Visiting Professor Richard Lazarus

January term students had the pleasure of learning from visiting Harvard Law School professor and renowned environmental lawyer, Richard Lazarus, during a one-week course titled Environmental Law in the Supreme Court. Professor Lazarus has represented the United States, state and local governments, and environmental groups in the Supreme Court in forty cases, presenting oral argument in thirteen of those cases. The course studies and discussion ranged from historic Supreme Court cases such as Dred Scott to the famous environmental cases EPA v. Massachusetts and Tennessee Valley Auth. v. Hill, as well as many others that have shaped U.S. environmental law.

Professor Lazarus shared stories of his first-hand experience in the Court, which added a rich dynamic to the analysis and understanding of the law. His lively analysis coupled with the retelling of what was going through his mind or a colleague’s mind during preparation for oral argument before the Court added a unique twist to the usual case analysis found in most survey courses. Many students in the course were grateful for the opportunity to ask questions of and learn from Professor Lazarus, as well as the guest speakers he invited to join via conference call, including Professor Zygmunt Plater, of Boston College. Perhaps the most memorable element of the course was exposure to the bigger picture and humanistic elements of environmental law in the Supreme Court from those with first-hand knowledge and extensive experience in the field.

The Environmental Law Program and Richardson students extend a very warm mahalo to Professor Lazarus for sharing his time and knowledge with us all.
