Join our Virtual 4-H Photography Club

Want to take great photos???

Join our Club!  We are recruiting new members!  We started out as a 4-H Military Club but voted to include any youth in Hawaii (Grades 6th-12th) Our virtual photography club has weekly lessons via Google Classroom that will help build your photography skills.  In addition to weekly activities, we have monthly fun meetings on zoom where we do interactive photo lessons.  We also hold monthly virtual youth leadership meetings to plan for our club.  We are currently virtual which allows for any youth in Hawaii to join!

Free to join! Any Camera will do… digital, phone, tablet,  or DSLR

Contact Kate for more info…

Check out our website with lick to registration here 

Additional Note…

Club is divided into a Middle School Group as well as a Highschool Group.

Youth will have choice to do this 4-H project as part of the club or as an individual project (you can do on your own time).