Holmes 483
2540 Dole Street
Honolulu, HI 96822
Tel: (808) 956-7586
Fax: (808) 956-3427
Email: eeoffice@hawaii.edu
Web: ece.hawaii.edu
*Graduate Faculty
*W. A. Shiroma, PhD (Chair)—electromagnetic theory, microwaves
*G. Arslan, PhD—distributed systems, Markov decision problems, nonlinear and robust control, game theory, learning and adaptive control
*O. Boric-Lubecke, PhD—RFICs for wireless communications, millimeter-wave and microwave devices, circuits and systems and biomedical applications
*H.Cai, PhD—wireless networking, Internet-of-Things (IoT), mobile computing, network security.
*D. Carlson, PhD—cyber-physical systems, internet of things, ubiquitous computing, mobile computing and interactive media systems
*Y. Dong, PhD—cyber security and privacy, network systems and internet applications (such as drones and internet of things)
*D. Green, PhD—power systems, energy, signal processing
*M. M. Hossain—medical ultrasound, biomedical signal and image processing
*A. Host-Madsen, PhD—communications signal processing, CDMA communications, multi-user communications, equalization
*A. Kuh, PhD—signal processing, machine learning, energy
*V. M. Lubecke, PhD—MEMS, microwave/terahertz radio, remote sensing technology and biomedical applications
*V. Malhotra, PhD—physical electronics, solid-state devices
*I. Molybog, PhD—optimization, artificial intelligence, power systems, control
*B. Murmann, PhD—mixed-signal integrated circuit design, sensor interfaces, A/D and D/A conversion, high-speed communication links, embedded machine learning, open-source chip design
*A. Ohta, PhD—devices, MEMS, biomedical microdevices, microfluidics
*N. Santhanam, PhD—machine leaming and data sciences, statistics, information theory and signal processing
*G. H. Sasaki, PhD—computer communication networks, performance evaluation, optimization algorithms
*P. Schmitt, PhD—networked systems, privacy, network traffic inference
*V. L. Syrmos, PhD—linear system theory, control theory
*J. Weldon, PhD—nanoscale device design, heterogeneous integration with CMOS for data-intensive applications, applications of nanotechnology to biomedical devices
*J. R. Yee, PhD—computer communications networks, network optimization, stochastic models
*J. Zhang, PhD— signal processing, complex networks and network science, bioinformatics, stochastic models
*Y. Zheng, PhD—NextG wireless communication, sensing, and security
*L. Zhu, PhD—cyber security and privacy, robustness and safety of deep learning, artificial intelligence.
Emeritus Faculty
*N. T. Gaarder, PhD—communication theory, information theory
F. Koide, PhD—biomedical engineering, operational amplifiers, electronic circuits
F. Kuo, PhD—network theory, computer networks, wireless communications
S. Lin, PhD—coding theory, coded modulation, multi-user communications and error coding techniques
E. J. Weldon, PhD—computer networks
D. Y. Y. Yun, PhD—computational intelligence, biomedical informatics, parallel and networked computing
Cooperating Graduate Faculty
*M. Dubarry, PhD—battery testing, modeling, and simulation
*N. Gaillard, PhD—theory-guided materials design, solid/liquid interface phenomena and light/matter interaction in films and nanostructures
*R. Ghorbani, PhD—renewable energy, dynamics, controls, design
*M. Iskander, PhD—computational electromagnetics, antennas, radar, and wireless communications
*D. Pavlovic, PhD—pure mathematics, quantum info theory, theoretical computer science and software engineering
*R. Rocheleau, PhD—photovoltaics, sensors, thin films
*L. R. Roose, JD—integration and analysis of energy technologies and power systems
*S. K. Sharma, PhD—thin films, amorphous materials and ceramics, instrumentation development
*J. Shepherd, PhD—breast cancer radiomics, deep learning, 3D optical body scanning
*V. A. Stenger, PhD—neuroscience, MRI research
*Y. Xiao, PhD—deep learning, reinforcement learning, game theory, optimization, wireless communications, power systems, economics and computation
*Z. Yun, PhD—wireless channel modeling, antennas and propagation
*F. Zhu, PhD—spacecraft, dynamics, control, machine learning, robotics, intelligent systems
Affiliate Graduate Faculty
*K. L. Davies, PhD—real-time data analytics, physics-based modeling, model-based controls, electric grid, renewable energy, distributed energy resources, fuel cells, power hardware-in-the-loop, systems engineering
*R. C. Gough, PhD—low-voltage, low-power electrical manipulation of non-toxic liquid metal alloys for use in reconfigurable microwave and radio frequency (RF) device
*N. Hafner, PhD—sensor systems, applied research, data analysis
*M. A. Rahman, PhD—micro and nanorobotics, MEMs, NEMs, micro- and nanofabricated devices
*J. St. Pierre, PhD—renewable energy and fuel cells
Degrees Offered: BS in electrical engineering, BS in computer engineering, MS in electrical and computer engineering, PhD in electrical and computer engineering
Mission Statement
The mission of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is to provide quality education, research, and service to our constituents. Major goals of the department are to:
- Educate a new generation of electrical and computer engineers to meet the challenges of the future;
- Create, develop, and disseminate new knowledge;
- Promote a sense of scholarship, leadership, and service among our graduates; and
- Contribute to the development of diversity within the profession through the education of women, indigenous, and other minority students.
The Academic Program
Electrical engineering and computer engineering are concerned with the exciting fields of electronics, computers, information technology, and the basic forms of energy that run our world. Electronics continue to bring forth new breakthroughs in solid-state technology (transistors, integrated circuits, VLSI chips, microprocessors, lasers, optical fibers), which in turn fuel the unprecedented revolution in telecommunications (internet, wireless, and digital signal processing), computers (software, security, and networking), instrumentation (biomedical, intelligent), and many other areas.
The undergraduate and graduate programs focus on three major areas: computers (algorithms, security, networking, hardware, and software), electro-physics (solid-state devices and sensors, analog, circuit design, and microwaves and photonics), and systems and data science (telecommunications, automatic controls, signal and image processing, and machine learning).
The culmination of the undergraduate programs is the capstone design project; this is a significant project that integrates the design content of previous courses while satisfying realistic constraints.
Undergraduate Study
Design Experience Statement
A key aspect of electrical engineering and computer engineering education is a significant and meaningful design experience that is integrated throughout the curriculum. The design experience is necessary to prepare students to become professionals.
At UH Mānoa, the electrical engineering and computer engineering (ECE) curricula assign design credits to each course. A student graduating in electrical engineering or computer engineering is required to have a minimum of 14 design credits with 3 design credits coming from ECE 496, Capstone Design Project. Students can check their progress in obtaining design credits by checking with their advisor and looking at design credits and the Curriculum Flow Chart. ECE 496 places significant design responsibility on the students as they must plan and execute a major design problem. To prepare students for ECE 496, students must take at least 1 credit of ECE 296 Sophomore Project, and 2 credits of ECE 396 Junior Project. The project courses help students build experience outside the classroom as they learn engineering concepts in the classroom. The project courses and capstone project give students opportunities to work in teams, develop leadership skills, and work on open-ended design projects similar to industrial experience.
Bachelor of Science (BS) Degrees
The bachelor of science degree program in electrical engineering requires a minimum of 122 credit hours, unless accelerated chemistry and mathematics courses are taken, in which case the minimum is 118 credit hours. The bachelor of science degree program in computer engineering requires a minimum of 126 credit hours, unless accelerated chemistry and mathematics courses are taken, in which case the minimum is 122 credit hours. The departmental requirements consist of 45 credit hours of basic courses. The electrical engineering program requires 27 credit hours of technical electives. The computer engineering program requires an additional 21 credit hours of basic courses, and 9 credit hours of technical electives.
All electives are subject to the approval of an advisor. Enrollment in ECE courses requires a grade of C or better in all prerequisite courses.
College Requirements
Students must complete the college requirement courses for engineering (see “Undergraduate Programs” within this section).
Departmental Requirements
Electrical engineering and computer engineering students must complete the following 45 credit hours of courses:
- ECE 160, 211, 213, 260, 315, 323/323L, 324, 342, 371, 495, Projects (296, 396, 496), PHYS 274, MATH 307
- ECE 160 may be substituted with ECE 110 for the electrical (but not computer) engineering program, in which case there are 44 credit hours.
- MATH 307 may be substituted with ECE 345, in which case there are 46 credit hours.
There is a requirement of ECE 296, 396, and 496, which is the capstone design experience. A minimum of, respectively, 1, 2, and 3 credits are required of each. ENGR 296 and 396 may be substituted for ECE 296 and 396, respectively
Bachelor of Science (BS) in Electrical Engineering
Program Educational Objectives
The expected attainment of graduates are:
- Electrical engineering graduates will practice electrical engineering in industry, education, and public service.
- Graduates will contribute to the technological and economic development of Hawai‘i, the U.S., and beyond.
- Graduates who wish to pursue graduate study will be successful
- Graduates will continue their professional development, through individual effort and advanced professional education.
- Graduates will provide technical leadership, with an understanding of the broader ethical and societal impact of technological developments, and the importance of diversity in the workforce.
All graduates of the electrical engineering program are expected to have demonstrated:
- An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics;
- An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors;
- An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences;
- An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts;
- An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives;
- An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions;
- An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
Technical Electives
Electrical engineering students must complete a minimum of 27 credit hours of technical electives. A minimum of 17 credits is in one of the major tracks (electro-physics and systems and data science), which includes all courses in Group I and the remaining courses from Group II.
A minimum of 7 additional credits is required from the following list, of which 3 credits must be from outside the major track, and 1 credit must be a laboratory.
Electro-Physics Track:
- Group I: ECE 326/326L, 327, 372/372L
- Group II: ECE 328/328L, 422/422L, 423, 425, 426, 427, 435, 438, 470, 471, 473, 474, 475, 477, 480
Systems and Data Science Track:
- Group I: ECE 343/343L, 351/351L, 415
- Group II: ECE 344, 416, 417, 435, 442, 445, 446, 449, 452, 453
The following courses may also be used as technical electives: ECE 205, 361/361L, 362, 366, 367/367L, 368, 369, 406, 461, 467, 468, 469. ECE 491 can also be used as a technical elective, but the track designation is determined on a case-by-case basis.
An additional 3 credits of engineering breadth is required, satisfied by a CEE, ME, OE, BE course at the 300-level or higher; CEE 270; or a physical, biological, or computer science course that is at the 300-level or higher and approved by the department’s undergraduate curriculum committee.
A student, along with a faculty member, may propose an alternate track. This alternate track must be (1) equivalent in rigor and breadth to the existing tracks, (2) endorsed by another faculty member, and (3) approved by the department’s undergraduate curriculum committee.
The following concentrations are examples of a pre-approved alternative track:
Biomedical Concentration: All Group I courses in either the Electrophysics or Systems and Data Science Track, plus two biomedical-related Group II courses and an engineering breadth course approved by the department’s undergraduate curriculum committee and listed on the ECE website. ECE 496 will be a biomedical project approved by concentration coordinator.
Group II courses satisfying biomedical concentration: ECE 422, 480, 481, 482, 680, 681, 682, 685; ME 620, 636, 645; MBBE 625, 650, 651.
Engineering breadth courses satisfying biomedical concentration: BIOC 341, 441; MICR 351, 485; MBBE 401, 402, 412.
Energy Concentration: All Group I courses from the Electrophysics or Systems and Data Science Track, plus two energy-related Group II courses and an engineering breadth course approved by the department’s undergraduate curriculum committee and listed on the ECE website. ECE 496 will be an energy project approved by concentration coordinator.
Group II courses satisfying energy concentration: ECE 435, 438, 635.
Engineering Breadth courses satisfying energy concentration: ME 311, 610; ORE 330, 677; PHYS 430, 440; ATMO 302; BE 410, 610; ERTH 407.
For information on a Bachelor Degree Program Sheet, go to programsheets/.
Bachelor of Science (BS) in Computer Engineering
Program Educational Objectives
The expected attainment of graduates are:
- Computer engineering graduates will practice computer engineering in industry, education, and public service.
- Graduates will contribute to the technological and economic development of Hawai‘i, the U.S., and beyond.
- Graduates who wish to pursue graduate study will be successful.
- Graduates will continue their professional development, through individual effort and advanced professional education.
- Graduates will provide technical leadership, with an understanding of the broader ethical and societal impact of technological developments, and the importance of diversity in the workforce.
All graduates of the computer engineering program are expected to have demonstrated:
- An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics;
- An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors;
- An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences;
- An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts;
- An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives;
- An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions;
- An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies;
- A knowledge of discrete mathematics.
Computer engineering students must complete the following 30 credit hours of courses:
- ECE 205, 361/361L, 362 (or ICS 141 and 241), 367/367L (or ICS 311), 467 (or ICS 314), 468, 9 credits of technical electives
Technical Electives
A minimum of 9 credit hours of technical electives is required. One technical elective may be substituted with an engineering breadth course. Technical electives may be ECE courses at the 300 level or higher or ICS courses from the following list:
- ICS 313, 321, 351, 355, 414, 415, 421, 423, 424, 425, 428, 431, 432, 441, 442, 451, 455, 461, 464, 465, 466, 469, 481
Note that ICS courses from the list may have prerequisite courses that are not part of the computer engineering curriculum. These courses used as technical electives will lead to more credit hours to complete the program.
To view these requirements on a Bachelor Degree Program Sheet, go to programsheets/.
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Computational Media
The Undergraduate Creative Computational Media (CCM) Certificate Program provides students and industry professionals with the training necessary to enter exciting and lucrative immersive media job markets, such as video game and eSports design and development, digital film production and special effects, new media theatre and dance performance, interactive digital media installation development, and exhibit design for museums, theme parks, or marketing/advertising.
The CCM Certificate is offered in collaboration with the ACM: The School of Cinematic Arts (CINE), the Department of Theatre & Dance (College of Arts, Languages, & Letters), the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (College of Engineering), and the Department of Information and Computer Sciences (ICS) (College of Natural Sciences).
For further details, consult the Information and Computer Science section of this Catalog.
Graduate Study
Degree Requirements
Students pursuing a graduate degree in ECE must have a ECE bachelor of science degree or its equivalent; otherwise, the minimum course requirements listed in the next subsection must be met. The ECE program has three major tracks of specialization: computers, electro-physics, and systems and data science. Graduate students are required to specialize in a major track and have breadth outside the major track in ECE. More rigorous courses from the other programs may be used to satisfy major track or breadth requirements subject to prior approval from the graduate chair. Elective courses must be from College of Engineering, College of Natural Sciences, SOEST, or Shidler College of Business. Relevant courses from other programs may be used to satisfy elective course requirements subject to prior approval from the graduate chair. Only one out of multiple courses with significantly overlapping contents (for example, cross-listed courses) can be used to satisfy any course requirement. Only courses with a grade of B or better (not B-minus) can count towards the course requirements.
Minimum Course Requirements for ECE Graduate Students Without an ECE Bachelor of Science (BS) Degree or its Equivalent
Those with an undergraduate degree in any branch of engineering other than ECE or natural sciences, are required to take the following courses depending on the major track selected for their graduate work (unless equivalent courses are taken in their undergraduate studies). These students may also have to take courses that are prerequisites to these courses.
Systems and Data Science:
- ECE 213 Basic Circuit Analysis II or 345 Linear Algebra and Machine Learning or MATH 307 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations, and
- ECE 315 Signal and Systems Analysis, and
- ECE 342 Probability and Statistics
- ECE 213 Basic Circuit Analysis II, and one of the following:
- ECE 323 Microelectronic Circuits I, or
- ECE 327 Theory and Design of IC Devices, or
- ECE 371 Engineering Electromagnetics I
- ECE 342 Probability and Statistics (or discrete probability, or discrete math), and
- ECE 205 Object Oriented Programming, and
- ECE 361 Digital Systems and Computer Design, and
- ECE 361L Digital Systems and Computer Design Lab
Those with an undergraduate degree not in any branch of engineering nor the natural sciences will be required to take a more extensive set of courses. Applicable students will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Renewable Energy and Island Sustainability Graduate Certificate
The Renewable Energy and Island Sustainability (REIS) graduate certificate provides students an opportunity to experience both breadth and depth in energy and sustainability curriculum. Students will take classes in different colleges to get a broad perspective on energy sustainability. In addition to taking courses and attending a REIS seminar class, students will conduct a capstone project to obtain greater depth in an energy research area. For more details please contact Anthony Kuh, kuh@hawaii.edu.
Master of Science (MS) in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Plan A (thesis) and Plan B (non-thesis) options are offered. In addition to the general degree requirements set by Graduate Division, the following requirements must be met by MS program students in electrical and computer engineering.
Plan A (thesis): This option requires a minimum of 30 credits such that
- 12 credits must be in 600-level courses in the major track (6 credits must be in Category I courses and 3 credits must be in Category II courses)
- 6 credits must be in 400 or higher-level ECE courses outside the major track
- 3 credits must be in 400 or higher-level elective courses
- 9 credits must be in ECE 700 Thesis Research (1 credit of ECE 700 during the semester of graduation); students can petition to convert their ECE 699 credits to ECE 700 credits
- at most 6 credits can be in 400-level courses.
The graduate seminar requirement in electrical and computer engineering or a related field must also be fulfilled (see the seminar policy). In addition, MS program Plan A students must produce a thesis and pass the final examination. The stages of the MS program Plan A option are as follows.
MS program Plan A students should find faculty advisors in research areas of mutual interest as early as possible. After the initial advising with the faculty advisor, Master’s Plan A Form I (Pre-Candidacy Progress) is processed by the graduate chair. Under the advisor’s guidance, the student takes courses necessary for background knowledge, and develops a thesis proposal which involves a literature survey and preliminary research on the thesis topic. Subsequently, the student forms the thesis committee, which approves the thesis proposal. The thesis committee must satisfy Graduate Division requirements and be pre-approved by the graduate chair. The graduate chair reports the approval of the thesis proposal to Graduate Division by using Master’s Plan A Form II (Advance to Candidacy).
The candidate then carries out the thesis research and writes a thesis satisfying Graduate Division requirements. In particular, the thesis is expected to be a scholarly presentation of an original contribution to electrical engineering resulting from independent research. The candidate must keep the thesis committee informed of the scope, plan, and progress of the thesis research and manuscript. During this stage, the candidate completes the credit requirements. After completing the thesis research and writing a thesis, the candidate takes the final examination
The final examination is administered by the thesis committee. The candidate submits the thesis to the committee and the ECE office at least two weeks prior to the final examination. The examination starts with a presentation by the candidate on the thesis research, including the problems chosen, the approaches employed, and the results obtained. Throughout the examination, the candidate defends his or her thesis in response to the committee’s questions on the correctness and the significance of the approaches and results.
A majority of the committee must approve of the content of the thesis and the candidate’s ability to defend it in order for the candidate to pass. The committee members indicate their decisions on the final examination by signing Master’s Plan A Form III (Thesis Evaluation). A candidate who passes may still be asked to make various corrections and revisions to the thesis. The candidate must make the requested changes and submit the revised thesis to the entire committee. Master’s Plan A Form IV (Thesis Submission) is to be signed by the chair and a majority of the committee, including any committee members who may have been physically absent at the final examination. All those who sign must have read and approved the manuscript in its entirety. By signing this form, the committee members indicate approval of the content and the form of the finalized manuscript. A candidate who fails the final examination may repeat it only once with approval from both the graduate faculty concerned and Graduate Division. A candidate who fails the final examination twice is dismissed from the program. The graduate chair approves and reports the results of the final examination to Graduate Division by using Master’s Plan A Form IV.
Plan B (non-thesis): This option requires a minimum of 30 credits such that
- 12 credits must be in 600-level courses in the major track (6 credits must be in Category I courses and 3 credits must be in Category II courses), and
- 6 credits must be in 400 or higher-level ECE courses outside the major track.
- 6 credits must be in 400 or higher-level elective courses
- 6 credits of ECE 699 (these 6 credits can be substituted by 6 credits in 600-level courses in ECE.)
- at most 6 credits can be 400-level courses
The graduate seminar requirement in electrical and computer engineering or a related field must also be fulfilled (see the seminar policy). In addition, MS program Plan B students must complete a final project that demonstrates the knowledge and skills acquired in the program. MS program Plan B students should find supervising faculty advisors in areas of mutual interest as early as possible. The final project does not need to include original research results. Acceptable forms of final projects include a literature survey, critique of research papers, software implementation of an algorithm, or hardware testing or development, subject to the prior approval of the supervising faculty. The student must write a conference-style report to document the final project activities, and submit this report to the supervising faculty and the ECE office at least one week prior to the final examination. The final examination is the evaluation of the final project by the supervising faculty. This evaluation includes an oral presentation by the student to an audience including the supervising faculty. The supervising faculty reports his or her approval of the final project by sending a signed copy of the ECE MS program Plan B Final Examination Form to the ECE office along with the final project report.
Combined Bachelor’s & Master’s Degree (BAM) Pathway
BAM is a fast track program designed to allow qualified students to receive both Bachelor of Science (BS) and Master of Science (MS) degrees in 5 years by allowing the double-counting of up to 9 credits of course work in both degrees.
The following courses taken while enrolled in the BAM program (typically in the fourth year) can be double counted:
- Computer Track: ECE 468, 602 or 660, 607 or 609
- Electro-physics Track: ECE 438 or 480, 671 or 624, 681 or 682
- Systems and Data Science Track: ECE 417 or 445, 640 or 650, 615 or 617
Students enrolled in the BS program with at least a 3.0 GPA can apply for admission to the BAM program after passing one of the following gateway courses with B+ or higher (typically at the end of the third year).
- Computer Track: ECE 361. Faculty recommendation for the BAM program required for Admission.
- Electro-physics Track: ECE 371
- Systems and Data Science Track: ECE 315
Doctoral (PhD) Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Doctoral students are required to achieve a broad understanding of electrical engineering fundamentals and a thorough knowledge, up to its present state, in a chosen specialty. Doctoral students must also perform research in their special field under the guidance of a faculty advisor and write a dissertation that is a scholarly presentation of an original contribution to electrical engineering resulting from independent research. Participation in a substantial teaching project to develop competence in teaching is also required. In addition to the general degree requirements set by Graduate Division, the following requirements must be met by doctoral students in electrical engineering
Doctoral students must have a Master of Science (MS) degree in ECE or its equivalent; otherwise, the MS program course requirements must be met (equivalent courses taken elsewhere can be counted toward this requirement subject to prior approval from the graduate chair). In addition, the following 40 credits are required:
- 9 credits of 600-level courses in the major track
- 3 credits of 600-level courses outside the major track
- 3 credits of ECE 790 Directed Instruction
- 24 credits of ECE 699 (6 credits can be substituted by 600 level courses in ECE)
- 1 credit of ECE 800 Dissertation Research during the semester of graduation.
The graduate seminar requirement in electrical engineering or a related field must also be fulfilled (see the seminar policy). Furthermore, doctoral students must pass the qualifying examination, must pass the comprehensive examination for the approval of a dissertation proposal to advance to PhD candidacy, and must pass the final examination for the approval of the dissertation itself. The stages of the doctoral program are as follows.
Pre-Candidacy Stage
The pre-candidacy stage covers the period from the admission until the comprehensive examination is passed. Each doctoral student is assigned a faculty advisor upon entering the program. During the pre-candidacy stage, a doctoral student first prepares for the qualifying examination typically by enrolling in a directed reading or research course under the advisor’s direction. This preparation may be in the form of an initial exploration for a dissertation topic or it may be any other research effort on some topic of interest to demonstrate the student’s research potential. As part of this preparation, the student produces a well-written three- to six-page conference-style extended abstract on his or her research efforts. In consultation with the advisor, the student also takes courses as necessary for background knowledge.
Each student completes and submits the ECE Qualifying Examination Form to the ECE office by the following deadlines: students who enter the program in a fall semester are to submit the form by the following March 1; students who enter the program in a spring semester are to submit the form by the following October 1. Each student must take the qualifying examination by the end of the second semester (spring or fall) in the program. A student starting in a fall semester can petition to take the qualifying examination by the end of the first summer semester. In unusual circumstances (including an advisor change), the student can petition to postpone the qualifying examination by up to a semester.
Qualifying Examination
The qualifying examination is an oral examination administrated by a committee of three graduate faculty members. One member of the committee is the student’s advisor; the graduate committee selects the final two committee members. At least one of the committee members selected by the graduate committee must be from the student’s major track of specialization. The qualifying examination is closed to persons other than the student and the committee members.
The student submits the extended abstract to the committee and the ECE office at least one week prior to the examination. The purpose of the qualifying examination is to determine the student’s research potential and knowledge of pertinent fundamentals. The examination starts with a presentation through which the student demonstrates his or her ability to conduct significant research. In particular, the student is expected to demonstrate ability to understand technical concepts of sufficient complexity and to produce and implement new ideas. Throughout the examination, the committee may ask any questions broadly related to the topic of presentation to observe the student’s thought process in approaching a research problem. Any one of the following criteria is sufficient, but not necessary, to demonstrate research potential:
- producing a research result that could be accepted for presentation in a peer reviewed conference
- formulating a significant and well-motivated research problem, and proposing a well thought-out approach for solving the problem.
At least two committee members must pass the student; otherwise, the student repeats the examination by the end of the third semester in the program. A student who does not pass the qualifying examination by the end of the third semester is dismissed from the program. The graduate chair reports the results of the qualifying examination to Graduate Division by using Doctorate Form I (Pre-Candidacy Progress).
After passing the qualifying examination, the student develops a dissertation proposal and prepares for the comprehensive examination. During the development of the dissertation proposal, the student (in consultation with the advisor) acquires the necessary background knowledge through course work and literature survey, and conducts research on the proposed dissertation topic.
Comprehensive Examination
The student takes the comprehensive examination within three years of entering the PhD program. Prior to taking the comprehensive examination, the student completes the MS program course requirements and most of the PhD program course work in major track or outside major track ECE courses (at least 6 of the required 12 credits), writes a dissertation proposal, and forms the doctoral committee. The doctoral committee must satisfy Graduate Division requirements and be pre-approved by the graduate chair. The comprehensive examination is an oral examination administered by the doctoral committee and is subject to the same rules as those set by Graduate Division for the final examination.
The student submits the dissertation proposal to the doctoral committee and the ECE office at least two weeks prior to the comprehensive examination. The dissertation proposal must have a tentative title, a description of the problems considered, preliminary results, and the proposed research for the completion of the dissertation. The comprehensive examination may be preceded, at the discretion of the individual committee members, by additional oral or written examinations.
The purpose of the comprehensive examination is to critically evaluate the merit of the dissertation proposal as well as the student’s ability and preparation for conducting the proposed research. It starts with a presentation in which the student makes the case for the validity of the dissertation proposal. Throughout the examination, the committee questions the student on various aspects of the dissertation proposal including its scope, the significance of the problems chosen, and the approach. The committee also evaluates the student on the background knowledge necessary for the completion of the dissertation. In addition, the committee can suggest alternative approaches and additional topics for investigation, and can alert the student to new developments relevant to the proposed research. The presentation followed by a short question-and-answer session is open to the public; however, the rest of the comprehensive examination is closed to persons other than the student and the committee members.
A majority of the committee must approve the dissertation proposal in order for the student to pass. The committee members indicate their approval by signing the Advance to Candidacy Form (Form II). A student who fails the comprehensive examination may repeat it only once, no sooner than three months after the first examination. The student must pass the comprehensive examination within four years of entering the PhD program. A student who fails the comprehensive examination twice is dismissed from the program. The graduate chair reports the results of the comprehensive examination to Graduate Division by using Doctorate Form II (Advance to Candidacy).
Candidacy Stage
A student who passes the comprehensive examination advances to Doctoral (PhD) Degree candidacy and proceeds with the proposed research and writes a dissertation. The dissertation must satisfy Graduate Division requirements. In particular, the dissertation is expected to be a scholarly presentation of an original contribution to electrical engineering resulting from independent research. The dissertation must be suitable for publication in respected academic journals. The candidate must keep the doctoral committee informed of the scope, plan, and progress of the dissertation research and manuscript. During this stage, the candidate also completes the credit requirements. After completing the dissertation research and writing a dissertation and no sooner than six months after passing the comprehensive examination, the candidate takes the final examination.
Final Examination
The final examination is administered by the doctoral committee. The candidate submits the dissertation to the doctoral committee and the ECE office at least two weeks prior to the final examination. The examination starts with a presentation by the candidate on the dissertation research including the problems chosen, the approaches employed, and the results obtained. Throughout the examination, the candidate defends his or her dissertation in response to the committee’s questions on the correctness and the significance of the approaches and the results.
A majority of the committee must approve the content of the dissertation and the student’s ability to defend it in order for the candidate to pass. The committee members indicate their decisions on the final examination by signing Doctorate Form III (Dissertation Evaluation). A candidate who passes may still be asked to make various corrections and revisions to the dissertation. The candidate must make the requested changes and submit the revised dissertation to the entire committee. Doctorate Form IV (Dissertation Submission) is to be signed by the chair and a majority of the committee, including any committee members who may have been physically absent at the final examination. All those who sign must have read and approve the manuscript in its entirety. By signing this form, the committee members indicate approval of the content and the form of the finalized manuscript. A candidate who fails the final examination may repeat it only once with approval from both the graduate faculty concerned and Graduate Division. A candidate who fails the final examination twice is dismissed from the program. The graduate chair approves and reports the results of the final examination to Graduate Division by using Doctorate Form IV.
Seminar Policy
Students must attend at least twelve seminars from the department seminar series, thesis defenses, and/or technical conferences. A student receives a credit of three attended seminars for giving a seminar that is not his or her final public defense, or for giving a conference presentation. Attendance should be taken by the track coordinator for the departmental seminars and by the student’s advisor for thesis defenses. Documentation should be provided by the student’s advisor for conference attendance and conference presentations. Attendance lists and documentation should be submitted to the ECE office.