The Buildings & Grounds Management (BGM) Office is responsible for the provision of janitorial and landscaping services for the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa’s buildings and grounds including the collection and disposal of refuse, maintenance of walkways, roadways, and limited recycling activities. The office is split into working teams based on their function and focus – Building Services and Landscape Services.
We strive to maintain safe and clean environments, both indoors and outdoors, that are conducive to learning, enhance the aesthetic qualities of campus and improve the experience of students, staff and visitors that move through our facilities and grounds on any given day.

Building Services
Building Services provides janitorial services in classrooms, laboratories, auditoriums, offices, restrooms, stairwells and other public, general-use areas. Activities include but are not limited to the sweeping, mopping, stripping and waxing of floors, shampooing of carpets, window cleaning and trash/recycling removal. Building Services staff also open classrooms on weekdays during the academic year, report damage to University property, and relay information on inoperable or malfunctioning business systems for further investigation.

Campus Arboretum
The Mānoa campus is home to over 800 taxa and 5,000 plants and has been officially accredited as an arboretum by ArbNet since 2016. The arboretum is an easily accessible resource for education and research that is intended to weave the natural, living landscape with the educational mission of the University. Please visit the Campus Arboretum website to learn more about the program, view upcoming events and make a donation.

Landscaping Services
Landscaping Services maintains the lush landscape of the Mānoa campus which is accredited as an Arboretum by ArbNet & Tree Campus USA . Activities include but are not limited to mowing and edging grass, pruning hedges, trimming trees, pulling weeds, maintaining irrigation, raking leaves, fruits and flowers and planting foliage that preserves the safety of students, staff, and visitors. Landscape services also works closely with staff from the Campus Arboretum to determine what types of trees and plants should be represented in the landscape and plays an instrumental role in maintaining program accreditation.