Cookies, Coffee, & Tea with ELP

On Thursday, September 26, 2019, the Environmental Law Program hosted “Cookies & Coffee with ELP.” ELP students and faculty took a well deserved break from their busy days to talk story and enjoy delicious coffee and an assortment of tasty cookies and teas.

The open house event provided students with an opportunity to get to learn more about each other, the program, and potential opportunities.  The discussion was facilitated by ELP Director David Forman, Associate Dean Denise Antolini, Professor Richard Wallsgrove, and ELP RA’s Emily DeVille, Rachel Ray, Hoku Chun, and Mac Blanchard.

The informal talk story began with introductions and provided students a chance to ask questions about the Environmental Law Certificate, classes, and pursuing summer placements.  Current ELP students shared their experiences from externships and internships as well as about the interesting classes they have taken in pursuit of the certificate.  The group also discussed opportunities and resources provided by ELP, such as the Jarman Fellowship and the Careers Directory. 

Stay tuned for our next Cookies & Coffee open house!

RR 9/27/19