Interactive weekly lecture/seminar designed to teach topics in pediatrics and supplemented by small group 2-hour encounters with faculty clinicians in pediatric emergency medicine, inpatient pediatric, and enonatology to gain exposure in pediatric hospital care. Repeatable one time. Medical students only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 551.
Clinical Shadowing – Students are paired with Pediatric Subspecialists in chosen area(s) for 8-10 half days. Required: Log book file describing one concept that the student learned during each of the sessions. CR/ NC only. Field experience.
Interactive seminar series to cover the following topics: data types, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, selecting a statistical test, data distributions, measures of data spread, statistical test assumptions, standard deviation vs. standard error, etc. Repeatable one time. Medical students only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 551.
Year-long clerkship in ambulatory setting, covering evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of childhood diseases. Emphasis on primary prevention, normal growth and development of the neonate to adolescent, and arrangement of pediatric care, including outpatient, inpatient, and emergency room experiences. Repeatable two times. Pre: third-year standing and concurrent registration in 532 courses. Co-requisite: MED, OBGN, PED, PSTY, and SURG 532.
Fourth-year elective in pediatric sub-specialty areas in which medical students may receive clinical experiences and an in-depth study of selected sub-specialty areas within the field of pediatrics. (B) adolescent medicine; (C) ambulatory pediatric care; (E) clinical genetics; (F) Sub-Internship in neonatology; (G) pediatric cardiology; (H) Sub-Internship in pediatric emergency medicine; (I) Sub-Internship in pediatric hematology/ oncology; (J) Sub-Internship in infectious diseases; (K) Sub-Internship in pediatrics–general ward in pediatrics; (M) extramural electives in pediatrics; (N) pediatric rheumatology; (P) developmental behavioral pediatrics; (Q) pediatric international preceptorship (3 cr.); (R) Sub-Internship in pediatric critical care;. (S) pediatric radiology; (T) pediatric ultrasound; (U) pediatric nephrology; (V) pediatric sports medicine. CR/NC only. Repeatable two times per alpha, up to 36 credits; not repeatable for (Q). Pre: 531 or 532.
Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.