Campus Operations and Facilities (COPF) proudly supports the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa by maintaining a safe, clean and well-maintained physical environment that is conducive to academic excellence, groundbreaking research and an immersive visitor experience. As stewards of University resources and property, we strive to deliver creative, cost-effective solutions that align with the short-term and long-term goals of the University to support present and future generations of faculty, staff, students and visitors.
Services We Provide
- Architectural services
- Construction notice posting
- Custodial services
- Electrical and mechanical engineering services
- Electronic access control coordination
- Emergency response for facilities issues
- Fire/Life/Safety plans and consultations
- Key cutting services
- Landscaping services
- Routine work order fulfillment
- Preventative maintenance and repair
- Space reservations
- Special event coordination and support
UH Employee Self-Service
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Buildings & Grounds Management (BGM) →
The Buildings & Grounds Management (BGM) Office is responsible for the provision of janitorial and landscaping services for the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa’s buildings and grounds including the collection and disposal of refuse, maintenance of walkways, roadways, and limited recycling activities.
Our areas include:
- Building Services (Custodial & Carpet)
- Campus Arboretum →
- Landscaping Services

Professional Support →
Our Professional Support section provides a broad range of services that support Campus Operations & Facilities Staff as well as the broader University Community.
Our areas include:
- Architectural Support
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronic Access Control
- Facilities Safety
- Fire Safety
- Mechanical Engineering

Skilled Trades →
Our Skilled Trades are comprised of carpenters, electricians, plumbers, painters, truckers, locksmiths, maintenance mechanics and HVAC technicians that are broken into shops based on their function.
Our areas include:
- Air Conditioning Shop
- Carpenter Shop
- Electric Shop
- Key Shop
- Maintenance Mechanic Shop
- Paint Shop
- Plumbing Shop
- Trucking Shop

Warehouse Inventory →
Warehouse Inventory plays an integral role in supporting Campus Operations & Facilities. The warehousing of materials needed to support custodial operations, complete preventative maintenance and fulfill work orders from the University population helps us keep the university clean, safe and accessible to the University community. Warehouse Inventory also helps store and maintain surplus inventory for the University Community.

Work Coordination Center (WCC) →
The Work Coordination Center (WCC) interfaces with building coordinators throughout the organization to capture service requests, facilitate the reservation of centrally managed spaces, and communicate updates on maintenance and construction projects that may temporarily disrupt day-to-day operations.