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Complementary and Alternative Medicine

CAAM 401 Mindfulness Meditation and Stress Reduction (1)

Practice mindfulness meditation to reduce burnout and live life in the present moment. Learn life skills to handle life better and be more resilient. Respond rather than react to life. No experience necessary. Repeatable nine times.

CAAM 415 Clinical Nutrition (3)

Overview of applied clinical nutrition that includes nutrients, dietary recommendations for healthy populations, and medical nutrition therapies for patients with diet related diseases or conditions. Repeatable one time. Junior standing and higher. Pre: CHEM 151 (or higher) or PHYL 141 or BIOL 171 or approval from instructor; highly encouraged: FSHN 185 or any other basic nutrition course.

CAAM 445 Introduction to Integrative Medicine (3)

Overview of integrative (complementary) medicine covering Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, naturapathy, traditional healing practices, homeopathy, nutrition and diet, herbs and dietary supplements, environmental health, mind-body, energy, spiritual, and positive psychology. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher.

CAAM 595 Nutrition for Clinicians (1)

Provides in-depth lectures and case studies reviewing the role of nutritional therapy in health and illness. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 554 or consent. (Fall only)