Congratulations to our 2017 Departmental Award winners!
Congratulations are in order for all of our Spring 2017 Chemistry Department Award Winners!
Our top graduating senior Chemistry and Biochemistry students. Congratulations to:
Diana Holden, B.S., Biochemistry
Kimberly Teehera, B.S., Biochemistry
Nguyen Nu, B.A., Biochemistry
Amy Chinen, B.S., Chemistry (Magistad Award)
Congratulations to our Fujimoto Scholars:
Katelyn Saiki
Kayzel Rose Tabangcura
Brett Cain
Congratulations to our Iwamoto-Scheuer Scholars:
Casie Kubota
Congratulations to our top new graduate students, both winners of the Young Fellowship:
Duk Hwan Kim
Timothy O’Donnell
And finally, congratulations to our top Teaching Assistants for AY2017!
Emily Taylor
Josh Velasco
Maryssa Shigesato
Stephen Kim
Jonathon Congmon
Hope Sartian
Julie Cramer
Nice job everyone! Keep up your hard work!