Wist 120
1776 University Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96822
Tel: (808) 956-7956
Fax: (808) 956-4345
Web: coe.hawaii.edu/sped/


*Graduate Faculty

*R. S. Black, EdD (Chair)—intellectual disability, secondary education and transition, community integration for youth and adults with disabilities
C. Aiona, MEd—mentoring special education teachers, general special education, curriculum and instruction
C. Awana, MEd—inclusion, collaboration, teacher mentoring and coaching
J. Bill, MSEd—Early childhood education/early childhood special education, inclusive education, culturally responsive pedagogy
*M. Colic, PhD—autism, moderate/severe disabilities, applied behavior analysis, stigma
*L. A. Conradi, PhD, BCBA, LBA—students with severe disabilities, inclusive education, positive behavior supports
*S. Cook, PhD—secondary education, high incidence disabilities, evidence-based practices, co-teaching
R. Dazzeo, MEd—inclusion, secondary education, universal design for learning, technology
C. Farley, PhD—mentoring special education teachers, general special education
S. Fishstrom, PhD—reading difficulties and disabilities, evidence-based reading instruction/intervention, social emotional support, effective instructional practices for emergent bilingual students
N. Gorman, MSCP, NCC—mentoring special education teachers, general special education
N. Haggerty, PhD—mild to moderate disabilities, differentiated instruction and curriculum design, special education teacher mentorship
R. Heine, PhD—secondary mild/moderate disabilities, special education mentoring
B. Kajiyama, MEd—assistive technology, universal design for learning, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
J. Kelly, PhD—mild/moderate disabilities, socio-cognitive reading comprehension interventions, and preparing culturally competent speech education teachers
J. Kim, PhD—teacher shortage; recruitment and marketing; teacher preparation; adult learning; nontraditional students
S. Klein, MEd—mentoring special education teachers, general special education
*R. Knox, PhD—mild/moderate disabilities, cognitive and affective brain development, transdisciplinary research
*P. Meng, PhD—academic and behavioral supports, reading instruction and intervention
*J. Ninci, PhD—BCBA-D-students with severe disabilities and autism, applied behavior analysis, early childhood education
K. Oliver, PhD—autism, students with extensive support needs, inclusive education, implementation science
*C. M. Ornelles, PhD—mild/moderate disabilities, students at risk, teacher education
*S. Ortogero, PhD—mild/moderate disabilities and special education teacher development
*L. M. Oshita, PhD—learning disabilities, reading instruction, social skills
*K. Rao, PhD—universal design for learning, instructional and assistive technology, online learning, culturally and linguistically diverse learners
*R. J. Reed, PhD—teacher training, cultural diversity, language arts, recruitment and retention of special education teachers
Rogers-Rodrigues, Heather, MEd—teacher preparation, teacher induction, leadership in Special Education, mild/moderate disabilities, evidence-based practices
M. Sheehey, MEd—insert teacher preparation, mentoring, culturally responsive pedagogy
Tachera, Naomi, MEd—behavior analysis, special education, Hawaiian culture-based education, autism, severe disabilities
K. Wilkins, MEd—autism, inclusion, community-based instruction

Emeritus Graduate Faculty

M. J. Noonan, PhD, BCBA, LBA—moderate and severe disabilities, autism, early intervention (retired)
G. Smith, PhD—mild moderate disabilities

Degrees and Certificates Offered: Initial teacher licensure in special education: BEd in elementary/special education, BEd in early childhood/special education, BEd in special education, post-baccalaureate in special education, Non-licensure: MEd in special education, PhD in Education, Exceptionalities track

The Academic Program

Special education (SPED) is a component of general education. Its basic purpose is to assist individuals who do not benefit from traditional educational programs. Special educators teach and help others teach persons who have special learning needs. They individualize and adapt instruction to help individuals with special needs become independent and contributing members of society.

Faculty in the Department of Special Education prepare students at the undergraduate and graduate levels to work in both school and non-school settings. Professional roles include teacher, resource manager, consultant, behavior analyst, infant specialist, and transition specialist. On-campus and statewide programs are offered.


The special education program is accredited through the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP) and nationally recognized by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC).


Advising of students in the BEd and PBSPED programs is the responsibility of the Office of Student Academic Services (OSAS), College of Education. Students should meet regularly with their OSAS academic advisor.

Upon acceptance into a special education program, students are assigned to a special education faculty coordinator. Coordinators review program requirements and progress, plan program course work, complete departmental preregistration forms for the next semester, and sign course registration materials. Coordinators may accept previous course work on an individual basis. Coordinators have the responsibility of reviewing and individualizing students’ programs to complement their needs. Coordinators ensure that students have appropriate knowledge and applied skills to perform as competent special educators. Given this responsibility, advisors may require additional course work and/or practicum experience for certain students. Changes made in students’ programs must be approved by their coordinators.

Graduate students are assigned individual faculty advisors who have expertise in the student’s area of focus.

Student Organizations

Student Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC)

The Student Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC) is an active organization open to anyone interested in special education. SCEC members participate in professional development activities and sponsor special community projects. For more information, call (808) 956-7956.

Undergraduate Study


The College of Education offers a statewide bachelor’s degree in special education with two special education teacher training options: (1) specialization in mild/moderate disabilities with a secondary focus, and (2) specialization in severe disabilities and autism with a PK–12 focus. Students who have completed 57 credits or any Associates degree are eligible. Program sheets listing the specific course requirements for the BEd in Special Education are available in the College of Education’s Office of Student Academic Services.

The College of Education offers a BEd elementary/special education program that culminates in teacher licensure in both elementary and special education. The BEd Exceptional Students and Elementary Education (ESEE) program consists of fully integrated course work in elementary and special education, co-taught by teams of faculty from both departments. Candidates complete supervised field experiences in classroom settings with students with and without disabilities. One semester of full-time student teaching is required.

In addition to the elementary focus, the College of Education also offers a statewide BEd Blended Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education program that leads to PK-3 licensure in both early childhood and special education. It is a statewide hybrid program with synchronous on-line class meetings at 4:00 p.m. or later, and some weekend face-to-face class sessions at UH Mānoa (financial support is provided for neighbor island students who need to travel to Oahu for the face-to-face weekends). Supervised field experiences and a one-semester student teaching are required.

For information on a Bachelor Degree Program Sheet, go to programsheets/.

Post-Baccalaureate Programs

The Department of Special Education offers three statewide post-baccalaureate certificates (PB-SPED), (a) PB-SPED for individuals who hold a bachelor’s degree in any field and desire licensure to teach special education, (b) PB-SPED Add a Field for licensed teachers who desire to add the field of special education to their teaching license, and (c)PB-SPED Add a Field Reading Intervention for licensed special education teachers who desire to add the field of Reading Specialist to their teaching license.

PB-SPED program consists of 33 semester credit hours including 12 credit hours of supervised field experience. Candidates must take a one-credit seminar on technology requirements prior to beginning program course work, 153 College of Education 2023-2024 scheduled for candidates upon admission into the program. The PB-SPED program offers two special education teacher training options: (a) specialization to work with students with mild/moderate support needs ( e.g., learning disabilities); or (b) students with extensive support needs (e.g., severe disabilities and autism).

PB-SPED Add a Field consists of 18 semester credit hours of special education coursework. As eligible teachers are already licensed to teach, no supervised field experience is required. This certificate has two special education teacher training options: (a) specialization in mild/moderate disabilities (e.g., intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities); or (b) severe disabilities and autism.

PB-SPED Add a Field Reading Intervention consists of 18 credit hours of specialized reading coursework to prepare licensed special educators to remediate significant reading disabilities in students eligible for special education services.

Admission Requirements

Admission is through the Office of Student Academic Services. Classified status in the College of Education is necessary for registration in the post-baccalaureate program. Program sheets listing the specific requirements are available in the Office of Student Academic Services and in the Department of Special Education. Students must fulfill all program requirements in effect for the semester in which they are admitted into the college.

All applicants to the post-baccalaureate certificate in special education program will be evaluated competitively and considered for admission on the basis of a profile composed of the following criteria:

  1. Applicants must have a baccalaureate degree from an accredited and UH Mānoa recognized four-year institution of higher education.
  2. A minimum post secondary cumulative GPA of 2.75.
  3. Applicants must demonstrate oral and nonverbal communicative competence through the successful completion of an interview. Applicants must also demonstrate attitudes toward education, learners and themselves as prospective teachers that are compatible with the standards and curriculum of the program.
  4. Prerequisite course work may be required prior to beginning program course work.

Admission requirements are subject to change. Call the Office of Student Academic Services for updated information.

Graduate Study

Master’s Degree in Special Education

The MEd in special education is available statewide and offers a program for candidates who wish to engage in a graduate course of study in the field of special education. The MEd interdisciplinary program consists of 31 semester credit hours in special education and related fields. The MEd in Special Education includes a Leadership and Research track and a Behavior Analysis track. Candidates must participate in a special education orientation prior to beginning the program.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must submit to Graduate Division the completed Graduate Application, and official transcripts. Candidates must also submit an application through the College of Education Mākālei (manoa.hawaii.edu/graduate/content/special-education). Application materials submitted through Mākālei include: (a) three letters of recommendation attesting to academic and professional strengths, (b) unofficial transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate course work, and (c) the statement of objectives. A recorded interview is also required.


The MEd in special education consists of a minimum of 31 credits, including 12 credits of required professional courses, and 18 credits in track specific content.

MEd candidates who desire to become a Behavior Analyst may choose this track as their area of emphasis in the MEd in Special Education program. Candidates take 7 prescribed courses in the Behavior Analysis sequence as their specialty area and complete the 4 required professional courses. The 7 course sequence is approved by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board, Inc.® (BACB) as meeting the course work requirements for eligibility to take the Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) Examination®. Applicants will have to meet additional requirements as outlined by the (BACB) to qualify

MEd Candidates who choose the Leadership and Research track take five perscribed courses in the speciality area, two electives, and complete 4 required professional courses.

In all tracks, students are required to complete a capstone project. Both Plan A thesis and Plan B project are offered. Six credit hours of SPED 700 are required for plan A, and additional work in data analysis and research design may be necessary. Plan B requires a master’s paper/project and requires 1 credit of SPED 695.

Graduates of the MEd program do not qualify for teacher licensure but may seek positions in education related fields and services.

Master of Education in Teaching Dual Secondary/SPED

The MEdT dual licensure program in Secondary & Special Education is a statewide, two-year, field-based program designed for those pursuing careers in teaching who have earned baccalaureate degrees in fields other than education. This program allows candidates to received two teaching licenses: one in a secondary content area (e.g. Math, Science, English, Social Studies, or Hawaiian Language) and one in special education (Mild/Moderate disabilities), while also obtaining a Master’s degree.

Admissions Requirements

See the School of Teacher Education, Master of Education in Teaching section for application and admission requirements.

Doctoral Degree

The PhD in Education program with an Exceptionalities track prepares professionals to work as leaders in the education and support of individuals who have unique needs, often due to disabilities. The field is broad, addressing life-span concerns and involving such services as advocacy, family support, community services, vocational training and support, and special education. Graduates of the program are prepared to assume leadership roles addressing local, regional, national, and international issues related to research and higher education and/or program development and evaluation. The program varies in the number of credit hours required, depending on the candidate’s qualifications, and includes courses required by the college, courses in the specialization, courses that provide an emphasis/breadth, a field project/internship or an apprenticeship in college teaching, and the dissertation. See the section on graduate programs in the College of Education.