ELP Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence Discusses REDD+

Tuesday, November 20, 2018 – The Environmental Law Program and Professor Wallsgrove’s International Environmental Law Class hosted ELP Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence Dr. Christina Voigt for a presentation and discussion on international forest conservation through the United Nations Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD+) Program. Dr. Voigt is an international environmental law expert and edited the Manual on REDD+. She is also the lead negotiator on REDD+ for the Norwegian government.   

REDD+ promotes forest conservation through cooperation between States with large areas of remaining forest and States without large areas of remaining forest. For example, Norway has funded projects to conserve the Amazon in Brazil. Dr. Voigt specifically addressed the role of REDD+ in the Paris Agreement, emphasizing the major potential of forest conservation to reduce global carbon emissions. 

More information on REDD+ may be accessed here, Dr. Voigt’s writing on REDD+ here, and PowerPoint here.