Weekly Newsletter (February 6 – 10, 2023)

CSAS Newsletter 
February 6 – 10, 2023 


Call for Paper 
51st Annual Conference on South Asia,
Madison, Wisconsin
The Annual Conference on South Asia invites scholars, students, and professionals to Madison, Wisconsin, for a three-day event featuring research panels and round tables, lectures, performances, film screenings, booksellers, association receptions, and other special presentations!
Click here for more information 

Call for Paper 
South Asian Resilience: Environments, Politics, Economics, 
SASA, Loyola Marymount University

Zoom Conference on March 24, 25, 26, 2023 
South Asian countries emerged as independent resilient nations from the mid-20th century. These milestones ushered in new political and economic structures, as well as created fertile ground for national pride and a redefinition of religious and even gender identities. Our SASA gathering will examine the intersections of tradition and modernity from multiple perspectives. Preference will be given to themed panel sessions with three or four speakers. Topics may include but not be limited to historical and political analyses, studies of the Commonwealth, environmental awareness, climate change, religion, economics, education, gender and women’s studies, and the arts (dance, music, visual arts, cinema).Submit Proposals by February 15, 2023

Call for Paper 
Call for Submissions
Journal of South Asian Studies is looking for article submissions. They welcome submissions that explore the historical, visual, and literary cultures of South Asia. You can find more, including how to submit here

Call for Submissions
Critical Pakistan Studies — New Open-Access Journal from AIPS and CUP
AIPS is excited to announce the debut of Critical Pakistan Studies, a new open-access journal published with the support of Cambridge University Press. Critical Pakistan Studies will publish primary source interpretive research that, in addition to Pakistan and Pakistanis, tackle broader interdisciplinary issues. The journal’s interdisciplinary approach pushes beyond the nation-state, security, Islam, extremism, and other topics that narrowly define the study of Pakistan. It will analyze, discuss, and seek to understand the varied and multi-layered contexts that constitute Pakistan and its people (both past and present and in South Asia and the wider world).
The journal is in affiliation with the Centre d’Etudes de l’Inde et de L’Asie du Sud–Center for South Asian Studies and the University of Exeter South Asia Centre. The journal is now accepting submissions for the inaugural issue which will be published in June 2023 in celebration of AIPS’s 50th anniversary.  More information on the journal and author submission guidelines can be found on the journal’s website: Cambridge.org/cps




The Center for South Asian Studies in collaboration with Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Spring 2023 Department Colloquia.
Join for a conversation with the author to talk about her book Yogmaya & Durga Devi: Rebel Women of Nepal. 
on 10 February 2023, Friday at 12 noon, Zoom Meeting ID: 990 1879 0301, Passcode: 160712
Find more here

Center for the Advanced Study of India (CASI), University of Pennsylvania 
Thursday seminar calendar for Spring 2023Click here for more information


The J. Watumull Scholarship for the Study of India
The J. Watumull Scholarship for the Study of India provides support for University of Hawai`i undergraduate or graduate students with focused and well-developed proposals to study for a minimum of two months in India. 
Deadline: March 1, 2023.
Find more information

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)

UROP coordinates and promotes opportunities for undergraduate students across ALL DISCIPLINES at UH Mānoa to engage in faculty-mentored research and creative work.

Students from ALL DISCIPLINES are encouraged to apply for the following funding opportunities:

AIBS Professional Development Fellowships for Bangladeshi Scholars
The American Institute of Bangladesh Studies is pleased to announce Professional Development Fellowship for Bangladeshi scholars working at one of the AIBS partner universities in Bangladesh. As visiting fellows, selected Bangladeshi scholars will work with U.S. faculty members at their host universities to develop research agenda, utilize library facilities, and receive hands-on training on academic writing and publication.The application deadline is Friday, March 3, 2023, 11:59 pm U.S. Eastern Time
Click here for more information

AIPS 2023 Short-Term Research Grants to Pakistan
AIPS is delighted to be able to offer research travel grants to Pakistan each year for up to 3 months. This grant is open to AIPS members, regardless of citizenship. We strongly encourage graduate students to apply. AIPS-funded travel is restricted to Islamabad and/or Lahore; Karachi may be possible for research purposes, but applicants should check with the AIPS office prior to submitting an application. The application deadline is Feb. 15, 2023.
Click here for more information

AIBS Bangladeshi Graduate Student Fellowship
The American Institute of Bangladesh Studies is pleased to announce research fellowships for Bangladeshi graduate students studying in the U.S. The fellowships are intended to help PhD and Masters students meet expenses related to scholarly research and creative endeavors in Bangladesh.The application deadline is Friday, March 3, 2023, 11:59pm U.S. Eastern Time
Click here for more information

2023 Himalayan Studies Fellowships

The Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies (ANHS) is pleased to announce its annual Himalayan Studies Fellowships for the support of short-term research or other scholarly projects that will advance knowledge of the Himalaya-Karakoram-Hindukush regions. Projects may be from any scholarly discipline, addressing any aspect of Himalayan Studies. The ANHS offers two $1500 fellowships, one for pre-PhD students and one for scholars who have earned their PhD. The application deadline is 15 February, 2023 with an anticipated award date of 15 March, 2023.
Click here for more information 

Bhagwan Vasu Pujya Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Asian Studies Center at the University of Pittsburgh invites applications for a one-year renewable postdoctoral fellowship in Jain Studies beginning in August 2023.  The Bhagwan Vasu Pujya Postdoctoral Fellowship provides support for an early career scholar whose work contributes to an understanding of Jain philosophy as an innovative point of reference for interdisciplinary research. 
Application deadline: March 1st, 2023
Click here for more information 

American Institute of Indian Studies
Summer Student Fellowships for Digital Sonic and Visual Projects
Application deadline: February 15, 2023 

Jagdish P. Sharma Memorial Scholarship, UHM
This department is currently accepting applications with a deadline of March 1, 2022.
The scholarship assists graduate students enrolled in the Colleges of Arts, Languages & Letters (CALL) or the College of Social Sciences (CSS) at UH Manoa who are pursuing studies on the South Asia region and its people. Funds shall be used for costs associated with attendance (tuition, books, fees, etc.). Average award amount: three awards annually of $5,000 each.

Apply here. For more information contact gradhist@hawaii.edu



Assistant Professor – Asian and Asian Diaspora Studies in Education | University of Toronto

The Department of Social Justice Education (SJE) at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto invites applications for a full-time tenure-stream position at the rank of Assistant Professor with a specialization in Asian and Asian Diaspora Studies in Education. The appointment will commence on July 1, 2023, or shortly thereafter.

Candidates must have earned a doctoral degree in Education or a closely related Social Sciences or Humanities discipline by the time of appointment or shortly thereafter. We seek a scholar with a demonstrated record of excellence in research and teaching related to Asian populations and diasporas, broadly conceived. Candidates must demonstrate scholarly expertise with respect to one or more of the following:

• Central Asian populations and diasporas;
• East Asian populations and diasporas;
• South Asian populations and diasporas;
• Southeast Asian populations and diasporas;
• Western Asian populations and diasporas..

Apply by February 15th
Click here for more information

Professor/Associate Professor – History of Health, Disability, and/or Science, South Asian expertise preferred, SUNY Buffalo

The University at Buffalo History Department invites applications for a position in the History of Health, Disability, and/or Science. Review of applications will begin on February 14, 2023 and continue until the position is filled.

Candidates must have earned a PhD in History or a related field. We seek a colleague who will help anchor a growing interdisciplinary research focus in Global Health, Disability, Science, and Gender at UB and whose teaching, research, and service have prepared them to contribute to the Department and University’s commitment to equity and the inclusion of diverse students and audiences in higher education. We are especially interested in a candidate with experience supporting and mentoring a diverse student body.
Apply by February 14th
Click here for more information

Lecturer in the History of the Indian Ocean World before 1750, The University of Edinburgh
There is an opportunity to join the History department of the School of History, Classics and Archaeology as a lecturer in the History of the Indian Ocean World before 1750. The role requires expertise in any aspect of the history of the Indian Ocean World before 1750. The successful candidate will teach courses at the honours and MSc level and will contribute to team teaching across all levels of the curriculum, including pre-honours, honours and MSc level courses, as appropriate. The successful candidate will also conduct research under their own direction.
Review of applications will begin on17th February 2023
Click here for more information

Post Doctoral Fellow, The India Studies Program at the University of Houston (UH)
 invites applications from outstanding scholars and teachers with an active agenda of research on India and a strong record of professional service to advance existing intellectual programming. Candidates may have PhDs in Cultural Anthropology, Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies, Sociology, History, Religious Studies, English, Gender Studies, Development Studies, Cultural Geography, or related disciplines to apply for this India Studies Postdoctoral Fellowship. The purpose of this position is to advance the program’s research and teaching profile.

Review of applications will begin on February 20th, 2023
Click here for more information

Bhagvan Vimalnath Endowed Chair in Jain Studies and South Asian Religions
The Department of Religious Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, invites applications for an open rank position to fill the Bhagvan Vimalnath Endowed Chair in Jain Studies and South Asian Religions. We seek a rigorous and imaginative specialist in Jain Studies and South Asian Religions with a wide range of knowledge of Jain philosophy, religion, history, and culture who will complement and enhance our research and teaching strengths as one of the preeminent programs in South Asian Religions in the country. Research foci may include but are not limited to: sex, gender, and bodily identities; subject formations and transformations; somatic disciplines and dietary regimens; and social and environmental ethics based on the principle of nonviolence.

Final date: Friday, Jun 30, 2023 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)
Click here for more information 

To submit content for future CSAS newsletters, please send information in the following format to salonim@hawaii.edu in the body of an email, or a word .doc attachment. 

News/Opportunity/Event Title (and subtitle if applicable)
Organizing Entity
Relevant Date + Time + Location
Short Description, links for further information
Image (minimum 1200 pixel on the long side)

For all other inquiries, send an email to: 