News literacy, and the role of journalism in society–its influence, rights and responsibilities; issues and trends.
Fundamentals of multimedia reporting: finding and developing story ideas, photojournalism, audio storytelling, design, infographics, and cross-platform digital convergence. A-F only.
Fundamentals of writing for various news media and public relations; ethics. A-F only.
Theory and practice of information gathering using a variety of primary and secondary sources, finding information online, use of databases and interviews for news stories, with emphasis on writing. JOUR majors only, or consent. A-F only. Pre: 250.
Survey of the institutions of democratic governance and the role of journalism in covering and analyzing public policy. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PACE 301)
Production, selection, and use of digital photographs for publications. Storytelling action and feature photography with digital cameras, worked up through Adobe Photoshop and InDesign programs. Students must have a digital camera. A-F only.
Intensive training in editing, planning, and organizing stories and visual elements for publication; news judgment; managing projects. JOUR majors only, or consent.
Fundamentals of visual journalism; visual theory, principles, and tools to create multimedia journalism projects for online, emerging media, and print platforms. JOUR majors only, or consent. A-F only.
A practice-based writing approach to the production of sports media in contemporary mediums of all types (written, audio, video, etc.) for various communication contexts (e.g., journalistic, public relations, etc. A-F only.
Writing nonfiction articles for magazines, newspapers, and newsletters; preparing material for specific audience; marketing articles. Pre: 250.
Writing articles of news analysis, editorials, and critical reviews.
Fundamentals of video journalism using digital video cameras for writing, reporting, editing, and producing news stories, with significant attention to oral communication skills. A-F only. Pre: 200.
Development of the news media and trends that may affect the future of journalism.
An exploration of key legal issues related to the practice of journalism in Hawaiʻi, including comparisons with other jurisdictions in the United States and elsewhere. JOUR majors only, or consent. Junior standing or higher.
Working on campus student or quasi-professional publications under professional and
faculty supervision. CR/NC only. Repeatable two times, up to six credits. Pre: consent.
Intensive workshops in practice-based journalism, focused on building skills and making public projects in: (B) emerging media; (C) reporting; (D) editing; (E) multimedia journalism; (F) public relations. Repeatable in different alphas up to 6 credits. JOUR majors only, or consent.
Computer experience in the creation, manipulation, and editing of color news, feature, sports, and documentary images. Study of the ethical and legal dimensions of electronic imaging. Pre: 307 or consent.
Visual display concepts and procedures for newsletters, brochures, newspapers, magazines. Pre: upper division standing.
Topics of interest to faculty and students; taught by regular and visiting faculty. Repeatable one time for different topics. JOUR majors only. Junior standing or higher.
Ethics and social responsibility for media professionals. Application of ethical theories and principles to case studies and research projects through writing assignments. JOUR majors only. Pre: one DS course. (Cross-listed as PACE 405)
Applied, problem-based application of skills and knowledge of visual story telling to the production of broadcast newscasts. JOUR majors only. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 250, 300, 330; and ICS 101 or ICS 110 or ICS 111 or LTEC 112.
Advanced fundamentals of multimedia writing and reporting, including finding and developing journalistic story ideas, photojournalism, audio storytelling, design, infographics, and cross-platform digital convergence. JOUR majors only. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 250, 300, and 330.
Problems and opportunities of communication in a variety of international contexts, focused on journalistic issues. JOUR majors only, or consent.
Advanced experience in field and studio production of short and long form video journalism; with emphasis on social media fundamentals and content distribution across multiple digital platforms. A-F only. Pre: 330 or instructor consent.
Exploration of the leading edge of the journalistic ideology today as well as a projection of future forms, styles, and strategies, with writing skills as the foundation of such exploratory activities. JOUR majors only. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 150, 200, 250, 300, and 330.
Internship in media or PR operations under professional and faculty supervision. Repeatable two times. JOUR majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 300 and 330, or consent.
Individual research projects. Pre: senior standing and consent of department chair.