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Earth and Planetary Exploration Technology (EPET)

EPET 201 Space Exploration (4)

Introduction to science and engineering of Solar System exploration with laboratory exercises. Covers planetary science, model-based systems engineering, mission planning, constraints on payload and spacecraft design, human spaceflight technology. Research projects emphasize written communication. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as ME 201)

EPET 301 Space Science and Instrumentation (4)

Essential techniques for remote compositional analysis of planets; understanding spectroscopy, mineralogy, and geochemistry of planetary surfaces and their measurement. Design of space flight instrumentation. A-F only. Pre: 201, or ERTH 101 and ERTH 101L
and ERTH 105, or ERTH 101 and ERTH 107; and CHEM 161 and PHYS 272. (Fall only) (crosslisted as ME 301)

EPET 321 Introduction to Human Spaceflight (4)

Effects of spaceflight conditions on human physiology and psychology. Astronaut selection, training, crew composition. Ethics of space exploration. Politics & sociology of public and private human space flight. Selection of capstone project. Significant written communication. A-F only. Pre: EPET/ME 201 and PHYS 272. (Fall only)

EPET 400 Space Mission Design (4)

Covers all aspects of spacecraft design, subsystems, science payload, systems engineering, project management, budgets, and ethical issues that are important to consider in producing a fully successful mission. A-F only. Pre:
301. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as ME 400)

EPET 401 Capstone Project: Producing a Science Satellite (4)

Develops a space mission with a multidisciplinary team of engineers and scientists. Will build a small spacecraft and payload and seeks to answer important science questions. Emphasizes review report and proposal writing. A-F only. Pre: 400. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as ME 401)

EPET 420 Human Spaceflight Mission Elements (4)

Engineering aspects of spacecraft design, subsystems, science payload, systems engineering, project management, and budgets for human spaceflight missions. Design of environmental control and life support systems. Capstone project design. Significant oral and written communication. A-F only. Pre: 321. (Spring only)