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Psychometrics (X1X)

PSY 212 Survey of Research Methods (4)

(3 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Survey of standard methods and related conceptual issues employed in psychological research. Both experimental and non-experimental methods will be reviewed. Pre: 100.

PSY 301 Introduction to Educational Psychology (3)

Psychology applied to education, including cognitive, sociocultural, and multicultural approaches to teaching, learning, development, and research. Develops knowledge and written communication skills through and introduction to classroom, assessment, instruction, motivation, classroom management, and standardized testing. (Cross-listed as EDEP 311)

PSY 419 Psychometrics: Advanced Topics (3)

In-depth coverage of some area of theory, research, or methodology relevant to individual differences, measurement, or aspects of psychometrics. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 100.

PSY 610 Introduction to Regression (3)

Introduction to quantitative methods in behavioral sciences and the general linear model with a focus on regression. Topics include correlation, bivariate and multiple regression, mediation, and moderation. Requires basic statistics. (Meets PhD common inquiry methods requirement or elective.)

PSY 611 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Related Methods (3)

Introduction to ANOVA and its extensions from both traditional and general linear model approaches. Topics include single and multi-factor ANOVA, multiple comparisons, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), and repeated-measures ANOVA.

PSY 613 Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Models (SEM) (3)

Theories and applications to latent variables models. Topics include path analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation models (SEM), multi-sample SEM, mean structure, latent growth curve models, and multilevel SEM. Requires basic knowledge of regression.

PSY 614 Multivariate Analysis (3)

Analysis of multiple dependent variables. Topics include multivariate normal distribution, Hotelling’s 72, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), discriminant analysis, cluster analysis, canonical correlation, and principal components analysis (PCA). Pre: 610, EDEP 604, or consent.

PSY 616 Measurement in Education and Social Sciences (3)

Test theories and applications in education and social sciences. Topics include the true score model; reliability; generalizability theory; validity; item response theory; and applications in research. Class requires knowledge in ANOVA and regression.

PSY 617 Advanced Psychometrics (3)

Theories and applications of modern psychometrics. Topics include unidimensional and multidimensional models of item response theory, detecting biased items, measurement invariance, scaling methods, and current issues in psychometrics. Pre: 616, EDEP 616, or consent.

PSY 618 Categorical Data Analysis (3)

Theories and methods for data analysis with categorical and discrete variables. Topics include contingency tables; logistic regression; log-linear models; and introduction to generalized linear models. Pre: 610, EDEP 604, or consent. (Cross-listed as EDEP 618)

PSY 619 Analysis of Multilevel Models and Longitudinal Data (3)

Theories and applications of analysis of nested (clustered) data. Topics include fixed and random effects, intra-class correlation, cross-sectional multilevel models, and multilevel models, and multilevel models with repeated measures and longitudinal data. Requires basic knowledge of regression.

PSY 711 Seminar in Quantitative Psychology (3)

Specific and newly emerging topics in statistics, including casual inference, analysis of missing data, and statistical machine learning. Content varies and focuses on advanced topics not covered in other PSY methods and statistics courses. Repeatable two times. PSY majors only. A-F only. Pre: 610 (with a minimum grade of B) or instructor consent.

PSY 719 Research in Psychometrics (3)

Supervised reading, discussion, research projects in areas of special interest. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.