Special topics in theory, history, analysis. Pre: 600 or consent.
Project planning, programming, and similar topics. Pre: 600 and 601, or consent.
Team experience in defining and addressing a current planning problem; identification, substantive review, research design, preparation and presentation of analysis. Topic varies. Limited to 10 students. Pre: 600, 601; and consent.
Individual project in analysis, plan preparation and evaluation, and policy/ program evaluation. PLAN majors only. Pre: 600, 601; and consent.
Group experience in defining urban and regional design problems and potentials, developing and evaluating alternatives, formulating strategies for implementation. PLAN and ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: (600 and 601) with a minimum grade of B, or consent.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times. S/U only. PhD student only. Pre: consent.