Associate Dean Antolini and Professor Wallsgrove Discuss Policies to Address Climate Change in Island Communities

Associate Dean Antolini and Professor Wallsgrove (’08) joined Jay Fidell and Sharon Moriwaki on ThinkTech to discuss policies to address climate change for island communities. 

Dean Antolini starts off by describing what the “climate crisis” means for the average citizen in Hawaii: sea level rise, more concentrated severe rain, increased likelihood of severe hurricanes, droughts. As Hawaii is comprised of island communities, Dean Antolini described the importance for being concerned with such issues. Professor Wallsgrove then discussed how overall climate change action can be split into climate change adaptation and climate change mitigation, and what kinds of actions should be taken. They further discuss what kind of steps have been taken at the state and county levels, what more could be done, and how the law school plays a role in it all. 

Watch the interview below:

Policies to Address Climate Change in Island Communities