Disaster Preparedness Training

High School Jr. ROTC Cadets learning CPR

Calling all TEENS – Got Time to Save a Life? Through this program you can: • Gain Life Saving Skills and Be Certified in CPR and AED Usage • Identify Hazards and Become Extreme Weather Aware • Give Back to Your Community through Emergency Planning • Practice Fire Safety, Search and Rescue and Triage A FREE Disaster Preparedness Training program is being offered to youth ages 13-18 through the MYPI Hawaii program. Currently cohorts are being recruited for upcoming training. More information is available on the My PI Hawaii program…

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Learning About Immigrants in Hawaii

Lucky Clovers Younger Club at Kepaniwai

By Macy Fillazar, Club Reporter – On January 7, 2018 the Lucky Clovers Youngers had a meeting and learned about the impact of the immigrants to our Hawaiian culture. We gathered at Kepaniwai in lao Valley and started with the game Jeopardy. The game included subjects relating to how the immigrants shaped the pidgin language and how each culture brought special foods and traditions. After concluding that Xia Ota, our club president, was our winner we moved on to the next activity. We had a scavenger hunt visiting the different…

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