Welcoming Visiting Assistant Professor Richard Wallsgrove!

The Environmental Law Program (ELP) is excited to welcome Visiting Assistant Professor Richard Wallsgrove to our school! 

A 2008 graduate of WSRSL, Professor Wallsgrove has extensive experience in environmental law and policy. Prior to assuming this position, he was the Policy Director of the Blue Planet Foundation and had previously worked with the University of Hawaiʻi’s Center for Island Climate Adaptation & Policy.  As a student, he was co-Editor-in-Chief for the University of Hawaiʻi Law Review.  ELP Director David Forman added that “we are extremely fortunate to have someone with Professor Wallgrove’s talent and experience join the program to help us achieve our mission.”   This semester, Professor Wallsgrove will be teaching Lawyering Fundamentals and International Environmental Law.  He will also serve as the Interim Director of the Energy Justice Program. For more information and contact information on Professor Wallsgrove, please click here: https://www.law.hawaii.edu/personnel/wallsgrove/richard.  

Welcome, Professor Wallsgrove!