(B) tourism planning; (C) advanced travel industry management; (D) advanced hospitality management; (E) advanced hotel management; (F) advanced restaurant management; (G) advanced tourism management; (H) advanced recreation management; (I) advanced leisure management; (J) advanced transportation management; (K) advanced travel industry management education; (M) advanced travel industry management technology; (N) advanced meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibition management; (O) advanced food and beverage management; (P) leadership and advanced human resources; (Q) advanced assets management. Repeatable five times with consent for (B), (C), (D), (E), (F), (G), (H), (I), (J), (K), (M), (N); repeatable six times for (O), (P), and (Q). TIM majors only. A-F only for (O), (P), and (Q).