The Hawaii 4-H program is looking for youth in grades 5-12 to participate in a Virtual Cooking Challenge in the state. Youth do not need to be a current 4-H member to participate in the contest. There is no cost to participate in the contest.
The goal is for youth to create a video featuring a local commodity (plant or animal) that demonstrates the successful completion of a healthful recipe. The contest includes an opportunity to also showcase their food photography skills.
As part of the challenge youth will learn food safety, kitchen skills, nutrition facts, and presentation skills. The contest is supported with resources from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Extension GET Local program.
The Video Cooking Contest will be accepting submissions in mid-April 2022 but youth will need to be registered for the challenge in order to participate in the contest and receive updates. To register, youth can visit the 4-H registration page at: or contact the Hawai‘i State 4-H Program at