rain. The documentary follows young Kenyan farmer Kisilu Masya who uses a camera to capture the devastating impacts of climate change on his family and village. Following the closing of the film, Mr. Masya joined the event via Zoom for a short Q & A session.
We hope to see you at next year’s event!
MW 6/16/24