Coffee and Cookies at ELP

On September 20th, 2018 and September 27th, 2018, the Environmental Law Program hosted “Cookies and Coffee at ELP.”  The open house event aimed to engage law students, especially first-years and Evening Part-Time students, with the program.

In a casual setting, attendees had the opportunity to get to know one another and talk to Associate Dean Denise Antolini, ELP Director David Forman, and Assistant Professor Richard Wallsgrove.  All three professors shared their prior experience as students and as professionals navigating their early years out of law school.  Students learned about current professional and educational opportunities along with details of the Environmental Law Program, Society, and Certificate.

Current ELP students shared their experiences with externships and classes. New students had the opportunity to ask both professors and students questions. 


Stay tuned for our next cookies and coffee open house!