Coastal modeling using the SMS Surface-Water Modeling software. Applications to solving coastal problems for different ocean hazard scenarios by applying models for tides, waves, coastal circulation, wave-current interaction, sediment transport, and/or morphology change. Pre: consent; knowledge of ORE 607 desirable. (Cross-listed as CEE 624 and ORE 624)
Coastal modeling using the SMS Surface-Water Modeling software. Applications to solving coastal problems for different ocean hazard scenarios by applying models for tides, waves, coastal circulation, wave-current interaction, sediment transport, and/or morphology change. Pre: consent; knowledge of ORE 607 desirable. (Cross-listed as CEE 624 and SUST 624)
Study of major developments in European and Latin American cinema studies focusing on a specific area. (B) Topic; (C) Genre; (D) Director; (E) Era. Sophomore standing or higher. Repeatable one time for different alphas.
Introduction to the environmental humanities, which rests at the intersection of the arts, humanities, and environmental studies. (Cross-listed as IS 260)
Introduces the major fields of philosophy for use in research. Frameworks for the evaluation and critique of philosophical approaches to research will be explored, debated, analyzed, and applied as relevant to the PhD student’s dissertation. NURS majors only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Unique course combining mind and body, discussion and dancing. Learn and perform Bollywood dances and the richness of their Indian poetic, classical, and folk traditions. Understand “Bollywood” in the context of cross-cultural fusion and globalization. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as IP 303)
Prisons, jails, and other detention facilities across historical, social, and/or international contexts. Pre: 300 or consent.
Survey of classical and contemporary perspectives of the philosophy of love, marriage, relationships, sex, sexual identity, representations of sex and sexuality. Pre: one PHIL 100-level course or consent of instructor.
Lecture/ discussion about choreographies of indigeneity and identity with an intersectional emphasis on Native Hawaiian, Pacific, and Asian dance cultures. Repeatable two times.
Intermediate object-oriented programming within the context of interactive media systems and video game development. Topics: classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces, event-driven programming, vectors, geometric primitives, game mechanics, and relevant design patterns. EE, CENG, ICS, CM, THEA, DNCE majors only. A-F only. Pre: 111 or EE 160 or instructor approval. (Cross-listed as EE 369)
Introduction to general relativity & cosmology. Spacetime metrics, geodesics, Einstein field equations, black holes. Geometry of the universe, redshift, cosmological distances. Cosmological models, dark matters, dark energy. Big Bang nucleosynthesis, recombination, cosmic microwave background, inflation. Pre: 274; MATH 244 (or concurrent) or MATH 253A (or concurrent). Recommended: ASTR 242. (Alt. years: fall) (Cross-listed as ASTR 470)
Introduction to general relativity & cosmology. Spacetime metrics, geodesics, Einstein field equations, black holes. Geometry of the universe, redshift, cosmological distances. Cosmological models, dark matters, dark energy. Big Bang nucleosynthesis, recombination, cosmic microwave background, inflation. Pre: PHYS 274; MATH 244 (or concurrent) or MATH 253A (or concurrent). Recommended: 242. (Alt. years: fall) (Cross-listed as PHYS 470)
Explores ethics of the present and historic expansions of the fashion industry and its environmental impact globally. Examines how gender/race/class shape garment production and consumption and fashion activism in world regions. Emphasis on oral/written communication. A-F only. Junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as GEO 433)
Differential geometry, special relativity, Einstein equations, gravitational phenomena, equivalence principles, black holes, gravitational waves, cosmology, relativistic stars, experimental tests, computational techniques. Graduate students only in PHYS or ASTR. (Alt. years: fall) (Cross-listed as PHYS 760)
Directed research for undergraduate students conducting faculty-mentored research or creative work projects. Repeatable three times, up to ten credits. CR/NC only. Pre: consent of UROP director and student faculty mentor. (Summer only)
Introduction to exploring discover-based investigation, with hands-on experiences in a wide range of science fields. Divided into 4-week learning modules led by researchers at several UH Mânoa research facilities on and off campus. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. (Cross-listed as HON 299)
Aspects of death and dying; relation to our culture and society, to understanding of each other and of ourselves. (Crosslisted as REL 394)
(1-hr Lec, 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 401. Students learn advanced gene editing techniques, including CRISPR/Cas9 to engineer prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Repeatable one time. Pre: 275L, or 375L, or MBBE 304, or MBBE 375; or consent. Co-requisite: 401. (Cross-listed as MBBE 401L)
(1-hr Lec, 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 401. Students learn advanced gene editing techniques, including CRISPR/Cas9 to engineer prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Repeatable one time. Pre: 304, or 375, or BIOL 275L, or BIOL 375L; or consent. Co-requisite: 401. (Cross-listed as BIOL 401L)
Studio investigation of threads under tension through the thematic lens of environmental vulnerability and resiliency. Exploration of art practice as embodied knowledge with specific attention to weaving as a means of meaning and place-making. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. (Cross-listing as ART 338)
Introduction to data visualization through practical techniques for turning data into images to produce insight. Topics include: information visualization, geospatial visualization, scientific visualization, social network visualization, and medical visualization. Junior standing or higher. Pre: ACM 215 or ICS 110(Alpha) or ICS 111. (Cross-listed as ACM 484 and ICS 484)
Advanced course of study focusing on pressing topics connected with Hawaiian and Indigenous literatures, such as land struggle, climate change, or issues of governance and sovereignty. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: 234 or 235, and 330.
Focus on studying, analyzing, and creating various forms of Hawaiian and Indigenous digital storytelling. Pre: 107 and 234 and HAW 100.
Designed to provide midshipmen with an in-depth study of the theory, principles, procedures, and application of plotting, piloting, and electronic navigation, as well as an introduction to maneuvering boards. A-F only. (Spring only)
Study of the Navy and the influence of seapower upon history that incorporates both an historical and political perspective to explore major events and circumstances that have shaped a bold and proud history. A-F only. (Spring only)
Major exploration providing incoming students with an understanding of and tools to navigate UH Mânoa and explore the programs of study available. Introduction to career development, goal setting, and action planning. Freshmen only. Exploratory majors only. A-F only.
Will allow students who are new to using secondary data to become comfortable with accessing the data, forming hypotheses, and designing study proposals. Will introduce examples with basic and advanced techniques. A-F only. Pre: 601 or equivalent.
Situates the Chinese musical sound in the interdisciplinary field of sound culture. Students will learn to read music literature and listen to historical sounds critically and to analyze aspects of Chinese sound culture. (Cross-listed as THEA 469)
Situates the Chinese musical sound in the interdisciplinary field of sound culture. Students will learn to read music literature and listen to historical sounds critically and to analyze aspects of Chinese sound culture. (Cross-listed as MUS 469)
Explores major themes in sociolinguistics that are relevant to L2/multilingual contexts, including language ideology, language variation, language and culture, and language and identity and how L2 users and multilingual people grapple with these issues. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. (Fall only)
Examines the roles contemporary religious groups play in ground movements for sustainability. Introduces students to key scholars, religious leaders, and activists who are implementing sustainable solutions to pressing environmental problems. A-F only.
Will use important works of science fiction and philosophy to explore philosophical questions, such as the nature of personal identity and the meaning of human life. A-F only.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Biology, ecology, health and economic impacts, and control of urban insect pests and medically important arthropods that act as vectors of diseases. Pre: PEPS 363 or BIOL 265, or consent. (Cross-listed as PEPS 463)
Designed to provide midshipmen with an in-depth study of the theory, principles, procedures, and application of plotting, piloting, and electronic navigation, as well as an introduction to maneuvering boards. A-F only. (Spring only)
Overview of the Navy’s mission, customs, traditions, and the duties required of Junior Officers. Provides students with a basic knowledge of damage control, shipboard organization, and safety procedures prior to their first summer training cruise. A-F only. (Fall only)
Introduction to machine learning concepts with a focus on relevant ideas from computational neuroscience. Information processing and learning in the nervous system. Neural networks. Supervised and unsupervised learning. Basics of statistical learning theory. Pre: 235, or consent. Recommended: MATH 307. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ICS 435)
Basic theory of orbits of space objects, including spacecraft, small satellites, planets and small planets, and other fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications to aerospace engineering. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: grade of C or better in all of the following: 271; 375; MATH 244 or MATH 253A; MATH 302 or MATH 307; EE 160 or ICS 111.
Introduction to professional and collegiate esports (electronic sports) in global context, including theories related to leisure and gaming, and current academic and industry developments. No previous technical or gaming experience is required. COM majors only. A-F only. Pre: COM major or consent.
Provides a basic foundation for studies at the intersection of gerontology, health care, and the law and places an emphasis on proactive and preventive law for older adults in society. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Cross-listed as NURS 449)
Fundamentals of optimal control theory and calculus of variations. Application of this theory to aerospace engineering problems, including mission design problems and a wide range of space maneuvers. A-F only. Junior standing or higher. Pre: grade of C or better in all of the following: 271; 375; MATH 244 or MATH 253A; MATH 302 or MATH 307; EE 160 or ICS 111.
Explores disasters and their consequences for women, with attention to gender, race, sexuality, and class. A-F only. Junior standing or higher. Pre: at least one course in WS, or consent of instructor.
Introduction to political ecology. Content will examine the historical development of and contemporary scholarship in political ecology from a human and environmental geography perspective.
Explores ethics of the present and historic expansions of the fashion industry and its environmental impact globally. Examines how gender/race/class shape garment production and consumption and fashion activism in world regions. Emphasis on oral/written communication. A-F only. Junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as WGSS 433)
Introduction to Filipinos in diaspora. Topics include: race, empire, migration, representation, cultural production, identity formation, and decolonization.
Why do Southeast Asian governments and political movements engage in mass killings? How do their perpetrators justify these atrocities? How do survivors deal with their trauma and get their voices heard? A-F only. (Fall only)
(3 hr Lec/Lab) Introduces project management, data analysis, and mathematical and statistical modeling using R as a platform. Students will learn principles and benefits of programming languages to apply skills to their own research. (Cross-listed as OCN 682)
Introduction to critical statistical and probabilistic concepts that underlie data science as well as tools that play a central role in the daily work of a data scientist. A-F only. Pre: 211 or consent. (Cross-listed as ICS 434)
Evolution, interpretation, and application of labor and social welfare legislation with special emphasis on impact of labor-management relations.
Change and continuity in midlife and late life from theoretical and applied perspectives. Written assignments communicate information about physical and psychological age-related events, as well as social attitudes, values, to scholarly and community audiences. Pre: 230. (Cross-listed as HDFS 334)
Theory and practice of coastal planning and management in the U.S. and abroad. Case studies investigate topics such as coastal land conservation, marine protected areas, coastal hazards, fisheries, and aquaculture. Repeatable one time with consent. (Crosslisted as GEO 621)
Introduction to the environmental humanities, which rests at the intersection of the arts, humanities, and environmental studies. (Cross-listed as SUST 260)
Using real-world problems, students learn a creative problem-solving process that is human-centered and iterative, and practice design thinking mindsets (embracing ambiguity, learning from failure, and bias toward action) as they tackle the problem. A-F only. (Alt. years)
Students will learn about poultry health and hygiene, husbandry, production, biosecurity, hands-on skills, and recent advances in poultry farming systems for meat and egg production. ANSC majors only. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 301 or 445.
Examines the causes and impacts of, and responses to, climate change in Asia through interdisciplinary approaches: natural sciences, politics, economics, as well as legal, cultural, and creative/artistic dimensions. A-F only.
Topics covered include: measuring happiness, what individual and country characteristics contribute to individual well-being, what are the consequences of happiness on behavior, and whether happiness is a cause or an effect. Pre: 301, 321, or consent.
Applies an island studies perspective to critically evaluate the commonalities and differences across islands and archipelagos in several world regions. Examines how island geographies influence social identities and movements and are impacted by environmental conditions. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. (Cross-listed as GEO 333)
Applies an island studies perspective to critically evaluate the commonalities and differences across islands and archipelagos in several world regions. Examines how island geographies influence social identities and movements and are impacted by environmental conditions. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PACS 333)
Introduction to contemporary mathematical methods for empirical inference, data modeling, and machine learning. A-F only. Pre: MATH 241, MATH 203, MATH 215, or MATH 251A. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as ICS 235)
Data management and visualization is essential to all aspects of health sciences. Through hands-on experiences in R, will introduce data processing, manipulation, visualization and reproducibility, with an emphasis on clinical, medical, and health science problems. A-F only.
An introduction to the statistical methods used to identify plausibly causal effects with non-experimental data. A-F only. Pre: 601 or equivalent. (Alt. years)
Explores the nature of the mind. Questions addressed include: How does the mind relate to the body? What is the nature of consciousness? Are you the same person today as you were yesterday? Pre: any 100-level PHIL course or above, or consent.
Everyone wants to be happy. What is happiness? How do we become happy? Students examine and practice proposals from ancient philosophy and tragedy and recent psychology about the ingredients, methods, and difficulties of living well.
Familiarizes students with the fundamentals of One Health–an interdisciplinary field of study linking ecosystems to human and animal health. It uses contemporary examples and emphasizes oceans and human health connections. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Familiarizes students with the fundamentals of One Health–an interdisciplinary field of study linking ecosystems to human and animal health. It uses contemporary 2021-2022 Courses 519 Key to symbols & abbreviations: see the first page of this section. examples and emphasizes oceans and human health connections. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 201, or ANSC 200, or BIOC 241, or BIOL 101, or BIOL 171, or BOT 101, or ERTH 101, or GES 102, or OEST 101, or OCN 102, or ATMO 150, or SOC 180; or consent.
Introduction to research methods in human geography. Explores and provides guided practical experience with research methods and analysis.
Introduces intricacies of Medicare (federal insurance for eligible older adults and disabled) through hands-on understanding, online national training curriculum, and local community partner engagement and service learning in partnership with Hawai‘i State Department of Health. A-F only.
Laboratory to accompany CHEM 100, 110, or SUST 120. Lab introduces fundamental applications of chemistry, with special emphasis on relevant topics and how chemistry relates to the real world. (For students in non-science fields.) A-F only. Pre: 100 (or concurrent), 110 (or concurrent), or SUST 120 (or concurrent).
(Lec) Introduction to research application and evidence based practice (EBP). Includes: formulation of EBP questions, identification of evidence sources, literature search and synthesis methods, differentiation of levels and quality of evidence, and determination of clinical significance. NURS majors only. A-F only.
Study of Germanic myth, legends, and fairy tales. Analysis of narratives from ancient times to the modern era from multiple theoretical perspectives.
Examines the recursive relationship between humans and the environment across deep time. (Fall only)
Explores love from multiple anthropological viewpoints: biological, cultural, archaeological. (Spring only)
Builds upon the beginning and advanced screenwriting classes. Students will acquire knowledge and technical skills through critiquing feature length screenplays. Students will write a feature length screenplay that reflects their unique voice. Repeatable one time. ACM majors only. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 350 and 450.
Introduction to Indigenous Hawaiian philosophy and how to engage with Aloha ‘Âina relying upon a methodology and pedagogy consistent with the philosophy being discussed. Pre: 100 or above, HAW 100, HWST 107, or consent.
Provide biostatistical concepts to clinical researchers. Students will obtain the ability to demonstrate an understanding of key biostatistical concepts in clinical research; and interpret statistical findings most commonly reported in clinical and healthcare literature. Graduate students only.
Principles and techniques for arrangement and description of archival materials. Topics include basic metadata standards, authority sources, record context, series identification, scope, and content. LIS majors only. Graduate students only. Pre: 654.
Focuses on the COVID-19 pandemic as a case study of a global health problem that is optimally approached from a One Health perspective. A-F only. Pre: ANSC 200, BIOL 101, MICR 130, PH 201, or consent of instructor. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as TRMD 350)
Focuses on the COVID-19 pandemic as a case study of a global health problem that is optimally approached from a One Health perspective. A-F only. Pre: ANSC 200, BIOL 101, MICR 130, PH 201, or consent of instructor. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as IS 350)
Mathematics preparation for quantitative health sciences. Includes selective topics in
linear algebra, advanced calculus and probability theory. A-F only.
(2 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Modern mechatronics components and design principles; functionality of products, processes and systems; electrical circuits and mechanical components; programming and control; hands on technology; application case studies. ME, EE, CE, ICS majors only. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Fall only)
Focus on studying and Applying Native Hawaiian composition practices from the nineteenth century into the present day. Pre: 107 and HAW 100.
Seminar focused on leadership challenges in Mâlama ‘Âina to bridge ancestral and contemporary systems to better steward resources, produce abundance, work with and in community, and pivot large institutions for a better Aloha ‘Âina future. (Cross-listed as HWST 659)
In-depth exploration of the legal regimes governing construction. Construction contracts, contractors, and subcontractors. Breach of contracts, claims and litigation in construction
projects. CEE, CNST majors only. Senior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 375. (Spring only)
Safety and health concepts, laws and requirements for civilian and contractor personnel in construction, including applications in project management and construction activities. CNST, CEE majors only. A-F only. Pre: 375.
Focuses on the differences in the composition, activities, roles, and relationships to
be observed archaeologically between households that comprised ancient communities and how these differences inform us about the dynamics of social change. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 210.
Overview from a multidisciplinary, life-span perspective. Includes research techniques, personality development, family relationships, occupational attainment, death. Pre: PSY 100. Recommended: 240. (Cross-listed as PSY 342)
By 2050, more than a quarter of the world’s population will be 60 years of age or older. Explores what we know about aging today to encourage a lifetime of aging well. A-F only. Pre: PH 201 or SW 360 or WGSS 305 or PSY 100 or HDFS 230 or NURS 200; or consent. (Cross-listed as PH 435 and SW 435)
Introduction to the science or engineering of Solar System exploration. Covers science instruments, mission trajectories (fly-by, orbit, or lander), and science and engineering constraints imposed on spacecraft design. Lectures, discussions, class projects. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as EPET 201)
Introduction to exploring discover-based investigation, with hands-on experiences in a wide range of science fields. Divided into 4-week learning modules led by researchers at several UH Mânoa research facilities on and off campus. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. (Cross-listed as UROP 299)
Introduction to exploring discover-based investigation, with hands-on experiences in a wide range of science fields. Divided into 4-week learning modules led by researchers at several UH Mânoa research facilities on and off campus. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. (Cross-listed as HON 299)
Aging as a social phenomenon, including social impacts of growing elderly population and emerging social patterns among the elderly. Important theoretical perspectives and cross-national research. Pre: SOC 100 or a 200-level sociology course, or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 353)
Coastal modeling using the SMS Surface-Water Modeling software. Applications to solving coastal problems for different ocean hazard scenarios by applying models for tides, waves, coastal circulation, wave-current interaction, sediment transport, and/or morphology change. Pre: consent; knowledge of ORE 607 desirable. (Cross-listed as ORE 624 and SUST 624)
Design and solutions to coastal flood mitigation problems. Topics include climate adaptation; engineering solutions and best practices to mitigate coastal risk under different ocean hazard scenarios; and ecological approaches to mitigate coastal risk. Pre: consent; knowledge of AutoCAD and ORE 661 desirable. (Cross-listed as CEE 621 and ORE 621)
Design and solutions to coastal flood mitigation problems. Topics include climate adaptation; engineering solutions and best practices to mitigate coastal risk under different ocean hazard scenarios; and ecological approaches to mitigate coastal risk. Pre: consent; knowledge of AutoCAD and ORE 661 desirable. (Cross-listed as CEE 621 and SUST 621)
Design and solutions to coastal flood mitigation problems. Topics include climate adaptation; engineering solutions and best practices to mitigate coastal risk under different ocean hazard scenarios; and ecological approaches to mitigate coastal risk. Pre: consent; knowledge of AutoCAD and ORE 661 desirable. (Cross-listed as ORE 621 and SUST 621)
Lecture/discussion introduces students to the field of biology through the integration of microbiology and macrobiology into a single, comprehensive systems biology with a focus on Hawaiian biomes and ecosystem sustainability. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as OEST 103)
Develops a space mission with a multidisciplinary team of engineers and scientists using
concurrent science and engineering methodologies. Will build a small spacecraft and payload. The project will seek to answer important science questions. A-F only. (Cross-listed as EPET 401)
Will cover all aspects of spacecraft design, subsystems, science payload, systems engineering, project management, and budgets that are important to producing a fully successful mission. A-F only. Pre: 301. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as EPET 400)
Essential techniques for remote compositional analysis of planets; understanding spectroscopy, mineralogy, and geochemistry of planetary surfaces and their measurement. Design of space flight instrumentation. A-F only. Pre: EPET 201, or ERTH 101 and ERTH
101L and ERTH 105, or ERTH 101 and ERTH 107; and CHEM 161 and PHYS 272. (Fall only) (Crosslisted as EPET 301)
A practice-based approach to learning about the production of sports media in contemporary mediums of all types (text, audio, video, etc.) for various communication contexts (e.g., journalistic, public relations, etc.) A-F only.
Individual reading or research under supervision of COA-affiliated faculty. Repeatable two
times, up to nine credits. Juniors and seniors only. Pre: consent of instructor.
Individual reading or research under supervision of COA-affiliated faculty.
Repeatable two times, up to nine credits. Freshmen and sophomores only. A-F only. Pre: instructor consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Lecture and lab that covers formation, occurrence, and identification of common minerals, rocks, and geologic structures. Lab work will include study of hands-samples, thin-sections, and field experiences. A-F only. Pre: 200. (Fall only)
Oceania-centric perspective. Analysis of imperialism, colonialism, gender, sexuality, race,
ethnicity, and queer(ed) relations and identities in Hawai‘i and the Pacific. Junior standing or higher. Pre: one DS or DH course, or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 391)
Studio investigation of the definition/ transformation of space through artist intervention.
Emphasis on the evocative potential of materials in context (ecological, social, political, psychological) as well as experiments in non-object based interventions. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: ART 116. (Crosslisted as ART 439)
Relationship of humans with natural environment; role of culture in ecological systems. Pre: 152. (Cross-listed as ANTH 335)
Relationship of humans with natural environment; role of culture in ecological systems. Pre: 152. (Cross-listed as SUST 335)
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101.
Differential geometry, special relativity, Einstein equations, gravitational phenomena, equivalence principles, black holes, gravitational waves, cosmology, relativistic stars, experimental tests, computational techniques. Graduate students only in PHYS or ASTR. (Alt. years: fall) (Crosslisted as ASTR 760)
Provides students with basic and essential laboratory skills required in various fields of animal science such as nutrition, genetics, reproductive physiology, meat science, clinical pathology, parasitology, and animal handling. ANSC majors only. A-F only. Pre: 200 or 201, and BIOL 171 and 171L and CHEM 161. (Fall only)
Survey of war-related literature from Greece and Rome, its major themes, and how it reflects the wide range of social, political, intellectual, and literary perspectives on war found in the ancient world. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as CLAS 325)
Uses tools of philosophical inquiry to explore historical and contemporary perspectives on the nature of education, including concepts of knowledge, teaching, learning, and human flourishing. Repeatable one time. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL, or consent.
Will equip students with the ability to undertake, understand, and critically assess empirical research using state-of-the-at econometric methods. Pre: 628 or consent. (Alt. years)
Will equip students with the ability to understand, undertake, and critically evaluate theoretical and quantitative research in modern macroeconomics with a focus on the application of the search and matching methodology. Pre: 607 or consent. (Alt. years)
Combined lecture-discussion on the application of ICTs for health communication from the aspect of technologies, systems, services, and policies. COM majors only. A-F only.
Exploration of death and dying in literature and film as manifested across time and cultures throughout the world. Analysis of narratives from ancient times to the modern era from multiple theoretical and cross-cultural perspectives. (Cross-listed as LLEA 147)
Exploration of death and dying in literature and film as manifested across time and cultures throughout the world. Analysis of narratives from ancient times to the modern era from multiple theoretical and cross-cultural perspectives. (Cross-listed as LLL 147)
Addresses ethical issues in gerontology and long-term care for older adults as raised by public policy, health care problems, and social attitudes toward elders. Explores established practices and new directions for ethics in aging. A-F only. (Cross-listed as IS 305)
Explores the transnational history of the Indian Ocean world, especially the region connected by the western monsoon. Topics include travel, trade, religion, colonialism, nationalism, diaspora, and globalization, including actors like slaves, sailors, women, and
merchants. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as HIST 401)
Geological history and geologic framework of the Hawaiian shoreline. Modern climate change, paleoclimate, focus on sea level change. Modern coastal management and problems in the coastal environment. Coastal planning. Repeatable one time, credit earned one time. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as ERTH 620)
Students and researchers will review and discuss the most important and exciting cosmological results in depth. ASTR and PHYS majors only. Graduate students only.
Distillation of modern computer science fundamentals and paradigms, with applications
to astronomy. Common algorithms and essential programming techniques. Assignments include extensive Python programming practice. Open to graduate students in any physical science. Graduate students only. (Alt. years)
Advanced graduate seminar on the key ideas within queer theory. Students will become familiar with theories of queer relationality, queer of color critique, globalization of
sexuality, disability and transgender studies, and queer indigeneities. Pre: undergraduate or graduate course work in women’s, gender, sexuality, or LGBTQ studies.
Examines the origins and futures of Indigenous feminist theory and praxis. Topics explored include cultural revitalization, colonialism, and sexual violence in Indigenous
communities, citizenship and sovereignty, and contemporary Native gender roles and identity. Pre: 151 or consent.
The rivers, seas, and extensive coastlines are a dominant environmental feature in Southeast Asia. Focuses on the dynamic interaction of water and society in shaping the history of the region.
Seminar focused on leadership challenges in Mâlama ‘Âina to bridge ancestral and
contemporary systems to better steward resources, produce abundance, work with and in community, and pivot large institutions for a better Aloha ‘Âina future. (Cross-listed as SUST 659)
Hip Hop studio practice, technique, and performance at the advanced level. Repeatable three times, up to 12 credits. Pre: 241 or consent.
Examines practices, theories, research, and perspectives on multilingual/EL teaching approaches. Topics include culturally and linguistically responsive approaches, collaboration, lesson planning, and adapting materials to promote the growth and development of multilingual/ EL learners. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as EDCS 644)
Examines practices, theories, research, and perspectives on multilingual/EL teaching approaches. Topics include culturally and linguistically responsive approaches, collaboration, lesson planning, and adapting materials to promote the growth and development of multilingual/ EL learners. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as SLS 644)
Provide a scientific basis to examine the consequences of climate change and the
proposed geoengineering solutions, and examine the fundamental ethical basis that underlies environmental policies. A-F only. Pre: OCN 310. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as OCN 411)
An examination of the link between language and society through the use and perception of taboo words.
Survey of the history and culture of Asian, Polynesian, and Pacific Islander communities in Latin America. Sophomore standing or higher.
Hip Hop studio practice, technique, and performance at the intermediate level. Repeatable three times, up to 12 credits. Pre: 140 or consent.
COA 206 Introduction to Applied Gerontology: Helping Yourself and Others to Thrive in Later Life (3)
Introduction to essential information on aging and the field of gerontology. Counters ageist stereotypes, develops skills for translating research into practice, and provides an introductory survey course for the undergraduate certificate in aging. A-F only. (Crosslisted as IS 206)
Classified graduate students only. Repeatable unlimited times.
Topics course on the role of the university in the community and the value of a liberal arts education. Emphasizes critical thinking skills and information literacy. Repeatable unlimited times.
Theory and application of computational modeling in chemistry. Statistical theory behind molecular dynamics simulations, application to modeling chemical systems, computer programming, and analysis of results. Graduate students only.
Explores historical processes that have impacted the lives of indigenous women in Oceania and women’s engagements with those processes over time, with a focus on women’s voices, agency, and empowerment.
Focus on the differences in the composition, activities, roles, and relationships to be observed archaeologically between the households that comprised ancient communities, and how these differences inform us about the dynamics of social change. Graduate students only.
Planning and methods seminar in conjunction with practice teaching. (B) licensure; (C) non-licensure. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to six credits. A-F only.
Integration and application of academic knowledge and critical skills emphasizing professional development. Placement with an approved cooperating supervisor/employer. Pre: 492 and senior standing.
Application of ecological theory to sustainable management of forest resources in Hawaii and beyond, including silviculture (production of timber and nontimber forest products), restoration (restoring damaged or degraded forests), and conservation (conserving existing forest resources). A-F only. Pre: 311/NREM 310 and NREM 380 or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as NREM 480)
Nursing care and health promotion for women, newborn, and families in acute care and community settings. Utilization of family theories and assessment tools for providing culturally sensitive, client-centered care. NURS majors only. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 220 and 220L and 213.
Introduction to a variety of quantitative and qualitative approaches and methodologies to describe and assess key components to the environment. A-F only. Pre: (112 or GES 102 or
OCN 102) or concurrent. (Cross-listed as GES 102L and OCN 102L)
Psychology as applied to education, including major theories and research and development, cognitive, sociocultural, and multicultural approaches to teaching and learning. Incorporates introductions to standardized testing, classroom assessment, motivation, instructional planning and classroom management. (Cross-listed as EDEP 311)
A survey of human rights norms, institutions, and implementation mechanism of international human rights law in light of the rapid development of regional cooperation and integration in Asia.
Design course focused on fundamentals of electronic interfacing, control and automation, including biological processes. Topics include sensor physics, basic instrumentation, digital communication, and programming of microcontrollers and other portable computer systems. Pre: (160, 211, and BE 350 or MATH 302 or MATH 307 or EE 326)
with a minimum grade of C; or consent. (Cross-listed as BE 420 and EE 422)
Students will learn to develop virtual reality and augmented reality applications with
turnkey tools as well as through programming. Prior programming experience is not required for this course. Pre: any 110(Alpha) or 111 or ACM 215. (Cross-listed as ICS 486).
Introduction to the ecological processes and principles of tropical ecosystems, and to conservation issues facing tropical forests, with a particular emphasis on the neotropics.
A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171 and BIOL 172, or BOT 101; and BIOL 265.
Will cover the full hydrogeophysical workflow including theory, acquisition design, field data acquisition, data processing, data inversion, and hydrogeological interpretation. Methods include ambient seismic, 3D electrical resistivity tomography and induced
polarization, and self-potential. Pre: consent. (Summer only)
Directed reading/research in quantitative health sciences. Students will work closely with a QHS faculty member or mentor who will guide them through quantitative methodologies and/or the process of conducting a research study. Repeatable three times or up to 12 credits. A-F only.
An overview of language endangerment, especially in the Pacific and Asia, and a critical examination of the strategies that are being developed to combat it. Pre: one of Ling 102, 150B, 150C, 105, 320, SLS 150, SLS 301, SLS 441, or consent.
Introduction to instructional approaches for Japanese language classroom teaching that focus on everyday language use. Students develop instructional materials, pedagogical practices, and assessment tools for engaged and effective teaching and learning of Japanese. Pre: 350 (or concurrent) and 401, or consent.
Introduction to modern Korean poetry and translation for students with third-year level Korean abilities. Students will learn how to interpret poems and translate them from Korean to English. Pre: 301 or consent.
Introduction to probability and statistics; including standard deviation, calculations, and inferences about means, normal distributions, and linear correlation. Integrates occupational outlook data from O*NET to understand how to link majors with careers.
Intensive survey of the key theories, texts, and questions of the interdisciplinary fields that make up queer theory. Pre: 141 or 151 or 392 or consent.
Introductory survey of the key terms, texts, and histories of Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities. A-F only.
Focus on understanding the changing ocean conditions (e.g. waves and sea levels)
relevant to the resilience of practical ocean engineering applications. Graduate students only. Pre: 607 or consent. (Spring only)
Nursing care and health promotion for women, newborn, and families in acute and community settings. Utilization of family theories and assessment tools when providing culturally sensitive, family-centered care. Emphasis on teaching writing for the profession. NURS majors only. Sophomore standing or higher. CR/NC only. Pre: 220 and 220L and 213.
Introduction to principles, tools, and applications of synthetic biology; molecular techniques and design/analysis of synthetic gene circuits, synthetic-biology parts/devices, CRISPRbased systems, engineered microbial cell factories, for industrial, agricultural, medical applications. A-F only. Pre: PHYS 152 (or PHYS 272), BIOL 275/275L; or consent. (Alt. years: fall)
Provides environmental knowledge and managerial tools that help for profit and not-for-profit organizations address pressing issues like global warming, plastic pollution, and fair trade while earning surplus revenue and remaining socially accountable. Pre: BUS 312 or consent.
Research-intensive seminar that explores the reading process in library contexts and similar settings. Critical examination of ways in which library and literacy services impact reading engagement and interests of library users. LIS majors only. Graduate students only.
Conduct original research using general library materials, special collections, rare books, archives, and manuscripts, maps, and other historical documents that are uniquely available at libraries and archives at UH and beyond. Repeatable one time.
Intermediate object-oriented programming within the context of interactive media systems and video game development. Topics: classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces, event-driven programming, vectors, geometric primitives, game mechanics, and relevant design patterns. EE, CENG, ICS, CM, THEA, DNCE majors only. A-F only. Pre: 160 or ICS 111 or instructor approval. (Cross-listed as ICS 369)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Mathematical and algorithmic fundamentals of linear algebra and their applications and illustrations to machine learning. Lab introduces programming with data and uses machine learning libraries for an introduction to commonly used technologies. MATH, EE, CENG, CEE, ME, ICS majors only. A-F only. Pre: MATH 242 or MATH 252A or consent.
Exposes students to the history, application, format, styles, and methods of creating storyboards and animatics. Visual storytelling will be analyzed by examining the foundational components of the visual language of a film. ACM majors only. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.
Focus on development of narrative-based creative activities in all mediums (text, audio, video, etc.) within communication contexts, i.e., journalism, film, public relations, etc. A-F only. Pre: enrolled in the School of Communications MA program, or instructor approval.
Advanced skills in dance and technology in live performance. Emphasis on New Media. Graduate students only. Pre: 362 or consent. (Alt. years: spring)
(1 Lec, 2 2-hr Lab) Common experimental techniques in materials testing and research: x-ray diffraction, optical and electron microscopy, thermal and mechanical properties,
electrochemical methods—theory and hands-on experience. Pre: 351 (or concurrent) or ME 341. (Crosslisted as ME 435)
Explores the influence of nature–climate, topography, plants, animals, and microorganisms–on human history and the way people, in turn, have influenced the natural world around them. (Cross-listed as HIST 157)
Global and local aspects of climate change and paleoclimate; beach and reef processes and response to climate change; management of coastal environments; field study local sites. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as ERTH 420)
The Hawaiian socio-ecosystem is the product of centuries of human land use and resource exploitation. Explores the events and processes that have shaped the islands’ ecology and future sustainability. A-F only. (Cross-listed as ANTH 204)
Seminar for graduating students focused on the refinement and completion of the culminating portfolio or thesis. Peer mentoring, faculty, and student presentations. MLISc degree required course. Graduate students only. CR/NC only. Pre: 691.
Introduction to language structure and function in the domains of sound, words, sentences, and discourse, with specific focus on description, analysis, and research into learner language. Pre: Sophomore standing or higher.
Development of advanced receptive and expressive conversational skills in American Sign Language (ASL). Pre: 301. (Spring only)
Seminar on topics related to leadership in the field of special education, including issues for teacher leaders, administrators, and teacher preparation personnel. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Fall only)
Development of advanced receptive and expressive conversational skills in American Sign Language (ASL). Pre: 202. (Fall only)
History of Japanese cinema, including silent films, samurai films, monster films, and literary adaptations, analyzed through the lens of genre and genre theory. A-F only. Pre: 175 and 176. (Summer only)
Application of recent developments in science, sustainability, curriculum development, and learning theory to pre-kindergarten through secondary school. Science philosophy, content and methodology stressed, including inquiry, nature of science, sustainability, and
science literacy. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as EDCS 623)
Integrated cell and molecular biology for life science majors. Modern advances in recombinant DNA technology. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in BIOL 171/171L and CHEM 272. (Cross-listed as BIOL 275)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to statistical approaches in biology. Students will learn how to formulate hypotheses, test them quantitatively, and present results. Students will
analyze biological datasets using the computer language R. A-F only. Pre: 101 or BIOL 171 or BIOL 172; MATH 134 or MATH assessment exam. (Cross-listed as BIOL 220)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to statistical approaches in biology. Students will learn how to formulate hypotheses, test them quantitatively, and present results. Students will analyze biological datasets using the computer language R. A-F only. Pre: 171 or 172 or BOT 101; MATH 134 or MATH assessment exam. (Cross-listed as BOT 220)
Provides students an opportunity to experiment with new mediums while collaborating with artists from different backgrounds, such as art, theatre, dance, film, and animation. ACM, ART, THEA, DNCE majors only. Pre: 113 or ACM 216 (or concurrent) or THEA 353 (or concurrent) or THEA 356 (or concurrent), or consent. (Cross-listed as ACM 315 and THEA 314)
Provides a basic foundation for studies at the intersection of gerontology, health care, and the law and places an emphasis on proactive and preventive law for older adults in society. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Cross-listed as COA 449)
Project-based course where students work in teams on a software project. Knowledge acquired in the computer science curriculum will be applied to design and implement a software product with potential real-world applicability. Repeatable one time. CS majors only. Senior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: (311 or EE 367) and 314.
Introduction to a variety of quantitative and qualitative approaches and methodologies to describe and assess key components to the environment. A-F only. Pre: (102 or OCN 102 or SUST 112) or concurrent. (Cross-listed as OCN 102L and SUST 112L)
Introduction to a variety of quantitative and qualitative approaches and methodologies to describe and assess key components to the environment. A-F only. Pre: (102 or GES 102 or
SUST 112) or concurrent. (Cross-listed as GES 102L and SUST 112L)
Explores the many relationships between history and film including how film has reflected and shaped society in the past and our relationship to the past. (C) Europe; (E) world/ comparative. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: junior standing or consent. (C Cross-listed as HIST 452C); (E Cross-listed as HIST 452E)
Investigates environmental problems from an anthropological perspective, and examines the cultural politics of contestations over resources, rights, and the meanings of nature. Pre: ANTH 152 or ANTH 415 or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ANTH 482)
Nursing care and health promotion lab for children and families. Application of concepts related to the delivery of family-centered holistic, culturally sensitive, therapeutic nursing care to children and families in acute care and community settings. NURS majors only. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 213 and 220 and 220L. Co-requisite: 322.
Nursing care and health promotion for children and families. Emphasis on concepts related to the delivery of familycentered holistic, culturally sensitive, therapeutic
nursing care to children and families in acute care and community settings. NURS majors only. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 213 and 220 and 220L. Co-requisite: 322L.
The digitally networked world mediates race and ethnicity–and vice-versa. We will challenge racism and discrimination manifested in social media, changing notions of identity and group belonging, ewaste, gaming, big data, and more.
Examines American understandings of man, manhood, and masculinity, at the intersection of gender, race, class, and sexuality in the context of American nation and empire building in the 19th and 20th centuries. A-F only. Pre: one of WGSS 151, WGSS 175, WGSS 176, or WGSS 202; or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 456)
Examines the cultural, historical, and political processes that have informed our understandings and practices involving food. We will analyze food and foodways in the U.S. and Hawai‘i. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: at least one course in WGSS or ES; or consent by instructor. (Crosslisted as WGSS 450)
Examines the cultural, historical, and political processes that have informed our understandings and practices involving food. We will analyze food and foodways in the U.S. and Hawai‘i. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: at least one course in WS or ES; or consent by instructor. (Crosslisted as ES 450)
Capstone for undergraduate students in interdisciplinary studies focusing on sustainability. The capstone experience provides an opportunity for students to gain knowledge and research experience in an applied setting. Repeatable one time. IS majors only. Senior standing or higher. A-F only.
Seminar exploring foodways as a basic component in the practice of religions. Examines theoretical issues, foodways as creators of community and identity, sustainability, and
other ethical issues, abstinence and fasting, and healing. Pre: 150. (Alt. years: fall)
Survey of and selected readings from the Hawaiian Bible (Baibala Hemolele). Conducted in Hawaiian. Repeatable one time. Pre: HAW 201.
Religious persons and organizations play significant roles in fighting for issues of social justice worldwide. Introduces students to the relationship between religions and social
justice in China, South America, U.S., and Hawai‘i. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Covers a broad overview of the issues facing communities today and various individual and community approaches to navigate and address these issues. A-F only.
Assessing the facilitators and barriers of smoking initiation, cessation, and exposure to second-hand smoke within communities. Use of photovoice and its application to policy and addressing disparities. A-F only. Pre: 201.
Uses tools of philosophical inquiry, specifically p4cHI pedagogy, to develop a deep understanding of lived environment in a Hawaiian context while drawing on urban planning theories and methods to empower students as agents of change. Repeatable one time. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL or PLAN, or consent. (Fall only)
Traces the history of the Broadway musical in a survey of works from the mid-1800s through the recent “Hamilton” phenomenon, and explores their developmental process, structure, and sociocultural, religious, and political contexts. Pre: 106 or consent.
Examines the intersection between language and society, specifically Philippine languages in the Philippines and in the Filipino diasporic communities. Will examine how language policies, discourses, and ideologies share people’s use of language. Sophomore standing or higher. (Cross-listed as IP 394)
Examines the intersection between language and society, specifically Philippine languages in the Philippines and in the Filipino diasporic communities. Will examine how language policies, discourses, and ideologies share people’s use of language. Sophomore standing or higher. (Cross-listed as LING 394)
Examines major criminal justice organizations–police, courts, and prisons. Using organizational theory, identifies the role of organizational goals, structure, resources, legitimacy, culture, and front-line workers in shaping criminal justice policy and practice. Pre: 100 or a 200-level SOC course, or consent.
Explore inequality as manifested and contested in silence, music, dialect, nature, voice, and acoustic space by listening through a matrix of race, ethnicity, gender, class, and sexualities. Combination of hands-on work and current scholarship.
Explores sports from anthropological viewpoint: biological, cultural, linguistic, and archaeological. Open to nonmajors. Sophomore standing only.
Analyzing diverse land and water use strategies of O‘ahu, from traditional Hawaiian, scientific and economic perspectives, through classroom and on-site lectures. Topics include traditional Hawaiian methods, modern development, threatened ecosystems, ecotourism and scientific research. A-F only. Pre: 217/HWST 207 or 317/HWST 307 or SUST/HWST/356. (Cross-listed as HWST 459).
Offered to provide advanced human rights courses at the Law School. The purpose is to convey an understanding of the current situation concerning human rights in Asia, and to facilitate a chance to think about what the future may bring.
Will introduce some of the basic doctrinal issues lawyers face when representing artist, museums, gallers, publishers, collectors and others involved in the production and dissemination of art. Will also explore fundamental questions of jurisprudence through the lens of art.
An introduction to Feminist Theory for lawyers, with emphasis on the response of the legal system to gender subordination.
Law of private agreements. Focuses on common law doctrines with some attention to key Uniform Commercial Code provisions. Examines the bases of promissory liability, contract formation, defenses to enforcement, contract interpretation, breach, and remedies. (Fall only)
Advanced conflict resolution course. Covers key issues in the prevention, management and resolution of multiparty conflicts. Combined lecture, discussion, and simulations. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing, or departmental approval. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as PACE 668)
Introduces undergraduate students to the major political, social, economic, cultural, technological, and historical dimensions of globalization. Special attention will be paid to globalization process that have impacted Hawai‘i and the Asia-Pacific region. A-F only. (Cross-listed as POLS 160 )
(2 3-hr Lab) Pre: 172 and CHEM 161, or consent. Corequisite: 485.
Exploration of ethical questions related to the many facets of war–e.g., patriotism, tribalism, holy war, self-sacrifice, cowardice, media coverage, propaganda, torture, genocide, pillage, suicide tactics, battlefield immunity. (Cross-listed as PACE 387)
Introduction to the scientific principles of sustainability, including the ecology of managed and natural ecosystems, global change biology, ecological principles of natural resource management, renewable energy technologies, and the environmental impacts of humans. (Cross-listed as NREM 251 and TPSS 251)
Molecular diagnostics principles, comparative genomics, genome annotation and
bio-informatics, phylogenetics, gene target selection, advanced primer, and probe design. Repeatable one time. Graduate students only or consent. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as PEPS 627)
Molecular diagnostics principles, comparative genomics, genome annotation and bio-informatics, phylogenetics, gene target selection, advanced primer, and probe design. Repeatable one time. Graduate students only or consent. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as MBBE 627)
Focuses on the science of surf and the importance of ocean waves to research pursuits, cultural perspectives in Hawai‘i and the Pacific, navigation, and engineering. A-F only. (Fall only)
Focuses on the science of surf and the importance of ocean waves to research pursuits, cultural perspectives in Hawai‘i and the Pacific, navigation, and engineering. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. (Fall only)
Students direct a narrative live-action short film from prethrough post-production, learning how to develop a directorial vision and how to implement it through storyboarding, scheduling, and collaborative skill sets. ACM majors only. Pre: 310, and 350 or 355, and 370 (or concurrent); or consent.
Art and architecture of South Asia in historical and cultural context. Art of India and South Asia. Pre: 175 or consent.
Explores the influence of gender in sport from cultural, psychosocial, and political perspectives. Examines women’s and men’s role as participants, spectators, and employees of sport and sports organizations. A-F only. Pre: one DS course.
Focus on various aspects of Trans* identities, biographies, cultural productions, and communities. It also addresses issues on racism, medical intervention, dating, societal condemnation, mental health, and incarceration. Junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as WGSS 493)
(1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to the morphology and life cycles of organisms in the Kingdom Fungi. Focus on learning how to identify a diversity of fungi based on macro- and microscopic features. Field trips to collect specimens. Pre: 430 (or concurrent) or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as BOT 430L and TPSS 432L)
(1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to the morphology and life cycles of organisms in the Kingdom Fungi. Focus on learning how to identify a diversity of fungi based on macro- and microscopic features. Field trips to collect specimens. Pre: BOT 430 (or concurrent) or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as BIOL 430L and BOT 430L)
Introduction to the process of developing Environmental Management Systems that address the principles outlined in ISO14001:2015. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as OCN 442 and TIM 462)
Will introduce the diversity, ecology, evolution, and biology of the Kingdom Fungi. Focus on our current understanding of fungal evolution and diversity and how fungi interact with environments and hosts. Pre: BOT 201, BIOL 172; or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as BIOL 430 and BOT 430)
Will introduce the diversity, ecology, evolution, and biology of the Kingdom Fungi. Focus on our current understanding of fungal evolution and diversity and how fungi interact
with environments and hosts. Pre: 172, BOT 201; or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as BOT 430 and TPSS 432)
Investigates gender representation in the evolving genre of American action cinema through combined stylistic and cultural analysis, with special attention to the relationship of gendered action to categories of morality, race, class, and nation. Junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 446)
Provides students an opportunity to experiment with new mediums while collaborating with artists from different backgrounds, such as art, theatre, dance, film, and animation. ACM, ART, THEA, DNCE majors only. Pre: 353 (or concurrent) or 356 (or concurrent) or ACM 216 (or concurrent) or ART 113, or consent. (Cross-listed as ACM 314 and ART 315)
Provides students an opportunity to experiment with new mediums while collaborating with artists from different backgrounds, such as art, theatre, dance, film, and animation. ACM, ART, THEA, DNCE majors only. Pre: 216 (or concurrent) or ART 113 or THEA 353 (or concurrent) or THEA 356 (or concurrent), or consent. (Cross-listed as ART 315 and THEA 314)
Principles and applications of thermodynamics, electricity, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, psychrometry, and material and energy balances of food processing and preservation. Pre: (BIOL 171, CHEM 162 or CHEM 171 or CHEM 181A, MATH 243 or MATH 253A, PHYS 151 or PHYS 170) with a minimum grade of C; or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as BE 411 and FSHN 411)
Overview of visual styles in fashion, textiles, architecture, ornament, and furniture for production and entertainment design through lecture, lab, and discussion.
Students will learn fundamental concepts and multiple techniques in molecular biology, physiology, and histology for cardiovascular research through the projects in the lab. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned to two credits only. Junior or senior standing only. CR/NC only.
Introduction to the major thinkers and the fundamental concepts and debates of Existentialism, taking Existentialism as a global movement expressed not just in philosophical texts, but also in literature and film. A-F only.
Provide a scientific basis to examine the consequences of climate change and the proposed geoengineering solutions, and examine the fundamental ethical basis that underlies environmental policies. A-F only. Pre: 310. (Alt. years: spring) (Crosslisted as SUST 414)
Introduction to research techniques in music education, including topic selection, literature review, and presentation of information in written form. A-F only. MUS majors only. Graduate students only. Pre: 651 (with a minimum grade of B-)
Fabrication, design, and analysis of physical systems, sensors, and actuators at the nanoscale and microscale, including electrostatic and electromagnetic interactions, signal transduction, and measurements. Course work will focus on literature review and integration of current research. Engineering majors only. Graduate students only. (Spring only
Key concepts of Topology for graduate students in mathematics; topological spaces; separation axioms, compactness, connectedness; continuity. MATH majors only. Graduate students only.
Key concepts of linear algebra for graduate students in mathematics. Specific topics include vector spaces, linear transformations, multilinear forms, and Jordan decomposition. May not receive credit for both MATH 411 and MATH 610. MATH majors only. Graduate students only.
Seminar addresses issues important in the career of a mathematician, beginning from their time in graduate school, through navigating the job market and on to their eventual work in industry or academia. (B) teaching. Repeatable unlimited times, repeatable one time for (B). MATH majors only. Graduate students only.
Graduate course on deep learning with artificial neural networks. Provides practical techniques for modeling image, video, text, and graph data with supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning approaches. Includes instruction in the latest software frameworks. Graduate students only. Pre: 635 (or concurrent) or consent.
Students will learn to develop virtual reality and augmented reality applications with
turnkey tools as well as through programming. Prior programming experience is not required for this course. Pre: any 110(Alpha) or 111 or ACM 215. (Cross-listed as ACM 419).
Explores the relationship between sport and society in historical perspective. Analyzes global processes of imperialism, nationalism, globalization, and international relations,
and studies themes such as the politics of race, class, and gender.
Readings, research, and/or field and movement experiences. Repeatable two times, up to nine credits.
Basics of Earth System Model development, parameterizations, intermodel variability and design of paleoclimate simulations. Types of proxies, tools and techniques for paleoclimate record development and reconstructions. Hypothesis testing and methods for proxy-model comparison studies. ATMO, GEO, EPET, NREM, OCN, and ORE majors only. Graduate students only. (Alt. years: spring)
Offers interdisciplinary approach to study of internet and telecommunications in East Asia. Examines growth and development of telecommunications networks in China, Japan, South and North Korea. Focuses on contemporary social media and government policy. A-F only. (Alt. years: spring)
Explores the physical, historical, symbolic, and contextual capacity of materials, as well as the mutually constitutive roles of artist and materials within the creative process. A-F only. (Spring only)
Examines processes of inquiry and experimentation within studio practice. Students explore a range of research methods as a way to challenge habitual methodologies and expand notions of art and art making. A-F only. (Fall only)
Applying the concept of islands as “model systems;” explores the impacts of human populations on the natural ecosystems of oceanic islands, and the reciprocal effects of anthropogenic change on human cultures. A-F only. Pre: 323 or consent.
As primates are our closest living relatives, studying the range of variation in areas like life history, diet, communication, and social systems within the order primates can inform on how we ourselves evolved.
Survey of Indigenous peoples of North America. Integrates documentary records, ethnography, and archaeology to explore variability among native communities. Contemporary topics include political recognition and self-determination, health and education, and natural resources and economic development.
The Hawaiian socio-ecosystem is the product of centuries of human land use and resource exploitation. Explores the events and processes that have shaped the islands’ ecology and future sustainability. A-F only. (Cross-listed as SUST 204)
Emphasis on advanced production skills in creating a capstone film project to deepen understanding of cinematic storytelling with individuals taking on the role and responsibilities of key crew positions in collaboration. Repeatable one time. ACM majors only. Pre: 405 or 410 or 420 or 455
Axiomatic geometry and introduction to the axiomatic method; Euclidean geometry; hyperbolic geometry, and other nonEuclidean geometries. Pre: 243 or 253A, and 321 (or concurrent); or consent. (Fall only)
Explores the history of disability representation across cultures. Emphasis is placed on examining evolving perceptions of disability as depicted in art, literature, print, film, and digital media. A-F only. FGB
Intensive Intermediate Portuguese course covers content of 201 and 202 combined. Hybrid format combines 3 credits online and 3 credits face to face. Pre: 102 or 103. (Spring only)
Intensive study of selected questions, issues, traditions, genres, or writers relating to space
and place as the basis for literary inquiry. Topics may include migration, diaspora, and local histories. Repeatable one time. Pre: ENG 320 and one other 300-level ENG course; or consent.
Intensive study of selected questions, issues, traditions, genres, and writers in relation to
cultural identities such as race, ethnicity, class as the basis for literary inquiry. Repeatable one time. Pre: 320 and one other 300-level course; or consent.
Independent study and/or seminar for students working on a capstone for a graduate certificate. Repeatable three times. CR/NC only.
Provides introductory information to individuals new to the field of STEM education. Designed to integrate educational theory, pedagogy, content, and practical concerns into teaching practices in the STEM fields. Repeatable three times, up to 12 credits.
Provides an introduction to design-based research in education. Reviews different design-based methods and guides students through the process of conducting original design-based research. Focuses on the gap between research and practice. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 667 (with a minimum grade of B) and 668 (or concurrent).
Fabrication, design, and analysis of physical systems, sensors, and actuators at the nanoscale and microscale. Microfabrication/nanofabrication, fabrication process design, electrostatistic and electromagnetic interactions, signal transduction, measurements. Course work will focus on process and system design. ENGR majors only. Pre: 331 (with a minimum grade of C-), 375 (with a minimum grade of C-), or consent.
Examination of best practices associated with developing and supporting software
applications with respect to potential security risks. Will augment software engineering practices learned in other courses with the basic principles of cybersecurity. Pre: 314 or consent.
Coverage in-depth of some areas of theory and research. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: PSY 100. (Crosslisted as PSY 489)
(taught in English) Literature, culture, and film of East and West Germany, 1945-1989. Credit cannot be earned for both LLEA 415 and GER 415. Sophomore standing or higher.
Intensive study of selected questions, issues, traditions, or movements in literary forms, genres, and media. Repeatable one time. Pre: ENG 320 and one other 300-level ENG course; or consent.
Intensive study of questions, issues, traditions, and movements in the field of English Studies. Recommended for students planning to pursue postbaccalaureate degrees. Pre: ENG 320 and one other 300-level ENG course; or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of intersections between literature and the environment, including issues such as climate change, technology, pollution, land and land use, interspecies relationships. Pre: One ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of the form, function, and development of fiction genres such as short story and the novel in English. Repeatable one time for different topics. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Explores theoretical and practical principles of literacy and sustainability across academic disciplines, investigating the role of language and literate practices of reading, writing, speaking, visualizing, and representing in social, cultural, and educational contexts. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Crosslisted as EDCS 608)
Comparative and historical survey of the religious beliefs and practices in ancient times throughout Egypt, Mesopotamia, Syria-Canaan, Anatolia, Persia, Greece, and Rome. A-F only. (Cross-listed as REL 211)
Comparative and historical survey of the religious beliefs and practices in ancient times throughout Egypt, Mesopotamia, Syria-Canaan, Anatolia, Persia, Greece, and Rome. A-F only. (Cross-listed as CLAS 211)
Exploration of critical judgment and means to conceptualize, develop, represent, and both visually and orally communicate form and space, including freehand drawing, mechanical drawing, physical model making, diagramming, and computer graphic techniques. ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 102 or 132.
Continued exploration of design processes. Introduction to CAD technologies, material exploration, and creative exploration including the relationship between digital, physical, and materials aspects of design. ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 100 and 101.
Advanced reading, research and writing in selected topics dealing with comparative and international education, including such themes as policy studies, minority education and educational reform. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Genesis and evolution of college and university from
Contemporary American education in recent historical perspective; focuses on the educational changes brought about by WW II, the Cold War, civil rights and other social movements. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Study of classical and contemporary theories of social change as these relate to school, the profession of teaching, planning of change, and social stability. Pre: consent
Classical European, Chinese, Indic, and Islamic traditions in the history of education; emphasis on ways in which they shift, interact, and collide from the early modern period to the present.
Basic analytic skills widely used in quantitative analysis of social science data, including descriptive statistics, rates and probability, comparison of groups, introduction to causal relationships, and application of these techniques to real life examples. A-F only.
Introduction to the breadth of design in today’s global culture. Exploration of human responses to place, climate, culture, communication, and technology, with emphasis on the impact of scientific knowledge on environmental design. Open to
nonmajors. A-F only.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Biological, chemical, and physical processes governing the cycling of nutrients in agroecosystems, crop and livestock production, and the effects on surrounding unmanaged ecosystems. Pre: 304 and CHEM 161, or consent. (Cross-listed as TPSS 450)
Introduction to the kinds of problems that concern philosophers and to some of the solutions that have been attempted.
History of educational though and practices from pre-contact Hawaii through statehood. Social, intellectual, political, and cultural influences on indigenous, territorial, and state educational institutions; emphasis on white-settler colonialism, multiculturalism, assimilation, resistance, indigenous, and immigrant experiences. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Spring only
Interdisciplinary course that examines diversity and changes in American values and culture– literature, film, visual arts, and architecture.
Study of authors, a genre, a period, or a problem. (M) modern; (T) traditional. Repeatable one time for (M). A-F only for (M). Pre: 613, 615, 650, or EALL 611; or consent for (M); CHN 612 or consent for (T). (Cross-listed as CHN 753 (Alpha))
Pre: classified graduate standing and consent of chair.
Provide women’s studies graduate certificate students with an opportunity to design, develop and complete a research project culminating in a publishable quality work and a professional quality seminar presentation. A-F only. Pre: classified graduate status and consent.
Examines how international law and domestic legal systems address and resolve conflicts regarding women’s rights, gender roles, and gender identity. Takes a comparative approach with emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region. (Cross-listed as LAW 547 and PACE 637)
Key themes in feminist criminology are explored including focus on masculinities and crime, race and intersectionality, global criminology, and the ways in which the criminal justice system controls women and girls. A-F only. (Cross-listed as SOC 625)
Feminist social scientists from a variety of fields have explored issues of gender, social change and social justice. Draws from their work to critically examine strategies for conducting social policy research that is feminist in values and impact. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing, no waiver.
Relationship between feminist and other sites of critical insight and scholarship that have contributed to creating anticolonial, antiracist, antihomophobic theory, method and action. Questions the legacy of feminist coalition practices and engages the ongoing transformations that have begun to produce new alliances and coalitions that disrupt traditional boundaries of identity and power. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing, no waiver.
Writing-intensive and publishing-focused class, students learn how to publish in an interdisciplinary field. Readings and assignments are designed to help students succeed in academic publishing. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Selected ideas from contemporary feminist theory concerning power, knowledge, and self; articulating women’s voice; deconstructing gender. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as POLS 615C)
Examination of an emergent body of literature about how to shape questions concerning gender, sex, race, class, colonialism, and other vectors of power. Includes methods from social sciences and humanities and debates in the philosophy of science. Repeatable one time. Pre: classified graduate status and consent.
Historical/contemporary status of women in the U.S.; women’s roles as defined by legal, educational, political, economic, and social institutions; implications for social science method. (Cross-listed as AMST 612)
Seminar/ discussion to introduce students pursuing the Graduate Certificate to the Woman’s Studies faculty and their areas of research, and to initiate student’s graduate studies in a woman’s studies field. Repeatable one time. Pre: classified graduate status (or status pending) and consent.
Introductory graduate seminar designed to develop common vocabulary and explore the core debates in transnational feminist teaching and research to encourage critical reflection about teaching assumptions, approaches, and techniques in the contemporary college or university environment. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing and no waiver.
Repeatable one time, up to six credits. WS students only. Pre: consent.
Strategies for teaching women’s studies; addressing complex issues of gender, race, nation, class, sexuality and culture in a contemporary multiethnic campus environment. Emphasis on classroom techniques, teaching pedagogies, and hands-on experience. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 151 and one or more WS course with a grade of B or better in all relevant courses, instructor recommendation; or consent.
Problems and issues for reading and research: feminist theory, criticism, affirmative action, etc. Repeatable two times. Pre: any WS course in appropriate area.
Focus on various aspects of Trans* identities, biographies, cultural productions, and communities. It also addresses issues on racism, medical intervention, dating, societal condemnation, mental health, and incarceration. Junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as AMST 437)
Conditions under which women’s activism and participation in protest and revolutionary movements developed in the 19th- and 20th-centuries. Cross-cultural comparisons. (Cross-listed as ASAN 492 and HIST 492)
Internship in public, private, or non-profit organizations providing opportunity for practical experience and application of social sciences concepts and theories. Three to six credits per semester; repeatable two times, up to 12 credits. Consent of instructor. (Cross-listed as SOC 494 and SOCS 489)
Intensive study of selected problems and issues in the construction and representation of sexuality and gender in specific genres, social and cultural contexts, thematic or figurative clusters. Repeatable one time. Pre: ENG 320 and one other 300-level ENG course; or consent. (Cross-listed as ENG 482)
Exploration of film as a philosophical and artistic form in the context of gender, race, and sexuality. Pre: one of 151, 175, 176, or THEA 201; or consent.
Explores anthropology’s critical analysis of approaches to reproductive health and procreation, primarily in developing countries. Examines sex and reproduction as sites of intervention from public health, development, and biomedical specialists, while also considering local strategies. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 151 or ANTH 152 or ANTH 301. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ANTH 465)
Construction of gender identities in contemporary Asia. How these interface with other aspects of social difference and inequality (e.g. with class, religion, ethnicity). (Cross-listed as ASAN 463)
History, culture, and contemporary reality of Asian women in Asia and the U.S. Includes critical analysis of American feminist methodology and theory. Pre: one of 360, 361, 439, AMST 310, AMST 316, AMST 318, AMST 373, AMST 455, POLS 339; or consent. (Crosslisted as AMST 438 and POLS 372)
Examines U.S. feminist movements in the 19th and 20th century by exploring how U.S. racism, nationalism and imperialism have provided the context from which feminism emerged. A-F only. Pre: 151, 360; or consent.
Examines American understandings of man, manhood, and masculinity, at the intersection of gender, race, class, and sexuality in the context of American nation and empire building in the 19th and 20th centuries. A-F only. Pre: one of 151, 175, 176, or 202; or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 457)
A study of gender, race, and sexuality as constructed in contemporary global popular culture, including music, films, novels, television shows, and internet culture. A-F only. Junior standing or higher.
Examination of current and historical issues in education and how they are impacted upon by gender, with particular reference to gender as it intersects with ethnicity and class, locally and globally. Pre: 151 or consent. (Cross-listed as EDCS 453 and EDEF 453)
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Selected readings in major genres; emphasis on analysis. Modern literature. Pre: 402 or consent.
Continuation of 401. Pre: 401 or consent.
Continuation of 302. Emphasis on cultural understanding through modern literary Vietnamese. Pre: 302 or equivalent.
Continuation of 301. Pre: 301 or consent.
Continuation of 202. Emphasis on increased proficiency and cultural understanding through interaction with Vietnamese media, including newspapers, radio, film, etc. Pre: 202 or equivalent.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.
Continuation of 102. After completion, most students should be able to use all major sentence patterns to produce sounds, combinations of sounds, tones, and intonation and have some understanding of Vietnamese culture. Pre: 102 or equivalent.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing. Structural points introduced inductively. Meets one hour, three times a week.
Introduces students to the Nastaliq (Urdu) script, alphabets, their various forms, and combination rules. Reading and writing is emphasized. A-F only. Pre: HNDI 102 or consent. Co-requisite: HNDI 201 or consent. (Fall only)
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times. S/U only. PhD student only. Pre: consent.
Group experience in defining urban and regional design problems and potentials, developing and evaluating alternatives, formulating strategies for implementation. PLAN and ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: (600 and 601) with a minimum grade of B, or consent.
Individual project in analysis, plan preparation and evaluation, and policy/ program evaluation. PLAN majors only. Pre: 600, 601; and consent.
Team experience in defining and addressing a current planning problem; identification, substantive review, research design, preparation and presentation of analysis. Topic varies. Limited to 10 students. Pre: 600, 601; and consent.
Project planning, programming, and similar topics. Pre: 600 and 601, or consent.
Special topics in theory, history, analysis. Pre: 600 or consent.
Combined lecture/discussion in disaster management and humanitarian assistance track focusing on developing a multidisciplinary understanding of international terrorism and anti-terrorism planning and response. Pre: 670 or consent. (Once a year)
Limited to MURP students under Plan A. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of instructor and department chair.
Application of analysis and construction technology to problems associated with physical development of suburban and neighborhood communities. Development of design and construction programs. Emphasis on low and intermediate technology solutions. Open to nonmajors. (Cross-listed as ARCH 681)
Laboratory and field testing of selected topics related to housing design and technology; site development and infrastructure; social, health and economic community development; and housing implementation strategies. Repeatable one time. PLAN and ARCH majors only. Pre: 600.
Survey course of public land use management. (Cross-listed as LAW 580)
Fundamental principles that guide site planning, including planning and design determinants of the site taking into account its regional context, site-specific characteristics and applicable codes, ordinances, and standards. PLAN and ARCH majors only. (Fall only)
Local-level historic preservation, with an emphasis on historic districts, design guidelines, regulatory controls, and community consensus-building. (Cross-listed as AMST 677)
Techniques in recording and evaluation of historic buildings and other resources, with an emphasis on field recordings and state and federal registration procedures. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 676 and ANTH 676)
History and philosophy of historic preservation movement. Analysis of values and assumptions, methodologies and tactics, implications for society and public policy. (Cross-listed as AMST 675 and ARCH 628)
How do communities recover from disaster? Provides students with an overview of recovery theory and an understanding of how planners, policy makers, and ordinary citizens rebuild communities, cities, and nations following catastrophic events. A-F only. Graduate standing only.
Combined lecture/laboratory in disaster management focusing on essential methodological and practical issues that are involved in spatial analyses using GIS and other information technologies to inform decision making related to natural hazards, disasters, and human attempts to respond to these through mitigation and planning activities. Pre: 473 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent.
Combined lecture/ discussion aimed at understanding the theoretical basis and working structure of humanitarian assistance programs and international responses to natural and human-induced disasters. Pre: 670 or consent. (Once a year)
Combined lecture/ discussion in disaster management focusing on the scientific understanding of the forces and processes underlying natural hazards; and human attempts to respond to these through mitigation and planning activities. Pre: 670 or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ERTH 604)
Overview to the field of disaster management and humanitarian assistance with a specific focus on risk reduction. Includes background knowledge and skills for preparedness, response, recovery, mitigation, and adaptation to hazards and threats. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Once a year)
Examine theories and practices of multisector collaboration (public, private, nonprofit). The use of collaboration as an alternative way of solving public problems.
Advanced methods and deterministic and stochastic models used in urban and regional planning.
Use of advanced and specialized spatial methods and models in urban and regional planning. Uses GIS software and builds upon 601. Skills are useful applied to planning, economic development, and environmental planning and resource management. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Implementation and evaluation in public policy analysis; philosophical and methodological issues; impact of policies and plans; use of evaluation research in program implementation.
Research design and preparation of thesis proposal. Normally taken after admission to candidacy in MURP. Pre: (600, 601, 603) with a minimum grade of B, or consent.
Examination of the impact of economy, society, and history on urban form; case studies of the evolution of Asian urban form. Pre: 310 or ASAN 312. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ASAN 649)
Theory and practice of urban transportation planning in developed and developing countries with an emphasis on the U.S., Asia, and Pacific region. A-F only.
Focus on ideology, conceptual models, accounting frameworks, appropriate technologies, and indicators of planning for sustainability. Central and local policies, plans, and best practices in various countries and settings will be covered. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Cross-listed as SUST 647)
Issues and methods of urban land use planning practice and plan making. A-F only. (Cross-listed as ARCH 641)
Examines project management in theory and practice and the roles and responsibilities of the project manager. Focuses on planning, organizing, and controlling the efforts of projects. A-F only.
Introduction to the planning of various urban infrastructures. Explores approaches and tools to plan, evaluate, and regulate urban infrastructure systems in support of sustainable and resilient cities and communities.
Land use planning for urban neighborhoods and small towns. Theory and practice of neighborhood planning. Neighborhood and community dynamics, reinvestment, and stabilization.
Land use public policy planning in urban and regional settings. Growth management and land use guidance systems. A-F only.
Concepts and theories of community, resource access, and governance. Practical challenges to CBNRM in contemporary political economy. Pre: graduate standing. (Cross-listed as GEO 639)
Theories of globalization and sustainability in development, impacts of globalization and sustainability on development planning and policy formation, selected case studies of Asia-Pacific development. Pre: (630 or ASAN 600) with a grade of B or above. (Cross-listed as ASAN 638 and GEO 638)
Theories and practice of development; how changing development paradigms shape different ideas concerning the environment and the management of natural resources; emerging debates in development and environment in post-modern era. (Cross-listed as GEO 637)
Cultural and historical impact on urban form, contention of tradition and modernity in urban space, spatial expression of state and society, perception and utilization of urban design, evolution of urban form in selected Asian capitals. Pre: 310, 600, or ASAN 312. (Cross-listed as ARCH 687 and ASAN 636)
Examines government and non-government organizations’ responses to urban and rural shelter issues and services in Asia.
Urbanization and urban policies in the Asia and Pacific region with focus on the international dimension of national and local spatial restructuring.
Urban and regional planning in island settings. Experiences in Hawai‘i, Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia. Pre: graduate standing. (Cross-listed as SUST 632)
Key issues and policies in urban planning, rural-urban relations, rural regional planning, and frontier settlement in Asia and the Pacific. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as GEO 630)
Negotiation as a foundational skill of conflict resolution; mastery of negotiation skills for strategic dispute resolution; non-routine problem-solving, creating partnerships and alliances; crafting optimal agreements. Students participate in simulations and acquire vital leadership skills. Graduate standing only. Pre: one of the following courses: 627; or PACE 429, PACE 447, PACE 477, PACE 647, PACE 652, or PACE 668; or COMG 455 or SOC 730; or LAW 508; or MGT 660. (Cross-listed as PACE 629)
Seminar that examines environmental problems associated with urbanization. Reviews strategic approaches and collaboration among key actors to address such problems. (Cross-listed as SUST 628)
Applicability and limitations of selected approaches; role of planners; impact on planning.
for different resource systems including land, water, energy, coastal resources, forests and fisheries. Course focus varies from year to year. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Analysis of planning responses to human-induced climate change and related environmental problems. Part of the Asia/Pacific Initiative taught in collaboration with universities throughout the region via videoconferencing. (Cross-listed as SUST 625)
Build valuation skills to assess best use, conservation, and policies relating to environmental amenities. Provides an overview of policy solutions to environmental degradation used by planners.
Theory and practice of environmental impact assessment. Policy and planning frameworks supporting environmental assessment in the U.S. and abroad. Cumulative environmental effects and strategic environmental assessment. (Cross-listed as GEO 622)
Explore how environmental conflicts emerge and the efforts to find common ground for resolution. Examine the issues, debates, and theoretical aspects that help to explain and frame environmental conflict. Graduate students only. (Cross-listed as PACE 621)
Overview of urbanization and environmental change. An examination of environmental laws, policies, planning and urban design strategies designed to minimize and mitigate urban impacts. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Cross-listed as SUST 620)
Graduate seminar focuses on issues of governance, policy and planning in diverse multicultural societies. Differences in backgrounds, languages, privilege, preferences and values are often expressed in planning and policy controversies such as affirmative action and land use planning. Will examine these controversies and explore theories of governance in a multicultural setting.
Community-based economic development approaches and methods explored with an emphasis on low income communities. Repeatable one time.
Planning and programmatic aspects of community-based development projects. East-West and local planning perspectives on participatory development and intentional communities.
Housing delivery systems as an aspect of urban and regional planning.
Social issues and conditions; consequences of social policies experienced by different groups; community social plans and programs organized by various kinds of agencies and organizations. Repeatable one time.
Consists of three parts: key theories for socialist transition as basis for seminar discussion, policy evolution to illustrate the radical changes, and emerging and prominent current development and practice. (Cross-listed as ASAN 608 and POLS 645C)
Perspectives on policy analysis; basic approaches to the study of public policy, political economy, and policy evaluation. (Cross-listed as POLS 670)
Provides students with an overview of the history of urban and regional planning in the U.S., Europe, and Asia, and the role that planning has played in shaping contemporary urban settlements. Graduate standing only. A-F only.
Allocation, decision, derivation, and forecasting models used in the analysis of demographic, economic, land use, and transportation phenomena in urban and regional planning. Repeatable one time. PLAN majors only.
Provides a general introduction to qualitative research methods for planning and planning research. Includes data collection methods (focus groups, interviews, ethnography, participant observation, and participatory action research) and various analytic methods and approaches. Graduate standing only.
Reviews and builds skills in applying basic theories and principles of urban and regional economics in contemporary U.S., Hawai‘i and Asia-Pacific. Repeatable one time. PLAN majors only.
Advanced planning theory for PhD students (others by petition) to prepare for careers in planning education and/or high level professional practice. Covers key contemporary planning policy issues and themes from the perspective of values, explanations of the real world, policy alternatives and implementation. Students must have passed 600 or equivalent (by petition) with a B or better. Repeatable one time. PhD students only or by consent. A-F only. Pre: 600 or consent.
Introduction of the basic methods in planning, including problem definition, research design, hypothesis testing, statistical reasoning, forecasting and fundamental data analysis techniques required by the planning program and the planning profession. Repeatable one time. PLAN and ARCH majors only. Pre: one of ECON 321, GEO 380, or SOC 476.
Designed to a) impart a historic and comparative perspective on the evolution of urban and regional planning in public policy; b) explore the spatial and built environment dimensions of society, planning and policy; c) assess the justifications for planning and differing processes of planning in the U.S. and AsiaPacific with a focus on the role of the planner in policy formulation and implementation. Graduate students only or with permission. A-F only. Repeatable two times.
Analyzes availability for housing, particularly affordable housing, and its relationship to use of land and building of community. Examines public policies impacting housing, land use, and community development and ways they can be improved.
Exploration of geographic information systems (GIS) area analysis techniques for spatial information management in community planning. Students will learn the basic concepts and principles, and practical skills of GIS through lectures, discussions, and labs. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher.
Reviews the evolution of Asian urban space. Political history, migration, culture, and production are the determinants of urban changes. Uses visual material to illustrate the change in Asian cityscape. Pre: 310 or ASAN 310 or ASAN 312, or consent. (Cross-listed as ASAN 449)
Introduction to the process of developing Environmental Management Systems that address the principles outlined in ISO14001:2015. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Spring only)
Investigates the impact of globalization on sustainable development in Asia. Globalization and sustainability often contradict, raising serious planning issues. Examines how these issues affect Asian development policies and urban planning. Pre: 310 or ASAN 310 or ASAN 312, or consent. (Cross-listed as ASAN 438)
Origins, functions, and internal structure of cities. Problems of urban settlement, growth, decay, adaptation, and planning in different cultural and historical settings. Dynamics of urban land use and role of policies and perceptions in shaping towns and cities. Pre: GEO 102 or GEO 151 or GEO 330, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 421)
Investigation of the forces behind natural and technological hazards, and human actions that reduce or increase vulnerability to natural disasters. Junior standing or higher.
Introduction to analytical methods for identifying, measuring, and quantifying the impacts of changes or interventions in resource, human-environment, and other geographic systems. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. (Alt. years)
Independent research on topics in urban and regional planning. Pre: 310.
Perspectives on planning; planning tools and methods; specific Hawai‘i planning–research problems from a multidisciplinary approach. Pre: junior standing or consent.
Urban processes and social problems, such as poverty, crime, racial segregation, homelessness, housing policy, urbanization, and neighborhood ethnic diversity. How places shape identity and opportunity. Research methods applied to communities, places, and neighborhoods of Hawai‘i. Pre: SOC 100 or a 200-level SOC course, or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 301)
How do we plan and design cities to meet our long-term economic and environmental needs? Students will learn how sustainability applies to key urban issues like energy, transportation, land, and food. A-F only. (Cross-listed as SUST 114)
Individual reading or research. Repeatable one time, up to six credits. Junior standing. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Directed research for undergraduate students conducting faculty-mentored research or creative work projects. Repeatable three times, up to ten credits. CR/NC only. Pre: consent of UROP director and student faculty mentor. (Summer only)
Theory and practice of collaborative learning in academic contexts. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: consent.
Intensive course designed for peer educator trainees to learn principles of personal finance, including budgeting, credit, insurance, buying a home or automobile, savings, and financing education. Trainees will develop communication, facilitation, and practical leadership skills. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Summer only)
A reflective apprenticeship in which Peer Advisor Leaders solidify their understanding of advising and learn more about leadership and deepen their facilitation, communication, collaboration, and leadership skills by mentoring a cohort of peer advisor trainees. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: 350 (or equivalent course) (with a minimum grade of B). (Summer only
Intensive course designed for peer advisor trainees to learn General Education requirements, university policies and procedures, and campus resources. Trainees also develop skills and strategies necessary to provide quality advising to their fellow students. A-F only (Summer only)
Major exploration designed to assist exploratory students in the process of researching personal, career, and educational goals and the impact of these goals on the decision-making process. Emphasis on self-reflection and identity. Sophomore standing. A-F only.
Seminar provides students with the knowledge/skills to thrive in college and beyond. Utilizes writing as a tool for research/analysis; topics include major/ career exploration. May not be taken concurrently or after UNIV 340. Freshmen and sophomores only. Exploratory designations only. A-F only.
Seminar introduces exploratory students to major and career exploration resources, guides students in developing personal, academic, and career goals and plans, and encourages frequent self-reflection. Instructor approval required. A-F only. (Spring only)
Seminar introduces students to goal setting, time management, major exploration, academic planning, service-learning opportunities, student/faculty meetings, financial literacy, and encourages frequent self-reflection. Instructor approval required. A-F only.
Interactive course develops mentoring skills and relationships with peers, mentors, and “elders.” Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. (Summer only)
Theories of the memory processes and the application of the Information Processing Systems in developing metacognitive strategies for college classroom success. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only.
Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Specialized topics from various areas of plant and soil research such as experimental techniques, growth regulation, morphogenesis, genetics and breeding, culture and nutrition of tropical crops. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
In-depth study of specialized problems. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/ NC only. Pre: consent.
Independent study for students working on a Plan B master’s project. A grade of Satisfactory (S) is assigned when the project is satisfactorily completed. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in TPSS program.
The application of geostatistics to estimate spatial dependence to improve soil and regional sampling; provide insight into underlying soil, geographic, and geologic process, and to provide quantitative scaling up of point measurements to fields, regions, and watersheds. State-space modeling also will be included. A-F only. Pre: GEO 388 or ZOOL 631; or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 680)
Contemporary literature is used as the basis for understanding the physiology for whole plant growth and development. Aspects covered include vegetative and reproductive development, seed dormancy, senescence, abscission, and relevant biochemical and molecular processes. Pre: 470 and MBBE 402, or consent.
Interdisciplinary methodologies for conducting research and impact analyses on agrarian systems, sustainable development, and resource management. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as NREM 670) (Alt. years: fall)
Presentation of research reports; reviews of current literature in plant and soil sciences. Repeatable four times. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Classification, culture, cytogenetics, breeding of orchids. Pre: consent. Recommended: 200/SUST 211 and 402.
Understanding the science and art of green landscape technologies, with a comprehensive understanding of LID (low impact design) principles and practices; to increase knowledge to help produce more viable and enduring built landscapes. TPSS majors only. A-F only. (Cross-listed as ARCH 658)
Combined lecture/discussion on grants and grant writing. Designed to introduce graduate students to grants and grant proposal writing through lectures, class discussion, writing assignments, and peer review. Open to CTAHR graduate students only; others with consent. (Cross-listed as ANSC 657 and FSHN 657)
Exploring, understanding, and implementing Hawaiian and Western cultural and environmental landscape design principles. A concentrated look at how to think about creating and respecting a sense of place through landscape design. TPSS and LAND majors only. A-F only. (Cross-listed as ARCH 656)
(3-hr Lec/Lab combination) Laboratory-type course for improving communication abilities in the sciences and engineering. Presentations to lay audiences are emphasized. Hands-on experience in techniques and methods is provided.
Examines the use of libraries and information technology for scholarly investigation in support of scientific research; provides experience utilizing and critically evaluating a variety of print and electronic sources in basic and applied sciences. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as ANSC 652, FSHN 652, and NREM 652)
(2 Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) Soil-plant interactions, emphasis on characteristics of tropical soils and plants influencing nutrient uptake by plants. Diagnostic methods to identify nutrient deficiencies and element toxicity. Pre: 450 or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Physio-chemical processes in soils and soil solutions, with emphasis on ionic equilibria, mineral stability, organic complexation, and surface sorption of major plant nutrients and heavy metals. A-F only. Pre: 435 and CHEM 351, or consent.
Introduction to the identification, recognition, and use of plants in landscape design and built environment applications. Students will be introduced to a variety of landscape plants commonly used in Hawai‘i and the tropics. TPSS majors only. A-F only. (Cross-listed as ARCH 634)
Overview and lab-based course exploring theory and methods to understand genome evolution and adaptation; focus will be on a range of organisms. Pre: 453 and 603, or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Applications of molecular genetics to crop improvement. Pre: 453 and MBBE 402; or consent.
(1 2-hr Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Mineral nutrition of plants in relation to plant metabolism, mechanisms of ion uptake, long-distance transport of solutes, and interactions at the root-soil interface. Special emphasis on problems associated with tropical crops. Pre: 450 and 470, or consent. (Alt. years)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Study of biochemical and biogeochemical transformations mediated by soil microorganisms, emphasis on processes important to plant growth productivity and environmental quality. Pre: 304 and MICR 351, or consent.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Design of experiments and variance analyses in biological and agricultural research. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: ZOOL 632. (Cross-listed as ANSC 603)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles of modeling crop growth and development, model types, techniques, simulation. Modeling influence of climate/environment on phenology, growth, development of horticultural crops. Pre: BOT 470 and NREM 310, or consent.
Supervised individual instruction in field laboratory and library. Repeatable up to six credits. CR/NC only. Pre: 364 or consent.
Integration and application of academic knowledge and critical skills emphasizing professional development. Placement with an approved cooperating supervisor/employer. Pre: consent.
Study and discussion of significant topics, problems. Offered by visiting faculty and/or for extension programs. Repeatable. Pre: consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Weed classification, identification, adaptations for weediness; principles of weed control; properties, uses, and action of herbicides. Lab: pesticide application equipment and techniques, no-till farming, greenhouse and field experiments. A-F only. Pre: 200/ SUST 211 and CHEM 152, or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as PEPS 481)
Laboratory to accompany 480. Technical examination of bacteria, fungi, protists, nematodes, arthropods, and other invertebrate, and the essential functional roles these organisms contribute to sustainability of the planet. Repeatable one time. Pre: BIOL 171L and 172L, or MICR 351L, or consent. Co-requisite: 480. (Crosslisted as BIOL 480L)
An interdisciplinary study of the diverse life in the soil beneath our feet that includes bacteria, fungi, protists, nematodes, arthropods, invertebrate, viruses, and the essential functional roles these organisms contribute to sustainability of the planet. Repeatable one time. Pre: TPSS/PEPS/SUST 371 or BIOL 375, or MICR 351, or consent. (Cross-listed as BIOL 480)
Designed for students to identify essential nutrients required by plants; diagnose nutrient disorders in plants; and propose environmentally sound solutions to correct disorders. Pre: 304/NREM 304 (or concurrent) and BIOL 172. (Cross-listed as NREM 475)
Comparative physiological and biochemical processes during growth, maturation, ripening, and senescence in fruits, vegetables, and flowers related to changes in quality and storage life. Tropical commodities emphasized. A-F only. Pre: 200/SUST 211, BIOL 171, or BOT 201; CHEM 152; or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Principles of experimentation in plant physiology, includes individual investigations. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Integration of form and function from cellular to whole plant levels in processes from seed germination, through photosynthesis, growth, and morphogenesis, to flowering and senescence. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171 or consent.
Basic soil-water-plant relationships, irrigation water requirements, irrigation efficiencies, different methods of irrigation, planning, design and management of an irrigation system, fertigation and impact of irrigation on soil and water quality. Pre: NREM 203 (or equivalent) and NREM/TPSS 304 (or equivalent), or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as NREM 463)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Bio-physical processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum that influence crop growth and development. Methods to estimate the impact of soil and climate on crop performance. Use of crop models to simulate effects of planting date, plant spacing and density, fertilizer rate, rainfall or irrigation, and daily weather on crop yield and farm income. Pre: 304 and either PHYS 151 or PHYS 170, or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Unique aspects of plant genetics and applications to crop improvement, with emphasis on breeding plants in Hawai‘i. Pre: BIOL 375 (or concurrent) or consent.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Biological, chemical, and physical processes governing the cycling of nutrients in agroecosystems, crop and livestock production, and the effects on surrounding unmanaged ecosystems. Pre: 304 and CHEM 161, or consent. (Cross-listed as NREM 460)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Application of plant tissue culture for plant scientists; study of the growth and development of plant tissues in culture as influenced by chemical and environmental factors, and the regeneration of plants following plant transformation by biolistics and other molecular approaches. Pre: 420 or consent. Recommended: BOT 410.
Study of soil chemical processes such as weathering, adsorption, precipitation, and ion exchange; causes of soil acidity, alkalinity, and salinity; reactions between soils and fertilizers, pesticides, or heavy metals. Management strategies to minimize environmental contamination by nitrate, phosphate, and trace elements such as As, Pb, and Se. A-F only. Pre: 304 or consent. (Fall only)
Schemes for managing sequences and combinations of crops and crop production activities. Ecosystem and social determinants. Multiple cropping. Analysis of alternative cropping systems. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only. Junior standing or higher.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Management practices in production and operations of commercial nurseries in Hawai‘i. Pre: 200/SUST 211 and 364; or consent.
Introduction to quantitative decision-making methods for effective agribusiness management in resource allocation, scheduling, logistics, risk analysis, inventory, and forecasting. Emphasis on problem identification, model formulation and solution, and interpretation and presentation of results. Pre: ECON 130 or NREM/ SUST 220, and ECON 321 or NREM 310; or consent. (Once a year)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles of seed science, seed physiology, seed production, and genetic modification. Hawai‘i’s seed industry and biotechnology. A-F only. Pre: 364 (recommended) and 420 (recommended), or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Theoretical and applied aspects of seed and vegetative propagation technology involving fruits, flowers, vegetables, and landscape plants. Pre: 200/SUST 211 or consent.
Provides students with knowledge and real world experience on common turfgrass pests and management strategies in Hawai‘i, with emphasis on integrated pest management. Common cool-season turfgrass and pest management are also discussed. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as PEPS 418)
Introduces concepts of biotechnology, fundamental issues associated with use of this technology, with special emphasis on agricultural biotechnology. A-F only. Pre: 200/SUST 211 or BIOL 171 or NREM 210, or consent. (Alt. years)
Introduces an essential component of the Land Grant Mission. Students will explore the foundational components of extension education including agent expectations, program development and evaluation, audience engagement, building partnerships, funding structures. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Cross-listed as TAHR 415)
Provides knowledge and understanding of soils, agroecology, and sustainable approaches for plant health management, and prepares students for applied research in various tropical cropping systems. A-F only. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as PEPS 410 and SUST 410)
Co-evolution of human societies and plants over the last 10,000 years. Foraging, farming and urban societies economies; spread and modification of selected plants; issues of preservation of genetic resources and traditional plant knowledge. The form and function of gardens. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Adaptability and selection, establishment, and cultural practices of grasses for various types of turf. Pre: 200/SUST 211 or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Botanical aspects and horticultural management practices of selected tropical and subtropical fruit crops, with emphasis on small scale commercial production in Hawai‘i. Pre: 300 or consent.
Biology and production of cut flowers, blooming potted plants, foliage plants under field and protected cultivation in Hawai‘i and globally. Pre: 300 or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Crop biology, requirements, and production techniques for commercial vegetable production in Hawai‘i will be stressed. Pre: 300 or consent.
Fundamentals of genetic theory using traditional breeding and biotechnological procedures in insect and plant pathogen management for sustainable agricultural production. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PEPS 371 and SUST 371)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Identification, origin, use, and cultural requirement of trees, shrubs, vines, and groundcovers used in Hawaiian landscapes. Pre: 200/SUST 211 or consent.
Techniques of culture and management of horticulture crops. Pre: consent.
Students will develop basic skills of residential landscape graphic and design processes in order to clearly articulate the ability to think, analyze, and extend a physical solution in the proper scale. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ARCH 354)
Basic skills of landscape graphic communication through a creative process model. Learning free hand and technical drafting techniques to creative effective landscape graphics. Pre: consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ARCH 353)
Survey of the history of landscape architecture from Mesopotamia to present. Review of the physical, cultural, social, economic, and political factors, as well as the environmental concerns, horticultural techniques, and technological innovations of historic landscapes. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as ARCH 352)
Introduction of practical concepts and methods used in business management. Introduce broad range of business strategies. Understand the critical role each strategy plays. Facilitate student’s practice of analytical and critical thinking through case studies. (Cross-listed as NREM 351)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Concepts and techniques of landscape installation and management in the tropics. Pre: 200/ SUST 211 and 369; or consent.
Principles and methods of agricultural accounting. Preparing and interpreting financial statements. Sources and costs of credit, capital budgeting, tax management, estate planning. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: ECON 130 or NREM/SUST 220, or consent. (Cross-listed as NREM 341)
Combined lecture/discussion regarding the ability of renewable energy technologies to meet local, national, and global energy demands and their potential impacts on the environment and society. Pre: consent.
Problems, agencies, functions, costs, prices, regulations affecting marketing: proposed improvements. Pre: ECON 130, NREM/SUST 220; or consent. (Alt. years)
Undergraduate seminar that provides the presentation and discussion of topics of current relevance to students preparing for careers in applied plant sciences. Oral focus designation. A-F only. Pre: 200/ SUST 211 or NREM 210, or consent. (Cross-listed as NREM 311)
Field and analytical methods for exploring the origin, development, properties, and management of soils, with an emphasis on tropical and Hawaiian soils. A-F only. Pre: CHEM 161 and CHEM 161L. Co-requisite: 304. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as NREM 304L)
Origin, development, properties, management of tropical soils; classification of Hawaiian soils. A-F only. Minimum prerequisite grade of C or consent. Pre: CHEM 161 and 161L, or consent. Co-requisite: 304L. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as NREM 304)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Comparisons and contrasts of crop management systems, techniques, and technologies in protected and open field production of tropical crops. Pre: 200/SUST 211 or consent.
Introduction to the scientific principles of sustainability, including the ecology of managed and natural ecosystems, global change biology, ecological principles of natural resource management, renewable energy technologies, and the environmental impacts of humans. (Cross-listed as NREM 251 and SUST 251)
Combined lecture/lab on the theory and practice of certified organic food production. Field visits to organic farms/markets included. Open to nonmajors. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as SUST 221)
Basic online course integrates aquaculture (raising fish and prawns) with hydroponics plant cultivation in water. Includes the basic design and construction of an aquaponics feed system. Repeatable one time. (Summer only)
Relationship of plants, soils, and the environment, and how they relate to cultural practices and society in agroecosystems with an emphasis on Hawai‘i as a model system. (Cross-listed as SUST 211)
Field trips for Natural history and Conservation of the Hawaiian Islands. A-F only. Co-requisite: 156. (Summer only)
Examines the nexus of food, energy, and water in Hawai‘i for sustainable development. Repeatable two times, up to nine credits. (Cross-listed as SUST 156)
The origins: social, cultural, and ceremonial traditions; culture; food and nutritional properties. Processing of a variety of tropical horticultural plants are presented, with tasting sessions and optional field trips. Topics will rotate among (B) beverage crops (e.g., coffee, tea, chocolate, kava, fruit juices); (C) herbs, spices, and flavoring (selection of examples to be determined); (D) tropical fruits (assortment offered depends on availability during semester); (E) ornamental plants (flowers, houseplants, popular landscape plans, bonsai, ethnic ornamentals). Does not count towards TPSS major. Pre: consent.
Research for doctoral thesis. Approval of department faculty is required. Repeatable unlimited times.
Advanced instruction in frontiers of tropical medicine and public health. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PH 756)
Research for master’s thesis. Approval of department faculty required. Repeatable unlimited times.
Directed research in medical microbiology (bacteriology, parasitology, virology). Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Independent study for students working on a Plan B master’s project. A grade of Satisfactory (S) is assigned when the project is satisfactorily completed. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in TRMD.
Weekly discussion and reports on current advances in tropical medicine and public health. Repeatable unlimited times. (Cross-listed as PH 755)
Epidemiology of infectious diseases as it relates to tropical medicine. Lecture/seminar format. A-F only. Pre: TRMD graduate standing or consent. (Spring only)
Role of bacteria in infectious diseases, with emphasis on clinical aspects and identification of etiological agents. Pre: 605 or equivalent, or consent.
In-depth study of the major groups of viruses pathogenic for human; virus replication, host range, pathogenesis, immunology, and epidemiology. Pre: 605 or equivalent, or consent. (Alt. years: fall)
Consideration of ultrastructure, physiology, biochemistry, in-vitro cultivation and host-parasite relationship of parasites of medical importance. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years: fall)
Fundamental biomedical statistics concepts and tools will be introduced, as well as their applications to biomedical data. Students will perform hands-on analysis using statistical software and learn to interpret and present the results. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as QHS 601)
History of HIV, basic biology and virology, epidemiology, HIV pathogenesis and immunology, clinical features, and co-morbidities. Treatment and prevention of HIV/ AIDS, including research methods, statistics, cultural competence, genetics, pathophysiology, drug and vaccine development. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: 604 and 605, or consent. (Fall only)
Provides fundamental concepts in bioinformatics with strong emphasis on hands-on training. Topics such as molecular biology, sequence alignment, biological databases, phytogeny, and genomics including microarray and RNA-sequence analysis. Repeatable one time, but credit earned one time only. Open to nonmajors. A-F only. Pre: 604 (or concurrent) and 605 (or concurrent) or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed with QHS 610)
An evolutionary perspective to examine the interactive responses between infectious agents and the immune system. Topics will include natural selection, life history evolution, population genetics of pathogens and hosts, and anti-microbial resistance. A-F only. Pre: 604 (or concurrent) and 605 (or concurrent), or consent. (Alt. years: spring)
History/evolution of vaccines, current and next generation vaccines, vaccine immunology, adjuvants, vaccine strategies, vaccines for viral, bacterial, and parasitic diseases, vaccine-proof-of-concept and downstream developmental studies; vaccine safety production processes. Repeatable one time. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: (604 and 605) with a minimum grade of B. (Spring only
Applications of population biology, pathogen/host life history, and population genetics to infectious disease epidemiology, including micro- and macroparasites, and implications to disease control and prevention of strategies. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as PH 650)
Combined lecture/discussion of interactions of pathogens with the innate and acquired immune systems. Topics will include the role of novel receptors in pathogen detection, inflammation in disease pathogenesis, pathogen immune evasion, and neuroimmunology. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: 604, MICR 461, or consent. (Alt. years: fall)
Presentations/discussions of current literature concerning recent advances in immunology relevant to disease and to disease processes. Pre: consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Basic structure, physiology, epidemiology, and genetics of pathogenic bacteria as well as the host response to these organisms. Correlation of these characteristics to disease pathogenesis in humans and animal models. A-F only. Pre: 604 or consent. (Spring only)
Seminar on neuroinvasive viruses giving basics of viruses causing nervous system diseases and discussing recent advances in the research field of neurovirology. Pre: MICR 351 or equivalent; or consent. (Fall only)
Practical experience in use of equipment and procedures in infectious disease and immunology research; introduction to research in tropical medicine. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: 604 (or concurrent), or consent.
Will cover different families of animal viruses of importance to human diseases. The genome, structure, replication, as well as host immune responses, epidemiology, clinical features, and animal models will be presented. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 604 and MICR 351, or consent. (Cross-listed as PH 667)
Immunological concepts relating to infectious diseases and host pathogen interactions. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: MICR 461 (or equivalent) or consent. (Cross-listed as PH 665)
Epidemiology, pathogenesis, immunobiology and diagnostic aspects of human parasitic infections; principles of host-pathogen interactions; public health aspects of parasitic infections. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: MICR 351 or equivalent. (Fall only)
Microbiologic methods and techniques for identification of pathogenic viruses, bacterial, and parasitic organisms including specimen handling, culturing, and laboratory safety. Repeatable one time. Graduate standing only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Students gain experience in the presentation and discussion of topics of current interest in the fields of tropical medicine and infectious diseases. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only.
Research elective for medical students; (B) infectious diseases; (C) parasitology; (D) epidemiology; (E) immunology. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 554 or consent. (Fall only)
Elective for medical students; (B) infectious diseases; (C) parasitology; (D) epidemiology; (E) immunology. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 554 or consent.
Elective for medical students in Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases. Repeatable six times, up to 12 credits. Medical students only. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Elective for fourth-year medical students for advanced study of selected topics within the field of tropical medicine and medical microbiology. Pre: fourth-year standing or MD degree.
Directed reading and research in laboratory; diagnostic aspects of bacterial, parasitic, and viral infections. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Hands-on research experience at assigned international sites. Students learn research and analytical skills in the field and laboratory setting, and present data to peers and faculty upon completion of the training. MHIRT cohort only. A-F only. (Summer only)
Overview of biosciences research related to health and health disparities in a global setting as well as in Hawai‘i. Workshop topics include health research, Native Hawaiian health, global health, and cultural competency. MHIRT cohort only. A-F only. (Summer only)
Combines weekly lectures by faculty for discussion of the 9 Steps of Research and completion of training courses for working with human subjects, including research ethics, laboratory safety, blood-borne pathogens, and principles of health disparity. MHIRT cohort only. A-F only. (Summer only)
Epidemiology, pathogenesis, immunobiology and diagnostic aspects of human parasitic infections; principles of host-pathogen interactions; public health aspects of parasitic infections. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: MICR 351 with a grade of B or higher or equivalent. (Spring only)
Introduces an essential component of the Land Grant Mission. Students will explore the foundational components of extension education including agent expectations, program development and evaluation, audience engagement, building partnerships, funding structures. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Cross-listed as TPSS 415)
Introduction to the scientific principles of sustainability, including the ecology of managed and natural ecosystems, global change biology, ecological principles of natural resource management, renewable energy technologies, and the environmental impacts of humans.
Introduction to key concepts and theories in social sciences in relation to sustainability issues. (Cross-listed as SOCS 250 and SUST 250)
Study overseas in an approved international or similar exchange program. CR/NC only. Pre: consent of academic advisor.
Independent supervised research. Formal and oral written presentation of research findings. Repeatable up to six credits.
Independent study of approved, advanced reading with faculty supervision. Requires proposal prepared by student and approved by supervisor and graduate chair before registration. Repeatable one time.
Integration of learning through analysis of policy issues, trends, and problems in the travel industry. A-F only. Pre: three 600-level TIM courses completed or consent.
Independent project or paper under faculty supervision in lieu of Plan A, TIM 700 thesis. Requires proposal approved by supervisor and graduate chair prior to registration. A-F only. Pre: three 600-level TIM courses completed or consent.
Integration of concepts and application of knowledge and skills from other courses to a selected field study project. Pre: any two 600-level TIM courses completed and a third concurrent; or consent.
Applications of financial analysis to both the domestic and international travel industry. TIM majors only. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
International trade theory and regional analysis methodologies applied to tourism and the service industry, including travel balance account, inter-regional transactions flow, economic impacts, environmental economics, demand theory and forecasting. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Advanced study analysis of economics and management of passenger transportation systems serving the travel industry. Emphasis on topics such as government policy, transport economics, marketing and management, and the relationships between transportation systems and tourism development. Pre: graduate standing or consent
Advanced human relations and operating issues; use of accounting, behavioral, financial, marketing, and informational systems in managing hospitality organizations. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Advanced study of management accounting within travel industry: responsibility accounting, pricing decisions, concepts and application of central systems, financial planning, price level impacts, performance evaluation. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Planning, implementation, management, evaluation, and impact of information and electronic communication technologies, including e-commerce applications in the travel industry. Analysis of new information technology use as an area of research and strategic application. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
In-depth study of marketing principles and problems related to travel industry organizations. Emphasis on strategic marketing. Research applications, international and domestic marketing of travel industry services. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Analysis of methodologies appropriate for research in travel industry management. Survey of the literature of applied techniques and approaches including exploratory approaches. Familiarization with research design and implementation of development of research proposals. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
(B) tourism planning; (C) advanced travel industry management; (D) advanced hospitality management; (E) advanced hotel management; (F) advanced restaurant management; (G) advanced tourism management; (H) advanced recreation management; (I) advanced leisure management; (J) advanced transportation management; (K) advanced travel industry management education; (M) advanced travel industry management technology; (N) advanced meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibition management; (O) advanced food and beverage management; (P) leadership and advanced human resources; (Q) advanced assets management. Repeatable five times with consent for (B), (C), (D), (E), (F), (G), (H), (I), (J), (K), (M), (N); repeatable six times for (O), (P), and (Q). TIM majors only. A-F only for (O), (P), and (Q).
Introduction to the process of developing Environmental Management Systems that address the principles outlined in ISO14001:2015. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as OCN 442 and SUST 442)
Advanced level of discussion in terms of transportation, including management, economics, strategy, regulation, operating performance, fleet management, and network management. Pre: 101. Recommended: 350 and/or 353.
Strategic management in the travel/hospitality industry. Case study analysis, discussion and written reports, covering strategies, management problems and industry issues. Emphasis on writing instruction. A-F only. Pre: 301, 302, 303, 304, 305 and graduating senior.
Analysis of key factors in the marketing and management of tourism destinations, including destination branding, product development, integrated marketing, stakeholder relations, and the role of destination marketing/marketing organizations. Emphasis on written communication. Pre: 101.
Seminar examining the social, environmental, economic factors of sustainable tourism development. Emphasis on methods and processes and the role of stakeholders (government, industry, host community, tourists). Group projects. A-F only. Pre: 101 and departmental approval. (Cross-listed as SUST 421)
Principles of nature-based tourism, including a survey of impacts, objectives, planning, and management systems. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 101 or 324/ GEO 324. (Cross-listed as GEO 415 and SUST 415)
Critical and essential aspects of developing and managing resort mixed use facilities. Includes multidimensional and dynamic interrelationships of site development and facilities, business mix, management structures and systems, and industry practices. A-F only. Pre: 313 or 369; and 314. Recommended: 333 and 401. (Fall only)
Principles of resort and spa development. Essential aspects of understanding the leadership and interrelationships of managing/operating and marketing resorts, spas, and wellness. A-F only. Pre: 314. Recommended: 305.
Requires a minimum of 150 hours of internship, a business presentation, and an analytical report synthesizing experience and related theories. A significant portion of class time is dedicated to writing instruction, which will enhance and improve students’ writing skills. (B) executive internship; (C) community service internship. Restricted to majors. CR/NC only. Pre: 200 and consent.
Reading and research into problems in hotel, restaurant, transportation or tourism sectors of the travel industry. Pre: junior standing or above, a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and consent of dean’s office and instructor based upon student’s written proposal of content and objectives of course program. TIM majors only.
Reading and research into problems in hotel, restaurant, transportation or tourism sectors of the travel industry. Pre: junior standing or above, a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and consent of dean’s office and instructor based upon student’s written proposal of content and objectives of course program. TIM majors only.
(B) resort development; (C) assets management; (D) transportation and public policy; (E) management by cultural values; (F) travel industry management; (G) hospitality management; (H) hotel management; (I) restaurant entrepreneurship; (J) tourism management; (K) recreation management; (M) leisure management; (N) transportation management; (O) travel industry management education; (P) travel industry management technology; (Q) meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibition management. Repeatable five times with consent. TIM majors only for (B), (C), (D), (E), (F), (G), (H), (I), (J), (K), (M), (N).
Study abroad instructional experience emphasizing international travel, tourism and hospitality-related topics at equivalent, accredited programs. Content varies depending on locus of instruction and instructor. Course qualifies as either a TIM or general elective with pre-approval or department. Repeatable unlimited times. TIM majors only. Pre: consent.
Microeconomic theory of consumer behavior and demand production cost analysis, market structure and pricing in travel companies. Economic impact of tourism. Students may not earn credit for 365 and BUS 313. TIM majors only. Pre: either ECON 120 or ECON 130.
Management of surface transportation such as cars, buses, and intercity rail, etc. Includes marketing, ownership and financing, supply chain, operations, regulation and promotion, human resources. TIM majors only. Pre: 101.
Marketing, management and strategies used by airlines, airports, catering, and aircraft manufacturers. TIM majors only. Pre: 101.
Management of logistics systems: inventory control, warehousing, materials management, physical distribution, transportation. Emphasis on Hawai‘i’s location and unique problems. TIM majors only. Pre: 101.
Introduction to managerial and operational issues related to all modes of transportation used by tourists into or within a tourist destination. Passenger behavior; transport infrastructure; transport networks; regulation; sustainable transport. TIM majors only. Pre: 101.
Functions, methods, and problems of hotel, convention, and restaurant sales. Needs of different classifications of properties; market segmentation and the sale of services vs. products. TIM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 101. Recommended: 304.
Comprehensive understanding of facilities management and design including maintenance systems, sustainable development options and design and environmental management. TIM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 313 and 314.
History, development, operations, and management of travel distribution organizations including: travel agents, tour operators and wholesalers, specialty channelers, meeting planners, incentive houses, travel associations, and other destination management organizations. Evolution and economics of the distribution of travel products through destination databases and electronic commerce. TIM majors only. Pre: 302.
Tourist landscape in relation to resources, spatial patterns of supply and demand, impacts of tourism development, and models of tourist space. Flows between major world regions. TIM majors only. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 324)
Issues arising from the impacts of tourism on societies and cultures. Class discussions of the ethical dimensions of such impacts. Includes an emphasis on writing instruction. TIM majors only. Pre: 101.
Examines tourism from an economic perspective. Topics include: the determinants of consumer demand for leisure travel, structure of competition among suppliers of tourism services, benefits and costs of tourism development to the host community, government’s role in the taxation, subsidy, regulation and protection of the tourism industry, tourism’s impact on the environment, and sustainable tourism development. TIM majors only. Pre: ECON 120 or 130 or 131; or consent. (Cross-listed as ECON 320)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Quantity food and beverage operations, menu development and costing, dietary menu claims, purchasing procedures, inventory control, procurement, transportation, legislation. Institutional foodservice sanitation, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point and National Restaurant Association Certification. TIM majors only. Pre: FSHN 181 and FSHN 181L, 315 or consent.
Introduction to special event planning processes and techniques. Emphasis on designing, planning, marketing, management, staging events, legal compliances, risk management, financial control, and successful event evaluation. TIM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 313 and junior standing.
Explore various aspects of the quality in foodservice operations and develop strategies to measure and improve the quality. A-F only. Pre: 101 and departmental approval.
Comprehensive understanding of hotel management and functional departments including front office, accounting, housekeeping, food and beverage, marketing, security and safety. Simulation of management trainee programs by hotel chains. Synthesis of concepts, tools and theories of decision-making relevant to hotel operations. TIM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 101, 302, and 303 (with a minimum grade of C- in 302 and 303).
Critical and essential aspects of managing foodservice operations including principles of food safety and sanitation, procedural knowledge in front and back of the house and guest relations. TIM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 101 and 303.
Introduction to club and institutional management, including operations, services, and facilities. TIM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 101.
Procurement responsibilities in hospitality management. Emphasis on institutions supplying hospitality operations and legislation which controls standards of industrial supplies and goods. TIM and FSHN majors only. Pre: 101.
Human resources as a strategic asset in the travel industry; contemporary theories, issues, and developments in the field; practical training in oral communication to enhance employee recruitment, retention, and productivity. TIM majors only. Pre: 101 and (COMG 151 or COMG 251).
Cash flow determination and management strategies for financing hospitality ventures and expansion. Determining the financial viability of proposed and existing operations through traditional and state-of-the-art techniques. TIM majors only. Pre: 101, ACC 202, and NREM 203, MATH 203, MATH 215, MATH 241, or BUS 250.
Concepts, problems, processes of marketing within the travel industry; development of marketing strategies including product, place, promotion, and price for travel institutions. Students may not earn credit for 304 and BUS 312. TIM majors only. Pre: 101.
Principles and philosophies of management with special emphasis on those principles and theories that are most relevant to management in service-based industries. Students may not earn credit for 303 and BUS 315. TIM majors only. Pre: 101 or consent.
Computer applications in the travel industry; operation and evaluation of specific travel industry systems and applied business systems. TIM majors only. Pre: 101; and either ICS 101, or both LTEC 112 and LTEC 113
Origin, development, and principles of common, statutory, constitutional, international, and maritime law relating to hospitality industry. TIM majors only. Pre: 101. Recommended: BLAW 200.
A minimum of four hundred hours of travel industry experience. Position must be different from TIM 200 position and of a more responsible nature or in a different organization. Comprehensive report by student and performance evaluation from employer required. CR/NC only. Pre: TIM major and 200.
A minimum of four hundred hours of travel industry experience. Comprehensive report by student and performance evaluation from employer required. CR/NC only. Pre: TIM major, 100, and 101.
An integrated cross-cultural approach to the study of foods and cultures. Examine history, concepts, principles of cultures and cuisines, the background of food tradition including habitat, social status, religious beliefs, gender, and other environmental considerations. A-F only.
Overview of travel industry and related major business components. Analysis of links between hotel, food, transportation, recreation, and other industries comprising tourism.
Introduction to travel industry. Discussion of job search strategies, TIM internship requirements, career and academic planning. CR/NC only.
UH Mânoa School of Travel Industry Management majors participating in approved international exchange programs. CR/NC only.
Independent study of approved readings and research with faculty supervision. Repeatable two times, up to nine credits. A-F only.
Focus on the ability to translate orally information from a written text. Emphasis on improving linguistic (discourse analysis) and communicative (public speaking) skills. (J) Japanese; (K) Korean; (M) Mandarin; (O) other; (S) Spanish. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: CITS screening exam.
Simultaneous interpretation of speeches. Focus on the study of formulaic and frozen language characteristically used in international meetings. (J) Japanese; (K) Korean; (M) Mandarin; (O) other; (S) Spanish. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: CITS screening exam.
Extensive note-taking and note-reading in a bilingual context. Focuses on the translation of numbers, acronyms, initials, and economic and financial information. (J) Japanese; (K) Korean; (M) Mandarin; (O) other; (S) Spanish. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: CITS screening exam.
Training in techniques of translating Japanese into English. Pre: JPN 407D or JPN 407E, or consent. (Cross-listed as JPN 425)
Training in techniques of translating English in Japanese. Pre: JPN 407D or JPN 407E, or consent. (Cross-listed as JPN 424)
(1 Lec, 1 1.5-hr Lab) The use of computers as aids in the translation process. Basic desktop publishing and technical writing. Computer aids for terminology studies and glossary building. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 421, senior or graduate standing, and pass CITS screening exam. Co-requisite: 402, 412, 452.
Training in techniques; theory of translation. (B) Chinese– English; (C) English–Chinese. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as CHN 421(Alpha))
Translation into a Second Language. Processes, methodology, and techniques. Web-based. (J) Japanese; (K) Korean; (M) Mandarin; (O) other; (S) Spanish. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: a previous translation course, or consent.
Translation of nonfiction texts into English. Emphasis on editing target version and producing camera-ready copy. (J) Japanese; (K) Korean; (M) Mandarin; (O) other; (S) Spanish. Repeatable one time. Pre: 411, senior or graduate standing, and pass CITS screening exam. Co-requisite: 414 and 452.
A three-part course consisting of business models for interpreters, a language-specific practicum lab, and an internship. Repeatable one time. Pre: 403 or 406. (Spring only)
Healthcare interpreting requires students to understand basic biosystems, common illnesses and treatments, as well as interpreting skills. Students must have 402 or above equivalency of second language skills (or instructor approval). Repeatable one time. Pre: 406 or consent.
Combined lecture/ discussion/practice. Continuation of 405 Court Interpretation, diving deeper into the practical side of oral interpreting for various proceedings, including arraignments, trials, witness testimonies, etc. Must be bilingual. Real courtroom observations required. Repeatable one time. Pre: 405 or consent.
Basic principles, ethics and skills involved in community interpreting in medical, legal, and social service settings; practical information about the community interpreter’s role and profession; practice of various community interpreting situations and techniques. Repeatable one time.
Introduction to the legal system, as well as theoretical principles, ethics, practical techniques, and current issues surrounding the practice and profession of court and other legal interpreting. Repeatable one time.
Factors in the art of translation. Practice in translating material from Spanish to English and the reverse. Pre: SPAN 305 or consent. (Cross-listed as SPAN 405)
Develop an awareness of the principles and the basic skills involved in the three modes of bilingual interpreting: simultaneous and consecutive interpreting and sight translation. Repeatable one time. Pre: at least 300-level proficiency in a second language.
Student awareness of the translation process and the criteria for evaluating translations. Includes readings and discussions of the translation process, terminology research as well as intensive practice in precise writing, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Pre: at least 300-level proficiency in a second language.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.
Listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. History and culture. Meets four (4) hours weekly. Pre: 102 or consent.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Structural points introduced inductively. History and culture. Meets four (4) hours weekly.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Theories and methods applied in theatrical experiences with and for young audiences: creative movement/drama, puppetry, and theatre/ dance. Pre: one of 470, 474, 475, 476, 477, or DNCE 490.
(B) Southeast Asia and India; (C) China; (D) Japan. Repeatable two times. Pre: one of 464, 465, 466, or consent.
Special topics. Repeatable when topics change. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Reading or research in theatre theory or history; reading and practice in particular areas of dramatic production. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Internship program where students will work for or with a professional theatre company under supervision of a UH faculty member, plus possible supervisor(s) from the theatre company. Students must participate hands-on in production activities of that company and receive a satisfactory (or better) review from their supervisor(s); (B) entertainment design: costume, lighting, scenery, props, sound, or other related disciplines; (C) performance: acting, directing, dance, choreography, or other related disciplines. Repeatable eight times per alpha, up to nine credits per alpha. A-F only. Pre: 345 or 353 or 356 for (B); 621 or 682 or DNCE 371 for (C). (Cross-listed as DNCE 696 (Alpha))
MFA play or dance productions, design projects, original full-length plays. Repeatable unlimited times.
Supervised leadership experiences in theatre/dance program with children. Students spend nine hours per week in supervised setting and three hours in weekly class meeting. Pre: one of 470, 476, or DNCE 490; or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 693)
Supervised teaching experience at the introductory or undergraduate level. Students will teach an appropriate level course in their field of expertise under faculty supervision. Repeatable up to nine credits. THEA or DNCE majors only. (Cross-listed as DNCE 692)
Pedagogy and classroom experience in teaching technique and theory. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as DNCE 691)
Practical and supervisory theatre work pertinent to professional degree objectives on productions being done in Kennedy Theatre or in other venues, by approval. Repeatable eight times, up to 9 credits. THEA majors only. Pre: consent.
Students direct scenes in classic or non-realistic western theatre styles or genres. Repeatable one time with consent. THEA majors only. A-F only. Pre: graduate student in theatre program, or consent. (Alt. years)
Methods class in theatre production for the director. Covers organization and techniques such as rehearsal planning, scheduling, and execution. Repeatable one time.
Direction of scenes and major one-act plays. Pre-thesis production. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 600 or consent.
Readings, discussion, research, and/or performance and scene work. Repeatable five times, up to nine credits. THEA majors only. Pre: consent.
Directing traditional Asian theatre pieces and Western plays performed with Asian techniques; development of new performance styles based on Asian examples; directing of scenes and one-act plays. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate theatre major and one Asian theatre course, or consent.
Creative movement/drama, puppetry, and theatre/dance; (B) production concepts. Repeatable when topics change. Pre: one of 470, 474, 475, 476, 477, DNCE 490; or consent.
Advanced seminar in applied methods and theories of creative dramatics. Repeatable one time. THEA or DNCE majors only.
Comparative and cross-cultural examination. (B) origins; (C) theories and systems; (D) modern Asian drama. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Goals and methods. Interview, questionnaire, observation, and performance study as research techniques. Practical application by designing a research project. Pre: 600.
Seminar offering overview and foundation for launching or advancing enterprises in the arts. A focus on the processes and method for creating economically successful grants and project development applications. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 658)
Research, design, and discussion exploring collaborative design problems and solutions. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: 445, 453, 456; or consent.
Workshop dealing with special topics in costume design and related skills. Repeatable one time with consent. A-F only. Pre: 456 or consent.
Western and Asian theatre and dance costume production techniques. Topics may include corset building, draping, patterning, tailoring, dying, fabric fabrication, millinery, leatherwork, and crafts. Topics presented within the context of current entertainment industry practice. Repeatable three times for different topics. Pre: 354 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent.
Workshop dealing with special topics in scenic design, related skills, and portfolio preparation. Repeatable two times with consent. Pre: 453 or consent. (Alt. years)
Workshop in advanced techniques and skills of scenic design; research, presentation, rendering, drafting, and model making. Pre: 353 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent.
Directed study designed to help MFA candidates in Design acquire the tools helpful in obtaining future employment. Portfolios, resumes, and related application tools will be developed along with other necessary skills. Must be current MFA candidate in theatre. Repeatable six times. THEA majors only. Graduate students only.
Workshop dealing with special topics in theatrical lighting design and related skills. Repeatable two times. THEA or DNCE majors only. Pre: 445.
Workshop in intermediate techniques and skills of lighting design; storytelling, analysis, research, envisioning, and communicating a design plan, execution of successful design projects. Use of communication tools such as mini-plots, light renderings, LightWright, and VectorWorks. Repeatable one time. Pre: 345 (with a minimum grade of B) or equivalent experience.
Workshop dealing with special topics in lighting design, sound design, technical design, production stage management, and special effects. Repeatable three times with consent. Pre: 343 or 445 or consent.
Advanced level Taijiquan (T’ai Chi Ch’uan) weapons training. Repeatable two times. Pre: 334 or 434, or consent.
Readings, discussion, research, and/or performance and scene work. Repeatable eight times. THEA majors only. Pre: consent.
Integration of movement, vocal technique, and concepts of traditional Asian genres into the actor’s repertory. Exploration of application to contemporary Asian and non-Asian texts. Workshop format. Repeatable one time. THEA and DNCE majors only. Pre: consent.
Great roles from the Western theatre repertory; focus on the individual actor and performance styles. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Training at advanced level in speaking and vocal skills and techniques in preparation for a solo performance. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 420 or consent. (Alt. years)
Readings, research, writing, and seminar discussions. Pre: 418, 611, and consent.
Dance, Theatre, Music Majors only. A-F only. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Special topics. Repeatable up to two times when topics change. Pre: 615 or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 617)
Study of dramatic texts in a seminar format; analysis of Western and Asian classical to post-modern plays. Pre: 312 or consent.
Introduction to key texts and concepts of performance studies. Pre: consent.
(B) role of the dramaturg; covers history, theory, and practice; (C) dramaturgy workshop; accompanies specific Kennedy Theatre productions. Repeatable one time per alpha. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)
Theatre as a cultural and social institution in the West, from the 18th century to the present. Pre: one of 311, 312, 411, 412, or consent. (Alt. years)
Theatre as a cultural and social institution in the West, from ancient Greece to Restoration England. Pre: one of 311, 312, 411, 412, or consent. (Alt. years)
Major theories of Western drama from Aristotle to Roland Barthes. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 412 or consent. (Alt. years)
Bibliography and research methods; preparation for thesis and dissertation writing. Required of many graduate theatre majors.
Individual projects; tutorial. Repeatable two times. Pre: consent.
(B) theatre traditions; (D) contemporary theatre. Repeatable two times each for (B) and (D). Junior standing or consent.
Working collectively, students research, write, design, develop, and perform a full-length production. Repeatable two times. Pre: 6 credits above the 200 level in acting, directing, playwriting, dancing; or consent.
Workshop; students direct one-act plays. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 380 and consent. (Alt. years)
History, techniques, construction, and performance of Hawaiian puppetry and traditional image dancing. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher.
History, construction, and performance techniques for large-scale and giant puppets. For teachers, recreation directors, and others working with students aged 10 to 18 and adults
History and scope of puppetry. Construction and presentation of puppets for adult and child audiences. Repeatable one time.
Methods of constructing puppets and stages with and for children 3 to 8 years of age. Use of puppets in the creative arts. Fieldwork.
Theories and principles of formal theatre for young audiences. Study of and practice in the selection, direction, and production of plays.
Storytelling development through focused activities on personal artistic practice, story content, and public performative techniques. Repeatable one time.
Dramatic activities for young people. For teachers, group workers, recreation majors, and others dealing with children. Supervised field activities.
Survey of indigenous theatre forms of Hawai‘i, Native Hawaiian, and other ethnic playwrights, and contemporary multicultural landscape of drama and theatre in Hawai‘i. Sophomore standing or higher. (Alt. years: fall)
No, Kyogen, Bunraku, Kabuki, modern drama, and the manner of their production. Pre: junior standing.
Yuan, southern, spoken drama; Beijing opera and the manner of their production. Pre: consent.
Court, folk, popular traditions, and the manner of their production. Pre: consent.
Survey of the contemporary drama and theatre of Oceania that combines island and Western traditions. Includes Papua New Guinea, Hawai‘i, Fiji, Samoa, Australia, New Zealand. Pre: 101 or ANTH 350, or consent. (Cross-listed as PACS 462)
Advanced costume design for theatre and dance. Introduction to collaborative process in costume. Intensive work on rendering skills, applied to various design problems. Cost analysis and organizational techniques. Pre: 356 or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 456)
Basic concepts and techniques of 2D computer-aided design. Lecture/ workshop covers language and commands common to most CAD packages with a focus on drafting specific to theatre. A laptop with Vectorworks installed is required. Pre: 343 or consent. (Once a year)
Business, organization and management for theatre and dance productions. Pre: junior standing or consent.
Costume production techniques, both Western and Asian, for theatre and dance. Topic rotation includes: understructures and armatures, patterning, tailoring, dyeing, fabric modification, millenery and crafts, within the context of current industry practice. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: 354, 356, or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 446)
Theatrical dance forms used in 20th-century musical theatre. Pre: 100 level or above dance technique class, 421, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as DNCE 439)
Movement styles and social deportment of the Baroque and pre-Romantic periods in Europe and the American Colonies. Pre: one of 435, DNCE 435, one semester of a 100-level dance technique class, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as DNCE 438)
Movement styles and social deportment of European societies in the Renaissance and early Baroque periods. Pre: one of 435 or DNCE 435, or one semester of a 100-level dance technique class. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as DNCE 437)
Detailed development of material presented in 435. Focus on Bartenieff fundamentals and movement analysis as it applies to the physical interpretation of theatrical roles. Pre: one of 435, DNCE 435, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as DNCE 436)
Training actors to discover experientially the sources of movement; to teach skills for analyzing movement for its mechanical, anatomical, spatial, and dynamic content; and then to apply these skills in a role. Pre: 222 or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 435)
Intermediate-level Taijiquan (T’ai Chi Ch’uan) movement training. Repeatable two times. Pre: 334 or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 434)
Special workshops in movement relating to specific departmental theatrical productions beyond the scope of movement taught in 437 and 438. Repeatable one time. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as DNCE 433)
Techniques for performing unarmed and armed stage combat. Repeatable one time. Pre: one of 221, 222, 321, 322; or consent.
Focus on individual training in the skills and techniques of contemporary experimental theatre including acting, directing, and self-scripting. Repeatable two times. Pre: one of 222, 318, 380, or consent.
Training in skills and techniques for selected traditional Japanese theatre forms. Emphasis on movement and vocal technique. Repeatable to six credits. Pre: 222 or consent. (Alt. years)
Training in skills and techniques for selected traditional Chinese theatre forms. Emphasis on movement and vocal technique. Repeatable to six credits. Pre: 222 or consent. (Alt. years)
Training in skills and techniques for selected traditional south and southeast Asian theatre forms. Emphasis on movement and vocal techniques. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 222 or consent. (Alt. years)
Training in skills and techniques for selected traditional Hawaiian performance forms and Hawaiian medium theatre. Emphasis on movement and vocal technique. Repeatable one time. Pre: One of: 101, 221, 224, 468, HAW 202, HAW 321, HAW 384, HAW 486; or consent. (Alt. years)
Techniques for acting in Shakespearean and heightened language texts. Repeatable one time. Pre: 222, 322, or consent.
Presentational acting in comedy and tragedy; emphasis on performance styles in Elizabethan, Restoration, and 18th-century drama. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 222 or 322 or consent.
Training in skills required to perform in musicals. Students present scenes from musical comedies for criticism and review. Repeatable two times with consent. Pre: one of 321, 322, MUS 231B, or consent; and/or audition. (Cross-listed as MUS 421)
Training in proper and dynamic use of the voice for the actor. (B) Western traditions; (C) Asian traditions. Repeatable two times. Pre: 220 or consent.
Workshop in experimental writing in dramatic form; full-length plays. Repeatable one time. Pre: 318.
The role of women and their presentation in theatre from ancient Greece to the present; focus on sociopolitical status of women. Pre: 311. (Cross-listed as WGSS 414)
Intensive analysis and discussion of dramatic texts from a variety of authors. Understanding trends and variations in dramatic form and content. (B) contemporary British and American drama; (C) political drama in the West. Pre: one of 311, 312, 411, 412, or consent.
Pluralism in modern theatre, 1900–present. Reactions to realism and current international theatre forms. Required of all majors. Pre: 411. (Alt. years)
Ethical issues in drama and production, interplay between elite and popular forms and the impact of colonialism, 1500-1900. Required of all majors. Pre: 311 (or concurrent). (Alt. years)
Advanced workshop experience in the practical application of theatre skills. (B) acting; (C) stagecraft; (D) costume; (E) theatre management; (F) directing dramaturgy stage management. Repeatable up to four credits per alpha. Pre: audition and performance of role in a Department of Theatre and Dance production for (B); 200C for (C); 200D for (D); 200E for (E); 200B or 200C or 200F, and consent for (F).
Basic practical course in how to direct a play. Students will direct scenes. Emphasis on writing instruction. THEA and DNCE majors only. Pre: upper division theatre majors or consent.
Western and traditional Asian makeup theory and application practice. Western corrective, period, and old age makeup. Asian may include Jingju, Kabuki, Wayang. Repeatable one time. Pre: 240 or consent.
Basic principles and approaches to costume design for theatre and dance. Visual communication methods, creative process, historical research, and organizational practices. Repeatable one time. Pre: 240, DNCE 250, or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 356)
Workshop on basic principles of costume construction for theatre and dance. Professional practices, materials, and methods. (Cross-listed as DNCE 354)
Workshop introducing the basic principles and approaches of scenic design for theatre and dance, with emphasis on the creative process. Pre: a course in THEA or DNCE, production experience, or consent. (Consent required for production experience option) (Cross-listed as DNCE 353)
Basic principles of lighting design and associated technologies. Includes functions and properties of light, lighting and control equipment, working procedures, and drafting and paperwork techniques. Pre: THEA/DNCE 240 or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as DNCE 345)
Workshop in principles, techniques, and application of contemporary theatre production practices. (B) entertainment electrics: lighting, sound, special effects, projections, and related areas; (C) technical production: technical direction, technical design, construction, rigging, and related areas; (D) scenic painting: techniques of scene painting for theatre through reading, drawing exercises, color theory, and practical projects; (E) props and crafts: techniques to create props for theatre. Repeatable one time for different alphas, each alpha can be taken one time. Pre: any course in THEA or DNCE, or production experience; or consent. (Alt. years)
Introduction to basic Asian movement skills through learning the Wu-style taijiquan round form, a faster and more fluid version of the full 108 taiji sequence of forms. Open to non-majors. Repeatable two times. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Basic Taijiquan (T’ai Chi Ch’uan) movement training. Repeatable two times. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 334)
Principles of acting based on traditional Asian models. Voice, movement exercises. Pre: 221 or 222 or consent.
Advanced acting techniques for film and TV production. Taping/filming of scenes and full-length scripts. Repeatable one time. Pre: 323 and consent.
Acting techniques for film and TV production. Students appear in scenes from TV and film scripts. Repeatable one time. Pre: 101 or 221 or 222 or COM 201 or consent.
Further exploration of character development and dramatic action through textual analysis. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 221 or 222 or consent.
Preparation of material from different audition situations, including monologues, cold readings, dance, singing, and TV/ film. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 221 or 222 or consent.
Characterization, structure, theme, image, and other components of writing for film. Pre: 201 and grade of B or better in composition, or consent. (Alt. years)
One-act plays; practice in writing in dramatic form. Repeatable one time. Pre: grade of B or better in composition or consent.
Myth and ritual into drama, 1000 BCE–1700 CE. Development of secular drama from sacred and ritual beginnings. Required of all majors. Pre: 311 (Alt. years)
Script analysis methods for world drama. Required of all majors. Pre: one of 101, 221, 222, 240; or consent.
Students will study how the singing voice works in various styles, including classical, musical theater, jazz, choral, and pop/ rock. Students will learn historical contexts, aural characteristics, and musical vocabulary through lecture, discussion, and listening. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as MUS 259)
Introduction to general design principles as applied to theatre. Will introduce the language and tools of visual literacy and visual communications via individual projects and collaboration. Repeatable two times. (Cross-listed as DNCE 245)
Entry-level course details three phases of the production process for film and video projects: pre-production, production, and post-production. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Lab observations and projects illustrating basic principles of theatre production. A-F only. Co-requisite: 240.
Survey class introducing theater management, lighting, costuming, scenery, and other aspects of theatre that relate to producing stage performances. (Cross-listed as DNCE 240)
Introduction to Hawaiian Creole English (HCE) multicultural comedy and drama in Hawai‘i. Emphasis on acting exercises, local dialects, and the performance of Pidgin/HCE plays. Repeatable one time with consent. (Alt. years)
Fundamentals of contemporary acting styles, including self-awareness, character, and scene work. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 221 or consent or THEA major.
Concentration on voice, relaxation, body awareness, and freedom from self-consciousness through theatre games, improvisations, monologues, and exercises. Emphasis also on written work through self-awareness journals and performance evaluations. Repeatable one time with consent.
Introduction to vocal and movement techniques to increase self-awareness and potential for self-expression. Repeatable one time.
Growth and changes in aesthetics of the sound film from 1929 to present; films by Renoir, Welles, Eisenstein, etc. Pre: 201. (Alt. years)
Introduction to long-form improvisation as developed by companies such as Second City and iO Chicago. Focus will be on games, situations, creating characters, and forming narratives from those elements. Repeatable two times.
Introduction to the aesthetics of silent and sound movies. Technical subjects analyzed only as they relate to theme and style.
Beginning workshop experience in the practical application of theatre skills. (B) acting; (C) stagecraft; (D) costume; (E) theatre management; (F) directing dramaturgy stage management. Repeatable up to four credits in each alpha. Pre: (B) audition and performance of role in a Department of Theatre and Dance production; (F) consent.
Will view 10 locally-produced theatre and dance productions. Readings, class discussion, and live demonstration will assist students to understand each performance. Performances may include theatre, dance, musical theatre, opera, and performance art. Repeatable one time. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as DNCE 152)
(2 Lec, 1 1-hr Lab) Performance traditions of Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and the Pacific from the 5th century B.C. to the present. Analysis of political, religious, and technological conditions of theatre. Includes practical theatre workshop. Emphasis on writing instruction. A-F only.
Selected readings in Thai novels from early 1930s to present. Oral and written reviews. (B) 1930–1969; (C) 1970–present. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 402, 461(B) or 461(C), or consent.
Selected readings in Thai short stories from early 1930s to present. Oral and written reviews (B) 1930-1969; (C) 1970-present. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 402 or consent.
Continuation of 451. Pre: 451 or consent.
Introduction to information structure of Thai as a basis for developing reading skills. Analysis of rhetorical, sentence, and word structure from different types of written texts. Pre: 402 or consent.
Development of reading and aural comprehension of authentic Thai language used in print and broadcast media through reading Thai newspapers, viewing and listening to Thai television and radio programs. Oral and written reports. Repeatable one time. Pre: 402, 404 (or equivalent), or consent.
Continuation of 303. Meets six hours a week. Advanced conversation and reading of specialized, scholarly texts. Pre: 303.
Continuation of 401. Pre: 401.
Continuation of 302/303. Advanced conversation and reading of specialized, scholarly texts. Pre: 302 or 303 or equivalent.
Continuation of 202. Meets six hours a week. Advanced conversation and reading; emphasis on modern written texts. Lab work. Pre: 202 or equivalent.
Continuation of 301. Pre: 301 or equivalent.
Continuation of 202. Advanced conversation and reading, emphasis on modern written texts. Regular on-line lab work. Pre: 202 or equivalent or consent.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.
Continuation of 104 and 106, or 102. Integrated development of skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Thai script. Meets 5 hours/week, regular online lab work and review of on-line audio visual materials. Pre: 104 and 106, or 102.
Focus on Thai script reading and writing skills. For students with some aural and spoken skills in Standard Thai equivalent to those completing THAI 102 or higher, but cannot read or write in Thai script. Lab work. Pre: consent.
Continuation of 105. Development of literacy skills in Thai for those who cannot read or write in the language. Focus on Thai script reading and writing. Not open to students who have taken 102. Pre: 105 or 101.
Development of literacy skills in Thai for those who cannot read or write in the language. Focus on Thai script reading and writing. Not open to students who have taken 101. Co-requisite: 103, or consent.
Continuation of 103. Development of basic skills (listening, speaking, and grammar) of spoken Thai. Regular online lab work and review of audiovisual materials. Not open to students who have taken 102. Pre: 103 and 105, or 101. Co-requisite: 106.
Development of basic skills (listening, speaking, and grammar) of spoken Thai. Regular online lab work and review of audiovisual materials. Not open to students who have taken 101. Co-requisite: 105.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101, or 103 and 105, or consent.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing. Structural points introduced inductively. Meets one hour daily, Monday–Friday; four out of five hours devoted to directed drill and practice; regular on-line lab work and review of audiovisual materials.
Continuation of 458. A-F only. Pre: 401 or 458, and consent.
Full-time formal instruction at the University of French Polynesia in Tahiti. Fourth-year level in Tahitian language and culture. A-F only. Pre: 302 and consent.
Continuation of 401. Pre: 401 or consent.
Continuation of 302. Advanced conversation, reading, and writing with focus on modern formal and colloquial Tahitian styles. The language in the realms of storytelling, radio, folklore, traditional and modern writing. Survey of modern and classical language. Pre: 302 or consent.
Continuation of 358. A-F only. Pre: 301 or 358; and consent.
Full-time formal instruction at the University of French Polynesia in Tahiti. Third-year level in Tahitian language and culture. A-F only. Pre: 204 and consent.
Continuation of 301. Pre: 301 or consent.
Continuation of 202. Conversation, advanced reading, composition. Pre: 204 or consent.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.
Intermediate core skills of listening, speaking and knowledge of grammar for spoken Tahitian in a condensed format. Meets three 50-minute sessions weekly. Pre: 102.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Basic core skills of listening, speaking and grammar of spoken Tahitian in a condensed format. Meets three 50-minute sessions weekly.
(Cross-listed as GEO 763)
Weekly seminar covering research, processes, and initiatives related to sustainability and resilience in practice. The intent is to foster intellectual engagement and to help and encourage students to spawn their own original research ideas. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only.
Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) systems: applicability, thermodynamics, design challenges; wave energy converters: floating devices, oscillating water column, optimal hydrodynamic performance; current, tidal, and offshore wind power. Pre: ORE 607; basic knowledge of thermodynamics desirable. (Cross-listed as ORE 677)
Analyses of sustainability, environmental, and technoscience issues from sociological perspectives. Graduate students only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as SOC 670)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Identification, systematics, evolution, and biogeography of native plants. Field trips. Pre: 461 or consent. (Cross-listed as BOT 661)
Advanced environmental benefit-cost analysis will require that proficiency be demonstrated on fundamentals and address topics related to sustainability, including income equality, non-market goods, risk, cost of public funds, and the social discount rate. (Cross-listed as NREM 658)
Seminar on pre-contact, customary laws on fishing and ocean stewardship, their codification in written laws during the Hawaiian Kingdom period, and changes and impacts through U.S. annexation and statehood, including current models of ocean governance. (Alt. years: Fall) (Cross-listed as HWST 652)
Focus on ideology, conceptual models, accounting frameworks, appropriate technologies, and indicators of planning for sustainability. Central and local policies, plans, and best practices in various countries and settings will be covered. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PLAN 647)
Study in trends, research, and problems of implementation in teaching field. (P) place-based education. Each alpha repeatable two times. COE-related majors only. Pre: graduate and/or undergraduate courses in education and/ or social sciences or consent. (Cross-listed as EDCS 640P)
Through discussion of primary land systems science literature and use of environmental modeling software, this interdisciplinary course explores how drivers, states, and trends in human appropriation of land affect socio-ecological system function. Pre: NREM 477 or NREM 677 or GEO 470 or GEO 476 or ERTH 460 or ERTH 461. (Alt. years: Fall) (Cross-listed as NREM 640)
Principles of policy design and evaluation for environmental resources management, forestry and watershed conservation, and sustainable economic development. Pre: ECON 604 or 606; or consent. (Cross-listed as ECON 638)
Analysis of problems of development and management of natural resources with emphasis on resources in agriculture and role in economic development. Pre: ECON 608 and 629. (Cross-listed as ECON 637 and NREM 637)
Analysis of economic and policy aspects of renewable energy use, and interactions of markets for renewable energy and other energy options. Evaluations of policies to develop renewable energy options. Pre: college calculus and principles of microeconomics; or consent. (Cross-listed as ECON 636)
Urban and regional planning in island settings. Experiences in Hawai‘i, Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia. Pre: graduate standing. (Cross-listed as PLAN 632)
Seminar that examines environmental problems associated with urbanization. Reviews strategic approaches and collaboration among key actors to address such problems. (Cross-listed as PLAN 628)
Analysis of planning responses to human-induced climate change and related environmental problems. Part of the Asia/Pacific Initiative taught in collaboration with universities throughout the region via videoconferencing. (Cross-listed as PLAN 625)
Overview of urbanization and environmental change. An examination of environmental laws, policies, planning and urban design strategies designed to minimize and mitigate urban impacts. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PLAN 620)
Introduces advanced techniques for wildlife management and conservation. In addition to hands-on training, students will learn underlying biological and ecological principles, as well as quantitative skills, with an emphasis on sustainable management. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as NREM 610)
Historic, present, and projected trends in understanding and managing human-dominated ecosystems; predicting, measuring and mitigating degradation especially in terrestrial ecosystems with a focus on small volcanic islands in tropical settings. A-F only. Pre: NREM 301/SUST 311 and NREM 304 (or equivalent) and NREM 600. Recommended NREM 461, or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as NREM 612)
Exploration of institutional and policy dimensions of natural resource development, management, allocation, markets and pricing, focusing on their environmental impacts. Emphasis on policy analysis using case studies and empirical findings. Original paper required. A-F only. Pre: grade of Cor above in ECON 130 or NREM/SUST 220, or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as NREM 611)
Explores how various forms of salt, fresh, and brackish water have played transformative roles in the evolution of human communities throughout history. (Cross-listed as HIST 608)
Weekly seminar covering research, processes, and initiatives related to sustainability and resilience in practice. The intent is to foster intellectual engagement and to help and encourage students to spawn their own original research ideas. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Senior-level capstone for NREM and related majors. Ecosystem management within problemsolving context. Applications of research and analytical methods, management tools to case studies. Focus on student teamwork and oral communications. NREM majors only. A-F only. Pre: Senior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as NREM 494)
Survey history of the complex relations between American societies and diverse U.S. ecosystems, from European contact and colonization to the present. (Cross-listed as AMST 425 and HIST 480)
Ethnic conflicts cause most wars on our globe today. Examines causes of ethnic conflict, including climate change. Will evaluate approaches to building peaceful relations between groups and developing sustainable relationships with the environment. Junior standing or higher. Pre: one DS or DH course or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 460)
A “hands-on” internship in an environmental or resource-management organization in Hawai‘i. The experience will be broadened and supplemented by classroom lectures, discussion and analysis from traditional Hawaiian, scientific and economic perspectives. A-F only. Pre: 217/HWST 207 or 317/HWST 307 or SUST/HWST 356. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as HWST 460)
Principles of project evaluation and policy analysis. Shadow pricing, economic cost of taxes and tariffs; public policy for exhaustible, renewable, and environmental resources. Pre: 301. (Cross-listed as ECON 458)
Comprehensive analysis of traditional Hawaiian and modern resource management practices. Rigorous overview of the dominant physical and biological processes from the uplands to the oceans in Hawai‘i. Pre: 217/HWST 207 or 317/HWST 307 or SUST/
HWST 356. (Cross-listed as BOT 457 and HWST 457)
Overview of the history of land, resources and power in Hawai‘i; players and processes influencing land and natural resources policies today explored from Native Hawaiian and other viewpoints. Extensive use of case studies. Pre: 217/HWST 207 or 317/HWST 307 or SUST/HWST 356. (Cross-listed as HWST 458)
Causes and dynamics of ethnic conflicts with attention to problem resolution; (B) Middle East; (C) Hawaiian sovereignty in Pacific context. Pre: one DS or DH course, or consent for (C). (Cross-listed as ES 455C)
Lecture-based overview of the history, ecology, and management of wildlife species from around the world and Hawai‘i. Pre: BIOL 172 or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as NREM 450)
(2 Lec, 1 1-hr Lab) Geography, geology, climatology, biotic environment of Pacific Basin and Hawaiian Islands; endemism and evolution in terrestrial and marine biota. Pre: one semester of biological sciences at college level. (Cross-listed as BIOL 454 and BOT 450)
Introduction to regional and global climate modeling for environmental scientists and engineers. Learn principles of climate modeling, how to access and use climate data for sustainable engineering and environmental management solutions, and effectively communicate results. Repeatable one time. ATMO, CEE, ERTH, GES, OCN, NREM majors only. Senior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as ATMO 449 and CEE 449)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Methods and techniques of handling and identifying plant materials used by early Hawaiians and modern Hawaiians for house and canoe construction, clothing, household and fishing items, medicine, and food preparation. Reading, laboratory, and fieldwork. Pre: BOT 440 or consent. (Cross-listed as BOT 446)
Ecological implications of cultural uses of plants. Examines the biological basis for, and ecological effects of traditional and local resource management systems. Pre: BOT 305 or BIOL 265/265L or consent. (Cross-listed as BOT 444)
Evaluation of infrastructure impacts. Impacts regulation and mitigation. Effects of environmental and other policies on infrastructure. Infrastructure relations to sustainability. Energy consumption, transportation efficiency and infrastructure recycling. Lectures and presentations by experts and enrolled students. Senior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: senior standing, open to engineering, science, urban planning, and economics majors. (Cross-listed as CEE 444)
Key principles of sustainability and its analysis. Quantification of environmental impact/assessment using target plots, mass/energy balances, and life cycle analyses (cradle to gate/grave) applied to products, processes, or systems. Use of SimaPro. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as CEE 441 and OCN 441)
Assessing vulnerability of coastal communities to climate change stressors and providing technical engineering solutions for adaptation. Senior standing or higher. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as CEE 440)
Explores the related concepts of use, re-use, and radical re-use through an exploration of new applications of traditional fiber techniques and contexts of making. A-F only. Pre: ART 113 and 116 and one 200-level or above fiber course, and consent. (Cross-listed as ART 436)
Conceptual schemes and processes for integrating science curricula within the sciences and with subject areas. Methods and models of curricular integration such as interdisciplinary, culturally relevant, place and community-based learning. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as EDCS 433)
Human interaction with the environment. How market, property institution, and technological change affect the environment. Epistemological basis of environmental policies. Debates on controversial environmental issues. Pre: 102, 151, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 426)
Theory and applications of contaminant/pollutant distribution in the hydrosphere-geosphere-biosphere-atmosphere system, remediation methods, prevention, industrial/agricultural best practices. Topics include aqueous geochemistry, organic, inorganic, gas phase, and ecosystem impacts of environmental contaminants. Pre: CHEM 161 and CHEM 162, or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as ERTH 425)
Examines historical and contemporary development of the global agro-food systems. The impacts of technological, political and economic changes to food security, environment and development. Open to nonmajors. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 422)
Biological control of invasive insects and weeds using natural enemies; biological control as a cornerstone of sustainable pest management; contributions of biocontrol to economic, environmental, and societal sustainability; reduced dependence on pesticides; increased sustainability of pest management. Pre: PEPS 363 or consent. (Cross-listed as PEPS 422)
Seminar examining the social, environmental, economic factors of sustainable tourism development. Emphasis on methods and processes and the role of stakeholders (government, industry, host community, tourists). Group projects. A-F only. Pre: 101 and departmental approval. (Cross-listed as TIM 420)
Theory and tools for working with groups and communities in the management of natural resources is presented using a participatory format. Topics include sustainable development, extension programming, participatory learning and communication, evaluation, and conflict management. Pre: two social science courses or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as NREM 420)
Principles of nature-based tourism, including a survey of impacts, objectives, planning, and management systems. Junior standing or higher. Pre: TIM 101 or GEOG/TIM 324. (Cross-listed as GEO 415 and TIM 415)
Study of past environments to understand present and future global change. Focus on terrestrial Quaternary environments and global processes. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 411)
Examination of society’s interaction with the ocean. Topics include: ocean recreation, shipping, boat building, ports, offshore energy production, aquaculture, fishing, coastal construction, and coral reef protection. Pre: 120 or 130, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ECON 409)
Introduces fundamental techniques for wildlife management and conservation. In addition to hands-on training, students will learn underlying biological and ecological principles, as well as quantitative skills, with an emphasis on sustainable management. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as NREM 410)
Provides knowledge and understanding of soils, agroecology, and sustainable approaches for plant health management, and prepares students for applied research in various tropical cropping systems. A-F only. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as PEPS 410 and TPSS 410)
Study of the ocean as a political place. Engagement with theories, policies, and lived-experiences of the ocean through a political lens, including literature and experiential learning. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 100 or 200-level POLS course, or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 387)
Focuses on theories, laws, policies, ethics, and sustainable futures of Hawai‘i and the U.S. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 100 or 200 level POLS course, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as POLS 380)
Fundamentals of genetic theory using traditional breeding and biotechnological procedures in insect and plant pathogen management for sustainable agricultural production. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PEPS 371 and TPSS 371)
Examines politics of sustainability and technoscience with an explicit attention to social justice and power relations in society. A-F only. Pre: WS 151 or any 200- or 300-level WS course, or SOC 100 or any 200-level SOC course, or consent. (Fall only) (Crosslisted as SOC 367 and WS 367)
Fundamentals of benefit-cost analysis with extensions to environmental impacts and projects; case studies. Pre: 220/NREM 220 or ECON 130 or consent. (Cross-listed as NREM 358)
Undergraduate course exposing students to the resources and processes of the ocean, research, and management approaches, as well as a Hawaiian worldview of oceanic elements. Junior standing or higher. Pre: HWST 107. (Cross-listed as HWST 356)
Hawai‘i’s economic transformation from sustainable communal subsistence through mercantile capitalism, plantation capitalism, and global finance capital and impact on its people. Alternative sustainable enterprises for a self-sufficient island economy. Pre: one DS or DH course. (Cross-listed as ES 350)
Transdisciplinary introduction to sustainable development. Interactions between environment, economy, and public policy, especially in Hawai‘i. Topics include: curse of paradise, global warming, energy use, health, poverty, population, water resources, traffic congestion, biodiversity, pollution controls. Pre: 120 or 130 or 131, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ECON 350)
Dynamics of change: indigenous Hawaiian land tenure; Great Mahele and Kuleana Act; ethnic succession of land ownership; concentration of ownership today; effects of land development on ethnic communities. Pre: one DS or DH course. (Cross-listed as ES 340)
Examination of nature-culture dynamic over a range of contexts–literary ecology, systems ecology, political ecology, eco-feminism, environmental ethics–in order to articulate new possibilities for interdisciplinary understanding of the human place in nature. A-F only. Pre: any ENG DL or PHIL or GEO course, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as IS 340)
Analysis of economic and policy aspects of energy use, and interactions of markets for various nonrenewable and renewable energy options. Evaluations of policies to develop alternative energy sources. Pre: ECON 120 or ECON 130 or ECON 131. (Cross-listed as ECON 336 and PPC 336)
Climate change is a reality, yet there is much uncertainty about how it will affect our lives. Investigates cultural response to climate change, using studies of the past to plan for the future. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as ANTH 333)
Nature and causes of global climate change and economic solutions. Topics include valuing climate change impacts, energy solutions, environmental implications, societal adaptation, and international cooperation. A-F only. Pre: 120 or 130 or 131, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ECON 332)
Introduction to cultural geography, the cultural landscape, and perceptions of the environment across different cultures. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: 102 or 151, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 330)
Examines the geography of resources and environmental change with a holistic and multi-scale perspective. Social approaches to resolving environmental problems. Sophomore standing or higher. (Cross-listed as GEO 325)
Application of scientific communication theory, strategic communication, and multimedia techniques to select issues of environmental sustainability. COM majors only. A-F only. Pre: COM 201 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent. (Cross-listed as COM 325)
Evolution of international politics, law and decision-making on a variety of environmental concerns; from endangered species to pollution to climate change. Interaction of population, development, and environment in global governance. (Cross-listed as POLS 324)
Introduction to the methods and techniques of environmental and energy policy in relation to energy systems. Analysis of enacted policies from case studies to understanding the effectiveness, challenges, contradictions, and limitations of each. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 100 or 200 level OCN course, or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as OCN 321 and PPC 340)
Debates on globalization and development, population and resources; root causes of environmental degradation; impacts of globalization on environmentalism and environmental change; social approaches to managing environmental change. Junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as GEO 322)
Hawai‘i as part of the Pacific community: selected historical and contemporary problems of Pacific areas; cultural and economic imperialism, land alienation, and the impact of development on Pacific peoples. Pre: one DS or DH course. (Cross-listed as ES 320)
Overview of environmental issues and impacts associated with agriculture, specifically pest management issues, and options for environmentally responsible management and amelioration of these impacts. (Cross-listed as PEPS 310)
Introduction to environmental justice, explores the premise that all people have a right to a life-affirming environment. Will examine environmental racism, and the geographical dimensions of race and indigeneity. Pre: one DS or DH course, or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 308)
Requires a broad set of knowledge systems. Will introduce students to a variety of visual technologies for use in resource management and the ethical application of these technologies. Pre: 107. (Cross-listed as HWST 307)
Application of traditional moral theories to environmental issues. Development and evaluation of specific environmental ethical theories. Application of ethical theories to environmental decision-making. A-F only. Pre: 210 or GEO 101 or PHIL 101 or PHIL 103. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as NREM 306)
Interaction of people with water at household, community, regional, national, and international scales, from cultural, political, economic, and biophysical perspectives. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 305)
Use and abuse of natural resources and humanity’s progress toward developing a sustainable relationship with its supporting environment. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as GEO 302)
Introduction to approaches, methods, and analyses used in the study and practice of plant conservation, with an emphasis on experimental design and problem-solving. Includes both laboratory and field components. A-F only. Pre: BOT/BIOL 305 or consent. Co-requisite: BOT 301. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as BOT 301L)
Introduction to the concepts and principles of plant conservation biology and to plant conservation-in-practice in Hawai‘i and elsewhere. A-F only. Pre: BOT/BIOL 305 or consent. Co-requisite: BOT 301L. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as BOT 301)
Introduction to natural resource and environmental public policy at U.S. federal, Hawai‘i
state, local, and international levels. Policy principles, legal structure, governmental agencies, statutes and programs, analytical techniques, program assessments, and contemporary ethical issues. A-F only. Pre: SUST/ NREM/PEPS 210 or or NREM/SOCS/TPSS 251 or (BIOL 101 or higher) or GEO 101 or (ERTH 101 or higher); and NREM/SUST 220 or one ECON course or two DS courses. (Cross-listed as NREM 302)
Introduction to and discussion of ethical issues associated with biodiversity, ecology, and conservation biology. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: any DB course or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as BOT 300)
Biological and physical science aspects of natural resource management at local, national, and global scales. Topics covered include resource management of soil, water, forests, wetlands, coasts and wildlife. A-F only. Pre: NREM/TPSS 251 or 210; CHEM 151 or higher; and BIOL 172; or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as NREM 301)
Introduction to key concepts and theories in social sciences in relation to sustainability issues. (Cross-listed as SOCS 250 and TAHR 250)
The sustainable social system, culture, spirituality, language, land stewardship, and governance of Native Hawaiians. Transformation of the sustainable Hawaiian social system by a capitalist economy. Resiliency, land issues, and Native Hawaiian quest for sovereign governance. (Cross-listed as ES 221)
Combined lecture/lab on the theory and practice of certified organic food production. Field visits to organic farms/markets included. Open to nonmajors. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as TPSS 220)
Introduction to basic economics concepts, including demand, supply, exchange, market price and market failure. Economic evaluation and policy for the uses of various natural resource endowments, especially in production agriculture, is included. A-F only. (Cross-listed as NREM 220)
Examination of the ahupua‘a system as it was conceptualized by the ancient Hawaiians, and exploration of its relevance in modern society; an introductory class to the malama ‘aina track designed to build critical writing skills. A-F only. Pre: 107. (Cross-listed as HWST 207)
Relationship of plants, soils, and the environment, and how they relate to cultural practices and society in agroecosystems with an emphasis on Hawai‘i as a model system. (Cross-listed as TPSS 200)
Analysis of our environment with emphasis on understanding relationships and interactions of physical, biological, technological, and political components using scientific methods of inquiry. Food supply and safety, water quality, pollution control, biodiversity, environmental policy. Open to nonmajors. (Cross-listed as NREM 210 and PEPS 210)
Examines the nexus of food, energy, and water in Hawai‘i for sustainable development. Repeatable two times, up to nine credits. (Cross-listed as TPSS 156)
Introduction to chemistry for non-science majors. Discussion of the role of natural and man-made chemicals in everyday life, with an emphasis on sustainable and environmentally-sensitive use of chemicals to improve our world. A-F only. Students who successfully completed CHEM 100 with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 120/CHEM 110 without instructor override. Students who successfully complete 120/CHEM 110 with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 100 without instructor override. (Cross-listed as CHEM 110)
Prepares students to make decisions such as where to build/buy a house, sustainable use of natural resources, and what environmental actions relevant to society and Earth’s ecosystem are appropriate on a local and global scale. A-F only. (Cross-listed as ERTH 106)
Environmentally sustainable and non-sustainable practices, and the impacts of climate change, on the development and spread of human societies from pre-history to the 1500s in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas, and Hawai‘i/Oceania. Active learning environment. (Cross-listed as OCN 105)
How do we plan and design cities to meet our long-term economic and environmental needs? Students will learn how sustainability applies to key urban issues like energy, transportation, land, and food. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PLAN 101)
Introductory mathematical approaches to quantifying key aspects of global and environmental change. Includes data analysis, graphical representation and modeling of population growth, greenhouse gas emissions and fate, sustainable resource utilization, and sea level change. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as ERTH 102)
Introduction to the environment, climate change, and sustainability as they apply to ecosystems. Sustainability will be introduced through active learning exercises that address sustainable development and the three pillars of sustainability. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Cross-listed as GES 102 and OCN 102)
(1 3-hr Lab) Explores connections between biological principles and everyday life with a focus on the environment. Topics include environmental health and sustainability with examples from Hawai‘i. Not a BIOL major elective. (Cross-listed as BIOL 101L)
Advanced clinical experience in: (B) urology; (C) ophthalmology; (D) otolaryngology; (E) plastic surgery; (F) neurosurgery; (G) orthopaedics; (H) anesthesia; (I) surgical intensive care; (J)Sub-I– general surgery; (K) Sub-I–pediatric surgery; (M) diagnostic radiology; (N) radiation oncology; (O) EM Sub-I; (P) extramural elec in surg; (Q) Sub-I– cardiovascular; (R) surgical research; (S) surgical anatomy; (T) preceptorship in Asia; (U) biomedical technology design; (X) transplant surgery; (Y) bedside ultrasounds; (Z) laparoscopic skills. Repeatable one time for all except (U), (X), (Y), and (Z); repeatable two times for (U) and (X). Medical students only for (U), (X), (Y), and (Z). CR/NC only. Pre: 531 or 532 for all except (M), (U), and (Y); and consent for (R) and (S); admission into JABSOM for (U) and (Y).
Clinical experiences in management of medical, surgical, and psychiatric problems requiring urgent care. Pre: 531 and fourth-year standing.
A clinically based, year-long, introductory in general surgery and selected subspecialties. Outpatient-conducted one day per week for six months in a community-based, ambulatory care facility. Inpatient-conducted for four weeks in an acute-care hospital facility. Repeatable one time.
A clinically based, introductory course in general surgery and elected subspecialties. Repeatable one time. Pre: third-year standing.
Overview of grant development and procurement processes related to special education personnel preparation and research and demonstration programs. Students design a grant proposal related to a particular problem or need within their employment settings. Pre: consent.
Critical examination and discussion of historical or current topic in early intervention, special education, and/or developmental disabilities. Repeatable two times. A-F only. (Once a year)
Advanced single-case experimental design; examines the logic of internal and external validity of small “N” design and its functionalist foundations. Pre: consent.
Professional norms, duties, and expectations of leaders in exceptionalities; transitioning from practitioner to researcher and leadership roles; familiarity with current research and trends in the field of exceptionalities. Repeatable five times. PhD in EDUC majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Supervised internship (minimum 18 hours per week) in program development and administration or research in the student’s area of emphasis. EDUC majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Current and historical topics, issues, and trends in the field of exceptionalities. Repeatable with different content. Pre: consent.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times.
Individual reading/research. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of instructor and department chair.
Independent study for students working on a Plan B master’s project. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in Special Education.
Directed research experience to demonstrate mastery of research skills and techniques through developing and writing research proposals. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 642 or consent, or departmental approval. (Once a year)
Field experience in applied behavior analysis supervised by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). The format is a combination of fieldwork and seminar meetings. Repeatable nine times, up to 20 credits. A-F only.
Focuses on content on the Behavior Analysis Certification Board’s code for ethical conduct as well as advanced concepts, principles, and processes of applied behavior analysis. A-F only.
Focuses on the definitions and characteristics of applied behavior analysis and the concepts, principles, and processes. Concepts related to ethics and behavior change procedures will also be introduced. A-F only. Pre: 603.
Transition planning for youth with disabilities in preparation for employment as adults in private and public sector businesses. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Seminar on issues of research and practice on the application of universal design for learning in K-12 and higher education settings. Focus on culturally and linguistically diverse students diversity, non-traditional students and students with disabilities. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Study of issues/trends. Research and program development in early childhood special education. Repeatable one time. Pre: (631 and 635) with a minimum grade of B- or better, or consent.
Research, program development trends/issues in the area of severe/multiple disabilities (birth through adulthood). College of Education majors only. Pre: consent.
Study and development of applied research topics in special education. Repeatable two times. Pre: consent.
Seminar on issues, trends, research, and program development in the field of special education. (B) current issues and trends; (C) technology; (D) foundations; (E) developmental disabilities; (F) cultural and linguistic diversity; (G) evidence-based practices; (H) single case research. Repeatable one time per alpha, repeatable two times for (H). A-F only. Pre: 603 for (H).
Study of issues, research, program development in the area of mild/moderate disabilities. Repeatable two times. Pre: consent.
Advanced linguistic structures of written English related to reading, spelling, and writing for older students. Covers diagnostic assessment, planning, instruction, and progress monitoring for students with Dyslexia or related reading difficulties. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Introduction of basic linguistic structures of written English related to reading, spelling, and writing for beginning or struggling readers. Covers evidence-based practices for teaching literacy to students with Dyslexia and related reading difficulties. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Introduction of foundational knowledge of language and literacy development. Current topics and issues related to literacy development in students with Dyslexia and related reading difficulties. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Assessment and intervention strategies to promote behavior change with young children with disabilities. Promoting child skill gains and integrated programming options. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Advanced knowledge on issues of socio-cultural, learning styles, diversity, and exceptionalities, and how these influence instruction, engagement, and behavior in physical activity settings across the lifespan. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as KRS 634)
Normal/ abnormal motor development; description/etiology of physically disabling conditions influencing motor development; analysis/application of assessment/intervention strategies to promote motor development; positioning and handling skills. Pre: 614 (or concurrent) or consent.
Current research in normal language learning, assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation of language delayed/disordered children, including children with autism. Procedures for attaining language/functional communication objectives using ongoing routines/activities. Pre: consent.
Issues important to early childhood special education. Early screening and assessment, working with families, curriculum options/models, program evaluation. Pre: consent.
Principles and laws governing human behavior and positive methods for eliminating significant behavior problems for students with severe disabilities and autism. Emphasis on the functions of behavior, experimental techniques for documenting behavior change, and the use of technologies for improving behavior in school and community settings. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Development and implementation of a field-based research professional development project under the direction of the student’s advisor; limited to students enrolled in the interdisciplinary program. Repeatable up to 12 credits. A-F only. Pre: advisor’s approval.
Supervised education/ community experiences with special needs populations (MR, LD, SED, SMH), preschool through postsecondary settings. Completion of SPED core required; must enroll for two consecutive semesters. A-F only. Repeatable two times. Pre: 626 and consent.
Supervised education/community experiences; minimum of 20 hours weekly with special-needs population (MR, LD, SED, SMH); pre-school through postsecondary settings (public/private). Related seminar or equivalent and completion of SPED core required. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Students spend a minimum of nine hours per week in settings appropriate to concurrently enrolled courses; supervision provided by participating teacher and college supervisor. Repeatable three times. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Issues in social development, self-determination, and social skills competence training for children and youth with disabilities; experience in group social skills training and development of individualized programs. Pre: either 485 or 630, and either 611 or 614; or consent.
Introduction to English literature translated into American Sign Language (ASL) including discussion of ASL literature genres, the importance of translation, selection of literature; story reading, book reading, and retelling. Taught in ASL. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 609 or consent. (Alt. years)
Basic concepts related to language, language development, and recognition of language-related learning problems of students with mild/moderate disabilities; strategies for teaching language arts curricula (listening, speaking, reading, writing) to students of all ages with learning problems. A-F only. Pre: 304 or consent.
Strategies for teaching math, science, and social sciences to students of all ages with mild/moderate disabilities; selection of appropriate materials, teaching techniques, curriculum development. Pre: 611 or consent.
Adaptations and special intervention procedures to support the participation of individuals with severe motor, communication, and/or adaptive behavior disabilities in inclusive school and community settings. Includes lab work. SPED majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Collaborative model for facilitating the transition of deaf and hard-of-hearing students to develop appropriate transition plans and effective plans of study. Taught in ASL and English. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 606, 607 and 608; or consent. (Alt. years)
Collaboration skills for working with general education teachers, specialists, paraprofessionals, families and community members to support the success of deaf students in inclusive settings. Taught in ASL and English. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 606, 607 and 608; or consent. (Alt. years)
Prepare teachers to deliver family-centered home-based services to families of deaf children using the SKI-HI model. Course will be taught in ASL and English. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 606, 607 and 608; or consent. (Alt. years)
Basic principles of assessment, instruction, and curriculum development; application of formal and informal assessment procedures for goal selection, formulating instructional plans, and adapting instructional materials to accommodate learning needs of students with severe disabilities and autism. Pre: consent.
Assessment methods and techniques that emphasize the bond between curriculum-based assessment and curriculum-based programming. Planning and cyclical instruction across content areas based on ongoing diagnostic assessment. SPED majors only. A-F only. Pre: 461 or consent.
Techniques for providing effective instruction including: best instructional practice, lesson planning, teacher-directed and student-mediated instructional strategies, and curricular approaches for working with students with mild/moderate disabilities. A-F only. Pre: 304 or consent.
Assessment methods and techniques used with deaf students that emphasize the bond between curriculum-based assessment and curriculum-based programming through planning and providing cyclical instruction across content areas based on ongoing diagnostic assessment. Taught in ASL and English. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 609 or consent. (Alt. years)
Study of issues, trends and methods in ASL/ English bilingual education for deaf students. Taught in ASL and English. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 606, 607 and 608; or consent. (Alt. years)
Basic concepts related to language, language development and recognition of language-related learning problems of deaf students; strategies for teaching reading and writing to deaf students. Repeatable one times. A-F only. Pre: 461 and 606, or consent. (Alt. years)
Developmental principles of audiology and speech (i.e., spoken English) will be used to examine assessment procedures and intervention strategies appropriate to deaf students in a variety of educational placements. Classroom applications will be presented. Taught in ASL and English. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: admission into Deaf Education program or consent. (Alt. years)
General theories of first and second language development applied to development of ASL and English in deaf children. Relationship of theory to educational practice. Taught in ASL and English. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: admission into Deaf Education program or consent. (Alt. years)
Collaboration skills necessary to function as team members and to ensure the success of students with disabilities in inclusive school and community settings. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Principles and laws governing behavior and methods that can be used to accomplish educationally relevant changes in student performance. Emphasis on the conceptual basis for changing behavior and use of technologies for changing behavior in school and community settings. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Examination of the federal, state, and local government roles in special education with special emphasis on case and regulatory law. Focus on understanding special education law necessary in providing services to students with disabilities in a variety of placements. Appropriate for special/general education teachers, administrators, or related service providers. Pre: consent.
Strategies for using instructional and assistive technology, digital tools and media, and Universal Design for Learning to support learning needs of students with disabilities and other diverse learners in the K-12 classroom. Pre: one of 480, LTEC 414, or LTEC 442.
Theoretical, legal and multicultural foundations for assessing, teaching and developing individual service plans across the lifespan for persons with disabilities. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Supervised field activities involving the programming and instruction of special-needs students within training programs in Hawai‘i and the Pacific Basin. Pre: consent.
For in-service school/community personnel to present new ideas, approaches, instructional methods, materials for teaching exceptional individuals. (B–E) general SPED; (F–G) secondary programming/ SPED; (H–I) bilingual/multicultural/special needs; (J–K) severe disabilities; (M–N) early childhood/ special needs; (O–P) career/vocational/special needs; (Q–R) computer/special needs; (S–T) arts/special needs; (U–W) computer training/special needs; (X–Y) consultant skills/special needs; (Z) Ho‘okoho. Repeatable eight times. CR/NC only. Pre: teaching or related work experience.
For in-service school/community personnel to present new ideas, approaches, instructional methods, materials for teaching exceptional individuals. (B–E) general SPED; (F–G) secondary programming/SPED; (H–I) bilingual/multicultural/special needs; (J–K) needs; (Q–R) computer/special needs; (S–T) arts/ special needs; (U–W) computer training/special needs; (X–Y) consultant skills/special needs; (Z) Ho‘okoho. Repeatable nine times. CR/NC only. Pre: teaching or related work experience.
For in-service school/community personnel to present new ideas, approaches, instructional methods, materials for teaching exceptional individuals. (B–E) general SPED; (F–G) secondary programming/ SPED; (H–I) bilingual/multicultural/special needs; (J–K) severe disabilities; (M–N) early childhood/ special needs; (O–P) career/vocational/special needs; (Q–R) computer/special needs; (S–T) arts/special needs; (U–W) computer training/special needs; (X–Y) consultant skills/special needs; (Z) Ho‘okoho. Repeatable nine times. CR/NC only. Pre: teaching or related work experience.
Supervised teaching experience in PreK-12 educational settings appropriate to SPED-Pcert program emphasis (mild/moderate or severe/autism); supervision provided by master teacher/university mentor, and university supervisor. Must enroll for two consecutive semesters. Repeatable two times, up to 14 credits. A-F only.
Supervised student teaching with a master teacher in PreK-12 educational settings appropriate to SPED-Pcert emphasis (mildmoderate, severe/autism); minimum 280 hours in minimum 11 weeks. Supervision by master teacher and university supervisor. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Students spend a minimum of 100 hours over a minimum of 11 weeks in settings appropriate to SPED-PCert program emphasis (mild/ moderate or severe/autism); supervision provided by participating teacher and/or college supervisor. Repeatable two times. Post-Baccalaureate in Special Education only. A-F only. Pre: 304 or 412.
Mandatory program seminar for Post-Baccalaureate in Special Education (PBSPED) teacher candidates; access to tools and skills necessary for distance education program success; Introduction to the Special Education teaching profession. Post-Bac in SPED majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Individual reading, research, and/or projects under direct supervision of instructors. Repeatable nine times. Pre: consent of instructor or department chair.
Survey of educational, behavioral, and emotional characteristics of students who are at-risk for school failure and strategies to work with such students. A-F only.
Survey of biophysical, behavioral, social/ecological, psychodynamic/ psychoeducational, cognitive/developmental, counter-theoretical approaches to teaching exceptional students. Opportunity for the development and/ or strengthening of one’s own theoretical frame of reference.
Knowledge and skills related to basic organizational management of an inclusive classroom, including scheduling, grouping, and stress and time management; techniques of applied behavior management, emphasizing behavior change and practical implementation of learning principles. (B) elementary/special education, V credits; (C) early childhood education/special education; (D) unclassified. Repeatable up to six credits for (B). A-F only.
Addresses instructional and assistive technologies for special education and general education settings; technology-based instructional strategies that support inclusion and address academic and behavioral objectives; and application of Universal Design for Learning to support access to the general curriculum for diverse students in the PreK-12 classroom setting. (B) elementary/special education; (C) early childhood education/special education; (D) unclassified. Repeatable one time per alpha; repeatable up to six credits for (B). A-F only.
Field experience in applied behavior analysis at the assistant level supervised by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). The format is a combination of fieldwork and seminar meetings. Repeatable nine times, up to 20 credits. A-F only.
Techniques in the assessment, planning, and instructional process appropriate for students with severe disabilities/autism. Focus on program development to facilitate the inclusion of students with disabilities into general education settings. (B) elementary/special education; (C) early childhood education/special education, emphasis on writing instruction in teaching special education; (D) unclassified. A-F only.
Techniques in the assessment, planning, and instructional process appropriate for students with mild/moderate disabilities. Stress on program development to facilitate inclusion of students with disabilities into general education environment. (B) elementary/special education; (C) early childhood elementary/special education; (D) unclassified. A-F only.
Examination of application of current research and practices for serving preschool children with special needs. Pre: HDFS 230 (or concurrent), or consent.
Examination of current theory, research, issues, and models in programs for infants and toddlers including criteria for evaluation and planning. A-F only. Pre: HDFS 230 (or concurrent) and HDFS 331 (or concurrent), or consent. (Cross-listed as EDCS 451)
Study of issues, trends, and research into special education programming and service delivery. Repeatable two times. Pre: consent.
Teaching secondary students with disabilities and those who are gifted/talented. Meeting academic/social needs, classroom management, motivation, peer interaction. Collaboration between special and regular educators. Includes an emphasis on instruction in writing.
Teaching elementary students with disabilities and those who are gifted/talented. Meeting academic/social needs, classroom management, motivation, peer interaction, collaboration between special and regular educators. Includes an emphasis on instruction in writing.
(3 Lec, 1 1-hr. Lab) Participants will explore issues related to individuals with
exceptionalities, how these affect learning and behavior in the health and physical activity settings. Oral communication practice and skills are worth >30% grade. Required field experience. A-F only. (Cross-listed as KRS 443)
Knowledge and skills for relating effectively with families and professionals on behalf of the children and youth with and without disabilities. Coverage of the context in which family members and school personnel interact. (B) elementary/special education; (C) early childhood education/special education; (D) unclassified. Repeatable one time per alpha. A-F only.
Overview of methods, programs, and strategies for reading instruction designed to improve the performance of elementary students, grades K-6, who experience difficulties in reading acquisition, fluency, and comprehension. (B) elementary/special education; (C) early childhood education/special education; (D) unclassified. Repeatable one time per alpha. A-F only.
Utilization and evaluation of teaching/ learning models for gifted/talented students, including consideration of roles, expectancies for learning, and organizational procedures.
Characteristics and educational provisions for gifted children and youth with particular attention to psychological aspects of creativity
Etiology, characteristics, and development of individuals with severe disabilities and autism; historical, theoretical, and legal issues affecting individuals with severe disabilities and autism; multicultural, family, and consumer issues; professional and ethical issues in providing services. A-F only.
Instruction on learning to write as professional educators. Strategies for developing and enhancing professional writing for the field of education. Peer and instructor feedback on writing throughout course. Technologies used to assist with writing. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Students participate in classroom settings appropriate to concurrently enrolled courses; supervision provided by participating teacher and college supervisor. Repeatable up to 10 credits. A-F only.
Modified student teaching for students from another institution completing student teaching at UH or for students who have prior extensive teaching experience. A-F only. Pre: requirements for registration listed under “Student Teaching,” approval of review committee and consent.
Seminar relating current educational theories with experiences. (B) elementary/ special education; (C) early childhood education/ special education; (D) unclassified. Repeatable one time per alpha. A-F only. Pre: requirements for registration listed under “student teaching.” Co-requisite: 390B for (B); 390C for (C); 390D for (D).
Full-time supervised experience in school. (B) elementary/special education; (C) early childhood education/special education; (D) unclassified. Repeatable one time per alpha. A-F only. Co
Communication development of infants and young children, ages birth through age 8, with and without disabilities. Assessment and intervention to support the development of communication skills in inclusive community and school environments. A-F only.
Students spend 15 hours per week in settings appropriate to concurrently enrolled classes; supervision provided by participating teacher and college supervisor. Repeatable two times. A-F only. (Cross-listed as ITE 315)
Foundations of “special education” exploring philosophies, diverse and historical viewpoints, laws, and service delivery. Students reflect upon texts, films and interviews with persons with disabilities, their families and professionals to understand the culture of disability. A-F only.
Explores the changing disability experience as described in contemporary film, literature, advertising, news, sports and dialogue with persons with disabilities in the Pacific region and around the world. A-F only.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of department chair.
A period, author, genre, or region. Repeatable unlimited times with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Study of representative writers from various periods: Sor Juana, Palma, Quiroga, Reyes, Borges, etc. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Study of representative poets from all periods: Martí, Darió, Mistral, Guillén, Neruda, Paz, etc. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Spanish-American literature from period of discovery to independence. Representative authors such as Sor Juana, Bernal Díaz del Castillo. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Critical analysis of major Spanish-American novels. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Representative works from 20th-century literature. Genres: poetry, theater, essay, novel. (B) generation of 1898; (C) pre-Civil War; (D) post-Civil War. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Nineteenth-century Spanish realism in the novel. Authors include Galdós, Clarin, Alarcón, Pardo Bazán, Blasco-Ibáñez, Valera. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Spanish literature from the 16th and 17th centuries. (B) theater; (C) prose; (D) poetry; (E) Cervantes. Pre: graduate standing.
Representative readings in prose and poetry, from origins through 15th century. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Supervised participation in online course at UNED University (Spain) relevant to student’s specialization for Second Language Studies or Spanish Applied Linguistics. Students also complete projects and meet with advisor to check progress. Repeatable two times for different topics. Graduate students only. Pre: Spanish Proficiency assessment: B- (CERFL) or Advanced low (ACTFL).
Repeatable unlimited times with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Introduction to the dialects of Spanish spoken around the world. Lectures and discussions cover the variation and change of Spanish phonology, lexicon, morphology, and syntax. Graduate students only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)
Study of social, cultural, and pragmatic issues in Spanish Translation Studies. Graduate students only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)
Independent study of approved readings and research with faculty supervision. A-F only. Repeatable two times. Pre: consent of instructor and departmental approval.
Intensive study of selected topics in Latin American and/or Iberian cinemas; e.g. national or regional cinemas, periods, movements or issues, major filmmakers, film theory and criticism. Repeatable two times. Pre: one of 361, 362, 371, 372, or 396; or consent.
Hispanic authors, periods, or themes. (B) literature and society, DL; (C) Hispanic poetry, DL; (D) literature and film, DH. Repeatable for other topics, but not for the same topic. Pre: one of 361, 362, 371, or 372; or consent.
Study of representative authors and plays from Spain and Latin America. Repeatable one time. Pre: one of 361, 362, 371, or 372; or consent.
The feminine experience in Western literary and cultural traditions as seen by women in Spain and Latin America. Pre: one of 361, 362, 371 or 372; or consent.
Study of the literature of U.S. Hispanics written in Spanish or bilingually. Pre: 371 or 372, or consent.
Representative works from Spanish Neoclassicism (18th century) and Romanticism (19th century). Genres: theater, poetry, essay, novel. Pre: 361 or 362, or consent.
Intensive course of formal instruction on the fourth-year level in Spanish language and culture in a Spanish-speaking country. For semester programs only. Pre: 360 or equivalent.
Continuation of 458.
Intensive course of full-time formal instruction on the fourth-year level in Spanish linguistics, civilization, culture, and literature in a Spanish-speaking country. Pre: any two of 301, 302, 303, 358, 359, or 360.
Analysis of morphology, syntax, and semantics. Pre: 302 or 330, or consent.
Evolution of Spanish from Latin; modern social and geographical dialects. Pre: 302 or 330, or consent.
Practical course on consecutive and simultaneous interpreting from English into Spanish and from Spanish into English, plus cross-cultural considerations related to the interpreting profession. Pre: 308 or consent.
Factors in the art of translation. Practice in translating material from Spanish to English and the reverse. Pre: 305 or consent. (Cross-listed as TI 404)
Advanced practice; emphasis on building active vocabulary. Pre: 302 or consent.
Explores issues in Spanish language in society (media, communication, advertising, government, technology). Introduces and examines current sociolinguistic and sociopragmatic issues. Pre: 330 or consent.
Independent study of approved reading with faculty supervision. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: 301 (or concurrent), consent and departmental approval.
Introduction to the study and analysis of genres, techniques, and cinematic styles as used in Hispanic film. Pre: 301 or 310 or consent.
Reading and discussion of representative works of Spanish-American literature: Modernism to the present. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent.
Reading and discussion of representative works of Spanish-American literature: Colonial period through Romanticism. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent.
Reading and discussion of representative works of Spanish literature: 18th century to present. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent.
Reading and discussion of representative works of Spanish literature: origins to 18th century. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent.
Intensive formal instruction at the third-year level in Spanish language skills: reading, writing, grammar, or conversation in a Spanish-speaking country. Pre: 202 or equivalent
Continuation of 358.
Intensive formal instruction at the third-year level in Spanish language skills: reading, writing, grammar, or conversation in a Spanish-speaking country. Pre: 202 or 259 or equivalent.
Survey of the history and cultures of Latin America. (B) Pre-Columbian and Colonial periods; (C) Independence, nationhood and current issues. Repeatable one time for other topics, but not for the same topic. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent.
Survey of the history and cultures of Spain. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent.
Analysis of the Spanish phonological system, in contrast with English. Practice in pronunciation. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent.
Introduction and development of Spanish skills for critical reading and writing, rhetoric, and vocabulary. Choices with particular emphasis on literary analysis and academic writing. Online course. Pre: 301 or 310 or consent.
Focuses on standard and academic varieties of Spanish for English-dominant heritage speakers in order to improve their literacy skills. Pre: placement exam. (Fall only)
Students will begin to develop the listening and memory skills for direct and inverse interpretation. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent
Language as used in specific professions. (B) commercial Spanish; (C) medical Spanish. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent.
Practical introduction to SpanishEnglish translation with translations of texts from Spanish to English and the reverse. Pre: 301 or 310 or consent.
Continuation of 303. Pre: 303 or consent.
Intensive practice in spoken Spanish, focusing on the preparation and completion of oral tasks and presentations. Pre: 301 (or concurrent), or consent.
Improvement of Spanish vocabulary, language accuracy, and expression of ideas in Spanish through writing. Pre: 301 or 310, or consent.
Improvement of Spanish vocabulary, language accuracy, and expression of ideas in Spanish through writing. Pre: 202 or 203 or 259, or consent.
Development of language skills through reading of literary and cultural texts. Pre: 202 (or concurrent) or 203 or 259.
Continuation of 258.
Intensive course of full-time formal instruction on the second-year level in Spanish language and culture in a Spanish-speaking country. Pre: 102 or 103.
SPAN 201 and 202 content combined, oriented to business Spanish. Three 50-minute sessions per week plus online work. Pre: 102 or 103.
Continuation of 201. Oral practice and grammar study; increasing emphasis on reading and written composition. Pre: 201 or 258.
Continuation of oral practice and grammar study; increasing emphasis on reading and written composition. Pre: 102 or 103.
Course content of SPAN 101 and 102 covered in one semester. Three two-hour sessions per week.
Conversation, grammar, reading. Pre: 101.
Conversation, grammar, reading.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times.
Demographic trends in urban growth: nature and dimensions of urbanization and urbanism; ancient, American, and Third World cities; ecological theories of urban growth; lifestyles.
Theories and available research methods examined for applicability to developing areas; specific examples from Asia. A-F only. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Study of sociology of social movements, plus independent student research. Repeatable one time.
Intensive study and individual research projects in a selected topic. Theoretical and methodological issues in relating social and individual levels of analysis. Recommended: 612.
Seminar on the analysis of conflict resolution. Faculty from law, planning, political science and guest practitioners will present multidisciplinary analysis and intervention strategies on contemporary conflicts. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
An examination of how ideas of “race” and “ethnicity” are constructed, and how this reflects and shapes social structures and relationships: (B) antiracism studies; (C) ethnic identity and nationalism: cooperation and conflict; (D) race, place, and inequality. Repeatable up to two times in different alphas. Graduate students only. (Alt. years)
Developmental policies, social change, and impact on modern Chinese social institutions. Includes China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. May include social and demographic change, population, social stratification, gender, and family problems. Repeatable one time.
Social and behavioral studies of Japanese values, social organization, and personality development. Problems of value conflict, political protest, world role, tradition, and social change. Repeatable one time only.
Analysis of social change; transformation from subsistence societies to commodified, wage-labor societies with participation in world economy.
Comparative analysis of social organization, social processes, and change of both capitalist and communist countries of East Asia, with each other and other areas of the world. Repeatable one time. Pre: 611 or consent.
Discusses the major perspectives on family and gender relations and examines related empirical research. Emphasis is on the cross-cultural comparisons across the U.S. and Asia in the context of globalizing economies and cultures. A-F only. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as GHPS 719)
Overview of the major theories, perspectives, and empirical findings relating to aging in various cultural contexts. SOC, PSY, NURS, SW, PH majors only. Pre: 606 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent.
Application of theoretical paradigms and methodologies to the examination of selected research topics in the field of medical sociology. Repeatable one time. Pre: 615 or consent.
Substantive areas that are of current interest and the focus of research, but not addressed in other courses. Repeatable two times.
Sociological theory applied to bases of knowledge in everyday life, professional communities, and the sciences. Research and theory-building activities of sociologists; ethnomethodology; construction of social structure, culture, and consciousness. Repeatable one time only.
Contemporary issues in cultural sociology, covering key theoretical perspectives, analytic methods and substantive areas for empirical research. A-F only.
Dealing with advanced statistical methods beyond multiple linear regression, such as logit, event history analysis, and multi-level analysis. Emphasis is on applications of the techniques to social science research. Repeatable one time only.
Research design, data collection, field problems and analysis in the evaluation of social programs. Examples from criminal justice, corrections, drug treatment, mental health, and public health.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Analyses of sustainability, environmental, and technoscience issues from sociological perspectives. Graduate students only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as SUST 670)
Examines research on teaching, learning, and ethics, as well as practical skills for teaching at the university level. Syllabi and teaching philosophies are developed, which are useful for the academic job market. Graduate standing only.
Statistical evaluation and analysis of population data; data sources; population growth; composition; standardization of rates; mortality and the life table; nuptiality and fertility; distribution, migration, urbanization; projections and stable population theory. (Cross-listed as PH 659)
Comparative analysis of quantitative and qualitative aspects of population; factors affecting size, distribution, and composition; impact of population size and composition on society.
Examines the history of American criminal punishment, from the birth of the penitentiary to the rise of the prison industrial complex. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing. (Cross-listed as AMST 638)
Examination of the criminal justice system; the exercise of discretion and limits placed upon it. Pre: consent.
Major current theories, history of their development, elaborations of typologies, implications for treatment modalities.
Key themes in feminist criminology are explored including focus on masculinities and crime, race and intersectionality, global criminology, and the ways in which the criminal justice system controls women and girls. A-F only. (Cross-listed as WGSS 625)
Classical theories of social class, contemporary developments; crucial research issues, appropriate methodologies. Repeatable one time only. Pre: classified graduate standing or consent.
Examines sociological research and theories about mental health and illness. A key question in medical sociology will be addressed: What is the relationship between society and mental health? Repeatable one time.
Analysis of current theory and empirical research on relationship of stress and health; sociological, psychological, and community psychiatry models and current issues.
Covers the major paradigms in medical sociology for analyzing social epidemiology, the political economy of health systems, health service organizations, health and wellness behaviors illness perception and help-seeking, doctor-patient interaction, and adaptations to illness. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Theoretical approaches to organizations; organizational structure and process; organizational pathologies and effectiveness; the organization and its environment.
Seminar offers a critical overview of major perspectives and representative works in sociology theory from the 1960s to the present, including intellectual contexts and historical development. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing. (Spring only)
Seminar offers a critical overview of major perspectives and representative works in sociological theory from 19thcentury to the 1960s, including intellectual contexts and historical development. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing. (Fall only)
Advanced seminar on conducting fieldwork in natural social settings with emphasis on qualitative techniques, political and ethical considerations, data management and assessment, interpretation and reflexive writing. Repeatable one time.
Survey study designs, survey sampling, questionnaire construction, interviewing, pre-tests, pilot studies, logic of measurement and association, table construction, and elaboration models. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as EDEA 608 and EDEP 602)
Content analysis combines quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze text systematically. Covers sampling and case selection; manual and computer-assisted methods of coding and analyzing textual data; writing reports using content analysis data. Repeatable one time. (Once a year)
Emphasis on theory selection, theory construction, and choice of research strategies.
Lab for computer analysis skills is required for students taking 605. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 605.
Dealing with the multiple linear regression and logistic regression models, focusing on modeling, i.e., specification of the explanatory variables to answer different research questions. Emphasis on applications using statistical package programs. SOC 605L is required.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: 300 and consent of instructor.
Students create their own study group and solicit an advisor from faculty. Consult department for assistance.
Topics course that explore current issues and try new ideas. Repeatable two times. Pre: 300 or consent.
Internship in public, private, or non-profit organizations providing opportunity for practical experience and application of social sciences concepts and theories. Three to six credits per semester; repeatable two times, up to 12 credits. Consent of instructor. (Cross-listed as SOCS 489 and WGSS 489)
The development of ethnic relations and political approaches to multiculturalism in two multiethnic nations: Canada and the U.S. A-F only. Pre: 300 or one 300 level ES course, or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 492)
Students lead a freshman seminar section of sociology and meet weekly with instructor for substantive background.
Techniques for collecting and analyzing qualitative data. Participant observation; small groups in natural settings; community studies. Grounded theory; theories of everyday life; reality construction.
Required lab for computer applications for analysis of sociological data. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 476.
Common statistical procedures emphasizing univariate and bivariate description; some attention to multivariate techniques and statistical inference, within context of research procedures. Pre: 300 or consent. Co-requisite: 476L.
Survey research design and analysis, including theory selection instrument construction, sampling techniques, data collection, computerized data analysis, and writing up research reports of the findings.
Popular culture as manifested in film, sports, TV, comics, magazines, etc.; relation to sociological theories and studies.
Critical perspectives on sports and society. Topics include power and inequality; mobility, status, and economics; youth development; globalization; gender; and violence in sports and the wider society. Pre: 300 and 321. (Spring only)
Relation of art to society; role of artist, audience, critic, patron, museum; Western and other societies; attitudes toward new styles.
The historical and contemporary social processes involved in inter-ethnic relations in Hawai‘i. Pre: 300 or one ES 300 level course, or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 456)
Seminar in research on sociological aspects of religious sectarianism; attention to Hawai‘i. Pre: 300 or consent. (Cross-listed as REL 452)
Application of sociological theories and concepts to medical social situations and behavior; problems of obtaining data for research.
Social and research issues significant to delivery of long-term care services to the elderly; cost, quality, availability of services, evaluation of programs, role of family, formal and informal care services.
Sex-role socialization, motherhood, work-family conflicts. Alternative family structures in U.S. and other countries. Recommended: at least one WGSS course. Pre: 300, or WGSS 151 or any 200- or 300-level WGSS course; or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 452)
Theory and methods of studying social interaction in marriage and the family; examination of marriage, mating, love, and choice. Empirical research emphasizing Hawai‘i.
Examines the problem of violence, particularly sexual violence, over the life cycle. Offers gendered perspective in activities aimed at prevention and treatment of violence, and cross cultural perspectives. Pre: 300, WGSS 151 or any 200- or 300-level WGSS course; or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 446)
Historical and structural theories of gender-based violence, including domestic and sexual abuse, prostitution, trafficking, cross-cultural perspectives, social policy and practices. Junior standing or graduate standing only. Pre: 300 or consent. (Once a year)
Effects of social institutions on individuals. Role of socioeconomic status, cultural background, family structure, peer group, schools, and occupational roles in socialization.
Women’s relations with the criminal justice system; types of women’s offenses; responses to women’s crime; women as victims; women as workers in the criminal justice system. Recommended: at least one WGSS course. Pre: 300, or WGSS 151 or any 200- or 300-level WGSS course; or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 435)
Interrelationships between legal orders and other social institutions; use of “law” to change major status relationships, e.g., boss-worker, woman-man, child-adult.
Institutions, organizations, and individuals charged with carrying out punishment in the criminal justice system and beyond.
Research in systematic social deviation. Scaling and measurement of delinquents/ criminals, official data, gangs, identification and measurement of delinquent/criminal value orientations, etc.
Schools, hospitals, industries, prisons, and government agencies analyzed in terms of self-actualization, alienation, human relations, communication, leadership, organizational conflicts.
Gender and racial division of labor nationally and internationally; racial and gender differentials in wages, training, working conditions and unemployment; historical trends and future directions. Pre: 300, or one 300-level WGSS or ES course; or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 418 and WGSS 418)
Nature of technology, social forces that affect its adoption; impact on society; innovation.
Study of the dominant trend of economic change and its impact on society; globalization of economic activities and transformation of industrial society to postindustrial one; corporate restructuring and downsizing and their impact on employment and income distribution; gender relations in workplaces; the impact of globalization on the newly industrializing countries. Pre: 300 or consent.
Global and U.S. patterns of population growth; composition and distribution, elementary demographic techniques; development issues and population policy. Pre: 300 or consent.
Approaches to research in social inequality: community studies; historical and cross-cultural analyses of poverty, working class, middle class, power structure, social mobility, etc.
Urbanization in developed and developing countries, the rural-urban continuum, structure and process of metropolitan regions, theories of urban location and growth, housing and urban renewal.
Explores how food, body, and other “matter of life” are imbedded in biopolitics from the feminist perspectives. A-F only. Pre: WGSS 300, or one 300-level WGSS or ES course, or consent. (Spring only). (Cross-listed as WGSS 400)
Relationships between law, politics, and society will be explored. Emphasis is placed on several dimensions of legality: legal “indeterminacy” and some of the many things that law does for us and to us; law’s response to violence; the connections between law and social change; access to the law and its sociological dimensions; how/why law fails and what happens when it does. A-F only. Pre: 100 or any 200 level SOC course, or a 100 level or 200 level POLS course, or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 374)
Examines politics of sustainability and technoscience with an explicit attention to social justice and power relations in society. A-F only. Pre: 100 or any 200-level SOC course, or WGSS 151 or any 200- or 300-level WGSS course, or consent. (Fall only) (Crosslisted as SUST 367 and WGSS 367)
Effect of sex and gender roles (both traditional and nontraditional) on attitudes and behavior within the family and educational, economic, and governmental systems. Recommended: at least one WGSS course. Pre: 100 or any 200-level SOC course, WGSS 151 or any 200- or 300-level WGSS course; or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 362)
Social institutions, family, education, religion, cultural values, social classes, economic development, social movements, gender relations, North-South relations, and unification issues. A-F only. Pre: 100 or any 200-level SOC course, or consent.
Persistence and change in economy, policy, religion, education, family, and other institutions of modern Japan.
Social institutions, family, community, education, stratification, government, economy; impact of modernization and revolution on their contemporary transformation. A-F only.
Social factors in disease and treatment; illness behavior, roles of patients and healers; nature of healing professions; use of medical services; alternative systems of medical organization.
Aging as a social phenomenon, including social impacts of growing elderly population and emerging social patterns among the elderly. Important theoretical perspectives and cross-national research. (cross-listed as COA 353)
Formal education as one aspect of socialization. Emphasis on American system; business, military, and religious institutions.
Major principles; social attitudes, theories of conformity and change, person perception and attribution theory, social role, role conflict and role behavior, group structure, and behavior.
Interrelations of deviance, criminology, juvenile delinquency, corrections, social control, sociology of law. Key concepts, theories.
Use of mood- and mind-altering drugs in America among adults, youth, and cross-culturally. Illicit drug culture, psychedelics, and perception; social norms and deviant behavior.
Concepts used in crime, law enforcement, criminal justice, and corrections. Types of criminal behavior; costs and effects of control.
Law as a political enforcement of the social order; how it is organized and operates; determinants of effectiveness; ways it adapts to and facilitates changing social conditions.
Major theorists and their influences, from Comte to today.
Social and economic policies affecting women in families, education, social services, government, health care, the economy; public policy implementation and development; policy impact on women. Pre: 100 or any 200-level SOC course, or WS 151 or any 200- or 300-level WS course; or consent. (Cross-listed as WS 318)
Causes, processes, and effects of social change, using single and multi-cause models in simple and complex industrialized societies.
Work from viewpoint of individuals; meaningfulness versus productivity; how work, economics, and the industrial system affect individual goals.
Introduction to social stratification theory and research; definition and measurement of socioeconomic status; racial, ethnic and gender inequality; differences in lifestyles and life chances; social mobility.
Explores current issues in the conceptualization and delivery of health care for women. Pre: 100 or any 200-level SOC course, or WGSS 151 or WGSS 202, or POLS 110; or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 305)
Urban processes and social problems, such as poverty, crime, racial segregation, homelessness, housing policy, urbanization, and neighborhood ethnic diversity. How places shape identity and opportunity. Research methods applied to communities, places, and neighborhoods of Hawai‘i. (Cross-listed as PLAN 301)
(3 Lec, 2 50-min Lab) Basic methods of sociology for production and analysis of data. Foundations for understanding research and for advanced courses in methods and statistics. Restricted to students in the honors program and required for students taking the honors track in sociology. A-F only.
(3 Lec, 2 50-min Lab) Basic methods of sociology for production and analysis of data. Foundations for understanding research and for advanced courses in methods and statistics.
Family patterns, mate selection, parent-child interaction, socialization of roles, legal sanctions, trends in organization, functions.
Forms of juvenile deviance; conditions and processes that result in alienation and deviance of youth. Juvenile corrections as institutionalized societal responses.
Theoretical and substantive survey of the nature and causes of social problems; selected types: poverty, inequality, deviance, etc
Race and ethnic relations in world perspective; social, economic, and political problems associated with perception, existence, and accommodation of these groups within the wider society. (Cross-listed as ES 214)
Basic social relationships, social structures, and processes.
Repeatable one time.
Builds on 630 and emphasizes a more thorough and comprehensive examination of major policies, programs, and populations central to a concentration (Health, Mental Health, Gerontology, Child and Family). Students learn a more focused and applied analysis of the relationship between social policy, research, and social work practice. SW majors only. A-F only. Pre: 606 and 607; 630 and 631; 640 and 650; 659 and 660; 690 and 691.
Same as 790. A-F only.
Instruction in the field is continued. The practicum of the second year provides an opportunity for the student to test out concepts, principles, theories, and alternate approaches in actual practice settings. SW majors only. A-F only. Pre: 691.
Women’s health and the role of women health professionals. Current literature and research regarding attitudes, roles, rights, and health care. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Cross-listed as NURS 744)
Hawaiian culture, past and present. Explores and examines possible approaches to working with Hawaiians and part-Hawaiians. Special emphasis on supports in the Hawaiian system that may promote maximal functioning for those Hawaiians experiencing problems in today’s society. Meets seminar requirement. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing.
Approaches to social problems and trends in the profession in international, cross-cultural perspectives. Emphasis on developmental aspects of social work. Political, economic, social, and cultural forces shaping social welfare in national development. Meets seminar requirement. SW majors only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Culminating experience in social welfare doctoral specialization; integration of PhD core and specialization course work. Pre: classified student in PhD in social welfare program or consent.
Theories and methods of qualitative research; problem formulation, informant selection, study design, data collection and analysis utilizing qualitative approaches. Repeatable three times. A-F only. Pre: 640 or 651 or equivalent; departmental approval.
Empirical research methodology with emphasis on design principles and measurement theory; design and measurement issues and problems in cross-cultural research. A-F only. Pre: PhD candidate in social welfare or consent.
Focuses on developing an understanding of philosophy of science, theory development, social work epistemology, and the analysis and development of knowledge for social work practice. A-F only. Pre: PhD candidate in social welfare or consent.
Same as 743. A-F only
Same as 743. A-F only. Pre: 743.
Independent research (group of two to seven students or by an individual student) undertaken under the sponsorship of a faculty advisor. Elements are selection of a topic related to the practice of social work or knowledge relevant to that practice, utilization of empirical research methodology in collecting and analyzing original data, and preparation of a scholarly paper. SW majors only. A-F only. Pre: 650.
In-depth study of research in a substantive area. Each seminar will be devoted to a particular topic: e.g., foster care of children, effectiveness of social work intervention, etc. SW majors only. Pre: 650.
Knowledge of judicial systems and law relevant to social work practice in corrections, child-family welfare, health, and mental health. Skills for effective participation in the legal process are acquired in moot court and in practice for testifying. SW majors only. Pre: graduate standing.
Students pursue in-depth a specific topic in the areas of social planning, social policy analysis, evaluation of social programs, administration, supervision, and consultation. Selectively a comparative perspective is introduced and case studies used to illustrate concepts, principles, and techniques, with implications for practice. Meets seminar requirement. SW majors only. Pre: 630 or consent.
Designed for social work students in the aged concentration, builds upon past knowledge and skill development from courses and practicum. Students examine micro and macro interventions used for a wide range of issues and problems encountered by older adults and their families through the use of both case presentation and case consultations assignments. Meets seminar requirement. SW majors only. Pre: 726.
Designed for social work students specializing in social work practice with the aged and their families. Examines normative and pathological aging and its impact on physical processes, intellectual functions, and personality. Emphasis is placed on the development of specialized knowledge and skills for assessment, intervention, and evaluation of a variety of issues and needs common in later life. Discussions on the applicability of certain interventions with the older adult and the family, along with ethnocultural and gender considerations. SW majors only. Pre: completion of foundation courses.
Prepares students to work with persons who are experiencing major mental disorders and to improve the systems of care that have been developed to serve this population. It reviews the history of the community mental health movement, discusses relevant policies and laws, and describes the current mental health system in the U.S. and Hawai‘i. SW majors only. Pre: 724.
Prepares students for social work practice in mental health settings. As the first course in the concentration, it focuses primarily on minor or short-term mental dysfunctioning (e.g., reactive depression, anxiety). Built on conceptual foundations including cultural implications of mental health, human ecology, life cycle/events, strengths assessments, and research. Includes a seminar component which involves student case presentations and consultations. SW majors only. Pre: completion of foundation courses.
Through the use of case studies developed by the students, social work practice is examined in three areas of health care: primary care provided in health departments and medical groups, hospital-based services, and long-term care. Meets seminar requirement. SW majors only. Pre: 722.
Didactic and experiential learning activity focuses on the major role functions of the social worker in the health field including assessment, contracting, counseling, advocacy, case management, discharge planning, family group work, community and team building. Covers health care policy, research directions in practice and social work management issues. SW majors only. Pre: completion of foundation courses.
Designed for students in the child and family concentration and builds upon past knowledge and skill development in practice classes and in the practicum. Students integrate, demonstrate, and extend earlier learning, acquire new knowledge, and learn and practice new skills. Organized around student case presentations in a consultation format. Meets seminar requirement. SW majors only. Pre: 717.
Advanced practice course for students specializing in social work with children and families. Designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of both theoretical formulations and therapeutic techniques for practice in the field of family and child welfare. Emphasis placed on the development of specialized knowledge and skills for assessment, intervention, and evaluation of a variety of common child and family practice situations. SW majors only. Pre: completion of foundation courses.
Focuses on interdisciplinary strategies with older adults: individual, family, and group therapy; eclectic mental health approaches; case management; and environmental intervention. Emphasis placed on the use of these strategies as preventive, as well as supportive, measures for the well, transition, and frail elderly. Meets seminar requirement. SW majors only. Pre: graduate standing.
Designed specifically to train students in the theory and practice of leading psychotherapy groups; it includes historical developments, research, theories, and application of group psychotherapy, group techniques and exercises. SW majors only. Pre: 607 or consent.
Independent research under supervision of a thesis committee. Includes formal proposal and defense of finished research. Repeatable unlimited times.
Students, on the basis of special interest, select a faculty member to work with on a problem for which planned individualized study or research is deemed advisable. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Biological and physiological changes associated with aging. Social and psychological factors associated with health maintenance. Major threats to health, changing patterns of morbidity and mortality of the aged. Pre: graduate standing.
Field units are maintained by the school in public and voluntary welfare agencies, as well as in governmental programs. Students receive instruction related to their school experience with social problem situations and an opportunity to see the applicability and to experience the use of concepts and principles in actual practice. A-F only. Pre: admission to MSW program.
Field units are maintained by the school in public and voluntary welfare agencies, as well as in governmental programs. Students receive instruction related to their school experience with social problem situations and an opportunity to see the applicability and to experience the use of concepts and principles in actual practice. A-F only. Pre: admission to MSW program.
Introduction to couple and family therapy offers an overview of family systems perspective, theory and technique relevant to informing effective social work case planning, case management, advocacy, and interaction with clients. SW majors only. Graduate students only.
Current trends in field of social welfare. Recent courses have focused on forensic social work, immigrants and refugees, and leadership in human services. Meets seminar requirement. Repeatable one time in different topics. SW majors only. Pre: graduate standing.
Community organization and development applicable to the delivery of health services. Understanding community dynamics, mobilizing community groups for effective health care practice and delivery. SW majors only. Pre: PH 647 or consent. (Cross-listed as PH 671)
Emphasis on the developments in child welfare; issues, concerns with regard to needs and rights, and the application of social work services to problems associated with needs for protection. Review of historical, theoretical, empirical, and legal findings for skill development in intervening in dysfunctional parent/child interaction. SW majors only. Pre: graduate standing.
Introduction to treatment of alcoholism and other chemical dependencies. Application of social work strategies in work with individuals and families in the disease and recovery process. Repeatable one time. SW majors only. Pre: graduate standing.
Uses social work’s person-in-environment focus to organize knowledge development about biological, psychological, social, and cultural systems as they are affected by human behavior. It is designed to provide students with an overview of human behavior and healthy and unhealthy development over the life span. A-F only. Pre: 659. (Spring only)
An overview of social work’s person-in-environment focus as it applies to human behavior in the context of families, groups, communities, and organizations. Using an ecological perspective, theories and evidence about human behavior are introduced and examined. SW majors only. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing. (Fall only)
Multivariate forms of multiple linear regression, analysis of variance, and analysis of co-variance. Multiple discriminant analysis, canonical correlation, and principal components analysis are discussed. SW majors only.
Introduction to linear statistical models as principle of data analysis. Topics include multiple regression models with continuous and categorical predictors. ANOVA with multiple factors, ANOVA with repeated measures, and ANCOVA. Pre: 601 or consent.
Introduction to quantitative methods in behavioral sciences. Introduction to general linear model as principle of data analysis. Course requires basic statistics. (Meets PhD common inquiry methods requirement or elective.)
Extending the study of scientific methods introduced in 640. Covers the range of empirical research methods and data analytic procedures suitable for knowledge building and practice evaluation at all levels of intervention from case to program. A-F only. Pre: 640. (Spring only)
Understanding and interpreting results of nomothetic and idiographic research; design principles and statistical analyses and their relationship to practices; use of published research. SW majors only. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing. (Fall only)
Overview of aging from the biopsycho, socioeconomic and cultural perspectives. Explores common theories of aging. Emphasis on bridging the gap between the realm of concepts and theories, and the world of practice in gerontology. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Physical, social, cultural, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of dying, death, and bereavement. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Explores policies, programs, and services for older adults. Students learn about the aging network, assess older adults’ needs, link older adults to appropriate services in the community, and track legislative bills that address older adults’ quality of life. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Introduction to formal organization theory. Social service administration examined and implications for service delivery systems developed. SW majors only. Pre: graduate standing.
Community conceptualization; organized roles of developer, enabler, broker, mediator, and advocate; diagnostic and problem-solving technology; the special characteristics of the social worker as community organizer; matrix of structural objectives; sources and use of power; how to build an organization; and interorganizational negotiation. SW majors only. A-F only. Pre: 606, graduate standing, and consent. (Spring only)
Examines in a historical and comparative framework the economic, social, political, organizational, and administrative factors influencing the development, formulation, and implementation of social welfare policies in the U.S. Provides opportunity for the application of various models of social policy analysis in major areas of social welfare programming and service delivery. SW majors only. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing. (Fall only)
Practice course builds upon the generalist framework and foundation content presented in 606. Special emphasis is given on models for assessment, intervention, and evaluation of practice with families and groups. Relevant theories of groups and the principles of group dynamics and group work methods are examined in regard to task, therapeutic, psychoeducational, and social development groups. Family content includes structural, behavioral, communication/experiential, and culturally-specific theories of intervention. A-F only. Pre: 606.
Beginning practice course introduces students to the basic processes of social work and the roles and skills needed for generalist practice. Relevant theories of social work practice with individuals are explored for the efficacy with various problems and for their applicability to practice with various ethnocultures, social classes, and oppressed populations. Interviewing and interpersonal skill development are incorporated. A-F only. Pre: admission to MSW program. (Fall only)
Planned individualized study or research in special area related to social work practice interest. Up to 3 credit hours. Pre: majors only, senior standing, and consent of program chair and faculty advisor.
Field instruction, application, and integration of classroom knowledge with field experiences. Pre: 490 complete with C or better, and majors only. Co-requisite: 403.
Field instruction, application, and integration of classroom knowledge with field experiences. Pre: 391 complete with C or better, and majors only. Co-requisite: 402 and 440.
An examination of current trends and issues in social work. SW majors only.
Aging and its effect on the individual, family groups, associations, and communities. Impact of aging on social service delivery systems, public policy and role of social work. Pre: senior standing or consent.
Study of current social services for children in the U.S. with focus on familiarization of child welfare programs and services in Hawai‘i. Pre: senior standing or consent.
Introduction to and application of language of research, theoretical concepts underlying advancement of knowledge, practical steps in research. SW majors only. Pre: completion of required junior-level SW courses (i.e., 302, 303, 325, 326, 360, 361, and 391) with C or better. Co-requisite: 402 and 490.
By 2050, more than a quarter of the world’s population will be 60 years of age or older. Explores what we know about aging today to encourage a lifetime of aging well. A-F only. Pre: 201 or SW 360 or WGSS 305 or PSY 100 or HDFS 230 or NURS 200; or consent. (Cross-listed as COA 435 and PH 435)
Examination of practice methods and intervention models; identification and analysis of issues related to practice. A significant portion of class time is dedicated to writing instruction congruent with professional expectations. Pre: 402 (C or better) and majors only. Co-requisite: 491.
Use of problem-solving processes and ethical models of decision-making in practice with individuals, families, groups, and communities. Pre: 303, 326, and 361 complete with C or better; and majors only. Corequisite: 440 and 490.
Introduction to field instruction; application of social work knowledge, skills, and values to field experience. CR/NC only. Pre: 302, 325, 326 (or concurrent), 360, and 361 (or concurrent) complete with C or better; and majors only. Co-requisite: 303.
An examination of current trends in the field of social welfare. SW majors only.
Examination of ethnicity, class, and sex statuses as these affect human development and behavior for social work practice. SW majors only. Pre: 360 with a grade of C or better. Recommended: 200.
Examination of social and cultural variables such as human development and behavior; use of knowledge in these areas by social work practitioners. SW majors only. Recommended: 200.
Study of U.S. social welfare institutions and policies as an expression of societal response to human needs; interrelationship of American value system to goals, objectives, and policies of social security programs; focus on examination of Hawai‘i’s social service programs. SW majors only. Pre: 325.
Historical developments and implications of social welfare activities, institutions, and policies and European backgrounds; introduce social welfare developments in selected non-European countries. SW majors only. Recommended: 200.
Introduction to practice skills with individuals, families, groups, and communities. A significant portion of class time is dedicated to writing instruction congruent with professional expectations. Pre: 302 (complete with C or better) and majors only. Co-requisite: 391.
Orientation to practice principles, concepts, values, knowledge base, and their application. Pre: 200 (complete with C or better) and majors only.
Orientation to the profession of social work; historical development, values and philosophy, scope and aims.
Interdisciplinary approach to problems relating to humans and their interactions with the world’s oceans and coasts. Focus includes institutions for governing the world’s oceans and coasts at all scales and on the role of scientific knowledge in managing marine and coastal resources. Repeatable one time. Pre: OCN 331, GEO 435, or consent. (Cross-listed as. (Cross-listed as OEST 735)
Examination and critical analysis of contemporary curriculum and instruction issues in social sciences. Concepts, theories, principles underlying active learning, critical thinking, values inquiry, assessment, and multidisciplinary approaches to integration of knowledge.
Internship in public, private, or non-profit organizations providing opportunity for practical experience and application of social sciences concepts and theories. Three to six credits per semester; repeatable two times, up to 12 credits. Consent of instructor. (Cross-listed as SOC 494 and WGSS 489)
Intended for students undertaking the service learning option in another course in the College of Social Sciences. Discussions on student’s experiences, types of learning occurring, and issues encountered in service learning activities in the community. Repeatable two times. CR/NC only.
Introduction to the scientific principles of sustainability, including the ecology of managed and natural ecosystems, global change biology, ecological principles of natural resource management, renewable energy technologies, and the environmental impacts of humans.
Introduction to key concepts and theories in social sciences in relation to sustainability issues. (Cross-listed as SUST 250 and TAHR 250)
Statistical reasoning in the analysis of social science data, including descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis, inference measures of association, decomposition of variance, and regression analysis. Lab required. Pre: any 100 level social science course or consent.
Develops necessary tools for effective reasoning and problem-solving through use and application of analytic techniques, including question formation, understanding/interpreting data presented in the public sphere, and evaluating the validity of sources. A-F only.
Fosters understanding of key societal and community issues, social science perspectives on them, the qualities of effective leadership, and invites examination of personal responsibilities, intentions, and abilities to make a difference on those issues. A-F only.
Brings together topics, discussion, and peer support to increase success at UH Mânoa and the College of Social Sciences. The emphasis is on knowledge, skills, and behaviors leading to graduation and sharing the first-year experience.
Repeatable eight times, up to 12 credits. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
An experienced-based introduction to college-level teaching; graduate students serve as student teachers to professors; responsibilities include supervised teaching, and participation in planning and evaluation. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: graduate standing and consent.
Qualitative research in second language and multilingual contexts. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Second language/dialect use in multilingual communities. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Issues in theory and research in second language acquisition of child and adult. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Current issues and problems. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent only.
Individual research in the various fields of second language studies. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent of instructor.
Individual reading in various fields of second language studies. CR/ NC only. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of instructor.
Enrollment for degree completion. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only. CR/NC only. Pre: master’s Plan B or C candidate and consent.
Student teaching in a language learning classroom. Pre: consent.
Variable topics in special areas of second language studies: (E) second language learning; (N) second language analysis; (P) second language pedagogy; (R) second language research methodology; (U) second language use. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 650 for (E); consent for (N) and (P); 660 or consent for (U).
Survey of approaches to discourse; microanalytic qualitative research; theory and methodology. Pre: 660 or consent.
Philosophical and theoretical approaches, methodology, and ethics in second language qualitative research.
Hands-on experience in language survey research including planning and creating survey instruments (both interviews and questionnaires), administering, compiling and analyzing survey data (quantitatively and qualitatively), and reporting the results. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Theory and research in psycholinguistics as related to second language perception, production, acquisition, and instruction. Pre: 441 or LING 422, or consent.
Survey of research on second language classrooms and analysis of methodological issues.
Advanced issues in language testing research including recent developments in the following areas: language testing hypotheses, item analysis, reliability, dependability, and validity. Pre: 490, 670, or consent.
Quantitative research methods; design of research studies; techniques in collecting data; statistical inference; and analysis and interpretation of data.
Theoretical and applied aspects of language, culture, and society, and research methods in sociolinguistics, as they relate to second and foreign language issues. Pre: 441 (or
concurrent) or consent.
Survey of theories and research on second language learning by children and adults, learning naturalistically and in formal settings. Relationships are explored between SLA research and language teaching. Pre: 441 (or concurrent) or consent.
Comparative study of two or more languages. Consideration of language transfer in second language learning, role of typological features. Pre: consent
Descriptive English grammar in relation to second language learning and teaching.
Designing, implementing, and evaluating language programs; systems-based approach to program and curriculum development. Pre: consent.
Survey of research in reading process; teaching methodology; psycholinguistic investigations; comparison of reading in first and second languages. Pre: consent.
A wide range of emerging technologies for language learning and research will be explored. Online/faceto-face discussions and hands-on experiential learning are integrated with learner’s goals, best practices, and theoretical foundations. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Problems in teaching second language composition. Survey materials; use, modification, and development. Error analysis. Pre: consent.
Key issues; overview and critique of published materials; practice in developing syllabi and other materials. Pre: consent.
Examination, comparison with conventional approaches; interpersonal relationships in language teaching. Pre: consent
Survey and analysis of second language teaching traditions and perspectives. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Introduction to basic professional and research issues in second language studies; integration of theory, research, and practice for prospective second or foreign language teachers and researchers. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Fall only)
For interdisciplinary studies majors. Pre: a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or a minimum GPA of 3.0 in major, or consent of department chair. Repeatable unlimited times.
Measurement and evaluation of achievement and proficiency in second language learning. Pre: 302 (or concurrent), 441, LING 102, or 600 (or concurrent).
Capstone for SLS majors. Reflection on experiences via the major, articulation of professional values, exploration of diverse approaches to professionalism in SLS, and formal compilation of a professional portfolio. SLS majors only. Senior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 302 and 303.
Variable topics in special areas of second language studies: (E) second language learning; (N) second language analysis; (P) second language pedagogy; (R) second language research; (U) second language use. Repeatable three times in different topics. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) for (E), (N), (R), (U); 303 (or concurrent) for (P). Not applicable toward graduate degrees offered within SLS.
Students observe and assist mentor teachers (minimum of 40 hours) at cooperating schools in multilingual contexts, examining the intersection of theory and practice in language learning and teaching and applying knowledge from other SLS courses. A-F only. Pre: 302 and 303.
Basic course in English phonetics and phonology; emphasis on areas of interest to language teachers. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) or 600 (or concurrent).
Language analysis— phonology, syntax, semantics, discourse for teaching second languages. Pre: one of 302 (or concurrent), LING 102, LING 320, 600 (or concurrent), or graduate standing; or consent.
Major historical descriptive, pedagogical aspects; pidgin and creole languages, linguistic change, language variation. Work with actual language data. Laboratory work required. Pre: 302 (or concurrent), or LING 102, or 600 (or concurrent); or consent.
Theoretical foundation and practical applications of using electronic and audiovisual media in second language teaching. Pre: 303 (with minimum grade of C), or 600 (with minimum grade of B or concurrent); or consent.
Survey and analysis of current thinking and practices in multilingual and multicultural education, including bilingual education; special emphasis on ESL/EFL. Includes an emphasis on instruction in writing. Pre: 302 or consent.
Methods and materials. Issues in teaching; survey of available materials and practice in their adaptation. Includes an emphasis on instruction and feedback in oral communication. Pre: 302 (or concurrent).
Methods and materials. Issues in teaching; survey of available materials and practice in their adaptation. Includes an emphasis on instruction and feedback in oral communication. Pre: 302 (or concurrent).
Survey of methodology; basic concepts and practices. Pre: 302 (or concurrent).
Theoretical foundations for the learning and teaching of second/ foreign languages. Includes an emphasis on instruction in writing. Pre: upper division standing.
Introduction to bi-/multilingualism as a phenomenon at the level of society and as a characteristic of individual speakers; discussion of recent media reports and popular myths about bilingualism in relation to research-based evidence.
Reviews practices of second language learning, use, and maintenance. Introductory exploration and analysis of selected topics with a specific theme indicated by course title listed in the class schedule. Repeatable one time for different topics, up to six credits with consent.
Introduction to the use of technology in second language learning; pros and cons of specific new applications and established technologies; project-based and oriented; developing multilingual/ multicultural understanding through technology. Includes an emphasis on instruction in writing.
Historical/global perspective on being/becoming multilingual/multicultural, encompassing cases of second language learning, teaching, use, growth, change, loss across the world, ancient times to present, supporting individuals’ motivations and abilities concerning second languages and cultures.
Introduction to contemporary Pidgin in Hawai‘i; sociolinguistics of Pidgin; language attitudes; language discrimination; the role of Pidgin in contemporary Hawai‘i, including in media, educational, and interpersonal contexts.
Advanced study of Sanskrit literature (kâvya) and systematic thought (sâstra), alongside reading and discussion of scholarship on these topics. Specific content will change each semester. Repeatable unlimited times for different topics. Pre: 282 (with a minimum grade of B).
Continuation of 481.
Continuation of 382. Reading, analysis, and interpretation of various Vedic or Sanskrit texts selected according to students’ interests. Pre: 382.
Continuation of 381. Introduction to Veda.
Continuation of 282. Reading and analysis of various classical texts. Pre: 282.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201.
Continuation of 102. Reading and analysis of classical texts with review of grammar. Pre: 102.
Introduction to basic Sanskrit grammar; reading and analysis of progressively difficult classical texts.
A survey of the major genres of traditional Samoan literature. Taught in the Samoan language. Pre: 302 or consent.
Study of modern Samoan grammar including some sociolinguistic background. Pre: 202 or LING 102, or consent.
Continuation of 431. Pre: 431 or consent.
Historical survey and analysis of the oral traditions and genealogies of Samoa with special emphasis on the relationship of these traditions with Samoan ceremonial speech. Pre: 302.
Continuation of 421. Pre: 421 or consent.
Development of oratory skills in Samoan ceremonial speech. Emphasis on institutionalized applications such as the kava ceremony and formal speechmaking. Pre: 302 or 322, or consent.
Systematic practice on various topics for control of spoken Samoan in modern contexts. Pre: 202 or equivalent; or consent.
Systematic practice on various topics for control of spoken Samoan in traditional contexts. Pre: 202 or equivalent; or consent.
Continuation of 202. Advanced reading and composition with development of language structure integrated in a variety of communicative and creative activities based on selected contemporary cultural topics. Pre: 202 or consent.
Continuation of 202. Advanced reading and composition with development of language structure integrated in a variety of communicative and creative activities based on selected traditional cultural topics. Meets three times weekly; additional lab work. Pre: 202 or consent.
Survey of major writers of Samoan literature in English; lectures, discussions, short paper.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.
Continuation of 102. Meets four hours weekly, three of four hours devoted to drill and practice. Pre: 102.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing skills. Structural points introduced inductively. History and culture. Meets four hours weekly.
Independent study of approved reading with faculty supervision. Repeatable up to six credits. A-F only. Pre: 303 (or equivalent), consent or departmental approval.
Literary or linguistic topics, movements, genres, or their representatives. Repeatable unlimited times with consent. Pre: consent of chair.
Intensive advanced courses of formal instruction on the fourth-year level in Russian language and culture in Russia. Pre: 360 or equivalent.
Continuation of 451. Pre: 312, LLEA 352, or consent.
Focus upon the selected writings of one major Russian writer of the 19th century (e.g., Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Dostoevsky, or Tolstoy) or 20th century (e.g., Bely, Blok, Bulgakov, Chekhov, Pasternak, Sholokhov, or Solzhenitsyn). Repeatable unlimited times with consent. Pre: 312, LLEA 351; or consent.
Origin and development from 18th century to present. Pre: three years of Russian language or consent.
Origin and development (19th and 20th century); the major writers. Pre: three years of Russian or consent.
Selected Russian folk narratives, bylinas, songs, and proverbs. Influence of folklore on major Russian authors. Pre: 312 or consent.
Materials from Soviet/Russian newspapers and magazines. Pre: 311 or consent.
Readings in various fields, emphasizing idiomatic usage. Pre: 312 or consent.
Continuation of 403. Pre: 403.
Systematic practice on selected topics; vocabulary building and development of fluency; writing short reports, narratives. Pre: 304 or consent.
Independent study of approved reading with faculty supervision. Repeatable two times or up to six credits. A-F only. Pre: 202 and consent and departmental approval.
Intensive course of formal instruction on the third-year level in Russian language and culture in Russia. Pre: 202 or 260.
Continuation of 311. Pre: 311.
Mid-level readings in Russian civilization and literature of edited and adapted texts. Pre: 202.
Advanced grammar; complexities of standard contemporary Russian; word formation and verb system. Pre: 202 or consent.
Continuation of 303.
Systematic practice for control of spoken and written Russian, vocabulary building, fluency in various subjects, accuracy in sentence structure, phrasing stylistic appropriateness. Pre: 202.
Intensive course of formal instruction on the second-year level in Russian language and culture in Russia. Pre: 102.
Basic theory of Russian sound system; practice in pronunciation, intonation, and fluency. Pre: 102 or 201 (or concurrent).
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.
Reading, conversation, grammar, composition. Pre: 102 or consent.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Conversation, reading, writing, grammar.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: admission to candidacy (PhD program).
In-depth discussion of selected areas of reproductive biology, with special emphasis on recent research results and methodologies. May be retaken for credit. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: admission to candidacy (master’s program).
Repeatable unlimited times.
Presentation and discussion of current research topics in biomedical sciences. Repeatable nine times. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as CMB 611)
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of thesis chair.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Topics in the study of religion with special emphasis on theoretical approaches and concerns. Specific topics to be preannounced. Repeatable one time. Pre: 600 or consent. (Alt. years)
Research for master’s degree Plan B. Restricted to students in the Religion Masters Program in Plan B. Enrollment must be approved by student’s project committee. A-F only. Pre: consent of committee.
Theory, preparation, and practice in the teaching of religious studies at the community college level: (B) teaching religion; (C) teaching religion practicum. REL majors only. A-F only.Pre: 650 for (B); 600, 650 and (B) for (C).
Examines topics in global Christianities, the conjunctures leading to Christianity as a worldwide religion, instantiations of Christianities throughout the centuries, and the trans-historical, theological, and socio-political connections existing between adherents and communities. Repeatable two times. Graduate standing only. A-F only. Pre: 600 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent.
Selected historical, thematic, and textual research topics in Polynesian and Hawaiian religious traditions: (B) Polynesian religions; (C) Hawaiian religion. Each alpha repeatable up to nine credits. A-F only.
Selected historical, thematic, and textual research topics in Indian religious traditions: (B) Indian religions; (D) Indian Buddhism. Repeatable two times, up to nine credits for (B). A-F only
Selected historical, thematic, and textual research topics in East Asian religions and traditions: (B) Chinese religions; (C) Japanese religions; (D) East Asian Buddhism. Repeatable up to six credits for (D), up to nine credits for (B) and (C). A-F only. Pre: 661B or 661C for (D).
Historical, theoretical and methodological issues in the study of Western religious traditions. Repeatable two times. REL majors only. A-F only. Pre: 600 or consent.
Independent field study of an Asian or Polynesian religion at an appropriate academic or religious institution abroad or in Hawai‘i. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 600, 6 credits of area studies, and consent of graduate chair and instructor.
Practicum in methods of research, argument, and discourse in scholarly writing about selected topics in religious studies. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 600 and restricted to graduate students in Religion only; or consent.
Survey of development of history of religions; application of methodologies from anthropology, history, philosophy, political science, psychology, and sociology.
Repeatable up to six credits. A-F only. Pre: consent of instructor and department chair.
Topics pre-announced each semester. Pre: upper division standing or consent. Repeatable one time.
Introduction to field, comparison of several traditions; beliefs and practices from analysis of texts. Historical interactions with Christianity. Pre: 150, 205; or consent.
Major features and trends in thought, institutions, and practices in the context of Japanese history and culture, 6th–20th century. Pre: 204 or 207, or consent.
Introduction to theoretical and methodological approaches to doing fieldwork in the study of religion. Application of these in studying Hawai‘i’s diverse religious environment. Pre: 300 or consent.
Study of cross-cultural patterns in ritual behaviors and creolization of African, indigenous, and Iberian ideological frameworks in the Americas. Topics may include syncretic religions (voodoo, candomble), Andean Christianity, spiritual conquest, conceptions of death, etc. Sophomore standing or higher. Minimum C- required grade for prerequisites. Pre: LAIS 360, or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as ANTH 478 and LAIS 478)
Seminar on religious Taoism, its historical development and its role in the present-day context. Pre: consent.
Selected historical, thematic, and textual research topics in Buddhism; topics and geographical focus to be announced each semester.
Seminar on research in sociological aspects of religious sectarianism, historical and current; special reference to Hawai‘i. Pre: SOC 300 or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 455)
Lectures and seminars provide a cross-cultural survey of sites which societies recognize as sacred and their cultural, ecological and conservation aspects. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ANTH 445)
Lectures and seminars provide a cross-cultural survey of the relationships between religions, environment and environmentalism. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ANTH 444)
Selected aspects of national, regional and local manifestations of Buddhism are explored through the perspective of anthropology with an emphasis on the daily lives of monks, nuns and lay persons in their socio-cultural contexts. Pre: 207, 422, 475, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ANTH 443)
Issues of health and disease in the light of religious beliefs and practices. A-F only.
Cults, legends, millennial movements, myths, possession, rituals, sacred healing, shamanism, sorcery, spirits, symbolism, witchcraft, and other forms of religious and symbolic expression and experience, from small scale to highly urban societies. Pre: ANTH 152. (Cross-listed as ANTH 422)
Critical study of synoptic gospels and of extra-Biblical sources. Pre: 201 or 210, or consent.
Pre: one 200-level REL course and consent.
Aspects of death and dying; relation to our culture and society, to understanding of each other and of ourselves. (Crosslisted as COA 394)
The traditions and practices related to one or more major indigenous gods, or class of gods, will be studied by the interpretation and analysis of primary texts. Repeatable one time. Pre: 205 or consent.
Mystic traditions of the West from desert monasticism to Renaissance mystics compared with those of South and East Asia. Pre: one of 150, 202, 203, 204; or consent.
Study of major myths of Epic Sanskrit literature, primarily with focus of the Ramayana and Mahabharata. Literary sources will be tapped for appreciating myths and epics, especially with reference to dharma, karma, ways of life. Sophomore standing or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as IP 374)
Study of major Hindu myths of the Vedic Sanskrit literature within the perspective of ancient Indian civilization. Literary sources will be tapped for understanding creation, cosmogony and celestial, atmospheric and terrestrial divinities. Sophomore standing or higher, or consent. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as IP 373)
In-depth look at ancient Judeo-Christian apocalyptic texts and the communities in which they originated, followed by a survey of the medieval and modern day heirs of apocalyptic traditions. Pre: 150 or consent.
The uses of art in religion are studied with historical examples. Pre: 150 or consent.
Love and sex as themes in religions of Asia and the West. Pre: 150 or consent.
Examining roles of, and attitudes toward, women in major religious traditions through autobiographies, films, and primary texts. Pre: 150 or ANTH 152 or WGSS 151. (Crosslisted as WGSS 356)
Examination of the historical connections between Islam and other civilizations will focus on the role of Islam in world history. Pre: 150 or 209 or consent.
Persecution of witches, witchcraft in Europe, 1300–1700, examined as crisis of church and theology; origins, effects on church and society. Pre: one of 201, HIST 151, HIST 152, PSY 100, or consent.
Introduction to the history, literature, and worldview of Sufism. Students will encounter the following topics in relation to Islamic mysticism: asceticism, monotheism, philosophy, love, union, sainthood, ecstatic experience, and spiritual uses of art. Pre: 209 or 383 or PHIL 330 or HIST 354, or consent. (Once a year)
The meaning of Christian faith for the moral life with reference to contemporary moral issues. Pre: 150 or 151, or consent.
Exploration of the diverse approaches and perspectives that religious groups embrace with respect to some of the more controversial and diverse elements of contemporary life. There will be an emphasis on oral presentation and debate.
Analyzes selected historical examples of religious conflicts in America, discerning characteristic patterns of American religious discourse, and identifying the social structures, interests, and ethical principles at stake in conflicts about religion. Sophomore standing or higher. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as AMST 345)
Study of cults and new religious movements in America, the Pacific, and East Asia; examining types, causes, and functions of these movements. Pre: 150 or consent.
Christianity as a transcultural religion, through the study of Christian art, literature, ritual, and theology in diverse cultures; including the Near East, Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific. Pre: 150, 201, or 210; or consent. (Once a year)
Study of lives, teachings, practices of Zen masters in China, Japan, Korea, and the West. Pre: one of 150, 203, 204, 207; or consent.
An exploration of interactions between science and religion with a focus on cosmogonies. Pre: 150 or consent.
Reading of selected prose passages from the Hebrew Bible; analysis of literacy forms, paying special attention to stories which have played an important role in the development of the Abrahamic religions. Minimum C- grade required for prerequisites. Pre: 301/LLEA 301. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as CLAS 302)
Orthography and structure of Biblical Hebrew, history and development of Hebrew as the sacred language of Judaism, overview of religious and historical development of the Hebrew Bible. Pre: sophomore standing or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as CLAS 301)
Definitions and functions of religion; methodologies by which it is studied; relationship to other areas of human culture. Pre: 150 or consent.
History of ideas concentrating on events, persons, and issues with the greatest impact on the evolution of Christianity.
Historical survey of the beliefs and practices of Islam as a world religion, including the prophet Muhammad, scriptures, philosophy and science, theology, law, major sectarian movements, relations with other religious traditions, and fundamentalism. (Alt. years)
Survey from origin to modern times; emphasis on Jewish thought in Talmudic and medieval periods.
Survey of major forms and practices.
Major teachings and practices from ancient times to present, their cultural influence; analysis of religious texts; relation to other traditions of Oceania and to Christianity.
Broad survey, with primary focus on Shinto, Buddhist, and modern sectarian movements, analyzed in relation to social and cultural themes of major historical periods.
Taoist, Confucian, Buddhist and folk beliefs and practices in their social and historical context. Repeatable one time.
Historical survey of the teachings and practices of major religious traditions of India.
Origin and development of early Christian message as set forth in the New Testament; special attention to Jesus and Paul.
Examines the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) as an expression of the religious life, history, and thought of ancient Israel and as a sacred text within later Judaism and Christianity.
Basic ideas and issues in contemporary religious thought about the meaning of existence.
Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Shinto, Taoism and indigenous traditions of Hawai‘i and/or Oceania.
Cross-cultural analysis of the religious narratives, beliefs, practices, iconography, and sacred sites related to female deities in the Americas, Polynesia, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe from prehistory to 1500 C.E. (Crosslisted as WGSS 149)
Development of strategic business plans for the optimization of a firm’s real property assets. Includes facilities utilization audits, contingency planning, and the impact of new techniques.
Financial and investment techniques used to evaluate real property and real estate security investments.
Reading and research in a special area within the major field under direction of faculty member(s). Project must include statement of objectives, outline of activities planned, results expected, and how they are to be reported and evaluated. Must be approved in advance by the department chair and faculty advisor. Repeatable unlimited times.
Consideration of various special concepts and problems in real estate. Repeatable unlimited times.
How business firms and investors manage their real property assets in terms of the legal, financial, and physical dimensions of real property. Case studies in hotels, condominiums, and office buildings in the environment in Hawai‘i. Business majors only.
Analysis of real property, including feasibility analysis, market analysis, income property capitalization, and general real estate valuation techniques.
Property rights, land tenure, agency, contracts and negotiation theory, title conveyancing and escrow, mortgage instruments, fair housing, state and federal environmental policy.
Principles affecting the allocation and utilization of real estate resources, including legal, physical, economic elements; valuation; market analysis; finance; investments, and public and private externalities affecting the allocation and utilization of real estate resources.
Directed research in quantitative health sciences. Students will work closely with a QHS faculty member or mentor who will guide them through the process of conducting a research study. Repeatable two time, up to nine credits. A-F only.
Under the supervision of biostatistics faculty members, students will have the opportunity to provide statistical consultations to biomedical researchers and gain hands-on experience conducting biostatistical analysis in solving real-life analytic problems. Repeatable two times, up to six credits. A-F only. Pre: 675 (or concurrent.)
Investigate the roles and responsibilities of the biostatistician as both consultant and collaborator with biomedical researchers, guide students in enhancing problem-solving and communication skills, and provide opportunity to observe real-life biostatistical consultations. A-F only. Pre: 601 and 602 (or equivalent) (with a minimum grade of B), and consent.
Special topics in quantitative health sciences. Reflects special research interest of QHS faculty or guest lecturers. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only.
Introduces students to issues in working with complex data sets and adds the hands-on experience needed to conduct individual research using secondary databases. A-F only. Pre: (601 (or equivalent) and 650) with a minimum grade of B, which can be taken concurrently.
Covers basic and advanced statistical methods utilized in clinical trials design, conduct, and data analysis. Topics cover statistician’s role in drug development and DSMB, statistical theory in phases I-IV clinical trial designs and analysis. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or equivalent) or consent.
Introduction to clinical trials. Topics include history, definitions/terminology, adverse events, FDA and government regulatory agencies, ethics; monitoring committees, recruitment, introduction to protocol development, basis designs. A-F only.
Focus on bioinformatics approaches for functional genomics related to DNA, RNA, and protein. It will provide of virus, bacteria, and human genome and bioinformatics approaches to human disease. A-F only. Pre: 610 (or equivalent) (with a minimum grade of B) or consent.
Provides fundamental concepts in bioinformatics with strong emphasis on hands-on training. Topics such as molecular biology, sequence alignment, biological databases, phytogeny, and genomics including microarray and RNA-sequence analysis. Repeatable one time, but credit earned one time only. Open to nonmajors. A-F only. Pre: 604 (or concurrent) and 605 (or concurrent) or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed with TRMD 653)
Statistical theory of Linear Model and Generalized Linear Model, algorithms use for estimation, inference concepts, and assessment of goodness-of-fit. Covers Proportional Hazard Model and Generalized Estimating Equations. A-F only. Pre: 601 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent.
Fundamental biomedical statistics concepts and tools will be introduced, as well as their applications to biomedical data. Students will perform hands-on analysis using statistical software and learn to interpret and present the results. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as TRMD 655)
Requires the sponsorship of a faculty member. Together they will agree on the study topic and the work to be accomplished. Depending on the scope of the project, credits may range from 1-3. Repeatable up to 9 credits. Instructor consent only. A-F only. Graduate standing only.
Seminar on current issues in U.S. or international government policy. Topics vary and may include energy, long-term care, sustainability, etc. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only.
Requires the sponsorship of a faculty member. Together they will agree on the study topic and the work to be accomplished. Depending on the scope of the project, credits range from 1-3. Needs instructor consent. Repeatable two times up to six credits. Senior standing or higher. A-F only.
Seminar on current issues in U.S. or international government policy. Topics vary and may include energy, long-term care, sustainability, etc. Repeatable unlimited times. Junior standing or higher. A-F only.
Interdisciplinary course designed to describe the inter-relationships and dynamic interactions between energy systems, the environment (climate), policy, security, and economics. Repeatable one time. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 100 or 200 level OCN course, or consent. (Spring only) (Crosslisted as OCN 321 and SUST 323)
Analysis of economic and policy aspects of energy use, and interactions of markets for various nonrenewable and renewable energy options. Evaluations of policies to develop alternative energy sources. Pre: ECON 120 or ECON 130 or ECON 131. (Cross-listed as ECON 336 and SUST 336)
Introduction to the methods and techniques of environmental and energy policy in relation to energy systems. Analysis of enacted policies from case studies to understanding the effectiveness, challenges, contradictions, and limitations of each. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 100 or 200 level OCN course, or consent. (Cross-listed as OCN 321 and SUST 323)
Students will learn about the policy making process, the results of policy decisions and how public policy is assessed, analyzed, and responded to. Also discusses important policy issues that currently fill the political landscape. Junior standing or higher. A-F only.
Analysis of the major processes that translate citizen preferences into public policy. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PUBA 304)
Pre: consent.
Investigation of emergent fields of inquiry in public health. (B) biostatistics; (D) environmental health; (E) epidemiology; (H) health policy and management; (I) Native Hawaiian and Inigenous health; (S) social and behavioral health sciences; (U) public health. Repeatable unlimited times. PH majors only.
Supervised practical training beyond the required practicum in an area of particular interest. Provides additional opportunity to synthesize, integrate, and apply practical skills and knowledge in a public health work environment. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: completion of practicum and consent.
Current and emerging issues and topics related to public health. (B) biostatistics; (D) environmental health; (E) epidemiology; (H) health policy and management; (I) Native Hawaiian and Indigenous Health; (S) social and behavioral health sciences; (U) public health. Repeatable unlimited times. PH majors only for (D) and (I).
Observation, study, and supervised practical work in student’s area of specialization. A-F only. Pre: public health degree candidate and completion of 15 PH credit hours and consent.
Integrative seminar in public health required as part of the student capstone experience to bring together key aspects of their courses, competencies, and practicum. A-F only. Pre: completed PH field practicum and consent.
Topics related to recent developments in major areas; student and faculty research activities. Sections: (1) biostatistics; (2) environmental health; (3) epidemiology; (4) public health nutrition. Repeatable unlimited times.
Hands-on training for laboratory methods used in monitoring and detecting environmental health risk factors; learning and application of immunological-, animal cell culture- and molecular biology-based techniques for studying environmental pathogens and toxic pollutants. A-F only. (Once a year)
Intended for doctoral students to complete and defend their proposals and dissertations. Research and presentation methods will be reviewed, and students will be provided critiques by instructor and classmates on their written and presented work. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: consent or PhD in PH or EPID only.
Hands-on research experience with a faculty mentor. Meet in small groups to discuss issues related to research in public health. Final project will be submission of a publishable quality paper. Graduate standing in PH only. A-F only. Pre: 602 and 623 and 655 and 663 and 681 and 770(Alpha), or departmental approval.
Provide doctoral students with theoretical and practical teaching and course development experiences under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Students will have a portfolio documenting their accomplishments. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate standing in PH only. A-F only. Pre: 602 and 623 and 655 and 663 and 681 and 770(Alpha), or departmental approval.
Required for students in the DrPH program. (C) health disparities research; (D) evidence-based public health; (E) topics in health policy; (F) leadership. A-F only. Pre: departmental approval.
Examines advanced principles of and frameworks for evaluation. Students integrate utilization-focused evaluation methods to improve service delivery and quality, outcomes and impact to improve community and population health. A-F only.
Will explore several aspects of human health through the perspective of how natural selection and evolution influence disease risk, with the aim of improving treatment and prevention. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 663 (with a minimum grade of B).
Advanced instruction in frontiers of tropical medicine and public health. Repeatable unlimited times. Repeatable unlimited times. (Cross-listed as TRMD 705)
Weekly discussion and reports on current advances in tropical medicine and public health. Repeatable unlimited times. (Cross-listed as TRMD 690)
Lecture/discussion providing an overview of the epidemiology of neurological and neurodegenerative diseases and their risk factors, and methodological considerations for the study of these diseases. Pre: 663 or consent. (Fall only)
Construction and interpretation of various types of life tables, treatment of censored data, proportional hazards, relative risk regression models, and parametric survival analysis. Pre: 655 or consent.
Covers modern methods for longitudinal data analysis. Topics include random effects and growth curve models, generalized linear models for longitudinal data including generalized estimating equations, and generalized linear mixed models. A-F only. Pre: 656 and 658, or consent.
Examine the epidemiologic study of the social distribution and social determinants of states of health, including the identification of social-environmental exposures and their relation to physical and mental health outcomes. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Provide an understanding of the relationship between health behaviors and outcomes including psychological, physiological, and quality of life aspects. It will also focus on the major theories of behavior and behavior change. Emphasis will be placed on understanding concepts, principles, explanations, and how these are translated into practical interventions for adoption and maintaining behavior change. A-F only. Pre: 623 or consent.
Provides an overview of the epidemiology and prevention of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and associated complications. Discusses methodological issues associated with evaluating these in epidemiologic studies. A-F only. Pre: 663 or consent. (Cross-listed as FSHN 749)
Will cover selected topics in chronic diseases with critical analysis of the current epidemiologic literature. Methodologic issues, contemporary findings and recommendations for future research will be discussed. A-F only. Pre: 663 or consent.
Multiple variable statistical methods currently used in chronic disease epidemiology. Logistic regression, conditional logistic regression, proportional hazards regression modelling, generalized estimating equation-based methods, delta method approximations, exact tests. Pre: 656 and 658 and 664.
Provides a basic understanding of qualitative research approaches, methodologies, and techniques and for public health research and practice (needs assessment, program development, and evaluation strategies). Graduate students only.
Provides students with an advanced application of health disparities research methodologies to address health and social injustices faced by Indigenous people. Builds on previous courses to advance and produce scientific scholarship. PH majors only or consent. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 728.
(2 hr Lec, 1 hr Computer Lab) Health disparities research methodologies and current topics in Indigenous health research. Special focus on statistical techniques for small data sets using quantitative and qualitative methods. PH majors only. A-F only. Pre: 655 and 663.
Explores ways academic and lay communities collaborate on research, key theoretical perspectives in the development of CBPR, and the challenges in implementing CBPR approaches. Format includes lectures, discussions, readings, writing assignments, and a fieldwork project. A-F only.
Focus on research methods commonly used in health promotion. Topics will include randomized trials, quasi-experimental design, sampling, measurement, and correlational studies. Labwork will focus on the use of SPSS to analyze data for applied research problems. A-F only. Pre: 623 and 655, or consent.
Skills-oriented course introduces the basic structure of health communication strategies in different settings, selected elements of communication theory, the development of health communication material, and a practical training in motivational counseling skills. Pre: 623 or consent.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Overview of the theoretical and applied study of physical activity epidemiology. Physical activity content includes benefits, factors that influence, levels, valid instruments to assess, and programs to promote physical activity. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as KRS 695)
Examines the complex relationship between environmental contaminants and human health. Emphasis on environmental epidemiology study design, environmental exposure monitoring and risk assessment, disease and environmental exposure mapping, and spatial data analysis and modeling with GIS. A-F only. (Once a year)
Addresses critical, contemporary, and transnational issues best addressed by cooperative international action. Health issues are examined in the context of intersecting effects of limited resources, socioeconomics, politics, and environmental change. A-F only. (Once a year)
Dietary, biochemical, anthropometric and clinical methods used for evaluating nutrition and diet in the etiology and epidemiology of disease. Pre: 663 and FSHN 685, or consent. (Cross-listed as FSHN 689)
Explores Indigenous Peoples’ food systems as local food resources Indigenous People acquire through specific cultural knowledge of traditional territories. Global forces transforming these food systems and their impact on population health and nutrition are explored. PH majors or consent. Graduate students only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as FSHN 688)
Addresses nutrition, growth, and development in children and adolescents and nutrition-related issues, such as childhood obesity and chronic disease risk factors, with a focus on current research in the Pacific region. Pre: FSHN 370 or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as FSHN 686)
Examines a variety of issues associated with nutritional and supplemental approaches to reduce disease incidence, morbidity, and mortality in relation to public health prevention strategies. PH majors only. (Cross-listed as FSHN 684)
Examination of global food and nutrition problems, programs, issues, policies, and strategies for improvement. A-F only. Pre: statistics and consent. (Alt. years: fall) (Cross-listed as FSHN 683)
History, concepts, and theories behind the relationship between health and the built environment stressing transdisciplinary understanding and collaboration through readings, discussion, and real world-based exercises. PH or LAND and ARCH majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Cross-listed as ARCH 682)
Environmental factors in personal and community health; implications for public health practice. Consideration of major issues from local, U.S., and international perspectives.
Health Emergencies in Large Populations is run by the Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance and the Red Cross. It provides knowledge, practical skills, and networking for global health practitioners. A-F only.
Provides knowledge, skills, attitudes and resources that health managers require to manage and maintain the quality of partnerships, facilities, programs, community services, people, drugs, and information in limited resources settings. PH majors only. A-F only.
Examines quarantine/ isolation of patients infected with Hanson’s disease. Focus on PH policies before 1823 and after; analysis of other infections in Hawai‘i and the world to examine differences in policies and their effect on the public. Graduate students only. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Explores collaborative and engaged approaches with communities in public health research and practice. With a focus on Indigenous Peoples’ health, we delve into Indigenous knowledge and empowerment in evaluation, needs assessment, intervention, and health promotion. PH majors or consent. Graduate students only. Pre: 655 and 673.
Applications of evidence-based knowledge about the social determinants of health in the formation of research, policy, and program development for improving population health and reducing health disparities for Native Hawaiians. A-F only.
Review theories and case studies concerning health care ethics, law and politics. Topics include health care quality, key health care policymakers, and the intersecting issues of policy and law with medicine, public health and ethics. A-F only. (Once a year)
Assess how to organize community partnerships to create and communicate a shared vision for a changing future; discuss solutions to organizational and community challenges; maximize motivation to reach public health goals. A-F only. Pre: 600 or consent.
Community organization and development applicable to the delivery of health services. Understanding community dynamics, mobilizing community groups for effective health care practice and delivery. Pre: 647 or consent. (Cross-listed as SW 674)
Critique of study design using published public health literature. Emphasis on exchange of ideas, alternative approaches; stresses epidemiology as science of public health. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: 663 or consent.
Will cover different families of animal viruses of importance to human diseases. The genome, structure, replication, as well as host immune responses, epidemiology, clinical features, and animal models will be presented. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: TRMD 604 and MICR 351, or consent. (Cross-listed as TRMD 605)
Strategies for controlling important infectious diseases in the Pacific area. Emphasis on epidemiology, ecology, and public health principles. Pre: 663 (or concurrent) and one semester in microbiology, or consent.
Immunological concepts relating to infectious diseases and host pathogen interactions. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: MICR 461 (or equivalent) or consent. (Cross-listed as TRMD 604)
Lecture/discussion on: design and interpretation of experimental and observational studies; causation and casual inference; biases in study design; random error and statistics role in epidemiology; and epidemiological data analysis. A-F only. Pre: 655 and 663, or consent.
Introduction to epidemiologic principles and methods. Topics covered include: outbreak investigation, measures of morbidity and mortality, measurements of risk, biological variability, screening, measurements of error, sampling, statistical significance, study design, and association and causation.
Application of public health skills and competencies acquired during the public health degree. Repeatable two times, up to nine credits. A-F only.
Statistical evaluation and analysis of population data; data sources; population growth; composition; standardization of rates; mortality and the life table; nuptiality and fertility; distribution, migration, and urbanization; projections and stable population theory. (Cross-listed as SOC 659)
Applications of computers to problems common to public health. Emphasis on data analysis and processing using existing computer programs.
Poisson distribution, Fisher’s exact test, contrasts in ANOVA, two way ANOVA, multiple linear regression and analysis of covariance, path analysis, logistic regression, method of maximum likelihood, likelihood ratio tests. Pre: 655, completion of one semester of calculus; or consent.
Introduction to statistical methods for public health sciences. Probability, experimental design, t tests and analysis of variance, 2X2 contingency tables, linear regression, introduction to life tables.
Provides the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to successfully manage health security crises and protect human vulnerability in the global context with a special focus on problems with high likelihood and risk in the Pacific.
Topics such as contemporary issues in global health and population studies, international health programs, demographic methods, global economy and health, human right and humanitarian assistance, social justice, global environmental changes and health. Pre: consent.
Applications of population biology, pathogen/host life history, and population genetics to infectious disease epidemiology, including micro- and macroparasites, and implications to disease control and prevention of strategies. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as TRMD 650)
Knowledge and skills acquisition in conducting needs assessment in public health practice.
Foundation to inform, educate, and improve health for individuals, communities, and populations. Knowledge/acquisition of skills through program planning, management, evaluation and leadership that span the social-ecological range from individual-level to population-level programs. EPID and PH majors only. A-F only.
Lecture/discussion on grant writing with public health focus. Includes basic components of grant proposals, assessing appropriate funding opportunities, data sources/resources for justifying grants, and the funder’s perspective. Student will prepare a brief foundation grant proposal. A-F only. (Once a year)
Examines major federal and local policies that impact health and health care delivery in the U.S. and other nations; considers effectiveness of these policy-making institutions for improving population health; covers methods in policy analysis. A-F only. Pre: 602 or consent.
Examines public health through an Indigenous lens, integrates competencies across all public health disciplines, and will apply them in context of working for and with Indigenous communities to improve health and wellness. PH majors or consent. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Examines how Indigenous Peoples and their allies (individually and collectively) accomplish social change in society. A-F only. Graduate students only. Pre: consent of instructor.
Presents both analytical and practical approaches to cultural competency domains, concepts, models, frameworks, patterns and communication that occur in cross-cultural healthcare situations. A-F only.
Integrated concepts in health economics and its application towards health policy issues; market failures in health care; factors affecting U.S. health care spending potential impact on equity/efficiency stemming from changes in health care delivery. A-F only. (Once a year)
Individual and community health; implications for public health practice, individual and social change processes.
Writing-intensive asynchronous computer-based course examines biological processes and challenges relevant to the public health professional. Topics include anatomical, pathophysiological, and molecular bases of public health; genetics, immunology, ethics; disease prevention, control, and management. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as CMB 610)
Overview of the historical, conceptual, ethical and political context for health care delivery in the U.S. Explores current trends, practices and issues in the delivery of health care services in both private and public sector.
Focus will provide a broad introduction to the field of public health and orientation to overarching issues in the field. A-F only. (Fall only)
Repeatable up to six credits. PH majors only. Junior standing or higher.
Current and emerging issues and varying topics related to public health. (B) biostatistics; (E) epidemiology; (H) health policy and management; (S) social and behavioral health sciences; (T) public health. Each alpha repeatable one time. Open to nonmajors. Sophomore standing and above. A-F only. Pre: 201.
Integration of public health knowledge, skills, and practice acquired during the public health undergraduate degree. Students will also reflect on, finalize, and present their applied learning experience projects. Senior standing and higher. A-F only. Pre: completed public health applied learning experience and consent.
Allows students to execute an independent, mentor-supervised, applied learning project as implementation of skills learned in previous public health coursework. Applied project is a required component of the public health undergraduate degree program. Pre: 480.
Introduction to a diverse range of public health projects and associated methods while working to develop an applied learning project proposal. PH majors only. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 201 and 310.
Examines indigenous peoples’ health inequities using social determinants of health framework: considers this approach within the historical, political, cultural, and social context of Indigenous population’s health status to generate solutions. A-F only. Pre: 201.
Lecture/discussion. Will define the nature and biological activities of microorganisms in different environments and evaluate the effects of these microbes on human activities and health. Junior standing or higher. Pre: MICR 130 or MICR 351 or BIOL 171.
By 2050, more than a quarter of the world’s population will be 60 years of age or older. Explores what we know about aging today to encourage a lifetime of aging well. A-F only. Pre: 201 or SW 360 or WGSS 305 or PSY 100 or HDFS 230 or NURS 200; or consent. (Cross-listed as COA 435 and SW 435)
Examines the role that health policy and management plays in population-based public health practice, including the delivery, quality, and costs of health care and the structure, process, and outcomes of health services delivery. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 201 and 202.
Introduction to health education and health promotion programming in public health, and to social/behavioral theories used to develop health interventions that affect communities, institutions, and policies. Introduction to common program planning models. A-F only. Pre: 420.
Focus on the application of social and behavioral theory in health education, and how health promotion programs are constructed for various populations with an emphasis on cultural diversity and social determinants of health. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 201 and PSY 100.
Lecture/discussion. Examines a variety of issues associated with the effects of diet on disease incidence, morbidity, and mortality in relation to public health prevention strategies. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 310.
Students will gain a deeper understanding of the core concepts used in epidemiologic research and practice. Upon completion, students will have the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct an epidemiologic study. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 201 and 310.
Basic biostatistics methods in public health and biomedical research. Topics covered include data collection, data analyses, and interpretation of statistical results. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only.
Explores the biological basis of human disease and the role public health measures play in reducing both the extent and impact of chronic and acute diseases on individuals and society. A-F only. Pre: 201, and one of the following: BIOL 101 or BIOL 171 or BIOL 172 or PHYL 103 or PHYL 141 or FSHN 185.
Examines a variety of issues associated with environmental effects on disease incidence, morbidity, and mortality in relation to public health prevention strategies. Sophomore standing and above.
Overview of the U.S. health care system. Topics will include health economics, health service expenditures, comparative health systems, health policy, and issues of cost containment, access, and quality of care. A-F only. Pre: 201.
Application of public health, related to youth health risks and protective factors using an eco-developmental framework. A-F only. Pre: 201 and PSY 100.
Lecture/discussion on the fundamental principles of epidemiology, exploring patterns of disease, threats to health and EPI methods for prevention, control, and treatment. PH majors only. A-F only. Pre: 201, and 210 or MATH 140 or MATH 161 or higher.
Seminar to work with faculty in applying evidence-based knowledge on social determinants of health in the formation of research, policy, and program development for improving population health and reducing health disparities for Native Hawaiians. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 201 and 202. (Spring only)
Seminar will explore current issues and case studies in epidemiology, issues and causes of chronic and infectious diseases, how the environment interacts with health, and how social and behavioral factors affect personal health.
Inductive and deductive reasoning; tabular, symbolic, verbal, and graphical forms of functions and relations; graphs and pictorial representations of data; interpretations of probabilistic data; surveys and statistical studies as related to public health. PH majors only. A-F only.
Introduction to the basic principles of global PH. Topics include the application of these principles to global PH issues, exploration of links between health, economic, and social status, health disparities and global interventions. A-F only. Pre: 201.
Application of general public health concepts and tools with broader public health issues as they relate to the State of Hawai‘i. A-F only. Pre: 201.
Introduces public health concepts with an emphasis on principles and tools for population health, disease prevention, health professions and healthcare systems, and public health professions and systems. A-F only.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Culminates public administration core courses by incorporating theoretical, analytical, and practicum observations into examination of public issues of importance to Hawai‘i and the region. A-F only. Pre: 605, 607, 690.
Students in the nonprofit management track of the certificate will learn by doing and observing in a nonprofit organization selected in consultation with the student’s advisor. PUBA graduate certificate students only. A-F only.
Placement in public, private, and nonprofit organizations to observe and analyze organizational functions and processes while undertaking projects of use to the host agency. Repeatable one time. PUBA majors only. A-F only. Pre: with a minimum grade of B: 602, 603, and 604.
Topics of current interest in the field of public service and public administration, taught by regular and visiting faculty. Repeatable for different topics up to six credit hours. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Overview of indigenous governing systems, particularly in the Americas and the Pacific. Students will learn the legal frameworks and principles of these systems, and how services are provided to citizens. A-F only.
Key dimensions of public administration systems on a global scale; historic and contemporary forces shaping national systems; the dimensions that distinguish them, the opportunities and constraints for comparison and the transfer of knowledge and experience. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or departmental approval.
Skills and tools needed by nonprofit managers. Topics include but are not limited to grantwriting, strategic planning, business practices, program evaluation, and advocacy. A-F only. Pre: 630 or consent. (Spring only)
Fundamental aspects of managing a nonprofit organization: overview of the nonprofit sector; mission and scope of nonprofit organizations; organizational structures and functions; resource and volunteer development; major management issues. A-F only Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Fall only)
Processes and methods of planning appropriate to the information and communication sectors, including future economic, social, political, technical, and environmental perspectives. Pre: COM 611 (or concurrent) or consent. (Cross-listed as COM 660)
Examines rationales, impacts, and various dimensions of diversity and inclusion beyond race and gender. Students learn and apply public management tools used to foster workplace diversity and inclusion. A-F only. Pre: 606 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent.
Theories, skills, and tools needed to effectively manage networks in government and nonprofit organizations; explores how to administer, assess performance, and evaluate success in these dynamic new partnerships. Graduate students only or consent. A-F only.
Explore U.S. law as applied to public institutions using economic lens. Rationale of property, contract, and tort law; evolution of administrative law, economic efficiency of common law system, effects of legal rules on economic behavior. A-F only.
Seminar on the dimensions of cultural variability and how they affect government operations from macro to micro levels, from international policy transfer to major intercultural task interaction processes such as negotiation, planning, and relationship management. Graduate standing only. A-F only.
Communication theory/research applied to formal organizations; assessments of strengths and weaknesses of organizational communications systems.
Explores the key elements of leadership in public settings by examining what leaders actually do, looking at popular media portrayals of leadership, and talking together with guests about the challenges of leadership, effective followership, and positive change. A-F only.
Seminar on the role of public managers in shaping public opinion and public policy. Using evidence from theory and practice presents students with tools for understanding management roles within a political context. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Looks at the challenges and opportunities for changing public organizations so that they may be more successful in meeting their public responsibilities and better places for people to work. Focus is on the creation of positive images of organization and effective change strategies. A-F only.
Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of programs in the public and nonprofit sectors; performance measurement to inform managerial decision making.
Explore contemporary policy issues relating to public administration practice. Develop analytic techniques and models of public policy-making processes, administrative rules, and policy implementation strategies. Learn how social forces, political, and economic pressures influence policy orientation. PUBA majors only. A-F only. (Spring only)
Institutions and issues related to public-sector budgeting at federal, state, and local levels. Process of developing public budgets and constraints on public policy reflected in budgets. PUBA majors only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Introduction to research methods for public administrators to understand the principles and methods used to conduct and analyze valid research. Examples are oriented to the field; theory and hands-on practice utilized. PUBA and PUBA Cert. majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Spring only)
Understand the pivotal role that effective human resource management (also known as personnel management) plays in improving organizational effectiveness. Topics include managing diversity, employment law and discrimination, performance appraisal, and labor-management relations. PUBA and PUBA Cert. majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 604. (Spring only)
Knowledge and skills to effectively communicate in the public sector. Focus on communication foundations and skills, levels and contexts of public sector communication, and handling challenges such as diverse and multi-cultural settings. PUBA and PUBA Cert. majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Spring only)
Applies leadership and ethical theories to public and non-profit sectors, focusing on ethical leadership; emphasizes critical thinking to address value conflicts; and teaches moral reasoning as a practical professional skill. PUBA and PUBA Cert. majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Explores characteristics and structural, human resources, political, and cultural frames of organizational theory. Focus on organizational change strategies and theories. Discusses how to use these frames and theories in everyday management of public service organizations. PUBA and PUBA Cert. majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as CEE 620)
Develop a comprehension of the history and foundation of public administration. Topics include economic, political, and social dynamics; decision-making and leadership theories, management challenges, human resources, budgeting, program evaluation, policy, and technology. PUBA and PUBA Cert. majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Independent research and reading on topics in public administration, public service, and community development. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
The practicum and internship in Peace and Conflict Resolution provides an opportunity for students to apply the skills and concepts learned in earlier courses. Pre: any two other PACE courses or consent. (Cross-listed as PACE 495)
Develop students’ culturally agile leadership to allow them effectively lead in work on international, regional, and local projects and problems of compelling public interest that cross cultures. Junior standing or higher. A-F only.
Broad overview of nonprofit organizations, including what it means to be a nonprofit, strategies of nonprofit organizations, and the management of nonprofits. Topics include advocacy, leadership, and evaluating success. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only.
Explores methodological approaches to the evaluation of public policies and strengths and weaknesses of various social science research methods. Students will learn how to employ them to determine the effectiveness of various public policies. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 304, PLAN 310, or PPC 330.
Analysis of the major processes that translate citizen preferences into public policy. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PPC 301)
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Repeatable eight times, up to nine credits. Pre: 100 and consent of instructor.
Covers topics of current or special interest not covered in regular course offerings or advanced topics seminars. Repeatable two times. Pre: 100.
Supervised reading, discussion, research projects in areas of special interest. Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Supervised experience in educational, mental health, correctional, consulting, or community action agencies. Pre: consent.
Graduate seminar on cultural considerations and issues in the history, methods, theories, interventions, and professional roles in community psychology. Small class size (up to 10). Open to graduate students.
Coverage in-depth of some areas of theory and research. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 100. (Cross-listed as EDEP 489)
Analysis of consumer behavior and motivation; principles of learning, personality, perception, and group influence, with emphasis upon mass communication effects. Pre: BUS 312 or consent. (Cross-listed as MKT 311)
Examination of human functioning in social and ecological context. Topics include stress, health, intergroup relations, culture, ethnicity, social competence, and community empowerment. Pre: 100.
Supervised reading, discussion, research projects in areas of special interest. Repeatable 30 times. Pre: consent.
Pre: consent of instructor and department chair.
Psychological and biological bases of health psychology and behavioral medicine. Overview of cognitive, behavioral, and psychophysiological mechanisms; theories and methods of prevention in physical disease. Pre: 670 or consent.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Training in cognitive-behavioral strategies for treating adults. Repeatable one time. Enrolled in Clinical Studies Program only. PSY major only. Pre: 670 or consent.
Psychological interventions for youth, as well as parent training. Repeatable two times. Pre: 670 or consent.
Repeatable ten times. Pre: consent.
Supervised clinical assessment and treatment of adults. Repeatable ten times. Pre: consent.
Supervised clinical assessment and treatment of children and adolescents. Repeatable ten times. Pre: consent.
Comprehensive study of the mental disorders across the lifespan. A-F only. (Once a year)
Idiographic and nomothetic approaches to clinical treatment research methods and findings. Pre: 670 (or concurrent) and 671, or consent.
Conceptual and methodological foundations of clinical applications of assessment. PSY majors only. A-F only. Pre: 671 and 672 and enrollment in Clinical Studies Program, or consent. (Once a year)
Administration and interpretation of cognitive-intellectual and personality assessment devices. A-F only. Pre: 670 and 671 or consent and enrollment in Clinical Studies Program.
Psychometric theory; ethics; diversity issues; principles and methods of cognitive-intellectual, neuropsychological, and personality assessment. A-F only. Co-requisite: 670 or consent.
Preparation for becoming a clinical psychologist with emphasis on scientist-practitioner model, professional ethics, diversity and professional development. Pre: graduate student in psychology or consent of instructor.
In-depth coverage of some area of theory and research in clinical psychology. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 270, 371 or consent.
Supervised experience in leading a seminar in personal development. Pre: 170 and 12 additional credits in PSY and written consent.
Theory and application of personal and interpersonal elements affecting communication of human-service professionals. Supervised practice. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits. (Cross-listed as COMG 490)
Psychological principles for understanding and dealing with wellness and illness. Theories and research on stress-related disorders; prevention of stress through lifestyle and healthy behaviors. Pre: 100 or consent. Recommended: 220 or 322.
Nature and causes of psychological disorders. Pre: 100.
History, theories, nature of psychological problems, methods of assessment, forms of intervention, current developments. Pre: 100.
The application of psychology to the understanding, management, and enhancement of one’s life.
Scientific study of personality, its meaning, assessment, development, relation to cultural-social determinants. Pre: 100.
Supervised reading, discussion, research projects in areas of special interest. Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Seminar in psychosocial aspects of human sexual relationships. Social psychology of cognitive, emotional and physiological arousal, interpersonal attraction, mate selection, and antecedents and consequences of intimate relationships. Pre: consent. A-F only. (Spring only)
Problems in use of social psychology principles in human affairs; multidisciplinary considerations.
Conflict, dissent, community issues, problems; social change and its relation to mental disorder.
Application of psychological theories to cross-cultural phenomena; assessment of cross-cultural processes and social motivations; culture and personality; research evaluation and design.
Theories and research in social cognition and behavior.
In-depth coverage of some area of theory and research in social psychology. Repeatable to six credit hours.
Psychosocial aspects of human sexual relationships. Social psychology of emotional and physiological arousal, interpersonal attraction, and societal regulation of intimate relationships. Pre: 100.
Psychological theories and cultural systems; understanding of own and other cultures; psychological and cultural perception of social motivation; cultural similarities and differences in interpersonal relations. Pre: 100.
Cognitive, behavioral, and emotional effects of people: interpersonal relations, attribution, attitudes, group behavior, stereotypes, social roles, aggression, helping, self-concept; applications. Pre: 100.
Supervised reading, discussion, research projects in areas of special interest. Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Familiarizes students with current research and theory in cognitive development through readings of original journal articles and monographs. Pre: 640 (or concurrent) or consent.
Historical, theoretical, and methodological foundations of developmental psychology.
In-depth coverage of some area of theory and research in developmental psychology. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 240, 341, or consent
Social and emotional maladjustment in children and adolescents, developmental disabilities, pediatric psychology, psychological interventions with children and adolescents. Pre: 100. Recommended: 240.
Overview from a multidisciplinary, life-span perspective. Includes research techniques, personality development, family relationships, occupational attainment, death. Pre: 100. Recommended: 240. (Cross-listed as COA 342)
Survey of the social and emotional development of children and adolescents. Pre: 240 or HDFS 230.
Emotional, mental, physical, social development from infancy to adulthood; interests and abilities at different age levels. Pre: 100.
Supervised reading, discussion, research projects in areas of special interest. Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Relation of central and peripheral nervous systems to behavior.
Basic principles of pharmacology as they apply to the brain and specific psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorders, schizophrenia, psychosis, memory, and drug use. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Intensive review of comparative, communicative, sensory, or learning mechanisms in animals. Pre: 631.
Survey of the historical and contemporary study of cognition across species, including learning, memory, attention, navigation, reasoning, social interaction, and communication.
Indepth coverage of some area of theory and research in psychobiology, physiological psychology, or sensory processes. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 100.
In-depth coverage of the basic principles involved in sensing and perceiving our environment. A-F only. Pre: 100.
Coverage of the principles of pharmacology in relation to the effects of drug actions on the brain and behavior. A-F only. Pre: 230 or consent. (Once a year)
Coverage of the relationship between the brain and body on learning and memory, stress, motivated and regulatory behavioral functions, and mental disorders. A-F only. Pre: 230 or BIOL 172, or consent.
Survey of study of behavior from a natural sciences viewpoint. Evolution, ethological analysis of behavior genetics, neural mechanisms, drugs and behavior, biological development. Pre: 100.
Supervised reading, discussion, research projects in areas of special interest. Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Provides an introduction to higher cognition (thinking and reasoning) and its foundations, particularly as they relate to the larger field of cognitive science. A-F only. (Alt. years)
In-depth survey of the computational and representational structures and processes of cognition. Special attention devoted to consideration of the relationship between brain, mind, and computation. Pre: 325 or consent.
Survey of the principles of learning, including important discoveries in the development of the study of learning, major theories, and both basic and applied research in contemporary literature.
In-depth coverage of some area of theory and research, in cognitive psychology. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 100.
Survey of cognitive processes involved in perception, attention, memory, language, problem-solving, reasoning, judgment, intelligence and consciousness, among others. Pre: 100 or consent.
Survey of traditional views and leading theories, and research in related topics. Pre: 100. Recommended: 220 or 322.
Theoretical interpretations; survey of major theorists and contemporary controversial issues; major influences in classical and instrumental conditioning. Pre: 100. Recommended: 220.
Frequency distributions; graphic methods; central tendency; variability; correlation; reliability; tests of significance. Pre: 100.
Outline of basic learning principles. A general, unified approach to study of human personality and behavior. Based upon a learning conception; various areas of psychology and the other social sciences are treated. Pre: 100.
Supervised reading, discussion, research projects in areas of special interest. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Specific and newly emerging topics in statistics, including casual inference, analysis of missing data, and statistical machine learning. Content varies and focuses on advanced topics not covered in other PSY methods and statistics courses. Repeatable two times. PSY majors only. A-F only. Pre: 610 (with a minimum grade of B) or instructor consent.
Theories and applications of analysis of nested (clustered) data. Topics include fixed and random effects, intra-class correlation, cross-sectional multilevel models, and multilevel models, and multilevel models with repeated measures and longitudinal data. Requires basic knowledge of regression.
Theories and methods for data analysis with categorical and discrete variables. Topics include contingency tables; logistic regression; log-linear models; and introduction to generalized linear models. Pre: 610, EDEP 604, or consent. (Cross-listed as EDEP 618)
Theories and applications of modern psychometrics. Topics include unidimensional and multidimensional models of item response theory, detecting biased items, measurement invariance, scaling methods, and current issues in psychometrics. Pre: 616, EDEP 616, or consent.
Test theories and applications in education and social sciences. Topics include the true score model; reliability; generalizability theory; validity; item response theory; and applications in research. Class requires knowledge in ANOVA and regression.
Analysis of multiple dependent variables. Topics include multivariate normal distribution, Hotelling’s 72, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), discriminant analysis, cluster analysis, canonical correlation, and principal components analysis (PCA). Pre: 610, EDEP 604, or consent.
Theories and applications to latent variables models. Topics include path analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation models (SEM), multi-sample SEM, mean structure, latent growth curve models, and multilevel SEM. Requires basic knowledge of regression.
Introduction to ANOVA and its extensions from both traditional and general linear model approaches. Topics include single and multi-factor ANOVA, multiple comparisons, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), and repeated-measures ANOVA.
Introduction to quantitative methods in behavioral sciences and the general linear model with a focus on regression. Topics include correlation, bivariate and multiple regression, mediation, and moderation. Requires basic statistics. (Meets PhD common inquiry methods requirement or elective.)
In-depth coverage of some area of theory, research, or methodology relevant to individual differences, measurement, or aspects of psychometrics. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 100.
(3 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Survey of standard methods and related conceptual issues employed in psychological research. Both experimental and non-experimental methods will be reviewed. Pre: 100.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times.
Research for master’s thesis. Maximum of 6 credit hours. Not repeatable for credit toward master’s degree.
Methods used in psychological research; observational, correlational, and experimental types of design.
In-depth coverage of some area of theory and research. Repeatable to 6 credit hours. Pre: 100.
Supervised experience. Pre: 100, at least 12 additional credit hours in psychology, and written consent. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Supervised psychological experience in school, clinic, hospital, industry, social welfare, government, etc. Pre: 100 and consent.
Selected topics in the psychology of knowledge and mind from Western and/or non-Western perspectives. Repeatable in different topics up to 9 credit hours. Pre: 100 and written consent.
Origin and development of contemporary points of view. Pre: 100. Recommended: 9 credit hours in psychology.
Survey of topics in psychology relevant to gender and its impact on the lives of women and men: socialization of gender, mental health, racial identity, majority-minority status, sexual orientation, life-span issues and violence. A-F only. Pre: 100 or WGSS 151. (Cross-listed as WGSS 202)
An overview of the field: psychophysiology, perception, learning, cognition, stress, personality, social psychology.
Pre: consent.
To see how various philosophies and religions have tackled the question, “why is there suffering in the world?” Read short excerpts from “classic” texts and discuss in a welcoming atmosphere and draw own conclusions. Medical students only. CR/NC only. (Fall only)
Senior medical student elective providing advanced instruction on the theory and methods of mental health research as well as supervised participation in an assigned research project in the Department of Psychiatry. (B) adult inpatient PSTY; (C) child PSTY; (D) forensic PSTY; (E) journal editing; (F) community mental health; (G) PSTY aspects of OBGN, PED, MED, SURG; (H) sub-internship in adult PSTY; (I) substance abuse; (J) PSTY aspects of rehab medicine; (K) PSTY aspects of SURG; (M) PSTY consult liaison; (N) post-traumatic stress disorder; (O) extramural elective in PSTY; (Q) geriatric PSTY; (R) rural child PSTY; (S) public and rural PSTY; (T) mental health research. CR/NC only. Pre: 531 or 532, and fourth-year standing.
Year-long clerkship in ambulatory setting, including knowledge, skills, attitudes for assessment, diagnosis, and management of psychiatric problems in medical practice, inpatient, and emergency room settings. Emphasis on development and application of psychosocial cultural formulations in all areas of psychiatric and medical practice. Repeatable two times. MD majors only. Pre: third-year standing and concurrent registration in 532 courses. Co-requisites: FMCH, MED, OBGN, PEDS, SURG 532 and SURG 535.
7-week basic psychiatry clerkship. Repeatable one time. Pre: third-year standing.
Individualized directed readings and/or research in mental health and psychiatry under the supervision of an instructor. Open to non-majors. Repeatable up to four times. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Continuation of 481.
Survey of principal Prakrit languages; selected readings and analysis. Pre: PALI 381, PALI 382, SNSK 281, and SNSK 282; or equivalent.
Intensive formal instruction at the fourth-year level in Portuguese language, linguistics, culture, civilization, film, or literature in a Portuguese-speaking country. Repeatable one time. Pre: 360.
Intensive, formal instruction at the third-year level in Portuguese language: reading, writing, pronunciation, grammar, or conversation in a Portuguese-speaking country. Repeatable one time. Pre: 202.
Intensive practice in spoken Portuguese, focusing on the preparation and completion of oral tasks and presentations. 40% or more of the grade is based on 3-4 oral communication presentations. Pre: 202.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201.
Reading, conversation, writing, laboratory drill. Pre: 102 or 103.
Intensive elementary Portuguese course covers content of 101 and 102 combined. Hybrid format combines 3 credits online and 3 credits face to face. HSL. (Fall only)
Conversation, grammar and reading. Continuation of 101. Pre: 101.
Conversation, grammar and reading.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Analysis of political development, international relations, decision-making processes, and systems of political thought in regions and subregions of the world. Repeatable.
Topic engages probable and preferable futures of indigenous struggles and resistances. Emphasis placed on the ethics and responsibilities used to move towards those futures.
Examines intersections of sovereignty and indigenity from comparative and critical perspectives. Engages indigenous studies of sovereignty and of alternative political frameworks. Repeatable one time. (Alt. years)
Pre-announced topics. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent of instructor. At least one section a year.
Pre-announced administrative theory, comparative and development administration, and functional aspects. Repeatable unlimited times.
Pre-announced topics. Repeatable unlimited times. At least one section a semester.
Pre-announced problems of both international organization and politics. Repeatable unlimited times. At least one section a semester.
Pre-announced topics may include gender and sexuality studies, postcolonial theory, colonial discourse analysis, globalization, historiography; emphasis on indigenous epistemologies and the work of native scholars. Repeatable one time.
Pre-announced topics. Repeatable unlimited times. At least one section a year.
Seminar on the politics of writing, grammar, translation, argument, genre, and style with significant content on indigenous issues of oral traditions, alternative modes of writing and argument, and language continuance.
Conceptual strategies, data collection approaches, and data analysis techniques appropriate to political inquiries. Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Seminar for those seeking internship experience. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 672 and 673 or consent for the alternative futures option; 620 or consent for the indigenous politics option; consent of advisor for all other options.
Specialized subjects in political science.
Combines the study of the theoretical and practical aspects of teaching political science with supervised classroom teaching of POLS 110. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Examinations from several perspectives of the political, economic, and cultural forces that historically formed Hawai‘i and contemporary political themes, issues, and processes. Pre: graduate standing.
(C) Korean politics. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Study of political and social movements, political status, national and cultural identities, and issues of representation of Native Hawaiians.
Political development, international relations, decision-making processes, and systems of political thought in all or part of Asia and/or the Pacific.
Exploration of nonviolent, non-killing alternatives in political science research, teaching, and public service.
Particular political processes, specific political institutions, or particular policy area. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Normative and descriptive forecasts of political institutions, systems, subsystems, and behaviors. Design of preferred systems.
Introduction to political futures studies; images of future, theories of social change, methods of social forecasting and designing preferred futures. Pre: graduate standing.
Perspectives on policy analysis; basic approaches to the study of public policy, political economy, and policy evaluation. (Cross-listed as PLAN 607)
Recent issues and practices in public law; particular judicial systems. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Law, courts, and rights as a political resource; analyses of public law (including court decisions), other forms of dispute management, and judicial behavior and policy-making. Pre: 110.
Detailed examination of implementation of governmental policy in different countries. Pre: graduate standing.
Exploration of political leadership as a focus for research, teaching, and applied political science.
Focus varies among theoretical, comparative and developmental approaches to study of administration. One section each semester.
Consideration of American political institutions and development relative to American philosophical foundations and non-American political forms. Federalism as an expansive devise will be emphasized, as will American influence and penetration abroad. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Once a year)
(F) political ecology and development.
Politics of particular regions; particular development processes. (C) China. ((C) cross-listed as ASAN 608 and PLAN 608)
Historical examination of U.S. and European imperialisms, including national narratives, politics, and impacts upon indigenous peoples in the Americas, Pacific, and Asia. Repeatable one time.
Emphasis on Asia, theories of development, and comparative methods. At least one section a semester.
(B) international relations and war; (E) international organization; (F) modeling international systems. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Substantive and pedagogical approaches to using Model United Nations simulation for teaching and conflict resolution. Repeatable two times. Graduate students only. (Fall only)
Analysis of international conflict and conflict resolution. Theory and practice of negotiation, mediation, conciliation, facilitation, and other “third-party” methods of peaceful settlement. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Analysis of theories: actors, decisions, systems, conflict, integration, alternative approaches to validation. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Politics of indigenous representations in media, literature, and academic scholarship.
Historical treatment of the contact between state and indigenous peoples and a survey of contemporary indigenous political initiatives: social movements, media, indigenous studies programs, and events.
Specific traditions and individuals, or particular issues and problems. (C) feminist theory. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. ((C) Cross-listed as WGSS 615)
Study of Hawaiian political thought in writing from ca. 1825 to the present, with emphasis on theory and research methods. Pre: 303, HAW 402 and HAW 428; or consent. (Cross-listed as HAW 612)
Discussion of texts and themes in the Western political tradition from Plato to Nietzsche. Repeatable one time.
Major contemporary approaches and styles in political theory, philosophy, and analysis.
Specific methodological techniques and practices introduced in 601 and 602. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Quantitative models and statistical inference techniques.
Survey of theory-building, approaches and validation techniques.
Main concepts delineating boundaries of discipline; approaches to knowledge employed by political scientists; empirical and normative theory; problems in theory-building; validity and reliability in research design; philosophy of science applied to political science.
Hawai‘i Undergraduate Political Internship’s Congressional Fellowship. Award includes stipend and internship experience in a Hawai‘i congressional office. Students review policy processes, House and Senate procedures and produce a final paper. Restricted to fellowship awardees only. Junior and senior standing only. A-F only. Co-requisite: 386.
Exploration of themes in political science with emphasis on discussion, research, and substantial writing. Pre: 390 (or concurrent) or senior standing or consent.
Open to students awarded a Manoa Undergraduate Political Fellowship for placement in the Governor’s or Lt. Governor’s Office, Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, or Public Defender’s Office. Field placement, integrated with academic study. A-F only. Recommended: 385, 390.
Independent research and thesis writing with supervision of senior advisor. Pre: 390 (or concurrent) and consent.
Field placement integrated with academic study of political institutions and community organizations. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. Recommended: 390.
Field placement at the Hawai‘i Legislature integrated with academic study of political institutions and practices. A-F only. Pre: consent. Recommended: 390. (Spring only)
Practicum for majors who serve as undergraduate teaching assistants. Repeatable one time. Pre: 390 (or concurrent), senior standing; and consent.
Pre: consent.
Exploration of scientific and cultural resources for nonviolent alternatives in politics. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course, or consent. (Cross-listed as PACE 373)
Theory and practice of democratic organizations: women’s and feminist organizations; co-ops, communes, and collectives; indigenous people’s organizations; workplace democracy and social change. A-F only. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course or 390 (or concurrent) or WGSS 151, or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 394)
Studies integrating concerns of public law, public policy, public administration, and social movements. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course, or consent.
Introductory survey and analysis of methods used in empirical research, policy analysis, and social criticism.
Examines the politics of health care. Focus on institutional models to health care, the politics of health care reform, and contemporary health care issues and controversies. Repeatable one time. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 100-level POLS course or consent.
Study of the ocean as a political place. Engagement with theories, policies, and lived-experiences of the ocean through a political lens, including literature and experiential learning. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 100 or 200-level POLS course, or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 387)
Students develop understanding of theory, practice, and ethical issues of public policy-making. Combines lecture/ discussion and field-trips. Students develop policy analysis and strategic plans that identify issues, interests, and methods of influence. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: HON 101 or HON 291, or departmental approval. (Cross-listed as HON 301)
Institutions (parties, interest groups, legislatures, executives, local government); policies (national defense, poverty, energy, etc.), politics (symbolism, inequality, race, and gender).
Women’s role in political institutions and processes in the U.S. and other countries. Female and male approaches to power; feminist political goals and actions. Pre: any 100 level POLS course (or concurrent), WGSS 151 (or concurrent), or WGSS 362 (or concurrent); or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 384)
Overview of the policy-making process in various political arenas (families, cities, nations, etc.); emphasis on conceptual and empirical analysis. Pre: any 100 level POLS course or consent.
Exploration of concepts and theories of political leadership, partly through biography, as preparation for public service or advanced scholarly inquiry. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Historical emergence of modern bureaucracy; mutual impact of administrative forms on social life; relation of bureaucracy to capitalism and patriarchy; constitution of the administered individual. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Focuses on theories, laws, policies, ethics, and sustainable futures of Hawai‘i and the U.S. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 100 or 200 level POLS course, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as SUST 380)
Analysis of sources of political, economic, and social power in the U.S. and the institutions through which it is exercised. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Specific institutions and processes of the American governmental system. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Current issues; recent research findings; practical research undertaken by student. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Analyzes the U.S. Supreme Court’s jurisprudence on civil rights and liberties. Sophomore standing or higher.
Provides students with methods for interpreting U.S. Supreme Court decisions and analyzes the U.S. Supreme Court’s jurisprudence on institutional authority, including the Judiciary, Executive, and Legislative branches and their relationships to power. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Relationships between law, politics, and society will be explored. Emphasis is placed on several dimensions of legality: legal “indeterminacy” and some of the many things that law does for us and to us; law’s response to violence; the connections between law and social change; access to the law and its sociological dimensions; how/why law fails and what happens when it does. A-F only. Pre: a 100 level or 200 level POLS course or SOC 100 or any 200 level SOC course, or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 374)
Examination of voters and voting processes (participation, apathy, socialization, symbolic process, media, etc.); ideologies and belief systems. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
History, culture, and contemporary reality of Asian women in Asia and the U.S. Includes critical analysis of American feminist methodology and theory. Pre: one of 339, AMST 310, AMST 316, AMST 318, AMST 373, AMST 455, WGSS 360, WGSS 361, WGSS 439; or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 438 and WGSS 462)
Exploration of landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases related to sex and gender. Topics may include sex discrimination, sexual orientation discrimination, privacy, and reproductive freedom. A-F only. Pre: one of WGSS 151, WGSS 175, WGSS 176, WGSS 202, WGSS 360, WGSS 381, or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 436 and WGSS 436)
Introduction to the history and politics of U.S. disability law and activism. An analysis of disability politics as the result of the interaction between disability movement activism and the development of policy and law. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Fall only)
Studies in political theory, media, and methods that analyze their interrelations in a globalized world. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Study of Hawaiian news media with emphasis on political content. Taught in Hawaiian. Pre: HAW 302 (or concurrent) and one of 110, 120, 130, 170, or 171; or consent. (Cross-listed as HAW 445)
Political, philosophical, and artistic dimensions of film; cross-cultural film genres; representational practices in films. Pre: any 100 level POLS course, or consent.
Alternative future social and political possibilities; design of means of realization of desirable futures. Pre: any 100 level POLS course, or consent.
Study of the political manipulation of aural and verbal images. Exercises to increase media literacy. Pre: any 100 level POLS course, or consent.
Examines modern Korean politics and society through films. Through movies and documentaries, students will learn major sociopolitical issues including military dictatorship, democratization, and globalization that Korea underwent for the last several decades. Repeatable one time. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only.
Contemporary debates in feminist theory concerning gender, race, and class; subjectivity and representation; gender and colonialism; bodies, sexualities and “nature.” Pre: any 300 level POLS or WGSS course; or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 439)
Significant works, historical continuities, themes, and issues in political theory. (B) classical political philosophy; (F) revolution and utopia; (G) contemporary political theory; (I) Marxist philosophy. Pre: any 100- or 200- level POLS course; or consent.
Origins and development of American political thought. Pre: any 100 level POLS course or consent.
Theories, approaches, concepts, and issues developed or raised in history of political philosophy and thought. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course, or consent.
Studies of political development in the context of increasingly integrated and globalized political economies. Repeatable one time. Pre: any 100 level POLS course or consent.
Surveys church-state jurisprudence since the 1940s, with special attention to difficulty of defining religion, and applies the religion clauses to current issues. A-F only. Pre: sophomore or higher standing, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as AMST 325)
Evolution of international politics, law and decision-making on a variety of environmental concerns; from endangered species to pollution to climate change. Interaction of population, development, and environment in global governance. (Cross-listed as SUST 324)
Simulation of United Nations organizations, especially General Assembly. Repeatable 4 times. Pre: 315 (or concurrent) or 319 (or concurrent), or instructor consent.
Purposes, methods, strengths, obstacles, prospects; factors affecting American foreign policy; impact abroad and at home. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Political-cultural economy of international migration: postcolonial populations, refugees, and immigrants. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
International relations of governmental and nongovernmental organizations. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Principles, norms, cases, and their interaction with culture and organization in international politics. Pre: any 100 level POLS course or consent.
Nature and function of international law in international politics. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Decision-making behavior of international actors; strategies of peacemaking. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Introduction to global politics with emphasis on concepts and theories developed from an international relations perspective. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Study of the importance and processes of language revitalization for indigenous peoples in Hawai‘i, the Pacific, Asia, and North America. Pre: any 100 level POLS course. (Alt. years)
Interdisciplinary review and analysis of the social and political issues in contemporary China, the interchange between state and society in national policies, the relationship between cultural tradition and technological modernization in the social transformation process. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as ASAN 308).
Political, social, and economic processes in specific countries/regions. (B) Southeast Asia; (C) Pacific Islands; (F) Middle East; (G) Philippines; (H) Japan; (I) Europe; (J) India; (K) East Asia. Repeatable one time. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Political, economic, and social development in the Third World. Repeatable one time. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Introduction to global politics with emphasis on concepts and theories developed from a comparative politics perspective. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Conceptualizing politics from the perspective of indigenous epistemologies, philosophies, language, and social and political movement. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Intensive examination of particular institutions, processes, and issues. (B) the military in Hawai‘i; (C) political thought in Hawaiian; Taught in Hawaiian; (D) politics of food. A-F only for (D). Pre: HAW 302 (or concurrent) for (C) only, sophomore standing or higher or consent. ((C) Cross-listed as HAW 428) DS for (B) and (D), DH for (C)
Critical study of issues in contemporary Native Hawaiian politics, with an emphasis on application and active engagement. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course or consent.
Introduction to and critical study of institutions, governments, and political processes in Hawai‘i. Attends to race, class, gender, sexuality, indigeneity and nationality. Grounded in Native Hawaiian perspectives, with an emphasis on comparative study and dialogue. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course, or consent.
Racial inequality in the U.S.; mechanisms of institutional racism in employment, education, criminal justice, electoral politics.
Possible social and political alternatives for the future. Conditions likely if present trends continue, formulation of visions of better futures, means for their achievement.
Introduction to the problems individuals and political communities currently face with respect to war, peace, and international conflict. Includes questions of human nature, economy, morality, nuclear deterrence, arms control and disarmament, and alternatives to war.
Develop skills needed to read and write political texts. Weigh competing views; read and analyze texts for what they do and do not say; craft and defend evidence-based arguments; practice writing mechanics and style. POLS majors only or consent. A-F only.
Influences and effects of media on politics. Setting public agendas, interpreting events, manipulating the political process, political learning through popular culture.
Introduction to political future studies. Using science fact and fiction, shows how past and present images of the future influence people’s actions.
Perspectives on the role of government in guiding economies and civil societies with particular emphasis on the recent U.S.
Introduces undergraduate students to the major political, social, economic, cultural, technological, and historical dimensions of globalization. Special attention will be paid to globalization process that have impacted Hawai‘i and the Asia-Pacific region. A-F only. (Cross-listed as SOC 180)
Foundations in global politics from political, historical, and multicultural perspectives. A-F only.
Foundations in Indigenous politics from diverse cultural perspectives and across regions. Addresses political issues facing Indigenous peoples at global and local levels, with attention to Indigenous epistemologies, languages, movements, and institutions. A-F only.
American political processes and institutions, as seen through alternative interpretations. Emphasis on opportunities and limitations for practical political participation.
Power and contemporary world politics since 1945 with emphasis on the U.S. role.
Discussion of politics as an activity and of political problems, systems, ideologies, processes.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/ NC only.
Thesis/ dissertation proposal and defense seminars. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Molecular biology, genomics, molecular genetics, and infection mechanisms of bacterial plant pathogens and symbionts. Pre: 606 (with a minimum grade of B or better) or consent. (Cross-listed as MICR 746)
Characterization, genome organization, gene expression, and molecular mechanisms of plant viruses. Pre: 606 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Advanced study of nematode taxonomy, genetics, behavior, host interactions, and sustainable management in an integrated lecture-laboratory. Pre: 605 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only.
Directed research, critical reviews in environmental protection sciences, entomology, or plant pathology. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only.
Independent study for students working on a Plan B master’s project. A grade of Satisfactory (S) is assigned when the project is satisfactorily completed. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in entomology or tropical plant pathology.
Study and discussion of significant topics and problems in plant and environmental protection sciences at an advanced level. Offered by visiting or existing faculty as a special course. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Seminars on research and topics in entomology. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) In-depth study of the molecular and cellular interactions between microbes and animals. Topics will cover types of symbioses, gut microbiome, parasites, and agricultural pathogens, and disease and human health disease.
Examine approaches to weed biological control of invasive plants in various environments with different agents (insects, pathogens, and vertebrates), integration with other management tactics, sociopolitical aspects, and history of the practice. Graduate students only. Pre: 421 or 422 or consent. (Alt. years)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Fundamental concepts. Critical study of major biological control projects. Pre: 421 or consent. Recommended: 662; and ZOOL 631 or 632.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Insects as living units in an environment of physical and biotic factors. Pre: consent of instructor.
Overview and lab-based course exploring theory and methods to understand genome evolution and adaptation; focus will be on a range of organisms. Pre: TPSS 453 and TPSS 603, or consent. (Cross-listed as TPSS 615)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Classification and study of diversity among insects and other life forms. Use of morphological and molecular characters to reconstruct evolutionary histories. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Seminar on research and topics in plant pathology. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Focuses on the actions of plant pathogenic fungi/ oomycetes and their host responses at the molecular and cellular level. Current genetic and genomic approaches to study plant-fungal interactions will be discussed. Graduate standing only. Pre: consent. (Every 2 years) (Cross-listed as MBBE 652)
(2 Lec) Study of the principal physiological and biochemical functions in insects, with emphasis on hormonal interactions. Pre: 402 or consent.
Diagnosis and management of plant pathogen and pest problems in laboratory and field. Taught concurrently with 615. A-F only. Pre: (605 and 606) with a minimum grade of B, or equivalent. Co-requisite: 615. (Summer only)
Iterative and interactive course integrating plant pathogen and pest biology with diagnostic and management approaches. Will use biological information about pathogens, anthropods, and abiotic stresses to diagnose diseases, disorders, or other injuries of plants. A-F only. Pre: (605 and 606) with a minimum grade of B, or consent. Co-requisite: 615L. (Summer only)
(2 Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) Principles and concepts in pathogen biology, epidemiology, and management of plant diseases caused by bacteria and viruses. Laboratory techniques for isolation and identification of pathogens and disease diagnosis. A-F only. Pre: 605 (with a minimum grade of B). (Spring only)
(2 Lec, 2 3-hr. Lab) Principles and concepts in pathogen biology, epidemiology and management of plant diseases caused by fungi, oomycetes, and nematodes. Laboratory techniques for isolation and identification of pathogens and disease diagnosis. A-F only. (Fall only)
Concepts of agrosecurity and food safety (including plant and animal biosecurity), global impacts of introduced pests and diseases, and current mechanisms for interception of pests and mitigation of disease. A-F only. (Fall only)
Conduct original research in environmental protection sciences. Limited to qualified undergraduate students. Repeatable two times. CR/NC only.
Integration and application of academic knowledge and critical skills emphasizing professional development, Directed Research, field studies, employment with cooperating businesses, government or schools are all options. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Study and discussion of significant topics and problems. May be offered by visiting faculty, extension faculty or research faculty. Repeatable two times.
Study of symbioses in insects and a wide range of organisms. Students will learn the types of symbioses, evolution, and ecology of symbiotic lifestyles, and their impact on agriculture and human health.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Weed classification, identification, adaptations for weediness; principles of weed control; properties, uses, and action of herbicides. Lab: pesticide application equipment and techniques, no-till farming, greenhouse and field experiments. A-F only. Pre: CHEM 152 and TPSS 200/SUST 211, or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as TPSS 481)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Biology, ecology, health and economic impacts, and control of urban insect pests and medically important arthropods that act as vectors of diseases. Pre: 363 or BIOL 265, or consent. (Cross-listed as TRMD 463)
Exploration of federal laws, regulations, and precedents that govern our interaction with the environment. Analysis of laws regulating air, water, toxins, pests, endangered species, and environmental justice. Pre: junior or senior standing.
Diagnosis, epidemiology, and integrated management of important plant diseases and pathogens for key plants and cultivated crops in various agroecosystems in Hawai‘i, the Pacific, and the global tropics. Pre: 405. (Spring only)
Biological control of invasive insects and weeds using natural enemies; biological control as a cornerstone of sustainable pest management; contributions of biocontrol to economic, environmental, and societal sustainability; reduced dependence on pesticides; increased sustainability of pest management. Pre: 363 or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 422)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles and concepts of insect pest management using biological, ecological, cultural, behavioral, legislative, microbial and chemical methods. A-F only. Pre: one of the following: 250 or 363, BIOL 171, BIOL 172, or BOT 101; or consent. (Spring only)
Provides students with knowledge and real world experience on common turfgrass pests and management strategies in Hawai‘i, with emphasis on integrated pest management. Common cool-season turfgrass and pest management are also discussed. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as TPSS 418)
Provides knowledge and understanding of soils, agroecology, and sustainable approaches for plant health management, and prepares students for applied research in various tropical cropping systems. A-F only. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as TPSS 410 and SUST 410)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Classification, morphology, ecology, and biology of bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and viruses that attack economic crops. Etiology and control of plant diseases. Pre: 210/SUST 210 or BOT 101 or MICR 130, or consent. (Fall only)
Fundamentals of genetic theory using traditional breeding and biotechnological procedures in insect and plant pathogen management for sustainable agricultural production. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Cross-listed as SUST 371 and TPSS 371)
Laboratory in the biology and classification to family level of Hawai‘i’s insects and arthropods. A-F only. Pre: 363 (or concurrent) or consent.
Biology, diversity, and ecology of insects with emphasis on Hawaiian fauna. Classification to order level. A-F only. Pre: BOT 101 or ZOOL 101 or BIOL 171; or consent.
Ecological, economic and sociological impacts of invasive pest species on tropical ecosystems; characteristics of invasive species and nature of vulnerable habitats; management of invasive species or eradication options; impacts on evolution, biological diversity and ecological stability. Open to nonmajors. (Alt. years: spring)
Introduction to the ecology of infectious diseases of animals, plants, and humans. Factors affecting disease transmission and virulence. Effects of human activities and environmental change on disease transmission. Emphasis on issues pertinent to Hawai‘i. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171 and BIOL 172; or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as OCN 340)
Overview of environmental issues and impacts associated with agriculture, specifically pest management issues, and options for environmentally responsible management and amelioration of these impacts. (Cross-listed as SUST 320)
Biology/ecology of insects with emphasis on relationships to plants, animals, and especially people in Hawai‘i and the tropics. Open to nonmajors. A-F only.
Analysis of our environment with emphasis on understanding relationships and interactions of physical, biological, technological, and political components using scientific methods of inquiry. Food supply and safety, water quality, pollution control, biodiversity, environmental policy. Open to nonmajors. (Cross-listed as NREM 210 and SUST 210)
Science and technology of strength training. Anatomy, kinesiology, physics, and physiology applied to development of muscular strength and mass. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 302; or consent.
Senior-level course in integrative systems (central nervous system and endocrinology). Complements 401. Pre: 401 and either BIOC 341 or CHEM 152, or consent.
Basic function of the major organ systems in man. Covers cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, acid-base, and gastrointestinal physiology. Pre: 302 or equivalent with consent.
Continuation of 301L. Pre: 301/301L, or consent. Co-requisite: 302.
Continuation of 301. Pre: 301/301L or consent.
Laboratory study of human anatomy and physiology by means of models, histology slides, experiments, and demonstrations. Co-requisite: 301 or consent.
Integrated presentation of human anatomy and physiology. An optional laboratory (PHYL 301L) is available separately. Pre: BIOL 171 and BIOL 172, or any PHYL course; and CHEM 161 (or higher) or any BIOC course; or consent.
Anatomy, histology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics of human organ systems presented in integrated anatomy-physiology format. Priority to students in nursing. Pre: 142 (or concurrent) or consent.
Continuation of 141. Pre: should have an understanding of basic physiology concepts as presented in 141 or equivalent.
Anatomy, histology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics of human organ systems presented in integrated anatomy-physiology format. Priority to students in nursing. Pre: 141 (or concurrent) or consent.
Anatomy, histology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics of human organ systems presented in integrated anatomy-physiology format. Priority to students in nursing. Pre: high school chemistry.
Laboratory to complement 103. Co-requisite: 103.
Introduction to human physiology and anatomy designed to serve the needs of dental hygiene students and others interested in pursuing health-related careers.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times.
Crystal symmetry, electronic excitations in solids, transport theory, optical properties, cohesive energy, lattice vibrations, electron-phonon interaction, magnetism, superconductivity. Pre: 785. (Alt. years)
Crystal symmetry, electronic excitations in solids, transport theory, optical properties, cohesive energy, lattice vibrations, electron-phonon interaction, electron-electron interaction, magnetism, superconductivity. Pre: 670. (Alt. years)
Quantum chromodynamics; electroweak interactions; the standard model. Techniques of particle physics. Pre: 777 or consent. (Alt. years)
Nuclear physics; electrodynamics; hadron structure and partons. Techniques of particle physics. Pre: 481 and 671. (Alt. years)
Local gauge invariance, Yang-Mills theory: quantum chromodynamics, spontaneous symmetry breaking and Goldstone bosons; the standard electroweak theory; grand unified theories. Pre: 772. (Alt. years)
Relativistic wave equations and their solutions. Dirac’s theory of the electron, propagator techniques. Applications to quantum electrodynamics. Pre: 671. (Alt. years)
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics, transport theory, fluctuation dissipation theorem, many-body Green’s function methods, normal Fermi and Bose liquids, superfluidity, superconductivity. Pre: 670 and 730. (Alt. years)
Equilibrium thermodynamics; Gibbs ensembles; quantum statistics; ideal and non-ideal Fermi; Bose and Boltzmann gases; phase transitions; and critical phenomena. Pre: 670. (Alt. years)
Topics in condensed matter theory, e.g., group theory, many-body techniques, renormalization group, density functional theory, other topics of current interest. Repeatable four times. Pre: 670 and consent.
Topics in current experimental research in low-energy physics, high-energy physics, cross-disciplinary physics. Repeatable in different topics. Pre: consent.
Topics in current theoretical research; e.g., unified field theories, general relativity, gravitation, and cosmology. Repeatable four times. Pre: consent.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Reports and discussion on recent developments in elementary particle physics. Repeatable four times. Pre: consent.
Reports and discussion on recent developments in atomic, surface, and solid-state physics. Repeatable five times with consent.
Results and discussions of current topics in condensed matter physics. Repeatable six times with consent.
Discussions and reports on physical theory and recent developments. CR/NC only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Physical basis and formulation of quantum theory. Exact solutions of Schroedinger equation and their applications. Approximation methods. Applications to atomic, nuclear, and molecular physics. Pre: 670.
Physical basis and formulation of quantum theory. Exact solutions of Schroedinger equation and their applications. Approximation methods. Applications to atomic, nuclear, and molecular physics. Pre: 400 or 481 or 600 and MATH 402.
Contemporary advanced applications in optics including nonlinear optics and optical parametric oscillators, atomic lasers and laser systems, and free-electron lasers. Pre: 460. (Alt. even years)
Relativistic electrodynamics, radiation by charged particles. Pre: 650. (Alt. years)
Potential theory, Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic waves, boundary value problems. Pre: 450; and 600 (or concurrent), or MATH 402. (Alt. years)
Dynamics of particles, particle systems; rigid bodies; Lagrangian and Hamiltonian equations; special relativity. Pre: 600 (or concurrent); or MATH 402.
Mathematical tools of theoretical physics. Continuation of 400 but with an independent selection of topics. Pre: 400 or consent. (Alt. years)
Major concepts of physics taught by means of hands-on conceptual activities for elementary and secondary teachers. Restricted to in-service teachers, or consent. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as NSCI 505)
Introduction to nuclear and elementary-particle physics. Pre: 480 (or concurrent).
Student seminar on ethical principles and their application to research in physics and astronomy and closely-related fields. Historical examples will be presented and discussed by the participants. PHYS, ASTP, and ASTR majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 or ASTR 300 (or concurrent), or consent.
Advanced experiments including angular correlations in positronium annihilation, optical polarization phenomena, chaos, measurements of c and the muon lifetime, crystal diffraction, and the Mossbauer effect. Numerical simulations of particle physics experiments are included. Pre: 274L, 480, and 480L; or consent.
Continuation of 480; atomic physics, scattering, perturbation theory. Pre: 480.
Advanced experiments including angular correlations in positronium annihilation, optical polarization phenomena, chaos, measurements of c and the muon lifetime, crystal diffraction and the Mossbauer effect. Numerical simulations of particular physics experiments are included. Pre: 274L and 480 (or concurrent), or consent.
Wave mechanics, Schroedinger equation, angular momenta, potential problems. Pre: 274, 310, 350, 400 (or concurrent); either MATH 244 or 253A; and either MATH 311 or 307; or consent.
Introduction to high performance solid state instrumentation by means of practical research electronics: printed circuit board design/fabrication; complex programmable logic design/verification; integrated circuit SPICE simulation. Detector fabrication and test emphasis during final project. Pre: 475 (or equivalent) or consent. (Spring only)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Investigation of Kirchoff’s Laws, electromagnetic circuit theory. Fourier analysis and stability theory with circuits. Applications to physical measurements are stressed. A-F only. Pre: junior standing, and 152L or 272L.
Fundamentals of classical physical optics emphasizing linear systems theory, including optical fields in matter, polarization phenomena, temporal coherence, interference and diffraction (Fourier optics). Specialized applications include Gaussian beams, laser resonators, pulse propagation, and nonlinear optics. Pre: 450 (or concurrent with a minimum grade of C) or EE 372 (or concurrent with a minimum grade of C-), or consent. (Cross-listed as EE 470)
Field equations, plane, spherical and guided waves. Pre: 350.
Energy-band calculations, optical processes, Josephson effect, theories of dielectrics and magnetism, physics of color centers, order-disorder transformation. Pre: 440.
Crystal structure: lattice vibrations; phonon effects; electronic processes in solids (metals, semiconductors, and superconductors). Pre: 274 and 350 (or concurrent).
Laws of thermodynamics, heat transfer, kinetic theory, statistical mechanics. Pre: 274 and MATH 244 or MATH 253A.
Mathematical methods, techniques; applications to problems in physical sciences. Pre: MATH 244 or MATH 253A, and MATH 307 or 311; or consent. Recommended: upper division mathematics course.
Limited to students with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or a minimum GPA of 3.0 in physics.
Electrostatic and magnetostatic fields in vacuum and in matter; induction; Maxwell’s equations; AC circuits. Pre: 272 or 272A; and MATH 244 (or concurrent) or MATH 253A (or concurrent). (Fall only)
Rigid-body mechanics continued, fluid dynamics, wave motion, theory of relativity. Pre: 310.
Particle dynamics, rigid-body dynamics, planetary motion. Pre: 170 or 170A; 272 or 272A; MATH 244 (or concurrent) or MATH 253A (or concurrent). Recommended: MATH 302 (or concurrent). (Fall only)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr. Lab) Analysis of physical systems and problem solving using computers and numerical methods. Pre: 152 or 272 or 272A, and MATH 244 (or concurrent) or MATH 253A (or concurrent); or consent.
(1 4-hr Lab) Experiments illustrating selected concepts of 274, including diffraction and interference of light, wave nature of matter, photoelectric effect, atomic spectra, and semiconductors. Pre: 152L or 272L, and 274 (or concurrent).
Relativity, introduction to quantum mechanics, atomic and nuclear physics, and physical optics. Pre: 152 or 272 and MATH 243 (or concurrent) or MATH 253A (or concurrent); or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Similar to 152L but at 272 level. Pre: 151L or 170L, and 272 (or concurrent) or 272A (or concurrent).
Special format for topics: electricity and magnetism and geometric optics. A-F only. Pre: 151 or 170 and MATH 242 or MATH 252A, MATH 216 may be substituted with consent. Co-requisite: 272L.
Electricity and magnetism and geometric optics. Pre: 151 or 170 and MATH 242 or MATH 252A, MATH 216 may be substituted with consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Similar to 151L but at 170 level. Pre: 170 (or concurrent) or 170A (or concurrent).
Special format for topics: mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, wave motion, thermodynamics and kinetic theory. Pre: MATH 242 (or concurrent) or MATH 252A (or concurrent). MATH 216 may be substituted with consent. Co-requisite: 170L
Calculus-based mechanics of particles and rigid bodies: kinematics, force, energy, momentum, rotation, gravitation, fluids, oscillations and waves. Intended for physical science and engineering majors. Pre: MATH 242 (or concurrent) or MATH 252A (or concurrent). MATH 216 may be substituted with consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Optics, electric and magnetic fields, DC and AC circuitry. Pre: 151L or 170L, and 152 (or concurrent).
Electricity, magnetism, optics, modern physics. Pre: 151 or 170.
(1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to experimental analysis, physical observation and measurement, experiments on conservation laws, fluid friction, oscillations. Pre: 151 (or concurrent).
Non-calculus physics. Mechanics, wave motion, heat. Pre: MATH 140, or 215 or higher; or qualifying score on math assessment exam.
Introduction to physics and science in everyday life. It considers objects from our daily environment, and focuses on the principles such as motion, forces, heat, electromagnetism, optics, and modern physics. A-F only.
Introduction to physics of sound and light, with applications to music and visual arts: sound perception, harmony, musical scales, instruments; lenses, cameras, color perception and mixing. Uses algebra and geometry. Intended primarily for non-science majors.
(1 3-hr Lab) Hooke’s law, falling bodies, collisions, Boyle’s law, electric and magnetic fields, induction, waves, optics. Pre: 100 (or concurrent).
Mechanics, electricity and magnetism, waves, optics, atomic and nuclear physics. Only algebra and geometry used. For non-science majors.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Comparison of widely differing philosophical traditions. Specific topic changes each semester. Consult department for more information. Repeatable two times with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Various periods, movements, and thinkers in Japanese philosophy. Topic changes each semester. Consult department for more information. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 380.
Metaphysical, epistemological, ethical, and axiological views of Yi Jing and its claim as foundational work for classical Confucianism, Daoism, and Neo-Confucianism. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Fundamental issues, problems, movements, and schools of Chinese philosophy, such as classical Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism, Chinese logic, and Neo-Confucianism. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 370.
Major philosophical problems in the development of Buddhist thought during its formative period. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 360.
Major philosophical problems in the development of Indian thought during its formative period. Repeatable two times with consent of instructor and Graduate Chair. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 350.
Reading, analysis, and critical discussion of one (or of several closely related) philosophical text in its original language (sometimes in conjunction with established translation). Repeatable two times with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Close study of a period of significant and connected philosophical activity within a philosophic tradition. Repeatable two times with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Major philosophical problems in Islamic thought. Focus either on a specific topic or one author. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Once a year)
Close study of a topic of important philosophical controversy. Repeatable two times in the MA program; an additional three times in the PhD program. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
The most significant texts of an important philosopher. Repeatable three times in the MA program; an additional four times in the PhD program. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Repeatable up to six credits. Pre: master’s Plan A candidate and consent.
Repeatable up to 30 credits. Pre: graduate standing and consent.
Critical examination and evaluation of major philosophical ideas in Lao Zi, Zhuang Zi, and the Neo-Daoists. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 370.
Logic, epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics of major Chinese Neo-Confucian philosophers, 11th–16th century. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 370.
Ethical, social, institutional problems in classical theory. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 370.
Exploration of problems at the intersection of historical studies of science as a process and philosophical analysis of basic concepts of the sciences. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 308 or 316.
Important debates concerning the methodology of textual interpretation. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
A survey of the philosophical texts, thinkers, concepts, and theoretical approaches that are used in cultural criticism. A-F only. (Fall only)
Key issues in contemporary philosophical debates about knowledge. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 307.
Key issues in contemporary aesthetics, against background of traditional Western and Eastern theories. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 306.
Key issues in theory of religious experience, language, reasoning. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 305.
Key issues in ontological and cosmological theory. Problems of materialism, idealism, phenomenalism, etc. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 304.
Key issues in contemporary philosophical debates about ethics. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 301.
Supervised work in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms, facilitating philosophical inquiry with students. Repeatable one time. Pre: 492 or consent.
Experience theory and practice developing intellectually safe philosophical communities of inquiry in contexts from kindergarten through university and beyond. Pre: any course 200 or above in PHIL or EDUC, or consent.
Capstone seminar for undergraduate majors. Concentration on a topic of current philosophical concern. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: declared major in PHIL with at least six courses 200 or above in PHIL, or consent.
Examination of work of a major Eastern or Western philosopher, or topic of philosophical concern. Repeatable three times. Pre: 100, 101, 102, 103, 211, 212, 213, or consent.
Intermediate-level course covering proof techniques for classical, first-order predicate calculus, and an introduction to meta-theory. Pre: 110 or any course 200 or above in ICS or MATH; or consent.
Interdisciplinary approach to women’s perspectives and roles on ecological and environmental issues; critical analysis of eco-feminism as a social and political movement; cross-cultural comparison of women’s roles in human ecology. Pre: any course 200 or above in PHIL or WGSS or any course 200 or above with a DB or DP designation, or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 438)
Contemporary theories in semantics and syntax; problems of meaning, reference, speech acts, etc. Pre: any course 200 or above in PHIL or LING, or consent.
Classical and modern theories of mind, cognition, and action.
Examination of basic feminist issues in philosophy, and of responses to them. Pre: any course 200 or above in PHIL or WGSS, or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 419)
Philosophical themes in the literary mode in world literature.
(B) Greek; (C) late antiquity; (D) medieval; (E) Renaissance; (F) continental rationalism; (G) British empiricism; (H) German idealism; (I) 19th century; (J) 20th century. Repeatable two times in different alphas, not in same alpha. Pre: any course 200 or above in PHIL, or consent.
Development and philosophical significance of basic precepts, explored through translations of Chinese and Japanese sources.
Methods of analyzing the structures of experience, as developed by Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Sartre, etc.
Repeatable up to a maximum of 6 credits. Pre: consent.
Survey of central thinkers and schools from ancient to modern. Pre: 21 credits.
Survey of important schools and thinkers in classical Chinese traditions: Confucianism, Daoism, Mohism, Legalism.
Survey of central thinkers and schools. (Cross-listed as ASAN 360)
Survey of major orthodox and heterodox systems: Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavadgita, Vedanta, Jainism, Buddhism. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL or PALI or SNSK; or consent.
Survey of major Islamic philosophers and schools. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL or ARAB, or consent.
Survey of major philosophers and schools in development of American thought up to modern times. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL, or consent.
Exploration of ethical issues that have come before (mainly U.S.) courts, including but not confined to, medical and criminal justice ethics. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 101 or a course numbered 200 or above in PHIL or HIST or ENG or with a DS designation; or consent.
Historical and contemporary issues in law and legal theory. Law and morality; legal responsibility, justice, rights, punishment, judicial reasoning. Pre: any course 101 or above in PHIL or above 100 in BLAW or POLS or SOC, or consent.
Introduction to concepts and techniques for evaluating arguments with special emphasis on their application both to questions of law and to issues in jurisprudence. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL or POLS or SOC, or consent.
Investigation of some of the complex interconnections between science, technology, and society. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL or in a course with either DB or DP or DS designation, or consent.
Introduction to philosophy of science for those with some background in the natural sciences. Special emphasis on issues arising from the construction and use of models. Pre: any course 200 or above in PHIL or any course 200 or above with either DB or DP designation, or consent. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as OCN 315)
Scientific and social perspectives on the nature of disease and their impact on medical practice. Exploration of these topics through reading, writing and critical inquiry. Pre: any course in PHIL, 100 or above; or any two BIOL, CHEM or PHYS courses; or consent.
Explores the ethical and epistemological implications of the theory of evolution. (Alt. years)
Team-taught exploration of five contemporary ethical issues using a variety of philosophical approaches and methods. Pre: any 101 course or above in PHIL or above 100 in POLS or SOC; or consent. (Once a year)
Aesthetics and ontology of film and video, based on readings in the philosophy of film and the viewing of a number of films per semester.
Ethical issues in application and organization of biomedical resources; professional responsibility, confidentiality, euthanasia, experimentation on human subjects, etc. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL or MED or NURS or with a DB designation; or consent.
Problems and methods. Domains of inquiry, methods of validation, and attendant moral concerns. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL, or 200 or above with either DB or DP designation; or consent.
Problems and methods in epistemology. Nature of knowledge, its varieties, possibilities, and limitations. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL, or 200 or above with either DB or DP or DS designation; or consent.
Problems and methods in aesthetic valuation and in appreciation, creation, and criticism of artworks.
Problems and methods. Nature of religious experience, alternatives to theism, existence of god, relation between faith and reason, nature of religious language.
Problems arising from attempts to categorize rationally what is, and what appears to be. Among others, topics may include universals and particulars, personal identity, freedom and determinism, and time. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL, or consent.
Problems and methods in examination of contemporary life, values, and institutions in light of traditional philosophical problems of freedom, justice, authority, equality. Pre: any course 101 or above in PHIL or above 100 in POLS or SOC, or consent.
Problems and methods in philosophical theories of political legitimacy. Pre: any course 101 or above in PHIL or above 100 in POLS or SOC, or consent.
Problems and methods in theory of moral conduct and decision. Pre: any course 101 or above in PHIL or above 100 in POLS or SOC; or consent.
Case studies and critical analyses of ethical issues in business. Readings from business, philosophy, law, etc. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL or BUS or BLAW, or consent.
Introduces students to the ideas of women philosophers. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL or WGSS, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as WGSS 219)
Introduction to the history of philosophy based on texts or translations of “modern” works, that is works originally written in a modern European language.
Introduction to the history of philosophy based on translations of texts originally written in post-classical Latin or Arabic.
An introduction to the history of philosophy based on translations of texts originally written in classical Greek or Latin.
Philosophy attempts to understand the human being and the societies they form. Introduces students to the notion of world philosophy, focusing upon thinkers who have helped to shape our present. A-F only. (Spring only)
Introduction to philosophy as it has manifested itself differently across cultures throughout the world. Focus on the development of philosophical thought from its beginnings up until 1500 CE.A-F only. (Fall only)
Introduction to the theory of arguments based on probabilities and to the theory of decision-making in the context of uncertainty. A-F only.
Principles of modern deductive logic.
A critical examination of environmental issues; analyzing the nature of the human being, the nature of nature, and the relationship of the human being to nature.
Universal themes and problems from Asian perspective.
Philosophical attempts to evaluate conduct, character, and social practices.
Introduction to the kinds of problems that concern philosophers and to some of the solutions that have been attempted.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Physiology and pharmacology of central and peripheral nervous systems, focusing on synaptic chemistry and signaling. A-F only. Pre: CMB 606, or consent from the course director. (Cross-listed as CMB 640)
Provides instruction at an organ systems/functional level covering major organ and functional systems of the human body. Concepts in pharmacological research at the animal, organ system and whole human level will also be considered. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Pharmacodynamics, receptor theory, modeling, clinical trials and the FDA will be covered. Concepts in ADME/T and clinical research are also considered. Pre: consent.
Pharmacology research elective for medical students. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 551 or consent.
Pharmacology elective course for medical students. MD students only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 554 or consent. (Fall only)
Elective for medical students in Pharmacology. Repeatable up to 12 credits. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 551.
Directed reading and research in experimental pharmacology. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Similar to 201 but wider in scope of drugs discussed. Intended for undergraduates in the health sciences and related fields. Pre: mammalian physiology.
Drugs discussed with emphasis on sites and mechanism of action, toxicity, fate, and uses of major therapeutic agents. Pre: mammalian physiology and dental hygiene major.
Historical examination of the interaction between the Achaemenid and Parthian empires of Persia and the classical societies of the Mediterranean, such as the Greek city-states, Macedonia, the Hellenistic, and Roman Empires. Recommended: HIST 151. (Cross-listed as CLAS 430 and HIST 430)
Study and analysis of South/Southeast Asian films–history, forms, development, theoretical framework and relationship to cultural, social, philosophical and aesthetic context. (C) Iranian. Sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as PER 368)
Study of Persian and Iranian theater and culture with an overview of history from 2500 B.C. to the contemporary era. Pre: THEA 101 or consent. (Cross-listed as IP 367)
Survey of classical and contemporary Persian literature in translation.
Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Fourth-year elective in pediatric sub-specialty areas in which medical students may receive clinical experiences and an in-depth study of selected sub-specialty areas within the field of pediatrics. (B) adolescent medicine; (C) ambulatory pediatric care; (E) clinical genetics; (F) Sub-Internship in neonatology; (G) pediatric cardiology; (H) Sub-Internship in pediatric emergency medicine; (I) Sub-Internship in pediatric hematology/ oncology; (J) Sub-Internship in infectious diseases; (K) Sub-Internship in pediatrics–general ward in pediatrics; (M) extramural electives in pediatrics; (N) pediatric rheumatology; (P) developmental behavioral pediatrics; (Q) pediatric international preceptorship (3 cr.); (R) Sub-Internship in pediatric critical care;. (S) pediatric radiology; (T) pediatric ultrasound; (U) pediatric nephrology; (V) pediatric sports medicine. CR/NC only. Repeatable two times per alpha, up to 36 credits; not repeatable for (Q). Pre: 531 or 532.
Year-long clerkship in ambulatory setting, covering evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of childhood diseases. Emphasis on primary prevention, normal growth and development of the neonate to adolescent, and arrangement of pediatric care, including outpatient, inpatient, and emergency room experiences. Repeatable two times. Pre: third-year standing and concurrent registration in 532 courses. Co-requisite: MED, OBGN, PED, PSTY, and SURG 532.
7-week basic pediatric clerkship. Repeatable one time. Pre: third-year standing.
Interactive seminar series to cover the following topics: data types, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, selecting a statistical test, data distributions, measures of data spread, statistical test assumptions, standard deviation vs. standard error, etc. Repeatable one time. Medical students only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 551.
Interactive weekly lecture/seminar designed to teach topics in pediatrics and supplemented by small group 2-hour encounters with faculty clinicians in pediatric emergency medicine, inpatient pediatric, and enonatology to gain exposure in pediatric hospital care. Repeatable one time. Medical students only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 551.
Advanced seminar covering issues of policy and practice in peace and conflict management theory. Repeatable one time. Graduate standing only. Pre: consent.
Repeatable up to 9 credits. A-F only. Pre: departmental approval or consent.
Practice in conflict resolution skills. Open to candidates for Certificate in Conflict Resolution. Repeatable one time or up to three credits. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Recent issues of policy and practice in peace and conflict management theory. Repeatable up to 12 credits. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Advanced conflict resolution course. Covers key issues in the prevention, management and resolution of multiparty conflicts. Combined lecture, discussion, and simulations. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing, or departmental approval. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as PLAN 668)
Theory and skills for practicing divorce and custody mediation. Negotiation and conflict intervention skills used by social workers, lawyers, and other intervenors in family conflict. Focus on Hawai‘i’s divorce and custody laws and practices. Repeatable one time. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Conflict resolution theory and practice for administrators, faculty and staff in educational organizations. K-12, community colleges and universities. Application and theory of negotiation, mediation, facilitation and hybrid ADR processes. Pre: EDEA 601 or EDEA 650, or consent. (Cross-listed as EDEA 652)
Conflict prevention, management and resolution in the workplace. Design and implementation of effective systems integrating ADR and recent advances in dispute resolution methodology to government, health, nonprofit, educational, private sector and other institutions. Pre: graduate standing, or departmental approval.
Combined lecture, discussion, and mediation simulations. Theory of ADR field. Theory of major different models of mediation, both in the U.S. and internationally. Application of mediation process to categories of disputes, family, workplace, and international. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing, or departmental approval. (Once a year)
Study in trends, research, and problems of implementation in teaching field. Repeatable two times. Pre: teaching experience or consent.(Cross-listed as EDCS 640K)
Examines how international law and domestic legal systems address and resolve conflicts regarding women’s rights, gender roles, and gender identity. Takes a comparative approach with emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region. (Cross-listed as LAW 547 and WGSS 647)
Negotiation as a foundational skill of conflict resolution; mastery of negotiation skills for strategic dispute resolution; non-routine problem-solving, creating partnerships and alliances; crafting optimal agreements. Students participate in simulations and acquire vital leadership skills. Graduate standing only. Pre: one of the following courses: 429, 447, 477, 647, 652, or 668; or PLAN 627; or COMG 455 or SOC 730; or LAW 508; or MGT 660. (Cross-listed as PLAN 629)
Explore how environmental conflicts emerge and the efforts to find common ground for resolution. Examine the issues, debates, and theoretical aspects that help to explain and frame environmental conflict. Graduate students only. (Cross-listed as PLAN 621)
The practicum and internship in Peace and Conflict Resolution provides an opportunity for students to apply the skills and concepts learned in earlier courses. Pre: any two other PACE courses or consent. (Cross-listed as PUBA 495)
10-day intensive course at Hiroshima City University, Japan, in the 2-weeks before the annual August 6 commemoration of the atomic bombing. Home-stay with Japanese family. Sophomore standing. A-F only. Pre: any 200 level social science course, or consent.
Recent issues, practices in peace and conflict resolution. Repeatable one time. Pre: any DS course, or consent.
Introduction into the field of conflict analysis and resolution through the examination of theory and role-play. Major theories of conflict studies are considered and the forms of conflict resolution, such as negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 200-level DS course.
Management, prevention, resolution of international disputes and the role of international law. Pre: any Social Science 100 or 200 level course, or consent.
Conflict resolution techniques for major world culture. Emphasis on cultures of the Pacific Basin, Pacific Islands, and Asia. Pre: any DS course, or consent.
Multi-disciplinary advocacy for children’s rights and welfare in various social and political systems; the role of families, justice, economics, media, race, culture, environment on policy-making for children. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 200-level DS course.
Explores the characteristics of organizations from different perspectives including structural, political, ethical, and cultural frames from organizational theory and practice. Focuses on how to design organizational change strategies and facilitate their implementation. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 200-level DS course (with a minimum grade of C+).
Study of nonviolent methods (i.e., United Nations structures, international law, boycotts, and peaceful protest) used to gain political goals and examines their successes, failures, and the prospects for those that remain ongoing. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 200-level DS course.
Explore nonviolent protests when one Independent State controls the territory of another Independent State (or international organization, such as the United Nations), without the transfer of sovereign title. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 200-level DS course.
Learn the core components of the mediation process and the tools for empowering mediation participants to reach customized resolutions. Emphasis on learning and applying the skills through exercises and mock mediation sessions.
Geographical factors underlying conflict in the world. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 436)
In-depth study of current models and emerging theories of ethical leadership in community service; development of tangible leadership skills, including communication, conflict resolution, team-building, and management skills. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 200-level DS course.
Negotiation theory, negotiation skills and application of negotiation in conflict prevention, conflict management and conflict resolution. Pre: any Social Science 100 or 200 level course, or consent.
Introduction to international, regional, and domestic human rights law; comparative perspectives on the theoretical origins of human rights and policy debates on the protection of human rights, dispute resolution, and enforcement mechanisms. Pre: any 100 or 200 level social sciences course, or consent.
Multidisciplinary approach to the origins, dynamics, and consequences of international terrorism, including the psychological, legal, ethical and operational concerns of counterterrorism. Pre: any 200-level DS course, or consent.
Life and thought of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. Pre: any Social Science 100 or 200 level course, or consent.
Examination of two centuries of U.S., European, Australian, and Hawaiian peace, thought, and action. Also surveys early Christian and secular attitudes to war. Open to nonmajors. Pre: any DS course, or consent.
History of Philippine Islam and the Moro struggle, the peace process in Mindanao and sovereignty movement for Hawaiian nation. 75 min. Lec, 75-min. joint online discussion with Philippine students. Junior standing only. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as ASAN 407)
Directed reading in peace and conflict resolution. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.
Exploration of scientific and cultural resources for nonviolent alternatives in politics. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course; or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 396)
Biocultural, evolutionary, and cross-cultural perspectives on the conditions, patterns, and processes of violence, war, nonviolence, and peace. Pre: ANTH 152. (Cross-listed as ANTH 345)
Interviewing, writing, and publishing stories of those who have overcome great difficulties to find personal peace. Pre: grade of B or better in ENG 100 or consent.
Survey of basic concepts, relationships, methods, and debates in modern peace research and conflict resolution studies. Pre: any social science 100- or 200-level course or consent.
Exploration of ethical questions related to the many facets of war–e.g., patriotism, tribalism, holy war, self-sacrifice, cowardice, media coverage, propaganda, torture, genocide, pillage, suicide tactics, battlefield immunity. (Cross-listed as PHIL 387)
Survey of contemporary conflict management and resolution: negotiation, mediation, conciliation, ombuds, fact-finding, facilitation techniques, arbitration, and litigation. Pre: any social science 100- or 200-level course or consent.
Individualized instruction in clinical and/or anatomic pathology. Third-year elective. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Provides an introduction to the practice of pathology and laboratory medicine and the role pathologists and the laboratory play in the diagnosis and management of disease. MD students only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 554 or consent. (Fall only)
Individualized instruction in laboratory medicine for the practicing physician, clinical and anatomic pathology: (B) advanced topics in clinical immunology; (C) anatomic pathology; (D) clinical pathology; (E) pathologic aspects of aging, nutrition, and/or alcoholism; (F) extramural elective in pathology. Repeatable four times. CR/NC only. Pre: BIOM 555.
Required autopsy experience involving dissection and microscopic examination of tissues and detailed evaluation of disease process. CR/NC only. Pre: third-or fourth-year standing.
Required elective for second-year medical students, objectives to be determined by contract. One option is a review of USMLE Part I. CR/NC only. Pre: BIOM 551.
Elective course for second-year medical students. CR/NC only. Pre: BIOM 551 and consent.
Elective course for first-year medical students. CR/NC only. Pre: BIOM 551 and consent.
Pathology of aging, nutrition, alcoholism, and immunology. Open to selected undergraduate students. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Autoimmune diseases and transplantation immunity. Pre: consent.
Continuation of 481.
Continuation of 382. Reading various Hinayâna texts. Pre: 382.
Continuation of 381.
Reading simple texts from Pali canon. Grammar taught as needed for the reading. Pre: SNSK 182 or equivalent).
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Independent study for students working on MA portfolio projects. A grade of satisfactory (S) is assigned when the project is satisfactorily completed. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in PACS.
Interrelationship of change in selected Pacific Islands regions, institutions, and processes. Repeatable two times. Pre: consent.
Will look at feminist theory, ethnography, culture, activism and globalization in the context of writing, research and film on or by Women in Oceania. Pre: consent.
Graduate seminar. Literacy, theory and method in the creation of a Master’s research project. Pre: 601 and 602.
Graduate seminar. Critical analysis of the way physical, social and cultural aspects of Oceania have been represented in scholarly and popular media. Co-requisite: 601.
Graduate seminar. Introduction to the nature and origins of Pacific Studies as an organized field of study. Epistemological, conceptual, political and ethical issues facing students of the region today. Co-requisite: 602.
A critical examination of a wide spectrum of issues relating to the evolution and current impact of tourism on contemporary Asian and Pacific Islands societies. Topics include colonial antecedents, social impacts, cultural and environmental concerns, case studies (including Hawai‘i). (Cross-listed as ASAN 495)
Lecture on changing patterns of consumption in Oceania, and the historical, political, cultural, artistic, and economic forces shaping such practices. Pre: upper division standing, or consent.
Critically examines indigenous and foreign representations of the Pacific Islands and is designed to make film a central focus of inquiry for students interested in the contemporary Pacific. Repeatable one time.
Repeatable two times.
Intensive study of selected questions, issues, traditions, writers, movements, or genres in the field of Pacific literature. Repeatable one time. Pre: ENG 320 and one other 300-level ENG course. (Crosslisted as ENG 474)
Survey of the contemporary drama and theatre of Oceania that combines island and Western traditions. Includes Papua New Guinea, Hawai‘i, Fiji, Samoa, Australia, New Zealand. Pre: ANTH 350 or THEA 101, or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 462)
Engage in intensive collaborative research with a Pacific Islander community in Hawai‘i, culminating in a research paper and public presentation. Junior standing or higher.
Repeatable up to 12 credits.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of the literature of the Pacific, including Pacific voyagers and contemporary writings in English by Pacific Islanders. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent. (Cross-listed as ENG 371)
Lecture, discussion, and workshop series surveys arts, ritual, and performance practices throughout the Pacific. Engaging with Pacific traditions of thought, and creative approaches to research, students also return findings to Pacific communities. Repeatable one time. Sophomore standing or higher.
Combined lecture/discussion. Examination of critical political, social, and economic issues in the Pacific Islands region today.
Examines Pacific Islander communities’ experiences in Hawai‘i through service learning, reading, writing, lecture, and discussion. Concerns about housing, employment, education, health, language, and culture are central. A-F only.
Practical and theoretical study of arts in Oceania in relevant cultural contexts. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Fall only)
Combined lecture and service-learning activities. Examines the diaspora of Pacific Islanders. Includes a service-learning activity examining cultural, political, and economic status of groups of Pacific Islanders living in other Pacific places. Limit of 20 students. A-F only.
Combined lectures, service-learning. Examines the nature and impact of globalization on Pacific Island societies, viewed from the perspective of islanders who engage with global forces and processes, and create strategies to survive. Limit 20 students. A-F only.
Introduces students to the geography, societies, histories, cultures, contemporary issues, and arts of Oceania, including Hawai‘i. Combines lectures and discussion that emphasize Pacific Islander perspectives and experiences. A-F only.
Registration allows student to maintain enrolled status at UH Mânoa while taking courses abroad. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times.
Introduction to the organization and functioning of oceanography funding agencies, the peer-review process, and the design and development of a research proposal. Repeatable one time. OCN majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: two of the following: 621, 626, 627 (or concurrent), or 628 (or concurrent); or consent.
Oceanographic topics of current interest. Repeatable unlimited times.
Near-shore processes, advanced mathematical techniques, recent developments, etc. Typically given by visiting professors in their specialties, or in response to student interest. Repeatable unlimited times.
Seminar. Literature and concepts in one of several active fields considered in detail. Repeatable three times, credits earned up to 12 credits. Pre: consent.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent. CR/NC only.
(2 hr Lec, 1 hr Lab) In-depth introduction to the modern statistical methods necessary for analyzing biological/ ecological data, including GLMs, GAMs, mixed models, ordination, etc. Students will learn how to perform these methods in R. (Fall only
(3 hr Lec/Lab) Introduces project management, data analysis, and mathematical and statistical modeling using R as a platform. Students will learn principles and benefits of programming languages to apply skills to their own research. (Cross-listed as MBIO 612)
Introduction to modeling biological and physical oceanic processes by building a coupled model of the Pacific to investigate physical effects on biological production. Students will learn biological-physical dynamics, basic numerical methods, and programming. Pre: 620, 621, or consent. (Alt. years)
Combined lecture/discussion examining biological and physical interactions in the oceans and their impacts on the functioning of marine ecosystems. A-F only. Pre: previous course in marine science, or consent. (Alt. years)
Study of the paloeceanographic and paleoclimate evolution of the Earth’s oceans, atmosphere, and biosphere. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ERTH 674)
Thermodynamics of stratified fluids; convection; mixing; models of the thermohaline circulation; the role of eddies in the large-scale ocean circulation. Pre: 667 or consent.
Basic concepts and equations to describe large-scale ocean circulation; numerical models; boundary layers; models of wind-driven circulation of a homogeneous ocean. Pre: 620 and 662, or consent.
Lecture/seminar introduces physical oceanography and meteorology students to the state-of-the-art theories and observations of large-scale ocean-atmosphere interaction, as well as conveying the fundamental understanding that has been developed during the past 30 years. Emphasis will be on phenomena such as El Nino/Southern Oscillation, the North Atlantic Oscillation, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and global climate change. Repeatable one time. Pre: 620 or ATMO 600, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ATMO 666)
Observations and theory of small-scale processes which couple the atmosphere and ocean boundary layers, including introduction to turbulence theory and parameterization of turbulent fluxes. Pre: MATH 402 and MATH 403 (or their equivalents) and either 620 or ATMO 600, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ATMO 665)
Measurement techniques in physical oceanography, including pressure, temperature, salinity, oxygen, optical sensors, current meters, navigation systems, ocean acoustics, and mooring structures. Includes a laboratory research project. A-F only. OCN majors only. Pre: 620 or consent.
Techniques of satellite observations of the ocean, including temperature, pigment concentration, currents, and winds; analysis of a satellite data set as term project. A-F only. OCN majors only. Pre: 620 or consent.
Introduction to classical hydrodynamics and continuum mechanics. Techniques for solution of Navier Stokes equations on various scales of oceanic motion; potential theory, dynamic modeling, and viscous and rotational processes. Pre: MATH 403.
Baroclinic gravity waves, inertial waves, mid-latitude Rossby waves, topographic waves, equatorial waves. Pre: 660 or consent.
Survey of wave types-acoustic, capillary, gravity, inertial, vorticity. Basic wave concepts emphasized: phase and group velocities, standing waves, energy conservation, dispersion, refraction, diffraction. Rotation and boundary effects are covered: reflection, basin modes, trapping, tides. Pre: MATH 402 or consent.
(1 8-hr Lab) Modern methods for sampling microbial populations from the sea and for quantifying biomass and in siturates of metabolism. Integrated field projects, theme varies. OCN majors only. Pre: 621 or 623, and 626; or consent.
(3 Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) Introduction to numerical methods, data analysis, error propagation, box models, linear and nonlinear least squares, perturbation theory, numerical integration. Pre: MATH 244 or MATH 253A.
Geochemical thermodynamics and kinetics and their use in interpreting the origin of sediments, sedimentary rocks, and natural waters over a range of pressure-temperature conditions. Pre: CHEM 171, MATH 242, PHYS 152; or consent. (Cross-listed as ERTH 644)
Seminar on a broad topic; discussion and critique of research papers. Repeatable one time. Pre: 623 or consent.
Changes in the chemical composition of meteorites, bulk Earth, Earth’s mantle and crust, sedimentary rocks, hydrosphere and biosphere, and underlying principles. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as ERTH 642)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Environment of deposition and subsequent diagenesis of modern and ancient sediments. Petrogenesis of siliciclastic, carbonate and orthochemical rocks. Sedimentology, sedimentary petrography and geochemistry. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as ERTH 641) F
Application of the scientific method; physical regimes in the ocean; ocean processes and observational strategies; resolution, sampling, array design and observing systems; models and data assimilation; major field programs; operational oceanography and climate prediction. Pre: 620 and consent.
Global view of the planet and how it functions as an integrated unit. Biogeochemical processes, dynamics, and cycles, and analysis of natural and human-induced environmental change. Chemical history of ocean-atmosphere-sediment system and co-evolution of the biota. Repeatable one time. Pre: BS in environmentally related science or one year of chemistry, physics, and calculus. (Cross-listed as ERTH 638)
The synergy between the biogeochemistry of element cycling and the microbial organisms involved, interfacing across disciplines from the perspective of a practical blend of aquatic chemistry, microbiology, biogeochemistry, and molecular biology. Pre: 623 and consent. (Alt years: fall)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Current methods of analysis used in the ocean sciences, both in the field and in the laboratory. An ocean-going field trip provides students with hands-on training in sample collection and processing. The latter is followed by laboratory analyses of the collected samples throughout the remainder of the semester. Pre: BIOL 171 and CHEM 161 and ERTH 101; or consent.
Distribution, origin, processes of formation. Sulfides, oxides, and placer minerals. Comparative studies of continental ore bodies. Submarine rift, subduction, and abduction. Pre: one of 622, 623, ERTH 407, or ERTH 603.
(1.5 Lec, 1.5 Discussion) Biology and ecology of deep-sea organisms and communities. Topics including bentho-pelagic coupling, depth zonation, energetics, diversity, adaptations, hydrothermal vents, seamounts, abyssal plains, deep-sea resource extraction, and global climate change. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)
Molecular methods for studying marine functional ecology; emphasis on hand-on tools for ecological and biogeochemical processes of microbes; developing practical skills for research project in marine microbial ecology and biological oceanography. A-F only. Pre: 403, 626, 627, or 628; or consent. (Fall only)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Processes controlling the structure and function of benthic communities, including organism-sediment-flow interactions, sediment geochemistry, feeding strategies, recruitment, succession, and population interactions. OCN and MB majors only. Pre: consent.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Ecology of pelagic animals including feeding, energetics, predation, and anti-predation tactics. Life-history strategies, vertical flux of materials, population dynamics, fisheries. Pre: consent. (Spring only)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Distribution, abundance, and ecology of marine microplankton, including bacteria, algae, and protozoans, with an emphasis on metabolic rates and processes. Pre: consent. (Fall only)
Biochemical and biophysical concepts of photosynthesis. Application and interpretation of ecological processes of photosynthesis in aquatic systems. Open to nonmajors. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Spring only)
Chemical processes occurring in marine waters; why they occur and how they affect oceanic environment. Pre: CHEM 171.
Marine geological processes, ocean basin structure and tectonics, sedimentation. Pre: ERTH 101.
Factors governing productivity, population dynamics, distribution of organisms in major ecosystems of the ocean, emphasis on ecology of pelagic zone. OCN majors only. Pre: consent.
Introduction to properties of seawater, oceanographic instruments and methods, heat budget, general ocean circulation, regional oceanography, waves, tides, sea level. Formation of water masses, dynamics of circulation. Repeatable one time. Pre: MATH 242 (or concurrent), or consent.
(3 hr Lec, 3 hr Lab) Investigation of biological phenomena and processes related to productivity and food webs, community structure and ecology, adaptations, and physiology, and impacts of human activities and fisheries. Graduate standing in Marine Biology graduate degree program only. MB and OCN majors only. A-F only. Pre: 601. Minimum prerequisite grade of B. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as MBIO 602)
(3 hr Lec, 3 hr Lab) Introduction to the diversity of marine organisms and the many specialized coastal, reef, and oceanic habitats in which they live. Lab and field research exercises will complement lecture subjects. Graduate standing in Marine Biology graduate degree program only. MB ad OCN majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as MBIO 601)
Directed research in which the student carries out a scientific project of small to moderate scope with one or more chosen advisors. The student must complete a document in the style of a scientific journal article. Repeatable up to six credits. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as GES 499)
Lecture and discussion or seminar. Current topics in environmental science explored in detail. Typically offered by faculty in their specialties, or developed in response to student interest. GES majors only. Repeatable unlimited times, credits earned up to six credits. Pre: consent.
Lecture/discussion to provide instruction and experience in oral and written presentation of scientific results and material. GES majors only in their final semester. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as GES 490)
Introduction to modeling biogeochemical and physical oceanic processes by building a coupled model of the Pacific to investigate physical effects on plankton blooms. Students learn ecosystem dynamics, basic numerical methods, and programming. A-F only. GES majors only. Pre: 310, GES 310 or PHYS 272, and OCN/ERTH 312 (with a minimum grade of B-). (Spring only)
Combined lecture and discussion examining biological and physical interactions in the oceans and their impacts on the functioning of marine ecosystems. GES majors only. A-F only. Pre: 201/201L, 310/310L or GES 310/310L, and PHYS 272/272L; or consent. (Alt. years)
Combined lecture, discussion, and laboratory on global Earth system databases and satellite instrumentation, including computer laboratory. GES majors only. A-F only. Pre: MATH 242; and 310/310L; or consent. (Cross-listed as GES 463)
Watershed and coastal biogechemistry/ecosystem science. Emphasis on field surveying and sampling of stream and reef habitats; laboratory chemical/biological analyses. Analysis of land use impacts on ecosystem health and ahupua‘a resource management. A-F only. Pre: 201/201L, 310; or consent.
Lab on the diversity and function of the Earth’s microbiomes, inclusive of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, symbiotic and free living microorganisms with a focus on the microbial underpinnings of the Earth’s biogeochemistry. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: 102 or 201 or BOT 305 or BIOL 305, or BIOL 171 and BIOL 172. (Alt years: Fall) (Cross-listed as OCN 454L)
Lecture on the diversity and function of the Earth’s microbiomes, inclusive of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, symbiotic and free living microorganisms with a focus on the microbial underpinnings of the Earth’s biogeochemistry. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: 102 or 201 or BOT 305 or BIOL 305, or BIOL 171 and BIOL 172. (Alt years: Fall) (Cross-listed as GES 454)
Theory and practice of aquaculture: reproduction, yield trials, management, economics, and business case studies of fish, crustaceans, and molluscs. Field classes held at commercial farm and hatchery. Pre: ANSC 321 and ANSC 445: or BIOL 172/172L and CHEM 162/162L or higher. (Cross-listed as ANSC 450)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Quantitative geometrical analysis techniques of plate tectonics theory; instantaneous and finite rotation poles; triple-junction analysis; plate boundary stresses. Pre: ERTH 200 or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ERTH 444)
Introduction to the process of developing Environmental Management Systems that address the principles outlined in ISO14001:2015. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as SUST 442 and TIM 462)
Key principles of sustainability and its analysis. Quantification of environmental impact/assessment using target plots, mass/energy balances, and life cycle analyses (cradle to gate/grave) applied to products, processes, or systems. Use of SimaPro. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as CEE 441 and SUST 441)
The following topics will be addressed: How are cities impacted by, and impacting climate change? How do urbanization, alteration of atmospheric processes, and extreme weather events affect urban systems and populations? A-F only. Pre: 363 or consent. (Fall only)
(1.5 Lec, 1.5 Discussion) Biology and ecology of deepsea organisms and communities. Topics including bentho-pelagic coupling, depth zonation, energetics, diversity, adaptations, hydrothermal vents, seamounts, abyssal plains, deep-sea resource extraction and global climate change. A-F only. Pre: 201 and BIOL 265, or consent. (Alt. years)
Sediments, structure, geophysics, geochemistry, history of ocean basins and margins. Pre: ERTH 200 and ERTH 302, or consent. (Cross-listed as ERTH 423)
Builds upon 318 using more advanced microprocessors and environmental sensors, 3D printing, programming, etc. to construct, program, and deploy environmental monitoring systems to collect and stream in-situ time-series environmental measurements. OCN, ERTH, ATMO majors only. A-F only. Pre: 318, MATH 242, PHYS 272/272L, and CHEM 162/162L; or consent. (Fall only)
Marine functional genomics, biodiversity of marine natural habitats, marine microbial communities and their ecological functions, interactions of marine microbes and their host, climate change and marine biodiversity, marine biotechnology. A-F only. Pre: 201 or MICR 130, or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as MBBE 405)
Relationship of biogeochemical cycles in the atmosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere to global chemical cycles and planetary climatic conditions. GES degree foundation and capstone course. GES majors only. A-F only. Pre: 201, GES 310/310L, BIOL 172/172L, CHEM 162/162L, ERTH 101/101L, MATH 241, MATH 243 & 252A, MATH 373 (or ECON 321), ATMO 200, PHYS 170/170L, and PHYS 272/272L; or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as GES 401)
Directed reading in earth system science, oceanography, or environmental science. Repeatable up to 6 credits. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as GES 399)
Experiential approach to earth science; students serve as interns to field professionals; responsibilities include supervised field work. Undergraduate SOEST majors only. Open to GES majors. Repeatable one time. CR/ NC only. Pre: junior/senior standing and consent.
Introduction to the ecology of infectious diseases of animals, plants, and humans. Factors affecting disease transmission and virulence. Effects of human activities and environmental change on disease transmission. Emphasis on issues pertinent to Hawai‘i. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171 and BIOL 172; or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as PEPS 340)
Marine fisheries, aquaculture, and law of the sea. Principles of management of renewable resources. Political and scientific constraints and limitations. Sophomore standing or higher.
Hard mineral and petroleum origins, exploration, and exploitation. Renewable and non-renewable resources distribution. Political and scientific constraints. Pre: 201, ORE 202; or consent. (Cross-listed as ORE 330)
Introduction to the methods and techniques of environmental and energy policy in relation to energy systems. Analysis of enacted policies from case studies to understanding the effectiveness, challenges, contradictions, and limitations of each. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 100 or 200 level OCN course, or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as PPC 340 and SUST 323)
Pollution of freshwater and marine systems by human activities. Causes, consequences, and correctives. Pre: 201, CHEM 161, BIOL 171. (Cross-listed as GES 320)
Introduction to environmental monitoring systems for earth science students. Students will learn how to construct, program, and deploy simple environmental monitoring systems to collect in-situ environmental data. OCN, ERTH, ATMO majors only. A-F only. Pre: 201/201L or ERTH 101/101L, CHEM 161/161L, and MATH 241; or consent. (Fall only)
Introduction to philosophy of science for those with some background in the natural sciences. Special emphasis on issues arising from the construction and use of models. Pre: any course 200 or above in PHIL or any course 200 or above with either DB or DP designation, or consent. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as PHIL 315)
Advanced mathematical methods with emphasis on application to the earth and ocean sciences and engineering. Topics include linear algebra, vector calculus, ordinary differential equations, and numerical methods. Pre: MATH 242 or consent. (Cross-listed as ERTH 312)
(2-hr Lab) Laboratory to supplement OCN 310. Quantitative aspects of global environmental change will be addressed through problem-solving and computer modeling. GES majors only. A-F only. Pre: MATH 242, PHYS 170/170L, CHEM 161/161L, and OCN 310; or consent. (Fall only)
Delve into global environmental change issues such as geometric population growth, food production, plastic waste, and global warming that are of growing interest and importance to our society. Designed for non-GES majors. Pre: 201, ATMO 200, or similar environmental/natural sciences course. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as ATMO 310)
Experiments, computer exercises, and field trips demonstrating the geological, physical, chemical, and biological principles of earth and ocean sciences. A-F only. Pre: 201 (or concurrent).
Structure, formation, and features of ocean basins; seawater properties and distributions; currents; waves; tides; characteristics of marine organisms; marine ecological principles; man and the sea. Field trip required.
Reading and research in any area of Oceanography under the direction of a faculty member. Repeatable up to six credits. CR/NC only.
Inquiry-driven and experimental marine biology summer program based on the expertise of HIMB researchers whose specialties demonstrate how human impacts and global change affect coral reef ecosystems. Emphases on student team research projects. Repeatable one time. High school or UG freshman only. (Summer only)
Introduction to pre-calculus math and physics applied to Earth and environmental science. Students work on real-world problems and engage in participatory learning. Preparatory for classes in calculus and physics. Pre: MATH 134, 161, or MATH assessment exam (with score required for MATH 140). (Fall only) (Cross-listed as ATMO 150 and ERTH 150)
Scientific approach to evaluating human-caused environmental challenges and their potential solutions. Open to non-majors. (Spring only)
Environmentally sustainable and non-sustainable practices, and the impacts of climate change, on the development and spread of human societies from pre-history to the 1500s in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas, and Hawai‘i/Oceania. Active learning environment. (Cross-listed as SUST 115)
Introduction to the environment, climate change, and sustainability as they apply to ecosystems. Sustainability will be introduced through active learning exercises that address sustainable development and the three pillars of sustainability. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Cross-listed as GES 102 and SUST 112)
Seminar to introduce new GES majors to the research interests of GES faculty and the research facilities available within SOEST. Restricted to GES majors. CR/NC only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as GES 100)
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: candidacy for PhD in ocean and resources engineering.
Attendance at 15 approved seminars is required along with submission of notes.
Content will reflect special interests of visiting and permanent faculty. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Major design experience based on knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work and incorporating realistic constraints that include economic, environmental, ethical, social, and liability considerations. Emphasis is placed on teamwork and consultant-client relationship. (B) coastal engineering; (C) offshore engineering; (D) ocean resources engineering. ORE majors only. Pre: 411, 601, 603, and 607; or consent.
Formulation and application of numerical methods for simulating and solving ocean engineering problems. Mathematical and computational fundamentals; accuracy and stability; numerical interpolation, differentiation, and integration; boundary element, finite difference, and finite element methods. Pre: consent.
Higher-order theories. Forced oscillations. Stoke’s theory. Nonlinear shallow-water wave equations and hydraulic jumps; effects of rotation. Internal waves. Analytical techniques necessary will be developed as course progresses. Pre: 607 with a B- grade.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: candidacy for MS in ocean and resources engineering.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: graduate standing and consent.
Independent study for students working on a Plan B master’s project. A grade of Satisfactory (S) is assigned when the project is satisfactorily completed. Pre: master’s candidacy in ORE.
Activities in marine minerals development are examined in a multidisciplinary systems approach involving engineering, Earth and environmental sciences and economics. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) systems: applicability, thermodynamics, design challenges; wave energy converters: floating devices, oscillating water column, optimal hydrodynamic performance; current, tidal, and offshore wind power. Pre: 607; basic knowledge of thermodynamics desirable. (Cross-listed as SUST 677)
coastal areas and its effect on morphological processes. Effect of man-made structures on littoral drift and shoreline. Pre: 607 or consent.
Planning and design of seawalls, groins, jetties, breakwaters, and layout of ports. Design requirements for harbor entrances and channels. Littoral drift and sedimentation problems. Navigation and mooring requirements. Pre: 607 or consent.
Using sound to observe the ocean. Fundamentals of propagation. Topics include marine mammals, navigation and communication, seismics, ships, wind and rain, ocean dynamics, flow and biological imaging and measurement, seafloor mapping, and the forward/ inverse problem. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Fluid dynamics for coastal and estuarine environments. Turbulent mixing processes in homogeneous and stratified fluids. Buoyancy driven flows, internal hydraulics, topographic effects and estuarine circulation. Spill and pollutant dispersal. Pre: 603 or consent.
Structural and finite element analyses and design of ocean structures to withstand hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loading of the sea. Considerations include material type, safety factor, stress concentration, and fatigue. Pre: consent. Co-requisite: 411.
Response of floating platforms and vessels to wave action, spectral analysis in sea keeping. Frequency and time domain analyses of rigid body motions in six degrees of freedom. A-F only. Pre: 411 or consent. Co-requisite: 609 or consent.
Hydrodynamics of ships, coastal and offshore structures. Wave forces by potential theory and by Morison’s equation. Method of source distribution for potential flow problems. Flows with prescribed body motion, fixed and freely floating bodies. Pre: 607 or consent.
Probability and statistical analysis including distributions, multiple regression and correlation, autocovariance, cross-spectra, and practical applications in ocean engineering. Pre: 607 or consent.
Governing equations in free surface flow, deterministic and probabilistic wave theories, wave transformation, wave-induced coastal currents, tides, ocean engineering operational sea state, and design wave criteria. Pre: consent.
Physical, chemical, biological, and geological ocean environments for ocean engineers. Introduction to ocean dynamical processes and general circulation. Ocean measurement techniques, theory of underwater acoustics. Sonar, swath bathymetry, and tomography applications. Pre: consent.
Design, construction, and evaluation of an engineering system. Laboratory and field experience and data analysis supplemented with appropriate theory. Pre: 603 and 607, or consent.
Ship nomenclature and geometry, hydrostatic principles of surface ships and underwater vehicles in free-floating, partially waterborne, and damaged conditions. Subdivision of ships. Launching. Pre: CEE 270 or equivalent.
Hard mineral and petroleum origins, exploration and exploitation. Renewable and non-renewable resources distribution. Political and scientific constraints. A-F only. Pre: 202 or OCN 201, or consent. (Cross-listed as OCN 330)
Survey of human activities in the ocean, from the most traditional to the most innovative technical and engineering accomplishments.
Interdisciplinary approach to problems relating to humans and their interactions with the world’s oceans and coasts. Focus includes institutions for governing the world’s oceans and coasts at all scales and on the role of scientific knowledge in managing marine and coastal resources. Repeatable one time. Pre: OCN 331, GEO 435, or consent. (Cross-listed as SOCS 735)
Selected interdisciplinary ocean/earth-related topics involving science, technology, engineering, and/or policy. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Application of current learning theory and pedagogical practices in formal and informal learning environments to improve communication and instructional skills. Graduate students from multiple science disciplines welcome. Requires knowledge of biology, earth sciences, and/or chemistry. Repeatable one time, up to 3 credits. Pre: at least one course in introductory biology, geology, earth science, chemistry or marine science, an interest in ocean science, and enthusiasm for teaching science; or consent.
Specialized Earth Science topics workshops designed for in-service teachers who wish to learn new approaches and content areas in geology and geophysics, meteorology and oceanography. Repeatable up to 12 credits. Credits earned cannot be applied for graduate degrees.
Introduction to the principles of sustainability analysis through execution of Life Cycle Analysis applied to products, processes, or systems. LCA and the evaluation of environmental impact will be presented. Personal computer or laptop (Word 97 or higher) OS, and minimum of 4GB RAM. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: (CHEM 161 and PHYS 170) with a minimum grade of C-; or consent. (Fall only)
Introduction to issues of ethics in scientific research and scientific misconduct. ERTH, GES, or ATMO majors only. (Spring only)
Introductory experience in energy systems including current status of fossil fuel, renewable energy technologies, energy utilization and conservation; environmental and policy aspects. A-F only. (Fall only)
Lecture/discussion introduces students to the field of biology through the integration of microbiology and macrobiology into a single, comprehensive systems biology with a focus on Hawaiian biomes and ecosystem sustainability. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as SUST 103)
Science of natural hazards: impact on human civilization of events in the lithosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere (e.g., earthquakes, hurricanes, red tides, and floods), and impact of humans on their exposure to and mitigation of the hazards.
Required for entering SOEST majors to develop skills and applications for a successful college experience. Students will examine academic goals and implement strategies to achieve goals including time management and career exploration. SOEST majors only. CR/NC only.
Study overseas in an approved international exchange or similar program. Repeatable three times. GES, ERTH, and MET majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: consent of academic advisor.
Pre: consent.
Opportunities for advanced study of selected topics. (B) labor and delivery; (C) outpatient clinic at Queen’s; (D) Sub-internship in family planning; (E) high-risk OB; (F) endocrinology; (G) oncology; (H) topics with individual preceptor; (I) extramural electives; (J) urogynecology and pelvic reconstructive surgery. Repeatable twice for each alpha. CR/NC only. Pre: 531 or 532.
Year-long clerkship in outpatient setting, covering assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and/or management of common gynecologic problems and normal and complicated pregnancies. Emphasis on prevention and health maintenance. Repeatable two times. Pre: third-year standing, and concurrent registration in 532 courses. Co-requisite: FMCH, MED, PED, PSTY, and SURG 632.
7-week basic obstetric/gynecology clerkship. Repeatable one time. Pre: third year standing.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable nine times. NURS majors only. Pre: consent.
Designed to introduce students to grants, grant writing, and grant management. Combined lecture discussion, seminar, and exercises on grants, grant writing, and grant management for health sciences. Open to NURS students only, others with approval. Repeatable one time. NURS majors only. Pre: instructor consent.
Faculty guided research opportunity to gain mastery of research skills and techniques through participation in mentored research. Repeatable one time. NURS majors only. PhD students only. A-F only. Pre: 741 (with a minimum grade of B-), 742 (with a minimum grade of B-), 751 (with a minimum grade of B-) and a quantitative methods course.
Under the guidance of their DNP Project Team members, students will synthesize, integrate, and translate newly acquired knowledge and skills in the implementation and evaluation of their DNP Project. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only.
Supervised experience in executive nursing leadership to address important health issues for high-risk or under-served populations utilizing an interdisciplinary systems-based approach. NURS majors only. Pre: 664 and 774 (or concurrent), or consent.
Examination of quality of health care, the process of managing healthcare outcomes and costs in the delivery of care through the interdisciplinary process. NURS majors only.
Provides students with advanced study and critique from faculty leading to the development of a draft dissertation proposal. Peer exchange facilities individual scholarship, research topic mastery, and ability to conduct rigorous critique. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 739, 741, 751. (Spring only)
Theory and practice of financial management to achieve high quality and cost effectiveness in healthcare. Hybrid course which combines face-to-face with online learning. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 665, no waiver. (Alt. years)
Analysis of concepts, issues, and methods in conducting culturally competent research in the health field. Pre: graduate methods course or consent.
Synthesis and analysis of interventions and variables that influence the rate of adoption of innovations. Application of concepts to patient populations and systems of healthcare. A-F only. (Fall only)
Evaluates the historical foundations of healthcare systems and their relationship to current issues and trends in healthcare services. Analyzes the variations in healthcare delivery systems across nations and the impact on health outcomes. A-F only. (Fall only)
Advanced application of multivariate statistics to analyze complex problems of interest to nursing in culturally diverse populations. A-F only. Pre: 741 and 752 or equivalent courses, or consent. Once a year.
Advanced application of general linear model theory to analyze complex problems of interest to nursing in culturally diverse populations. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 741 (or equivalent) or consent. Once a year.
First course offering in-depth analysis of specific concepts and theoretical formulations of nursing and other disciplines pertinent to the student’s area of research interest. Addresses human responses to health in culturally diverse populations. NURS majors only. Pre: 739.
Integrate scientific findings from various fields of study to the leadership and management of healthcare systems to ensure the delivery of quality and safe care. A-F only. (Fall only)
Supervised experience in instructional planning and teaching. Repeatable up to 10 credits. NURS majors only. Pre: 747 (or concurrent) or consent
Current theories, issues, and trends of curriculum development in nursing. Application and critiques of related research. NURS majors only or consent.
Principles of and frameworks for program evaluation. Students develop logic models and evaluation plans for a community program and collect and analyze evaluation data. A-F only. (Spring only)
Analysis of forces that affect adult learners. Concept of lifelong learning vis-à-vis development of creative strategies that assist maturing, self-directed persons to develop their potentialities. NURS majors only. (Cross-listed as EDEA 745 and EDEP 745)
Women’s health and the role of women health professionals. Current literature and research regarding attitudes, roles, rights, and health care. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as SW 776)
Advanced in-depth exploration of the data collection, data analysis and methodological issues in the qualitative research traditions (ethnography, grounded theory, phenomenology and critical theory) used in nursing research. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 742 (or equivalent) or consent. (Once a year)
Introduction to qualitative research methods in the development of nursing disciplinary knowledge related to culturally diverse populations. NURS majors only.
Critical analysis of quantitative research methods used to analyze problems of interest to nursing in culturally diverse populations. Repeatable three times. NURS majors only. Pre: 620 or equivalent course and an advanced statistics course; or consent.
Provides opportunities to know and practice the process of theory development in nursing and to test concepts, relationships, and models about health behavior in culturally diverse populations. NURS majors only.
Evaluates conceptual models for use in evidence-based practice. Refines skills in searching and critiquing the literature for application to practice change. Synthesizes a body of literature to design interventions pertinent to a practice problem. A-F only. (Fall only)
Theory of testing and evaluation applied to nursing research in culturally diverse populations. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Small group sections will guide students as they produce their own clinical trial protocol. Topics like ethics and statistical power will be addressed briefly. Repeatable one time. Pre: any graduate level statistics course.
Introduces the major fields of philosophy for use in research. Frameworks for the evaluation and critique of philosophical approaches to research will be explored, debated, analyzed, and applied as relevant to the PhD student’s dissertation. NURS majors only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only.
Directed study of problems related to nursing theory and practice. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
A culminating experience in nursing education program designed for students to integrate, critique, extend, and apply knowledge gained in the program. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Spring only)
Advanced study of the functional, cultural, psychological, and socioeconomic phenomena that impact the physiology of normal and abnormal aging. Emphasis is on promoting successful aging among elder residents of the Pacific Basin and applications to primary health care. NURS majors only or consent. Pre: consent.
Application of concepts and principles of education, consultation, research, and management and evaluation of clients in supervised clinical practicum for adult health clinical nurse specialist students. Repeatable five times. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 612 (or concurrent), 612L (or concurrent), 613 (or concurrent), and 629 (or concurrent); or consent.
Nursing research methods for qualitative and quantitative studies, institutional review board procedures, and how to develop a research proposal. NURS majors only. A-F only.
Current trends of planning for evaluation and critical analysis and application of curriculum evaluation frameworks in nursing education. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 747 or consent
Historical development of occupational health; occupational diseases and accidents; control of hazards in occupational environment; study of selected occupations and specific problems. NURS majors only or consent. Pre: consent.
Teaching and learning concepts applied to health promotion and the prevention of common conditions of disease among populations with health disparities in Hawai‘i and other places; includes didactic and 45 hours of field experience. NURS majors only. A-F only. (Spring only)
Evaluates the impact of history on the culture of nursing and nursing education. Explore strategies to provide education in a culturally sensitive manner to culturally diverse students. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing, or consent.
Advanced level clinical experience. Application of concepts and principles of assessment, diagnosis, evaluation, and management of clients across the lifespan in primary care settings for advanced practice nursing students. Repeatable one time, up to five credits. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 678/678L.
Advanced level seminar. Students will discuss current evidence, concepts, and principles of assessment, diagnosis, evaluation, and management focusing on primary care of clients across the lifespan. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 678/678L. Co-requisite: 679L.
Intermediate level clinical experience. Application of concepts and principles of assessment, diagnosis, evaluation, and management of clients in a primary care setting for advanced practice nursing students focusing on vulnerable populations (pediatric, geriatric, women). Repeatable one time. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 677/677L.
Intermediate level seminar. Students will discuss current evidence, concepts, and principles of assessment, diagnosis, evaluation, and management of clients focusing on vulnerable populations (pediatric, geriatric, women). NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 677/677L. Co-requisite: 678L.
Intermediate level practicum. Application of concepts and principles of assessment, diagnosis, management, and evaluation of clients in supervised clinical practicum for advanced practice nursing focusing on adults with acute or chronic diagnoses in primary care. Repeatable one time, up to five credits. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 676/676L.
Intermediate level seminar where students discuss current evidence, concepts, and principles of assessment, diagnosis, evaluation, and management of adult clients. NURS majors only. Pre: 676/676L. Co-requisite: 677L.
Beginning level clinical experience. Application of concepts and principles of assessment, diagnosis, evaluation, and management of adult clients for advanced practice nursing students in primary care settings. NURS majors only. CR./NC only. Pre: 612/612L, 613, and 629.
Seminar to discuss the evidence, concepts, and principles of assessment, diagnosis, management. Utilization of clinical cases and current literature on health care assessment. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 612/612L, 613, and 629. Co-requisite: 676L.
Application of concepts and principles of assessment, diagnosis, management and evaluation of clients in supervised clinical practicum for advanced practice nursing. Repeatable unlimited times. NURS majors only or consent. A-F only. Pre: 612/612L, 613, and 629 (or concurrent)
Using knowledge of translational science, designs an implementation plan for a practice guideline. Determines evaluation methods and selects outcome variables that best measure success. Discusses institutionalization of, and identifies facilitators and barriers to, practice change. NURS majors only. Graduate standing only. A-F only. Pre: 669. (Spring only)
Student will conduct a complex service project for a public or community based agency. May be taken for 1-6 credits. (45 hours of practicum experience awarded for each one credit of the course) Repeatable one time. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 24 credits of MS in Advanced Population Health Nursing or consent.
Includes basic bio-statistical techniques and the application of statistical findings to practice programmatic decisions. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in the Department of Nursing or consent. (Once a year)
The role of the advanced professional nurse in public health preparedness, planning and response. Includes 45 hours of field work where the student will practice emergency response functional roles. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Summer only)
Introduces evidence-based practice methods for improving the quality of nursing practice. Develops skills in differentiating quantitative and qualitative research, statistical methods, and searching, critiquing, and synthesizing literature, pertinent to health care issues. A-F only. Pre: permission of course faculty. (Fall only)
Online course focuses on use of CBPR methods by Advanced Practice Nurses to address population level issues amendable to nursing interventions; 15 hours of didactic and 90 hours of field experience are included. NURS majors only. A-F only. (Once a year)
Economic and financial concepts and tools for use in developing and managing patient care processes. NURS majors only.
Supervised practicum to build mid to senior level nursing leadership competencies and facilitate change in complex healthcare organizations. NURS majors only. Pre: 663 (or concurrent) or consent.
Analysis of various clinical management concepts and health-care delivery systems influencing outcomes, process, and costs in the delivery of care. NURS majors only.
Study of theoretical and conceptual models of leadership and management as applied to relevant advanced nurses’ roles, their respective populations, and changing healthcare environments. NURS majors only or consent.
Analyze and critically evaluate basic issues, policies and trends in human resource management as it applies to health care agencies. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Advanced study, exploration of special topics in clinical nursing. (D) developmentally disabled children and their families; (I) current issues in professional nursing. NURS majors only or consent for (D).
Testing and evaluation applied to nursing education. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
A review of theoretical systems and approaches to complementary and traditional care in culturally diverse populations with a focus on wellness. Appropriate for all health-care professionals.
Family systems approach to include selected family theories, family research and family centered culturally sensitive clinical assessment and intervention in health and illness situations. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Supervised application of theories, research, and skills for advanced practice psychiatric-mental health nursing with individuals, families, and groups representing culturally diverse populations. Includes the program’s capstone experience. Repeatable five times. NURS majors only. Pre: 611. Co-requisite: 632.
Introduction to the field of health care technology and informatics for clinicians through the application of health care information systems. Open to students in other healthcare fields by permission. A-F only.
Exploration and analysis of key global health topics of concern for APNs. A-F only.
Management of chronic illness using selected health care systems in culturally diverse communities. Management includes practice, consultation, education, research, and evaluation. NURS majors only or consent. Pre: 612/612L, 613, and 629.
Exploration of a variety of philosophies of science and examination of factors influencing the development of nursing theory and the emergence of nursing as a discipline. NURS majors only.
Theory and research in advanced practice psychiatric-mental health nursing of children and adolescents representing culturally diverse populations. Emphasis on growth and development, assessment and diagnosis, and therapeutic modalities. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 620 (or concurrent).
(2 Sem, 12-hr Lab) Focuses upon assessment and intervention of at-risk and high-risk women during pregnancy, interconception, and the menopausal years. Emphasizes critical analysis of research in pregnancy, family planning, and common gynecological problems. Pre: 635 or consent. NURS majors only or consent.
Provides a foundation of concepts necessary to maintain and promote women’s health, including developmental, physiological and social needs of women of all ages and the management of common health problems and concerns specific to women. NURS majors only or consent. Pre: 612/612L, 613, and 629.
Focuses on the evaluation of pediatric clients with higher acuity and more complex management issues. Emphasizes critical analysis of evidence based research in pediatric health care. NURS majors only or consent. Pre: Admission into the PNP and FNP program; 612/612L, and 633.
Presents normal developmental, physiological and social needs of children within the context of family; then focuses on the management of common acute and chronic illnesses of children. NURS majors only or consent. Pre: 612/612L, 613, and 629.
Therapeutic modalities used in advanced practice psychiatric-mental health nursing with individuals, families, and groups representing culturally diverse populations. NURS majors only. Pre: 611.
Introduction to the use of information systems in healthcare. Selected information systems and data sets are explored with application of results to various patient populations and clinical practice settings.
Prepares APNs to evaluate, monitor, and prescribe pharmaceuticals to treat acute and chronic illness across lifespan. Emphasis on drug indications, mechanisms of action, clinical efficacy, adverse effects, interactions, monitoring, education, and cost effectiveness. Enrollment as a classified student in a SONDH graduate degree program. Repeatable unlimited times. NURS majors only or consent. Pre: 613 (or concurrent) or consent.
Provides a theoretical basis required for specialized clinical competence in adapting recent
findings on child/parent assessments, social and health risk indicators, the role of environment, and multidisciplinary settings in the care of pediatrics. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 612/612L, 633 and 634; or consent. (Once a year)
(2 Sem, 8-hr Lab) Opportunity to develop specialized clinical competence in assessment of children as a basis for the development of clinical specialization. Development of the individual’s potential toward health maintenance functioning. NURS majors only or consent.
Introduction to the core competencies, key theoretical models and concepts that guide advanced population health nursing. The student will initiate their professional portfolio, which must be completed during the last semester of the MS program. NURS majors only. A-F only.
Provides students with an understanding of different roles of the advanced professional nurse; an ability to proactively manage the environment of their specialty practice; includes 45 hours of field work experience. A-F only.
Seminar on theory/ research in advanced psychiatric-mental health nursing of adolescents and families representing diverse populations. Emphasis on developmental and nursing theories, evidence-based practice, therapeutic modalities and disease management of psychiatric illness. Pre: 611 (or concurrent) or consent. (Once a year)
Survey of biopsychological bases of and biotherapies for major mental disorders, including the schizophrenias, affective and personality disorders, pediatric and geriatric problems, and neurological dysfunctions with appropriate applications to health care. NURS majors only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Exploration of major issues and roles in advanced practice psychiatric-mental health nursing. NURS majors only or consent.
Diagnosis and management of health and illness with emphasis on clients with common acute/episodic conditions seen in context of family and community. Advanced practice nurse-client relationship, practice roles, and culturally relevant care are included. NURS majors only or consent. A-F only. Pre: 613 and 629.
Examination of theory, research, and evidence-based inquiry to support evidence-based practice among MS prepared nurses. Pre: enrollment as a classified student in the graduate degree program in SONDH.
Selected emerging diseases are examined within historical context, known science (past and present) and societal factors that influence prevention, detection, treatment and containment strategies. Considerations for advanced public health nursing practice are identified and examined. NURS majors only. A-F only. (Spring only)
Second of two courses that focuses on the delivery of advanced practice nursing in the assessment, diagnosis and management of common acute and chronic adult health problems in the acute care setting. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 612, 612L, and 613; no waiver. (Once a year)
The first of two courses that focuses on the delivery of advanced practice nursing in the assessment, diagnosis, and management of common acute and chronic adult health problems in the acute care setting. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 612, 612L, and 613; no waiver. (Once a year)
Augment APRN students’ understanding, evaluation, treatment plan development, and competence to care for patients with mental health and psychiatric disorders treatment plans across the lifespan in the primary care settings. NURS majors only or consent. Pre: consent.
Clinical laboratory that focuses on clinical skills and procedures performed by advanced practice nurses (nurse practitioners and/or clinical nurse specialists). Topics will vary by section and semester. NURS and NURD majors only. CR/NC only.
Provides an understanding of normal physiological mechanisms and pathological processes to serve as a foundation for clinical assessment, decision making, and clinical management across the lifespan. NURS majors only or consent. Pre: enrollment as a classified student in a graduate program in the SONDH.
Clinical lab and practicum for advanced practice nursing. Emphasis on integration of knowledge, skills and outcome evaluation. NURS majors only or consent. A-F only.
Provides a framework for the development of advanced skills for systematic and comprehensive data collection, organization, precise recording, accurate assessment and communication of data reflecting the biopsychophysical status of individuals across the life span. NURS majors only or consent. A-F only.
Identification and synthesis of pertinent biopsychosocial and cultural data to complete advanced psychiatric-mental health assessments and diagnoses. NURS majors only.
Review of contemporary national health policies, issues and concerns; and international comparison of health policy evolution; includes didactic and 45 hours of fieldwork experience learning.
Addresses the scientific, psycho-social, ethical, cultural, and spiritual issues surrounding genetic disease, genetic testing, and living with an inherited condition. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Teaching and learning concepts applied to health promotion and prevention of common health and illness conditions with culturally diverse individuals, families, groups, and communities. Includes didactic (30 hrs) and fieldwork (45 hrs). Repeatable one time. Pre: classified graduate student status in the SONDH.
Introduction to epidemiologic principles and methods, with an emphasis on its application to nursing practice. NURS majors only. A-F only. (Once a year)
Application of health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention and detection and nursing care treatments in the community setting. NURS majors only or consent. Admission to GEPN only. CR/NC only. (Spring only)
Introduces community and public health nursing with an emphasis on application to
nursing practice in the community and public health settings. NURS majors only or consent. Admission to GEPN only. A-F only. (Spring only)
Deliver comprehensive nursing care to clients with complex needs in community and/or acute care settings. Leadership, management, and quality improvement competencies are stressed. NURS majors only or consent. Admission to GEPN only. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 517.
Examination of continuity of care for clients with complex needs. Emphasis on application of leadership, management, and quality improvement in the clinical setting. NURS majors only or consent. Admission to GEPN only. A-F only. Co-requisite: 517L.
Application of the bio/psycho/social human health response to a wide range of conditions. Application of health promotion, risk reduction and disease detection and nursing care treatments in the acute care setting. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 513. (Once a year)
Addresses the bio/psycho/social human health response to a wide range of conditions. Health promotion, risk reduction and disease detection and nursing care treatment in the acute setting will be covered. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. A-F only. Co-requisite: 513L. (Once a year)
Accompanies and supports Pediatric Nursing to provide educational experiences in the hospital and outpatient or community settings. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 509. (Once a year)
Examines the bio/psycho/social response of the child and family to health and illness, as well as nursing care for acute and chronic conditions. Lab course taken concurrently. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. A-F only. Co-requisite: 509L. (Once a year)
Application of the nursing care of the mother and family. The student will apply clinical and theoretical concepts of holistic nursing care for women experiencing customary and complicated perinatal processes. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 508. (Once a year)
Introduction to the theoretical concepts of holistic nursing care of the perinatal family. Women’s and men’s health issues are discussed. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. A-F only. Co-requisite: 508L. (Once a year)
Application of current knowledge regarding human behavior related to function, alteration, and/or disruption of mental processes; applies current knowledge related to nursing care, psychiatric treatment/psychosocial rehabilitation of identified mentally ill adults/children and their families. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 507. (Once a year)
Biopsychosocial theories of human behavior related to function, alteration, and/or disruption of mental processes; reviews current knowledge related to nursing care, psychiatric treatment/psychosocial rehabilitation of identified mentally ill adults/children and their families. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. A-F only. Co-requisite: 507L. (Once a year)
Application of the nursing process and scientific based nursing interventions to meet basic human needs using basic psycho-motor skills to support assessment, intervention, and evaluation activities. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 505. (Once a year)
Nursing process and scientific based nursing interventions to meet basic human needs using basic psycho-motor skills to support assessment, intervention, and evaluation activities. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. A-F only. Co-requisite: 505L. (Once a year)
Application of assessment skills in dry lab and clinical settings, with attention to principles of communication, interviewing and physical examination skills. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 505L. (Once a year)
Concepts/theories of health assessment, data collection, and analysis to distinguish between health/wellness, risk factors or health deviations across the lifespan. Attention to principles of communication and interviewing. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. A-F only. Co-requisite: 501, 502, 503, 504L, 505, 505L. (Once a year)
Essential principles of pharmacology using a pathophysiologic approach with emphasis on administering medications and evaluating their effects. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. A-F only. Co-requisite: 501, 502, 504, 504L, 505, 505L. (Once a year)
Web-enhanced on pathophysiologic concepts as a basis of illness and injury and the corresponding spectrum of human response, which serves as a foundation for the formulation of clinical decisions and care planning. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. A-F only. (Once a year)
Introduction to history of nursing and leaders in the field. Will explore contemporary nursing issues and research. Strategies to foster adherence to a professional code of ethics in practice will be examined. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. A-F only. (Once a year)
Planned individualized study or research in specialized area related to interprofessional collaborative practice. Repeatable one time. Senior undergraduate NURS students only. Pre: consent.
Involves directed, mentored research study for SONDH Honors students with their honors advisor. The course grade depends on meeting objectives negotiated each course semester. Repeatable three times. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: acceptance into the Honors Program.
Application of the nursing process involving human responses to psychiatric and mental illness in relation to physiologic, psychological, social, cultural, and environmental concepts. Emphasis on self-awareness, therapeutic communication, and holistic, individualized health-related outcomes. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 360, 360L, and 363. Co-requisite: 465, 450, and 450L.
Examination of human responses to psychiatric and mental illness in relation to physiologic, psychological, social, cultural, and environmental concepts. Emphasis on self-awareness, therapeutic communication, and holistic, individualized health-related outcomes. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 360, 360L, and 363. Co-requisite: 465L, 450, and 450L.
Field work focuses on community health nursing with an emphasis for the Executive RN on strategies applied to improve health and decrease health inequities at the local as well as national and international levels. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 301 and 306. Co-requisite: 363 and 462. (Fall only)
Theory focuses on community health nursing with an emphasis for the Executive RN on strategies applied to improve health and decrease health inequities at the local as well as national and international levels. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 301 and 306. Co-requisite: 363 and 462L.
Provides an advanced understanding of pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying human illness across the lifespan. Provides a foundation for formulating clinical decisions and therapeutic plans of care to promote disease prevention and health promotion. NURS majors only. A-F only.
Clinical course emphasizes application of knowledge and skills for nursing practice, including case management and quality management experiences. Focuses on complex clinical judgments, interdisciplinary team functioning, and leadership. Emphasis on writing instruction. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 450 and 450L. Co-requisite: 460.
Theory course emphasizes the judgments, knowledge, and skills necessary for nursing practice, including case management and quality management experiences. The experience focuses on complex clinical judgments, interdisciplinary team functioning, and leadership. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 450 and 450L, or consent. Co-requisite: 460L.
Fundamentals of genetics and genomics, including principles of inheritance in humans, cellular function, mutations, epigenetics, and implications for health and disease. Includes overview of topics involving genetics/genomics in clinical settings and health care delivery. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 212, 220, 220L, and 363.
Focuses on cultural aspects that influence health management in indigenous populations of Hawai‘i, the Pacific, and Asia, with an emphasis on development of culturally sensitive strategies to promote and improve health management. Repeatable one time. NURS majors only. Undergraduate majors only. A-F only.
Clinical course focuses on community, public, and global health nursing with an emphasis on strategies applied to improve health and decrease health inequities at the local as well as national and international levels. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 360, 360L, and 363. Co-requisite: 450, 465, and 465L.
Theory course focuses on community, public, and global health nursing with an emphasis on strategies applied to improve health and decrease health inequities at the local as well as national and international levels. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 360, 360L, and 363. Co-requisite: 450L, 465, and 465L.
Provides a broad overview of the Veteran-Military population and their unique culture, educational, and health care needs. Open to non-nursing majors. A-F only.
Survey of complementary and alternative therapies used for health promotion of individuals and groups. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: open to non-nursing majors with consent.
Summer practicum experience for students to learn the role of the professional nurse by building on previously learned knowledge and skills in the nursing program. Repeatable two times. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 360 and 360L, or consent. (Summer only)
A two-semester course with seminar in professional role development in addition to paid work experience in nursing at a local agency. Upper division NURS majors only. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: 360, 360L, and faculty approval.
Overview of the NCLEX-RN licensure examination and regular, systematic practice in taking multiple choice examinations. Pre: open to non-nursing majors with consent.
Focuses on professional leadership development, mentorship, and professional skills for nurses. Students learn to be representatives between the Department of Nursing and alumni, prospective students, and the general public. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: one semester as a Nursing Student Ambassador.
Limited to juniors and seniors in nursing.
Introduction to the research process and an understanding of the applicability of the scientific approach to nursing. Analysis and resolution of contemporary medical ethics issues in research and general nursing practice are primary focuses. Repeatable one time. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: college-level statistics course.
Continuation of 211. Focus is on current issues in nursing and health care and nursing roles. Principles of organizational structure, leadership, decision-making, priority setting, and change will be discussed. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 320 and 320L, or departmental approval. Co-requisite: 360 and 360L.
Provides an overview of the concepts and application of health education and health promotion theories and principles as applies to individuals, groups, and the larger public. Pre: open to non-nursing majors with consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as DH 361)
Clinical course focuses on complex situations requiring application of strong recognition skills and rapid decision making. Evidence base supporting assessment and nursing intervention is explored. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 320 and 320L. Co-requisite: 360.
Focuses on complex situations requiring strong recognition skills, and rapid decision making. The evidence base supporting assessment and nursing intervention is explored. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 320 and 320L or departmental approval. Co-requisite: 360L.
Relates values, beliefs, attitudes, family organization, lifestyles, and health practices in different ethnic groups to health-care and nursing practice. Pre: open to non-nursing majors with consent.
Explores attitudes toward the aged, biological and psychological aspects, ethnicity, sexuality, nutritional problems, community resources, other related topics. Pre: open to non-nursing majors with consent.
Explore contemporary ethical issues and their legal implications in health care. Focus on decision-making in professional practice and social policy formation. Pre: open to non-nursing majors with consent.
Nursing care and health promotion for maternal-newborn and pediatric clients and families in acute care and community settings. Utilization of family theories and assessment tools when providing culturally sensitive, client-centered care. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 220 and 220L. Co-requisite: 320.
Nursing care and health promotion for maternal-newborn and pediatric clients and families in the acute care and community settings. Utilization of family theories and assessment tools for providing culturally sensitive, client-centered care. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 220 and 220L. Co-requisite: 320L.
Focuses on the basic concepts and applications of statistics as applied to nursing research. NURS majors only. A-F only. (Summer only)
Provides an introduction to the HSNC Competencies and spiraling of concepts and is based on the assumption of student responsibility for learning. Emphasis on writing instruction, and research evidence to support nursing care. NURS majors only. A-F only.
Clinical course focuses on using nursing assessment to support identification of risk factors and detection/prevention of complications from illness. Nursing skills are integrated into clinical experiences. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 210, 210L, 211, and 212. Co-requisite: 213 and 220.
Focuses on nursing assessment to support identification of risk factors and detection/prevention of complications from illness. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 210, 210L, 211, and 212, or departmental approval. Co-requisite: 213 and 220L.
This course will help students to gain knowledge of the mechanism of action, toxicity, adverse reactions, side effects, therapeutic uses, and nursing implications of the major categories of drugs. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 210, 210L, and 212. Co-requisites: 220 and 220L. (Spring only)
Focus on pathophysiological concepts that are basic to understanding illness and injury and the corresponding spectrum of human responses, which serve as a foundation for the formulation of clinical decisions and care planning. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: admission to the School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene, or consent. Co-requisite: 210, 210L, and 211.
Professional responsibilities of nursing practice are examined through the history of nursing, practice and education, legal and ethical issues, contemporary issues, and nursing roles. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: admission to the School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene, or consent. Co-requisite: 210, 210L, and 212.
Clinical course focuses on a health promotion model of care, assessment, and communication skills. Introduces nurse’s roles, code of ethics, and evidence-based practice. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Co-requisites: 210, 211, and 212.
Focuses on a health promotion model of care, assessment, and communication skills. It introduces the nurse’s roles, code of ethics, and evidence-based practice. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: admission to the School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene, or consent. Co-requisite: 210L, 211, and 212.
This second level course builds on the knowledge and skills gained in the first level and focuses on professional responsibilities in nursing practice and education. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 200. (Spring only)
This first level course focuses on nursing practice and education. Professional responsibilities in the practice of nursing are emphasized. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: admittance into HS-DEN program. (Fall only)
Effective teaching methods; organization of courses, lectures, laboratory exercises; development and evaluation of examinations; computers and audiovisual aids. Open to graduate students in various science disciplines. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as ZOOL 619)
Major concepts of physics taught by means of hands-on conceptual activities for elementary and secondary teachers. Restricted to in-service teachers, or consent. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as PHYS 505)
An in-depth study of topics from intermediate and high school mathematics. Restricted to in-service teachers or consent. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Combined lecture, laboratory and discussion on the use of computers as a teaching tool in the classroom. To be taught in a hands-on manner appropriate for the science teachers. Restricted to in-service teachers or consent. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Seminar and discussions of current and significant topics and problems in science where teachers can exchange new and innovative teaching ideas and strategies. Repeatable. Pre: in-service teachers or consent.
Journey through the Natural Sciences finding fun, excitement, and success in science, mathematics, engineering, medicine, and all that is the natural sciences. Focus upon challenging worldviews of belief, invention, impact, and ethics. CR/NC only.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Presentation and discussion of student research proposals, theses and dissertations, and research presentations by NREM faculty, students, and invited speakers. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.. Pre: graduate standing.
Capstone experience in NREM. NREM majors only. Pre: 695 and 601, or consent.
Preparation for NREM Master’s Plan B capstone experience. NREM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 600 and 601 (or concurrent) (with a minimum grade of B-), and one graduate methods course (or concurrent).
Study and discussion of significant topics and problems at an advanced level. Offered by visiting or existing faculty as a special course. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Theories and concepts of ecology, evolution and genetics for conservation of biological diversity. Topics will include restoration ecology, management planning, laws and policies, biological invasions. Pre: BIOL 375 and either ZOOL 480 or BOT 462; and either ZOOL 410, 439, 620, 623, BOT 453, 454, 456, or 492. (Cross-listed as BOT 690 and ZOOL 690)
Focuses on the history, theories, and contemporary views of landscapes; including scale, land cover, land use, landscape metrics, disturbance regimes, land management, landscape change, the relationship of landscapes to species, and modeling. Pre: graduate students, or consent. (Alt. years)
Graduate seminar on foundations of restoration ecology, application of ecological theory to restoration practice. Emphasis on restoration of structure and function in degraded terrestrial ecosystems using case studies from Hawai‘i and around the world. Pre: advanced undergraduate ecology course and graduate standing, or consent. Completion of 680 recommended, but not required. (Alt. years)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles of ecosystem ecology with emphasis on tropical forests, human impacts, and global environmental change. Factors controlling ecosystem structure, productivity, nutrient cycling, plant-soil-atmosphere interactions, and energy balance. Field and laboratory methods in ecosystem science. Pre: advanced undergraduate coursework in ecology and soil science; graduate standing; and consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Fundamentals, techniques, and applications of remote sensing for natural resource assessments and environmental monitoring. Lab consisting of field radiometric exercises, computer modeling of energymatter interaction, processing, and analysis of remotely sensed imagery. Pre: one physics course (e.g. PHYS 151), one calculus course (e.g. 203), and one statistics course (e.g. 310), or consent. Recommended: either GEO 470 or ERTH 460 or one introductory remote sensing course. (Alt. years)
Analysis of trends and strategies in international agricultural research and development. International agricultural research centers (IARC), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), university networks and consortia, and private voluntary organizations (PVOs). Pre: graduate standing or advanced undergraduate standing, and consent.
Interdisciplinary methodologies for conducting research and impact analyses on agrarian systems, sustainable development, and resource management. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as TPSS 670) (Alt. years: fall)
Study of coastal systems, estuaries, and coral reefs. Emphasis on interdisciplinary science and integration of coastal ecology, geoscience, and social science. Coastal and marine wildlife-human interactions, environmental pertubations, and management strategies will be discussed. Pre: advanced undergraduate course work in marine biology, oceanography, geoscience, and sustainability recommended. (Spring only)
Introduction to process-based modeling of watershed with emphasis on model applications. Deals with the characterization and simulation of small watershed hydrolic and pollutant transport processes. Pre: CEE 424 (or concurrent) or ERTH/SUST 425 (or concurrent) or BS degree from NREM, or consent. (Spring only)
Theory and application of basic hydrologic processes and management occurring on small islands watersheds. Pre: 203 (or equivalent) and PHYS 151 (or equivalent) and 477 or GEO 388 (or equivalent); or consent. (Once a year)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Hydrologic properties in soils and the processes involved in water infiltration drainage and solute transport. Emphasis on key parameters required for modeling. Recommended: CEE 424 or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as BE 664 and CEE 625)
Advanced environmental benefit-cost analysis will require that proficiency be demonstrated on fundamentals and address topics related to sustainability, including income equality, non-market goods, risk, cost of public funds, and the social discount rate. (Cross-listed as SUST 658)
Examines the use of libraries and information technology for scholarly investigation in support of scientific research; provides experience utilizing and critically evaluating a variety of print and electronic sources in basic and applied sciences. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as ANSC 652, FSHN 652, and TPSS 652)
Through discussion of primary land systems science literature and use of environmental modeling software, this interdisciplinary course explores how drivers, states, and trends in human appropriation of land affect socioecological system function. Pre: 477 or 677 or GEO 470 or GEO 476 or ERTH 460 or ERTH 461. (Alt. years: Fall) (Cross-listed as SUST 640)
Analysis of problems of development and management of natural resources with emphasis on resources in agriculture and role in economic development. Pre: ECON 608 and ECON 629. (Cross-listed as ECON 637 and SUST 637)
Critical evaluation of existing and alternative cropping systems from a long-term perspective. Value conflicts and resolution. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: graduate standing or advanced undergraduate standing, and consent.
Economic applications to the agricultural and nonagricultural industries are emphasized. Econometric techniques are used to estimate demand, supply, production and cost functions which are analyzed in terms of economic theory and market information. A-F only. Pre: AREC 626 and ECON 627, or consent.
Engagement with theory and practice of collaboration to care for natural resources. Topics include community based management, common property, Hawaiian knowledge, co-management, and access through readings, discussion, and projects with Hawai‘i communities. (Spring only)
Historic, present, and projected trends in understanding and managing human-dominated ecosystems; predicting, measuring and mitigating degradation especially in terrestrial ecosystems with a focus on small volcanic islands in tropical settings. A-F only. Pre: 301/SUST 311 and 304 (or equivalent) and 600. Recommended 461, or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as SUST 612)
Exploration of institutional and policy dimensions of natural resource development, management, allocation, markets and pricing, focusing on their environmental impacts. Emphasis on policy analysis using case studies and empirical findings. Original paper required. A-F only. Pre: grade of Cor above in ECON 130 or NREM/SUST 220, or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as SUST 611)
Introduces advanced techniques for wildlife management and conservation. In addition to hands-on training, students will learn underlying biological and ecological principles, as well as quantitative skills, with an emphasis on sustainable management. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as SUST 613)
Case study approach to building the structural and behavioral framework for complex, dynamic systems underlying sustainable NREM and policy, emphasizing the transdisciplinary interactions of the ecological and economic components. Pre: 600 (with a minimum grade of B-), and ECON 130 or NREM/SUST 220, and BIOL 171, or consent. (Spring only)
Critical evaluation of environmental and social components of NREM and policy. Students develop research skills and integrative knowledge important for all resource managers in, e.g., ecology, applied economics, hydrology, policy/management, soils, and human dimensions. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Repeatable up to four credits. Pre: senior standing and consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Senior-level capstone for NREM. Ecosystem management within problem-solving context. Applications of research and analytical methods, management tools to case studies. Focus on student teamwork and oral communications. NREM majors only. A-F only. Pre: Senior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 494)
Internship work experience for NREM majors. Completion of writing assignments with a minimum of 4,000 words. A-F only. Pre: 192 or consent.
Study and discussion of significant topics and problems. Offered by visiting faculty and/or for extension programs. Repeatable five times up to four credits. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Application of ecological theory to sustainable management of forest resources in Hawaii and beyond, including silviculture (production of timber and nontimber forest products), restoration (restoring damaged or degraded forests), and conservation (conserving existing forest resources). A-F only. Pre: 301/SUST 311 and 380 or consent. (Alt. years)
Combined lecture-lab on the basic concepts and principles of geographic information systems, remote sensing, and global positioning system. Practical skills to be developed by solving real natural resources and environmental problems. Pre: either 203 (or concurrent) or 310 (or concurrent) and 301 (or concurrent); or consent. (Once a year)
Designed for students to identify essential nutrients required by plants; diagnose nutrient disorders in plants; and propose environmentally sound solutions to correct disorders. Pre: 304/TPSS 304 (or concurrent) and BIOL 172. (Cross-listed as TPSS 475)
Combined lecture and hands-on field course on theory and practice of natural resource conservation planning. Includes individual and group projects. Pre: undergraduate junior or senior or graduate standing. Recommended: at least one upper division course in soils, natural resources, planning, physical geography, or related area; or consent. (Alt. years)
Basic soil-water-plant relationships, irrigation water requirements, irrigation efficiencies, different methods of irrigation, planning, design and management of an irrigation system, fertigation and impact of irrigation on soil and water quality. Pre: 203 (or equivalent) and NREM/TPSS 304 (or equivalent), or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as TPSS 463)
Past and present issues in soil and water conservation will be examined. Principles of erosion, conservation tillage, irrigation, and drainage will be discussed. Land-based threats to coastal zones and watershed management will also be covered. Pre: 301/SUST 311 or 304.
Lecture-based overview of the history, ecology, and management of wildlife species from around the world and Hawai‘i. Pre: BIOL 172 or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as SUST 451)
Introduction to quantitative decision-making methods for effective agribusiness management in resource allocation, scheduling, logistics, risk analysis, inventory, and forecasting. Emphasis on problem identification, model formulation and solution, and interpretation and presentation of results. Pre: NREM/SUST 220 or ECON 130, and 310 or ECON 321; or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ECON 429)
Theory and tools for working with groups and communities in the management of natural resources is presented using a participatory format. Topics include sustainable development, extension programming, participatory learning and communication, evaluation, and conflict management. Pre: two social science courses or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as SUST 420)
Introduces fundamental techniques for wildlife management and conservation. In addition to hands-on training, students will learn underlying biological and ecological principles, as well as quantitative skills, with an emphasis on sustainable management. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as SUST 411)
Limited to exceptional undergraduate students qualified to carry on advanced study. Pre: consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Biophysical and socioeconomic description and analysis of major tropical forestry and agroforestry management systems, including Hawai‘i and the Pacific Basin. The role of traditional land use, pressures from regional and global development, and efforts to create sustainable, diverse systems for rural communities will be discussed. Pre: CHEM 151 or higher and BIOL 171 or higher. (Alt. years: spring)
Fundamentals of benefit-cost analysis with extensions to environmental impacts and projects; case studies. Pre: 220/SUST 220 or ECON 130 or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 358)
Introduction of practical concepts and methods used in business management. Introduce broad range of business strategies. Understand the critical role each strategy plays. Facilitate student’s practice of analytical and critical thinking through case studies. (Cross-listed as TPSS 351)
Principles and methods of agricultural accounting. Preparing and interpreting financial statements. Sources and costs of credit, capital budgeting, tax management, estate planning. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 220/SUST 220 or ECON 130 or consent. (Cross-listed as TPSS 341)
An undergraduate seminar that provides the presentation and discussion of topics of current relevance to students preparing for careers in applied plant sciences. Oral focus designation. A-F only. Pre: 210 or TPSS 200/SUST 211, or consent. (Cross-listed as TPSS 311)
Theory, applications, and presentation of statistical reasoning. Descriptive, probability, and inferential reasoning for one-variable analysis with extensions to multiple variable cases. A-F only.
Application of traditional moral theories to environmental issues. Development and evaluation of specific environmental ethical theories. Application of ethical theories to environmental decision-making. A-F only. Pre: 210 or GEO 101 or PHIL 101 or PHIL 103. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as SUST 316)
Field and analytical methods for exploring the origin, development, properties, and management of soils, with an emphasis on tropical and Hawaiian soils. A-F only. Pre: CHEM 161 and CHEM 161L. Co-requisite: 304. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as TPSS 304L)
Origin, development, properties, management of tropical soils; classification of Hawaiian soils. A-F only. Minimum prerequisite grade of C or consent. Pre: CHEM 161 and 161L, or consent. Co-requisite: 304L. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as TPSS 304)
Introduction to natural resource and environmental public policy at U.S. federal, Hawai‘i
state, local, and international levels. Policy principles, legal structure, governmental agencies, statutes and programs, analytical techniques, program assessments, and contemporary ethical issues. A-F only. Pre: NREM/ PEPS/SUST 210 or NREM/SOCS/TPSS 251 or (BIOL 101 or higher) or GEO 101 or (ERTH 101 or higher);
and 220/SUST 220 or one ECON course or two DS courses. (Cross-listed as SUST 312)
(1 4-hr Lab) Laboratory and field methods covering biological and physical principles and concepts in natural resource management. Emphasis on basic field measurement techniques, computer skills commonly used in managing natural resources and writing scientific lab reports. A-F only. Co-requisite: 301. (Spring only)
Biological and physical science aspects of natural resource management at local, national, and global scales. Topics covered include resource management of soil, water, forests, wetlands, coasts and wildlife. A-F only. Pre: NREM/TPSS 251 or 210; CHEM 151 or higher; and BIOL 172; or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as SUST 311)
Exploration of internship and career opportunities for NREM majors. Development of career-building skills, including resume, interview, and professional networking. NREM majors only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Introduction to the scientific principles of sustainability, including the ecology of managed and natural ecosystems, global change biology, ecological principles of natural resource management, renewable energy technologies, and the environmental impacts of humans. (Cross-listed as SUST 251 and TPSS 251)
Introduction to basic economics concepts, including demand, supply, exchange, market price and market failure. Economic evaluation and policy for the uses of various natural resource endowments, especially in production agriculture, is included. A-F only. (Cross-listed as SUST 220)
Analysis of our environment with emphasis on understanding relationships and interactions of physical, biological, technological, and political components using scientific methods of inquiry. Food supply and safety, water quality, pollution control, biodiversity, environmental policy. Open to nonmajors. (Cross-listed as PEPS 210 and SUST 210)
(2 Lec, 1 1-hr Lab) Applications of calculus (limits, continuity, derivatives, exponential and logarithmic functions, partials, integrals) to problems in business management, social sciences, and life sciences. Applies symbolic techniques and quantitative methods in problem solving, utilizes concept of proof as a chain of inferences, and promotes development of reasoning skills and mathematical logic in bridging theory and practice. A-F only.
Experiential service learning course for students participating in the Hawai‘i Youth Conservation Corps summer program as Hana Hou members. Hawai‘i Youth Conservation Corps summer program students only. A-F only. (Summer only)
Introduction to NREM student learning outcomes and scholarly breadth within the department, exposure to on-campus resources, networking with current and former NREM students and external stakeholders, career skills development. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Fall only)
Experiential service learning course for students participating in the Hawai‘i Youth Conservation Corps summer program as team members and leaders. Repeatable one time. Hawai‘i Youth Conservation Corps summer program students only. A-F only. (Summer only)
Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate standing only. Pre: consent.
Instruction on social determinants of health, issues of health equity, and how these issues can be addressed through research. Discussions and activities promote a greater understanding of health disparities research. Repeatable two times, or up to 27 credits. Pre: consent.
Provides a focused experience in clinical medicine with opportunities to practice the history and physical examination in Lau Ola, the clinical setting of the Department of Native Hawaiian Health. Repeatable one time. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 574 or consent. (Fall only)
Social justice provides an analytical and prescriptive framework to understand health inequities; understand connections between social forces and health outcomes, and the role of the individual student in improving social justice in the health system. Graduate standing only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 551. (Spring only)
Clinical experience in the Native Hawaiian Health Care System and community health care centers, incorporating both western and traditional Hawaiian medicine. Open to fourth year medical students interested in Native Hawaiian Health Care. CR/NC only. Pre: MED 531 or MED 532.
Introduction to Native Hawaiian health issues and traditional healing practices. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 551 or consent.
Continuation of 505. CR/NC only. Pre: 505.
Provide background knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, and molecular biology with emphasis in principles of biochemical processes as well as clinical correlations to medical conditions; develop critical thinking, standardized test taking skills, and problem-solving skills. CR/NC only. Pre: admission to Imi Ho‘ola Post-Baccalaureate Program.
(2 Lec, 2 Tutorial, 1 3-hr Lab) Continuation of 503. CR/NC only. Pre: 503.
(2 Lec, 2 Tutorial, 1 3-hr Lab) Foundation in medical sciences, including anatomy, physiology, microbiology, pathology, and pharmacology (focus on respiratory, cardiovascular, and urinary systems); develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Includes lectures, problembased tutorials, and histology and gross anatomy labs. CR/NC only. Pre: admission to Imi Ho‘ola PostBaccalaureate Program.
Continuation of 501. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: 501.
Introduction to medical science stressing key historical figures and significant events to exemplify the development of scientific methods. Special emphasis on writing skills, health team concept, and culture and contributions of the Pacific. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: admission to Imi Ho‘ola PostBaccalaureate Program.
Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable unlimited times. Junior standing or higher. Pre: consent.
Instruction on social determinants of health, issues of health equity, and how these issues can be addressed through research. Discussions and activities promote a greater understanding of health disparities research. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
For students accepted for MMus in performance. Individual instruction in solo vocal or instrumental performance at graduate level; full recital required. (B) voice; (C) piano; (E) conducting; (G) guitar (3 cr.); (H) violin; (I) viola; (J) cello; (K) bass; (M) flute; (N) oboe; (O) clarinet; (P) bassoon; (Q) saxophone; (R) trumpet; (S) French horn; (T) trombone; (U) tuba; (X) euphonium; (Y) percussion. Repeatable two times for (G); repeatable up to six credits per alpha for all other alphas. MUS majors only. Graduate students only for (E). A-F only.
For students accepted for MMus in performance. Individual instruction in solo vocal or instrumental performance at graduate performance level. Representative works. (B) voice; (C) piano; (E) conducting; (G) guitar; (H) violin; (I) viola; (J) cello; (K) double bass; (M) flute; (N) oboe; (O) clarinet; (P) bassoon; (Q) saxophone; (R) trumpet; (S) French horn; (T) trombone; (U) tuba; (X) euphonium; (Y) percussion; (Z) other. Repeatable three times for (E), repeatable two times for all other alphas. MUS majors only for (E) and (G). Graduate students only for (E). A-F only for (E) and (G).
For nonmajors or music majors in secondary performance fields. Individual instruction in solo vocal or instrumental performance at an advanced level. (B) voice; (C) piano; (D) organ; (E) conducting; (F) recorder; (G) guitar; (H) violin; (I) viola; (J) cello; (K) double bass; (M) flute; (N) oboe; (O) clarinet; (P) bassoon; (Q) saxophone; (R) trumpet; (S) french horn; (T) trombone; (U) tuba; (X) euphonium; (Y) percussion; (Z) other. Each alpha repeatable five times, up to 12 credits. MUS majors only, for majors in secondary performance fields. A-F only. Pre: consent.
For music majors. Individual instruction in solo vocal or instrumental performance at the senior level. Representative works. Weekly repertoire laboratory required. Full recital required for completion of this performance level. (B) voice; (C) piano; (D) organ; (G) classical guitar; (H) violin; (I) viola; (J) cello; (K) double bass; (M) flute; (N) oboe; (O) clarinet; (P) bassoon; (Q) saxophone; (R) trumpet; (S) French horn; (T) trombone; (U) tuba; (X) euphonium; (Y) percussion; (Z) other. Repeatable for three semesters. A-F only. Pre: two semesters of 332 and advancement by board examination.
For music majors. Individual instruction in solo vocal or instrumental performance at the junior level. Representative works. Weekly repertoire laboratory required. Half recital required to complete junior level. (B) voice; (C) piano; (D) organ; (G) classical guitar; (H) violin; (I) viola; (J) cello; (K) double bass; (M) flute; (N) oboe; (O) clarinet; (P) bassoon; (Q) saxophone; (R) trumpet; (S) French horn; (T) trombone; (U) tuba; (X) euphonium; (Y) percussion; (Z) other. Repeatable for three semesters. A-F only. Pre: four semesters of 232 and promotion by board examination.
For nonmajors or for music majors in secondary performance fields. Individual instruction in solo vocal or instrumental performance at an advanced level. (B) voice; (C) piano; (D) organ; (E) conducting; (F) recorder; (G) classical guitar; (H) violin; (I) viola; (J) cello; (K) double bass; (M) flute; (N) oboe; (O) clarinet; (P) bassoon; (Q) saxophone; (R) trumpet; (S) French horn; (T) trombone; (U) tuba; (X) euphonium; (Y) percussion; (Z) other. Repeatable for six semesters for all other alphas; repeatable five times, up to 12 credits for (E). Juniors and seniors only for (E). A-F only. Pre: advancement from 231 or consent; any 231 or consent for (E).
Individual instruction in instrumental and dance performance at advanced level. (B) koto; (C) shamisen; (E) Hawaiian chant; (F) shakuhachi; (I) other. Repeatable for six semesters. A-F only. Pre: advancement from 230 or consent.
For music majors or intended majors. Individual instruction in solo or instrumental performance at first performance level. Representative works. Weekly repertoire laboratory required. (B) voice; (C) piano; (D) organ; (G) classical guitar; (H) violin; (I) viola; (J) cello; (K) double bass; (M) flute; (N) oboe; (O) clarinet; (P) bassoon; (Q) saxophone; (R) trumpet; (S) French horn; (T) trombone; (U) tuba; (X) euphonium; (Y) percussion; (Z) other. Repeatable for six semesters. A-F only.Pre: audition.
For non-majors or music majors in secondary performance fields. Individual instruction in solo vocal or instrumental performance at elementary level. Representative works. (B) voice; (C) piano; (D) organ; (F) recorder; (G) classical guitar; (H) violin; (I) viola; (J) cello; (K) double bass; (M) flute; (N) oboe; (O) clarinet; (P) bassoon; (Q) saxophone; (R) trumpet; (S) French horn; (T) trombone; (U) tuba; (X) euphonium; (Y) percussion; (Z) other. Repeatable for four semesters. A-F only.Pre: audition or consent.
Instruction in instrumental performance at elementary level. Study of works representative of literature. (B) koto; (C) shamisen; (E) Hawaiian chant; (F) shakuhachi; (I) other. Repeatable for four semesters. A-F only. Pre: audition or consent.
Repeatable unlimited times. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Pre: candidacy for PhD degree and consent of dissertation chair.
Original composition in all forms. Doctoral-level composition students only. Repeatable five times. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Selected problems in music education. (B) childhood; (C) adolescence/adults; (D) major issues. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing and consent.
Selected topics centering on areas pertinent to the student’s degree needs and research interests. Repeatable nine times, up to 12 credits. A-F only. Pre: admission to PhD program in music or consent.
Advanced topics in musicology; theory, ethnomusicology, and music education. (B) psychology of music; (C) research in music education; (D) research methods in musicology; (E) advanced diction for singers. Repeatable in different alphas. A-F only. Pre: appropriate to topic or consent.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Reading and research in ethnomusicology, musicology, music education; reading and practice in theory, composition, or performance. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of chair and department chair.
Independent study for students working on a Plan B master’s project. A grade of Satisfactory (S) is assigned when the project is satisfactorily completed. A maximum of 3 credits may be earned in MUS 695. Graduate standing in music education or music composition. A-F only.
Original composition in all forms. Masters-level composition students only. Repeatable five times. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Examination of compositional approaches, techniques, and characteristics of works with East Asian influences in Western concert settings. Composing idiomatically for East Asian instruments. Repeatable one time. MUS majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
(B) stylistic counterpoint to 1700; (C) stylistic counterpoint from 1700; (D) advanced analysis; (E) comparative theory; (F) history of theory; (G) contemporary techniques and resources; (H) atonal analysis and set theory; (I) Schenkerian analysis. Pre: 286 and graduate standing.
(B) transcription of music performance; (C) movement analysis; (D) other. Pre: consent.
Musical content and historicosocial context of principal musical traditions. (B) Asia; (C) Oceania. Repeatable nine times. Pre: consent.
Basic materials and techniques; includes retrieval techniques from online computer catalog. MUS majors only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Detailed study by chronological period. (B) medieval; (C) Renaissance; (D) Baroque; (E) Classic; (F) Romantic; (G) 20th century. Repeatable in different alphas. Pre: 661 or consent.
Examines components of good teaching, adult learning theories, course organization, methodologies, evaluation, and other music issues. For students planning a college teaching career in music. Pre: consent.
Concepts and materials at junior college and undergraduate levels. Preparation for structuring and teaching courses in non-Western musics. Pre: graduate status in music and 107 or 407 (or concurrent).
Principles and programs in teaching music to children in early childhood settings and elementary school. Curriculum development, analysis of research, and current approaches. Pre: 353 or 354, teaching experience, and graduate standing.
Procedures for planning, teaching, evaluating, and administering music programs in elementary, secondary, and higher education. Evaluation of current programs; procedures for change. Pre: graduate standing and consent.
Music and music education in their philosophic, aesthetic, social, historical, and psychological dimensions. Pre: graduate standing and consent.
Practical experience teaching at the college level. Examination of elements for successful college teaching. Repeatable two times. MUS majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Continuation of 625.
Conducting instrumental and choral groups. Repeatable three times, up to 12 credits. Pre: instructor consent.
Projects in study and performance. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Advanced topics in history, literature, theory, applied music, music education, and ethnomusicology; some in intensive modular format. Repeatable nine times. MUS majors only. Pre: appropriate lower division music courses or consent and graduate standing.
Selected problems in (B) composition; (C) ethnomusicology; (D) music literature; (E) performance repertory; (F) music education; (H) theory. Repeatable nine times. Pre: graduate standing or consent; also 661 for (D) and (E).
Online course surveys representative composers, musical styles, and genres from the Western tradition. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing and consent or departmental approval.
Capstone project designed by student, who must find and work with faculty advisor before enrolling. Also subject to advance approval by departmental committee. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: senior standing and consent.
Theoretical techniques in music of the 20th and 21st centuries; emphasis on writing as the synthesis of concepts. Investigation of important stylistic movements. Pre: 286 or consent.
Creative writing in larger forms. Composition majors only. Repeatable one time. Pre: 485 or consent.
Creative writing beginning with smaller forms. Repeatable unlimited times. MUS majors only. Pre: 286 and 288, or consent.
Original composition; specific approaches to creative writing. Intended for music majors not majoring in composition. Repeatable one time. MUS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 286 and 288.
Problem-oriented cross-cultural investigation of music and music organization. Pre: junior standing or consent.
The study of a musical culture area. (B) Hawai‘i; (C) China; (D) Japan; (E) Korea; (F) Indonesia; (G) Philippines; (H) India; (I) Polynesia; (P) Africa; (Q) other. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: junior standing or consent. ((H) Cross-listed as ASAN 478)
An examination of rock and roll from various perspectives including economics, regionalism, freedom of expression. Pre: upper division standing or consent.
Music-theoretical study of sound organization as defined by various cultures and development of aural analysis in world musics. Pre: junior standing or consent.
Studies music’s roles in religious traditions and politics, as identity formation, and music’s relationship with lyrics in a variety of forms. Readings approach these issues from the question of ethics. A-F only. Pre: 265 and 266, or consent. (Once a year)
Historical study from Monteverdi to present. Pre: 265 and 266, or consent.
(B) symphonic music; (C) concerto; (D) chamber music; (E) choral music; (F) solo song; (G) wind band literature; (H) guitar literature. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 265 and 266, or consent.
(B) music of the United States. Pre: 265 and 266, or consent.
Changing styles and forms in periods of European art music from 500 A.D. to the present. (B) medieval; (C) Renaissance; (D) Baroque; (E) Classic; (F) Romantic; (G) 20th century. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 265 and 266, or consent.
Scientific studies of vocal mechanism; application to techniques of singing. Pedagogical methods for individual voice instruction; participation in applied music teaching. Pre: 286 and 288.
Musical concepts in songs, dances, and instrumental music of Asia, Hawai‘i, and other Pacific Islands, appropriate for K–12. Pre: 353, 354, or 355 and 356.
Designed for music educators, elementary, and special education majors or musicians interested in understanding and preparing to use music with special education students. Will be offered both as a campus and online course. A-F only. Pre: 353 or EDEP 311, or consent.
Study of intermediate to advanced techniques and pedagogical approaches to violin, viola, cello, and double bass in both individual and class settings. A-F only. Pre: 157 or consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Required for K-12 music education majors. Topics include music learning, classroom management, assessment, and national standards. A-F only. MUS ED majors only. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 250, 286, 288, and EDEP 311; or consent. (Fall only)
Contemporary practices and issues in music education. For public school and community music contexts. A-F only. Pre: 286 or consent.
Aspects of scoring original music for films. Use of small systems, and software production tools. Music production techniques (including Foley and sound effects) and music for television also covered. Repeatable one time. Pre: 341 or consent. (Alt. years)
History of U.S. music and recording industry. How industry relates to economy as a whole, and how it reflects broad patterns and trends in American culture and society. Pre: upper division standing or consent. (Cross-listed as HIST 471)
Historical survey and analytical study of wind band literature, with particular attention to significant works for winds from the 1700s to the present. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 265 and 266. (Alt. years: fall)
Continuation of 423. A-F only. Pre: 423 or consent.
Practical keyboard applications including transposition, keyboard harmonization, figured bass, improvisation, score reading and sight reading. A-F only. Pre: 282 and 2 semesters of 232C, or consent. (Alt. years)
Focused study on a specific area of piano literature. Extensive score study, analysis, performance practices, technique and listening lists will be studied. A-F only. Pre: 2 semesters of 232C or consent. Repeatable five times, up to six credits. (Alt. years)
Essential training in skills required to perform in musicals. Students present scenes from musical comedies for criticism and review. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: one of 231B, THEA 321, THEA 322, or consent; and/or audition. (Cross-listed as THEA 421)
Problems of style and interpretation and their implications in performance. Inquiry with laboratory performance. (B) solo voice; (C) piano. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. A-F only for (C).
Performance of literature, including works by contemporary composers. (B) symphonic wind ensemble; (C) symphonic band; (D) concert band; (E) marching band; (F) marching band percussion. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: audition or consent.
Performance of jogja and solo gamelan traditions; Ujon-Ujon, Wajang Kulit, Wajang Wong. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: 311H or consent.
Performance of orchestra literature, including major works for chorus and orchestra, opera and dance; (B) symphony (4.5 hours); (C) chamber orchestra. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: audition or consent.
Opera in performance. Styles and characterizations. Performance of scenes and one complete work. Repeatable unlimited times. MUS majors only. Pre: upper division standing or consent.
Performance of choral literature from all style periods throughout the world. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: choral experience or consent.
Ancient style; hâlau protocol. Repeatable nine times. Pre: 412. (Cross-listed as DNCE 413)
Ancient style. Pre: 312 or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 412)
Performance of literature for ensembles and performing groups of various sizes and kinds, (B) Hawaiian; (C) Japanese; (D) Chinese; (E) Korean; (F) Okinawan; (G) Philippine; (I) Asian; (J) Tahitian. Repeatable unlimited times except for (J), repeatable eight times for (J). Pre: 311 in same section or consent.
Performance of literature for ensembles and performing groups of various sizes and kinds; (B) Hawaiian chorus; (C) University Chamber Singers; (D) piano-vocal collaboration; (E) composer-performer collaboration; (F) chamber music; (G) guitar; (K) jazz; (M) contemporary music; (N) theater music; (O) percussion; (P) digital and electronic musical arts; (Q) piano-instrumental collaboration; (R) saxophone choir. Repeatable unlimited times, repeatable five times for (R). A-F only for (E), (Q), and (R). MUS majors only for (E). Pre: 2 credits of 289, or 4 credits of 232, or consent for (E); audition or consent for all other alphas. (Spring only for (R))
Folk, popular, and art music from major regions of the world, with emphasis upon Asia and the Pacific, representative styles and regional characteristics. Pre: junior standing or consent.
Topics in history, literature, theory, applied music, music education, and ethnomusicology; for music majors. Consult department for topics and specific dates. Repeatable up to twelve credits. Pre: 281 and appropriate lower division music courses; or consent.
Limited to majors with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or a minimum GPA of 3.0 in music. Pre: consent.
Development of an improvising technique through analysis and performance practice. For instrumentalists only. Pre: 285 and 287.
Basic principles of scoring for orchestra and band; instrumental ranges, timbres, transpositions; transcribing or composing for band, orchestra, and chorus. Pre: 286 or consent.
Form, texture, and style in music literature from Renaissance to present. Formal analysis and writing. Larger forms with various textures; recent contemporary approaches to continuity. Pre: 265, 266, and 286.
Form, texture, and style in music literature from Renaissance to present. Formal analysis and writing. Contrapuntal textures and forms. Pre: 286.
Varieties of music, including jazz and other popular forms; relevant antecedents. Pre: sophomore standing; freshmen with consent only.
Explores how the cultural phenomenon of celebrity has impacted musicians and composers from antiquity to the present. Pre: 106.
Lecture investigating the role of music in narrative film, and developing critical skills through close study of films and their music. Understanding styles and techniques of film music within larger aesthetic trends and historical contexts. Pre: 106 or consent. (Once a year)
Continuation of 358. Pre: 358 or consent.
Concepts, materials, and procedures for class and individual instruction in piano. Pre: 282.
Observing, analyzing, participating, and teaching in choral settings. Supervised 30 hours of field experiences required. MUS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 250, 286, and 326 (or concurrent); or consent. Co-requisite: 356. (Every 3rd semester)
Objectives, materials, and procedures of choral music in schools. A-F only. Pre: 122B, 250, 286, and 326 (or concurrent); or consent. Co-requisite: 414.
Observing, analyzing, participating, and teaching in instrumental settings. Supervised 30 hours of field experiences required. MUS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 250, 286, and 326 (or concurrent); or consent. Corequisite: 355. (Every 3rd semester)
Objectives, materials, and procedures of instrumental music in schools. A-F only. Pre: 250, 286, and 326 (or concurrent); or consent.
Observing, analyzing, participating, and teaching in general music classrooms. Supervised 40 hours of field 2020-2021 Courses 491 Key to symbols & abbreviations: see the first page of this section. experiences required. MUS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 250, 286, and 288; or consent. Co-requisite: 354. (Every 3rd semester)
Required for K-12 music specialists. Scope and nature of music in the lives of children and adolescents; planning, teaching, learning, and evaluating music in elementary, middle, and high school curriculum. A-F only. Pre: 250, 286, and 288, or consent. Co-requisite: 354L.
Application of musical concepts through an integrated approach. This includes strategies, world music, literature, materials and resources for the classroom curriculum. Pre: 253 or 282, or consent.
Sound control through graphical interfaces. Advanced digital audio synthesis techniques. Audio control of graphics and video. Introduction of alternate controllers. Pre: 240 or consent. (Once a year)
Preproduction, mixing, setup and recording suitable for film. Mixing techniques in software for small systems. Sound design using original synthesis techniques to enhance film and support stories. Pre: 240 or consent. (Alt. years)
Basic techniques of electronic sound synthesis. Pre: 240 or consent.
Continuation of 325. Pre: 325 or consent.
Problems in directing instrumental and choral ensembles. Score reading, rehearsal techniques, and basic interpretive problems. Pre: 286 and 288.
Diction and phonetics of English, Italian, liturgical Latin, German, and French for singers and conductors. Pre: 232B and 281 or consent.
Ancient style. Pre: upper division standing or consent. A-F only. (Cross-listed as DNCE 312)
Performance of literature for groups of various sizes and kinds at introductory level (B) Hawaiian; (C) Japanese; (D) Chinese; (E) Korean; (F) Okinawan; (G) Philippine; (H) gamelan; (I) gagaku; (J) Tahitian; (K) Oceanic; (M) other. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: upper division standing or consent.
Original composition; specific approaches to creative writing. Repeatable five times, up to six credits. MUS majors only. Pre: 282 and 284; or consent.
Continuation of 287. Pre: 287. Co-requisite: 286 or consent.
Advanced level of perception, identification, and notation of musical sounds through dictation and sight-singing. MUS majors only. Pre: 284. Co-requisite: 285 or consent.
Continuation of 285. Pre: 285. Co-requisite: 288 or consent.
Detailed study of theory: writing, analysis, keyboard application. MUS majors only. Pre: 282. Co-requisite: 287 or consent.
Continuation of 283. Pre: 283 or consent. Co-requisite: 282 or consent.
Perception, identification, and notation of musical sounds through dictation and sight singing. Pre: 280 and ability to sing diatonic melodies at sight, or consent. Co-requisite: 281 or consent.
Continuation of 281. Pre: 281 or consent. Co-requisite: 284 or consent.
Materials and organization of music; analysis, writing, and keyboard application. MUS majors only. Pre: 280 or consent. Co-requisite: 283 or consent.
Fundamentals of music theory, notation, sight-singing, and dictation. A-F only. Pre: 108 or consent.
Study of music as social process, sound system, aesthetics, and world view. Emphasis on Hawai‘i, Asia, and the Pacific and the ways music creates links across the region and among people. Pre: ability to read music and one introductory music course (108, 114, 121- 126, 151-156) or consent. (Fall only)
Development of Western music from 1750 to the present. Styles, schools, composers. Pre: 282 or consent.
Development of Western music from its origins to 1750. Styles, schools, composers. Pre: 282 or consent.
Students will study how the singing voice works in various styles, including classical, musical theater, jazz, choral, and pop/ rock. Students will learn historical contexts, aural characteristics, and musical vocabulary through lecture, discussion, and listening. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as THEA 259)
(3 Lec, 1 1-hr Lab) Musical concepts, philosophy and pedagogy: use of media, singing, movement, and instruments; as well as resources for an active elementary music classroom. A-F only.
Survey of American education, with an emphasis on music learning, teaching and philosophy, school structure and governance, diversity and multi-cultural education, and professional ethics. Supervised clinical and field experiences required. MUS majors only. A-F only. (Alt. years)
Introductory laboratory experience. Teaches musicians fundamental technology concepts through creative projects. Exposes students to a variety of music and audio software. A-F only. Pre: music majors or minors or consent.
Continuation of 225. A-F only. Pre: 225 or consent.
Continuation of 125–126; increased emphasis on piano literature up to intermediate level. MUS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 126 or consent.
Attendance at approved departmental concerts. Required of all music majors (BMus, six semesters; BA and BEd, four semesters). Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only.
Fundamental performance techniques, materials, and teaching skills on woodwind instruments for students preparing to teach instrumental music. A-F only. (Once a year)
Fundamental performance techniques, materials, and teaching skills on string instruments for students preparing to teach instrumental music. A-F only. (Once a year)
Similar to 151 using brass instruments. A-F only.
Similar to 151 using percussion instruments. A-F only.
Basic principles of performance of Asian music. Relevant problems in literature at elementary level. (B) koto; (C) shamisen; (D) South Indian singing; (E) shakuhachi. Cannot be audited. Pre: consent.
Basic principles of performance of Asian music. Relevant problems in literature at elementary level. (B) koto; (C) shamisen; (E) shakuhachi. Cannot be audited. Pre: consent.
Piano as secondary performance field; application of theory to problems in improvising, harmonizing, creating accompaniments, transposing, and sight-reading at keyboard. Continuation of 125. For music majors. A-F only. Pre: 125 or consent.
Piano as secondary performance field; application of theory to problems in improvising, harmonizing, creating accompaniments, transposing, and sight-reading at keyboard. For music majors. A-F only. Pre: consent. Co-requisite: 281 or consent.
Basic principles of performance of Pacific music. Relevant problems at elementary level. (B) slack key guitar; (C) ‘ukulele. Repeatable in different sections. Pre: 121D or consent for (B); 108 or consent for (C).
Basic principles of performance; relevant problems in literature. (B) voice; (C) piano; (D) guitar. Repeatable in different sections. Cannot be audited. A-F only. Pre: 121 or consent.
Basic principles of performance; relevant problems in literature. (B) voice; (C) piano; (D) guitar. A-F only. Cannot be audited.
Performance of choral literature from Renaissance to present. Previous choral experience not required. Repeatable unlimited times.
Basic organization concepts in music and introduction to music theory. Learning through hands-on experience with creative activities in various media. Focused listening, composing original meolodies, utilizing technology to explore how music is created, basic notation.
Folk, popular, and art music from major regions of the world, with emphasis upon Asia and the Pacific; representative styles and regional characteristics.
Elements, styles, and forms of music, from listener’s standpoint.
(2 3-hr Lab) Techniques for study of transfer and expression of prokaryotic genes: transformation, conjugation, transposon mutagenesis, preparation and analysis of plasmid and chromosomal DNA. Pre: 475 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as MICR 475L)
Genetic analysis and molecular basis of transmission replication, mutation, and expression of heritable characteristics in prokaryotes. Pre: MICR 351 or BIOL 275, or consent. (Cross-listed as MICR 475)
Integrative, in-depth focus on the genetics, cell biology, and molecular basis of cancer. Combination of classroom lectures and problem-based discussions in small groups. Addresses ethical implications of cancer research and treatment. A-F only. MCB or BIOL majors only. Senior standing or higher. Pre: BIOL 407 (or concurrent) and BIOL 408 (or concurrent) or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as BIOL 472)
(2 3-hr Lab) Basic exercises and experiments in immunology, immunochemistry, immuno-biology to illustrate principles of 461. Co-requisite: 461 or consent. (Cross-listed as MICR 461L)
Structure and biological actions of antigens and antibodies; fundamentals of antibody synthesis; the relation of immunology to biology and medical sciences. Pre: MICR 351 or BIOL 171; or consent. Recommended: BIOL 275/275L. (Cross-listed as MICR 461)
(2 3-hr Lab) A laboratory to accompany 407 and 408. Pre: BIOL 407 (or concurrent) or BIOL 408 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as BIOL 408L)
Cell structure and function. Structure, chemistry, and functions of organelles and macromolecules. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 407; or consent. (Cross-listed as BIOL 408 and MBBE 408)
Relationship between structure and function at macromolecular level. Pre: C (not C-) or better in BIOL 275/275L and CHEM 273, or consent. (Cross-listed as BIOL 407)
Introduction to the ethical issues faced by individuals and institutions involved in scientific research. Based on case studies, students will discuss and write about ethical issues in research. Issues include humans and animals in research, mentoring, authorship, ownership of data, genetic technologies and record keeping. This course is designed for students with majors in the natural sciences. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171 (or concurrent), or MATH 307 (or concurrent), or MATH 311 (or concurrent), or PHYS 170 (or concurrent), or CHEM 272 (or concurrent); or consent. (Cross-listed as MICR 314)
CR/NC only.
CR/NC only.
Repeatable up to 64 credits.
Study and discussion of advanced special topics and problems in molecular biosciences and bioengineering. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
(1 Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) Advanced laboratory techniques used in food science and human nutrition research. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent and 402/402L, and FSHN 477; or BIOC 441/441L. (Cross-listed as ANSC 687 and FSHN 687)
Teaches problem-solving with bioinformatic tools. Real-world problems will be provided and worked out, students encouraged to provide their own research problem where they require assistance. Graduate student must work on genomics research project requiring bioinformatic analysis, working knowledge of UNIX OS, Perl, Java or C. A-F only. Pre: ICS 471 and ICS 491 and ICS 691 (or equivalent), or consent. (Alt. years)
(1 Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) Advanced methodology and research strategies. Hands-on laboratory training in basic and current molecular procedures for plant research. Pre: one of BIOC 481 or BIOL 407.
Focuses on the actions of plant pathogenic fungi/ oomycetes and their host responses at the molecular and cellular level. Current genetic and genomic approaches to study plant-fungal interactions will be discussed. Graduate standing only. Pre: consent. (Every 2 years) (Cross-listed as PEPS 652)
Lecture/discussion on molecular mechanisms involved in the transmission of regulatory signals from the cell surface to the nucleus. A-F only. Pre: undergraduate level biochemistry, molecular biology, biology, nutrition; or override/ consent by professor. (Fall only)
Combined lecture-lab for students interested in genetic analysis of humans, animals, and other species. Molecular techniques, such as PCR, DNA marker identifications, transgenics, expression analysis and functional genomics, are included. Open to non-majors. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Cross-listed as ANSC 650 and FSHN 650)
System integration for computer-based control, automation, and study of biological systems. Topics include physical, chemical, and biological sensors, actuators, digital interfacing/communication, image analysis, and structured code for microcontrollers and other portable computers. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as BE 625)
Principles and methodologies of metabolic engineering. Concepts of metabolic networks. Establishment of metabolic flux analysis and metabolic control analysis. Systems biology framework for integration of mathematical modeling and global measurements at metabolite, protein and transcription levels. Pre: BIOL 275, MATH 311, and MICR 351; or consent.
Comprehensive study of chemical constituents and biochemical processes unique to the plant kingdom with emphasis on selected aspects of current interest. A-F only. Pre: 402 or consent.
Study and discussion of significant topics and problems in plant physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology. Repeatable three times. A-F only
Advanced topics in chemical and physical characteristics of foods as well as their role in human nutrition. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: graduate student status with undergraduate courses in organic chemistry, microbiology, additional biological science, physics, and biochemistry. Basic knowledge of food science is expected; or consent. (Cross-listed as FSHN 607)
Graduate-level basic course on molecular biology and genetics. Prepares students to understand advanced concepts in related subjects such as biochemistry, cell biology, cancer biology, immunology, plant genetics, and genomics. Pre: 402/BIOL 402 (with a minimum grade of B or higher), or with consent from instructor. (Alt. years: fall) (Cross-listed as MICR 602)
Provide fundamental concepts and dynamic characteristics of the molecules of the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell, their biosynthesis and regulation, and the mechanisms that regulate cellular activities. A-F only. Pre: basic course in cell and molecular biology, or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as MICR 601)
Supervised individual instruction in laboratory research problems in biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, genomics, and genetics. Repeatable 3 times or up to 16 credits. Limited to qualified undergraduate students. A-F only.
Study and discussion of special topics and problems in molecular biosciences and bioengineering. Pre: consent.
Focuses on the use of computational tools and approaches to analyze the enormous amount of biological data (DNA, RNA, protein) available today. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171 (or equivalent), or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as BIOL 483)
Principles, methods, classical examples, recent development, benefits and concerns of modern biotechnology. Pre: BIOL 304 or equivalent.
Application of mass/energy balances and reaction kinetics for the design and analysis of bioreactors for microbial, plant, and animal cell cultures. Pre: 322 (with a minimum grade of C-) or BE 373 or CEE 320; or consent. (Cross-listed as BE 460)
Biochemical and chemical principles of occurrence, distribution, biotic and abiotic conversion, fate, and impact of synthetic and natural molecules in the environment. Important pollutants will be used as case studies to illustrate the principles. A-F only. Pre: CHEM 152 or CHEM 272, and CHEM 162 or CHEM 171; or consent.
Cell structure and function. Structure, chemistry, and functions of organelles and macromolecules. Pre: C (not C-) or better in BIOL 407; or consent. (Cross-listed as BIOL 408 and MCB 408)
Marine functional genomics, biodiversity of marine natural habitats, marine microbial communities and their ecological functions, interactions of marine microbes and their host, climate change and marine biodiversity, marine biotechnology. A-F only. Pre: OCN 201 or MICR 130, or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as OCN 403)
(1 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principle techniques of biochemical laboratory. A-F only. Pre: 402 (or concurrent), BIOL 402 (or concurrent).
Molecular basis of living processes in bacteria, plants and animals; emphasis on metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. Pre: C (not C-) or better in BIOL 275/275L, CHEM 272 and CHEM 273; or consent. (Cross-listed as BIOL 402)
General principles, applications, and recent advances of the rapidly growing science of biotechnology. Topics include impact of biotechnology on medicine, animal sciences, environment, agriculture, forensics, and economic and socio-ethical issues. Pre: C (not C-) or better in BIOL 275 or consent. (Cross-listed as BIOL 401)
Introduction to basic concepts of cellular biochemistry and metabolic pathways as applied to nutritional, medicinal and environmental biochemistry. A-F only. Pre: CHEM 152 or CHEM 272, or consent.
Introduction to the concepts, goals, ethical issues and consequences of biotechnology using real-life case studies of GMOs, cloning, DNA fingerprinting, gene therapy and genetical engineering. Pre: BIOL 171 or consent. (Cross-listed as BIOL 304)
Directs the student to conduct detailed research on a military topic and present to the department leadership plus assist MSL 400 series students on a battle analysis. Repeatable up to eight credits. Must be in Military Science and Leadership Program or Military Service member in junior or greater standing. Pre: departmental approval.
(3 Lec, 2-hr Lab) Explores dynamics of leading in complex situations of current military operations. Examines differences in customs and courtesies, military law, principles of war, and rules of engagement in the face of international terrorism. Interaction with nongovernment organizations, civilians on the battlefield, and host nation support are examined and evaluated. Case studies, scenarios, and What Now, Lieutenant? exercises prepare cadets to lead as commissioned officers in the U.S. Army. A-F only. Pre: 101, 102, 201, 202, 301, 302, and 401; or consent.
(3 Lec, 2-hr Lab) Develops proficiency to plan, execute, and assess complex operations; function as a staff member, provide leadership performance feedback to subordinates. Situational opportunities to assess risk, make ethical decisions, and provide coaching to fellow ROTC cadets; challenged to analyze, evaluate, and instruct younger cadets. A-F only. Pre: 101, 102, 201, 202, 301, and 302; or consent.
Introduces students to the fundamentals of leadership. Activities challenge students to connect theory to practice, develop positive relationships through application of effective leadership concepts for leader development, and team-building. A-F only.
Limited to military science students who have had at least one previous military science course for which a grade of B or higher was earned and a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better. Pre: consent.
Lecture/discussion on the art and science of warfare concentrating on U.S. military history from the Colonial Period to present. Generally restricted to Army ROTC students, requiring twenty pages of graded writing assignments. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Five-week summer field training exercise conducted at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Arduous and intensified leadership training is conducted throughout the five-week period. Required for U.S. Army commissioning. Pre: 301, 302, and consent.
(2 Lec, 2-hr Lab) Intense situational leadership challenges to build awareness and skills in leading small units. Decision-making, persuading, and motivating team members under fire are explored, evaluated, and developed. Military operations are reviewed to prepare for the ROTC Advance Camp. Cadets apply principles of Law of Land Warfare, Army training, and motivation to troop leading procedures; and are evaluated on what they know and do as leaders. A-F only. Pre: 101, 102, 201, 202, 301; or consent.
(2 Lec, 2-hr Lab) Challenges cadets to study, practice, and evaluate adaptive leadership skills with demands of the ROTC Advanced Camp. Challenging scenarios related to small unit tactical operations will develop self-awareness and critical thinking skills. Cadets will receive systematic, specific feedback on their leadership abilities, and analyze/evaluate their leadership values, attributes, skills and actions. A-F only. Pre: 101, 102, 201, 202; or consent.
Four-week summer course conducted at Ft. Knox, Kentucky. Substitutes for ROTC basic course (101, 102, 201, and 202) and fulfills course requirement for admission to ROTC advanced courses. Credit will be given for 203 or basic courses, but not both. Pre: consent.
Challenges of leading complex, contemporary operational environments. Dimensions of cross-cultural challenges of leadership in a constantly changing world are highlighted and applied to practical Army leadership tasks and situations. Cadets develop greater self awareness as they practice communication and team building skills, and tactics in real world scenarios. Provides a smooth transition to MSL 301.
Explores creative and innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles through historical case studies and engaging in interactive student exercises. Cadets practice aspects of personal motivation and team building by planning, executing, and assessing team exercises. Focus is on continued development of leadership values and attributes through understanding of rank, uniform, customs and courtesies.
Practical application in adventure training, Army field craft, rifle marksmanship, land navigation, drill and ceremonies, physical training. Co-requisite: 102.
Overviews leadership fundamentals such as setting direction, problem-solving, listening, presenting briefs, providing feedback and using effective writing skills. Explores leadership values, attributes, skills, and actions in the context of practical, hands-on, and interactive exercises. Cadre role models and building stronger relationships among cadets through common experience and practical interaction are critical.
Practical application in adventure training, Army field craft, rifle marksmanship, land navigation, drill and ceremonies, physical training. Co-requisite: 101.
Introduces cadets to personal challenges and competencies critical for effective leadership; personal development of life skills such as goal setting, time management, physical fitness, and stress management related to leadership, officership, and the Army profession. Focus on developing basic knowledge and comprehension of Army Leadership Dimensions while understanding the ROTC program, its purpose in the Army, and its advantages for the student.
Hands-on participatory course following the Army’s physical fitness program. Classes conducted three days per week with Army ROTC cadets. Focus is on aerobic conditioning, muscular strength and endurance. Repeatable three times. A-F only.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Selected topics in any aspect of microbiology. Repeatable unlimited times.
Molecular biology, genomics, molecular genetics, and infection mechanisms of bacterial plant pathogens and symbionts. Pre: PEPS 606 (with a minimum grade of B or better) or consent. (Cross-listed as PEPS 746)
Repeatable unlimited times.
Selected problems in microbiology. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Review of primary literature in a selected area of microbiology. Repeatable ten times; three credit limit. A-F only. Pre: graduate status or consent.
Required of graduate students. Repeatable unlimited times; only one credit will count toward the degree.
Detailed examination of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis. Overview of key literature, synthesis of scientific problems into research proposals. Pre: 431, 463, or 470; or consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Mechanisms of pathogenicity of microorganisms and defense mechanisms of human and animal hosts. Review of contemporary literature. Pre: 463 or consent. (Alt. years: fall)
Highlights in microbial ecology; interaction of microorganisms with abiotic and biotic components of their environments. Modern techniques for study of autecology and synecology of microorganisms. Pre: 485 or consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Directed study and discussion of research literature on bacterial and bacterial virus mutation, genetic recombination, evolution and control mechanisms. Pre: graduate standing; undergraduates that have taken 475 may register with consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Use of bioinformatic tools to understand comparative genomics, metabolic pathways, and protein evolution. A-F only. Pre: 351 and one 400 level MICR course, or consent. (Alt. years)
Detailed reports and discussions on selected advanced topics and current research literature. Pre: 463, 490, BIOC 441; or consent. (Alt. years: fall)
Advanced studies of marine microorganisms in diverse habitats with consideration of applications of marine microbes, interactions with higher organisms, phylogeny and diversity, and past and current methods. A-F only. Pre: 351 and 401, or consent. (Alt. years)
Selected topics. Pre: 431 or consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Advanced studies of Microbial genome: relation to functional genomics, structural genomics, and proteomics. A-F only. Pre: 351 and one 400-level MICR course, or consent. (Alt. years)
Detailed reports and discussions on selected advanced topics and current research literature. Pre: 461 or consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Introduction to ethical issues faced by individuals and institutions involved in scientific research. Moral reasoning, humans and animals in research, mentoring, authorship, ownership of data and genetic technologies. MICR graduates only. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in MICR or related field, or consent. (Once a year)
Graduate-level basic course on molecular biology and genetics. Prepares students to understand advanced concepts in related subjects such as biochemistry, cell biology, cancer biology, immunology, plant genetics, and genomics. Pre: 402/BIOL 402 (with a minimum grade of B or higher), or with consent from instructor. (Alt. years: fall) (Cross-listed as MBBE 602)
Provide fundamental concepts and dynamic characteristics of the molecules of the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell, their biosynthesis and regulation, and the mechanisms that regulate cellular activities. A-F only. Pre: basic course in cell and molecular biology, or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as MBBE 601)
Directed reading and research. Limited to senior majors with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or a minimum GPA of 3.0 in microbiology, or consent.
(2 3-hr Lab) General laboratory techniques and related theories in virology; including isolation, cell culture, assay, purification, and identification of viruses. Pre: 351/351L or BIOL 275/275L and 490 (or concurrent); or consent.
Basic principles of virus biology. Topics include methods for virus study, virus structure, replication, gene expression, pathogenesis and host response. Pre: 351 or BIOL 275, or consent.
(2 3-hr Lab) Techniques for study of interaction of microorganisms with and within their natural habitats; symbiosis between microorganisms and plants and animals; role of microorganisms in element cycling; food fermentation by bacteria. Pre: 485 (or concurrent) or consent.
Distribution, diversity, and roles of microorganisms in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems. Importance of bacteria in pesticide degradation, bioremediation of oil spills, sewage treatment, biocontrol, food fermentation. Pre: BIOL 171 and CHEM 272, or consent.
(2 3-hr Lab) Techniques for study of transfer and expression of prokaryotic genes: transformation, conjugation, transposon mutagenesis, preparation and analysis of plasmid and chromosomal DNA. Pre: 475 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as MCB 475L)
Genetic analysis and molecular basis of transmission replication, mutation, and expression of heritable characteristics in prokaryotes. Pre: 351 or BIOL 275, or consent. (Cross-listed as MCB 475)
Modern techniques to study infectious diseases. Covers tissue culture and animal models to study virulence of extracellular and intracellular infecting bacteria, bacterial resistance mechanisms toward antibacterial drugs, and virulence factor assays. A-F only. Pre: 351 and 351L, 470 (or concurrent). (Fall only)
Fundamental mechanisms of bacterial infectious diseases or pathogenesis at the molecular level. Emphasis on bacterial virulence and host-pathogen interactions. Pre: 351/351L or consent.
(2 3-hr Lab) Characterization of bacterial pathogens. Isolation, identification, and diagnosis. Pre: 351L. Co-requisite: 463 or consent.
Host-parasite relationships in microbial diseases of humans and animals with emphasis on bacterial pathogens. Pre: 351. Co-requisite: 463L or consent.
(2 3-hr Lab) Basic exercises and experiments in immunology, immunochemistry, immuno-biology to illustrate principles of 461. Co-requisite: 461 or consent. (Cross-listed as MCB 461L)
Structure and biological actions of antigens and antibodies; fundamentals of antibody synthesis; the relation of immunology to biology and medical sciences. Pre: 351 or BIOL 171, or consent. Recommended: BIOL 275/275L. (Cross-listed as MCB 461)
(2 3-hr Lab) Components and metabolism of the bacterial cell; emphasis on techniques of analysis of metabolism and molecular structure. Co-requisite: 431.
Fundamental physiological and metabolic processes of bacteria; emphasis on growth, functions of cell structures, varieties of energy metabolism, metabolic regulation, and differentiation at the prokaryote level. Pre: 351.
Capstone for (but not limited to) senior microbiology majors. Current and seminal research in microbiology, critical analysis of the methods and logic of experimental design. Lecture and discussion of primary literature. A-F only. Pre: 351 and three other 400-level courses (or concurrent), or consent. (Once a year)
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 401. Pre: BIOL 265/265L and BIOL 275/275L and BIOL 301 (or concurrent)/301L (or concurrent) and OCN 201; or 351/351L; and 401 (or concurrent); or consent.
Evolution, ecology, biochemistry, genetics and physiology of marine bacteria by examining defined systems and organisms. Pre: BIOL 265/265L and BIOL 275/275L and BIOL 301 (or concurrent)/301L (or concurrent), and OCN 201; or 351/351L; or consent.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introductory bioinformatics will provide a basic foundation of biological information (DNA, protein, genome and proteome) by using information technology (IT). A-F only. Pre: BIOL 275 and BIOL 275L, or consent. (Fall only)
(2 3-hr Lab) Laboratory exercises to accompany 351. Pre: CHEM 272/272L, and BIOL 171, or equivalent. Co-requisite: 351.
Anatomy, chemistry, physiology, genetics, development, and environmental interactions of microorganisms. Pre: BIOL 171 or equivalent, CHEM 272/272L; or consent. Co-requisite: 351L. Recommended: BIOL 275/275L.
Introduction to the ethical issues faced by individuals and institutions involved in scientific research. Based on case studies, students will discuss and write about ethical issues in research. Issues include humans and animals in research, mentoring, authorship, ownership of data, genetic technologies and record keeping. This course is designed for students with majors in the natural sciences. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171 (or concurrent), or MATH 307 (or concurrent), or MATH 311 (or concurrent), or PHYS 170 (or concurrent), or CHEM 272 (or concurrent); or consent. (Cross-listed as MCB 314)
(2 2-hr Lab) Primarily for students in nursing and dental hygiene. Pre: 130 (or concurrent).
Role of microorganisms; how they affect people, property, and the environment. A basic survey course covering broad aspects of biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, and physiology; host-parasite relationships, public health, bacterial, mycotic and viral diseases; epidemiology; ecology of soils and water; environmental pollution; food microbiology; industrial applications at an introductory level. Not open to those with credit in 351 or equivalent.
Pre: consent.
Fourthyear electives in which students study selected topics within field of medicine. (B) extramural electives in medicine (miscellaneous); (C) internal medicine seminar; (D) infectious disease; (E) internal medicine sub-internship; (F) research in bioethics; (G) neurology critical care; (H) medical informatics; (O) obesity medicine. Repeatable one time for (C)–(E); not repeatable for (F); repeatable two times for (B), (C) and (H); repeatable three times for (G). CR/NC only. Pre: 531 or 532 for (B), (C), and (O); 541 for (E) and (H).
Fourth-year electives in which students study selected topics within field of medicine. (B) allergy/ immunology; (C) cardiology; (D) medicine elective in Asia; (E) dermatology; (F) endocrinology; (G) gastroenterology; (H) general internal medicine: ambulatory care; (I) general internal medicine: inpatient; (K) hematology; (M) nephrology; (N) neurology; (O) nuclear medicine; (P) oncology; (Q) pulmonary diseases; (R) research in medicine; (S) rehabilitation medicine; (T) rheumatology; (W) internal medicine sub-internship. CR/NC only. Pre: 531 or 532 for (C), (E), (F), (G), (H), (K), (M), (N), (O), (Q), (R), (S), and (T); 541 for (D) and (W).
Required 4 weeks duration for fourth-year medical students. Advanced experiences in ambulatory and hospital-based medical care. Proficiency in this course may be established by examination. CR/NC only. Pre: fourth-year standing and completion of 531, or consent.
Six-month long clerkship in ambulatory setting, and four-week hospital-based experience. Repeatable one time. Pre: third-year standing and concurrent registration in 532 courses.
Required for third-year medical students, 11-week duration. Ambulatory care and hospital-based experience. Pre: third year medical student standing.
Analysis of research and recent literature pertaining to various aspects of medical technology. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Application of theory and simulated laboratory experiences in immuno-hematology, clinical chemistry, microbiology, parasitology, hematology, coagulation, urinalysis, immunology, to meet stated career entry-level competencies. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: BS in MEDT.
Clinical training for students with bachelor’s degree in microbiology to be able to qualify as clinical microbiologists in a healthcare setting. Includes specimen procurement, processing, detection and identification, susceptibility testing, and other diagnostic technology. CR/NC only. Pre: departmental consent.
Advanced-level study of hematology and hemostasis through clinical laboratory cases. Repeatable one time. Pre: 451 or consent. (Summer only)
Concepts in clinical laboratory management and discussion of contemporary issues for graduates and practicing clinical laboratory scientists. Repeatable one time. Pre: 331 or consent. (Summer session only)
Repeatable one time.
Acquaints student with role of the medical technologist and overlap of major sciences in clinical situations to help student develop qualities unique to med technology. Repeatable one time. MEDT majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Discussions about various professional issues through oral presentations and critiquing of peer presentations. Repeatable one time. MEDT majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 451L.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Continuation of 477. Repeatable one time. MEDT majors only. A-F only. Pre: 477.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Lab experiments illustrating fundamental principles and methods of clinical laboratory analyses. Repeatable one time. MEDT majors only. A-F only. Pre: 471.
Continuation of 471. Repeatable one time. MEDT majors only. Pre: 471 or consent. (Once a year)
Biochemical processes in human health and disease states. Repeatable one time. MEDT majors only. Pre: CHEM 273 or consent. (Spring only)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Antigen-antibody relationships in human blood, study of blood groups, clinical problems in transfusion. Repeatable one time. MEDT majors only. Pre: MICR 461 or consent. (Spring only)
(1 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany MEDT 451. MEDT majors only. Pre: major or consent. Co-requisite: 451.
(1 3-hr Lab) Fundamental study of blood in normal and pathological states: formation, development, and classification of blood cells. MEDT majors only. Pre: major or consent.
(1 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Modern diagnostic practices in parasitology. Repeatable one time. Pre: MICR 351 or consent.
Student will become familiar with fundamental administration of a clinical laboratory to include technical, personnel, and financial management areas. Repeatable one time. MEDT majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Theory and clinical application of medical technology methods and healthcare professional relationships. Companion course to MEDT 301; and required, for second bachelor’s degree students who were admitted to MEDT major. MEDT majors only. Second Bachelor’s degree standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 251 or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Theory and clinical application of medical laboratory methods and healthcare professional relationships. MEDT majors only. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Basic principles and lab skills in medical technology (medical lab science). Required for second bachelor’s degree students (not MLT credentialed) wishing to major in medical technology. Second bachelor’s degree students only. A-F only. Pre: 151, CHEM 161/CHEM 161L, BIOL 171/BIOL 171L (or concurrent)
Designed to acquaint students to the field of medical technology (clinical laboratory science). Repeatable one time.
Repeatable unlimited times.
An elective for medical students to work on research projects related to improving medical education, student wellness, and community health under the direction of a faculty member in the Office of Medical Education. Repeatable nine times, up to six credits.
Summer selectives in medical education for second-year medical students. (B) rural health preceptorship; (C) health issues of the Pacific Basin; (D) projects in medical education; (E) manikin simulations; (F) learning resources; (G) cardiovascular case maps; (H) pulmonary case maps; (I) clinical skills preceptors; (J) global health perspectives. Repeatable up to four credits. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 554. (Fall only)
Elective for first and second year medical students. (B) projects in medical education; (C) healer’s art; (D) introduction to student research; (E) health and wellness; (F) quality improvement; (G) introduction to ultrasound. Repeatable one time, up to two credits. MD majors only for (G). CR/NC only. Pre: 551.
Field experience placing student in community settings to work with health care professionals as they provide services to patients. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 583 or consent. (Spring only)
Field experience placing student in community settings to work with health care professionals as they provide services to patients. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 582 or consent. (Spring only)
Field experience placing students in community settings to work with health care professionals as they provide services to patients. Repeatable two times. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 581 or consent. (Fall only)
Field experience placing students in community settings to work with health care professionals as they provide services to patients. Repeatable two times. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: consent. Co-requisites: 551 and 571. (Fall only)
History and physical exam skills pertinent to the health care problems in Unit 7. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 576 or consent. (Spring only)
History and physical exam skills pertinent to the health care problems in Unit 6. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 574 or consent. (Fall only)
History and physical exam skills pertinent to the health care problems in Unit 4. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 573 or consent. (Spring only)
History and physical exam skills pertinent to the health care problems in Unit 3. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 572 or consent. (Spring only)
History and physical exam skills pertinent to the health care problems in Unit 2. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 571 or consent. (Fall only)
Introductory lectures and laboratories on history taking and physical exam skills. Repeatable one time. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: consent. Co-requisite: 551. (Fall only)
Review of topics and issues that will prepare senior students for the end of their undergraduate training and the start of their internship. (B) Week 1; (C) Week 2; (D) Week 3. CR/ NC only. (Fall only for B); (Spring only for C and D)
A series of lecture-discussions intended to broaden the perspectives of the Unit VI experiences and healthcare problems. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: 551 and 557.
Advanced series of problem-based learning tutorials for second-year medical students focusing on the life cycle health care problems. CR/NC only. Pre: 556 and 556L. Co-requisite: 557. (Spring only)
Concepts focusing on the life cycle through integrated basic science lectures, laboratories, and colloquia intended to broaden the learning from MD 7 health care problems in tutorials. CR/NC only. Pre: 556 and 556L. Co-requisite: 557L. (Spring only)
Advanced series of problem-based learning tutorials for second-year medical students focusing on neurological/ locomotor systems and behavioral health care problems. CR/NC only. Pre: 554 and 554L. Co-requisite: 556. (Fall only)
Concepts focusing on the locomotor/neurological systems and behavioral problems through integrated basic science lectures, laboratories, and colloquia intended to broaden the learning from MD 6 health care problems in tutorials. CR/NC only. Pre: 554 and 554L. Co-requisite: 556L. (Fall only)
Advanced series of problem-based learning tutorials for first-year medical students focusing on gastrointestinal and endocrine health care problems. CR/NC only. Pre: 553 and 553L. Co-requisite: 554. (Spring only)
Concepts focusing on gastrointestinal and endocrine systems through integrated basic science lectures, laboratories, and colloquia intended to broaden the learning from MD 4 health care problems in tutorials. CR/NC only. Pre: 553 and 553L. Co-requisite: 554L. (Spring only)
Advanced series of problem-based learning tutorials for first-year medical students focusing on renal and hematology health care problems. CR/NC only. Pre: 552 and 552L. Co-requisite: 553. (Spring only)
Concepts focusing on renal and hematologic systems through integrated basic science lectures, laboratories, and colloquia intended to broaden the learning from MD 3 health care problems in tutorials. CR/NC only. Pre: 552 and 552L. Co-requisites: 553L. (Spring only)
Advanced series of problem-based learning tutorials for first-year medical students focusing on cardiovascular and pulmonary health care problems. CR/NC only. Pre: 551 and 551L. Co-requisite: 552. (Fall only)
Concepts focusing on cardiovascular and pulmonary systems through integrated basic science lectures, laboratories, and colloquia intended to broaden the learning from MD 2 health care problems in tutorials. CR/NC only. Pre: 551 and 551L. Co-requisite: 552L. (Fall only)
Introductory series of problem-based learning tutorials for first-year medical students focusing on concepts of health and disease through MD 1 health care problems. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 551. (Fall only)
Introduction to concepts of health and disease through lectures, laboratories, and colloquia intended to broaden the learning from MD 1 health care problems in tutorials. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: consent. Co-requisite: 551L. (Fall only)
Fourth-year elective in which students study selected interdisciplinary topics. CR/NC only. (B) medical education elective; (C) complementary and alternative medicine; (D) leadership in underserved care; (E) Junior PBL course director. MED majors only for (D). CR/NC only for (D) and (E). Pre: FMCH, MED, OBGN, PED, PSTY, SURG 531 or 532. (Spring only for (D) and (E))
Required comprehensive interdepartment multidisciplinary assessment program for fourth-year medical students. CR/NC only. Pre: FMCH, MED, OBGN, PED, PSTY, SURG 531 or 532.
Through lectures, self-assessments and independent study, second-year medical students will consolidate their knowledge of the application of the biological sciences to patient care. CR/NC only. Pre: 557.
Critical appraisal track designed to improve the student’s ability to seek and evaluate new medical knowledge. MD majors only. CR/NC only. (Spring only)
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: candidacy for PhD in mechanical engineering.
Student assists in undergraduate classroom and/or project instruction under the direction and close supervision of faculty member. CR/NC only. Pre: admission to PhD candidacy or consent.
Thesis for degree of MS in mechanical engineering. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: admission to candidacy and consent of thesis advisor.
Directed study on subject of mutual interest to student and a staff member. Student must find faculty sponsor before registering. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: graduate standing.
Highly specialized topics in thermosciences, mechanics, materials, system, or design. Pre: consent.
Current problems in all branches of mechanical engineering. All graduate students are required to attend; registrants are expected to present talks. Pre: graduate standing.
An interdisciplinary (JD-MBA) course examining legal, business, and technology issues related to building high growth companies. Student teams develop company feasibility reports and skills necessary to advise or build high growth businesses. Recommended: 531. Law students only. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as LAW 560)
Lecture on rigidbody dynamics. Topics include: dynamical systems; motion representation and constraints; Newtonian mechanics; Lagrangian mechanics; Hamilton’s principle; stability analysis; introduction to multibody dynamics. Pre: 375 or equivalent, or consent.
Introduction to finite element analysis and design in mechanical engineering. Applications to machine design, vibrations, elasticity, heat transfer. Pre: 360, 371; or consent.
Cartesian tensors in mechanics, coordinate transformations, analysis of stress and strain, principal values, invariants, equilibrium and compatibility equations, constitutive relations, field equations. Problems in elasticity. A-F only. Recommended: 371 or CEE 370, or consent. (Cross-listed as CEE 671)
Working principles of all major fuel cell types; fundamentals of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells; state-of-the-art theoretical models and diagnostic technologies for PEM fuel cells. A-F only. Pre: 422 (or equivalent) or consent.
Linear optimal feedback control, discrete time optimal control, fundamentals of adaptive control, application to motion and force control of robot arms and manipulators. Pre: 451, EE 351; or consent.
Fundamental and modern concepts of colloid and surface science. Main topics include surface thermodynamics, capillarity and wetting phenomena, surface forces, surfactants, and particles. Pre: 311 or consent.
Science and applications of nanotechnology. Synthesis of nanostructures; nanoscale structure characterization by electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy; electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties of nanostructures; fabrication of nanodevices; energy, environmental, and biological applications of nanomaterials. A-F only.
Introduction to composites; anisotropic elasticity and laminate theory; hygrothermal effects; composite beams, columns, rods, plates, and shells; energy method; failure theories; joining of composites, computer-aided design in composites. Pre: 371 or consent.
Exploration of simple, cost-effective alternatives in medicine through different stages of concept generation, design analysis, and prototype validation and investigation of their commercialization potential. Graduate students only. Pre: 341 or consent.
Thermodynamics of cells, electrode kinetics, mass transfer by migration and diffusion, microelectrode techniques, forced convection, impedance, doublelayer structure, and absorbed intermediates in electrode processes. Pre: consent.
Application of electrochemical theory and materials science to corrosion and oxidation reactions. Effect of environment, especially marine. Cathodic protection, coatings, inhibitors, treatment of water systems. Pre: 331.
Vector and tensor operations. Constutive equations. Generalized Newtonian fluids and linear viscoelastic fluids. Rheometry and experiments. Flow of suspensions. Advanced topics and rheology of polymers, food products, biomaterials and asphalt, laboratories. Pre: 626 or consent.
Formulation and properties of the Navier-Stokes equations; exact solutions; creeping flows; lubrication theory; laminar boundary layers; laminar stability, and transition to turbulence; turbulent boundary layers. Pre: 322.
Integration of ordinary differential equations. Finite difference solutions of partial differential equations with applications to conduction and convection. Introduction to finite element methods. Pre: 422, and either MATH 190 or EE 160.
Introduction to fundamental understanding of fluid mechanics and transport phenomena at micro-nanoscale; electrokinetics; chemical separation; colloids and emulsions; biophysics; micro-nanofabrication.
Heat transfer in laminar and turbulent boundary layers. Analogy between heat, momentum, mass transfer. Pre: 422 and 626.
Review of Newtonian fluid mechanics. Blood rheology and flow in elastic tubes. Murray’s Law and pulsatile flow propagation. Microcirculation dynamics and biological transport. Aquatic movement and comparative biological examples. Pre: 322 and 422, or consent.
Two-phase flow pattern and flow pattern maps; two-phase flow models (homogeneous, separate, drift flux, annular); laminar and turbulent film condensations; boiling incipience; pool boiling heat transfer; flow boiling heat transfer; critical heat flux (CHF). A-F only. Pre: 422 (or equivalent) or consent.
Advanced topics in aerodynamics, two- and three-dimensional wing theory, slender-body theory, lifting surface methods, vortex and wave drag, analytical and numerical methods, for computing unsteady aerodynamic behavior and introduction to flightdynamics. A-F only. Pre: 322 and 626, or consent.
Fundamentals of statistical thermodynamics. Main topics include entropy, Boltzmann law, thermodynamic driving forces, statistical mechanics, chemical equilibria, solutions and mixtures, and applications of statistical thermodynamics in biology, chemistry, physics, and nanoscience. A-F only. Pre: 311 or 611.
Introduction to general principles of classical thermodynamics. Main topics include equilibrium conditions, thermodynamic relations, Legendre transformations, Maxwell relations, stability of thermodynamic systems, phase transitions, and critical phenomena. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 311 or consent.
Analysis of principles of operation of renewable energy systems, and its interactions with sustainability. Fundamentals of renewable energy production, storage, and distribution. Pre: consent.
Investigation of advanced problems in mechanical engineering design or development. Student must find faculty sponsor before registering. A-F only. Pre: senior standing.
Specialized topics in thermosciences, mechanics, materials, systems, or design. Pre: consent.
Specialized topics in thermosciences, mechanics, materials, systems, or design. Pre: consent.
(1 Lec, 2 2-hr Lab) Continuation of design project initiated in ME 481. Extension of conceptual design to final design. Manufacturing of prototype: material and part selection, procurement, manufacturing specifications/ drawings. Testing of complex systems. Extensive oral communication required. A-F only. Pre: 481.
(2 1-hr Lec, 2 2-hr Lab) Heuristic application of engineering design process and project planning via a significant, open-ended design project that includes realistic constraints involving economics, environmental sustainability, manufacturability, ethics, health, safety, society, and politics. Extensive written communication required. A-F only. Pre: 322, 341, 372, and 375; or consent.
Measurement techniques in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. Hands-on experience with instrumentation. Open-ended design of thermofluid systems. Contemporary engineering ethics issues. Final report and presentation are required. A-F only. Pre: 422 (or concurrent).
Plane and spherical acoustic waves. Transmission, reflection, radiation, and absorption. Near and far fields, radiation patterns. Applications to noise control. Instruments. Pre: 375, EE 211; or consent.
Response of machines and systems to transient and periodic excitation. Vibration isolation and transmissibility. Modal analysis of multi-degree-of-freedom systems. Applications to design. Pre: 371, 375; or consent.
(1-3 hr Lab) Techniques of experimental stress analysis: strain and deflection measurement of beams and shafts, strain to stress conversion, principal and maximum shearing stresses, failure in biaxial stress states, stress concentrations, residual stresses, buckling, creep, electrical resistance strain gages, brittle coatings, photoelastic methods, transducers. A-F only. Pre: 371 and departmental approval.
Nuclear reactor principles. Reactor heat transfer, heat generation and removal. Design and analysis of reactor power systems and plants. Pre: 411 (or consent) and 422.
Energy conversion and its impact on the environment. Conventional, hydroelectric, nuclear fission and fusion, solar, wind, ocean, geothermal, and biomass power; energy storage, transmission and conservation. Pre: 322, 411, and 422 (or concurrent); or consent.
Principles and design methods for autonomous systems. Pre: senior standing.
Analysis/ design of feedback systems. Compensator design via root locus and Bode analysis. Routh/Nyquist stability. State space representation and introduction to MIMO formulation. Controllability/observability. Application to physical dynamic systems such as industrial robots. Pre: 375 or EE 315 or consent.
(3 Lec) Tools and techniques of micro- and nanotechnology in design, modeling, simulations, analysis, fabrication, testing and characterization; nano-materials, nano-structures, nano-composites, nano-coating, nano-optics, nano-electronics and nano-biotechnology. A-F only. Pre: senior standing or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Introduction to anisotropic materials, advanced manufacturing techniques for composite and intelligent materials, joining of composites, thin film processing and stereolithography, computer aided manufacturing and rapid prototyping, manufacturing process optimization, open-ended manufacturing projects. A-F only. Pre: 341, 342, and senior standing; or consent.
Basics of corrosion processes and emphasis on corrosion control. Thermodynamics and kinetics of corrosion, metal alloys and their behavior, corrosion control techniques (cathodic protection, anodic protection, coatings, and inhibitors). Pre: 341.
(1 Lec, 2 2-hr Lab) Common experimental techniques in materials testing and research: x-ray diffraction, optical and electron microscopy, thermal and mechanical properties, electrochemical methods—theory and hands-on experience. Pre: 341 or CHEM 351 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as CHEM 435)
Methodology for the selection of materials for mechanical applications to prevent mechanical failure and environmental degradation. Design considerations associated with the use of metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites. Pre: 341 and 371 (or CEE 370).
Analysis of component failures due to imperfections, fatigue, brittle fracture, wear, corrosion, bending, impact, and overload. Fracture mechanics. Case studies. Pre: 331 or consent.
Scaling methods and optimization under global constraints; multi-scale optimal design of mechanical, thermal, and natural systems; effectiveness of heat, fluid, and convective trees; theoretical design optimization of manmade and natural power systems; analysis of time dependent structures. A-F only. Pre: 371 and 422, or consent.
To introduce concepts in the thermal management of electronics, and to develop sound technical tools to approach modern electronic packaging and cooling applications. A-F only. Pre: 422 or consent.
One-dimensional compressible flow involving change of area, friction, heat transfer. Normal and oblique shocks. Prandtl-Meyer flow. Application to nozzles, diffusers, airfoils. Pre: 322.
Elementary mass diffusion; diffusion in a stationary medium; diffusion in a moving medium; low and high mass transfer theories; simultaneous heat and mass transfer; condensation, evaporation, and boiling; transpiration cooling; species boundary layers; engineering and design of heat and mass exchangers; current refrigerants and environmental regulations. A-F only. Pre: 422 or consent.
(3 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Steady and unsteady conduction; steady convection and radiation; heat exchangers. Emphasis on writing instruction. Pre: 322.
The space environment (vacuum, neutral, radiation, and plasma); motion in gravitational fields; orbit transfers; Earth-satellite operations; rocketry; propulsion analysis and performance; reentry dynamics; interplanetary trajectories; attitude dynamics and stabilization. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Principles, performance, and design of gas turbine power plants and propulsion systems. Pre: 422 (or concurrent).
Principles, design and analysis of practical thermal systems. Engineering applications. Valve, compressor, condenser and evaporator technologies. System integration and control. Thermal loads and thermal comfort. Pre: 422 (or concurrent). (Fall only)
Gas mixtures, generalized thermodynamic relationships, combustion and thermochemistry, chemical equilibrium, power and refrigeration cycles. Pre: grade of C or better in 311.
Basic computational fluid dynamics; four important partial differential equations; introduction to finite element method: Interpolation and Galerkin method; finite element method for transport phenomena; some algorithms for parallel computing. A-F only. Pre: 422 (or concurrent ), and either 360, MATH 407 or PHYS 305; or consent.
Applications of ordinary differential equations, Laplace transform, vector field theory, matrices, line integrals. Pre: MATH 244 (or MATH 253A), and MATH 302 (or MATH 307).
(1 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Analysis, design, fabrication, testing and characterization of engineering instrumentation. Computer-based data acquisition methods. Techniques and procedures associated with carrying out dynamic measurements within the constraints of cost, time and accuracy. Pre: one of 360, MATH 407, or PHYS 305 (or concurrent for any); and 375 (or concurrent).
(3 Lec, 1 2-hr. Lab) Lumped-parameter modeling of dynamic systems. Methods of analysis, including transform techniques. Time and frequency response. Feedback control. Engineering instrumentation. Data acquisition. Dynamic measurements. Design and testing. Pre: grade of C or better in all of CEE 271 (or ME 271) and MATH 302 (or MATH 307).
Velocity and acceleration analysis of planar mechanisms; kinematic synthesis of linkages, cams, and gears; static and dynamic force analysis of mechanisms; balancing of machinery. Pre: CEE 271 or ME 271 (C or better), MATH 244 (or MATH 253A) and either MATH 302 or MATH 307
Design, analysis, and selection of machine components: shafts, screws, fasteners, welds, rolling contact bearings, journal bearings, gears, clutches, brakes, belts, and roller chains. Pre: 213, and either 371 or CEE 370.
Introduction to analysis and design of deformable bodies subject to loading. Stress, strain, consitutive relation, axially loading, torsion, statically indeterminate systems, Mohr’s circle, failure criteria, buckling, defection due to axial, shear, torsional, and flexural loading. Pre: C or better in all of the following: CEE 270; and MATH 244 (or concurrent) or MATH 253A (or concurrent). (Crosslisted as CEE 370)
Numerical solutions for algebraic and transcendental equations, simultaneous linear algebraic equations, integration and differentiation; integration of ordinary differential equations. Engineering applications. Pre: grade of C or better in all of EE 160 (or EE 110 or ICS 111), MATH 244 (or MATH 253A), and MATH 302 (or MATH 307).
(1 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Manufacturing laboratory: tension/ compression tests, cold rolling, welding, casting, statistical process control, programming and milling using a CNC machine. A-F only. Pre: 341 (or concurrent) or consent.
(3 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Energy requirements for manufacturing methods. Manufacturing methods to obtain components with desired size/shape/properties. Conduct manufacturing experiments. Emphasis on writing instruction. A-F only. Pre: 331 or consent.
Electronic, atomic, and crystalline structure of materials and their effect on the mechanical, electrical, optical, and magnetic properties of engineering metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites. Pre: grade of C or better in all of CHEM 162 (or CHEM 171 or CHEM 181A), MATH 242 (or MATH 252A), and PHYS 170.
(3 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Incompressible and compressible ideal fluids, effects of viscosity. Similitude, boundary layer flow. Measurement techniques in thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. Hands-on experience with instrumentation. Open-ended design of thermofluid systems. Emphasis on writing instruction. Pre: grade of C or better in all of 311 and CEE 271 (or ME 271).
(3 Lec, 1 Discussion) Basic laws, closed and open systems. Work, heat, concept of entropy. Properties of pure simple substances. Ideal gases. Introduction to power and refrigeration cycles. Pre: grade of C or better in all of CHEM 162 (or CHEM 171 or CHEM 181A), PHYS 170 and MATH 244 (or MATH 253A).
Dynamics of particles and rigid bodies; force, acceleration, impulse-momentum, work-energy. CE, CNST, ENGS, ME majors only. A-F only. Pre: C or better in CEE 270;
MATH 244 (or concurrent) or MATH 253A (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as CEE 271) D
(1 Lec, 2 2-hr Lab) Introductory experience in communication, presentation, professional ethics, social responsibility, engineering economics, quality control, and computer-aided drafting. Teamwork and project required. Pre: PHYS 170.
(1 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Introductory experience in analysis, synthesis, and design. Teamwork and project required. Pre: high school physics or consent.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times.
An experience-based introduction to college-level teaching; students serve as student teachers to professors; responsibilities include supervised teaching and participation in planning and evaluation. Open to graduate students in mathematics only. Repeatable one time, up to six credits. CR/NC only. Pre: graduate standing in mathematics and consent.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Maximum of 3 credit hours. Repeatable unlimited times.
Maximum of 3 credit hours. Repeatable two times. Graduate standing in MATH. A-F only.
Connected graphs and digraphs. Graph embeddings. Connectivity and networks. Factors and factorizations. Coverings. Coloring. Applications.
Stationary, Gaussian, and Markov processes. A-F only. Pre: 671 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent. (Alt. years)
Independence and conditioning, martingales, ergodic theory, Markov chains, central limit theorem. A-F only. Pre: 631 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent. (Alt. years)
Number fields and rings of integers; primes, factorization, and ramification theory; finiteness of the class group; Dirichlet’s Unit Theorem; valuations, completions, and local fields. Further topics. Graduate students only. Pre: 611 (with a minimum grade of B-).
Recursive, r.e., Ptime, and Logspace classes. Nondeterminism, parallelism, alternation, and Boolean circuits. Reducibility and completeness.
Axiomatic development, ordinal and cardinal numbers, recursion theorems, axiom of choice, continuum hypothesis, consistency and independence results.
Model theory, computability theory, set theory. In particular syntax and semantics of first order logic; incompleteness, completeness, and compactness theorems; Loewenheim-Skolem theorems; computable and computably enumerable sets; axioms of set theory; ordinals and cardinals. Graduate students only.
(B) logic; (D) analysis; (E) commutative rings; (F) function theory; (G) geometric topology; (H) operator theory; ((I) probability; (J) algebra; (K) special; (M) lattice theory and universal algebra; (N) noncommutative rings; (O) transformation groups; (P) partial differential equations; (Q) potential theory; (R) algebraic topology; (S) functional analysis; (T) number theory and combinatorics; (U) differentiable manifolds II. Repeatable up to nine credits for (U); unlimited times for the other alphas.
Continuation of 644. This is the second course of a year sequence and should be taken in the same academic year as 644.
Conformal mapping, residue theory, series and product developments, analytic continuation, special functions. (These topics are covered in the year sequence 644–645.)
Simple variational problems, first and second variation formulas. Euler-Lagrange equation, direct methods, optimal control.
Linear topological spaces, normed spaces, Hilbert spaces, function algebras, operator theory. Pre: consent.
Continuation of 631. This is the second course of a year sequence and should be taken in the same academic year as 631.
Lebesgue measure and integral, convergence of integrals, functions of bounded variation, Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral and more general theory of measure and integration. (These topics are covered in the year sequence 631–632.)
Differentiable structures on manifolds, tensor fields, Frobenius theorem, exterior algebra, integration of forms, Poincare Lemma, Stoke’s theorem.
Geometric, topological, and dynamical methods in the study of finitely generated infinite groups. Graduate students only. Pre: 621 (with a minimum grade of B-).
Continuation of 621. This is the second course of a year sequence and should be taken in the same academic year as 621.
Properties of topological spaces; separation axioms, compactness, connectedness; metrizability; convergence and continuity. Additional topics from general and algebraic topology. (These topics are covered in the year sequence 621–622.)
Introduction to basic techniques, including subalgebras, congruences, automorphisms and endomorphisms, varieties of algebras, Mal’cev conditions.
Introduction with applications to general algebra. Partially ordered sets, decomposition theory, representations of lattices, varieties and free lattices, coordinatization of modular lattices.
Ideal theory in Noetherian rings, localization, Dedekind domains, the Jacobson radical, the Wedderburn-Artin theorem, additional topics.
Sylow theorems, solvable groups, nilpotent groups, extension theory, representation theory, additional topics.
Continuation of 611. This is the second course of a year sequence and should be taken in the same academic year as 611.
Modules, Sylow theorems, Jordan-Holder theorem, unique factorization domains, Galois theory, algebraic closures, transcendence bases. (These topics are covered in the year sequence 611–612.)
Numerical linear algebra including iterative methods, SVD, and other matrix factorizations, locating eigenvalues, discrete approximation to partial differential equations. Recommended: 407, 411, or consent.
Continuation of 602. This is the second course of a year sequence and should be taken in the same academic year as 602.
Classical existence and uniqueness theory for ODEs and PDEs, qualitative properties, classification, boundary value and initial value problems, fundamental solutions, other topics.
Continuous and discrete dynamical systems; bifurcation theory; chaotic maps. Additional topics from PDEs and linear algebra. Graduate students only.
Practicing teachers develop and improve their problem-solving skills by working on challenging mathematical tasks. Students improve their mathematics content knowledge by working on problems and learning to design challenge problems for their own classes. Practicing teachers in grades K-12 only. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. All 600-courses prerequisites graduate standing or consent.
Limited to advanced students who must arrange with an instructor before enrolling. Repeatable one time, up to six credits.
Reports on research in mathematical biology, reviews of literature, and research presentation. Required for Certificate in Mathematical Biology. Repeatable one time. Pre: junior standing or higher and consent. (Cross-listed as BIOL 490)
Seminar for senior mathematics majors, including an introduction to methods of research. Significant portion of class time is dedicated to the instruction and critique of oral presentations. All students must give the equivalent of three presentations. CR/NC only. Pre: one 400-level mathematics course or consent.
Finite configurations. Topics may include counting methods, generating functions, graph theory, map coloring, block design, network flows, analysis of discrete algorithms. Pre: 311 or consent.
Sampling and parameter estimation, tests of hypotheses, correlation, regression, analysis of variance, sequential analysis, rank order statistics. Pre: 471 or consent.
Probability spaces, random variables, distributions, expectations, moment-generating and characteristic functions, limit theorems. Continuous probability emphasized. Pre: 244 (or concurrent) or 253A (or concurrent), or consent. Recommended: 305 or 371 or 372; or consent.
A system of first order logic. Formal notions of well-formed formula, proof, and derivability. Semantic notions of model, truth, and validity. Completeness theorem. Pre: 321 or graduate standing in a related field or consent. Recommended: 454.
Sets, relations, ordinal arithmetic, cardinal arithmetic, axiomatic set theory, axiom of choice and the continuum hypothesis. Pre: 321 or graduate standing in a related field or consent.
Advanced topics from various areas: algebra, number theory, analysis, and geometry. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Analytic functions, complex integration, introduction to conformal mapping. Pre: 244 or 253A; recommended 331; or consent.
Properties and fundamental geometric invariants of curves and surfaces in space; applications to the physical sciences. Pre: 244 or 253A, and 311; or consent.
Vector operations, wedge product, differential forms, and smooth mappings. Theorems of Green, Stokes, and Gauss, both classically and in terms of forms. Applications to electromagnetism and mechanics. Pre: 244 or 253A, and 307 or 311, or consent.
Continuation of 431. This is the second course of a year sequence and should be taken in the same academic year as 431. Emphasis on writing instruction continues. Pre: 431 or consent.
Topology of Rn , metric spaces, continuous functions, Riemann integration, sequences and series, uniform convergence, implicit function theorems, differentials and Jacobians. Emphasis on teaching mathematical writing. (These topics are covered in the year sequence 431–432.) Pre: 311, 321, and 331; or consent.
General topology, including compactness and connectedness; the Jordan Curve Theorem and the classification of surfaces; first homotopy or homology groups. Pre: 321 or consent.
Congruences, quadratic residues, arithmetic functions, distribution of primes. Emphasis is on teaching theory and writing, not on computation. Pre: 321 or consent.
Techniques of mathematical programming. Topics may include linear programming, integer programming, network analysis, dynamic programming, and game theory. Pre: 307 or 311, or consent.
Continuation of 412. This is the second course of a year sequence and should be taken in the same academic year as 412. Emphasis on writing instruction. Pre: 412 or consent.
Introduction to basic algebraic structures. Groups, finite groups, abelian groups, rings, integral domains, fields, factorization, polynomial rings, field extensions, quotient fields. Emphasis on writing instruction. (These topics are covered in the year sequence 412–413.) Pre: 311 and 321; or consent.
Vector spaces over arbitrary fields, minimal polynomials, invariant subspaces, canonical forms of matrices; unitary and Hermitian matrices, quadratic forms. Pre: 307 or 311, and 321; or consent.
Continuation of 407. This is the second course of a year sequence and should be taken in the same academic year as 407. Pre: 407 or consent.
Numerical solution of equations, interpolation, least-squares approximation, quadrature, eigenvalue problems, numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. (These topics are covered in the year sequence 407–408.) Pre: 243 or 253A, and 307 or 311, and one semester programming; or consent.
Systems of linear ordinary differential equations, autonomous systems, and stability theory applications. Optional topics include series solutions, Sturm theory, numerical methods. Pre: 302 and 311, or consent.
Laplace’s equation, Fourier transform methods for PDEs, higher dimensional PDEs, spherical harmonics, Laplace series, special functions and applications. Pre: 402 or consent.
Integral surfaces and characteristics of first and second order partial differential equations. Applications to the equations of mathematical physics. Pre: 243 or 253A, or consent. Recommended: 244 and 302.
Estimation, tests of significance, the concept of power. Pre: 371 or consent.
Problem-oriented introduction to the basic concepts of probability and statistics, providing a foundation for applications and further study. Pre: 216 or 242 or 252A or consent.
Sets, discrete sample spaces, problems in combinatorial probability, random variables, mathematical expectations, classical distributions, applications. Pre: 216, 242, or 252A; or consent.
Hyperbolic, other non-Euclidean geometries. Pre: 351 or consent.
Axiomatic Euclidean geometry and introduction to the axiomatic method. Pre: 243 or 253A, and 321 (or concurrent); or consent.
A rigorous axiomatic development of one variable calculus. Completeness, topology of the line, limits, continuity, differentiation, integration. Emphasis on teaching mathematical writing. Pre: 242 or 252A, and 321; or consent.
Formal introduction to the concepts of logic, finite and infinite sets, functions, methods of proof and axiomatic systems. Learning mathematical expressions in writing is an integral part of the course. Pre: 243 (or concurrent) or 253A (or concurrent), or consent.
Algebra of matrices, linear equations, real vector spaces and transformations. Emphasis on concepts and abstraction and instruction of careful writing. Students may receive credit for only one of 307 or 311. Pre: 242 or 252A, or consent.
Introduction to linear algebra, application of eigenvalue techniques to the solution of differential equations. Students may receive credit for only one of 307 or 311. Pre: 242 or 252A, or consent.
Optional laboratory for 305. Pre: 305 (or concurrent).
Probabilistic mathematical modeling emphasizing models and tools used in the biological sciences. Topics include stochastic and Poisson processes, Markov models, estimation, and Monte Carlo simulation. A computer lab may be taken concurrently. Pre: 216 or 242 or 252A, or consent.
Optional laboratory for 304. Pre: 304 (or concurrent).
Deterministic mathematical modeling emphasizing models and tools used in the biological sciences. Topics include difference equations, qualitative behavior solutions of ODEs and reaction-diffusion equations. A computer lab may be taken concurrently. Pre: 216 or 242 or 252A, or consent.
Constant coefficient linear systems, variable coefficient ordinary differential equations, series solutions and special functions, Fourier series, partial differential equations. Pre: 302, 311 (or concurrent); or consent.
First order ordinary differential equations, constant coefficient linear equations, oscillations, Laplace transform, convolution, Green’s function. Pre: 216 or 243 (or concurrent) or 253A (or concurrent), or consent.
Symbolic logic, sets and relations, algorithms, trees and other graphs. Additional topics chosen from algebraic systems, networks, automata. Pre: one semester of calculus from mathematics department; or consent. Recommended: one semester programming.
The historical development of mathematical thought. Pre: 216 or 242 or 252A.
Vector calculus; maxima and minima in several variables; multiple integrals; line integrals, surface integrals and their applications. Pre: 252A.
Integration techniques and applications, series and approximations, differential equations, introduction to vectors. Pre: 251A, or a grade of B or better in 241 and consent.
Basic concepts; differentiation with applications; integration. Compared to 241, topics are discussed in greater depth. Credit allowed for at most one of 203, 215, 241, 251A. Pre: assessment and consent, or a grade of A in 140 and consent.
Multiple integrals; line integrals and Green’s Theorem; surface integrals, Stokes’s and Gauss’s Theorems. Pre: 243 or consent.
Vector algebra, vector-valued functions, differentiation in several variables, and optimization. Pre: 242 or 252A, or consent.
Integration techniques and applications, series and approximations, differential equations. Pre: 241 or 251A or a grade of B or better in 215; or consent.
Basic concepts; differentiation with applications; integration. Credit allowed for at most one of 203, 215, 241, 251A. Pre: 140 or 215 or assessment exam.
Differential calculus for functions in several variables and curves, systems of ordinary differential equations, series approximation of functions, continuous probability, exposure to use of calculus in the literature. Pre: 215 or consent.
Basic concepts; differentiation, differential equations and integration with applications directed primarily to the life sciences. Credit allowed for at most one of 203, 215, 241, 251A. Pre: 140 or assessment exam.
Basic concepts; differentiation and integration applications to management, finance, economics, and the social sciences. Credit allowed for at most one of 203, 215, 241, 251A. Pre: 134, 135, or 161, or assessment exam.
(3 hr) Introduction to numerical algorithms and structured programming using Fortran, MATLAB, or other appropriate language. Pre: one semester of calculus (203, 215, 241, 242, 243, 244, 251A, 252A, or 253A) (or concurrent), or consent.
Algebra review, functions with special attention to polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, algebra of functions, techniques of graphing, differentiation and integration of algebraic functions, applications in economics and social sciences. Credit allowed for only one of 134, 135, or 161. A-F only.
Studies trigonometric functions, analytic geometry, polar coordinates, vectors, and related topics. This course is the second part of the precalculus sequence. Credit allowed for one of 134, 135, or 140. Pre: 134, 135, or 161 or assessment exam.
Algebra review, functions with special attention to polynomial, rational exponential and logarithmic functions, composed and inverse functions, techniques of graphing. Credit not allowed for 134 and 140, or 134 and 161. Pre: two years of high school algebra, one year of plane geometry.
Understanding, communicating, and representing mathematical ideas; problem solving; reasoning and proof; and using symbolism. Patterns and algebraic thinking, place value and decimals, geometry, and mathematical modeling. Pre: 111.
Understanding, communicating, and representing mathematical ideas, problem solving, and reasoning. Number systems, place value, fractions, and properties of operations. Prospective elementary education majors only.
Selected topics designed to acquaint nonspecialists with examples of mathematical reasoning. May not be taken for credit after 215 or higher.
Reading and research in an area of marketing under the direction of faculty member(s). A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in international management or consent.
Selected topics in any aspect of international marketing to increase exposure to the range of issues researchers commonly confront. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in business administration or consent.
Focuses on theories of strategic marketing and planning. Explores the theoretical principles of marketing concepts, tools, and processes that can be used to help an organization develop a sustainable competitive advantage. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in business administration or consent.
Focuses on consumer behavior theory. Provides in-depth review of important published work in traditional and cross-cultural consumer behavior fields. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in business administration or consent.
Focuses on the building blocks of theory, their use, and evolution within a marketing context. Explores marketing theories, theory construction, and the creation of marketing knowledge. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in business administration or consent.
Significant topics, problems in marketing. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: BUS 623 or consent.
Provides training on managing patient communications in general and shared decision making in particular. Increases ability to use tools available to improve patient-provider decision making quality and satisfaction. A-F only. Pre: BUS 623.
Examines digital marketing’s role in new product development; direct sales; marketing communications via the internet, social media, and mobile devices; and digital tools such as online tracking and analysis. Real activities provide opportunities for application. A-F only. Pre: BUS 623 or consent. (Fall only)
Conceptual understanding of distinctive aspects of services, services management, and services research. Pre: BUS 623 or consent.
Thought processes that relate to creativity. Through a series of exercises, students experience enriched creativity and enhanced communication skills. Pre: BUS 623 or consent.
Examines use of marketing research/data analytics to support marketing management. Topics include: research process; survey design; sampling; measurement; primary data analysis; customer data analytics; digital media analytics. Real world project reinforce learning. Pre: BUS 621, BUS 623, or consent.
The study of brands and strategic brand management with emphasis on developing integrated advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and internet communication strategies that build brand equity. Includes relevant theory and real world applications. Pre: BUS 623 or consent.
Integrated and comparative approach to international marketing management. Emphasis on the development of a competitive strategy in a global environment. Applications to both developing and industrialized markets. Pre: BUS 623 or consent.
Specialized study of Japanese marketing systems, considers both global and domestic marketing activities in the context of the Japanese economy. Pre: BUS 623 or consent.
A case course in the application of advanced marketing methods. Pre: BUS 623 or consent.
Sales managers participate in diverse activities including hiring, designing and implementing training programs, in-field coaching and development, motivating and compensating employees, and team building. Helps students develop knowledge and skills in these areas. A-F only. Graduate students only. Pre: BUS 623 or consent of instructor. (Alt. years)
Designed to help students better understand how consumers process information, form attitudes, and make decisions. Draws on theories from social sciences to help students manage consumer needs and satisfaction. A-F only. Graduate students only. Pre: BUS 623 or consent of instructor. (Alt. years)
Application of creative process to problems encountered in venture creation/growth. Student problem-solving styles are characterized and implications drawn for generation of breakthrough ideas. Tools for facilitating creative solutions to marketing problems are investigated. Pre: junior standing and BUS 312; or consent.
Focuses on computer software tools designed to help managers make more informed marketing decisions. Through hands-on experience, students learn software skills useful in marketing management, marketing research, sales and advertising. A-F only. Pre: BUS 310 and BUS 312; or consent.
Reading and research in a special area of major under direction of faculty member(s). Project must include statement of objectives, outline of activities planned, results expected, and how they are to be reported and evaluated. Must be approved in advance by the department chair and the faculty advisor. Repeatable unlimited times.
Decision-making by the marketing executive; integration of all elements of the marketing program based on actual business situations. Pre: 311, 321; or consent.
Principles and topics related to international marketing, with emphasis on strategic planning and applications. Pre: BUS 312 or consent.
Examines role of marketing in the formation and launch of entrepreneurial ventures within and outside of ongoing businesses. Emphasis on new product development and low cost, high impact marketing activities. Pre: BUS 312 or consent.
Focuses on the evolving field of customer relationship management. Students learn how to manage marketing information and decision-making systems that maximize customer retention and build long-term relationships. A-F only. Pre: BUS 311, or consent.
Provides comprehensive understanding of digital marketing’s growing role in new product development; marketing research; direct sales; and marketing communications. Students learn multiple digital tools for analysis of customer behavior. Real-world projects provide opportunities for application. Pre: BUS 311 and BUS 312, or consent.
Study and discussion of significant topics and problems in the field of marketing. May be repeated four times with change in topic. Pre: consent and usually senior standing.
Delves into selling and the sales management process. Through a variety of activities, students experience applying selling techniques, sales planning, recruiting and training salespeople, methods of motivating and compensating, territory management and sales team communications. Pre: BUS 312 or consent.
Emphasis on selling technique, social-psychological principles of persuasion, and interpersonal communication. Lecture, discussion, and application of relevant principles and techniques. A-F only. Pre: BUS 312 or consent.
Analysis of opportunities and challenges in physical and digital retailing management: physical layout and digital design; merchandise planning; organizational forms; expense analysis; integration of physical/digital programs. Pre: BUS 312 or consent.
Management of integrated marketing communications campaigns. Includes: conducting target market and competitor research, developing creative content and media strategies, production of communication materials and completion of major real world project. Pre: 331 and BUS 312.
In-depth coverage of the major communication tools used in marketing such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations and the internet. Emphasis on integrated marketing communications. Pre: BUS 312 or consent.
Use of marketing research and marketing management and data analytics to support marketing management. Topics include: the research process; survey design; sampling; measurement; primary data analysis; customer data analytics; and digital media analytics. Pre: BUS 310 and BUS 312, or consent.
Analysis of consumer behavior and motivation; principles of learning, personality, perception, and group influence, with emphasis upon mass communication effects. Pre: BUS 312 or consent. (Cross-listed as PSY 385)
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
Reflects faculty expertise and needs for graduate training in quantitative methods for biology, including statistical, computational, and analytic approaches. Format (lecture/lab/discussion) will vary by topic. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Lecture, discussion, and/or projects on selected topics related to the physiology, behavior, and biology of marine organisms. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only.
Lecture, discussion, and/or projects on selected topics related to education, outreach, and policy of the marine environment. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only.
Lecture, discussion, and/or projects on selected topics related to marine conservation biology. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only.
Lecture, discussion, and/or projects on selected topics related to marine fisheries and natural resource management. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only.
Research for master’s thesis; (F) 1 credit. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only. Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory only.
Directed research and reading in various fields of marine biology. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only.
Marine biology topics, literature, and concepts of current interest within one of several active fields considered in detail; (B) general marine biology; (C) marine fisheries and natural resource management; (D) marine conservation biology; (E) marine education, outreach and policy; (F) marine physiology, behavior and organismal biology; (G) marine population biology and ecology; (H) marine community and ecosystem ecology; (I) professional development for marine biologists; (J) seminar at HIMB. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Fisheries and population models including growth, stock-recruitment, surplus production, age-structured and size-based, parameter estimation, uncertainty characterization, resampling methods, and scientific computing. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: MATH 215 or 216, or MATH 241 or 242, or consent. (Alt. years)
Discussions with marine biology graduate faculty on current primary literature in marine biology. MBIO majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Spring only)
Introduction to key professional skills including, but not limited to: grant writing, CV preparation, research logistics, data management, reproducible science, peer review, research ethics, publishing, career options, teaching, and professional presentations. MBIO majors only. A-F only. (Fall only)
(3 hr Lec, 3 hr Lab) Investigation of biological phenomena and processes related to productivity and food webs, community structure and ecology, adaptations, and physiology, and impacts of human activities and fisheries. Graduate standing in Marine Biology graduate degree program only. A-F only. Pre: 601. Minimum prerequisite grade of B. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as OCN 602)
(3 hr Lec, 3 hr Lab) Introduction to the diversity of marine organisms and the many specialized coastal, reef, and oceanic habitats in which they live. Lab and field research exercises will complement lecture subjects. Graduate standing in Marine Biology graduate degree program only. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as OCN 601)
Continuation of 401. Conducted in Maori. Advanced reading, writing, and conversation. Cultural contemporary and historical topics. Pre: 401 or consent.
Continuation of 302. Conducted in Maori. Advanced reading, writing, and conversation. Cultural contemporary and historical topics. Pre: 302 or consent.
Survey and analysis of Maori song poetry texts, traditional and contemporary, and their development and performance over time. Pre: 102 or HAW 202, or consent.
Survey of modern Maori and Hawaiian literature and culture from the mid-twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Pre: 261 or consent. (Fall only)
Advanced Maori language and culture. Pre: 301. (Spring only)
Advanced Maori language and culture. Pre: 202, no waiver. (Fall only)
Survey of literature concerning myths, traditions, poetry and song as well as contemporary literature (in English) relating to the Treaty of Waitangi, Maori prophetic sayings. Students who have previously taken this course as PACS 492 may not take this course. Pre: consent.
Continuation of 201. Meets three hours weekly. Pre: 201.
Continuation of 102. Meets three hours weekly. Pre: 102.
Continuation of 101. Meets three hours weekly. Pre: 101.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar. Meets three hours weekly.
Reading and research in an area of management under the direction of faculty member(s). Repeatable unlimited times for PhD students. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in international management or consent.
Objectives include: explore research topics in corporate strategy and international business, examine conceptual and empirical literature on management of the multinational corporation, and prepare students for comprehensive examination. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in international management or consent.
Provides tools to compare and contrast management practices across nations and to examine the role of culture in shaping those practices. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in international management or consent.
Covers health care policy topics including: analyzing health service needs, access, use, disparities; health professional supply; policy issues for health organizations; health care financing policy; health law/ethical issues. A-F only. Pre: BUS 622 and BUS 627. (Alt. years)
Innovative ventures, issues related to noticing opportunities, conceptualizing and developing a business model, starting and growing a new venture with specific emphasis on the Asian/Pacific region. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Recognizing and screening technology opportunities, the commercialization process, intellectual property acquisition, business model related to high technology strategies needed for growth in high tech firms. A-F only. Pre: 645 or consent. (Once a year)
Analysis of the strategic management of firms engaged in multinational business including specific content on Asia. Permits students to focus on specific countries such as China and Japan. A-F only. (Spring only)
Selected topics in international management and industrial relations: (B) Chinese management systems; (C) Japanese management systems; (D) management of multinational corporations; (F) contemporary issues in international business foreign direct investment; (G) cross-cultural communication in international business; (H) interactive strategies in Asian culture; (I) international human resource management; (J) international joint ventures; (K) international management of technology; (M) Korean management systems; (N) multinational corporation and environmental issues; (O) strategy of the multinational corporation; (P) international transfer of technology. Repeatable four times per alpha. MBA or MAcc students only (except for (D). Pre: consent.
Theory and practice of negotiation. Exploration of appropriate strategies, tactics, and communication techniques. Study of dyadic multi-party, cross-cultural, and assisted negotiations.
Entrepreneurship behavior involving the founding of new business units within established companies; understanding and dealing with barriers to entrepreneurship in corporations; recognizing corporate entrepreneurship opportunities; and learning various approaches organizations can take to increase entrepreneurship. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
In-depth analysis of selected current practices and trends in administration. May be repeated four times with change in topic. Pre: consent.
Survey of the environment of international business with theory and policy focusing on strategic planning, international management and operational issues confronting the multinational corporations in the global environment. MBA or MAcc students only.
Technical aspects of entrepreneurship, components and requirements for developing a business plan.
Cross-cultural analysis of the values and environmental constraints that shape management patterns and policies. Emphasis on Pacific area nations. MBA or MAcc students only.
(B) experiential learning (EL); (C) organizational development (OD) and major concepts in organizational behavior. MBA or MAcc students only.
Exploration of the nature and role of entrepreneurship behavior inside larger, established organizations. An examination of obstacles to entrepreneurial activity and approaches to creating work environments that foster entrepreneurship. Pre: 320 or consent.
Business systems in Asia Pacific countries including Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong in terms of particular organization strategies and how they relate to the industrial trade policies. Pre: BBA core excluding BUS 345, or consent.
The exploration of business, personal, and interpersonal issues associated with a family owned and managed company. Topics include: family psychology and organizational structure, life cycles in family business, strategic family and business planning, succession planning, family business conflict resolution, estate planning, the role of professional managers, and others. This is not a course about how to become an entrepreneur or how to start or manage a business. It is most appropriate for those students who are part of a family that owns and manages a business. Pre: BUS 315 or graduate status, or consent.
Reading and research in a special area within the major field under direction of faculty member(s). Project must include statement of objectives, outline of activities planned, results expected, and how they are to be reported and evaluated. Must be approved in advance by the department chair and faculty advisor. Repeatable up to six credits.
The evolution of business enterprise from colonial times to the present. Emphasis on entrepreneurship, technological change, labor-management relations, government-business relations, and economic thought. Case studies of industrial development. (Cross-listed as HIST 378)
Integrative course in entrepreneurship designed around the development of an original business concept and the completion of a comprehensive business plan for a new venture. Intended as final course for students completing entrepreneurship minor. Pre: 320 or consent.
In-depth analysis of selected current practices and trends in administration. May be repeated with change in topic. Pre: consent.
Similarities and differences in managers, in process of management, and in relevant environmental constraints in Japan and the U.S. Pre: BUS 315.
Introduction to the unique problems and challenges in managing multinational business enterprises. Systems approach to the management process in such multinational firms stressed. Pre: BUS 315.
Contributions made by sociology, psychology, and related behavioral sciences to the understanding and prediction of human behavior in organizations. Pre: BUS 315.
Covers the role of new ventures and entrepreneurship in the world economy, the formation, funding, marketing, structure and implementation of business ventures.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Experience-based introduction to college-level teaching; doctoral students serve as student teachers to professors; responsibilities include supervised teaching and participation in planning and evaluation. Repeatable one time. Pre: admission to doctoral program and consent.
Structures of languages of various areas of the world; diffusion. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Reporting and discussion of current research in linguistics. (E) ethnolinguistics; (F) phonology and phonetics; (G) general; (M) semantics; (Q) language acquisition; (R) written language; (S) sociolinguistics; (X) syntax; (Y) psycholinguistics. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Advanced laboratory methods for research in linguistics. Specialized and/or advanced uses of hardware, software, research designs, and analysis techniques. Specific topic varies: check with department. Combines lecture, laboratory work and discussion. Repeatable four times. Pre: 632 or consent.
Language typology deals with how and why the elements of language interact and function. Students acquire a broad overview of this grammatical make-up of languages in general and understanding of FunctionalTypological linguistics. Graduate students only. Pre: 320 and 422 or consent. (Alt. years)
Students learn to conduct best practice digital language documentation projects, from equipment purchase to data collection to data annotation to archiving and presentation. Pre: 680 or consent.
Repeatable up to 12 credit hours.
CR/NC only. Repeatable unlimited times. Maximum six credit hours. Pre: graduate standing and consent.
Covers history, method, and theory behind language documentation, and the role of language endangerment in the field. Discussion on skills required to undertake documentation; topics may vary depending on the emphases of the instructor. Pre: 320 or consent.
Survey of the literature in language acquisition; emphasis on relation to linguistic theory. Pre: 421 and 422, or consent.
Continuation of 645. Addresses advanced topics in historical linguistics that have generated controversy rather than consensus. Pre: 645. Repeatable two times.
Introduction to historical-comparative linguistics; attention to both Indo-European and languages with few or no written records. Pre: 421 and 422, or consent.
History of the discipline, schools of linguistic thought, current issues, etc. Repeatable unlimited times. (E) English linguistics; (F) phonology and phonetics; (G) general; (H) history of the discipline; (S) sociolinguistics; (X) syntax; (Y) psycholinguistics. Pre: consent.
Descriptive information on the phonological, morphological, and syntactic structures and lexicon of Hawai‘i Sign Language (HSL); language skills development in HSL; and guided research related to the documentation, conservation, and revitalization of HSL. Graduate students only. Pre: 320 or consent.
Universals and uniqueness in the phonological, morphological, and syntactic structures of sign languages, taught inductively with emphasis on hands-on analysis. Opportunities exist for skills development in American or Ho Chi Minh City sign languages. Graduate students only. Pre: 320 or consent.
Laboratory and quantitative methods for research on language. Introduction to hardware, software, research designs, and basic analysis techniques commonly used in quantitative language research. Combines lecture, laboratory work ,and discussion. Pre: graduate standing.
Preparation of language data for computer processing; use ready-made programs; write simple language processing programs using SNOBOL4. Applications to student’s research. Pre: 421 and 422, or consent.
Work with native speakers of lesser-known languages to develop techniques for data collection and analysis. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: 421 and 422 and one of 621 or 622; or consent.
Usage-based examination of grammar in the context of spontaneous spoken language, including the role of discourse on synchronic and diachronic grammatical structure, discourse in interaction, and discourse in language documentation. Pre: 622 (or concurrent) or consent.
Ways in which the interpretation of sentences in natural language depends upon the literal meaning of propositions and their logical (semantic) and conversational (pragmatic) inferences. Pre: 422 or consent.
Grammatical theory and problems of analysis. Pre: 422 or consent.
Phonological theory and problems of analysis. Pre: 421 or consent. (Fall only)
Exercises in data science for linguistic research. Repeatable one time. Pre: 421 or 422, or consent.
Introduction to data science for linguistic research. Repeatable one time. Pre: 421 or 422, or consent.
Provides training relevant to the study and revitalization of heritage languages and endangered languages. Pre: 320 or equivalent.
Language as a communication system, current theories of grammar, meaning, sociolinguistics, linguistic change and comparison.
Principles of acoustics and audition as they relate to speech sounds, use of computer-based analysis tools to investigate acoustic properties of speech. Pre: 421 or consent.
Repeatable up to 3 credits. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Individual strategies, baby talk, language socialization, language variation including multilingualism. Relation of cognitive to language development. Pre: 320.
Phonological and grammatical structures of a previously uncodified language are determined by linguistic analysis of data obtained from speakers of the language. Pre: 102 or 320, or consent.
Introduction to the language family of Hawaiian, Samoan, Tahitian, Tongan, etc.; models of migration and settlement and linguistic evidence; subgrouping and reconstruction of Proto-Polynesian; linguistic characteristics of present-day languages; language endangerment and conservation in Polynesia. Pre: 320 with a grade of B or better, or consent.
Theories of how literal and figurative language encode meaning and processes of meaning encoding and decoding. Open to non-majors. Pre: 102, 320, ICS 111, or PSY 100; or consent.
Hands-on introduction to modeling language. Focuses on connectionism, relations between language perception,and motor control. Requires no programming experience. Open to non-majors. Pre: 102, 320, ICS 111, or PSY 100; or consent.
Investigates animal communication from the perspective of modern linguistics. Dispels common misconceptions about “talking animals” and shows how the cognitive, biological, and environmental needs and opportunities of animals determine what and how they communicate. Pre: 102 or consent.
Conceptual systems and language from a cognitive science perspective. Linguistic evidence on conceptual structure, reasoning, categorization, and understanding. Open to non-majors. Pre: 102, 320, ICS 111, or PSY 100; or consent.
Syntactic analysis and grammatical theory. Pre: 320 or consent.
Phonological analysis and theory. Pre: 410.
Theory of word structure; analysis of a variety of morphological types. Pre: 320 (or concurrent) or consent.
How does language serve as a proxy for larger social questions? Focuses on four main themes: language revitalization, discrimination on the basis of accent, gender miscommunication and the English Only Movement. A-F only. Pre: 102 or 320 or consent.
The role of language in the construction of gender and in the maintenance of the gender order. Field projects explore hypotheses about the interaction of language and gender. No previous knowledge of linguistics required. A-F only. (Cross-listed as ANTH 413)
Introduction to the ethnographic study of speech and language. Pre: ANTH 152. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ANTH 414 and IS 414)
The mental processes involved in producing, understanding, and acquiring language. Students will conduct a small psycholinguistic experiment. Open to non-majors. Pre: one of 102, 320, or PSY 100; or consent.
Intensive training in recognition, reproduction, and recording of human speech sounds; preparation for fieldwork with unrecorded languages and for clinical work in speech pathology.
Nature, history, structure, and geographic distribution of pidgins and creoles. Pre: 102 or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as IS 347)
Introduction; phonological and grammatical systems; historical developments; emphasis on Filipino, Cebuano, and Ilokano. Pre: grade of B or better in 102 or 320 and experience with a Philippine language, or consent.
Survey of major language families; typological classification and language universals; writing systems, “contact” languages. Variety of grammatical structures illustrated by selected languages. Pre: 320 or consent.
Background; uses for machine translation, dictionary programs, speech synthesis, grammar modeling, etc. Pre: 320 (or concurrent) or consent.
Introduction to the formal analysis of language, focusing on phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, historical linguistics, language acquisition, and related topics.
Provides training in the fundamentals of language documentation and conservation for non-linguists. Repeatable two times. CR/NC only. Pre: proficiency in a lesser studied language and consent.
Survey of findings about the child’s acquisition of language.
Introduction to the study of language and language-related issues, with a focus on Hawai‘i and the Pacific; (B) unit mastery; (C) lecture discussion. A-F only.
Introduces logic as a way of understanding the meanings of everyday words and sentences, as well as the inferences that humans draw from them. Topics include propositional logic, first-order logic, elementary set theory, and relations.
Introduction to language-related phenomena, which gives insight into the organization of the human mind. Combines lecture, discussion and group projects.
Focus on language endangerment and globalization. Students are introduced to case studies on language endangerment from around the world and throughout history. Offered through the distance-learning Unit Mastery program. A-F only.
Introduction to language as a formal symbolic system and to the techniques of analysis and reasoning that reveal its workings. A-F only.
Non-formal introduction to language, emphasizing the everyday use of language, its relevance to contemporary issues in society, and local language issues. Content studied through lecture, readings, and writing; emphasis on writing as a grading criterion
International and comparative librarianship; professional organizations; comparative methodology; research; periodicals; international agencies; influence of literacy and social, cultural, political factors.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable nine times. Pre: 695.
Individualized program of directed reading and/ or research outside the scope of regularly titled courses. Enrollment requires approval before end of previous semester, with specification of goals, work requirements, number of credits, rationale. Repeatable unlimited times, credit earned up to six credits.
Skill development and application of academic study through observation and practice in a fieldwork program with accompanying seminar. Required for school library certification in Hawai‘i. Repeatable one time, up to six credits. LIS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 12 credits in LIS degree program and consent of practicum coordinator required.
Includes issues of topical interest in information technology. Concentrates on one major topic of current interest, such as digital archives, content management systems and informatics. Some topics may require prior background or knowledge. Repeatable unlimited times if course content is different.
Includes issues of topical interest in the information professions. Concentrates on one major topic of current interest, such as services for specific groups and special collections. Some topics may require prior background or knowledge. Repeatable unlimited times if course content is different.
Seminar for graduating students focused on the refinement and completion of the culminating portfolio and preparation for professional practice. Peer mentoring and student presentations. MLISc degree Plan B required course. CR/NC only.
Field experience in library or information agency settings with supervision of professional librarians or information specialists. Available to classified students only. Selection based on academic advisor approval, application form, interview and possession of required competencies. Students must apply and be accepted before registration. Selection is by agency. Repeatable up to six credits. CR/NC only. Pre: 601 and consent.
Process approach to teaching information retrieval, analysis, and use. Emphasizes concepts, practices ineffective instructional design, selection of resources that meets learning needs. Required for Librarian HDOE licensure. A-F only. (Cross-listed as EDCS 686 and LTEC 686)
Planning and implementing services and programming in public and school libraries. Trends, issues, networking, public relations, outreach, competencies, services for the disabled and other special groups.
History and criticism of literature for young adults. Contemporary books and media. Trends in media for young adults. Developmental needs and interests of adolescents. Selection and evaluation. Research studies.
History and criticism of children’s literature. Contemporary books and media. Trends in book publishing and media production. Developmental needs and interests of children. Selection and evaluation. Research studies.
Study of the components of personalized information systems: information filtering systems with emphasis on modeling and representation of documents, queries, user information preferences, and user-system interaction. Topics include advanced Information Retrieval (IR) models, metadata and markup languages, query operations, thesaurus based IR, acquisition of user profiles, and user/system performance evaluation. Pre: consent.
Lecture/discussion on human element in information systems, including physical, cognitive and affective behavior in interaction with information systems. Information retrieval, human-computer interaction and cognitive science research, quantitative and qualitative research methods. Research component. Pre: consent.
Principles, techniques, and technologies supporting the creation of user-centered digital libraries. Selection, organization, maintenance, access, and retrieval of digital collections. A-F only. Graduate students only.
Designing and creating textual and/or directory databases from the viewpoint of information specialists and content providers. Needs analysis, file design, record content and structuring, software choice. Students implement prototype database. Pre: consent.
Overview of the use of media technology and the development of media collections and services in libraries. Use and integration of new emerging technologies, including problems and issues.
Survey of theories, concepts, methods and practices relating to the application of information technology to support the administration and use of information resources. Includes digital, printed and audiovisual materials. Pre: consent.
Study and application of principles and practices that influence digital instruction related to information literacy in libraries and other information environments. Focus on application of instructional design and standards-based outcome assessment. Field research component.
Lecture/discussion on the transformative effects of information and communication technologies in East Asia. Topics include media, mobile devices, social media, publishing, e-government, and e-commerce. A-F only. Graduate students only.
Sociotechnical concepts and processes underlying information systems, services, and use. A-F only. Graduate students only.
Management of archives, manuscript collections, and special collections using approaches and best practices from archival studies. Topics include management theory, appraisal theory, facilities issues, privacy, intellectual property, records management, advocacy, fundraising, reference, and educational outreach. Graduate standing only. A-F only.
Management of records in all media formats. Selection of media format based on government and internal records requirements. Problems associated with electronic media such as legality and shelf life.
Principles and technologies of processing, preservation, and accessibility of archival audiovisual materials in moving image archives. Topics include moving image repositories, critical analysis of archival footage, format identification, digitization strategies, equipment, and vendor considerations. A-F only. Graduate students only.
The role of technology in archival theory and practice. Topics include digital preservation, authenticity assessment, arrangement and description, content management, and access systems. A-F only. Graduate students only.
Introduction to records, archives, and memory including the global history and nature of records, archives, and the archival profession. Topics include cultural memory, ethics and values, tribal and indigenous records, archival theory, practice and perspectives.
Principles and techniques for arrangement and description of archival materials. Topics include basic metadata standards, authority sources, record context, series identification, scope and content.
Theories and principles of administration for effective management of libraries and information centers, with emphasis on planning, resource allocation, team skills, project management, assessment, leadership, outreach, and advocacy.
Survey of government documents at the federal, state/local and international levels in all formats. Covers methods of acquisition and organization, including depository arrangements. Current issues of government information dissemination policies and practices discussed. Pre: 601 or consent.
Continues 605 with study of authority work, and further study of non-book materials cataloging, including electronic and internet resources. Extensive use is made of OCLC Connexion cataloging client. Pre: 605.
Literature of Asia in Western and Asian languages; bibliography, reference tools, research methods, sources, published and archival repositories. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as ASAN 705)
Lecture with demonstrations to introduce the essential types of digital resources and the software tools for finding high quality and relevant information efficiently from digital journal archives and reference databases. Pre: 601 or consent.
Analysis of traditional literature including Asian and Pacific Island resources. Selection and evaluation of traditional literature emphasizing cultural values. Introduction to oral tradition, history and techniques of storytelling.
Examines resources and materials targeted for diverse user populations in libraries and community organizations, locally and globally. Surveys issues and trends related to diversity initiatives affecting the publishing industry, libraries, and cultural institutions worldwide. A-F only. Graduate students only.
Development and delivery of information services with and for indigenous communities. Issues include cultural protocols, traditional knowledge organization and ethics of access. A-F only. Graduate students only.
Overview of resources and issues concerning librarianship in Hawai‘i and the Pacific Islands. Reference strategies and materials to answer common research questions, collection development, and management issues. A-F only. Graduate students only.
Explores how information professionals in libraries and other settings collaborate with community members and organizations. Provides an overview of theory and practice emphasizing critical analysis of policies, services, and trends. Required course for CALIS. A-F only. (Alt. years)
In-depth exploration of the nature of library and archival materials and factors that cause deterioration. Hands-on approach provides practical experience testing, analyzing basic conservation treatments, understanding the role of conservation in preservation planning. Pre: 619 or consent
Introduction to preservation management. Focus on management strategies for preservation of materials in libraries and archives. Covers preservation planning, condition surveys, disaster planning, grantsmanship, and basic issues relating to deterioration. LIS majors only.
Principles and issues of collection management and care. Criteria and tools for selecting and deselecting materials. Relationships with publishers/producers.
Principles of effective management of information organizations, with emphasis on organizational information flows, team skills, communication, planning, resource allocation, assessment, outreach, and advocacy. Graduate students only. A-F only.
History of the recording, preservation, and transmission of knowledge. Development of libraries and other information organizations as instruments of cultural transmission.
Seminar surveying the core philosophical principles and practices of intellectual freedom with special application to librarianship and information sciences. LIS majors only. A-F only. Pre: departmental approval. (Alt. years)
Lecture/discussion/survey of the information professions, development of professional identity, professional values and ethics, historical development, current issues in the information professions.
Theory and practice of metadata creation for organization of information resources, cataloging code for resource description and access, Library of Congress and Dewey Decimal Classification schemes, use of OCLC.
Techniques and strategies for discovery of information resources from professional online databases and the Web. Query formulation and use of advanced functions to match retrieved resources with user needs for research and reference work. A-F only. Graduate students only. Pre: 601.
Philosophy, principles, and practice of reference services in libraries, information centers and information literacy. Bibliographic control, reference research, reference interview, online searching, evaluation of bibliographic and Webliographic material. Field component. MLISc degree required course.
Designed for in-service librarians and other information specialists needing to update their professional skills, focus on a particular topic, or learn new approaches and concepts. Repeatable for credit. Credits earned in these courses cannot be applied for graduate degrees.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable five times. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
Advanced research methods focused on management and analysis of qualitative data using
technology. Reviews of different qualitative designs, data types, analytical methods, and software. Focused study of one qualitative design. Includes independent research project. Repeatable one time. EDUC, LTEC PhD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 667 or graduate level qualitative research course. (Summer only)
Mixed methods research is designed for PhD and masters students in education and social sciences considering combining qualitative and quantitative research. Covers philosophical and practical implications culminating in a mixed methods dissertation/thesis proposal. Repeatable one time. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as EDCS 780 and DIS 780)
Doctoral level seminar for advanced students examining the theoretical foundations of research in the learning sciences and technology. Repeatable unlimited times. LTEC PhD majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Study and discussion of significant topics and problems. (B) instructional development; (C) online communities; (D) the future; (E) research. Repeatable unlimited times. LTEC PhD majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Issues of topical interest in educational technology. Concentrates on a topic of current interest, including the new technologies for learning and teaching, and innovative strategies for design and delivery of instruction. Repeatable unlimited times. LTEC majors only. A-F only.
Covers multiple instructional design models within the context of theory and research. Studio approach to focus on facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. LTEC PhD majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable nine times.
Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable for 3 credit hours maximum each time. Pre: LTEC major or consent.
Practicum in e-learning in academic or non-academic settings, under close supervision, plus regular class meetings. Repeatable three times. LTEC majors only or consent. A-F only.
Supervised activity in application of research in learning design and technology to teaching/training experiences. Repeatable three times. LTEC majors only and consent. A-F only.
Practicum in educational technology training and evaluation in formal and informal settings, under close supervision, plus class meetings in hybrid format. Repeatable unlimited times. LTEC majors only or consent. Pre: instructor consent.
Practicum in instructional design, development, and technology in academic and non-academic settings, under close supervision, plus regular class meetings in seminar format. Repeatable three times. LTEC majors only or consent. A-F only.
Process approach to teaching information retrieval, analysis, and use. Emphasizes concepts, practices ineffective instructional design, selection of resources that meets learning needs. Required for Librarian HDOE licensure. A-F only. Pre: LTEC majors or consent. (Cross-listed as EDCS 686 and LIS 686)
Interdisciplinary course that introduces a range of empirical research examining aspects of cognition such as attention, memory and learning, and how technologies can enhance and/or hinder these cognitive processes. Repeatable 3 times. A-F only.
Examination of social and ethical issues as they relate to technology in instructional settings. Focus on social justice and societal impact. A-F only. Pre: LTEC major or consent.
Applying theory of management in instructional technology support services and delivery systems. (B) management; (C) systems; (D) networks. A-F only. Pre: LTEC major or consent.
Planning, needs assessment, and change theory applied to the development and evaluation of long-range plans and the communication of a vision for technology in education. LTEC majors only or consent.
Technical and instructional considerations for developing, delivering, managing, and evaluating distance education including voice, video, print, hypermedia and data transmissions. Pre: LTEC major or consent.
Application of methodological and statistical concepts in a projects-based classroom framework. Formative and summative evaluation, measurements, descriptive, and inferential statistics. LTEC PhD majors only. EDUC PhD majors only with consent. A-F only.
Introduction to qualitative research traditions and designs. Emphasis will be on the use of digital technologies in data collection and analysis. LTEC PhD majors only. EDUC PhD majors only with consent. A-F only. (Once a year)
Explores research methods used in educational technology with a focus on developing a design for dissertation research. Emphasis is on the use of digital technologies in data collection and analysis. LTEC PhD majors only. A-F only. Graduate students only.
Evaluation and assessment processes, sources, and instruments applicable to systematic appraisal of learning with technology. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: LTEC major or consent.
Using real-world problems, students learn an agile design and problem-solving process that is human-centered, iterative, and cultivates individual and group creativity. Repeatable three times. A-F only.
Project-based exploration of the breadth of programming in the context of educational games and simulations. A-F only. Pre: LTEC major or consent.
Conceptualization of instructional design and its application to the development for e-learning environments: (B) assisted instruction (CAI); (C) managed instruction; (D) virtual reality; (E) animation. Repeatable two times. LTEC majors only or consent. A-F only.
The utilization and application of advanced authoring tools, combining video, animation, graphics, and sound to develop student-centered learning. Primarily for advanced LTEC students. LTEC majors only or consent.
Exploration and evaluation of new tools and strategies for teaching and learning. (B) mobile learning; (C) free/open software; (D) educational games and simulations; (E) critical trends. Repeatable one time per alpha. A-F only. Pre: LTEC major or consent. (Fall only for (B) and (D)) (Spring only for (C) and (E))
Exploring the nature, application, and use of educational technology in informal learning environments, such as museums, cultural institutions, tourist attractions, and visitor information centers. Focusing on the analysis, selection, and development of various media choices. A-F only. Pre: LTEC major or consent.
Exploration of tools and design considerations for effective online communication and development of learning communities. Pre: LTEC major or consent
Exploration and impact of emerging technologies in K-12 classroom teaching and learning and ramifications of these technologies on administrative structure of schools. A-F only. LTEC majors only or consent.
Planning, design, and development of e-learning instruction for educational and training settings. Implementation of online course elements such as student interaction, course management, testing, and content delivery using a learning management environments and open courseware. Repeatable one time. LTEC majors only or consent. A-F only. Pre: 673 or consent.
Development and utilization of digital video for the purpose of improving the teaching-learning process. A-F only. Pre: LTEC major or consent.
Principles of e-learning theory as well as design and development for instruction. Application to new media and web authoring. Repeatable one time. Pre: LTEC majors or consent. A-F only.
Theory and practice involved in planning educational/instructional graphic and photographic material for print and computer-based media. LTEC majors only or consent. A-F only.
Basic concepts and techniques of instructional design and development, for application to solving instructional problems in real-life situations. A-F only. Pre: LTEC major or consent.
Introduction to principles of e-learning and their application in formal and informal instructional settings. LTEC majors only or consent. A-F only.
Review of existing research in media/ed technology, with activities leading to the preparation of final study or project proposal. Repeatable one time. LTEC majors only or consent. A-F only.
Innovative technological advances and new media in the field of educational technology and their application in instruction. A-F only. Pre: LTEC major or consent.
The profession of educational technology and the role of instructional designers. Theoretical and philosophical foundations underlying practice that include instructional systems theory, needs assessment, change theory, and relevant learning models. Practical applications of these theories to solve instructional problems in real-life settings. A-F only. Pre: LTEC major or consent.
Specialized topics reflecting interests and needs of faculty in current issues of technology integration. Combined lecture, lab and discussion course. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Specialized topics reflecting interests and needs of faculty in current issues of technology integration. Combined lecture, lab and discussion course. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Specialized topics reflecting interests and needs of faculty in current issues of technology integration. Combined lecture, lab and discussion course. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Specialized topics reflecting interests and needs of faculty in current issues of technology integration. Combined lecture, lab and discussion course. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Exploring technology resources needed for integration into classroom instruction. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only.
Exploring technology resources needed for distance learning and classroom integration. Repeatable two times.
Individual work, supervised by instructor. May consist of reading, research, and/or projects. Repeatable two times, up to six credits. Pre: consent.
Exploration of social media and effects on individuals, communities, and world. Analyze and evaluate impacts of social media and ethical implications. Service learning component and research project link social media to personal fields of study. Pre: upper division standing (junior or higher).
Planning and implementation of computer systems and applications for effective integration into classroom settings. Emphasis is on methods and strategies for using digital technologies to enhance standards-based learning by K-12 students. Pre: upper division standing.
Overview of video uses in educational contexts. Includes video planning, production, and simple editing procedures, as well as selection, evaluation, and integration into learning plans. Pre: upper division standing.
Introduction to the application of educational technology in teaching and learning using strategies in design, selection, development, integration, and evaluation. Interactive delivery via distance education technologies. A-F only. Pre: basic teaching certification.
Introduction to educational technology theory and practice with an emphasis on meaningful integration of technology and media into a variety of face-to-face and online learning environments for diverse populations. A-F only. Pre: upper division standing.
Virtual and hands-on analysis of technology resources and utilization in learning with an emphasis on business education. A-F only. Pre: 112 (or concurrent).
Virtual and hands-on analysis of technology resources and utilization in learning.
Introduces conceptual and historical foundations of systems of public and private ordering in the U.S. and its territories. Subjects include federalism, constitutional democracy, separation of powers, and the common law. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only.
Introduces foundational concepts in American legal systems. Engages students in legal analysis and techniques of legal advocacy. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: Ulu Lehua Scholars only.
Primer on the World Intellectual Property Organization and the treaties it administers. Will explore the various international legislative and judicial developments in intellectual property as well as analyze international methods to harmonize several regional and national laws to protect rights in trademarks, patents, and copyrights. Students will be exposed to issues of territoriality and jurisdiction, international antitrust issues, and international dispute resolution, and human rights implications of international intellectual property rights protections. Pre: LAW 535.
Study of substantive rules of one or more Pacific Islands jurisdictions, development of legal systems, relationship of legal systems to culture and tradition.
Problem-based course teaches theory and practice of interrelated global private regulation and public development consequences, as situated in cross-border transactions and dispute resolution in world law, international investment law, and international financial law.
Applying international human rights law and legal skills to promote and protect human rights by way of United Nations Charter-based human rights mechanism, treaty-based mechanism, or other international human rights institutions.
Introduction to the civil law tradition, particularly as exemplified by the legal systems of East and Southeast Asia. After a brief review of comparative law study and the historical development of the civil law, the course will examine the structure and role of the courts, judicial process, the legal profession and constitutional law and administrative law in Western Europe and in the Asian civil law countries.
Overview of the historical foundations of Chinese law and introduction to the present legal system in the People’s Republic of China. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as ASAN 686)
Evolving process of formulating rules to govern nations and peoples of the world in their attempts to solve problems recognized as requiring global solutions.
Introduction to the legal framework for water resource management in Hawai‘i; case studies illuminate the litigation process and evolution of the public trust, precautionary principle, and other legal, scientific, and policy areas.
Designed to acquaint the student with the unique legal history of Hawai‘i, emphasizing particular legal controversies that have shaped the law of our island society. LAW majors only.
Specific topic areas depend on current developments and issues in Native Hawaiian and Indigenous law in Hawai‘i, the nation, and internationally, and expertise of faculty and visiting faculty. (B) policy and governance; (C) business and economic development; (D) law and culture; (E) Indigenous peoples, (F) Indigenous environment and sustainability. Repeatable up to 9 credits. LAW students only.
Status and evolution of rights of Native Hawaiians to the land and its usufructs. Potential of utilizing native rights based on statute, custom, and use to develop new and expanded rights.
An examination of the law, rules, and practices relating to transborder commercial transactions. Roughly half of the semester focuses on international sales transactions, the remaining portion focuses on domestic and multinational governance of the international business arena.
Introduction to business and commercial law in the People’s Republic of China. After a brief overview of China’s political and legal systems, the course will examine basic areas of domestic business legislation, including torts, property, and contract law, the regulation of private business, the reform of state enterprises, the development of company and securities laws, and the regulation of land-use and other property rights. More specialized topics, such as arbitration and dispute resolution, the Chinese approach to intellectual property issues, or the use of joint ventures and other foreign investment vehicles, may also be included.
Focus on the legal environment facing foreign businesses operating in Japan. Includes consideration of the business environment and culture, issues relating to governmental oversight, contract consciousness, corporate law, and dispute resolution. Uses the example of an actual joint venture between an American and a Japanese company as a tool for studying the relevant issues from a practical perspective.
Selected topics presented by faculty members or visiting scholars, focusing upon subjects in the Pacific and Asian area. (B) business; (C) China; (G) global; (H) Philippines; (I) India; (J) Japan; (K) Korea; (P) Pacific; (S) Southeast Asia; (T) Topic 10; (U) Topic 11; (V) Topic 12; (W) Topic 13; (X) Topic 14. LAW majors only for (B) and (H). Repeatable six times for (C), (I), (J), (K), (P), (S), (T), (U), (V), (W), (X); repeatable five times, up to 18 credits for (B), (H); not repeatable for (G).
Provides students with an understanding of the law, society, and legal systems in Korea. Areas of law including constitutional, civil, criminal, and business are discussed. Emphasis on South Korea. Law majors only.
Designed to give an understanding of international criminal law. Will review all aspects of international criminal law from substantive international crimes to criminal liability and sentencing by domestic and international tribunals. LAW majors only.
Area studies of Asian legal systems and issues, focusing on administration of Asian labor laws in a comparative context. Possible effects on foreign direct investment and foreign migrant contract workers. Comparison of Chinese, Japanese and other legal approaches in dealing with common issues.
Comparison of corporate insolvency law of selected Asian and Pacific island countries, with a focus on recently enacted laws and pending proposals that have followed the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. Law students only. Recommended: LAW 515, LAW 554, LAW 562. (Alt. years)
An extended historical review of the foundations of Japanese law in society: Japan’s adoption and adaptation of Chinese legal doctrines, continental European legal structures and ideas, and American influences. Consideration of the structure of contemporary law in Japan: a look at the various players in the legal system, some important legal doctrines, and the real-world operation of Japan’s laws today.
Introduction to the basic principles of American legal research and writing. Students review techniques of case and statutory analysis and learn to write a professional legal memoranda and client opinion letters. LL.M. students only.
General introduction to the fundamental principles and distinctive aspects of the American legal system and its institutions.
Study of principles and practices of teaching scholarly legal discourse and appellate advocacy one-to-one, transferring composition theory and linguistics into individualized methods make the legal writing process efficient and the product effective. Instructor approval required. Repeatable one time. (Spring only)
Study of principles and practices of teaching legal discourse one-to-one, transferring materials from composition theory and linguistics into practical papers and methods to assist students to research and write legal documents. Instructor approval required. Repeatable one time. (Fall only)
Interdisciplinary seminar uses LP II assignments and additional readings to discover and deliver the theoretical and practical underpinnings of appellate advocacy and negotiation the methodologies used to teach them. Instructor approval required. Repeatable one time. (Spring only)
Interdisciplinary seminar used LP 1 assignments and additional readings to discover and deliver the theoretical and practical underpinnings of substantive law assignments and the methodology used to teach them. Instructor approval required. Repeatable up to eight credits.
Intensive writing that satisfies the law school’s upper division writing requirement and results in advanced law paper of publishable quality, extending over two consecutive semesters of study. Repeatable one time, up to 4 credits. LAW majors only. A-F only.
Designed to meet the needs of students who require an advanced course on research in a specific area of law. (E) environmental law research; (F) foreign law research; (H) Hawai‘i law research; (I) international and foreign law research; (P) prepare to practice; (Q) topic 5; (R) topic 6; (S) topic 7; (T) topic 8; (U) topic 9; (V) topic 10. Each alpha repeatable four times, up to 15 credits. LAW students only.
Learn to plan the prewriting process for such scholarly assignments as Second Year Seminar (SYS), writing for law review, moot court competitions, and in any course involving a scholarly approach to research and writing. LAW majors only.
Provides a theoretical understanding of the process of law making and of developing and implementing a research plan. LAW majors only.
Students selected for the Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal editorial board have writing, researching, editorial and production responsibility for publication of the journal. Repeatable five times. CR/NC only.
Students selected for the Law Review editorial board have responsibility for editorial research, writing, and production of the Law Review published by the School of Law. Repeatable four times. CR/NC only.
An honors program for students who prepare for and compete in national advocacy. Travel/registration fees required. (B) Black Law Students Association; (C) client counseling; (D) Hispanic Bar Association; (E) environmental law; (H) Native American; (J) Jessup international; (K) international environmental law; (M) intellectual property; (N) labor; (O) other; (S) space law; (T) trial team. Repeatable one time; up to four credits for (S) and (T). CR/NC only. Pre: selection by competition.
Examination of the history of international ocean law, including comprehensive coverage of modern problems and issues concerning the laws of the sea.
Examination of U.S. and Hawai‘i ocean and coastal law covers modern issues concerning the protection and use of the native environment including challenges in Hawai‘i.
Legal aspects of water and water rights with focus on Hawai‘i.
Basic statutory law and policy questions and problems concerning the environment. Focus on federal Hawai‘i issues.
Examination of major federal statutes, regulatory and case law, and Hawai‘i counterparts. Policies behind hazardous waste laws and their impact on individuals, community, and businesses.
Climate change is a core challenge that will influence law and policy well into the future. Students will study climate change science, litigation, law and policy at state, national, and international levels. (Once a year)
Seminar on the techniques, law, and strategy involved in federal and state court environmental litigation.
Study of the international regulation of activities and processes used to prevent environmental degradation and to preserve resources of environmental value.
Study of contemporary topics in environmental law to change periodically as to issues and topics. (B) advanced environmental law; (C) regulatory; (D) legislature; (E) policy; (F) judicial. Repeatable six times.
In depth study of the federal and state environmental laws that impact modern businesses and industries, and exploration of the compliance issues that arise under the statutes, regulations, and case law.
Real estate transactions are an important and growing conservation strategy; examines land transactions within the environment of conservation. (Once a year)
Seminar covering federal and Hawai‘i laws that govern the management of wildlife resources, with a particular focus on wildlife conflicts arising in Hawai‘i.
Provides SJD students with an overview of fundamentals for academic writing skills and opportunity to improve their writing of dissertations. Repeatable two times, up to 12 credits. LAW students only.
Provides SJD students with an overview of legal scholarship in a series of related fields. Students will be introduced to different research approaches and areas of legal analysis through presentations by instructor and other faculty. Repeatable two times, up to 12 credits. LAW students only.
Individual reading and research for SJD dissertation under supervision of faculty instructors. Repeatable two times, up to 36 credits. LAW students only.
Designed for law students participating in an international exchange program, visiting student program, or independent study while enrolled at UH Mânoa. Student must obtain departmental approval prior to registering. CR/NC only.
Explores the development and use of new technologies in the global economy, social culture, copyright law, cyberspace, e-commerce, privacy, security, trademarks, domain names, tort liability, criminal activity, speech, and social and ethical issues.
Interactive course addressing important topical ethical issues in areas including the corporate, entertainment, medical, legal, political, education, and sports worlds. Renowned knowledgeable guests will discuss critical issues in their respective fields through panel conversations. LAW majors only. (Summer only)
(B) Prosecution Clinic; (C) Defense Clinic; (D) Elder Law Clinic; (E) Environmental Law Clinic; (G) Estate Planning Workshop; (H) Legal Aid Clinic; (I) Native Hawaiian Rights Clinic; (J) Family Law Clinic; (K) Entrepreneurship and Small Business Clinic; (M) Mediation Clinic; (N) Lawyering Skills Workshop; (P) Mediation Workshop; (Q) Immigration Clinic; (R) Child Welfare Clinic; (S) Hawai‘i Innocence Project I; (T) Hawai‘i Innocence Project II; (U) Medical Legal Partnership; (W) Advanced Elder Law Clinic (3).
Repeatable one time for (K), (I), and (J); repeatable two times for (W); repeatable three times for (D) and (E); repeatable four times for (H). LAW majors only for (R), (S), (T), (U), and (W). CR/NC only for (N) and (W). Pre: 543 for (C); 561 or LWEV 582 for (E); 568 or consent for (J); 548 for (Q); 590D for (W). (Once a year for (K)) (Alt. years for (U))
Employment law, statutory rights affecting the employment relation, and alternative contract provisions to secure the parties’ intentions. Focus on the practical application of labor and employment law. Materials relating to the unionized employment relationship. Emphasis on the labor arbitration process and possibly, to issues regarding internal union affairs.
Workshop to learn policy development, procedure, legislative drafting, and legislative research skills applicable to Hawai‘i State Legislative process.
Focuses on the civil rights of Americans and introduces alternative remedies and procedures for securing these rights.
Federal and state laws in the practice of real estate development and financing law. Condominium, securities, subdivision, consumer protection, and mortgage areas.
Survey course of public land use management. (Cross-listed as PLAN 680)
Individual research and writing under the direction of faculty.
City, town, county, district governments: administrative organization; regulatory powers; police power; local governmental taxation; relationship between local, state, and federal government.
Relationships between the concepts of law and morality with views of legal and moral philosophers.
The growing body of international human rights laws, including procedural law and role of nongovernmental organizations.
An examination of the jurisdiction and law-making powers of the federal courts, standing issues, appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, federal-question and diversity-of-citizenship jurisdiction of the federal district courts, immunities from suit in the federal courts possessed by governmental entities and officers, intervention by federal courts in state proceedings, and choice of law in the federal courts. Particular emphasis on relevant Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Pre: 533 (or concurrent).
Law and literature both inhabit the realm of interpretation, rhetoric, ethics, and epistemology. Will read and analyze literary texts to explore, law, race, and power.
In-depth study of Uniform Commercial Code, Article 2–domestic sales of goods, including warranties, manner, time and place of performance, buyers’ and sellers’ remedies for breach of contract, limitations of freedom of contract.
Legal forms of–and responses to–formation, maintenance, and dissolution of the family. Marriage, annulment, divorce, alimony, separation agreements, child custody and adoption, parentage.
Surveys the entire federal income tax system, with emphasis on those areas of greatest importance to non-tax lawyers. Students are expected to develop proficiency in the use of the Internal Revenue Code and Treasury Regulations.
Examines the meaning, scope, and role of non-profit organizations in contemporary society, and focuses on selected non-tax laws and primary tax issues relevant to non-profits. Law students only. Recommended: 531 and 567. (Once a year)
An introduction to American securities regulation and focuses on the registration and reporting process required of public companies as well as securities litigation. Repeatable three times. Recommended: 531.
Theory and practice of civil pre-trial litigation with focus on pleading, discovery, and pre-trial motions. CR/NC only.
Examination of sequential stages of pre-trial and trial practice in a problem setting. Topics include investigation, pleadings, motions, discovery, voir dire examination, opening statements, direct and cross examination, closing argument, selected evidentiary problems, post-trial motions, and appellate practice. Students engage in simulated exercises, and their work is critiqued. CR/NC only. Pre: 543 or consent.
Bankruptcy laws and rules, laws of liens, receiverships.
Procedure and remedies for resolving controversies between citizens and government officials exercising administrative power.
An interdisciplinary (JD-MBA) course examining legal, business, and technology issues related to building high growth companies. Student teams develop company feasibility reports and skills necessary to advise or build high growth businesses. Recommended: 531. Law students only. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ME 680)
Regulation of union management relations under state and federal laws.
Provides an understanding of the basic financial concepts and tools for lawyers with transactional practices, preferred stock, common stock and convertible securities. Pre: 531 (or concurrent) or consent.
A study of the Uniform Commercial Code provisions that deal with commercial paper (Article 3), bank collections and deposits (Article 4), funds transfers (Article 4A) and letters of credit (Article 5), as well as material on alternative payment systems, including credit cards, electronic fund transfers and related federal law.
Legal work for judges and attorney supervisors in public agencies, private law firms, and the legislature. (H) Hawai‘i; (P) outside Hawai‘i. Repeatable three times for (H). CR/ NC only. Pre: consent.
Introduction to Uniform Commercial Code, particularly Article 9– reducing risk of nonpayment by obtaining an interest in borrowers’ property.
Deals primarily with the disposition of family wealth including: the making of wills; the creation, enforcement, administration, and termination of trusts; and intestate succession, including probate.
Examines tax aspects of formation, operation, reorganization, and liquidation of partnerships and corporations.
Introduction to U.S. maritime law and admiralty jurisdiction emphasizing development of rules of maritime law and rights of seamen and maritime workers.
Introduction to U.S. Immigration and Nationality Law: a brief overview of historical development of immigration law; analysis of exclusion and deportation grounds and remedies; the study of both immigrant and nonimmigrant visa applications and petitions. Current law on asylum and refugee applications and U.S. citizenship and naturalization requirements.
Examines how international law and domestic legal systems address and resolve conflicts regarding women’s rights, gender roles, and gender identity. Takes a comparative approach with emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region. (Cross-listed as PACE 637 and WGSS 647)
January term provides students the opportunity to explore contemporary legal topics with national and international experts. (B) alternative dispute resolution; (C) rule of law; (D) law practice; (E) diversity; (F) access to justice; (G) public law; (H) legal theory; (I) legal practice; (J) rights. Repeatable five times. (Once a year)
Theory and practice of the law relating to the transfer of rights in information and other intangibles are examined together with end user license agreements and the structure and negotiation of upstream licensing mechanisms. Repeatable up to three credits. Pre: 535 or departmental approval. (Once a year)
U.S. cases and legal theory emphasizing law in the social construction of racial categories, shifts in race-based anti-discrimination law, and the interaction of culture and law in judicial decision-making.
“Objection, your Honor!” This course examines the rules of evidence that govern trials in both federal and Hawai‘i courts and will focus on such topics as hearsay, witness examination, impeachment, physical and demonstrative evidence, expert testimony, writings, relevance, judicial notice, and presumptions.
Addresses various aspects of complex litigation and recent criticism of the civil litigation system itself. Theoretical in emphasis.
Issues of free press and fair trial, illegal search and seizure, arrest and confession, speedy trial, double jeopardy are covered through student interactions as defense or prosecution attorneys and as judges.
Hands-on workshop class in drafting contracts, agreement, and similar documents for commercial/business purposes. LAW majors only. Pre: 506, or 509 and 510.
Examines both practice aspects and theoretical underpinnings of equitable remedies. Frequently, compensatory damages cannot adequately protect clients or provide them with the relief they need. Topics include temporary restraining orders, preliminary and permanent injunctions, restitution and unjust enrichment, specific performance, and equitable defenses such as unclean hands, laches, and estoppel. Practice issues concerning appeal, jury trials, and the relationship of equity to law are also explored. Repeatable unlimited times.
Problems respecting the law applicable in transactions or to relationships with elements in more than one state.
Seminar considers the impact of racism on American law and ways that individuals trained as lawyers might combat racism in our culture and within the institutions in which we live and work. Pre: 533. (Once a year)
A study of the law relating to property rights resulting from intellectual effort, including patents, copyright, trademarks, and trade secrets.
Advanced course in constitutional law with special emphasis on rights secured by the First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the U.S. Pre: 533.
Introduction to judicial function in constitutional cases, jurisdiction of the U.S. Supreme Court, and discretionary barriers to judicial review.
Introduction to medical jurisprudence, medical malpractice, informed consent, health care decisions, medical ethics, the health care industry, managed care, financing health care, and the role of government in health care.
After a brief survey of agency, partnerships, and other forms of business organization, the course will cover the fundamentals of corporations, and securities regulation, including disregarding the corporate entity, management and control of closely held corporations, merger, liability under the federal securities laws, takeovers, public registration, exemptions, and derivative suits.
Seminar required for spring semester of all second-year law students. Substantial paper required. Topics announced in previous fall semester. Placement by lottery.
Examines Federal Indian Law, including fundamental concepts and the historical evolution of legal doctrines. Considers the implications of Native Hawaiian sovereignty within the framework of Federal Indian Law. (Once a year)
Designed for maximum flexibility, this course allows a professor to work with a small number of students on a reading/ discussion project of mutual interest. Repeatable up to 15 credits. Pre: consent.
The interrelationship between the legislative and judicial branches of government is explored through a review of Federal and Hawai‘i law-making processes, direct democracy, legislative drafting, and theories of the legislative process and statutory interpretation.
Advanced study of several areas of tort law and an introduction to insurance law and policy. This course is of considerable importance to students interested in civil litigation and personal injury law. Recent important developments in Hawai‘i tort and insurance law will be included.
Approaches psychology as a problem solving tool that can facilitate legal analysis. Covers a variety of areas including jury decision-making, research methodology, social cognition, culture, and behavioral economics, among others. (Once a year)
Torts cover the statutory and common law of negligence, causation, defenses, damages, strict liability, intentional torts and tort policy and reform, with emphasis on national and Hawai‘i law.
Introduction to basic legal issues at the intersection of law, aging and medicine. Addresses various issues confronting elderly; issues confronting the general population including health care financing, decision-making, and bioethics.
Faculty members or visiting scholars present selected topics focusing upon subject areas in their area of specialty or expertise. (B) business law; (C) Constitutional law; (D) criminal law; (E) critical legal; (F) education law; (G) health law; (H) intellectual property law; (I) practice of law; (J) public interest law; (K) topic 10; (M) topic 11; (N) topic 12; (O) topic 13; (P) topic 14; (Q) topic 15; (R) topic 16; (S) topic 17; (T) topic 18; (V) topic 19; (W) topic 20. Alphas B-Q repeatable three times, up to 12 credits; alphas R-W repeatable three times, up to 16 credits.
Contract of sale, equitable conversion, deed. Pre: 518.
Basic course in property ownership, development, regulation. Emphasis on theory.
Continuation of 516. Pre: 516.
Study of pre-trial, trial, and appellate procedures in the federal and Hawai‘i courts.
Examination of the rights and remedies available to a failing business and its creditors when the business seeks to reorganize its business and financial affairs under chapter 11 of the federal bankruptcy code. The course is structured as a “practicum,” which tracks a single business through restructuring and emphasizes the practical and strategic aspects of lawyering. Recommended: 562.
Exploration of fundamental concepts of law relating to children, ethical issues, and the role of lawyers in assisting children, and how the child’s rights and obligations are balanced with those of parents and state. (Once a year)
Examination of substantive rules, enforcement procedures, and rationales of criminal law in the U.S.
Seminar addresses a legally and socially important contemporary issue-healing present-day wounds of historic injustice. Considers how to repair the continuing social damage of injustice. (Once a year)
Introductory consideration of selected topics relating to functions, structure, and responsibilities of the legal profession and its future role in society.
Continuation of 509.
Law of private agreements. Explores the evolution and application of common law doctrines, and, where applicable, relevant provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code. Examines the bases of promissory liability, contract formation, mutual assent, defenses to enforcement, excuses, remedies and damages, and the rights and interests of third parties. Attention will be paid throughout the course to the role of contracts in a market society and the conflicting interests of certainty, freedom of contract and fairness.
Lawyers negotiate settlements in almost all their cases. This class presents a “hands-on,” skill-building approach to the newest ideas, as well as centuries-old techniques, about the skill lawyers will use most often in their private practice- negotiation. The class also examines the rapidly developing field of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), including mediation, facilitation, arbitration, and court-annexed ADR. (Cross-listed as CEE 614)
A study of the law of employment discrimination.
A comprehensive program that teaches students the analytical and presentational skills necessary for excellent legal writing. Introduces skills and strategies for preparing written legal arguments and oral advocacy. Pre: 504.
Comprehensive program that teaches students the analytical and presentational skills necessary for excellent legal writing. Introduces students to legal problem solving and writing through the types of documents lawyers prepare in practice.
Introduction to the protection of cultural, archaeological, and historical resources with emphasis on key federal and state laws. (Once a year)
Examines conditions that lead people to become active, self-governing agents. Covered are strategies and tactics of organizers, history of social change movements, anti-subordination theories of justice and organizing case studies. Repeatable up to four credits. (Once a year)
Designed for students accepted to participate in an exchange program while enrolled at William S. Richardson School of Law. Must obtain prior approval for the transfer credits. LAW majors only. CR/NC only.
Critical overview of contemporary theories on Hispanic culture. Issues of identity such as mestizaje, hybridity, and pluralism will be discussed from a hemispheric perspective. Pre: consent.
Combined lecture-discussion on selected themes–political, social, cultural–in Iberian or Latin American topics. Topics pre-announced. Repeatable one time. Pre: 360 B or C, or consent. (Once a year)
Study of cross-cultural patterns in ritual behaviors and creolization of African, indigenous, and Iberian ideological frameworks in the Americas. Topics may include syncretic religions (voodoo, candomble), Andean Christianity, spiritual conquest, conceptions of death, etc. Sophomore standing or higher. Minimum C- required grade for prerequisites. Pre: 360, or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as ANTH 478 and REL 478)
Pre-Columbian civilizations: Spanish and Portuguese colonization; political, economic, social and religious evolution to 1810; independence. Pre: 360 or consent. (Cross-listed as HIST 478)
Surveys the cultures of the Portuguese-speaking world from pre-Lusitanian times, including connections with Africa, Asia, the U.S., and Hawai‘i. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Survey of the history and culture of the indigenous peoples of Latin America through a study of their literature, texts and practices. (B) Mesoamerica; (C) Andean South America. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: sophomore standing or consent. (Cross-listed as ANTH 372 (Alpha))
Study of cross-cultural patterns in household and community level organizations in Latin America and elsewhere. Topics may include gender relations, kinship structures, political economy, impacts of colonialism, modernization, and globalization on households. Sophomore standing or higher. (Cross-listed as ANTH 368)
A chronological survey of films from Latin America, from the Silent Era to the present. Conceptually, a cultural history of Latin America in the 20th century, as seen through films. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
A chronological survey of films from Spain, from the Silent Era to the present. Conceptually, a cultural history of Spain in the 20th century, as seen through films. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
The culture and history of U.S. Latinos through an analysis of their literature and arts and their sociopolitical relationship to the U.S. mainstream culture. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Reading and discussion of classic works of Latin American literature. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Reading and discussion of classic works of Spanish literature. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Politics of culture and representation. Will consider issues, traditions, movements, texts, and cultural icons for their significance for national and regional identity formation, intercultural relations and global flows of images, people, and capital. (B) Latin America; (C) Iberian Peninsula. Pre: sophomore or consent.
Study of an author or phase in Roman studies. Repeatable unlimited times with consent. Pre: any two 300-level LATN courses, or consent.
Selections from Horace and Juvenal. Pre: 201 and 202, or consent.
Selections from Petronius and Apuleius. Pre: 201 and 202, or consent.
Selections from Catullus, Horace, and others. Pre: 201 and 202, or consent.
Selections from Plautus, Terence, and Seneca. Pre: 201 and 202, or consent.
Selections from Lucretius, Cicero, and Seneca. Pre: 201 and 202, or consent.
Selections from Virgil, Ovid, and others. Pre: 201 and 202, or consent.
Selections from Caesar, Sallust, and others. Pre: 201 and 202, or consent.
Continuation of 201: emphasis on poetry. Pre: 201.
Development of reading and translation skills. Emphasis on prose. Pre: 102 or equivalent.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101.
Grammar and vocabulary, with reading of simple Latin.
Hybrid technology intensive course for pre- or in-service teachers of world languages. Topics: online learning, curriculum and lesson planning, assessment, language teaching approaches, technology for learning world languages. Junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as LLEA 455)
Study of works produced in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania from prehistory to the present, showing how the spoken and the written word reflect and effect social change. A-F only.
Independent study of approved reading and research with faculty supervision. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: consent and departmental approval.
Hybrid technology intensive course for pre- or in-service teachers of world languages. Topics: online learning, curriculum and lesson planning, assessment, language teaching approaches, technology for learning world languages. Junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as LLL 455)
Pre: limited to senior majors with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or a minimum GPA of 3.0 in major, and consent of department chair.
Study in European languages not taught regularly, depending on demand and staff. Pre: consent of department chair.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of department chair.
Key prose and poetry underlying the Arthurian tradition in Europe. Language instruction leading to reading knowledge of medieval Welsh. Pre: consent.
Study in English of topics, periods, etc., in the languages taught in the department: (B) comparison of Romance languages; (C) interpersonal communication; (D) social perspectives. Repeatable two times for different alphas (up to 9 credits). Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Study in English of a topic, period, or genre; aesthetic considerations common to European literatures: (B) the modern novel; (C) European literature as a path to self-knowledge; (D) Middle Ages; (E) introduction to literary theory. MA candidates in European languages read works in their major in the original. Pre: graduate standing or consent of department chair.
Impact of and reaction to western writings and cultural influences in the Pacific as represented in texts from the 16th century to the present. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Study of basic research methods and tools, including technology. Print and electronic source materials. Information literacy. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Cross-cultural study of fantasy and the fantastic in short stories, fairy tales, films and novels from Europe and the Americas in English translation. Discussion of illusion, identity, time, the future, the bizarre and major concepts in fantasy literature. (B) fairies, devils and fantasy; (C) the fantastic, the strange and science fiction. Repeatable one time in different alphas. Pre: 270 or consent.
An interdisciplinary examination of corporeal Otherness. Unusual real and fictional bodies from fairground history, art, anatomy, literature, natural history and ethnology. Discussion of the moral, medical, philosophical and aesthetic dilemmas of spectacular difference. Pre: 270 or consent.
Supervised undergraduate teaching practicum in large-lecture LLEA courses. Repeatable two times. CR/NC only. Pre: completion of course in which practicum will be done and consent of instructor, no waiver.
European presence in the Pacific, in relation to literature, art, culture, civilization. Not applicable to language requirement. (Section 1 taught in Hawaiian. Pre: HAW 202 or consent. Section 2 taught in English.)
Monsters, freaks and otherness in literature, film, history and medicine. Suitable for non-literature majors.
A study of Russian film from the 1920’s to the present. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Survey in English of contemporary authors and their works for perspective of reality and poetic representation. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Aspects of culture (literature, film, theater, music, arts, etc.) in 20th century Russian society. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Study of significant works of twentieth century Russian literature with particular focus on its relationship to Europe and Asia. Students will work intensively on their own writing and research in close collaboration with their instructor. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Survey in English of major writers from Pushkin through Chekhov; lectures, discussions, short papers. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Origin and development (19th and 20th century); periods, themes, styles, and major authors. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Introduction to Italian literature in translation, with varying topics in different iterations. Repeatable one time. Sophomore standing or consent.
Exploration of the distinction between literature and film as artistic genres as well as study of major works of literature in respect to the present, from the Middle Ages through the 20th century. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Study of Italian film history and technique. A-F only.
Study of German literature, culture and film, 1989 to present. Credit cannot be earned for both 416 and GER 416. Sophomore standing or higher.
Lecture/discussion. Study of German Fascism and propaganda in German literature, art, and film. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only.
Introduction to German opera, its history, and analysis. Developing critical skills through analysis of German opera music and literature. Sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Readings in translation from dramatic works of Lessing, Goethe, Schiller. Philosophic and aesthetic views of leading writers of the Enlightenment, Storm and Stress, and classical periods.
Study of German film history, film theory, film analysis, and film style. Repeatable one time or take GER 320 one time for different topics. 6 cr. limit on GER/LLEA 320 courses. Sophomore standing only.
A historical survey of the development of French and Francophone cultures. The course is interdisciplinary, dealing with politics, music, art, other forms of cultural expression, and daily life.
Exploration of the distinction between literature and film as artistic genres as well as study of major works of literature in respect to the present, from the Middle Ages through the 20th century. Pre: sophomore standing.
Black African literature in French in 20th century. Major themes of negritude, national political unity, colonialism, traditional culture. Pre: junior standing or one course in French language or literature.
Rapid reading in translation; lectures, discussions, reports. Pre: junior standing or one course in French language or literature.
Study of the shared cultural and historical foundations of France and the U.S. both past and present. A-F only.
Study of French film history and technique. A-F only. Pre: freshman standing.
Critical examination of the construction of gender identity and sexuality in ancient Greece and Rome. Junior standing or higher. (Once a year) (Crosslisted as HIST 362)
A survey of Greek and Roman epic literature, beginning with Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey and proceeding through the Hellenistic Greek and Roman periods. Pre: sophomore standing or consent. (Cross-listed as CLAS 329)
Major writers: emphasis on Vergil, satire, and novel. Pre: sophomore standing or higher or consent. (Cross-listed as CLAS 328)
Major writers: emphasis on Homer, drama, and philosophy. Pre: sophomore standing or higher or consent. (Cross-listed as CLAS 327)
Survey of Greek and Roman novels, a collection of highly entertaining texts that offer windows into various aspects of life in the ancient world. Pre: sophomore standing or higher. (Cross-listed as CLAS 326)
Survey of war-related literature from Greece and Rome, its major themes, and how it reflects the wide range of social, political, intellectual, and literary perspectives on war found in the ancient world. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as CLAS 325)
Study of the relationship between the Greeks and Romans and the natural environment. Particular attention will be given to the place of nature in ancient science, philosophy, literature, and “real life.” Pre: sophomore standing or higher. (Cross-listed as CLAS 324)
Survey of Greek and Roman drama, both tragedies and comedies, tracing the history of a genre that contains some of the wittiest and most agonizing moments in ancient literature. Pre: sophomore standing or higher. (Cross-listed as CLAS 323)
A hands-on history of writing beginning in Ancient Greece and Rome. Content includes the development of the alphabet, scripts, books, libraries, and writing in ancient culture. Sophomore standing or consent. (Cross-listed as CLAS 321)
Decipherment of hieroglyphs and reading of Middle Egyptian literary texts, including Tale of Sinuhe. Pre: 305 or permission of instructor. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as CLAS 306)
Decipherment of hieroglyphs and reading of Middle Egyptian literary texts. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as CLAS 305)
Reading of selected prose passages from the Hebrew Bible; analysis of literacy forms, paying special attention to stories which have played an important role in the development of the Abrahamic religions. Minimum C- grade required for prerequisites. Pre: 301/REL 301. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as CLAS 302 and REL 302)
Orthography and structure of Biblical Hebrew, history and development of Hebrew as the sacred language of Judaism, overview of religious and historical development of the Hebrew Bible. Pre: sophomore standing or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as CLAS 301 and REL 301)
Reading and analysis of myths and legends from around the globe, from before the dawn of writing to 1500 C.E. Students will learn to interpret traditional stories from several theoretical and cross-cultural perspectives. A-F only. (Cross-listed as CLAS 151)
Important roots, prefixes, and suffixes for building a scientific vocabulary. (Cross-listed as CLAS 124)
Important roots, prefixes, and suffixes for building a literary vocabulary. (Cross-listed as CLAS 123)
Combines readings and analyses of myths from the ancient world including Europe, Asia, Africa, and Hawai‘i, with an emphasis on comparative analysis of cultures and religions. (Cross-listed as CLAS 122)
An overview of ancient Egyptian civilization through lectures and class discussion on Egyptian literature, archaeology, history, religion and society. (Cross-listed as CLAS 121)
Advanced study in history and dialects, phonology and morphology, syntax and semantics, sociolinguistics, or pedagogy, leading to a research paper. Repeatable four times. Pre: consent.
Advanced study of an author, school, period, genre, or problem leading to a research paper. Repeatable four times. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Intensive study of selected topics and issues in modern/contemporary Korean fiction, focusing on texts that problematize critical sociocultural issues in the evolving contexts of modern Korean intellectual history. Repeatable one time. Pre: 494 or consent.
Designed for graduate students pursuing Korean language teaching, while developing practical teaching skills through class observation, action research and discussion under supervision. Pre: 635 or consent.
Advanced study of major Korean fiction writers from the 1910s to the present with emphasis on critical reading of their lives and writings to arrive at informed appraisal of their contribution to modern Korean literature. Repeatable one time. Pre: 494 or consent.
Integrating the conceptual aspects of statistics and scientific analysis of human language behavior into the study of Korean as a foreign language. Pre: 635 or consent.
The art and craft of translating traditional and modern Korean literary works into English. Repeatable four times. Pre: 493 and 494, or consent.
Theoretical framework of conversation analysis and review of Korean conversational structures, such as turn-taking, sequence organization, and repair organization; training for data collection, transcription, and data analysis. Pre: 451 and 452; or consent.
Identification and analysis of major problems in Korean language learning, teaching, testing, and materials development by examining theoretical issues and conducting classroom research; practical techniques of teaching and testing skills in listening, reading, speaking, writing and culture. Pre: 451 and 452; or consent.
Variations in form and use depending on sociocultural factors. Role of language in politics, mass media, group identity, bilingualism, and intercultural communication. Pre: 470 or consent.
Review of theoretical problems in Korean syntax and semantics; different approaches; and contributions of Korean linguistic study to syntactic and semantic theory. Pre: 452 or consent.
Review of Korean vocalic and consonantal phonology. Phonological and morphological analysis of Korean derivation and inflection. Pre: 451 or consent.
Survey of various hypotheses on the genetic relationship of Korean; evolution of Korean from the 15th century to the present; Korean dialects. Pre: 451 and 452, or consent.
Co-taught by Korean faculty of professional schools and Korean instruction in domain of (B) economics; (C) political science; (D) computer science; (E) travel industry management; (G) business; (H) law; (I) medicine; (J) nursing and public health; and (K) others. Exclusively in Korean. Repeatable one time. Pre: 485 or 623 or consent. (Once a year)
Combined lecture-discussion on preparing students to be able to conduct interdisciplinary research in Korean. Require advanced-level Korean proficiency. Pre: diagnostic assessment (equivalent to ILR Level 2) or consent. (Once a year)
Comparing and analyzing language data to investigate language heterogeneity problems, its causes, and importance of comparative studies in NK/SK language differences; differences in language policy, grammar, and vocabulary, pronunciation, and discourse style. Pre: 621 or consent. (Once a year)
Focuses on searching, analyzing, and evaluating media data for research in areas of student specializations. Students are required to write short analysis papers and a final research paper. Pre: diagnostic assessment (equivalent to ILR Level 2) or consent. (Once a year)
Intensive and analytical reading of selected materials in Korean performing arts (e.g., spectacle, farce play, mask dance, staged narratives, theatrical drama): (M) modern; (T) traditional. Pre: 494 or consent for (M), 493 or consent for (T).
Intensive and analytical reading of selected works of Korean narrative (e.g., myth, p’ansori, shaman song, essay, biography, fiction): (M) modern; (T) traditional. Repeatable one time with instructor consent for (M). Pre: 494 or consent for (M), 493 or consent for (T).
Intensive and analytical reading of selected works of Korean lyric and didactic verse (e.g., hyangga, changga, hanshi, sijo, kasa, free form): (M) modern; (T) traditional. Repeatable
one time with instructor consent for (M). Pre: 494 or consent for (M), 493 or consent for (T).
For those who need special assistance, e.g., in reading texts in area of specialization or at a pace more rapid than those of standard courses. Primarily for graduate students from other departments. CR/NC only. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent of department chair.
Supervised internship with Korean professional hosts in Korea. Students also undergo a one-week training module designed to prepare them to maximize the benefits of the overseas internship. Repeatable up to 3 times. CR/ NC only. Pre: 495, diagnostic assessment procedures; or consent.
Supervised internship with Korean professional hosts on O‘ahu. Students will also attend an on-campus preparatory and follow-up language class. A-F only. Pre: 486, diagnostic assessment procedures; or consent.
Critical readings of 20th-century materials and presentations that emphasize context and the development of style. Pre: 402 or consent.
Critical readings from earliest times and presentations that emphasize genre, style, and context. Pre: 402 or consent.
Focus on expanding students’ Korean literacy and cultural knowledge in various disciplines, including politics, economy, society, gender, science, visual arts, performing arts, food, sports, and hallyu. Taught entirely in Korean. Pre: 402 or consent.
Focus on expanding students’ Korean literacy and cultural knowledge in various disciplines, including history, religion, language, education system, and literature. Taught entirely in Korean. Pre: 402 or consent.
Study of Korean culture through films to elevate students’ Korean proficiency level and improve their knowledge of Korea. Emphasis on writing instruction. Requires a minimum of 16 pages of graded writing. Pre: 402 or consent.
Relation of Korean language to literature, history, philosophy, social structure, values, and interpersonal relationships; social and regional varieties. Pre: 402 or consent.
Introduction to syntax and semantics. Pre: 302 or consent.
Introduction to phonology, morphology, and history. Pre: 302 or consent.
Selected readings in various disciplines. Includes an emphasis on instruction in writing. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 402 or consent.
Focus on analyzing, comparing, and evaluating current media materials in South Korea and North Korea to develop professional language skills and to deepen knowledge and understanding of contemporary North Korea. A-F only. Pre: 402 or consent.
Focus on analyzing, comparing, and evaluating current media materials in South Korea to develop professional language skills and to deepen knowledge and understanding of contemporary Korean society. A-F only. Pre: 402, or consent. (Once a year)
Training in modern structural and stylistic techniques; writing on designated themes. Repeatable one time. Pre: 402 or consent.
Fourth-year advanced Korean course to increase learners’ oral fluency and accuracy; with an emphasis on formal speaking. Covers linguistic proficiency as well as social and cultural proficiencies. Pre: 402 or consent.
Continuation of 403. Emphasis on highest level of listening, speaking, reading and writing, with application to Korean culture using authentic materials. Pre: 402 or consent.
Continuation of 402. Emphasis on highest level of listening, speaking, reading and writing, with application to Korean culture, using authentic materials. Pre: 402 or consent. (Fall only)
Continuation of 401. Pre: 401 or consent. (Spring only)
Continuation of 302. Pre: 302 or consent. (Fall only)
For those who need special assistance, e.g., in reading texts in area of specialization or at a pace more rapid than those of standard courses. Offered if staff available. CR/NC only. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.
Increasing Korean proficiency to advanced level through TV drama, which provides culturally and situationally rich contexts. Includes an emphasis on instruction in writing. Pre: 302 or consent.
Continuation of 307, covering an additional 250 basic Chinese characters. Pre: 307 or consent.
Training intermediate and advanced learners of Korean to master the reading, writing and usage of some 250 basic Chinese characters as they are used in a wide variety of Korean reading texts. Pre: 202 or consent.
Content of 301 and 302 covered in one intensive summer course. Five 3-hour sessions per week, Monday-Friday. Pre: 202, 205, placement test, or consent. (Summer only)
Continuation of 301. Pre: 301 or consent. (Spring only)
Continuation of 201 and 202. Major emphasis on comprehension of modern written Korean. Chinese characters. Pre: 202 or consent. (Fall only)
Continuation of 211. Pre: 201 or 211, or consent.
Further development of listening and speaking skills. The student is expected to be able to comprehend and produce speech at the paragraph level. Pre: 102 or 112, or consent
Content of KOR 201 and 202 covered in one intensive course. Four 2-hour sessions per week, Monday-Thursday, plus daily lab work. Pre: 102, 105, 112, placement test; or consent. (Spring only)
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or placement test; or consent.
Continuation of 101 and 102. Meets one hour, four times a week, plus lab work. Pre: 102 or placement test; or consent.
Continuation of 111. Pre: 101 or 111, or consent.
Development of basic skills (listening, speaking and grammar) of spoken Korean, with application to some familiar everyday topics. Pre: consent.
Content of KOR 101 and 102 covered in one intensive course. Four 2-hour sessions per week, Monday-Thursday, plus daily lab work. Pre: placement test or consent. (Fall only)
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar. Meets one hour, four times a week, plus lab work. Pre: consent.
In-depth study of professional concerns in rehabilitation counseling. A-F only. Pre: 703R and consent.
Designed to enable PhD students to gain a perspective of the discipline, both historically and philosophically, prepare them for the issues they may face in the real world, particularly higher education and help them initiate their dissertation. CR/NC only. KRS majors only. Pre: consent.
Provide the PhD student the opportunity to assume the role of director of a research project under the supervision of the faculty mentor. The research project will represent a piece of the ongoing line of research of the faculty mentor. Responsibilities will be comparable of a project director of research funded by a research grant. Repeatable three times or up to 12 credits. KRS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 776 or consent.
Provide the PhD student the opportunity to be involved in research, under the direction of the faculty mentor, as the assistant project director and as the project director for pilot studies. Student will gain experience in these roles with close supervision by the faculty mentor. Repeatable one time. KRS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 775 or consent.
Will expose the PhD student to the basic nature of behavioral and somatic science research. Learning experiences will consist of journal review, laboratory/field techniques, and subject or data collector exposures as directed by faculty mentors. Repeatable one time. KRS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
In-depth study of professional concerns in college counseling. A-F only. Pre: 703U and consent.
In-depth study of professional concerns in community counseling. A-F only. Pre: 703C and consent.
In-depth study of professional concerns in school counseling. A-F only. Pre: 703 (E or H) and consent.
Supervised post-internship I experience in counseling and guidance activities at an approved site, including a weekly class meeting. Provides practical application of formal academic training: (C) community service; (E) elementary; (H) secondary; (R) rehabilitation; (U) college. Each alpha is repeatable three times. A-F only. Pre: 733 and consent.
Supervised post-practicum experience in counseling and guidance activities at an approved site, including a weekly class meeting. Provides practical application of formal academic training: (C) community service; (E) elementary; (H) secondary; (R) rehabilitation; (U) college. Each alpha is repeatable three times. Pre: 703 and consent.
Current issues and problems. (Meets EdD common required elective.) Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Supervised clinical experience in counseling and guidance activities at an approved site, including a weekly class meeting. Provides practical application of formal academic training: (C) community service; (E) elementary; (H) secondary; (R) rehabilitation; (U) college. Each alpha is repeatable three times. Pre: 626 or 683, and consent.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times.
Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of instructor and department chair.
Overview of the theoretical and applied study of physical activity epidemiology. Physical activity content includes benefits, factors that influence, levels, valid instruments to assess, and programs to promote physical activity. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as PH 695)
Theory, process, and techniques of job readiness, job development, and job placement. Pre: 627 and consent.
Study of application of assistive technologies to enhance the lives of people with disabilities. Case studies provide the vehicle in guiding students toward integration of available information into reality of actual situations. Special emphasis on the importance of using a consumer-centered approach in providing assistive technology services. A-F only. Pre: 681 and consent.
Theory, process, and techniques of vocational evaluation and assessment. Assessment methods and processes as they relate to vocational choice and adjustment of special groups. Pre: 681 and consent.
Developing ethical reasoning capabilities for resolution of ethical dilemmas likely to be encountered in counseling, psychology, and specialty practices (e.g., community, rehabilitation, school, mental health, alcohol and substance abuse, marriage and family counseling, and the like). A-F only. Pre: 606 and consent.
Discussion-oriented course (potentially Web-based). Examination of theory and practice of diagnosis in the assessment and treatment of mental disorders and the use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) multi-axial system. Case studies will illustrate diagnostic issues. A-F only. Pre: 606 and 681, and consent.
Knowledge and skills required in case and case-load management in public as well as private sector rehabilitation sites. Emphasis on professional/ client relationship, interviewing process, decision-making, goal-setting, recording/documentation, time management, and other tasks. Pre: 680 and consent.
Functional implications of chronic illnesses and disabilities on psychological, social and vocational areas of an individuals life. Case studies and presentations will stimulate discussion and help students to apply theoretical information into practical everyday context. Pre: 680 and consent.
Principles, practices of rehabilitation counseling; review of history and influence of legislation on vocational rehabilitation; current issues, developments, with emphasis on local situation. Pre: consent.
Highlights a trans-disciplinary approach for effectively teaching students with disabilities in the motor domain. Important characteristics and components of this approach will be shared. Strategies for its implementation will also be addressed. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Overview of assessment purposes, types, practices and procedures used in physical education for those with disabilities. Frequently used motor assessments and practices in collection of data will be specifically addressed. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Spring only)
The use of experimental designs/models in physical education research with emphasis on understanding the concepts, applications, and interpretations of statistical analysis. Pre: consent.
Consultation in educational, business, health, community, and human services agencies. Pre: consent.
Analysis of the theory and practice used in the assessment of body composition and human physique. Includes strategies for implementing changes in body composition. Pre: consent.
Provides knowledge of field and laboratory techniques and procedures for aerobic and anaerobic fitness assessment, interpretation of testing results and individual exercise program/ prescription techniques. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Theory and practice of metabolic analysis of human performance examining each of the power systems used in energy production during exercise and how to use this information to prescribe exercise programs. Pre: consent.
Physiological bases of modern physical training methods and sports science. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Principles of motion as applied to sport and physical rehabilitation. Introduction to the technology used in the analysis of motion. Pre: consent.
Theory/practice of marriage, family, and child counseling, including major model in clinical practice; supervised counseling project by each student. Liability insurance required. Pre: 629 or consent.
Study of psychosocial characteristics of American college students and college environment, from viewpoint of student personnel work. Pre: consent.
Detailed examination of effective physical education curriculum and instruction in middle and high schools. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Review of selected current literature in exercise/sport science and leisure studies. Practice of presentation in group setting.
Trends, research, and problems related to physical activity across the lifespan. A variety of topics and contexts will be addressed. Enrolled in KRS graduate program only. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Spring only)
Significance of cultural factors in counseling relationships, delivery of counseling services in multicultural settings with attention to Hawai‘i. Emphasis on process of cultural learning and implications for counselor roles and functions. Pre: consent.
Personality testing; practice in administration and use of personality assessment; examination of psychometric and social issues. Pre: 630 and consent.
Content and pedagogy for teaching preschool/ elementary physical education. Students will learn appropriate content and pedagogy for learners in elementary school. Bit teaching and field experiences are included. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Advanced knowledge on issues of socio-cultural, learning styles, diversity, and exceptionalities, and how these influence instruction, engagement, and behavior in physical activity settings across the lifespan. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as SPED 634)
Professional concerns about crisis intervention strategies, and counseling skills development. Crisis theory as applied to suicide, sexual assault/rape, natural and man-made disasters, personal loss, terminal illness, life cycle crisis, and the like. A-F only. Pre: 606 or consent.
Theory and supervised experience in individual intelligence testing, psychological report writing; psychometric and social issues in intelligence testing. Pre: 630 and consent.
Principles of behavior affecting interpersonal relationships in school with emphasis on application to actual situations. Pre: consent.
Tests and inventories for the assessment of aptitudes, achievement, and interests. Applications to educational, instructional, and career guidance. Pre: consent.
Theories and techniques of group counseling and guidance as preparation for practicum and internship. Application in school, college, rehabilitation, and community settings. Pre: 626 or 683, and 606, and consent.
Framework for understanding basic statistics, methodology, and evaluation of research in rehabilitation and related fields. Students will analyze research, conceptualize research, and apply research to practice. Pre: consent.
Theory and practice in career development and vocational counseling with individuals and groups; utilization of educational, vocational, and social resources in career counseling. Pre: consent.
Pre-practicum training for supervised experiences in school, community, and human service organizations. Focus on the counseling relationship. Includes a specialty observation-participation field experience.
Philosophy, organization, and function of community service agencies, programs, and institutions as related to professional work in counseling. Pre: consent.
Current problems, trends, and strategies in the administration of athletic training, physical education, recreation, sport and fitness programs in school and non-school settings. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as EDEA 623)
Capstone culminating experience preparing the student for the computer-based BOC Exam and for a career in athletic training. Follows the students’ didactic and clinical preparation in the 12 competency areas of athletic training. Repeatable one time. KRS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 611 or consent. Co-requisite: 612. (Spring only)
Advanced concepts and evidence-based principles of rehabilitation programs. Enhancement of previously learned therapeutic exercise techniques and integration of therapeutic modalities and therapeutic exercise, including objective and functional goal setting and evaluation for appropriate progression and expedited return to activity. KRS majors only. Pre: 617 and 618 or basic therapeutic exercise and therapeutic modalities courses, or consent.
Designed to provide the student with analytical skills and practical experience relative to research as it applies to sports related injuries. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
An examination/evaluation of general medical conditions associated with sports medicine including pathology, care and treatment. Athletic Training majors only. Pre: PHYL 301, PHYL 302 or consent.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Concepts and principles of comprehensive rehabilitation programs (therapeutic goals and objectives, exercise selection, methods of evaluation and recording progress, progression and return to competition criteria, and physiological effects of tissue trauma and inactivity). Athletic Training majors only. (Spring only)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Physiology principles and operational procedures of contemporary therapeutic modalities as they relate to the care and treatment of athletic injuries. Athletic Training majors only. (Fall only)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Advanced knowledge and skills of athletic training as they are specifically applied to the understanding, treatment, and rehabilitation of sport-related injuries. (e.g. epidemiology, legal, ethical concerns, sports psychology, pharm, drug abuse, health issues) Pre: ANAT/KRS 604 or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Examination, care and treatment of musculoskeletal, neurological, and neuromuscular conditions and pathology; (B) lower body; (H) head, neck and spine; (U) upper body. EL-GATEP majors only for (B). Athletic Training majors only. A-F only.
(1 Sem, 5 4-hr Practicum) Advanced research practicum in which the BOC certified or certification eligible graduate student deepens their understanding and enhances their critical thinking abilities in order to contribute to the advancement of the discipline and the athletic training profession. Repeatable four times, up to 12 credits. A-F only. Pre: consent.
(1 Sem, 5 4-hr Practicum) Advanced clinical practicum in which the BOC certified or certification eligible graduate student experiences an enhancement of athletic training knowledge and refinement of athletic training skills. Repeatable up to 10 credits. A-F only. Pre: consent.
(1 Sem, 5 3-hr Practicum) Culminating practicum requiring performance of duties and responsibilities of second year graduate athletic training students. A practical field experience in athletic training is required. Athletic Training majors only. A-F only. Pre: 611 or consent. (Spring only)
(1 Sem, 5 3-hr Practicum) Culminating practicum requiring performance of duties and responsibilities of second year graduate athletic training students. A practical field experience in athletic training is required. Athletic Training majors only. A-F only. (Fall only
(1 Sem, 5 3-hr Practicum) Practicum includes duties and responsibilities of athletic training students. Practicum must be completed during second semester post admission to the program. Athletic Training majors only. A-F only. (Spring only)
(1 Sem, 5 3-hr Practicum) Practicum requiring performance of duties and responsibilities of athletic training students. Must be completed during first semester post admission into program. Athletic Training majors only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Interpretation of scientific principles of muscular strength and power development. Examination of muscular adaptations to increased and decreased use. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Application of physiological principles to physical conditioning and athletic performance. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Theory and techniques of counseling and guidance as preparation for practicum and internship. Application in school, college, rehabilitation, and community settings. Pre: consent.
Life span perspective on psychological, social, and physical development. Major theories and related research on human development; applications in policy planning and service delivery in counseling. Pre: consent.
Human gross anatomy dissection of the upper extremity, head, neck, and spine. Emphasis is placed on muscles, function, innervation, and vascular supply. Repeatable one time. Enrolled in DRB or KRS graduate programs (including Biomed Sci-Anat/ RepoBiol & Phys majors) only or consent. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as ANAT 604)
Human gross anatomy dissection of the lower extremity, thorax, and abdomen with emphasis on muscles, function, innervation, and vascular supply. Repeatable one time. Enrolled in DRB or KRS graduate programs (including Biomed Sci-Anat/ RepoBiol & Phys majors) only or consent. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as ANAT 603)
History, philosophy, and organization of school counseling programs. Counselor role and functions, legal and ethical issues, contemporary issues, current methodology and resources. (Meets EdD common core elective.) Pre: consent.
(5 2-hr Practicum) Advanced-level supervised experiences within the profession of athletic training. This practicum is a requirement for entry to the KRS Master’s Athletic Training Program. A-F only.
Advanced-level supervised experiences within the profession of athletic training. This practicum is a requirement for entry to the KRS Master’s Athletic Training Program. A-F only.
Introductory-level supervised experiences within the profession of athletic training. This practicum is required for the KRS entry-level Graduate Athletic Training Education Program. A-F only.
Introductory-level supervised experiences within the profession of athletic training. This practicum is required for the KRS entry-level Graduate Athletic Training Education Program. A-F only.
Introduction to the Professional Athletic Training Education Program and the Clinical Education Plan. Students are required to document all requirements and demonstrate proficiency in basic clinical skills. Repeatable one time. A-F only. ATEP Program students only. (Once a year)
Designed to provide theoretical and practical experience in supervision of a strength training center. Content includes program design, exercise techniques, organization, testing, evaluation, methods of strength development, facility design and special populations. Kinesiology & Rehabilitation Science, Health/Exercise Science and Lifestyle Management, and Physical Education majors only. A-F only. Pre: 152, 153, 353, 354, 354L, and 463; or consent.
Culminating 160 hours of supervised practicum experience in health, wellness, fitness assessment, lifestyle management, and/or exercise leadership. Qualifying hours are contingent upon instructor’s approval in the registered semester. Health and Exercise Science majors only. Pre: current CPR and First Aid Certification, 152, 332, 353, 354, and 463; or consent.
Designed to provide knowledge of laboratory techniques and procedures for aerobic and anaerobic fitness assessment, interpretation of aerobic and anaerobic testing results, and individual exercise program/prescription. A-F only. Pre: 480 and EDEP 429, or consent. (Fall only)
Program planning, curriculum development and classroom teaching strategies in the areas of human sexuality, reproductive health, family planning, and family health. Focus on research-based curriculum and strategies to promote personal and social responsibility for health. A-F only.
Standards-based planning, teaching, and assessment on the scientific, socio-cultural, and
attitudinal aspects of drug abuse, violence, and injury prevention. Focus on incidence and prevalence, roles, prevention, and high-risk populations. A-F only.
Examination of social, economic, and environmental factors of recreation and tourism development. Emphasis on methods, processes, citizen participation, design issues/regulations, and land use. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 238 and 329; or consent.
Overview of leisure services and trends in commercial, private and employee recreation, and resort and recreational tourism. The social, economic, and environmental significance is examined. Pre: 428 or consent.
Research methods in the study of physical activity, types of research, statistical concepts and techniques, and reporting research results. Repeatable one time.
Effects of physiologic demands of exercise on nutrition. Emphasis on physiologic and biochemical basis for nutrition recommendations to enhance exercise participation and optimize athletic performance. Pre: FSHN 185, and KRS 113 or PHYL 103 or (PHYL 141/141L and 142/142L) or PHYL 301. (Cross-listed as FSHN 480)
Concepts of developmentally appropriate practice, importance of movement in overall development, and design of physical activity sessions and environments for young children with and without disabilities are covered. A-F only. Pre: consent.
(3 Lec, 1 1-hr. Lab) Motor development through the lifespan with an emphasis on fundamental principles and patterns. Areas such as memory, knowledge of performance, and motivation are incorporated and demonstrated through multiple writing assignments. Required field experience. Primarily for KRS majors. A-F only. Pre: 181, 182, admittance to COE, and consent.
Basic consideration is kinesthesis, motor ability, fatigue, developmental factors, practice, motivation in relation to motor learning and human performance. Repeatable one time. Pre: EDEP 311 or consent.
Basic elements for: descriptive statistics, probability, inference, regression, and correlation analysis. A-F only.
Contemporary and historical perspective on sociocultural issues that influence American youth and instruction in a physical activity setting. Understanding culturally responsive practice in regards to culture, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, class, obesity, and
Theory, basic research, interactive process, and methodology of the cooperative learning process known as Tribes. Will develop participants’ abilities to foster and facilitate learning communities in a variety of settings. Repeatable one time. (Summer only)
Experiences in developing standards-based, interactive learning opportunities to teach quality health education in schools. Focus on creating curriculum and assessments aligned with the National and State Standards for Health Education. A-F only. (Spring only)
Physical education teachers will gain knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to plan, implement, and evaluate Fitness for Life curriculum (grades 6-12). Information is guided by national and state standards. Includes lecture, lab, and teaching experiences. A-F only. (Once a year)
Concepts and scientific principles essential to efficient human movement; proper application of bio-mechanical principles to fundamental movements and selected complex motor skills. A-F only. Pre: 353, and either PHYS 100, PHYS 151, or PHYS 170; or consent.
(3 Lec, 1 1-hr. Lab) Participants will explore issues related to individuals with exceptionalities, how these affect learning and behavior in the health and physical activity settings. Oral communication practice and skills are worth >30% grade. Required field experience. A-F only. (Cross-listed as SPED 443)
Supervised leadership at a camp setting with children and youth, including those with disabilities. Day or residential camps. One full week camping for each credit hour. Maximum of four credit hours. Pre: 437 (or concurrent) or consent.
(1 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Combined lecture-lab for camp counselors and camp leadership. Plan and evaluate camp experiences for children and youth, including those with disabilities. Includes field trips. Pre: 331 and 332, or consent.
Combined lecture-lab with emphasis on scientific principles, theory and practice, and professional qualities of the coach. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Combined lecture-lab on advanced emergency care for injuries and illnesses and includes certifications for CPR/First Aid/AED. Class size of approximately 20 students. Open to all majors. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Basic methods in marketing, planning, evaluating programs and problem-solving methods, survey research, research design, data analysis, and report generation for park, recreation, and tourism systems. A-F only. Pre: 329 (or concurrent), or consent.
Philosophical foundations and current and emerging issues in leisure services management and programming. Coverage of leisure research and its implications to practice. Repeatable one time. Pre: 238, 249, and 329; or consent.
Effective program development, planning, and supervision, including issues in legal liability and administration of all aspects of physical education programming in grades K-12. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 270 or consent. Majors only.
An examination of the pathology of injuries to the upper extremities and their care and treatment designed for Athletic Training, Exercise Science and Allied Health professionals. Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Science, Health/Exercise Science and Lifestyle Management, and Physical Education majors only. A-F only. Pre: 353 and 415, or consent.
An examination of the pathology of injuries to the lower extremities and their care and treatment designed for Athletic Training, Exercise Science and Allied Health professionals. KRS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 353, 415; or consent.
An examination of organization and administration in Athletic Training, Allied Health and Exercise Science. Content includes leadership and motivation models, legal liability, ethical considerations and management strategies for all aspects of Health Care Administration. KRS majors only. A-F only.
Introduction to ergonomics principles and their application in understanding and prevention of Muscular Skeletal Disorders encountered in the working environment including introduction to legal aspects of ergonomics. Post-Master’s Certificate in Nursing majors only. Pre: 463 or consent.
An examination of the most recent practices and procedures in the prevention and care of athletic and sports injuries. Observational field experiences in athletic training will be required. A-F only. Pre: 113, or PHYL 103, or PHYL 141/141L and PHYL 142/142L, or BIOL 171/171L.
Examination and application of sociological and psychological theories to sport including the influence of race, ethnicity, gender, identity and human development, social class, disabilities, and sexual orientation on the sport experience. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Analysis and resolutions of issues in teaching residency; teaching strategies and techniques; curriculum planning; professional growth and development. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 402E, 402S, and 404 or consent; admittance to licensure track, pass Praxis II Core Academic Skills tests.
Full-time supervised experience in elementary and secondary school level. School level corresponds to level of licensure desired. (E) elementary; (S) secondary. Each alpha can be taken one time. Kinesiology & Rehabilitation Science, Physical Education, and Secondary Education-Physical Education majors only. A-F only. Pre: 402E (with a minimum grade of B-), 402S (with a minimum grade of B-), and 404 (with a minimum grade of B-); admittance to licensure track, pass Praxis II Core Academic Skills tests. Co-requisite: 406.
Methods and materials in teaching physical education activities program; techniques; leadership; selection of appropriate activities and program evaluation for teaching licensure. Repeatable one time, but credit earned one time only. A-F only. KRS majors only. Co-requisite: 402E.
Guidance principles applied to classroom management for teachers. Pre: consent.
Field experience in teaching physical education activities in schools, K-12; techniques in leadership; selection of activities and program evaluation for K-12 licensure. (E) elementary; (S) secondary. KRS majors only. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: admittance to licensure track; pass basic skills tests specified by the Hawai‘i Teacher Standards Board ( or bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.
Understanding health issues for individuals, families, schools, and communities, in regards to Hawaii K-12 schools. Focusing on the acquisition of functional health content and proficiency in health-related skills to enhance healthy behaviors in learners. A-F only.
Individual problems. Limited to senior majors in health education, physical education, athletic training, or recreation with a minimum GPA of 2.75 in major field. Repeatable unlimited times.
Scientifically based information will be presented to help the student make decisions and take responsibility for his/her own health and health-related behaviors. The student will develop a personal, daily physical activity/exercise program, in which he/ she will participate and be monitored.
Supervised practicum in strength training and conditioning. Students will be exposed to the theory and practice of designing and implementing both strength/power, and general conditioning programs. Repeatable one time. Pre: 152, 354 (or concurrent); or consent.
Diagnosis and prescription for basic health and fitness problems, scientific principles of training, guidelines for exercise; essentials of scientifically based individualized physical fitness program. Repeatable one time.
Introduction to psychoactive drugs and their effects; drug regulations; education and rehabilitation programs; psycho-social variables related to the decisions to use/abuse drugs. Pre: consent.
Teaching techniques and methods of secondary physical education. Content to include invasion, net, field, and target activities. Emphasizes the tactical approach in a school-based experience. Primarily for KRS majors. A-F only. Pre: 181, 182, admittance to COE, and consent.
Teaching techniques and methods of elementary physical education. Content to include basic skills and games in a school-based experience. Primarily for KRS majors. A-F only. (Fall only)
Laboratory section to accompany KRS 354. Emphasis will be hands-on data collection and analysis of the physiological responses to exercise and physical training. Lab report development and scientific writing will also be emphasized. Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Science, Health/Exercise Science and Lifestyle Management, and Physical Education majors only. A-F only. Pre: 113 or PHYL 103 or PHYL 142/142L (or concurrent), or BIOL 171/171L (or concurrent); or consent. Co-requisite: 354.
Emphasis on physiological responses to exercises and physical training as related to strength, muscular endurance, cardio-respiratory endurance. Primarily for KRS majors, but open to others with consent. Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Science, Health/ Exercise Science and Lifestyle Management, and Physical Education majors only. A-F only. Pre: 113 or PHYL 103 or PHYL 142/142L (or concurrent), or BIOL 171/171L (or concurrent); or consent. Co-requisite: 354L.
Gross human anatomy, emphasizing identification and description of parts of the musculoskeletal system; selected applications to motor activity. Primarily for KRS majors, but open to others with consent. A-F only. Pre: 113 or BIOL 171/171L or PHYL 103 or PHYL 141/141L or PHYL 301/301L.
Special recreation as a professional field. Overview of special recreation services. Emphasis on recreation services for special populations. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 208 or consent.
Initial supervised leadership experience in recreational agencies. One hour per week in class discussion sessions. For recreation majors only. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: consent of recreation advisor.
Theory and methods of coaching competitive swimming. Technical, organizational, and administrative aspects. Emphasis on stroke mechanics and training methods. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Techniques and rules of sprints, distance runs, relays, hurdles, long jump, high jump, pole vault, shot put, discus, and javelin throws; conduct of track and field meets; specific conditioning and training problems. Repeatable one time.
(3 Lec, 1 1-hr. Lab) Content and pedadogy for teaching Pre/K-5 physical education. Students will learn to plan and teach physical education for children. Peer bit and field teaching included. Repeatable one time, but credit earned one time only. A-F only.
A movement-based approach to teaching basic motor skills in preschool/elementary physical education. Students actively participate and learn about developmentally appropriate content and pedagogy for children in grades P–5/6. Peer bit teaching is included. A-F only.
Practicum in training of persons to become qualified in emergency care knowledge, basic life support, and first aid skills. First Aid and CPR certificates may be earned.
Theory and methods of advanced lifesaving and water safety leading to American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor (WSI) certification. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 104 or consent. (Student to provide own swim attire approved by the instructor.)
Administrative framework and procedures pertinent to the operation of agencies providing recreational services to the various publics. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 208 or consent.
Use of music in physical education programming (K-12), emphasizing selection of appropriate music for specific activities as expressive or creative movement, movement exploration, rhythmic gymnastics, and dancing. A variety of strategies for teaching dance will be shared. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Spring only)
Theory and strategy of offensive and defensive volleyball coaching. Emphasis on coaching philosophy, selecting and developing an offense and defense, organizing practices, special situations, scouting, and training and conditioning. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Theory and strategy of offensive and defensive baseball coaching. Emphasis on coaching philosophy, selecting and developing an offense and defense, organizing practices, special situations, scouting, and training and conditioning. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Theory and strategy of offensive and defensive basketball coaching. Emphasis on coaching philosophy, selecting and developing an offense and defense, organizing practices, special situations, scouting, and training and conditioning. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Theory and strategy of offensive and defensive football coaching. Emphasis on coaching philosophy, selecting and developing an offense and defense, organizing practices, special situations, scouting, and training and conditioning. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Examines with some depth, principles of risk management and pathology of athletic injuries, major musculoskeletal structures, and concepts of evaluative skills, treatment, and rehabilitation for common athletic injuries. A-F only.
Understanding standards-based planning, teaching, and assessment in health with a focus on advocacy, as well as the incidence, prevalence, and prevention of disease within sub-topics of health (mental, social, emotional, environmental, financial, etc.). (Summer only)
Assessment and evaluative techniques applied to health and physical education,
including test construction, performance-based assessment, measurement criteria and instruments, interpretation of data and content, as well as program evaluation. (Spring only)
Introduction to foundational knowledge for effective teaching, history, philosophy, and current practices in physical education. Provides the basis for later coursework in K-12 physical education. Required field experience. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Fall only)
Factors in planning and leading recreation programs; characteristics and responsibilities of leadership in relation to nature, scope, and resources of a variety of programs. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 208 or consent.
Objectives of school health program, emphasizing scope and sequence of health instruction; critical examination of health curriculum guides from various states. Repeatable one time. Pre: 201 or 202.
Objectives and values of outdoor recreation; characteristics and determinants of programs; planning, organization, leadership, and facilities for recreational uses of natural environments. Repeatable one time. Pre: 208 or consent.
Understanding the fundamental principles and techniques of safety and accident-prevention programming emphasizing school, home, public places, on the job, and motor vehicle situations. Repeatable one time.
Developmental processes across the life span. Life span perspective on psychological, social, and physical development. Human growth and development from conception to death with major theories and related research on maintaining healthy lifestyles. Repeatable one time.
Theories and philosophies in recreation: history; contemporary issues; roles in modern society; relationship to health, physical education, and exercise science. A-F only.
Kinesiology as a professional field. Overview of history, philosophy, and current trends in kinesiology. Survey of psychological and sociological foundations of kinesiology, exercise, fitness and sport. KRS majors or approval. A-F only. (Fall only)
Responsibilities of secondary school teacher in recognizing and meeting pupils’ needs, emphasizing health instruction, health services, healthful school living, school health policies. Repeatable one time.
Responsibilities of elementary school teacher in recognizing and meeting pupils’ needs, emphasizing teacher’s role in health instruction, health services, school health policies. Repeatable one time.
Combined lecture-lab-physical activity with emphasis on basic skills, rules, etiquette, offensive and defensive strategies, position play, and game situations. Open to all students. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Knowledge, skills, and rules of various track and field events. Organization of track meets and strategy in competition. Primarily for KRS majors; others admitted on space-available basis. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
An entry-level course designed to develop students’ knowledge of men’s and women’s gymnastics floor exercise routines, including injury prevention, skill progression, spotting techniques, and routine choreography. Primarily for KRS majors; others admitted on space-available basis. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Knowledge, skill development, position, and strategy of net, field and target sports. Sports like volleyball, tennis, softball, and golf are introduced within a tactical framework. A-F only.
Knowledge, skill development, and strategy of various invasion type games and sports. Sports like basketball, soccer, ultimate frisbee and/or others are introduced within a tactical framework. A-F only.
Fundamentals of basic water polo skills, namely, ball handling, passing, shooting, dribbling plus a brief introduction into beginning techniques of individual offense and defense. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only. Pre: 104 or consent. (Student to provide own swimming attire approved by instructor.)
Corrective work and improvement of basic techniques. Exercise sets and combinations designed to develop endurance, flexibility, muscle and nerve strength, meditation, and deep relaxation technique. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only. Pre: 170 or consent.
Experiencing yoga and its effects on body, mind and consciousness of individual. Encompasses exercise, breathing techniques, deep relaxation, meditation, practice in concentration, and yogic postures. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Rules: fundamental defensive and offensive maneuvers and competitive strategy, i.e., takedowns, reversals, escapes, and pinning combinations; conditioning exercises. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Emphasis on improving the basic techniques (stances, punches, kicks, forms, and sparring); introduction to combination techniques. (Student to provide own gi.) Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only. Pre: 164.
Rules, etiquette, basic stances, blocks, thrusts, kicks, ippon kumite, and selected kata. (Student to provide own gi.) Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Classic forms of t’ai chi ch’uan. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Rules, etiquette, basic rolls, simple holds and the breaking of such holds, specific physical conditioning exercises. (Student to provide own gi.) Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Rules, etiquette, method of falling and breaking the fall, simple throws and their counters, simple holds and breaking of such holds, randori. (Student to provide own gi.) Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Single and combination stunts on side horse, horizontal bar, parallel bars, still rings; techniques of spotting; safety procedures. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Single and combination stunts on tumbling mats and trampoline, balancing stunts; techniques of spotting; safety procedures. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Exercise technique and prescription with an emphasis on anaerobic exercise. Explores advanced periodization models and their utilization, mastery of Olympic lifts, and plyometric programs. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only. Pre: 152 or consent.
Kinesiology of lifting and weight training, various types of exercises and methods of training with resistance. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Small group and individual guidance and instruction for students recommended by student health service. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only. Pre: consent.
Rules, passing, shooting, dribbling, rebounding, individual defensive and offensive maneuvers; team offense and defense. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Combined lecture-lab-physical activity with emphasis on improving skills and knowledge through practice and cognitive activities relative to serving, passing, spiking, digging, blocking, and offensive and defensive strategy. Open to all students. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only. Pre: 135 or consent.
Combined lecture-lab-physical activity with emphasis on beginner skills and knowledge relative to serving, passing, spiking, digging, blocking, and offensive and defensive strategy. Open to all students. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Improving upon the strokes introduced in 130 and 131; advanced competitive strategy; problems in rules; officiating; elements of tournament play. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only. Pre: 131 or consent.
Corrective work in three basic strokes and in net play; the lob, drop shot, overhead smash, and half-volley; applying spin in basic strokes; basic strategy in singles and doubles play. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only. Pre: 130 or consent.
Rules, etiquette, grip, forehand and backhand strokes, serving, volleying; singles and doubles play. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Social dances of a Latin flavor including rhumba, cha-cha, tango, samba, and others. Basic steps, rhythm pattern, styling, and variations are taught. Social etiquette is stressed. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Social dances including fox trot, waltz, swing, and other popular dances. Basic steps, rhythm pattern, styling, and variations are taught. Social etiquette is stressed. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Advanced techniques in hula movements. Selected dances taught will be more complex, including work with instruments. Individual choreography will be emphasized. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only. Pre: 124 or consent.
Background and fundamentals of hula. Selected dances with and without instruments. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Popular dances of various national groups, including square dances. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Rules, etiquette, grip, forehand and backhand strokes, serving, smash, drive, net play, offensive and defensive strategy; singles and doubles play. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Rules, etiquette, arm swing, approach, execution, scoring, spare pickups. Students pay charge for use of alley. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Introduction to human physiology and anatomy designed to serve the needs of those interested in pursuing health-related careers. Structure and function of major systems examined (gross anatomy, microanatomy, physiology, and pathology). (Spring only)
Improving drive, fairway wood shots, long iron shots, control shots, trouble shots, putting, course management, competitive strategy, problems in rules. Greens fees paid by students for play on courses. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only. Pre: 111 and consent.
Corrective work on basic swing mechanics and rhythm; adjustments for bunker play, uphill lies, downhill lies, short game around and on the green; handicapping and match play competition. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only. Pre: 110 and consent.
Rules, etiquette, grip, stance, drive, normal iron shots, approach shots, putting. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Combined lecture-lab-physical activity with emphasis on aerobic fitness improvement through total body aquatic workouts with music, and development of individualized aquatics fitness program. Open to all students. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Learning watermanship, equipment handling skills, and the knowledge to become safe divers. Additional costs for equipment, diver manual, dive tables, and certification fee. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Correct techniques used in competitive swimming, racing starts, correct turning techniques, long-distance swimming. (Student to provide own swimming attire approved by instructor.) Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only. Pre: 104 or consent.
Perfecting and integrating basic strokes with added emphasis for speed and distance. (Student to provide own swimming attire approved by instructor.) Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only. Pre: 103.
Adjusting to and immersing in water, floating, sculling; correct arm stroke, leg kick, breathing techniques and their coordination. (Student to provide own swimming attire approved by instructor.) Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Aerobic fitness improvement upon completion of course by regularly attending and practicing safe workout routines. Learn fitness components, names of muscles and exercises associated with each one. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Conditioning exercises and activities to develop and maintain physical efficiency. Motor fitness tests administered to measure status and progress. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
Individual research projects. Pre: senior standing and consent of department chair.
Internship in media or PR operations under professional and faculty supervision. Repeatable two times. JOUR majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 300 and 330, or consent.
Exploration of the leading edge of the journalistic ideology today as well as a projection of future forms, styles, and strategies. JOUR majors only. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 471. Co-requisite: 480.
Intensive experience in field and studio production of television news programs; preparation of form and content; theory, practice and ethical dimensions of planning and producing broadcast news materials. JOUR majors only. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 470. Co-requisite: 481.
Problems and opportunities of communication in a variety of international contexts. Focus on commerce, diplomacy, and mass communication. JOUR majors only. Pre: COM/JOUR major or consent. (Cross-listed as COM 475)
Advanced fundamentals of multimedia reporting, including finding and developing journalistic story ideas, photojournalism, audio storytelling, design, infographics, and cross-platform digital convergence. JOUR majors only. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 250, 300, 330; and ICS 101 or ICS 110 or ICS 111 or LTEC 112. Co-requisite: 470.
Applied, problem-based application of skills and knowledge of visual story telling to the production of broadcast newscasts. JOUR majors only. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 250, 300, 330; and ICS 101 or ICS 110 or ICS 111 or LTEC 112.
Ethics and social responsibility for media professionals. Application of ethical theories and principles to case studies and research projects. JOUR majors only. (Cross-listed as COM 460)
Topics of interest to faculty and students; taught by regular and visiting faculty. Repeatable on different topics to six credit hours. JOUR majors only. Pre: COM/JOUR major and junior standing, or consent. (Cross-listed as COM 459)
Visual display concepts and procedures for newsletters, brochures, newspapers, magazines. Pre: upper division standing.
Computer experience in the creation, manipulation, and editing of color news, feature, sports, and documentary images. Study of the ethical and legal dimensions of electronic imaging. Pre: 307 or consent.
Short-term intensive workshops in journalism and mass communication skills and projects. (B) workshop in new media; (C) workshop in reporting; (D) workshop in editing; (E) workshop in broadcast journalism; (F) workshop in public relations. Repeatable in different alphas up to 6 credits. JOUR or COM majors only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as COM 390)
Working on campus student or quasi-professional publications under professional and
faculty supervision. CR/NC only. Repeatable two times, up to six credits. Pre: consent.
Role of communication in the legal process; impact of law on communication processes. Pre: COM/JOUR major and junior standing, or consent. (Cross-listed as COM 451)
Development of the news media and trends that may affect the future of journalism. Pre: upper division standing.
Fundamentals of video journalism using digital video cameras for writing, reporting, editing, and producing news stories. JOUR majors only, or consent. A-F only. Pre: 200.
Writing articles of news analysis, editorials, and critical reviews. Pre: consent.
Writing nonfiction articles for magazines, newspapers, and newsletters; preparing material for specific audience; marketing articles.
Fundamentals of visual journalism; visual theory, principles, and tools to create multimedia journalism projects for online, emerging media, and print platforms. JOUR majors only, or consent. A-F only.
Intensive training in editing, planning, and organizing stories and visual elements for publication; news judgment; managing projects. JOUR majors only, or consent.
Production, selection, and use of digital photographs for publications. Storytelling action and feature photography with digital cameras, worked up through Adobe Photoshop and InDesign programs. Students must have a digital camera. A-F only.
Theory and practice of information gathering using a variety of primary and secondary sources, finding information online, use of databases and interviews for news stories, with emphasis on writing. JOUR majors only, or consent. A-F only. Pre: 250.
Fundamentals of writing for various news media and public relations; ethics. A-F only.
Fundamentals of multimedia reporting: finding and developing story ideas, photojournalism, audio storytelling, design, infographics, and cross-platform digital convergence. A-F only.
News literacy, and the role of journalism in society–its influence, rights and responsibilities; issues and trends.
(C) Japanese/English contrastive analysis; (G) structure; (H) historical change; (K) history of Japanese language studies (Kokugo-gakushi); (M) morphophonemics; (P) pedagogy; (S) sociolinguistics. Pre: 451, or 601 and 602 for (C); 634 for (G); 631 for (H) and (K); 601 for (M); 632 for (P); and 633 for (S).
(M) modern; Pre: 611 (P) pre-modern; Pre: 612, 613, or 614.
Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent of chair.
(C) Japanese/English contrastive analysis; (G) structure; (H) historical change; (K) history of Japanese language studies (Kokugo-gaku-shi); (M) morphophonemics; (P) pedagogy; (S) sociolinguistics. Pre: 601 and 602 for (C); 634 for (G); 631 for (H) and (K); 601 for (M); 632 for (P); 633 for (S).
Introduction to kambun [the Japanese manner of reading and writing classical Chinese], with critical reading of kambun by Japanese authors. A-F only. Pre: 461 or consent.
Reading and analysis of major works of literary theory and criticism from the classical, medieval, and Edo periods. A-F only. Pre: 466 or consent.
Intensive study of selected topics in Japanese literature, primarily of the modern period. English translations of original texts will be provided whenever available. Repeatable unlimited times with consent. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as ASAN 640)
Theoretical problems in description of Japanese; contributions of Japanese linguistic study to syntactic theory. Pre: 602 or consent.
Variations in language form and use depending on social factors. Pre: 601 or 602 (or concurrent), and 606; or consent.
Practical overview of major problems; motivation; adult second language learning; communicative and linguistic competence; practical classroom techniques of teaching and testing. Pre: 604 or consent.
Survey, theories of origin; related topics in linguistic methodology. Pre: 461 and 601, or consent.
Introduction to Classical Japanese writing system as found in the xylographs and manuscripts of the Heian and Kamakura periods; reading and analysis of the texts in original script. Repeatable one time. Pre: 461 or 466, or consent. (Alt. years)
For graduate students who are planning to teach Japanese as a foreign language. Through lectures and discussions on language learning and teaching, and through observation and teaching of a Japanese language class, students will learn to make informed decisions about curriculum and instruction, and will develop instructional skills and practices for analyzing their teaching experiences. (B) beginning level Japanese instruction; (C) advanced level Japanese instruction. Each alpha may be taken one time. Pre: 604 or EALL 601, or consent. (Once a year for (B) and (C)).
Critical reading and analysis of Heian literature; emphasis on prose. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 466 or consent.
Critical reading and analysis of Kamakura and Muromachi literature, emphasis on prose. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 466 or consent.
Critical reading and analysis; emphasis on prose. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 466 or consent.
Representative literary works, emphasis on fiction; (B) Meiji–Taisho (1868–1926); (C) Showa–Heisei (1926–present). Each alpha repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 485 or consent
Historical survey of major poetic types. Repeatable one time with consent. (B) classical; (C) medieval and Edo; (D) modern. Pre: 466 or consent for (B) and (C); 485 or consent for (D).
Introduces theories of language use and provides training in the methodology and analysis of Japanese sociolinguistics. Pre: 407 and 475 or equivalent, or consent.
Japanese-specific training in the formulation of testable hypotheses, in basic statistical and other evaluation techniques, and in the organization and presentation of ideas and data in paper, abstracts, etc. Pre: 407 or equivalent.
Training in the identification and analysis of general problems in Japanese language learning, teaching, and testing by examining theoretical issues and conducting classroom research. Pre: 407 or equivalent, and 451; or consent.
Introduction to theories of syntax, sentence structure, parts of speech, constituency, grammatical relations and case marking, word order, passives, causatives, tense, aspect, and embeddings. Pre: 451 or consent.
Introduction to the phonology and morphology of modern colloquial Japanese. Pre: 451 or consent.
For those who need special assistance, e.g., in reading texts in area of specialization or at a pace more rapid than those of standard courses. Primarily for graduate students from other departments. CR/NC only. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.
Analysis of intercultural communication processes under faculty supervision through participation in an organization serving native speakers of Japanese. (B) business, repeatable one time; (C) travel industry internship. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 370 or consent for (C); 431 for (B).
Enhances Japanese language skills through a field-based research project on a topic of the individual student’s choice. Interviews, surveys, observations, written materials and A/V-assisted oral presentations. Repeatable one time. Pre: 402 or 405 or equivalent, or consent.
Advanced course in spoken and written Japanese stressing intensive research using the Internet, electronic mail in Japanese and conventional media. Oral presentations, written reports and journal writing. Repeatable one time. Pre: 485 or equivalent and consent.
Advanced course to foster speed, accuracy, and attention to content in reading modern discursive texts. Pre: 407D and 407E, or consent.
Advanced course to foster speed, accuracy and attention to stylistic issues in modern Japanese literature. Pre: 407D and 407E, or consent.
Application of general linguistics to social phenomena such as group identity, language and gender, dialects and intercultural communication. Pre: 350 and 370, or consent.
Focuses on Okinawan literature across various genres and periods. Pre: 202, 205, or consent.
Focuses on the language, heritage, and folk culture of Okinawa. Pre: 202, 205, or consent.
Introduction to major genres of prose and poetry. Repeatable one time with permission. Pre: 461 or consent.
Basic classical Japanese grammar to develop reading skills. Pre: 302 or consent.
Continuation of 458. Pre: 401 or 458.
Intensive course of full time instruction on the fourth-year level in Japanese language and culture in Japan. Pre: 302, 305, 308, 359, or consent.
Introduction to teaching of basic Japanese grammatical patterns. Pre: 350 or LING 320, and 407; or consent.
Introduction to phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics of modern colloquial Japanese. Pre: 401, 404, or 405; and 350 or LING 320; or consent.
Training in advanced business writing for bilingual and other advanced learners. Japanese writing intensive. Pre: 421 or consent.
Training in techniques of translating Japanese into English. Pre: 407D or 407E, or consent. (Cross-listed as TI 425)
Training in techniques of translating English in Japanese. Pre: 407D or 407E, or consent. (Cross-listed as TI 424)
Training in listening and speaking for bilingual and other advanced learners. Emphasis on formal Japanese such as academic lectures, news, exchanges in business settings, public speaking, etc. Pre: 421 or consent.
Writing skills refined through practice in various styles (essays, letters, etc.). Pre: 401, 404, or 405; or consent.
Training in oral communication skills in varied social contexts. Pre: 402 or 405.
Training in comprehension of spoken material presented in news broadcasts, documentary narration, formal lectures, etc. Pre: 402, 405; or consent. May be concurrent with 407.
JPN 407 (Alpha) Readings in Original Texts (3) (D) academic and journalistic texts; (E) modern literature. Repeatable one time in different alphas. Pre: 401, 403, or 405; or consent.
Content of 401 and 402 covered in one semester. Meets two hours, four times a week. Pre: 302, 305, 308, or placement test
4th-year Japanese language course that provide bilingual and other advanced speakers with language training in formal Japanese with a focus on reading and writing skills. Pre: placement or consent.
4th-year Japanese language course that provide bilingual and other advanced speakers with language training in formal Japanese with a focus on reading and oral communication skills. Pre: placement or consent.
Continuation of 401. Transition to longer and more complex written and spoken Japanese. Meets 50 minutes, four times a week. Pre: 401 or placement test; or consent.
Continuation of 302 and 305 emphasizing all four skills. Transition to longer and more complex written and spoken Japanese. Meets 50 minutes, four times a week. Pre: 302, 305, 308, or placement test; or consent.
For those who need special assistance, e.g., reading texts in area of specialization or at a pace more rapid than those of standard courses. CR/NC only. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.
Review of the use of Japanese respect language in relation to social structure, interpersonal relationships, and ways of thinking. Pre: 301 or consent.
Continuation of 358. Pre: 301 or 358.
Intensive course of full-time formal instruction on the third-year level in Japanese language and culture in Japan. Pre: 202, 205, 217, or consent.
Introduction to major areas of linguistic description as applied to Japanese language. Pre: 301 or 307, or consent.
Web-based training in Japanese reading and writing to develop skills at the advanced level. Course activities combine independent work with communicative activities on the website. Ideal for in-service professionals seeking language development and maintenance. Repeatable one time. Pre: 301 (or concurrent) or consent.
Training in oral communication and comprehension skills utilizing the spoken text and visual segments from Japanese film and television dramas. Pre: 301 or consent.
Training in strategies for listening to various types of spoken material presented in narrations, interviews, news broadcasts, and lectures, etc. Pre: 302 or consent.
Training in oral communication skills essential for operating in a Japanese-speaking professional environment or workplace. Pre: 311 or placement test, or consent. (Spring only)
Training in oral communication skills essential for operating in a Japanese-speaking professional environment or workplace. Pre: 202, 205, 212, or placement test; or consent. (Fall only)
For bilingual students whose aural and oral skills in Japanese were acquired informally. Emphasis on reading and writing. Pre: placement test or consent of instructor
Content of 301 and 302 covered in one semester. Meets two hours, four times a week, plus lab work. Pre: 202, 205, 217, or consent.
Continuation of 301. Pre: 301 or placement test, or consent.
Transitional course employing four skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and grammar training to prepare students to address academic content in Japanese. Meets one hour, four times a week, plus lab work. Pre: 202, 205, 217, or placement test; or consent
Continuation of 258. Pre: 201 or 258, or consent.
Intensive course of formal instruction on the second-year level in Japanese language and culture in Japan. Pre: 102 or 105.
For students who have completed the oral communication courses up through JPN 212 and wish to continue on to JPN 301. Also appropriate for semi-bilingual students who lack literacy skills. Pre: 212 or consent.
Continuation of 211. Pre: 201 or 211, or consent.
Continuation of 111-112. Pre: 102 or 105 or 112; or consent.
Content of 201 and 202 covered in one semester. Emphasis on practical Japanese used in professional contexts. Meets two hours, four times a week. Pre: 102, 105; or consent.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or placement test; or consent.
Continuation of 101 and 102. Meets one hour, four times a week, plus lab work. Pre: 102, 105, or placement test; or consent.
Continuation of 111. Pre: 100 or 101 or 111, or consent.
The first of a series of courses focusing on speaking and listening skills necessary to performing in common situations in Hawai‘i and Japan. Pre: consent.
Content of 101 and 102 covered in one semester. Meets two hours, four times a week. Pre: consent.
Continuation of 100 or 101. Pre: 100 or 101, or consent.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar. Meets one hour, four times a week, plus lab work. Pre: placement test or consent.
Same material as 101, covered more quickly for students with some language background. Pre: placement test.
Intensive course of formal instruction on the fourth-year level in Italian language and culture in Italy. For semester programs only. Pre: 360 or equivalent.
Continuation of 458.
Intensive course of full-time formal instruction in Italy on the fourth-year level in Italian language, linguistics, culture, and literature. Pre: 359 or 360 or equivalent.
Intensive formal instruction at the third-year level in Italian language skills: reading, writing, grammar, or conversation in an Italian-speaking country. Pre: 202 or equivalent.
Continuation of 358.
Intensive formal instruction at the third-year level in Italian language skills: reading, writing, grammar, or conversation in an Italian-speaking country. Pre: 202 or 259 or equivalent.
Systematic practice for control of spoken Italian. Further development of vocabulary for accurate, mature expression. Pre: 202 or consent.
Continuation of 258.
Intensive course of full-time formal instruction in Italy on the second-year level in Italian language and culture. Pre: 102 or 110 or 160.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201.
Reading, conversation, composition. Pre: 102 or 110.
Intensive course of formal instruction on the first-year level in Italian language and culture in Italy.
Combined content of 101 and 102 covered in one summer session. (Summer only)
Conversation, grammar, and reading. Pre: 101 or consent.
Conversation, grammar, and reading.
Directed reading and research culminating in a project that engages issues in international cultural studies. Types of projects include scholarly essays, community-based projects, performances or exhibitions. Written statement of purpose and selfevaluation required. A-F only. Pre: 609 and 610.
Seminar on the history and theory of interdisciplinary cultural studies. The politics of culture are examined in comparative perspective, focusing on their significance for identity formation, intercultural relations, and global flows of images, people and capital. Approaches to the study of media and popular culture are taken up in terms of their relevance for contemporary issues, especially in Hawai‘i and the Asia/Pacific/U.S. region. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Fall only)
Seminar consists of a series of presentations by certificate faculty on topics of ongoing research. Presentations will open current debates about theory and method in cultural studies. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Biological, cultural, and linguistic conservation are intimately linked, but rarely studied simultaneously. Adopts a trans-disciplinary view of diversity and conservation of nature, cultures, and languages, along with issues in anthropology, law, and ethics. (Fall only)
Practical laboratory/ field rotation on the ecological and evolutionary underpinnings of the coupled process of biological invasion, disease emergence and biodiversity loss. Continuation of 650 and 651L. A-F only. Pre: 650 and 651L, or consent. (Once a year)
Combined lecture-laboratory on the ecological and evolutionary underpinnings of the coupled process of biological invasion, disease emergence and biodiversity loss. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Combined lecture-discussion on the ecological and evolutionary underpinnings of the coupled process of biological invasion, disease emergence and biodiversity loss. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Integrative seminar. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Individually designed field experience for advanced certificate in gerontology students. Placements arranged at community programs, research sites, and special projects at the Center on Aging. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Directed reading and research. Repeatable one time.
Field experience in study and abatement of environmental problems under faculty direction. Project proposal, narrative activity log, and documentary report are required. Pre: upper division standing, courses in appropriate discipline, and consent.
Introduction to the ethnographic study of speech and language. Pre: ANTH 152. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ANTH 414 and LING 414)
Life and thought of the two Humboldt brothers. Alexander (1769-1859) helped to lay the foundations of modern science, including geology, geography, botany, zoology, physiology and anthropology. Older, less well-known Wilhelm (1767–1835) was an influential statesman, classical scholar, man of letters, humanist, political philosopher, anthropologist and linguist, and founded the University of Berlin. Review of the two polymaths’ impact on modern science in the Americas, the Pacific and Asia. A-F only. Pre: upper-division or consent.
Students carry out marine-related internships, practica, research projects or field experience on-or off-campus with faculty guidance. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: minimum cum GPA of 2.5, junior or senior standing in any field of study and IS 100/BIOL 104 or consent, project proposal. (Cross-listed as BIOL 400)
Directed reading and research. Repeatable two times.
For Study Abroad Program students participating in the UH Mânoa Semester in London. Emphasis is placed on understanding within historical contexts important issues for contemporary British society—particularly those of class, power, gender, and race. A-F only. Pre: participation in London Semester Program.
People’s impact on quality of coastal and ocean environments, especially Hawaiian; scientific, legal, socioeconomic aspects. Ocean pollution, ocean technology. Pre: OCN 201, ORE 202, or ZOOL 200; or consent.
Nature, history, structure, and geographic distribution of pidgins and creoles. Pre: LING 102 or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as LING 347)
Examination of nature-culture dynamic over a range of contexts–literary ecology, systems ecology, political ecology, eco-feminism, environmental ethics–in order to articulate new possibilities for interdisciplinary understanding of the human place in nature. A-F only. Pre: any ENG DL or PHIL or GEO course, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as SUST 340)
Cultural studies of science from historical, philosophical, sociological and literary perspectives. Examination of intersections of science, race, gender and environment. A-F only. Pre: upper division or consent.
Investigation of the impact of information technologies on contemporary culture from a variety of perspectives. A-F only. Pre: upper division or consent.
Review of ethnohistory, i.e. the interdisciplinary, holistic and inclusive investigation of the histories of native peoples drawing not only on documented sources, but also on ethnography, linguistics, archaeology, ecology and other disciplines as an alternative to conventional Eurocolonial history. A-F only. Pre: HIST 152, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ANTH 327)
Comparative-contrastive examination of similarities and differences between Native Americans and Native Hawaiians as the only indigenous peoples of the U.S. with special attention to sociohistorical parallels and mutual contacts since contact with Europeans. Perspective is explicitly interdisciplinary by drawing not only on sociology and history, but also on archaeology, ethnology, linguistics and still other disciplines. A-F only. Pre: HIST 152 and an introductory course in cultural anthropology, political science or sociology; or consent. (Alt. years)
Independent study tutorial. A-F only.
Addresses ethical issues in gerontology and long-term care for older adults as raised by public policy, health care problems, and social attitudes toward elders. Explores established practices and new directions for ethics in aging. A-F only. (Cross-listed as COA 305)
Pre-arranged systematic field investigation of selected topics. Pre: written proposal approved by Honors director and appropriate faculty member. Repeatable up to 16 credits.
Supervised fieldwork in community agency, arranged by student. Repeatable one time. Pre: written proposal approved by Honors director and appropriate faculty advisor.
Exploration and application of basic leadership theories and processes which foster personal and interpersonal development via cognitive experiential classroom methods and mentoring relationships with experienced peer leaders. (Cross-listed as ENGR 250)
Introduction to essential information on aging and the field of gerontology. Counters ageist stereotypes, develops skills for translating research into practice, and provides an introductory survey course for the undergraduate certificate in aging. A-F only. (Crosslisted as COA 206)
Overview of ocean issues and organizations involved with marine activities, management, education, research, and business. Exploration of internships, research, and career opportunities. Preparation of resumes, proposals, and professional presentations. Not a BIOL major elective. (Cross-listed as BIOL 104)
Designed for students accepted for participation in an international exchange program while enrolled at UH Mânoa. Repeatable unlimited times, credit for 12 credits only. CR/NC only. Pre: admittance to an international exchange program.
Treatment of the risk of premature death through use of various life insurance policies. Policy forms, calculation of premiums, reserves, non-forfeiture values, underwriting, regulation of policy provisions, related coverage. Pre: 300.
Treatment of risk of financial loss of personal and business property and resulting loss of income occasioned by fire and allied perils. Forms of insurance used by individual business executives and firms including crime, transportation, liability, and worker compensation. Pre: 300.
Risk management and insurance application to business and personal financial decision-making. Introduction to basic risk management concepts and techniques. Analyze various types of insurance: including life, property, casualty, liability, health, disability, and long-term care.
Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable five times. A-F only. Pre: written consent.
Collaborative problem solving of issues and concerns encountered in current teaching experiences. (B) licensure; (C) non-licensure. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to six credits. A-F only.
Full-time supervised teaching experience. (B) licensure; (C) non-licensure. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to six credits. A-F only.
Planning and methods seminar in conjunction with practice teaching. (B) licensure; (C) non-licensure. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to six credits. A-F only.
Supervised experience in instructional planning and practice teaching. (B) licensure; (C) non-licensure. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to six credits. A-F only.
Team collaboration on responding to identified school need; supervised experience in mini-teaching. (B) licensure; (C) non-licensure. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to 12 credits. A-F only.
Development of pedagogical skills in planning and implementing instruction for target subject area/grade level. (B) licensure; (C) non-licensure. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to six credits. A-F only.
Supervised field study of a school. (B) licensure; (C) non-licensure. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to 12 credits. A-F only.
Development of theoretical and practical knowledge base and skills for understanding, analyzing, and responding to teaching issues and problems. (B) licensure; (C) non-licensure. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to six credits. A-F only.
Mandatory program seminar for Master of Education in Teaching (MEdT) teacher candidates; access to tools and skills necessary for distance education program success, introduction to the teaching profession. CR/NC only. Pre: admission into the MEdT program, or consent.
For in-service teachers to upgrade subject matter and develop teaching methods and materials for instruction. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: teaching experience.
For in-service teachers to upgrade subject matter and develop teaching methods and materials for instruction. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: teaching experience.
Professional development for K-12 teachers to upgrade their knowledge of mathematics content and develop their instructional strategies to be consistent with the mathematical practices of the Common Core State Standards. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only.
Professional development for K-12 teachers to upgrade their knowledge of ELA content and develop their instructional strategies to be consistent with the ELA practices of the Common Core State Standards. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only.
Individual work supervised by instructor. May consist of reading, research, teaching, and/or projects. Pre: consent of division director.
Integration of microcomputers into school curriculum and key issues related to microcomputer use in education. Pre: LTEC 442 or consent. (Cross-listed as EDCS 480)
Teaching secondary students with disabilities and those who are gifted/talented. Meeting academic/social needs, classroom management, motivation, peer interaction, collaboration between special and regular educators. Includes an emphasis on instruction in writing.
Practices that facilitate teaching special needs students in regular classrooms. Techniques for meeting academic needs, managing behavior, motivating students, increasing peer interactions, communication between special and regular educators. Includes an emphasis on instruction in writing.
Examination of issues in Hawaiian and U.S. views of education and their application to the teaching of Hawaiian studies. Field experience required. A-F only. Pre: 312C, 312D; or consent. Co-requisite for BEd students: 317.
Examination of trends, issues, school practices, and program in multicultural education and its related area of study–bilingual-bicultural education. (Cross-listed as EDCS 440)
Understanding and use of word processing, spreadsheet, and database software for business applications. Explore software across the office and marketing content areas.
Historical and philosophical foundations of vocational technical education, overview of federal and state legislation and contemporary practices. Special emphasis on vocational education program in Hawai‘i.
Planned work-experience program for special areas of vocational technical education. Acceptable type of wage-earning employment. Minimum of six 40- hour weeks or 240 work hours required. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Advanced principles and methods: clinical supervision, observation recording, analysis, interpretation of classroom teaching; human resources supervision in student teaching. Pre: 420, successful supervision of two or more student teachers, and consent.
Knowledge and appreciation for the complex characteristics of children, families, and communities. Analysis and development of skills for creating respectful, reciprocal relationships with diverse children and families from diverse backgrounds. Lecture/lab. Pre: 318 (or concurrent), or HDFS 331 (or concurrent), or consent.
Principles and methods; role of supervisor; human resources supervision in student teaching. Open to teachers interested in pre-service teacher education. Pre: three years teaching experience and consent.
Planning child-centered, responsive programs for children. Focuses on play, learning environments, integrated thematic instructional design, guidance, assessment, and family engagement in early childhood and early elementary to promote enjoyment, growth, and development. A-F only. Pre: 318.
Continuation of 415L. CR/ NC only. Co-requisite: 416. (Cross-listed as EDCS 416L)
Continuation of 415: focuses on the design, implementation, evaluation of meaningful, challenging integrated curriculum that promotes comprehensive developmental and learning outcomes for diverse young children (pK-3). Pre: 415 or consent. (Cross-listed as EDCS 416)
Field experience in early childhood settings to facilitate young children’s growth and learning. CR/NC only.
Introduction to the purposes, theories, and methods of early childhood assessment. Emphasizes observation, documentation, and assessment to provide evidence of children’s
development and learning and how to use assessment to guide teaching and learning. Pre: 318 or consent. Co-requisite: 415L.
Basic guidelines for developing effective team relationships between the professional teacher and the observation-participation student. Pre: two years’ teaching experience and consent.
Analysis and resolution of current ethical issues and practices in classrooms; teaching skills and strategies; curriculum planning, professional growth and development; and integration of teaching experiences with professional standards. Instruction in preparing an extensive written portfolio. A-F only. Pre: successful completion of all required courses or consent.
Fulltime student teaching experience in school. Student teachers will receive training and evaluation for oral communication, organization, and planning skills. Subject field: (B) art; (C) business and marketing; (D) language arts; (F) industrial arts; (G) mathematics; (H) science; (l) social studies; (J) foreign languages; (K) music; (M) home economics; (O) elementary education; (P) English as a second language. CR/NC only. Pre: successful completion of all required courses; departmental consent.
Purposes, procedures, curricula, evaluation in elementary or secondary school subject field: (B) art; (C) business and marketing; (D) language arts; (E) physical education; (F) industrial arts/agriculture; (G) mathematics; (H) science; (I) social studies; (J) foreign languages; (K) music; (M) home economics; (N) interdisciplinary; (P) English as a Second Language. Repeatable five times for different alphas. A-F only. Pre: 401 or consent. Co-requisite: 402.
Study and discussion of general school-related topics and issues, e.g., dimensions of elementary and/ or secondary schooling, school governance, curriculum design and development, the student learner, classroom management; (B) service learning; (C) exploratory education; (D) international field study; (E) minor in education. Each alpha is repeatable one time, up to six credits. A-F only.
Observation, analysis, participation and teaching in middle or high school. A seminar accompanies the field experience. Subject field: (B) art; (C) business and marketing; (D) language arts; (E) physical education; (F) industrial arts/agriculture; (G) mathematics; (H) science; (I) social studies; (J) foreign language; (K) music; (M) home economics; (N) interdisciplinary; (O) elementary; (P) English as a Second Language. Repeatable two times. CR/NC only. Pre: admission to COE Teacher Education Program and departmental consent.
Examines how reading, writing, speaking, listening, technology, etc. are tools for learning content and engaging diverse adolescents across and within all disciplines. Includes a disciplinary literacies framework influencing curriculum planning, classroom culture, and assessment practices. A-F only. (Spring only)
Sex-role socialization, motherhood, work-family conflicts. Alternative family structures in U.S. and other countries. Recommended: at least one WS course. Pre: 151 or any 200- or 300-level WS course, or SOC 300; or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 452)
Examines the problem of violence, particularly sexual violence, over the life cycle. Offers gendered perspective in activities aimed at prevention and treatment of violence, and cross cultural perspectives. Pre: 151 or any 200- or 300-level WS course, SOC 300; or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 446)
Reading of selected works of U.S. women’s literature and cultural texts (such as art and film). Emphasis on historical and cultural context and diverse expressions of women’s gendered identities. (Cross-listed as AMST 455 and ENG 455)
Students learn theories of the global economy, histories of consumerism, constructions
of gendered public spaces, and how the cultural production of consumers and consumer culture functions in the process of globalization. A-F only.
Overview of feminist issues with dominant theories of knowledge and major methodologies employed in the social sciences; and exploration of role of gender theory and feminist politics in feminist research. Pre: 151 or consent.
Contemporary debates in feminist theory concerning gender, race, and class; subjectivity and representation; gender and colonialism; bodies, sexualities and “nature.” Pre: any 300 level WS or POLS course, or consent. (Crosslisted as POLS 339)
Interdisciplinary approach to women’s perspectives and roles on ecological and environmental issues; critical analysis of eco-feminism as a social and political movement; cross-cultural comparison of women’s roles in human ecology. Pre: any course 200 or above in PHIL or WS or any course 200 or above with a DB or DP designation, or consent. (Crosslisted as PHIL 438)
Interdisciplinary course will examine western constructs of gender
violence on its correlates with ethnicity, class, sexuality, nation, and empire. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: one of 151, 202, 360, 361, 439, 460, 462, or consent
Exploration of landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases related to sex and gender. Topics may include sex discrimination, sexual orientation discrimination, privacy, and reproductive freedom. A-F only. Pre: one of 151, 175, 176, 202, 360, 381, or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 436 and POLS 368)
Women’s relations with the criminal justice system; types of women’s offenses; responses to women’s crime; women as victims; women as workers in the criminal justice system. Recommended: at least one WS course. Pre: 151 or any 200- or 300-level WS course, or SOC 300; or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 435)
Interdisciplinary critical examination of the relationship between gender and mental health. Psychological research, feminist theory, autobiography, literature, and cinema. Pre: one of 202, 245, PSY 202; or consent.
Individual work supervised by instructor. May consist of reading, research, observation/participation, teaching, and/or projects. Repeatable up to 12 credits. Pre: consent of instructor.
Modified student teaching for individuals who have had prior extensive teaching experience or wish to repeat student teaching. CR/NC only. (C) elementary; (D) secondary. Pre: extensive teaching experience; requirements listed under “student teaching”; approval of review committee; consent. Co-requisite: 391.
With student teaching as context, examination of knowledge, skills, and dispositions for teaching; standards-based planning, teaching, assessment, and reflection; inclusive classroom management; professional growth and development; integration of research,
theory, and practice. Emphasis on writing instruction and ethical issues in teaching. (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary (2); (D) secondary; (M) dual preparation in elementary education and multilingual learning (2); (S) dual preparation in elementary and special education (1). Repeatable nine times for (D). CR/NC only.
Full-time supervised experience in school. (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary; (D) secondary; (M) dual preparation in elementary education and multilingual learning; (S) dual preparation in elementary and special education. CR/NC only. Pre: completion of all other program requirements, passing Praxis II exam(s). Co-requisite for D: 391D.
Analysis of the factors that contribute to learning in the classroom and the development of teacher behaviors that promote such learning. A-F only.
Curriculum design. Current educational philosophies and practices in home economics education. Teaching materials and techniques.
Concepts and methods to develop sensitivity and awareness of cultural influences on behavior as these relate to the schooling process. A-F only. (Cross-listed as EDEF 360)
Goals, concepts, literature, materials, procedures, and evaluation for teaching music in grades K–6. For students in elementary education. Not intended for elementary music majors.
Theory and methods of teaching marketing and distribution courses. Pre: MKT 341 or MKT 351.
Theory and methods of teaching business and office education courses. Pre: ACC 201 and either ACC 200 or ACC 202.
Organization of instruction; handling supplies; maintaining equipment and tools; purchasing materials; keeping records; making inventories.
Techniques of individual and group instruction in laboratory and related classes, evaluation of various methods.
Standards-based planning, teaching, assessment in health education. Developing interactive learning opportunities to teach personal and social responsibility for health through curriculum integration. Training, practice and evaluation of oral communication skills; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. A-F only.
Standards-based teaching, with, in, through, and about music, dance, and drama. Developing verbal and non-verbal communication skills through creative expression with an emphasis on planning, teaching, and assessing preK-6 lessons that integrate the performing arts; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. A-F only.
Introduction to the teaching of multilingual learners (MLL) in an elementary school context. Teacher candidates will learn specific strategies and methods for teaching non-native speakers of English. A-F only.
Introduction to the development of curriculum materials, and assessments for diverse and multilingual learners. Teacher candidates will develop their ability to organize, develop, and assess learning around standards-based subject matter and language learning objectives. A-F only.
Scope and organization of art in pK-6 school curriculum, creative use of art media through laboratory experience; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. A-F only.
Inquiry-based approach to concepts and algorithms of fractions, decimals, graphing, and probability and statistics. Laboratory experiences with appropriate manipulatives; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. A-F only. Pre: 324B or consent for (B); 324C or consent for (C).
Inquiry-based approach to concepts and algorithms of whole numbers and introduction to geometry/ measurement. Laboratory experiences with appropriate manipulatives; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. A-F only. Pre: MATH 111 and MATH 112.
Science education in elementary school; methods and materials; laboratory activities selected from new science curricula; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. Each alpha repeatable one time, up to 3 credits. A-F only.
Purposes, methods, curriculum, and assessment in teaching social studies. Focus: enriching children’s understanding of the communities of which they are a part through inquiry, investigation, collaboration, and expository skills. Emphasis on writing instruction; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. A-F only.
Assessment, instructional methods, and materials for teaching social studies and science to children in preschool through grade 3. Emphasis on developmentally appropriate practices and lesson planning for teaching social studies and science. A-F only. Pre: 417, and 315 (or concurrent) or SPED 315 (or concurrent). (Alt. years: spring)
Introduction to language use and development as it relates to multilingual learners (MLL). Candidates analyze and apply strategies to create inclusive and collaborative classrooms for learners at various levels of English language development. A-F only.
Acquaintance with wide range of children’s books; criteria for evaluation of literature; using literature in the classroom.
Growth and development of children from prenatal through age eight. Historical and current issues through a research-based ecological, cross-cultural perspective. Focus on children’s optimal development and how this informs teaching practices in early education. A-F only.
Supervised field experience in schools. Minimum of 2 full days per week in classrooms, plus mandatory seminar scheduled by UH Mânoa field supervisor. Taken in conjunction with professional education courses; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. Repeatable two times or up to 9 credits per alpha. CR/NC only.
Supervised field experience in schools. Minimum of 8 hours per week in conjunction with professional education courses. Repeatable two times, up to three credits. A-F only.
Students spend 15 hours per week in settings appropriate to concurrently enrolled classes; supervision provided by participating teacher and college supervisor. Repeatable two times. A-F only. (Cross-listed as SPED 315)
Second of two methods courses focusing on theories and research-based practices related to writing instruction in elementary classrooms. Emphasis on writing instruction; lecture/ lab; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. A-F only.
First of two methods courses focusing on theories and research-based practices related to reading instruction in elementary classrooms. Emphasis on writing instruction; lecture/ lab; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. A-F only.
Standards-based planning, assessment, instruction, reflection; inclusive classroom management; unique multicultural environment; issues in education and curriculum. Developing knowledgeable, effective, caring professionals to support student’s academic, social, emotional, physical needs. Emphasis on writing instruction; lecture/ lab; (B) dual preparation in ECE and elementary education; (C) elementary education. A-F only.
Reading and research in an area of information technology management under the direction of faculty member(s). A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in international management or consent.
Overview of current survey methodology and analysis in global information systems research. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in international management or consent.
Overview of the current research issues in e-business with focus on the Asia Pacific region. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in international management or consent.
Extensive and critical review of the IS research literature. Can be retaken for credit. Repeatable three times. A-F only. Pre: CIS 703 (or concurrent) or consent.
Reading and research in ITM under the direction of a faculty member. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only.
Individual- or team-based project with a client organization, conducted under faculty supervision, as capstone project to complete masters level work in the Masters of Science in Information Systems. Repeatable one time, up to six credits. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: students must complete 15 semester hours and core masters courses before capstone.
Covers latest trends/innovations in HIT designed to reduce costs, improve quality/access, and reduce outcome disparity through population health management. Includes management of financial, organizational, and professional barriers to effective HIT. A-F only. Graduate students only. (Alt. years)
Business process analysis, design, and implementation of new business processes enabled by digital platforms. Concepts, methods, and techniques to support prototyping and user interface design are considered. A-F only. (Once a year)
Foundations of enterprise information systems design and architecture to support business strategy, processes, data, and IT/IS services; integrating cloud-based and loT infrastructure; management and maintenance of organizational IS/IT infrastructure and operations. MIS, ICS, MIS-BBA majors only. Senior standing or higher. A-F only.
Addresses business intelligence and data analytics at operational, tactical, and strategic levels using basic data science techniques, including visual, descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics methods and hands-on learning using current software tools. A-F only. Pre: 619 or consent.
Framework of policies, people, processes, and technologies to control, protect, deliver, and enhance the organizational data assets; best practices and technologies for database management, data warehousing, and data curation; support of enterprise data governance. MIS, ICS, MIS-BBA majors only. Senior standing or higher. A-F only.
Lectures and discussions to contextualize knowledge and techniques of project management in organizational change, globalization and outsourcing, global teamwork, intercultural awareness, negotiation and leadership. Semester long group project. Open to all graduate students. (Once a year)
Selected current practices and trends in decision sciences and MIS. Repeatable three times. ACC, CIS, and BUS majors only.
Designed around the plan-protect-respond cycle. Security threats, cryptographic security, access control, identity management, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, host hardening, and application security. Repeatable one time. Pre: 431 or consent. (Once a year)
Basic concepts in networking and security. Network standards and technologies. Network planning and design. LANs and WANS, wireless networking. Security threats and countermeasures. Security planning and policies. A-F only.
Reading and research in special area of major under direction of faculty member(s). Project must include statement of objectives, outline of activities planned, results expected, and how they are to be reported and evaluated. Must be approved in advance by the department chair and the faculty advisor.
Computerized management information systems, operations research or business statistics: (B) software systems economics; (C) advanced topics in programming; (D) web-based application development; (E) advanced technology in MIS; (F) systems development; (G) database systems; (H) advanced business applications; (J) ethics of technology; (K) business intelligence. Repeatable with permission of department chair. Pre: varies with topic.
Survey of electronic commerce technologies and business strategies, with an emphasis on technology and application development. The development of web-based and multimedia applications; the impacts of EC on business strategy; legal and ethical issues. A-F only. Pre: BUS 311 or consent.
Practice of information systems in organizations. Capstone course for MIS majors. A-F only. Pre: 353 and 354 (or concurrent), and BUS 311.
Repeatable three times with permission of department chair. Pre: varies with topic.
Introduction to database management and data structures, including database planning and design, normalization, relational and network data models, and physical organization and implementation. A-F only. Pre: 353.
Analysis and design of systems in organizations. Includes role of general systems concepts, systems development life cycle, identifying systems requirements, logical and physical design. A-F only. Pre: 352 and BUS 311.
Introduction to applications programming. Fundamentals, essential logic, file handling, report writing. Emphasis on systems development and disciplined programming. A-F only. Pre: ICS 101, or LTEC 112 and 113, (or equivalent), or consent.
Improving organization productivity with an emphasis on analyzing supply chain processes and principles in terms of scheduling, inventory, quality control techniques, through most current practices. Pre: BUS 310 and 311.
Project management application and techniques such as planning methods; PERT/CPM forecasting; risk analysis; application in information technology projects and other areas. Pre: BUS 310 and 311.
Using Windows computers browsers, Microsoft Office (or equivalent) and other applications. A-F only.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable eight times. Pre: candidacy for PhD in computer science.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: graduate standing and consent.
Current topics and upcoming issues relevant to the field of information assurance and cyber security. Repeatable unlimited times. (Alt. years: spring)
Reflects special interests of faculty in various areas of computer science. (B) area 1; (C) area 2; (D) area 3; (E) area 4; (G) general. Repeatable unlimited times in different topics and different areas. Pre: consent.
Series of talks on advanced research topics. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only.
Principles and techniques of technical and context analysis of digital video information. Video capture and editing tools, compression and analysis algorithms, visual culture, narrative structure, juxtaposition of multimedia elements and their effects on information transmission. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years)
Students will learn the science, engineering, art, and applications of virtual reality and augmented reality, with an emphasis on the construction of working virtual environments. Graduate students only. (Fall only)
Fundamental problems and core concepts and techniques in computer vision, covering both theoretical and practical issues in the field. A-F only. Pre: 483 or consent. (Once a year)
Selected topics in numerical analysis, mathematical software, and scientific computation; examples include sparse matrix methods, finite element methods, mathematical programming. Pre: consent.
Selected advanced topics in computer graphics. Substantial project required. Pre: 481 or consent.
Introduction to the basic principles of biology relevant for microarray gene expression data and to Bio-conductor. Collaborative open-source project to develop a modular general framework for the analysis of cDNA arrays and gene chips. A-F only. Pre: 311 or background in biology, or consent. (Once a year)
To expose students to bioinformatics at the biological sequences analysis level (DNA, RNA, proteins). Several bioinformatics methods and algorithms are introduced. Students are required to present one paper and to participate in a small group project. A-F only. Pre: 475 or MBBE 683, or consent. (Once a year)
Evolutionary computation surveys in the field to prepare students for research. Topics include diverse engineering applications, theory, and concepts including search spaces, representation, objective functions, variation operators, selection, and population based search. Pre: 211 (B or better) and 241 (C or better) and admitted to a graduate program or capable of graduate-level work in computer sciences, or consent. (Once a year: fall)
Participative analysis of online communities and user-generated content collections. Theoretical and practical aspects of online interaction, identity, trust, and virtual social capital. A-F only. (Once a year)
An advanced introduction to the design of human-computer systems and other technological artifacts for supporting human collaboration in learning, work and social contexts, and to theoretical perspectives and empirical studies of collaboration that inform such design. A-F only. Pre: 464 or 465 or 664 or 665 or 667 or LIS 677; or consent.
Advanced analytical and empirical methods for the design and evaluation of usable, useful, and robust human computer interfaces. Students will apply selected methodologies to a major system design project. Pre: 464 or 465, or consent.
Advanced concepts in construction of interfaces between computers and their users. Hypermedia information structures, guidelines, problems, and tradeoffs. Discussion of selected readings, implementation of prototypes. Pre: 465 or consent.
Studies of human performance in designing and using information systems. Emphasizes concepts and methodologies from human factors, psychology, and software engineering relating to human performance. Pre: 464 or consent.
Nature of the problem in pattern recognition and clustering; explanation of various algorithms. Pre: MATH 371 or consent.
Current issues in artificial intelligence, including expert systems, knowledge representation, logic programming, learning, natural language processing. Pre: 461 or consent.
Models of computation, high-performance processors, pipelined machines, RISC processors, VLIW, superscalar and fine-grain parallel machines. Data-flow architectures. Hardware/software tradeoffs. Pre: EE 461. (Cross-listed as EE 660)
Tools and methods for security managers. Tools and methods to secure and monetize services and applications. Network as a computer and as a market. Problems of cyber war, cyber crime, cyber bullying. Graduate students only. (Spring only)
Elementary principles of modern computer networking. Detailed coverage of overall architecture and the physical, data link, and network layers, with emphasis on the network layer. ICS majos only. Pre: graduate standing in ICS, or consent.
Design and analysis of parallel algorithms, with emphasis on advanced techniques and latest advances in parallel algorithms. Pre: 311 (with a minimum grade of B) or equivalent.
Advanced topics in formal languages, automata, computability, computational complexity. Pre: 441 or consent.
Basics of information processing and learning in the brain; neural networks; learning algorithms based on information maximization; applications in molecular biology and bioinformatics. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in computer science or mathematics background, or consent. (Once a year)
Introduction to key theoretical concepts of machine learning. Practical experience with decision free methods, artificial neural networks. Bayesian belief networks and contemporary statistical methods including regression, clustering and classification. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Principles of high performance computing for single-processor and parallel architectures. Detailed coverage of parallel architectures and exposure to shared-memory, distributed-memory, and hybrid parallelism. Hands-on experience with message-passing and multithreaded programming. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in computer science or closely related field, or consent. (Once a year)
Exploration of information retrieval and object-relational tools and methods for the management of distributed multimedia database systems. Pre: 321 or 421 or LIS 670, or consent.
Taxonomy of security properties: methods for defining and proving security. Randomness, pseudorandomness, and indistinguishability. Functional encryption and obfuscation. Zero knowledge. Pre: 423 and 455, or consent.
Modeling human-made and natural systems as networks to understand their structure and dynamics. Computational and statistical methods and research results they enabled. Use of network analysis software. Applications to topics of interest to students.
Analysis and design of algorithms: modeling, comparison, measures, applications. Pre: 311 or consent.
User-centered design of websites; survey Information Architecture (IA) systems (organization, navigation, labeling, searching); gain experience in methodologies for creating IA, tools for IA, web standards and usability tests. ICS and LIS majors only. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in ICS or LIS or related field or consent. (Once a year)
Introduction to the field of medical informatics, which is found at the intersection of clinical science, public health, information science, computer technology and communications technology. Concentration on current issues. Pre: consent.
Fundamental software engineering procedures, including planning, estimation, design, testing, process definition and improvement, and software quality assurance. Measurement techniques are used to support empirically-driven software process improvement throughout the course. Pre: 414 or consent.
Advanced study in operating systems theory and design with emphasis on case studies and distributed systems.
Design and implementation of compilers, syntactic and semantic descriptions of programming languages, algorithms for syntactic analysis and object code generation. Pre: 312 or consent.
Theory, methods and practical applications of autonomous agent systems, including common applications of both software and hardware (robotic) agents. In-depth practical experience with autonomous agents through programming assignments and projects. Pre: 313 or EE 467 (or equivalent), graduate standing; or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as EE 606)
Individual or small group projects in system design or application under faculty supervision. Pre: consent.
Special topics in security oriented toward juniors and seniors. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: at least two 300-level ICS courses or consent.
Reflects special interests of faculty. Oriented toward juniors and seniors. Repeatable one time for BS/CS students. Pre: at least two 300-level ICS classes or consent.
Students will team design, build, and demonstrate video games or related interactive entertainment environments and applications. Topics will include emerging computer science techniques relevant to the development of these types of environments. Junior standing or higher. Pre: any 110(Alpha) or 111 or ACM 215. (Cross-listed as ACM 487)
Introduction to data visualization through practical techniques for turning data into images to produce insight. Topics include: information visualization, geospatial visualization, scientific visualization, social network visualization, and medical visualization. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 110(Alpha) or 111 or ACM 215. (Cross-listed as ACM 484 and DATA 484)
Introductory course in computer vision. Topics include image formation, image processing and filtering, edge detection, texture analysis and synthesis, binocular stereo, segmentation, tracking, object recognition and applications. A-F only. Pre: 212 and (311 or EE 367) and 314, or consent. Once a year.
Fundamentals of computer graphics including graphics hardware, representation, manipulation, and display of two- and three-dimensional objects, use of commercial software. Pre: (MATH 216, MATH 242, or MATH 252A) and (311 or EE 367) and 314; or consent.
Study of commonly used bioinformatic algorithms, with an emphasis on string, tree, and graph algorithms. Presentation of probabilistic and clustering methods. Implementation of the studied algorithms and design of applications. Pre: 475 or consent. (Once a year)
Introduction to bioinformatics to computer sciences students by focusing on how computer sciences techniques can be used for the storage, analysis, prediction and simulation of biological sequences (DNA, RNA and proteins). A-F only. Pre: (311 or EE 367) and 314, or consent. (Once a year)
A hands-on introduction to probability, statistical inference, regression, Markov chains, queuing theory. Use of an interactive statistical graphics environment such as R. Pre: (311 or EE 367) and 314, or consent.
Introduces basic concepts, central problems, and methods from cognitive science. Identifies contributions from disciplines such as cognitive psychology, linguistics, artificial intelligence, philosophy, and neuroscience. Pre: (311 or EE 367) and 314, or consent.
Lecture introducing design issues, programming languages, operating systems and mark-up languages for internet-enabled mobile devices, such as cell phones and PDAs. A-F or Audit. Pre: (311 or EE 367) and 314, or consent. (Spring only)
Basic issues of interactive access to information in various formats on computers. Available hardware and software: editing, integration, programming. Implementation of a sample information system. Pre: (311 or EE 367) and 314.
Application of concepts and methodologies of human factors, psychology and software engineering to address ergonomic, cognitive, and social factors in the design and evaluation of human-computer systems. Pre: (311 or EE 367) and 314, or consent.
Techniques to stimulate intelligence in video games: movement, pathfinding with A* search, decision/behavior trees, state machines, machine learning, tactics. Extend games with your own AI implementations; experience “shootout” contests for the best AI algorithm/implementation. Pre: 212 and (311 or EE 367) and 314 and (PHYS 151 or PHYS 170). (Alt. years)
Survey of artificial intelligence: natural language processing, vision and robotics, expert systems. Emphasis on fundamental concepts: search, planning, and problem solving, logic, knowledge representation. Pre: 311 or consent.
Channel security. Trojan and noninterference. Basic concepts of cryptology. Cryptographic primitives. Protocols for authentication and key establishment. Pre: 355.
Sensors, actuators, signal processing, paradigms of robotic software design, introduction to machine learning, introduction to computer vision, and robot-to-human interaction. A-F only. Pre: two ICS 300-level courses or consent. Recommended: 312 and 313. (Once a year: spring)
Network analysis, architecture, digital signal analysis and design; circuit switching, packet switching, packet broadcasting; protocols and standards; local area networks; satellite networks; ALOHA channels; examples. Pre: 212 and (311 or EE 367) and 314, or consent.
Introduction to parallel models of computation and design and analysis of parallel algorithms. Pre: (311 or EE 367) and 314. (Fall only)
Applications of mathematical methods in computer science with emphasis on discrete mathematics, numerical computation, algebraic models, operations research. Pre: (311 or EE 367) and 314, or consent.
Grammars, sequential machines, equivalence, minimalization, analysis and synthesis, regular expressions, computability, unsolvability, Gödel’s theorem, Turing machines. Pre: (311 or EE 367) and 314, or consent.
Concepts, tools, and techniques for analyzing and mining massive data sets. Data cleaning and pre-processing. Data analysis and mining techniques. Big Data platforms. Big Data visualization. Pre: 321.
Introduction to machine learning concepts with a focus on relevant ideas from computational neuroscience. Information processing and learning in the nervous system. Neural networks. Supervised and unsupervised learning. Basics of statistical learning theory. Pre: 235, or consent. Recommended: MATH 307. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as DATA 435)
Introduction to critical statistical and probabilistic concepts that underlie data science as well as tools that play a central role in the daily work of a data scientist. A-F only. Pre: 211 or consent. (Cross-listed as DATA 434)
Principles of concurrent and high performance programming. Multi-threading in C and Java for shared-memory programming. Distributed memory programming with Java. Introduction to cluster computing. A-F only. Pre: 212 and 322 and (311 or EE 367) and 314, or consent. (Once a year)
Memory management, control flow, interrupt mechanisms, multiprocessor systems, special-purpose devices. Pre: 331 or EE 361/361L.
Provides students with the knowledge of underlying principles and skills to identify, preserve, and extract electronic evidence for further analysis. Pre: 355 or consent.
Information flow, confinement, information assurance, malicious programs, vulnerability analysis, network security, writing secure programs. A-F only. Pre: 355 or consent. (Once a year)
Theoretical results, security policy, encryption, key management, digital signatures, certificates, passwords. Ethics: privacy, computer crime, professional ethics. Effects of the computer revolution on society. A-F only. Pre: 355 or consent. (Once a year)
Experience producing applications with at least two different applications frameworks. A-F only. Pre: (311 or EE 367) and 314, or consent.
Secret communication and confidentiality data storage. Elements of cryptography and cryptanalysis. Classical ciphers. Symmetric key cryptography. Public key cryptography. Data security in cyber space. Pre: 355 or consent.
Computational and statistical methods for analyzing network models of social, technological, information, and biological networks. Introduction to relevant data analytics and graph analysis software packages. Pre: 311 or consent.
Very large database systems, data integration, data warehousing, designing big data systems, parallel query processing, distributed transactions. Pre: 321 or consent.
Scientific, psychological and philosophical bases of systems design, including a survey of human-factors and ergonomic standards; the nature of innovation and creativity as it relates to systems design. Web-enhanced course. Pre: (311 or EE 367) and 314, or consent. (Once a year)
Introduction to emerging technologies for construction of World Wide Web (WWW)-based software. Covers programming and scripting languages used for the creation of WWW sites and client-server programming. Students will complete a medium-sized software project that uses languages and concepts discussed in class. Pre: (311 or EE 367) and 314, or consent.
Continuation of 314. Project management, quality, and productivity control, testing and validation, team management. Team-oriented software-implementation project. Pre: (311 or EE 367) and 314.
A lecture/discussion/internship on ethical issues and instructional techniques for students assisting a laboratory section of ICS 101. The class uses multiple significant writing and oral presentation activities to help students learn course content. Pre: 101(Alpha) and consent.
Introduction to the theory of Artificial Intelligence and the practical application of AI techniques in Functional (Common LISP and/or Scheme) and Logic (Prolog) programming languages. Students gain practical experience through programming assignments and projects. A-F only. Pre: (212 or 215) and (311 or EE 367) and 314, or consent.
Security and trust in computers, networks, and society. Security models. Access and authorization. Availability and Denial-of-Service. Trust processes and network interactions. Pre: 222.
Overview of the internet and its capabilities; introduction to HTTP, TCP/IP, ethernet, and wireless 802.11; routers, switches, and NAT; network and wireless security; practical experience in designing and implementing networks. Pre: (311 or EE 367) and 314, or consent. (Once a year)
Operating system concepts and structure, processes and threads, CPU scheduling, memory management, scheduling, file systems, inter-process communication, virtualization, popular operating systems. A-F only. Pre: (311 or EE 367) and 314.
(1 3-hr Lab) Basic machine architecture, microprocessors, bus organization, circuit elements, logic circuit analysis and design, microcomputer system design. Pre: 212, (311 or EE 367), and 314; or consent.
Introduction to relational database systems, data modeling, query processing, transaction processing, storage, and indexing. Pre: (311 or EE 367) and 314, or consent.
Problem analysis and design, team-oriented development, quality assurance, configuration management, project planning. These topics are covered in the sequence 314-414. Pre: 211, and 241 or (MATH 301 and 372), or consent.
Syntax, semantics, control structures, variable binding and scopes, data and control abstractions. Programming in functional (LISP) and logic (Prolog) programming styles. Pre: Pre: 212, (311 or EE 367), and 314, or consent.
Machine organization, machine instructions, addressing modes, assembler language, subroutine linkage, linking to higher-level languages, interface to operating systems, introduction to assemblers, loaders and compilers. Pre: 212 (or concurrent), (311 or EE 367), and 314, or consent.
(4 1-hr Lec) Design and correctness of algorithms, including divide-and-conquer, greedy and dynamic programming methods. Complexity analyses using recurrence relations, probabilistic methods, and NP-completeness. Applications to order statistics, disjoint sets, B-trees and balanced trees, graphs, network flows, and string matching. Pre: 211, and (241 and (MATH 216 or 242 or 252A)) or (MATH 301 and 372), or consent.
Exploration of the specialties of computer science. Meets every two week for 2.5 hours to explore specific areas in computer science. CR/NC only. (Once a year)
Includes program correctness, recurrence relations and their solutions, relations and their properties, divide and conquer relations, graph theory, trees and their applications, Boolean algebra, introduction to formal languages and automata theory. Pre: 141 or consent.
Introduction to contemporary mathematical methods for empirical inference, data modeling, and machine learning. A-F only. Pre: MATH 241, MATH 203, MATH 215, or MATH 251A. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as DATA 235)
What is the subject of computer science? What is a computer? Understand the basic models of computation and the concepts of computability, complexity, and network computation, and learn to use them in practice. A-F only. Pre: 141 (or concurrent).
Introduction to scripting languages for the integration of applications and systems. Scripting in operating systems, web pages, server-side application integration, regular expressions, and event handling for languages such as Perl, JavaScript, PHP, Python, shell scripting. A-F only. Pre: 211 (or concurrent), or consent. (Once a year)
Program organization paradigms, programming environments, implementation of a module from specifications, the C and C++ programming languages. Pre: 211 or consent.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr. Lab) Reinforce and strengthen problemsolving skills using abstract data types and introduce software development practices. Emphasize the use of searching and sorting algorithms and their complexity, recursion, object-oriented programming, and data structures. Pre: 111 or consent.
Lecture/discussion critically explores sociopolitical dimensions of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and the information professions. A-F only. Pre: departmental approval. (Once a year)
Includes logic, sets, functions, matrices, algorithmic concepts, mathematical reasoning, recursion, counting techniques, and probability theory. Pre: MATH 215 or 241 or 251A.
Overview of the fundamentals of computer science emphasizing problem solving, algorithm development, implementation, and debugging/testing using an object-oriented programming language. Pre: Recommended: computer experience.
Basic concepts needed to write computer programs. Simple program design and implementation using a specific programming language; (C) C; (D) through animations; (P) Python. Each alpha repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only.
General course that provides a broad overview of computer science. Will address abstraction, data and information, algorithms, programming, the Internet and the global impact of computers.
Overview of the field of data science. Introduction to subjects such as data format, processing, visualization, and storage. Special emphasis on historical and wider context, and simple practical examples. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Fundamental information technology concepts and computing terminology, productivity software for problem solving, computer technology trends and impact on individuals and society. Emphasizes the utilization of operating systems and the production of professional documents, spreadsheets, etc.
Selected readings, 1900 to present. Discussion and composition. Pre: 402 or consent.
Social and linguistic development of Indonesian from roots in earlier Malay to contemporary form and function. Pre: 202 and 452, or consent.
Introduction to grammar; some sociolinguistic background. Pre: 302 or equivalent, or consent.
Topic-based course aimed to enhance students’ listening and speaking skills in the Indonesian language. Pre: 302, 306, or consent. Co-requisite: 405. (Fall only)
Online course consists of modular, thematic, proficiency-based units exploring the language of the contemporary Indonesian media with an emphasis on reading, writing, and listening comprehension. Pre: 302, 306, or consent. (Fall only)
Continuation of 401. Pre: 401 or 405.
Continuation of 302. Conducted in Indonesian. Meets three hours a week. Readings in various materials; speaking in various settings. Pre: 302 or 308, or consent.
Topic-based course aimed at enhancing students’ listening and speaking skills in the Indonesian language. Not open to students who have taken 302. Pre: 301 or 307, or consent. Co-requisite: 306. (Spring only)
Topic-based course aimed to enhance student’s listening and speaking skills in the Indonesian language. Not open to students who have taken 301. Pre: 202, 204, or consent. Co-requisite: 305. (Fall only)
Online course consists of modular, thematic, proficiency-based units exploring colloquial and formal Indonesian with a strong emphasis on listening and writing comprehension. Not open to students who have taken 302. Pre: 301 or 305 (or equivalent), or consent. (Spring only)
Online course consists of modular, thematic, proficiency-based units exploring the language of the contemporary Indonesian media with an emphasis on reading, writing, and listening comprehension. Not open to students who have taken IND 301. Pre: 202, 204, or consent.
Continuation of 301. Pre: 301.
Continuation of 202. Conducted in Indonesian. Meets three hours a week. Reading, discussion, composition, and projects. Pre: 202 or consent.
Intermediate Indonesian language study for the purpose of communication, travel, further study, and enjoyment. Pre: 201 or 203 or equivalent language skills in Indonesian or Malay. (Spring only)
Intermediate Indonesian language study for the purpose of communication, travel, further study, and enjoyment. Pre: 102 or 104 or equivalent language skills in Indonesian or Malay, or consent. (Fall only)
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201.
Continuation of 102 or 104. Pre: 102 or equivalent.
Introduction into the Malay-Indonesian language for the purpose of communication, travel, further study, and enjoyment. (Spring only) Pre: 103.
Introduction into the Malay-Indonesian language for the purpose of communication, travel, further study, and enjoyment. (Fall only)
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101.
Emphasis on the development of communicative competence in both oral and written language.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Study of a Pacific, South Asian, or Southeast Asian language through vernacular readings in various academic fields. Repeatable. Pre: third-level language and consent.
Theory and method of comparative and analytical folklore study, with special applications to Pacific traditions. Pre: ANTH 152 or consent.
An experienced-based introduction to various approaches in language teaching methodologies and techniques. Students’ skills in teaching the Hawaiian or an Indo-Pacific language are developed through supervised teaching, class planning and evaluation. (B) Southeast Asian languages. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: 402-level of the language practicum or consent; (B) CAM 402 or IND 402 or THAI 402 (or concurrent) and consent of instructor or equivalent language skills.
Intensive study of the major writings of Carlos Bulosan; his literary and cultural milieu with thematic concentration on aesthetics and the issues of diasporic experiences (e.g., immigration, assimilation, nation, etc.) and transnationalism. Pre: 361 or 363 or 396 or 431 or any ENG DL.
Interpretation and analyses of Rizal’s novels Noli and Fili as they relate to the social, political, and historical context of the Spanish regime in the Philippines. Pre: one DL course, or consent.
(B) Writings of Albert Wendt; (C) Samoan women writers. Pre: SAM 227 or one of ENG 270-272; or consent for (B). Pre: SAM 227 or one of ENG 270-273 or WGSS 245; or consent for (C).
Overview of Ilokano literature from the early writings to the major works of contemporary writers. A-F only. Pre: ILO 201 or consent.
Continuation of 401.
Continuation of 302. Pre: consent.
Third-level study of a South Asian, Southeast Asian, or Pacific language. Contact hours and credits determined by student interests and faculty resources. Repeatable up to six credits. Pre: at least 6 credits of intermediate study of the same language.
Philippine folk literature translated into English: epics, myths, legends, and other folklore. Classic works of vernacular writers. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent. (Cross-listed as ENG 376)
Traditional Polynesian genres (legends, myths, folktales, fables, proverbs, songs, riddles, jokes) examined in translation and culturally and structurally interpreted. Pre: one of ENG 270-272.
An appreciation, a reexamination, and an analysis of the literary and cultural relations among the various nation states of Southeast Asia. Various texts are examined to establish the connections of these nation states. Sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Alt. years)
Examines the various theories employed in the study of Ilokano society, language, and culture from a variety of historical periods. A-F only. Junior standing or higher, or consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Introduction to the arts and material culture of the Philippines from the pre-colonial to the contemporary period through the examination of sculpture, metalwork, ceramics, textiles, and painting from various ethnolinguistic groups. Sophomore standing or higher. (Cross-listed as ART 382)
Revaluation and analysis of critical discourses in Philippine languages and literatures and an examination of alternative perspectives to the prevailing studies on Philippine culture; an appreciation of emerging knowledge on the Philippines. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Appreciation, reexamination, and analysis of Philippine literature of exile; a reevaluation of Philippine writing from the diaspora. Sophomore standing or higher or consent.
Introduces an experiential approach in the study of Philippine traditional games, sports, and martial arts. It also focuses on the historical and socio-cultural aspects of games, sports, and martial arts. Sophomore standing or higher.
Study of major myths of Epic Sanskrit literature, primarily with focus of the Ramayana and Mahabharata. Literary sources will be tapped for appreciating myths and epics, especially with reference to dharma, karma, ways of life. Sophomore standing or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as REL 374)
Study of major Hindu myths of the Vedic Sanskrit literature within the perspective of ancient Indian civilization. Literary sources will be tapped for understanding creation, cosmogony and celestial, atmospheric and terrestrial divinities. Sophomore standing or higher, or consent. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as REL 373)
A virtual guided tour of the Philippines that explores its multi-culture diversity through its people, places, and practices. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only.
(B) Samoa; (C) Tahiti; (E) Vietnam. Repeatable one time for (B) and (C). Pre: instructor consent for (C).
Study and analysis of South/Southeast Asian films– history, forms, development, theoretical framework and relationship to cultural, social, philosophical and aesthetic context. (B) Filipino; (C) Iranian. Sophomore standing or higher, or consent. A-F only for (B). ((C) Cross-listed as PER 368)
Study of Persian and Iranian theater and culture with an overview of history from 2500 B.C. to the contemporary era. Pre: THEA 101 or consent. (Cross-listed as PER 367)
Survey of South Asia literature from ancient times to the early medieval period; focusing on Sanskrit, Prakrit and Tamil poetry traditions. Readings in English translation. (Cross-listed as CLAS 366)
Survey of traditional and modern literatures of South Asia; literature written originally in English.
Explores the ethics of Philippine popular culture forms; teaches students how to produce, act, and perform in a select media form; and engages students in writing a critical analysis of these pop cultural expressions. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Critical survey of 20th-century Philippine literature written in English; cultural values. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent. (Cross-listed as ENG 375)
Historical survey from precolonial to contemporary periods. Studies forms, conventions, and literature within the social, political, and cultural context of the times as reflected in the history of Philippine drama. Explores plays in the diaspora. Sophomore standing or higher, or consent. A-F only. (Fall only)
Survey in English of traditional and modern literatures of Southeast Asia. (Cross-listed as ASAN 361)
Study and analysis of the art and culture of Filipino food, music, and rituals-history, forms, social development, influences, and impact. Sophomore standing or consent.
Unique course combining mind and body, discussion and dancing. Learn and perform Bollywood dances and the richness of their Indian poetic, classical, and folk traditions. Understand “Bollywood” in the context of cross-cultural fusion and globalization. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as ASAN 303)
Continuation of 301.
Continuation of 202. Pre: consent.
Historical survey of India and South Asia from Mohenjo-Daro to the Mughal Empire, tracing political, social, religious, economic, cultural, and intellectual developments from ancient times to the 18th century. (Cross-listed as HIST 301)
Intermediate study of a South Asian, Southeast Asian, or Pacific language. Contact hours and credits determined by student interests and faculty resources. Repeatable up to eight credit hours. Pre: at least six credit hours of elementary study in the same language.
Introduction in English to language(s) and culture(s) of Indo-Pacific country or region. (B) Indian; (C) Southeast Asian; (D) Polynesian; (E) Philippines. Sophomore standing or higher for (C). Pre: 101 and 102 courses in relevant language or consent for (B), (D), and (E).
Study of a literature or culture of the Indo-Pacific area through readings in various fields in English. Repeatable up to six credit hours. Pre: consent.
Continuation of 201.
Continuation of 102. Pre: consent.
Introductory study of a South Asian, Southeast Asian, or Pacific language. Contact hours and credits determined by student interests and faculty resources. Repeatable up to eight credit hours. Pre: consent.
Continuation of 101.
Directed study of a South Asian, Southeast Asian, or Pacific language not regularly listed by the department. Pre: consent.
Ilokano as the medium for print journalism, for radio show programming, and for television production. Pre: 302 or consent. (Fall only)
Introduction to phonology, morphology, and syntax. Pre: 202 or consent.
Provide extensive practical training in consecutive, simultaneous, sight and telephonic interpreting. It requires observation and study of interpretation strategies and techniques in relevant situations. Pre: 301 or consent.
Techniques for interpreting Ilokano into English and vice versa. A-F only. Pre: 302 or consent.
Continuation of 401. Pre: 401 or exam, or consent.
Continuation of 302. Conducted in Ilokano. Advanced reading, writing, and conversation. Contemporary Ilokano literature; cultural and historical topics. Pre: 302 or equivalent.
Conducted in Ilokano, this course explores the literary landscape of Ilokano literature from the perspective of Ilokano writers based in the Philippines as well as those outside of the country. Pre: 301 or consent.
Training in listening comprehension of different authentic and simulated materials as presented in documentaries, soap operas, radio and television news and other broadcasts, formal lectures, plays, natural conversations, songs, and student-created sitcoms and dramas. Pre: 202 or consent.
Continuation of 301. Pre: 301 or exam, or consent.
Continuation of 202. Conversation, advanced reading, composition. Meets three times weekly. Pre: 202 or exam, or consent.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.
Continuation of 102. Meets four hours weekly; three of four hours devoted to drill and practice. Pre: 102 or consent.
Development of listening, speaking, reading, writing and other communication skills designed specifically for Nursing, Dentistry, Dental Hygiene, Public Health and Social Work students. Culture integrated with language study.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing. Structural points introduced inductively. Meets four hours weekly.
Builds on previous leadership and management courses, focus on development of individual leadership skills emphasizing ethical and critical decision making, effective working relationships, and a systems-perspective relevant to healthcare organizations. A-F only. Pre: BUS 626. (Alt. years)
The final course in the MHRM curriculum. It provides students opportunity to integrate and apply previous course content to their professional organization offering a value-added opportunity to enhance organizational performance. MHRM majors only. A-F only.
In-depth analysis of selected current practices and trends in human resources. Repeatable four times with change in topics. MHRM majors only. A-F only.
Exploring global trends in human resources with focus on the Asia Pacific region. HRM majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Theory and practice of negotiation. Exploration of appropriate strategies, tactics, and communication techniques. Study of dyadic multi-party, cross-cultural, and assisted negotiations. MHRM majors only. A-F only.
Recruiting and selection to optimize organizations including job design, job analysis, recruitment and selection methods, such as types of interviews and assessment centers, within legislative environment. HRM majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Survey of compensation methods and procedures including job evaluations, incentive systems, salary administration, fringe benefits, appropriate legislation, policies and strategy issues of compensation systems. HRM majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Intends to give HR professionals a basic overview of the vocabulary and concepts of financial decision-making. Topics include: understanding financial information, budgeting, the finance of retirement and employee benefit and business valuation. MHRM majors only. A-F only.
Organizational development (OD) and major concepts in organizational behavior. MHRM majors only. A-F only.
Covers issues in design, delivery, and assessment of training, theoretical background of training and development process, types of training process, cross cultural and other types of diversity training and development of training modules. HRM majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Analysis and critical evaluation of basic issues, policies, and trends in personnel administration. HRM majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
In-depth analysis of selected current practices and trends in HRM. Repeatable one time for different topics. Pre: consent.
Analysis of the current concepts and practices in the design, delivery, and assessment of training. A-F only.
Review and analysis of basic factors that distinguish employment relations; examination of the development of recent legislation and programs at federal, state, and municipal levels. Specific consideration given to current problems on the mainland and Hawai‘i. Pre: consent.
Theory and practice in negotiating; design and operation of different kinds of workplace dispute resolution (such as mediation, arbitration, and various alternatives); features exercises on bargaining and negotiation and advocacy and decision skills. (Spring only)
Contemporary practices and trends in personnel planning for a competent work force; legal constraints, recruitment and selection, differential placement, training, career programming. Pre: 351.
Selected topics. Emphasis on trends, recent issues, job evaluation, incentive systems, salary administration, executive compensation, profit sharing, benefit programs, retirement plans. Pre: 351.
Reading and research in a special area within the major field under direction of faculty member(s). Project must include statement of objectives, outline of activities planned, results expected, and how they are to be reported and evaluated. Must be approved in advance by the department chair and faculty advisor.
Problems and economics of labor; history, structure, government, activities of trade unions.
Identify and evaluate methods to promote an effective change transition through efficient integration of corporate goals with the organizational culture.
Develop understanding of theory and research on managerial, entrepreneurial leadership and creativity in organizations. Topics include leadership, decision making, motivation, personality, and rewards within group settings.
Survey of the field covering recruitment, selection, training, appraisals, grievance handling, communications, discipline, safety, compensation, and benefits.
Independent reading and research on a topic, done under supervision of a faculty member; outcomes contracted in writing with faculty member at beginning of semester. Repeatable two times or up to nine credits. Pre: consent.
Preparation of a senior portfolio to be used as assessment of competence relative to national FCS standards. Includes extensive instruction on writing. HDFS majors only. Pre: 230, 340, 360, 380, and 380L.
Integration and application of academic knowledge and critical skills in supervised work at an approved internship site and through analytical writing assignments and class discussions. Repeatable one time. HDFS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 230, 340, 360, 380, and 380L.
Study and discussion of significant topics, problems. Offered by visiting faculty and/or for extension programs. Repeatable.
Embryological, anatomical, and physiological development of human female; hormonal, neural, and behavioral determinants of female sexual behavior; psychobiology of pregnancy, ovariectomy, and menopause. Pre: 350 or BIOL 172 or BIOL 350, or
Explores the intersection of sexuality research and queer theory with other anthropological concerns such as identity, race, gender, religion, economy, politics, and globalization. A-F only. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as ANTH 426)
Students learn how gender and sexuality are constructed online and produce a website to post their analysis and contribute to knowledge production about gender and sexuality in cyberspace. A-F only.
Examination of basic feminist issues in philosophy, and of responses to them. Pre: any course 200 or above in PHIL or WS, or consent. (Cross-listed as PHIL 418)
Gender and racial division of labor nationally and internationally; racial and gender differentials in wages, training, working conditions and unemployment; historical trends and future directions. Pre: one 300-level WS or ES course, or SOC 300; or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 418 and SOC 418)
The role of women and their representation in the theater from ancient Greece to the present; focus on the sociopolitical status of women. Pre: THEA 311 or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 414)
Examines gender in Okinawa in relation to historical dynamics in the Asia-Pacific region with attention to issues such as militarism and violence, colonialism and memory, and tourism and commodification of indigenous culture. A-F only. Pre: 151 or consent. (Cross-listed as ASAN 410)
Explores how food, body, and other “matter of life” are imbedded in biopolitics from the feminist perspectives. A-F only. Pre: 300, or one 300-level WGSS or ES course, or consent. (Spring only). (Cross-listed as SOC 400)
Pre: consent. Repeatable eight times, up to 45 credits.
Theory and practice of democratic organizations: women’s and feminist organizations; co-ops, communes, and collectives; indigenous people’s organizations; workplace democracy and social change. A-F only. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course or POLS 390 (or concurrent) or WS 151, or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 394)
Multi-disciplinary course draws from psychology, sociology, biology, history, cultural anthropology, law, Hawaiian, ethnic, feminist, gender, and queer studies to explore human sexualities with emphasis on the U.S., Hawai‘i and the AsiaPacific regions. A-F only. Pre: one of 151, 202, 315 or 350; or consent.
Historical and sociological studies of race and gender in U.S. society; grassroots feminist and racial/justice activism on the continent and in Hawai‘i. A-F only. Pre: 151 or ES 101 or junior standing. (Cross-listed as ES 390)
Women’s role in political institutions and processes in the U.S. and other countries; female and male approaches to power; feminist political goals and actions. Pre: 151 (or concurrent) or 362 (or concurrent) or any 100 level POLS course (or concurrent); or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 384)
Examines island feminisms and explores ways women have engaged in various forms of cultural production (art, literature, film). Interdisciplinary, intersectional, and transnational. Key themes discussed: settler-colonialism, race, gender, and sexuality.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of literary constructions of gender and sexuality. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent. (Cross-listed as ENG 382)
Media portrayal of women and men; role of the media in reproducing gender inequality. Women as producers and consumers of media. Feminist alternatives to mainstream media. Pre: one of 151, 362, SOC 362.
Examines politics of sustainability and technoscience with an explicit attention to social justice and power relations in society. A-F only. Pre: 151 or any 200- or 300-level WS course, or SOC 100 or any 200-level SOC course, or consent. (Fall only) (Crosslisted as SOC 367 and SUST 367)
Effect of sex and gender roles (both traditional and nontraditional) on attitudes and behavior within the family and educational, economic, and governmental systems. Recommended: at least one WS course. Pre: 151 or any 200- or 300-level WS course, or SOC 100 or any 200-level SOC course; or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 362)
Topics: Women’s role, status, work and treatment in the Third World; economic development, changing work/family roles, agriculture and business, improvement/deterioration in gender equity across the Third World global feminization of poverty. Open to nonmajors. Pre: a 100 level economics course or any women’s studies course; or consent. (Cross-listed as ECON 361)
Adaptive strategies of Hawaiian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Samoan, and Southeast Asian women in Hawai‘i; feminist anthropological and historical analysis. Pre: any ANTH, SOC, or WS course. (Cross-listed as ES 365)
Examining roles of, and attitudes toward, women in major religious traditions through autobiographies, films, and primary texts. Pre: 151 or ANTH 152 or REL 150. (Crosslisted as REL 356)
Status of women in American society today in light of the cultural, historical, and philosophical forces that have produced it. Pre: HIST 151 and HIST 152; or consent.
Human sex differences, their biological basis and significance; genetic, hormonal, and behavioral determinants of sexual differentiation; biology of gender, sexuality, menopause, and aging. Pre: one semester of biological sciences. (Cross-listed as BIOL 350)
Study of personal family resources and its interaction with the economy. Focuses on contemporary economic problems that affect the welfare of families. Pre: 360 or an ECON course, or consent.
Development, production, analysis, and evaluation of consumer materials for print media. Use of desktop publishing computer programs. Pre: 360 or an ECON course, or consent.
Cross-national survey of family public policy; analysis, revision, and development of family public policy; impacts of policy on consumers and families. Pre: 352.
Concepts and theories of community program development; principles, practices, and procedures in administration and supervision of volunteer services surveyed and analyzed. Pre: 352.
Lecture, discussion and hands-on course, with service learning on Family Life Education Methodology. Repeatable one time. Pre: 341 or 442, or consent.
Investigation of current issues with impact upon family quality of life, with emphasis on the interdependent nature of families and their environments. A-F only. Pre: 340 or consent.
Marital interaction and development; divorce and remarriage; resources and techniques for marital adjustment, enrichment, and growth. Pre: 340.
Lecture, discussion, experiential activities of principles and practice of an evidence-based contemplative science discipline, including applications to daily life and with youth and families. Pre: completed DS course.
Lecture, discussion and hands-on course, prepares students for direct, educational work with parents and children and for continued graduate work in child and family studies, counseling, psychology, social work and/or family life education. A-F only. Pre: 341 or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Test design, computer use, data analysis. FDM, HDFS, or TPSS majors only. Co-requisite: 380.
Fundamentals of scientific methodology and techniques in design and data collection; introduction to statistics for decision-making and program evaluations in agriculture and human resources. FDM, HDFS, or TPSS majors only. Pre: 230 or FDM 200 or TPSS 200/SUST 211, or consent. Co-requisite: 380L.
Employers regard soft skills as a key criteria when hiring and retaining employees. Students learn critical skills essential to work place success. This class prepares students to be work ready.
Consumer rights, responsibilities, and resources; consumer decision-making; factors affecting consumer functioning within economy. Pre: 360 or an ECON course, or consent.
Analytical approach to family financial planning from the perspective of changing family demands over the life cycle. Pre: 360 or an ECON course, or consent.
Concepts, principles, and practices in managing family and household resources. Pre: 230 or consent.
Theory and practice in determining community needs and resources; community resources development based on needs identification. Pre: any FG course.
Exploration of leadership research and theories and their application to leadership development; designed to enhance personal and interactive leadership. Pre: any FG course.
Parenting theories, methods, skills, issues, and resources; parent-child relations in various cultural contexts. Pre: 340 or consent.
Study of intimate relationships, marriages and families, their dynamics, strengths, growth and development, challenges, choices and opportunities, in the context of social change and cultural diversity. Pre: 230 or PSY 100 or SOC 100; or consent
Change and continuity in midlife and late life from theoretical and applied perspectives. Written assignments communicate information about physical and psychological age-related events, as well as social attitudes, values, to scholarly and community audiences. Pre: 230. (Cross-listed as COA 334)
Problems, concepts, and research related to development from puberty through early adulthood. Examination of biological, cognitive, social, and cultural factors affecting the individual. Pre: 230 or consent.
Intensive investigation into developmental aspects of 6–12 year old children. Historical and current issues, research, and examination of the role of schools and other community resources. Focus on optimal development. Pre: 230 or consent.
Growth and development from prenatal period to age 5. Historical and current issues and research based on ecological, cross-cultural perspective. Focus on optimal development. Pre: 230 or consent.
Concepts, issues, theories of human growth and development from conception to death; systems approaches to inquiry into factors affecting growth and development.
An integrated cross-cultural approach to the study of foods and cultures. Examine history, concepts, principles of cultures and cuisines, the background of food tradition including habitat, social status, religious beliefs, gender, and other environmental considerations. A-F only.
Continuation of 201. Oral practice and grammar study; increasing emphasis on reading and written composition. Pre: 201 or 258.
Continuation of oral practice and grammar study; increasing emphasis on reading and written composition. Pre: 102 or 103.
Basic social relationships, social structures, and processes.
Develops necessary tools for effective reasoning and problem-solving through use and application of analytic techniques, including question formation, understanding/interpreting data presented in the public sphere, and evaluating the validity of sources. A-F only.
History of ideas concentrating on events, persons, and issues with the greatest impact on the evolution of Christianity.
Basic ideas and issues in contemporary religious thought about the meaning of existence.
Nature and causes of psychoses; abnormalities of intelligence; psychotherapy. Pre: 100. Recommended: 270.
An overview of the field: psychophysiology, perception, learning, cognition, stress, personality, social psychology.
Theories, approaches, concepts, and issues developed or raised in history of political philosophy and thought. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course, or consent.
Discussion of politics as an activity and of political problems, systems, ideologies, processes.
Principles of modern deductive logic.
Universal themes and problems from Asian perspective.
Philosophical attempts to evaluate conduct, character, and social practices.
Folk, popular, and art music from major regions of the world, with emphasis upon Asia and the Pacific; representative styles and regional characteristics.
(2 2-hr Lab) Primarily for students in nursing and dental hygiene. Pre: 130 (or concurrent).
Pre-arranged systematic field investigation of selected topics. Pre: written proposal approved by Honors director and appropriate faculty member. Repeatable up to 16 credits.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr. Lab) Reinforce and strengthen problem-solving skills using abstract data types and introduce software development practices. Emphasize the use of searching and sorting algorithms and their complexity, recursion, object-oriented programming, and data structures. Pre: grade of “B” or higher in 111 or consent.
Overview of the fundamentals of computer science emphasizing problem solving, algorithm development, implementation, and debugging/testing using an object-oriented programming language. Pre: Recommended: computer experience.
Fundamental information technology concepts and computing terminology, productivity software for problem solving, computer technology trends and impact on individuals and society. Emphasizes the utilization of operating systems and the production of professional documents, spreadsheets, etc.
An introduction to the unique aspects of the native point of view in Hawai‘i and in the larger Pacific with regards to origins, language, religion, land, art, history, and modern issues.
The natural physical environment; the landscape; rocks and minerals, rivers and oceans; volcanism, earthquakes, and other processes inside the Earth; effects of human use of the Earth and its resources. Field trip.
Concepts and theories analyzing ethnic group experiences in relation to colonization, immigration, racism, and social class. Emphasis on cultural perspectives and values
rooted in the experiences of peoples indigenous to Hawai‘i, the Pacific, and Asia.
Study of significant works through analytical and creative writing. Repeatable one time. Pre: FW. No waiver.
Study of significant works of selected cultures and cultural formations. A significant portion of class time is dedicated to writing instruction. Repeatable one time. Requires a minimum of 4,000 words of graded writing. Pre: FW.
Study of significant works of selected genres. A significant portion of class time is dedicated to writing instruction. Repeatable one time. Requires a minimum of 4,000 words of graded writing. Pre: FW.
Study of significant works of selected historical periods. A significant portion of class time is dedicated to writing instruction. Repeatable one time. Requires a minimum of 4,000 words of graded writing. Pre: FW.
Introduction to the rhetorical, conceptual and stylistic demands of writing at the university level; instruction in composing processes, search strategies, and writing from sources. Students may not earn credit for both ENG 100 and 190. Pre: placement. Freshmen only.
Political economy of the world trading system. Case studies of trade cooperation and conflict under the World Trade Organization and other institutions. Future challenges, including investment policies, environmental and labor standards. Pre: 120, 130 or 131; or consent.
Analysis of Japan’s growth past and present. Does Japan’s economy look different in terms of its international trade structure, industrial structure, labor market, savings patterns, government policies, etc.? Does it matter? Pre: 120 or 130, or consent.
Develops basic techniques and fundamental concepts of microeconomic theory. Learn to use economic reasoning to understand the social consequences of decisions made by individual consumers, producers, and governments. Analyze the nature of market outcomes under alternative market structures, and further discuss possible welfare-improving government policies when markets fail to be efficient. Special attention is paid to the analysis of strategic behavior and markets with public goods and externalities. Pre: 130 or consent.
Develops basic techniques and fundamental concepts used to study the overall macroeconomy and policies that affect it. Study the determinants of national income and long-run growth; causes and consequences of unemployment, inflation, and business cycle fluctuations; determination of foreign exchange rates and current account imbalances, and the role of government policy in various settings. Pre: 131 or consent.
An introduction to macroeconomics–the study of the overall economy. Topics include the determination of national income, causes and effects of inflation, unemployment, and income inequality; causes and consequences of international differences in economic growth; sources of business cycle expansions and contractions; role of government policy in stabilizing the economy and promoting long-term growth; financial markets and monetary policy; taxes, spending, consequences of budget deficits, determination of trade imbalances, exchange rate fluctuations, and balance of payment crises.
Examination of the decision-making process of both households and firms. Analysis of the functioning of a competitive market system, using supply and demand models and the role of government in cases where the market system fails. Additional topics include the effects of international rate on the welfare of a nation and the effects of different competitive market structures on society.
Combined lecture/laboratory providing extensive practice in preparing and presenting effective public speeches with special emphasis on organization, outlining, audience analysis, analytical reasoning, and delivery skills.
Develops communication skills necessary to function effectively in today’s society. Students will enhance their communication skills in one-on-one situations, public speaking, and small group situations. Ideal for new majors and non-majors.
Continuation of 101 and 102. Meets one hour a day, four times a week. Pre: 102 or 103 or 105; or consent.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar. Meets one hour, four times a week. Pre: placement test.
Ethnobotany. Interactions between plants and people: use in religious, medical, and shamanic traditions; roles in cultural formation, destruction, and revolution; plant domestication and food systems; roles in human migration; cultural components of plant conservation. (Fall only)
(2 Lec, 1 Demonstration) Plants and their influence on culture and history including: plant domestication and agriculture; plant biogeography and human migration; plant use in religious, medical, and shamanic traditions; and cultural aspects of plant conservation.
Growth, functions, and evolution of plants; their relations to the environment and particularly to humans and human activities.
Introduction to the astronomical universe: sky and celestial objects, planetary motion, planets and the Solar System, Sun and stars, the Milky Way and galaxies, cosmology and the universe.
Multidisciplinary examination of problems and issues affecting peoples and institutions of contemporary Asia: ethnic, language, religious, and cultural differences; population growth; public health; economic development; political and social change; environmental problems; etc. Pre: 201 and 202, or consent.
Art produced in Asia, Africa, Native America, Europe, and the Pacific Islands, from the 15th century to the present. Religious and philosophical ideas expressed in architecture, painting, prints, sculpture, applied art, body art, and textiles. (Spring only)
Art produced in Asia, Africa, Native America, Europe, and the Pacific Islands, from prehistory to the 15th century. Religious and philosophical ideas expressed in architecture, painting, prints, sculpture, applied art, body art, and textiles. (Fall only)
Nature of the world’s visual arts and their influences on personal expression. Lectures, demonstrations, and studio practice. (Not for art majors or minors)
Interdisciplinary survey that examines the histories, politics, popular representations, self-representations, and contemporary issues of the indigenous peoples of the U.S. and its territories, including Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Kanaka Maoli, Chamorro, and Samoans.
A survey and critical examination of contemporary Chinese women writers from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Traces a genealogy of women’s writing from the early 1920s up until now through novels, poetry, drama, and film. Pre: one DH or DL course, or consent. (Cross-listed as ASAN 364 and EALL 364)
Twentieth-century women writers and their works; novels, short stories, poems, autobiographies. Interrelations of gender and literature. Pre: (one of 151, 175, 176), and 245; or consent.
Historical and contemporary experiences of South Asian migrants in North America, Pacific, Caribbean, and/or African diasporas; causes and patterns of migration, inter-ethnic relations policies; role of race, gender, culture in community, identity formation. A-F only. Pre one ES or WS course in the 100, 200 or 300 level; or consent. (Once a year (Cross-listed as ES 339)
Social and economic policies affecting women in families, education, social services, government, health care, the economy; public policy implementation and development; policy impact on women. Pre: 151 or any 200- or 300-level course, or SOC 100 or any 200-level SOC course; or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 318)
Cross-cultural theories and perceptions of sexual difference; linkage between biology and cultural constructions of gender; relationship of gender ideology to women’s status. Pre: ANTH 152 (or concurrent) or ANTH 301 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as ANTH 315)
History of U.S. women and gender relations. Topics include women’s work in and outside the household, women’s involvement in social movements, changing norms about gender and sexuality, and shared and divergent experiences among women. (Cross-listed as AMST 316 and HIST 361)
Examines issues of indigenous women’s health pre and post colonial in Hawai‘i, Asia, and the Pacific regions. A-F only. Pre: one of 151, 202, 305; or HWST 107, HWST 270 or HWST 285; or consent.
Explores current issues in the conceptualization and delivery of health care for women. Pre: 151 or 202, or SOC 100 or any 200-level SOC course, or POLS 110; or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 305)
The military as it includes and excludes women as soldiers, nurses, wives, prostitutes, and victims. Women and war economics; feminism, war, and peace. Pre: one of 151, 362, 375 or SOC 362; or consent
Examines America’s role in world history and the influence of world affairs on U.S. culture and society. Focuses on U.S. interdependence with African, European, Native American, Asian, and Polynesian civilizations, from 1492 to present.
Original research, creative work, performance or other form of scholarly project appropriate to a major and supervised by a faculty member. Limited to candidates for Honors degree. Repeatable one time for each major. A-F only.
Library research skills; scholarship of research and creative work; methodological and ethical issues; development of individual proposal or prospectus for Senior Honors Project. Limited to candidates for the Honors degree. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only.
Supplemental workshop for students beginning independent work on their senior honors thesis. HON students only. Junior or senior standing only. CR/NC only.
Weekly meetings for discussion of enduring issues and problems of an interdisciplinary nature. Limited to candidates for Honors degree. CR/NC only.
Project-based experiential learning involving community-based research or creative work. Focus on project design, practical skills, and teamwork. Significant portion is dedicated to writing instruction. Multi-disciplinary topics vary each semester. Honors Program students only. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Selected themes in major works of various types, cultures, periods. Requires a minimum of 3,000 words of writing. Pre: ENG 100, 100A, or ESL 100.
Major women writers of world literature examined in context of female literary tradition. Pre: ENG 100, 100A, or ESL 100; or consent.
Explores the influence of gender in sport from cultural, psychosocial, and political perspectives. Examines women’s and men’s role as participants, spectators, and employees of sport and sports organizations. A-F only. Pre: one DS course.
Introduces students to the ideas of women philosophers. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL or WS, or consent. (Alt. years) (Crosslisted as PHIL 218)
Survey of topics in psychology relevant to women’s lives: socialization of gender, mental health, violence against women, achievement motivation, lifespan issues, domestic violence. A-F only. Pre: 151 or PSY 100. (Cross-listed as PSY 202)
Social construction of gender within culture and its visual expression through appearance. Analysis of role, identity, conformity, and deviance in human appearance. Repeatable one time. Open to nonmajors. (Cross-listed as FDM 200)
Explores how gender, sex, and sexuality become key elements in human society from 1500 CE to present. Examines world cultures from multiple perspectives, stressing issues and forces of continuing influence. A-F only.
Explores how gender, sex, and sexuality become key elements in human society from prehistory to 1500 CE. Examines ancient world civilizations from multiple perspectives stressing issues and forces still influential today. A-F only. (Fall only)
Introduction to feminist interdisciplinary analysis from global and critical perspectives; relationships between women and men from Asia-Pacific, Hawaiian, and other cultures. Focus on gender, race, class, sexual dynamics, and women’s negotiations with institutional dynamics. Honors students only. A-F only. Pre: departmental approval.
Introduction to feminist interdisciplinary analysis from global and critical perspectives; relationships between women and men from Asia-Pacific, Hawaiian, and other cultures, with a focus on gender, race, class, and sexual dynamics; exploration of women’s negotiations with institutional dynamics.
Cross-cultural analysis of the religious narratives, beliefs, practices, iconography, and sacred sites related to female deities in the Americas, Polynesia, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe from prehistory to 1500 C.E. (Cross-listed as REL 149)
Students develop understanding of dynamics of leadership skills within the contexts of paired to large groups. Significant portion is dedicated to writing and oral communication instruction. Honors Program students only. Pre-semester training sessions, on-going training and supervision. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 101 or departmental approval.
Publication process focuses on experiential learning and ethics. Learn how to solicit contributions, review and edit articles, and learn about publishing from multiple perspectives. Repeatable one time. Honors students only. Pre: consent of Honors director and instructor. (Spring only)
Students develop an understanding of theory and practice of experiential learning through direct engagement and focused scholarly reflection while assimilating and synthesizing new knowledge and developing critical thinking skills. Repeatable two times. Honors Program approval only. A-F only.
Honors students participating in off campus study (via Study Abroad Center, MIX, or NSE) enhance their experience through a project at the host site, designed with and
approved with consultation with Honors advisor. Repeatable one time, up to three credits. Honors students only. Pre: consent of Honors director and Study Abroad director.
Seminar on history and theory and practice of volunteerism in the U.S. Involves comparative study of volunteerism, individual research projects on volunteerism, and conduct of field service activities together with written reports. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 101 or 291, or departmental approval.
Students develop understanding of theory, practice, and ethical issues of public policy-making. Combines lecture/ discussion and fieldtrips. Students develop policy analysis and strategic plans that identify issues, interests, and methods of influence. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 101 or 291, or departmental approval. (Cross-listed as POLS 386)
Special inquiry-based study of multi-disciplinary topics in particular historical, cultural, geographical, environmental, or other contexts. Emphasis on primary sources and/or fieldwork and extensive instruction in writing. (B) biological science; (H) humanities; (P) physical science; (R) arts; (S) social science; (T) literature. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 101 or departmental approval. DB for (B); DH for (H); DP for (P); DA for (R); DS for (S); DL for (T)
Supplements a 100 or 200 lecture course or standard lab time with discussion section, instructor-intensive lab time or directed research. Limited enrollment. Repeatable three times.
Mathematics as both a language and a thought process expressed in that language. Historical and contemporary relations to culture. A-F only.
Combines lectures by instructors and faculty guests with workshops and hands-on experience in small group projects, including bibliographic searches, laboratory science, social surveys and interviews. A significant portion is dedicated to writing instruction. Honors Program students only. A-F only.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
HIST 100-level faculty supervisors mentor their Teaching Assistants who teach the discussion labs. Course addresses issues of teaching strategy, grading and historical content. Enrollment limited to current Teaching Assistants in the World History Program. Repeatable seven times. Pre: History graduate Teaching Assistants assigned to 151-152.
Reading and use of numerous genres of Chinese historical literature and documents. Chinese bibliography. Knowledge of Chinese required. Repeatable one time.
Major political, economic, and social institutions. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Repeatable unlimited times.
Individual research topics. (1) American; (2) Pacific; (3) Japanese; (4) European; (5) English; (6) Chinese; (7) Russian; (8) Hawaiian; (9) South Asian; (10) Southeast Asian; (11) Korean. Restricted to plan A (thesis) students. Maximum 2 credit hours. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Research and writings emphasizing the interpretation of Hawaiian and English language primary sources. Development of source materials, approaches, and methods in Hawaiian history. A-F only. Graduate standing only. Pre: HAW 301 with a B or better, or instructor consent.
Reading seminar with short papers required. Covers Kingdom of Hawai‘i and 20th-century Hawai‘i in alternate years. Repeatable one time. (Alt. years: fall)
Reading and research on major themes and issues. (B) South Pacific; (C) Micronesia; (D) 19th century; (E) 20th century. Repeatable one time per alpha. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Research seminar on topics of the Asia-Pacific War (1931-1945). Explores war, war crimes, and issues of war guilt, accountability, and war commemoration. Involves extensive source analyses and discussions. Repeatable one time.
Reading major interpretive works, and research in selected topics. (B) reading; (C) research. Repeatable one time per alpha. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Problems, principal sources of bibliographic information. (B) traditional period to c.1600; (C) early modern 1600–1868; (D) 1868 to present; (E) 20th-century diplomatic. Repeatable one time per alpha.
Graduate-level reading and research seminar on topics in Indian and South Asian history. Repeatable one time.
Readings on the rise, spread, and development of Islamic cultures and civilizations throughout the world down to modern times. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 354.
Problems and readings in political, social, and cultural history. (B) early; (C) middle; (D) modern. Repeatable one time.
Reading and research seminar on Vietnamese history. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years)
Seminar on the seas in Southeast Asian history. (Alt. years)
Graduate level reading seminar in modern Southeast Asian history. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Examination of contested boundaries of Southeast Asia, the various historiographic traditions, the colonial legacy, and the current issues emerging from a dialogue of historians from the “region” and the outside world. Repeatable one time.
Reading and research seminar on themes about the past and present of Southeast Asia in a comparative framework. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
This reading seminar in the comparative history of modern Asia will introduce graduate students to themes, particularly in social, cultural, and intellectual history, which lend themselves to comparison across the region. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years)
Seminar in advanced research and readings: (B) social and intellectual; (C) foreign relations; (F) the West; (K) business, labor, and technology. Repeatable one time for (B), (C) and (K). Pre: graduate standing and consent. ((B) Cross-listed as AMST 646); ((F) Cross-listed as AMST 614); ((K) Cross-listed as AMST 647)
(B) early America; (C) the Republic to 1877; (D) industrial America; (E) recent America; (F) foreign relations. Repeatable one time. Pre: appropriate 400 level course or consent
Interpretations and literature of important themes and problems. (B) early America; (C) the Republic to 1877; (D) industrial America; (E) recent America. Repeatable one time per alpha. Pre: appropriate 400-level U.S. history course or consent for (D) and (E); graduate standing or consent for (B) and (C). (Alt. years for (B)) ((B) Cross-listed as AMST 610)
(B) advanced readings; (C) advanced research on Siberia, Russian activities in the Pacific basin, evolving relations with Asian and Pacific powers. Repeatable one time per alpha. Pre: 457 and either 454 or 456; or consent.
(B) early Russia; (C) modern. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Seminar on history of mass atrocity and international justice in the modern world. Topics include postWWII Allied war crimes prosecution, post-cold war ad hoc international criminal tribunals, and contemporary international law and national legal systems. Repeatable one time.
Seminar covering one specific approach to historical methods or theory. The goal is a deep engagement with a particular historical approach via research and reading not bounded by region, time, or specialty. Repeatable one time. Graduate standing only.
Selected topics for comparative advanced reading and research. (D) early modern; (E) modern. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years)
Selected topics for advanced research. (B) ancient; (C) medieval; (D) early modern; (E) modern; (G) intellectual. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Once a year)
Graduate seminar designed to introduce history students to the multidisciplinary theories that are appropriate to cultural studies. A-F only. Repeatable one time.
Critical inquiry into historical representations of the “other” and ways in which modern historians have used culture and other anthropological concepts to write and think about the past.
Selected topics for advanced reading; (B) ancient; (C) medieval; (D) early modern; (E) modern; (G) intellectual. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years: spring for (D)); (Alt. years: fall for (E))
Selected themes— feudalism, economic and industrial development, etc.— important in global history. Topics pre-announced. Repeatable one time. Pre: 609.
Analysis, research, and discussion of themes and issues in study of history of humankind. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Explores how various forms of salt, fresh, and brackish water have played transformative roles in the evolution of human communities throughout history. (Cross-listed as SUST 610)
Introduction to leading themes, methodologies, and topics in world environmental history. Drawing on new and influential scholarship, readings explore the diverse forces that shape humans’ adaptation to and impact on the natural world. Repeatable one time. (Alt. years)
Examines the various ways that the production, presentation, and learning of history through digital media is changing the way people access and process information about the past. Graduate standing only.
History of history and historians; philosophies of history.
Individual projects in various fields. History majors with consent. Maximum 5 credit hours. (1) American; (2) Pacific; (3) Japanese; (4) European; (5) English; (6) Chinese; (7) Russian; (8) Hawaiian; (9) South Asian; (10) Southeast Asian; (11) Korean.
Analysis of sources and evaluation of methods of historical writing. Students undertake a major research and writing project in field of special interest. Capstone course requires a 20-25 page minimum final research paper. A-F only. Pre: 396(B or C).
Extensive or intensive treatment of special problems. (B) Philippines and Indonesia; (C) U.S. foreign relations; (D) history in Oceania; (E) Chinese traditional government. Recommended for honors students. Pre: 372 (or concurrent) or consent for (C); consent for (B) and (E).
Conditions under which women’s activism and participation in protest and revolutionary movements developed in the 19th- and 20th-centuries. Cross-cultural comparisons. (Cross-listed as ASAN 492 and WGSS 492)
Compares indigenous sovereignty issues arising among the Maori or Aotearoa-New Zealand and Indian tribes of the U.S. from 1776 to the present. (Once a year)
Survey of world maritime history from earliest times to the present, with emphasis on the evolution of nautical technology, motives from maritime enterprises, and the impact of cross-cultural encounters between oceanic peoples. (Cross-listed as AMST 489)
Formation of an American Hawai‘i with its unique local culture from 1898 to the present. Pre: upper division standing.
Transformation of Hawai‘i into a state influenced by American and European ideas and institutions and Asian peoples. Pre: upper division standing or consent.
Growth of economic and political interests and policies.
The colonial experience to the present.
The Pacific past from first human settlement to the start of the colonial period; emphasis on historiography and analysis of islanders’ responses to Euro-American intrusion.
Survey history of the complex relations between American societies and diverse U.S. ecosystems, from European contact and colonization to the present. (Cross-listed as AMST 425 and SUST 481)
Political, economic, and social development since 1825; case studies from Brazil, Mexico, and Cuba.
PreColumbian civilizations: Spanish and Portuguese colonization; political, economic, social, and religious evolution to 1810; independence. (Cross-listed as LAIS 468)
Conditions of labor in major phases of American development; response of labor and community to changing work environment. Capitalism, unionism, race, gender, law, etc. Emphasis on 20th century. (Cross-listed as AMST 431)
Racial ideas and ideologies, and their effects throughout American history. (Cross-listed as AMST 440)
Origins, development of Constitution, Colonial to modern times.
Lecture/ discussion surveying the conquest, colonization, and consolidation of North American frontiers and the post-frontier development of the American West.
Examines the history of slavery, race, and abolition in the Americas from a comparative, global perspective, and traces the legacy of slavery in the post-emancipation societies of the New World. (Cross-listed as AMST 432)
Introduction to the new social history; interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the everyday lives of ordinary Americans in past generations.
History of U.S. music and recording industry. How industry relates to economy as a whole, and how it reflects broad patterns and trends in American culture and society. (Cross-listed as MUS 440)
Cold War as a global struggle. Topics will include U.S.-Soviet economic and political rivalry, Capitalism vs. Communism as practical policy and ideology, and the force of Third World anti-colonial nationalism. A-F only. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent.
Upper-division lecture on the historical and cultural significance of Las Vegas in twentieth-century America. Open to non-majors.
Lecture/discussion examining the impact of television on American society, culture and politics. Analyzed in depth are family sitcoms, presidential politics, Vietnam and the presentation of gender and ethnicity. Open to non-majors.
The atomic age and the Cold War, the age of anxiety, the 1960s, the Vietnam War, the Reagan-Bush era, and beyond.
The Roaring Twenties, the Depression, New Deal, coming of World War II, America during the war, origins of the Cold War.
Selected themes that explain major changes in American life during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, including the westward movement, consolidation of capitalism, world power diplomacy, popular culture, progressivism, and World War I.
The crisis of the Union: antebellum society and culture, slavery, reform, sectionalism, the Civil War and Reconstruction.
Lecture/discussion on the Constitution, the growth of partisan politics, the market revolution, religious revivalism, abolitionism and the expansion of slavery in the U.S. during the age of Jefferson and Jackson.
Lecture/discussion on Native Americans, Africans, and Europeans in North America from contact to independence. Social, cultural, and economic themes and intersections of race, class, and gender explored.
Lecture/ discussion on the history of North American Indians from the seventeenth century to the present. Open to non-majors.
Lecture/ discussion on the origins of racial slavery, slave and free black culture, slave resistance and antislavery, post-emancipation black life, the rise of Jim Crow, the Harlem Renaissance, and the Civil Rights Movement.
Lecture/ discussion on the origins, development, and consequences of the American Revolution, explored within the context of the broader revolutionary Atlantic world. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Once a year)
Russian/Soviet Siberia and Central Asia; Russian American Company and the Pacific; evolving relations with Asian and Pacific powers.
Creation of the Soviet Union, Stalinization, the Cold War, the collapse of the empire, the post-Soviet era.
Development of the Russian state to the 19th century. Kievan state and early development of culture and art; Mongol era; rise of Moscow, autocracy, and serfdom; Petrine reforms; Western impact; emergence as a major European power.
Evolution of Western medical traditions; challenges created by European expansion and colonial interactions; development of modern racial and gender theories. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Spring only)
Explores the many relationships between history and film including how film has reflected and shaped society in the past and our relationship to the past. (B) United States; (C) Europe; (D) Asia/Pacific; (E) world/comparative. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Once a year for (D))(C Crosslisted as ACM 452C); (E Cross-listed as ACM 452E)
Explores the many relationships between history and literature, including how literature has reflected and shaped society in the past and our relationship to the past; (B) United States; (C) Europe; (D) Asia/ Pacific; (E) World/Comparative; (F) Provisional topics. Repeatable one time for different alphas, not repeatable for (C).
Selected themes important in African history, including, for example, the politics, economics, societies, and cultures of pre-colonial, colonial, or modern Africa. Topics to be pre-announced. Repeatable one time. (Once a year)
The influence of Spain and Portugal on people and cultures in Europe, Africa, America, and Asia; Portugal’s captivity and the defeat of the Spanish Armada.
Explores war and peace in Europe, from the start of the Great War through the formal end of World War II. Topics include key battles, civilians, peace movements, treaties, the Shoah, Fascism, and Soviet Revolution.
Causes, course, and conduct of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic periods, their impact upon Europe; emphasis on the conflict of ideologies inherent in the Revolutionary process.
The origins and progression of the Holocaust, the almost complete destruction of European Jews, and other Nazi genocidal policies. Open to non-majors.
Origins, establishment, and impact of Hitler’s Third Reich. Recommended: 344. (Alt. years: spring)
History of the intellectual, social, and cultural causes and consequences of violence, including military conflicts. Pre: upper division standing or consent. (Once a year)
Historical processes in modern European colonization from 16th to 20th century; impact on non-Europeans in Asia and Africa. (Alt. years: fall)
Contemporary problems and their historical background.
Social and intellectual origins of evolutionary thought and its continuing impact; emphasis on Darwin and the Victorian scientific community. Pre: upper division standing or consent.
Historical investigation of European beliefs in the superiority of primitive societies. Topics include how primitivist ideas shaped historiography, religion, art, gender, political economy, and empire. Pre: upper division standing or consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Explores interactions between humans and the natural world from early modern era to the present. Topics include invader species and biotic exchange; environmental politics; and the ecological impact of industrialization, urbanization, science, technology, war, etc. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Once a year)
Historical analysis of the main traditions of Christianity and elements of diversity within Europe and in relation to other parts of the world. Focus on the interpretation of primary sources and discussion of cultural issues. (Alt. years: spring)
Repeatable unlimited times.
Graduate level introduction to evolution and ecology emphasizing foundational literature, modern models and inference, and major questions in evolution and ecology. This is the second semester continuation of 780. (Alt. years: spring)
Graduate level introduction to evolution and ecology emphasizing foundational literature, modern models and inference, and major questions in evolution and ecology. Topics include population ecology, community ecology, the genetics of populations, systematics, and speciation. (Alt. years: fall)
Advanced topics in conservation and environmental biology. Repeatable three times, up to twelve credits. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as BOT 750)
Advanced topics in ecology; discussion of literature and in depth survey of specific areas. Repeatable three times up to nine credits. Pre: graduate standing and consent.
Selected problems of current or historic interest. Repeatable three times, up to nine credits. Pre: consent
Selected problems in environmental physiology, electro-physiology, or neurophysiology. Basic concepts and measurements of function at the organismic or cellular level. Repeatable three times, up to nine credits.
Lecture-discussion of various aspects. Repeatable up to nine credits. ZOOL majors only.
Comparative morphology, development, taxonomy, phylogeny. Repeatable three times, up to nine credits.
Lecturediscussion of selected topics. Repeatable three times, up to nine credits. ZOOL majors only. Pre: consent.
Advanced treatment of selected topics under current active investigation. Repeatable unlimited times. ZOOL majors only. Pre: a graduate course in physiology, neurology, or related subjects and consent.
Selected advanced topics in experimental design or data analysis for biologists. Repeatable unlimited times. ZOOL majors only. Pre: 631 and 632, or consent.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Directed research and reading in various fields of zoology. Repeatable unlimited times.
Reports on research or reviews of literature. Graduate students required to take this or one topics course (710–719) per year. (B) general zoology; (C) zoology literature; (D) animal behavior; (E) ecology; (F) animal physiology; (G) development biology; (H) marine biology; (I) systematics and evolution. Each alpha is repeatable five times.
Theories and concepts of ecology, evolution and genetics for conservation of biological diversity. Topics will include restoration ecology, management planning, laws and policies, biological invasions. Pre: BIOL 375 and either 480 or BOT 462; and either 410, 439, 620, 623, BOT 453, 454, 456, or 492. (Cross-listed as BOT 690 and NREM 690)
Graduate level course to train students in the pedagogical tools to enhance active learning in STEM classes. Includes discussions of the primary literature, demonstrations and practice using scientific teaching techniques. BOT or ZOOL or MBIO majors only. Graduate students only. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as BOT 670)
Theory and applications of population biology; behavior of population models, as revealed by analytical methods and computer simulation; application to population problems such as endangered species; discussion of classical and current literature in population biology. Pre: one of the following: 439, 467, 620, 623, BOT 453, BOT 454, BOT 456, NREM 680, PEPS 671; or consent. (Cross-listed as BOT 652)
Biophysical and membrane mechanisms of conduction, synaptic transmission, and other electrical responses of nerve cells. Pre: consent. (Alt years: spring)
(3 Lec, 1 2-hr Discussion) Multivariate statistical methods: multiple regression and correlation; multiway anova; general linear models; repeated measures and multivariate anova; loglinear analysis and logistic regression. Pre: 631 or consent.
(3 Lec, 1 2-hr Discussion) Basic statistical methods: design of studies; data exploration; probability; distributions; parametric and nonparametric one-sample, two-sample, multi-sample, regression, and correlation analyses; frequency tables. Pre: MATH 215 or 216 or 241 or 251A or NREM 203 (or equivalent), or consent.
Fundamental elements of modern evolutionary theory and research, with a strong focus on marine organisms and ecosystems. A-F only. Pre: instructor approval. (Alt. years: fall)
(1 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab, 1 Discussion) Formal quantitative approach in identifying, designing, performing, analyzing, and interpreting ecological field problems. A-F only. Pre: 439, 439L, and 631; or consent. (Alt. years)
Principles of ecology of marine biota and environment. Pre: graduate standing in zoology, oceanography, or botany; or consent.
Effective teaching methods, organization of courses, lectures, laboratory exercises; development and evaluation of examinations; computers and audiovisual aids. Open to graduate students in various science disciplines. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as NSCI 619)
Discussion and survey of literature on specific topics; some field and lab work may be required. Repeatable three times.
Laboratory study of fish sensory systems and behavior. A-F only. Pre: 306, 430, 465, 606; or consent. Co-requisite: 608. (Alt. years)
Lectures, readings and presentations on sensory systems and behavior of fishes. A-F only. Pre: 306, 430, 465, 606; or consent. Co-requisite: 608L. (Alt. years)
Introduction to concepts and techniques in the genetics of behavior. Techniques include next gen sequencing, GWAS, and more. Students may use real data to analyze associations between genotype and phenotype. Repeatable one time. Graduate students only. (Fall only)
(1 3-hr Lab) Group or individual research projects depending on interest of students. Pre: 606 (or concurrent).
Lectures and critical discussions on the mechanisms of animal behavior, social and interspecific behaviors, behavioral ecology, and evolutionary theory. Pre: graduate standing.
Performance of a laboratory, field or library research project under the direction of a faculty advisor. Preparation of a proposal and written final report required. Limited to zoology majors. Repeatable eight times, up to 45 credits.
Teaching internship in zoology. Required of ZOOL BS degree students. ZOOL BS majors only. CR/NC only
Reports on research, reviews of literature, or research experience. Required of students majoring in zoology or entomology. (B) general zoology; (D) animal behavior; (E) ecology; (F) physiology; (G) developmental biology; (H) marine biology. Repeatable 2 times per alpha, credits earned for 3 credits only. Pre: 306 or equivalent or consent for (D).
Distribution of plants and animals and processes that cause, maintain, and modify them. Approach is synthetic and dynamic. Pre: BIOL 172.
Process of evolution: genetic basis, natural selection, population genetics, speciation, the fossil record. Pre: 171 and 172. Recommended: a BIOL or ZOOL course at 300 or 400 level.
(2 3-hr Lab) Pre: BIOL 172 and CHEM 161, or consent. Co-requisite: 475.
Body plans, development, cellular construction, physiological integration, natural history, and ecology of invertebrate animals. Emphasis on marine species, especially local ones. Pre: 172 and CHEM 161, or consent. Corequisite: 485L.
(1 3-hr Lab) Experimental and descriptive field projects on the biology, chemistry, hydrology, and physics of lakes, streams, and estuaries. Pre: BIOL 172 or consent. Corequisite: 470. (Alt. years)
Biology, physics, chemistry of lakes, streams, estuaries. Pre: BIOL 172 or consent. Co-requisite: 470L.
Reproduction, early life history, age and growth, feeding, niche specificity, competitive interactions, communities, and evolutionary mechanisms. Pre: 465 or consent.
General characteristics of fisheries; harvesting methods; principles and techniques to derive data and analyze fished populations. Field trips. Pre: one of the following: 410, 465, 470, 608, or 620; or consent.
(2 2-hr Lab) Overview of the major orders and families of fishes of the world; introduction to local Hawaiian fishes; coverage of basic fish anatomy; introduction to field and laboratory techniques in fish research. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 171, 172, and 465 (or concurrent). (Alt. years: spring)
Survey of fish biodiversity focusing on major lineages, their phylogenetic relationships, and their geographic distribution in light of evolutionary history. Taught spring semester in alternate years. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 171 and 172. (Alt. years: spring)
Broad coverage of the morphology, physiology, ecology, behavior, and evolution of birds, emphasizing the relation of birds to general theory in biology. Pre: BIOL 265.
(2 Lec, 1 1-hr Lab) Geography, geology, climatology, biotic environment of Pacific Basin and Hawaiian Islands; endemism and evolution in terrestrial and marine biota. Pre: one semester of biological sciences at college level. (Cross-listed as BOT 450 and SUST 450)
Topical study of cultural and cross-cultural issues in the medieval period (circa 300-1500). Class discussion and written work emphasize analysis of primary source documents using cultural and world history theories. Regional focus and readings vary by semester. Repeatable one time.
In depth study and analysis of major crises and conflicts in the Middle East since World War II: the Arab–Israeli Wars, revolutions in the Arab countries, the Turkish experiment with secularism, the Iranian/ Islamic revolution, Afghanistan, the Gulf War. Recommended: 354 or 355.
Civilizations of the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, ancient Egyptians, Hittites, Hebrews, and Achaemenid Persians. Emphasis on discussion of literary and archaeological materials.
Historical examination of the interaction between the Achaemenid and Parthian empires of Persia and the classical societies of the Mediterranean, such as the Greek city-states, Macedonia, the Hellenistic, and Roman Empires. Recommended: 151. (Cross-listed as CLAS 430 and PER 430)
Explores war crimes trials in history since the end of WWII to the present. Involves extensive source analysis, discussion, research, and writing. Repeatable one time.
Explores how the history of the Asia-Pacific War both shaped and was shaped by the rise and fall of Japan in the twentieth century. Involves extensive source analyses and discussions.
Explores the history of Japanese cuisine and investigates the cultural, economic, and geopolitical aspects of food-ways in Japanese domestic and international identity.
Survey of the changing political, social, economic, and cultural positions of women in China, Japan, and Korea from ancient times to the present. Pre: one course in Japanese history or consent.
Problems of Japan’s political, economic, and social development since institutional consolidation of Meiji state (c.1890). Pre: upper division standing or consent.
Survey of social, cultural, economic, and political history from earliest times to present.
Japanese history and culture, 1600–1867. Recommended: 321.
Interpretative survey of China’s changing position, significance, and function in the evolution of world history as a way to provide a better understanding of its past and present. Junior standing or higher.
Salient developments from 1949 to the present. Social revolution and modernization, critically relevant foreign relations. Recommended: 312 or 419.
Origins, development, and meaning of modern revolution in China, 19th century to People’s Republic. Recommended: 311 and 312.
Systematic review from traditional times, with emphasis on modern and contemporary history, analyses of foreign policy formulation, objectives, and implementation. Recommended: 312.
Interpretive survey of Chinese thought from 1600 to the contemporary period, with special emphasis on the themes of cultural collision and change.
An interpretive survey of Chinese ideas and values in their cultural, social and political settings from classical age to 1600. Pre: upper division standing or consent.
Sociopolitical change and continuity at local and regional levels since 1900, stressing provincial reform, Hsien and sub-Hsien politics, warlordism, Kuomintang tutelage, and the Chinese Communist movement and rule.
Ch’ing government and Chinese society from local and regional perspectives; modes of control and disorder during the 19th century.
An examination of the political, intellectual, economic, cultural, and social transformations of China in the twentieth century. This lecture studies critical events in the making of modern China and explores important issues in the modernization of Chinese life in the twentieth century.
History of the coming of Islam to Southeast Asia, the spread of its ideas, and its role in the lives of Muslim communities living in the region. GPA of 2.0 or higher. (Spring only)
Indonesia from 14th century to present. Emphasis on period from late 18th-century Western colonial impact to struggle for independence and problems of nationhood.
History of Malay peninsula and northern Borneo, emphasizing developments since 18th century: trade, commerce, foreign migrations, pluralism, nationalism, and Islam.
Survey of major developments from pre-colonial through Spanish and American colonial periods, the revolution, Japanese occupation, and post-war republic. (Cross-listed as ASAN 406)
Survey of Vietnamese history with particular attention to the multiple ways that the Vietnamese past has been remembered and represented by different peoples. Open to non-majors.
Introduces students to the practice of conducting archival research by using materials about World War II in Southeast Asia that have been digitized by various institutions around the world and available on the internet. Junior standing or higher. (Spring only)
Explores the transnational history of the Indian Ocean world, especially the region connected by the western monsoon. Topics include travel, trade, religion, colonialism, nationalism, diaspora, and globalization, including actors like slaves, sailors, women, and merchants. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as SUST 401)
History of the digital age in global perspective connecting people, media, and technology. Faculty and students will use digital media to introduce innovative approaches to doing history. (Fall only)
Examination of the nature of historical understanding, research, and writing, and of recent trends in historical scholarship; preparation for senior thesis, including significant discipline-specific writing instruction and a minimum of 4,000 words of graded writing. (B) historiography; (C) education. Pre: any 300- or 400-level HIST course.
Continuation of 394; science, technology, and society since 1700.
Evolution of scientific thought and its cultural context. Antiquity to 1700.
Survey of development of American military forces from War of Independence to war in Vietnam.
Continuation of 391, from 1850 to present.
Classical and guerrilla warfare, revolution, and military systems and institutions.
Explores WWII in the Asia-Pacific region, focusing on the intersection of the grand strategy, military operations, and war crimes. Involves source analyses and discussions.
Survey of the history of the Caribbean region from 1500 to the present. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Examines the interplay between an “American culture of empire” and the rise of the U.S. as a superpower. Topics: imperialism and political culture, social movements and international affairs, race, gender and class relations. (Cross-listed as AMST 365)
The evolution of business enterprise from colonial times to the present. Emphasis on entrepreneurship, technological change, labor-management relations, government-business relations, and economic thought. Case studies of industrial development. (Cross-listed as MGT 348)
Continuation of 373: the 20th century. (Cross-listed as AMST 344)
Politics, family, philosophy, technology, etc.; their interrelationship within the total society. Pre-Colonial to end of the 19th century. (Cross-listed as AMST 343)
Survey of U.S. foreign relations from the wars of 1898 to the present.
Survey of U.S. foreign relations from initial encounters between Europeans and Native Americans through the 1890s.
Critical examination of the construction of gender identity and sexuality in ancient Greece and Rome. Junior standing or higher. (Once a year) (Crosslisted as CLAS 362)
History of U.S. women and gender relations. Topics include women’s work in and outside the household, women’s involvement in social movements, changing norms about gender and sexuality, and shared and divergent experiences among women. (Cross-listed as AMST 316 and WGSS 311)
Historical survey, from BC period to present, of the peoples of the Mekong region, an area covering southwestern China, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and southern Vietnam. Open to non-majors. Pre: upper division standing or consent.
The history of Africa from earliest times to the present: the rise of indigenous civilizations, European and Muslim impact, colonialism and nationalism, and current issues.
Survey of developments that created the system of nation-states in the Middle East. History of the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey; Egypt; the Arab world; Israel and Iran. Recommended: 354.
Muhammad, the Arab conquests, the Caliphate; fundamentals of Islam; classical Islamic civilization; development of Islam into modern times with emphasis on the Middle Eastern heartland.
Lecture/discussion exploring the history of France’s relationship with imperialism from the Renaissance to the present. Pre: upper division standing or consent. (Once a year)
Comparison of Austrian, Polish, Ottoman, and Russian empires by examining political ideologies, religions, lifestyles, and ethno-linguistic identities. Pre: sophomore standing or consent. (Alt. years)
Comparative exploration of the Iberian empires–Spain and Portugal–and their political, economic, and cultural interactions with indigenous societies in Asia and the Pacific. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Origins and expansion of the British empire between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries. Includes imperial policies affecting Britain, Australia, India, Ireland, and Southern Africa. Open to non-majors.
Interaction of 17th-, 18th-, and 19th-century intellectual, political, economic, and social changes, which together produced the British Empire and modern Britain.
Traces major developments in British politics, society, and culture between the late Medieval and Modern Eras.
Political, social, economic, and intellectual developments from Revolution and Napoleon to the present.
Major social, political, and intellectual developments: Renaissance, Reformation, religious wars, Richelieu, Louis XIV, Enlightenment, and Revolution.
Political, social, economic, and cultural history since 1547. Rise of Austria and Prussia, unification, Bismarckian era, World War I and Weimar Republic, Hitler’s Third Reich, post-World War II.
Exploration of moments of crisis and the clash of ideas in their historical context through the use of simulation games. Junior standing or higher. A-F only.
Introduces major western economic theorists and ideas since around 1700. Considers the history of views on work, poverty, the market and government, and the relationship of those doctrines to society, philosophy, and public policy. Pre: 151, 152, ECON 130, or ECON 131; or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ECON 342)
Comparative historical study of economic ideas and change since around 1700. Considers the histories of capitalism, poverty, industrialization and labor in Europe, Asia, the U.S., and other regions. (Cross-listed as ECON 341)
Political, social, cultural, and intellectual developments in Europe from 1300 to 1600. Emphasis on cultural and intellectual history and its impact on social and political developments; humanism and its influence on thought and reforming movements, Protestant and Catholic Reformations. (Alt. years: fall)
Continuation of 337. European thought from French Revolution to the present.
Undergraduate seminar on great debates in Western thought. Discussion of primary source materials; the scientific revolution and Enlightenment.
Main trends in European economy, society, religion, politics, thought, and the arts; interactions with Byzantine and Islamic worlds.
Formation of European societies after the western Roman Empire and in relation to Byzantine and Islamic cultures.
Political, social, and cultural history from Augustus to 476 A.D. Emphasis on literary and archaeological materials. (Alt. years: spring)
Political, social, cultural history from the Etruscans to Augustus. Emphasis on discussion of literary and archaeological materials. (Alt. years: fall)
Political, social, and cultural history of the Classical and Hellenistic periods.
Political, social, and cultural history of the Minoan, Mycenean, and Archaic periods.
History of North Korea in terms of industrialism, militarism, nationalism, and state power, from 1945 to today. Focus on construction of national sovereign identity and comparison with postcolonial world.
Continuation of 327. From 1400 to the present.
Survey of political, economic, social, and cultural developments from earliest times to 1400.
A social, military, and cultural history of Japan’s samurai (warrior) class.
History and culture of Japan as revealed in study and practice of the tea ceremony (urasenke): Zen, aesthetics, calligraphy, architecture, ceramics, gardens, politics. (Cross-listed as ASAN 323)
Continuation of 321. Period from 1700.
Survey of culture, government, economics, and institutions, to 1700.
Continuation of 311. Period since the 17th century.
Chinese civilization to the 17th century.
Continuation of 309. Period after 1500.
Characteristics of East Asian civilizations as they developed in pre-modern China; variant patterns in Japan and Korea; the modernization process to 1500.
Continuation of 305, from 18th century to the present.
Survey of development of civilizations and growth of nations in Southeast Asia, to the 18th century.
Historical survey of India and South Asia from the Mughal Empire to the new millennium, tracing political, social, religious, economic, cultural, and intellectual developments from the 18th century to the present.
Historical survey of India and South Asia from Mohenjo-Daro to the Mughal Empire, tracing political, social, religious, economic, cultural, and intellectual developments from ancient times to the 18th century. (Cross-listed as IP 300)
Introduction to methods of historical inquiry; current issues in World, American, European, or Pacific history. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Traces developments in Philippine history and society from precolonial to contemporary times and explores ways in which the peoples of the Philippines embraced, resisted or negotiated new modes of thought, behavior and social organization influenced by the Spanish, American, and Japanese regimes as well as the postcolonial global order.
Survey of Pacific Islands from pre-colonial to modern times; early settlement, cultural contact, colonization, contemporary problems.
Survey of state and local history from Polynesian chiefdoms to Hawaiian Kingdom to American territory and state.
Interpretive survey from 1865 to the present.
Interpretive survey from earliest settlement to 1865. A-F only.
Comparative and historical survey of colonialism and revolutions in the Atlantic World from 1500 to 1830. (Alt. years)
Continuation of 241. Survey of major civilizations of Asia from 1500 to the present; East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia.
Survey of major civilizations of Asia from earliest times to 1500; East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia.
Continuation of 231. Major political, social, economic, and cultural trends from Napoleon to the present.
Political evolution and major economic, social, and cultural development of European states. 1500–1800.
Political evolution and major economic, social, and cultural development of European states before 1500, including classical and medieval eras. A-F only. (Alt. years)
Continuation of 161A. Development of civilization from 1500 to the present. Offered as discussion and/ or problems course. Alternative for 151 and 152; students in Honors program only.
Development of civilizations from prehistoric origins to 1500. Offered as discussion and/or problems course. Alternative for 151 and 152; students in Honors program only.
Explores the influence of nature–climate, topography, plants, animals, and microorganisms–on human history and the way people, in turn, have influenced the natural world around them. (Cross-listed as SUST 157)
Examines how disease has affected humans in terms of society, culture, politics, religion, and economics. Explores the impact over a broad range of time periods, from pre-history to the present/future.
In examining aspects of the histories of Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and Oceania, this course highlights the myriad ways in which global contact has transformed our world and narratives of the past.
Continuation of 151. Historical narratives and global perspectives on human societies and cross-cultural interactions from 1500 to present; includes ways to think about the past and ways to use primary sources.
Historical narratives and global perspectives on human societies and cross-cultural interactions from prehistory to 1500; includes ways to think about the past and ways to use primary sources.
Continuation of 202. Advanced listening, reading, writing, conversation skills, language structure, and culture integrated in a variety of communicative and creative activities based on selected Hindi-Urdu films. Pre: 202 or consent.
Continuation of 202. Advanced listening, reading, writing, conversation skills, language structure, and culture integrated in a variety of communicative and creative activities based on selected cultural themes. Pre: 202 or consent.
Prepare your proficiency for traveling to India. Create audio-visual presentations, documentaries, movie parodies, poetry, plays, dance, or projects from your majors/minors. Develop critical, cross-cultural, and creative skills. Bollywood built into course content. Pre: 201.
Improve your communicative and cultural proficiency. Make Bollywood your language coach. Talk about cross-cultural values and practices of food, family, and friendship. Project-based course that builds bridges to your majors, minors, and other interests. Pre: 102.
Build on your 101 skills. Content includes Bollywood Film Festival at Honolulu Museum of Art. Create your own audiovisual projects–make movie trailers, write children’s books, or perform at South Asian events.
Learn to express yourself in Hindi-a language that comes with a beautiful script, ancient philosophy, spicy food, and Bollywood! The course is communicative, creative, flexibly personalized for student interests. No textbook to buy.
The study of cultures and their implications in the health and social welfare context for a number of countries in the Pacific region.
The study of cultures and their implications in the health and social welfare context for a number of countries in Southeast and South Asian region.
Research for master’s thesis. (F) Full-time. S/U for (F) only. Repeatable up to six credits; Repeatable unlimited times for (F). Pre: 700 for (F).
Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Practicum for Plan B. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Research seminar on the subject of domestic law, governance, and politics of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the historical relevance of this to the contemporary case for independent, sovereign state continuity under public international law. A-F only. (Alt. years)
A research seminar designed to provide an overview of community activism and Native Hawaiian empowerment in Hawai‘i in contexts that range from local to international, and to provide a foundation for further study and professional growth. A-F only. Pre: 107, 270, 341 (or concurrent), 342 (or concurrent), and one of the following: 343 (or concurrent) or 390 (or concurrent) or 490 (or concurrent); or consent.
Comparative study of Hawaiian/Polynesian temple design taught over a 3-week period in Hawai‘i and Polynesia. Travel costs to be paid by student. Pre: 670 (with a minimum grade of B) and HAW 302 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent. (Summer only)
Research seminar in relevant literary traditions, histories of interaction, colonization, and literary politics in the Pacific region through the examination of life narratives in mixed media and literature. A-F only. HWST majors only. Pre: 603 (or concurrent) or consent. (Once a year)
Seminar comparing Gods/myths from Ancient Tahiti by Teiura Henry (600 pages) with the six volumes of Hawaiian historians Kamakau and Malo. A-F only. Pre: 341 or consent. (Alt. years)
Seminar on pre-contact, customary laws on fishing and ocean stewardship, their codification in written laws during the Hawaiian Kingdom period, and changes and impacts through U.S. annexation and statehood, including current models of ocean governance. (Alt. years: Fall) (Cross-listed as SUST 652)
Topical graduate seminar focuses on indigenous perspectives on water, food sovereignty, Hawaiian terrestrial and marine food production systems, and ancestral abundance. Seminar perspective to change each term. Repeatable two times. Pre: 207/SUST 217 and HAW 202 or consent.
Seminar in geography of Hawai‘i from a Native Hawaiian perspective that will enable the researcher to define and develop resource management methods consistent with Native Hawaiian understandings and traditions. A-F only. Pre: 107, 270, 341 (or concurrent), 342 (or concurrent), and one of the following: 343 (or concurrent) or 390 (or concurrent) or 490 (or concurrent). (Once a year)
Research seminar for developing interpretations of the past from Native Hawaiian and foreign world views with particular emphasis on understanding the meaning of culturally-based knowledge systems. A-F only.
Support student dialogue on the foundations of pono science. Through discussions and structured guidance, students will explore Hawaiian ethics, implications of research, and decolonizing methodology. Repeatable three times. Graduate students only.
Graduate seminar and visual studio that carefully examines and develops critical consciousness–from a Kanaka Maoli viewpoint–visual hegemony, rhetorical tropes; and representation–imag(in)ing and reimag(in)-ing. HWST majors only. A-F only. Pre: 620 or consent. (Spring only)
Graduate seminar and visual studio that examines (from a Kanaka Maoli viewpoint) colonial imaging; collecting and site of contestation; resilience and resistance; and re-righting. A-F only. Pre: 107, and one course from 220-225, and one course from 320-325; or consent. (Fall only)
Seminar to help fashion student’s research and thesis proposal. To be taken by all HWST MA students as they begin designing their capstone project. Course will be team-taught by HWST faculty. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 601 and 602; 603 (or concurrent).
Seminar in review of Hawaiian literature to understand the significance of secondary sources in Hawaiian subjects. This makes up part of the Hawaiian Studies graduate core. A-F only. Pre: 107, 270, 341 (or concurrent), 342 (or concurrent), and one of the following: 343 (or concurrent) or 390 (or concurrent) or 490 (or concurrent); or consent.
Research seminar aimed at familiarizing students with the rich historical primary sources existent in various archives in Honolulu. A-F only. Pre: 107, 270, 341 (or concurrent), 342 (or concurrent), and one of the following: 343 (or concurrent) or 390 (or concurrent) or 490 (or concurrent); or consent.
Reading seminar for developing a Native Hawaiian epistemology from sources in comparative indigenous thought. A-F only. Pre: 107, 270, 341 (or concurrent), 342 (or concurrent), and one of the following: 343 (or concurrent) or 390 (or concurrent) or 490 (or concurrent); or consent.
Individual reading/research. Pre: instructor consent.
Historical analysis of land use, race and self-determination; introduced to legal case briefing, analysis of legal precedent, practical impacts of rules and regulations and the sociopolitical factors that influence law and law enforcement. A-F only. Pre: 390 or consent.
The rise of Western law in Hawai‘i, its contribution to nation building and colonialism. Pre: 342 or 343 or 390; or consent.
Critical examination of modern indigenous women’s poetry from the Pacific Islands. Thematic concentration on land, family, sexual and national oppression. Pre: 107, 270, or consent.
Senior seminar in short, extemporaneous speeches in persuasive, passionate and dynamic styles of Native Hawaiian orators. A-F only. Pre: 107, 270, 341, 342, or HAW 202; or consent. (Once a year)
Capstone seminar designed to provide a culminating academic experience through in-depth examination, analysis, articulation, and projects relevant to a HWST area of concentration. Repeatable one time. HWST majors only. Senior standing only. A-F only. Pre: 341, 342, [343 or 390 or 490 (or concurrent)] and [207/SUST 217 or 285 or 307/SUST 317 or 356/SUST 356] and [222 or 224 or 225 or 372 or 478]. (Fall only)
Critical examination of existing research; individual or team development, execution, and evaluation of selected projects. Repeatable three times. Pre: senior major in Hawaiian studies or consent.
Identification, extraction and preparation of complexes of aquatic herbs to formulate a healing combination to contribute to maintaining overall health. A-F only. Pre: 107, 285; or consent. (Fall only)
The science of planting and harvesting Hawaiian medicinal plants and exploring production and marketing strategies. Pre: 107, 285 and 385; or consent.
Presents Hawaiian music as it has been an avenue for native social, cultural and political expression in traditional and contemporary society. A-F only. Pre: 107 or 343 or 390; or consent.
Uses Dr. Pualani Kanahele’s Papaku Makawalu methodology to analyze akua as elements and as a paradigm for understanding ancestral knowledge. Senior standing or higher. Pre: 270, 372 (or concurrent), and HAW 301 (or concurrent).
Intensive field methods program to research Mâlama ‘Âina strategies. Introduces students to a variety of field techniques in doing land research and integrating it with historical documents. Travel cost covered by student. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 307 and 457 or consent. (Summer only)
Students will map out indigenous economies by articulating cultural similarity and diversity between academic experience and professional experiences. A-F only. Pre: 107 or consent.
A “hands-on” internship in an environmental or resource-management organization in Hawai‘i. The experience will be broadened and supplemented by classroom lectures, discussion and analysis from traditional Hawaiian, scientific and economic perspectives. A-F only. Pre: 207/SUST 217 or 307/SUST 317 or HWST/SUST 356. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as SUST 460)
Analyzing diverse land and water use strategies of O‘ahu, from traditional Hawaiian, scientific and economic perspectives, through classroom and on-site lectures. Topics include traditional Hawaiian methods, modern development, threatened ecosystems, ecotourism and scientific research. A-F only. Pre: 207/SUST 217 or 307/ SUST 317 or HWST/SUST 356. (Cross-listed as SUST 459)
Overview of the history of land, resources and power in Hawai‘i; players and processes influencing land and natural resources policies today explored from Native Hawaiian and other viewpoints. Extensive use of case studies. Pre: 207/SUST 217 or 307/SUST 317 or HWST/SUST 356 (Cross-listed as SUST 456)
Comprehensive analysis of traditional Hawaiian and modern resource management practices. Rigorous overview of the dominant physical and biological processes from the uplands to the oceans in Hawai‘i. Pre: 207/SUST 217 or 307/SUST 317 or HWST/SUST
356. (Cross-listed as BOT 457 and SUST 457)
Students will actively monitor and practice coastal and ocean stewardship in support of local communities and practitioners while also exploring how the Hawaiian worldview can plan a role in aloha ‘âina conservation movements. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 207 or 307 or 356. (Spring only)
Focus on Hawaiian relationships with Ka Wai Ola a Kane (water), traditional and contemporary water management practices, as well as contemporary resource management issues and native Hawaiian community advocacy for water. Pre: 307 and HAW 202 (or concurrent) or consent.
A Malama ‘Aina and Kukulu ‘Aupuni course that identifies modern options in land access for reestablishing or resuming Hawaiian traditional and customary practices relating to food sovereignty and self-sustainability. HWST majors only. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 207/SUST 217 and 343 and 351; HAW 202 (or concurrent). (Alt. years)
Comprehensive analysis of institutions like Bishop Estate/Kamehameha Schools, OHA, Lili‘uokalani Trust, Department of Hawaiian Home Lands and The Queen’s Hospital. Pre: 342.
Survey course introduces students to a range of methods by beginning with a critical analysis of dominant research methodologies from the perspective of Indigenous scholars. Junior/senior standing only.
Inventorying “Ceded Lands” in Hawai‘i with emphasis on historical, legal, and cultural changes from the Kingdom through statehood. A-F only. Pre: 440 or consent.
Practical guide to the researching of land awards and change in title for a single ahupua‘a, 1848 to present. Focus on field trips. Pre: 342.
(2 cr. Lec, 2 cr. Lab) Explore indigenous concepts through the media of a visiting indigenous master artist by looking at traditional media in indigenous cultures, and the possibilities for contemporary expression in other media. Repeatable one time. HWST majors only. A-F only. Pre: 107, one course in 220 level (222, 224, 225), one course in 320 level (322, 324, 325); or consent. (Once a year)
Students will strengthen their cultural, political, and legal foundations by: (1) reviewing Hawai‘i’s historical traditions and customs, (2) learning legal analysis techniques, and (3) applying those techniques to issues that govern native Hawaiian “rights” today. Sophomore or higher standing. Pre: 107, 270, and 341 (or concurrent) and HAW 102. (Fall only)
Cultural and political aspects of the current Hawaiian movement; historical colonization; conflicts over tourism, the military, and agriculture; forms of native self-determination. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 107 and HAW 202.
(3 Lec, 1 Lab) Advanced study and preparation of Hawaiian medicinal herb combinations. Pre: 107 and 285; or consent.
Introduces the use of Makawalu Methodology to analyze kaona in Hawaiian protocol chants, which influences the oral production of such chants. A-F only. Pre: 270 (or concurrent) and HAW 201 (or concurrent), or consent.
Will look at the use of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands during pre-contact times, the historical period of the Kingdom of Hawai‘i, after the islands were ceded to the U.S., and the contemporary politics that surround the region today. A-F only. Pre: 107 or consent.
A survey of the famous place names in each ahupua‘a of O‘ahu, including accounts of mythical heroes, heiau, fishponds, wind, rain names, and their metaphoric value in Hawaiian literature. Pre: 270, 341, and HAW 202
Undergraduate course exposing students to the resources and processes of the ocean, research, and management approaches, as well as a Hawaiian worldview of oceanic elements. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 107. (Cross-listed as SUST 356)
Study of traditional Hawaiian fishpond management with hands-on experience at He‘eia fishpond near Kane‘ohe, merging traditional Native knowledge and ways of seeing with Western science. A-F only. Pre: 107 and 207/SUST 217. (Once a year)
In depth-study of taro cultivation techniques and systems. A-F only. Pre: 351.
Historical, cultural and philosophical foundations of the cultivation and uses of taro. A-F only. Pre: 107 and 207/SUST 217. (Once a year)
Thematic exploration of some common myths of Hawaiian history, including infanticide, slavery, feudalism, constant warfare, human sacrifice, and a limited pre-contact population, to determine the role of myth making in perceptions of Hawaiian history. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 107 and HAW 202.
Survey of Hawaiian chiefs from 1778 to the present, including genealogy, political function, and historical impact. Pre: 107, 341, or HAW 201.
Survey of major Hawaiian chiefly lineages from the four main islands: Hawai‘i, Maui, O‘ahu and Kaua‘i. Political history from the Kumulipo to Western contact. Pre: 270 and HAW 202.
Discusses theoretical frameworks, main features, and cultural contexts of Hawaiian literature. Pre: 107, 270, and HAW 202; or consent.
Performance based course exploring Kanaka Maoli identity and world view through ancestral knowledge as presented in the Pele and Hi‘iaka epic and preserved in the hula tradition. Pre: 107, 270, HAW 102 or consent. (Fall only)
(2 cr. Lec, 2 cr. Lab) Advanced Native Hawaiian perspective in imagery in print and the material, technical, and conceptual aspects of hand printed imagery. Lecture-lab with studio work time. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 107 and 225, or consent. (Once a year)
Advanced research and expression of personal relationship to specific Hawaiian paradigms through visual culture and language. Students will further their definitions, analysis skills, research, and understandings through painting and drawing media. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 107 and 224, or consent. (Once a year)
(2 cr. Lec, 2 cr. Lab) Examine the customary and contemporary use of fiber materials and the skills used in Hawaiian culture. Research and explore advanced techniques within the media used in traditional Hawai‘i. A-F only. Repeatable one time. Pre: 107 and 222, or consent. (Once a year)
Examine and explore advance techniques within the media and the customary and contemporary uses of a variety of material and skills used in traditional Hawaiian everyday life. Repeatable six times. A-F only. Pre: 107 or 220, or consent. (Once a year)
Requires a broad set of knowledge systems. Will introduce students to a variety of visual technologies for use in resource management and the ethical application of these technologies. Pre: 107. (Cross-listed as SUST 317)
Interdisciplinary lectures and discussions examining traditional and contemporary experiences in Hawaiian society and setting; resources, methods, and techniques. Repeatable one time. Pre: HAW 202 or consent.
Presentation of Hawaiian medicinal herbs including basic philosophy, identification, utilization, and preparation of such herbs for human ailments. Pre: 107 or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Hands on experience on voyaging skills and sailing canoes to accompany 282. Pre: 282 (or concurrent).
Hawaiian and other Oceanic canoe design, navigation, Pacific weather, sailing dynamics for canoes, and sail planning strategies used by Polynesian Voyaging Society navigators for long voyages.
(1 3-hr Lab) Stargazing laboratory to accompany 281. Pre: 281 (or concurrent).
Introduction to Hawaiian views of astronomy and the stars used by Polynesian Voyaging Society navigators. Introduction and comparison to various Pacific island non-instrument navigation systems and star names. Restricted to majors.
Introduction to Hawaiian ancestral understandings of the movements of the sun, moon and stars, and their use in ordering the Hawaiian year in planting, fishing, and ceremony. Repeatable one time. Pre: (107 and 270) with a minimum grade of B.
Survey of gods, ‘aumâkua, kupua, mythical heroes, heroines, and their kinolau as the basis of traditional Hawaiian metaphor. Pre: 107 and HAW 102.
Surveys literature of Native Hawaiians and other Indigenous Peoples, especially to focus on the situational impetus from which these texts were created. Pre: 107. (Fall only)
(2 cr. Lec, 2 cr. Lab) Introduction to Native Hawaiian perspective and world view in images used in print and the basic material, technical, and conceptual aspects of hand printed imagery through the indigenous eyes. A-F only. Pre: 107 or consent. (Once a year)
Research and express personal relationship to specific Hawaiian paradigms through Hawaiian visual culture. Introduction to painting and drawing media and exploration of various materials and techniques as applied to individual student styles. A-F only. Pre: 107 or consent. (Once a year)
(2 cr. Lec, 2 cr. Lab) Introduction to a variety of fibers used in the Hawaiian culture. Emphasis on cultivation, preparation, uses and conservation of the fibers. Areas explored are kapa, plaiting, netting and twining. A-F only. Pre: 107 or consent. (Once a year)
Introduction to a variety of material (fiber, bone, wood, and stone) and skills in the media used in the Hawaiian culture. Research and explore basic techniques within the media with emphasis on cultivation, preparation, uses, and conservation. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 107 or consent.
Examination of the ahupua‘a system as it was conceptualized by the ancient Hawaiians, and exploration of its relevance in modern society; an introductory class to the malama ‘aina track designed to build critical writing skills. A-F only. Pre: 107. (Cross-listed as SUST 217)
An introduction to the unique aspects of the native point of view in Hawai‘i and in the larger Pacific with regards to origins, language, religion, land, art, history, and modern issues.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: consent of instructor and graduate chair.
Research for Plan B project/non-thesis. May include but not limited to internship with cultural practitioner. Repeatable up to six credits. HAW majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: consent of graduate advisor.
Intensive study focusing on original compositions of Hawaiian poetry and song. Pre: 402 and 484, or consent.
Intensive, advanced study and analysis of traditional Hawaiian Ni‘ihau dialect through face-to-face conversations with Ni‘ihau native speakers, listening to audio recordings and watching video recordings of Ni‘ihau native speakers. Pre: (402 and 453) with a minimum grade of B- or consent.
In-depth examination and research into the grammar of Hawaiian including discussion of theories of language and incorporation of meta-language. Pre: 452 or consent. (Once a year)
Survey of existing texts and teaching resources; analysis of student clientele and needs; review of pedagogical approaches for heritage and non-heritage learners; syllabus and materials development; practicum. Pre: 401 and 452 or consent.
Intensive study of an individual author, his/her works and nuances of his/her works. (E) J. H. Kanepu‘u; (I) S. M. Kamakau. Pre: 601 or consent. (Once a year)
Intensive study, research, and analysis of Hawaiian history. Repeatable two times with consent of advisor. Pre: 402 or consent.
The examination of Hawaiian ways of speaking, as contrasted with English focusing on those features that are uniquely Hawaiian and can be said to constitute a Hawaiian worldview. Section 1 taught in Hawaiian; Section 2 taught in English. Pre: 402 or consent for Section 1.
Study of Hawaiian political thought in writing from ca. 1825 to the present, with emphasis on theory and research methods. Pre: 402, 428, and POLS 303; or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 612)
Research methodology course utilizing active research in the major repositories of Hawaiian language materials and Hawaiian-related knowledge. A-F only. Pre: 604 or consent. (Once a year)
Seminar to select and develop students’ research topic, proposal, and organizational plan for Plan A or B completion. Majors are encouraged not to take this course in their first semester of the program. A-F only. (Once a year)
A survey of oral performance styles to build increased oral skills. Pre: graduate standing and 601, or consent.
Analyzes various genres of written Hawaiian literature. HAW majors only. Pre: graduate standing and 402, or consent.
Study of Hawaiian language through vernacular readings in various academic fields. Repeatable up to 6 credits. Pre: 302 and consent.
Assess the linguistic competence of prospective Hawaiian language immersion teachers to assure that all teachers entering the state DOE Hawaiian Immersion Program meet the requirements of the program with respect to Hawaiian language proficiency. CR/NC only. Pre: 402 (or concurrent), and 463 (or concurrent), or consent.
Survey and analysis of traditional proverbs and their kaona or symbolic meanings. A-F only. Pre: 402 or consent.
From design to performance, students mount an original production based on traditional motifs. Repeatable one time. Pre: 402 (or concurrent), or consent.
The creation and authoring of Hawaiian language play scripts based on traditional motifs. Repeatable one time. Pre: 402 (or concurrent) or consent.
Historical survey and analysis of poetry found in traditional chants, folk songs, modern poetry written in Hawaiian. Interpreting and composing Hawaiian poetry. Pre: 302 and consent, or 401.
Will provide students with the opportunity to learn mele, mainly poetry and song, composed specifically for a certain area of Hawai‘i. Pre: 302 or consent.
Examination of curricular issues of indigenous language programs; weekly participation in an immersion classroom; development of materials. Repeatable one time. Pre: 302 or consent.
Examination of the political struggles of the Kula Kaiapuni (Hawaiian Immersion Program)–past and present. Special attention given to federal and state governments, Department of Education, and internal political struggles. Pre: 401 (or concurrent with consent).
Examination of language needs in various classroom settings and introduction to new vocabulary in school content areas. Pre: 302, 452, and consent.
Provide Hawaiian language students with linguistic tools necessary to provide sports education to Hawaiian immersion schools and for basic intergenerational use of Hawaiian in the linguistic domain of sports. (B) basketball; (C) volleyball; (D) football; (E) baseball. Repeatable for other topics.
Development from proto-Polynesian. Phonology, morphology, and grammar; history of research. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) and 452, or consent.
Basic study of ‘Olelo Ni‘ihau. Speaking and listening comprehension will be developed through listening to audio recordings, watching video recordings, and participating in faceto-face conversations with Ni‘ihau native speakers. Pre: 402 (or concurrent) or consent.
Descriptive linguistic analysis. Intensive exercises in advanced grammar. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) or consent.
Study of Hawaiian news media with emphasis on political content. Includes field trips to various archives. Pre: 302 (or concurrent), or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 344)
Problems in translation of: (B) legal documents; (C) newspapers. Pre: 302 or consent.
A study of traditional Hawaiian and contemporary food culture through hands-on applications and lectures. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) or consent.
An experiential approach to the acquisition of vocabulary, which will allow students to broaden and deepen their knowledge of language and the range of domains to perpetuate Hawaiian as a living language. Repeatable one time. Pre: 302 (or concurrent), or consent.
Study and composition of written works in various creative genres of Hawaiian storytelling, with a focus on the adaptation and maintenance of a Hawaiian voice and worldview in writing. Pre: 302 and 331.
Study of traditional Hawaiian language and cultural practices through hands-on applications and lectures. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) or consent.
Study of Hawaiian land tenure practices through readings and discussions of audiotapes, written primary sources, maps, wind names, rain names, ‘olelo no‘eau (wise sayings), and mele (poetry). Readings are drawn from 19th and 20th century Hawaiian newspapers and other primary sources. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) or consent.
Intensive study of Hawaiian political thought in writing and speech. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 303C)
The incorporation of mele and hula performance with mo‘olelo and ka‘ao. Pre: 302 or consent.
Survey of the core literature written by Hawaiian scholars, including both historical and mythological epics and folk tales. Pre: 302.
Survey of the major works by Hawaiian scholars writing about the history and culture of Hawai‘i including David Malo, Kamakau, Kepelino, and John Papa Αi. Pre: 302.
Continuation of 401. Pre: 401 or exam, or consent.
Advanced speaking/conversation, discussion, listening comprehension, reading, writing, and cultural understanding. Conducted in Hawaiian. Transcribing and translating recordings of native speakers in Hawaiian. Pre: 302 or exam, or consent.
Composers and Their Compositions. Provides a venue which will allow students to analyze, dissect and discuss mele (song, poetry and chant), paying close attention to the style of composition by identifying reoccurring nuances found in mele composed by the same as well as various authors. Pre: completion of 202 or consent. (Once a year)
Combined lecture/lab involving students in the planning and production of a weekly Hawaiian language radio broadcast. Includes research, writing, and voicing of mele and their stories on live radio. Repeatable one time. Pre: 302 or 384 (or concurrent with consent), or consent.
A survey course on the study of traditional Hawaiian culture including origins, the socioeconomic system, land tenure, religion, values, and the arts. The course will be taught in Hawaiian. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) or consent.
Lecture offering focused study and creation of Hawaiian language newspapers with a concentration on the characteristics of writing in this genre. Students will produce a monthly newsletter in Hawaiian. Repeatable one time. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) or consent.
Development of listening comprehension through transcription and discussion of tape recordings. Pre: 202.
Intensive work in the grammatical, semantic, and pragmatic dimensions of composition writing in Hawaiian. Pre: 202.
Systematic practice on various topics for control of spoken Hawaiian. Repeatable up to six credit hours. Pre: 202 or consent.
Continuation of 301. Pre: 301 or exam, or consent.
Continuation of 202 with emphasis on increasing proficiency in speaking/conversation, listening, comprehension, reading, writing, and cultural understanding. Conducted in Hawaiian. Pre: 202 or 206 or exam, or consent.
The incorporation of mele and the performance thereof for the enhancement of second language acquisition in Hawaiian. Pre: 102.
Survey of Hawaiian literature, including prose narration and poetry with reference to Polynesian and Western themes and forms.
Content of 201 and 202 covered in one semester. Meets two hours daily, plus lab work. Pre: 102 or 105, or exam.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or exam, or consent.
Continuation of 102 with continued development in the foundational skills of language acquisition: speaking, listening, comprehension, reading, writing, and cultural understanding. Increased emphasis on reading or traditional texts. Pre: 102 or 105 or exam or consent.
Accelerated lecture/lab to bridge fluent speakers mainly from Kula Kaiapuni into Kawaihuelani’s system of Hawaiian that reflects a Hawaiian worldview, including HAW 101-201 content, grammar, writing, and spelling conventions. Students matriculate into HAW 202. Pre: instructor consent required. (Spring only)
Content of 101 and 102 (Elementary Hawaiian I & II) covered in one semester.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or exam or consent.
Introductory course in Hawaiian language focused on the foundational skills of language acquisition: speaking, listening, comprehension, reading, writing, and cultural understanding.
Survival kit for life in Hawai‘i: Introduction to Hawaiian and language related issues enhancing communicative experience in Hawai‘i. Examination of social, cultural, political, and linguistic cross-cultural interaction locally and globally. Taught in English/Hawai‘i Creole English.
Study of an author or phase in Greek studies. Repeatable unlimited times with consent. Pre: any two 300-level GRK courses, or consent.
Selections from Sappho, Alcaeus, and others. Pre: 201 and 202, or consent.
Selections from Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. Pre: 201 and 202, or consent.
Selections from Plato, Aristotle, and others. Pre: 201 and 202, or consent.
Selections from Homer, Hesiod, and others. Pre: 201 and 202, or consent.
Selections from Herodotus, Xenophon, and others. Pre: 201 and 202, or consent.
Continuation of 201: emphasis on poetry. Pre: 201.
Development of reading and translation skills. Emphasis on prose. Pre: 102 or equivalent.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101.
Grammar and vocabulary, with reading of simple Greek.
Discusses the major perspectives on family and gender relations and examines related empirical research. Emphasis is on the cross-cultural comparisons across the U.S. and Asia in the context of globalizing economies and cultures. A-F only. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as SOC 719)
Addresses critical, contemporary, and transnational issues best addressed by cooperative international action. Health issues are examined in the context of intersecting effects of limited resources, socioeconomics, politics, and environmental change. A-F only. (Once a year)
Health Emergencies in Large Populations is run by the Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance and the Red Cross. It provides knowledge, practical skills, and networking for global health practitioners. A-F only.
Directed research in which the student carries out a scientific project of small to moderate scope with one or more chosen advisors. The student must complete a document in the style of a scientific journal article. Repeatable up to six credits. GES majors only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as OCN 499)
Lecture/discussion to provide instruction and experience in oral and written presentation of scientific results and material. GES majors only in their final semester. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as OCN 490)
Combined lecture, discussion, and laboratory on global Earth system databases and satellite instrumentation, including computer laboratory. GES majors only. A-F only. Pre: MATH 242; and 310/310L, or consent. (Cross-listed as OCN 463)
Lab on the diversity and function of the Earth’s microbiomes, inclusive of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, symbiotic and free living microorganisms with a focus on the microbial underpinnings of the Earth’s biogeochemistry. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: OCN 102 or OCN 201 or BOT 305 or BIOL 305, or BIOL 171 and BIOL 172. (Alt years: Fall) (Cross-listed as OCN 454L)
Lecture on the diversity and function of the Earth’s microbiomes, inclusive of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, symbiotic and free living microorganisms with a focus on the microbial underpinnings of the Earth’s biogeochemistry. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: OCN 102 or OCN 201 or BOT 305 or BIOL 305, or BIOL 171 and BIOL 172. (Alt years: Fall) (Cross-listed as OCN 454)
Relationship of biogeochemical cycles in the atmosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere to global chemical cycles and planetary climatic conditions. GES degree foundation and capstone course. GES majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310/310L, OCN 201, BIOL 172/172L, CHEM 162/162L, ERTH 101/101L, MATH 241, MATH 243 & 252A, MATH 373 (or ECON 321), ATMO 200, PHYS 170/170L, and PHYS 272/272L; or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as OCN 401)
Directed reading in earth system science, oceanography, or environmental science. Repeatable up to 6 credits. GES majors only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as OCN 399)
Pollution of freshwater and marine systems by human activities. Causes, consequences, and correctives. GES majors only. Pre: 201, CHEM 161, BIOL 171. (Cross-listed as OCN 320)
(2-hr Lab) Laboratory to supplement OCN 310. Quantitative aspects of global environmental change will be addressed through problem-solving and computer modeling. GES majors only. A-F only. Pre: MATH 242, PHYS 170/170L, CHEM 161/161L, and GES 310; or consent. (Fall only)
Covers the Earth system, including mass and energy transfers, biogeochemical cycles, natural and anthropogenic changes on regional and global scale. GES majors only. Pre: OCN 201, ATMO 200, ERTH 101, ERTH 103, or ERTH 170; or consent.
Introduction to the environment, climate change, and sustainability as they apply to ecosystems. Sustainability will be introduced through active learning exercises that address sustainable development and the three pillars of sustainability. Repeatable one time. A-F only. ((Cross-listed as OCN 102 and SUST 112)
Seminar to introduce new GES majors to the research interests of GES faculty and the research facilities available within SOEST. Restricted to GES majors. CR/NC only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as OCN 100)
Intensive course of formal instruction on the fourth-level in German language and culture in a German-speaking country. Pre: 360 or equivalent.
Individual interpretation complements lectures on theoretical and historical background. Pre: 306 or consent.
Study of German literature, culture and film, 1989 to present. Credit cannot be earned for both 416 and LLEA 416. Pre: 303 or 306 or consent.
(taught in German) Literature, culture, and film of East and West Germany, 1945-1989. Credit cannot be earned for both LLEA 415 and GER 415. Pre: 306 or consent.
Masterworks by Büchner, Raabe, Storm, Keller, Meyer, Hebbel, and others. Pre: 306 or consent.
Novalis, Tieck, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Eichendorff, etc. Pre: 306 or consent.
Classical writings of Goethe and Schiller; some reference to other writers. Pre: 306 or consent.
Lessing and his contemporaries; early dramas of Goethe and Schiller; Goethe’s early lyrics. Pre: 306 or consent.
Use of German in practical situations in Hawai‘i, e.g., in travel industry. Pre: 202.
Modern culture in post-World War II Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Pre: 202 or consent.
German cultural heritage and history in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland until World War II. Pre: 202 or consent.
Intensive course of formal instruction on the third-year level in German language and culture in Germany. Pre: 202 or 260.
Study of German film history, film analysis, film theory, and film study. Lecture/discussion. Repeatable one time, or take LLEA 320 one time, for different topics. 6 cr. limit on GER/LLEA 320 courses. Pre: 303 or 306.
Reading and discussion of representative works of German literature from 1914 to present. Pre: 303 or consent.
Reading and discussion of representative works of German literature from 1750 to 1914. Pre: 303 or consent.
Further development of reading skills through the study of short scholarly, technical, and literary texts. Pre: 202 or consent.
Development of reading skills through the study of short scholarly, technical, and literary texts. Pre: 202 or consent.
Intensive practice in spoken German designed to increase vocabulary and improve oral proficiency. Pre: 202 or 260.
Development of listening and speaking, reading and writing skills through analysis and discussion of media: newspaper articles, radio, and television programs and online sources. Pre: 202 or consent.
Advanced German conversation, reading, and writing with a special emphasis on the vocabulary and cultural context of the German business world. Pre: 202 or consent.
Further development of reading and writing skills through the study of modern short stories by major German language authors. Pre: 202.
Study of syntactic and morphological structures and basic pragmatic principles. Focuses on spoken and written Modern German. Pre: 202 or 260.
Nerve cells, their signaling capabilities and the developmental organization of nervous systems, both invertebrate and vertebrate, for sensory reception, integration, behavioral command and learning;insights from on-going research using molecular,
genetic, biophysical, and imaging methods. Pre: BIOL 275 or consent. (Spring only)
(1 4-hr Lab) Introduction to methodology, experience in characterizing populations and communities. Pre: BIOL 265.
Analysis of the German phonological system and practice in pronunciation. Pre: 202.
Intensive course of formal instruction on the second-year level in German language and culture in Germany. Pre: 102.
Conversation, grammar, reading and writing. Pre: 201.
Conversation, grammar, reading and writing. Pre: 102.
Combined content of 101 and 102 covered in one intensive course. (Summer only)
Conversation, grammar and reading. Pre: 101.
Conversation, grammar and reading.
Introduces medical students to clinical, research, and academic experiences in geriatrics, under the mentorship of faculty members. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 554 or consent. (Fall only)
Four-week elective provides medical students with an overview of geriatric and palliative
medicine in outpatient, inpatient, home care and nursing home settings. Students receive one half-day per week of geriatric medicine didactic seminars and one half-day per week of palliative medicine didactic sessions. CR/NC only.
Medical students will have the opportunity to complete a research project in the field of epidemiology of aging, and present an abstract at a local meeting. Basic principles of epidemiology and statistics will be taught. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: departmental approval.
This four-week rotation provides medical students with an overview of geriatric and palliative medicine in outpatient, inpatient, home care and nursing home settings. Students will receive one half-day per week of geriatric medicine didactic seminars and one half-day per week of palliative medicine didactic sessions. The clinical placements will be provided at several teaching sites including Kuakini Medical Center, Queen’s
Medical Center, the VA, several nursing homes on O‘ahu, Kaiser Permanente, Hospice Hawai‘i, St. Francis Hospice, Kapiolani Hospital, Straub Hospital, and the Pain & Symptom Management Program at Queen’s Medical Center.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Practical hands-on professional experience, typically with a local company or agency, and involving a final written report and an oral presentation. A grade of credit is assigned when the internship presentations are satisfactorily completed. Repeatable up to six credits. MGEO majors only. CR/NC only.
Seminar to improve student awareness of trends and practices in geoscience professions, and develop ability to prepare, deliver, and evaluate a professional scientific presentation. Targets abstract writing, oral presentation, and technical criticism. Repeatable two times. A-F only. (Spring only)
Content to be announced. Repeatable eight times. Pre: consent.
Content to be announced. Repeatable eight times. Pre: consent.
Lecture on elasticity theory, fracture mechanics and boundary element modeling, with application to faults and fractures in the Earth. Pre: consent.
Interpretation of geophysical and laboratory data to understand elastic and anelastic properties, composition, phase relationships, temperature distribution in the Earth. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Linear and nonlinear techniques for model selection, parameter estimation, simulation and forecasting, from Bayesian principles with particular attention to large data sets and sparse noisy data. Pre: 600 or 691. (Alt. years)
Time- and frequency analysis, filtering, factor and cluster analysis, interpolation, quantitative map analysis, and introduction to wavelets and fractals. Pre: 413 or consent.
Introduction to the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT). Processing of scientific data and the automated preparation of maps and illustrations using GMT on UNIX workstations, with introduction to UNIX and the C shell environment.
Study of the paleoceanographic and paleoclimate evolution of the Earth’s oceans, atmosphere and biosphere. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as OCN 674)
Mineralogical and compositional characteristics of extraterrestrial matter and the implications for the origin and history of the solar system. The subject is treated in two full-semester courses: (B) meteorites; (C) petrology of the Moon and Mars. Pre: consent.
Evolution of ocean basins, margins, foldbelts, and platforms, from plate tectonics and regional syntheses of structure, petrology, geophysics, and stratigraphy. Repeatable eight times. (Alt. years)
Spectroscopic, radar, thermal, and other methods for remote sensing applied to geologic problems; instrumental design and data analysis. (B) planets; (C) volcanoes. Pre: 666 or consent.
Formation and evolution of planets as astrophysical objects, geologic bodies, and abodes of life; current understanding from studies of the Solar System, star formation, meteorites, exoplanets; theory of formation and dynamics; atmospheres, oceans, habitability, biosignatures. Pre: 325 or CHEM 351 (or equivalent); or consent. (Alt. years)
Comparative geology of terrestrial planets (moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Earth); impact cratering, volcanism, geomorphology; remote sensing; manned and unmanned space exploration. Pre: 601, ASTR 630; or consent. (Alt. years)
Formation of astrobiologically important molecules and their precursors in the interstellar medium and in our solar system: first principles and latest trends. Pre: consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as ASTR 657 and CHEM 657)
Introduction to the finite-difference method; steady-state and transient groundwater flow in saturated and unsaturated media; applications to groundwater recharge and aquifer evaluation. A-F only. Pre: CEE 627 or consent. (Cross-listed as CEE 623)
Principles of groundwater chemistry; chemical evolution in natural groundwater flow systems; sources of contamination; mass transport processes; hydrochemical behavior of contaminants. Pre: 455.
Magnetic fields of Earth, planets, stars, and galaxies; dynamo theories; paleomagnetism; terrestrial and lunar rock magnetism; planetary, regional, and local geomagnetic sounding. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)
Geochemical thermodynamics and kinetics and their use in interpreting the origin of sediments, sedimentary rocks, and natural waters over a range of pressure-temperature conditions. Pre: CHEM 171, or CHEM 161 and CHEM 162; PHYS 152; and MATH 242 or MATH 252A; and consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as OCN 644)
Changes in the chemical composition of meteorites, bulk Earth, Earth’s mantle and crust, sedimentary rocks, hydrosphere and biosphere, and underlying principles. Pre: consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as OCN 642)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Environment of deposition and subsequent diagenesis of modern and ancient sediments. Petrogenesis of siliciclastic, carbonate and orthochemical rocks. Sedimentology, sedimentary petrography and geochemistry. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as OCN 641)
Geochemistry at the land-ocean interface: coastal hydrology, subterranean estuaries and coastal mixing and their importance in governing the distribution of selected radiotracers, trace metals and nutrients. Combined lecture-lab with field trips and group projects. Pre: CHEM 162, and MATH 241 or MATH 251A; or consent. (Alt. years)
Stable isotope geochemistry applied to questions of biogeochemical cycling in the oceans, sediment diagenesis, paleoceanography, environmental geochemistry and ecology. Pre: 325 or consent. (Alt. years)
Global view of the planet and how it functions as an integrated unit. Biogeochemical processes, dynamics, and cycles, and analysis of natural and human-induced environmental change. Chemical history of ocean-atmospheric-sediment system and co-evolution of the biota. Repeatable one time. Pre: BS in environmentally related science or one year of chemistry, physics, and calculus; or consent. (Cross-listed as OCN 638)
Elasticity, wave equations, body waves, surface waves, free oscillations, seismometry, seismogram interpretation, tectonics, inversion, source theory, and waveform modeling. Pre: 600 or consent.
Fundamental theory and practical applications of the use of gravity, magnetics, and heat conduction to probing the structure of the Earth; heat transfer via mantle convection is a major control on Earth’s internal structure. Pre: (with a minimum grade of B-) for PHYS 170, PHYS 272, and MATH 307 or ERTH 312 (or equivalent). (Spring only)
Continuum mechanics in geophysics, as applied to the deformation of Earth materials (elastic, viscous, viscoelastic, and plastic deformations) and seismic wave propagation (body waves, surface waves, anisotropy, and attenuation). Pre: (with a minimum grade of B-) for PHYS 170, PHYS 272, and MATH 307 or ERTH 312 (or equivalent). (Fall only)
Finite difference, finite element, and other modeling techniques applied to geological and geophysical problems. Physical modeling of heat flow, molecular diffusion, solidification and melting, deformation, fluid flow, wave propagation, and other phenomena. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Once a year)
Theory and applications of contaminant/pollutant distribution in the hydrosphere-geosphere-biosphere-atmosphere system and remediation methods. Topics include aqueous geochemistry, organic, inorganic, gas phase and isotope chemistry of environmental contaminants. Pre: 325 or consent. (Spring only)
Combined lecture-lab on the principles of geochemical analysis by electron microprobe and X-ray fluorescence. Hands-on experience with the electron microprobe. Required to operate the UH electron microprobe. Pre: 301 or consent.
Geological history and geologic framework of the Hawaiian shoreline. Modern climate change, paleoclimate, focus on sea level change. Modern coastal management and problems in the coastal environment. Coastal planning. Repeatable one time, credit earned one time. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as SUST 627)
Designed for students who have collected data and want to know how to publish their work in a scientific journal. Covers the essential parts of paper preparation and submission. ERTH students only. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years: fall)
Literate programming with R, RStudio, and R Markdown for data analysis and research. Introduction to Matlab for rapid modeling. Emphasis on the preparation of research papers for scholarly publication in the Earth and environmental sciences. Pre: competence in basic differential and integral calculus. (Fall only)
Shipboard and land-based projects. Repeatable eight times. Pre: consent.
Exploratory data analysis, error propagation, probability theory and statistics, curve fitting, regression, sequence and spectral analysis, multivariate analysis, and analysis of directional data. Credit earned only one time for either 413 or 613. Pre: 250 and MATH 242 (or concurrent), or consent. (Fall only)
Lecture presenting a rapid-paced survey of earth sciences for graduate students. Includes origin of the Solar System, tectonics, volcanology, whole-earth composition, phase transformations, petrology (igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary), historical geology, and hydrology. Saturday field trips. (Fall only)
Seminar in which students present a 15- to 20-minute talk on their research or a related topic. Meets once a week with two to three talks per meeting. Graduate students are required to register for this course once per year. Repeatable eight times.
For ERTH graduate students who lead, under faculty supervision, a scheduled class in Geology and Geophysics. The instructor will define the student’s responsibilities when offering ERTH 609, and these responsibilities must be met for a passing grade. As the consent to take the class must also be granted by the department chair, the chair will also review the responsibilities required by the instructor. ERTH graduate students only. CR/NC only. Pre: consent of instructor and department chair.
Principles of radiogenic and stable isotope, and trace element geochemistry as applied to igneous petrology, mantle dynamics, plate tectonics, and terrestrial evolution. Pre: 302 and 325. (Alt. years)
Seminar exploring different aspects of submarine effusive and explosive volcanism, hydrothermal activity, and volcano-hosted ecosystems. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 300 or consent. (Alt.years: fall)
Discussion of active areas of volcanism and new publications on volcanology. Repeatable four times. Pre: 300 (or concurrent) or consent.
Effusion eruptions: from eruption to final flow form. Includes: rheology, effusion rate, heat loss, and field measurements, followed by inflation, flow forms, lava lakes, domes, flow hazard and modeling. Field trips to Kilauea and Makapuu. A-F only. Pre: 300 or consent. (Alt. years)
Combined lecture/discussion in disaster management focusing on the scientific understanding of the forces and processes underlying natural hazards; and human attempts to respond to these through mitigation and planning activities. Pre: PLAN 670 or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as PLAN 671)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Petrogenesis of the oceanic lithosphere, including mantle processes and rocks from mid-ocean ridges, seamounts, oceanic hotspots, back-arc basins, and intra-oceanic arcs. Pre: 302 or consent. (Alt. years)
Derivation of phase diagrams from basic thermodynamics principles. Equilibria of natural silicate systems. Crystal chemistry, kinetics, diffusion, etc., Applied to igneous and metamorphic petrology. Pre: 302, 325, and CHEM 351 (or concurrent); or consent. (Alt. years)
Explosive volcanic eruptions: from causes to consequences. Review of current physical volcanology including ascent and fragmentation of magma, transport and deposition processes in pyroclastic eruptions, volcanic crisis management and volcanic eruption scenarios. Seven-day field trip. A-F only. Pre: 300 or consent.
Least-square approximation of functions by orthogonal series; potential, wave heat flow equations; boundary value problems; Bessel Hankel functions, spherical harmonics, potential theory, plane waves, spherical waves; emphasis on geophysics application. Pre: MATH 244 or MATH 253A, PHYS 400, or consent.
Designed for in-service school professionals to learn new approaches and concepts in the fields of earth and planetary sciences. Repeatable for credit. Credits earned in these courses cannot be applied for graduate degrees.
Directed research in which the student carries out a scientific project of small to moderate scope with one or more chosen advisors. The student must complete a document in the style of a scientific journal article. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Comparative geology of the terrestrial planets (moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Earth); impact cratering, volcanism, tectonism, geomorphology, weathering; manned and unmanned space exploration. Pre: any 100-level ERTH course.
Combined lecture/lab covering the collection, analysis and use of geospatially registered field data. Pre: 200 (or equivalent). (Alt. years)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Combined lecture-lab on the concepts behind, geologic uses for, and techniques of satellite and airborne remote sensing. Lab work will consist of computer image processing. Field trips. Open to non-majors. Pre: 200 or consent. (Spring only)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Occurrence, characteristics, movement, quality, development, and contamination of water in the Earth’s crust.
Solutions of geotechnical problems by geologists and engineers through recognition, characterization, evaluation, and assessment of geologic processes that impact people, engineering structures, and engineering operations. Group format. ERTH, GEOL, and CEE majors only. Junior standing and higher. Pre: consent. (Spring only)
Earthquakes and crustal deformation through modern seismological and geodetic observations; elastic properties of rocks, seismic waves, causes, detection, and location of earthquakes; crustal motions of the earthquake cycle; tsunami generation, liquefaction, and planetary observations. Pre: MATH 241 and PHYS 170, or consent. (Alt. years)
Combined lecture/lab covering basic geophysical theories, exploration, and interpretation. Seismic reflection and refraction, gravity, and electromagnetics. Constraints on models of Earth’s internal structure and composition. Pre: 250, 303, MATH 241, MATH 242, and PHYS 272; or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Quantitative geometrical analysis techniques of plate tectonics theory; instantaneous and finite rotation poles; triple-junction analysis; plate boundary stresses. Pre: 200 or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as OCN 444)
Theory and applications of contaminant/pollutant distribution in the hydrosphere-geosphere-biosphere-atmosphere system, remediation methods, prevention, industrial/agricultural best practices. Topics include aqueous geochemistry, organic, inorganic, gas phase, and ecosystem impacts of environmental contaminants. Pre: CHEM 161 and CHEM 162, or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as SUST 425)
Sediments, structure, geophysics, geochemistry, history of ocean basins and margins. Pre: 200 and 302 or consent. (Cross-listed as OCN 423)
Global and local aspects of climate change and paleoclimate; beach and reef processes and response to climate change; management of coastal environments; field study local sites. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST
Exploratory data analysis, error propagation, probability theory and statistics, curve fitting, regression, sequence and spectral analysis, multivariate analysis, and analysis of directional data. Pre: 250 and MATH 242 (or concurrent) or consent.
Gain professional training, practical experience, and evaluate peers on giving scientific presentations emphasizing topics in geology, geophysics, and planetary science. 60% of the grade is based on the equivalent of three oral communication assignments. Pre: 170 (or 101 and 101L, or 103 and 101L) and 200.
Lecture and discussion on the origin, distribution and exploitation of fossil fuels, renewable energy resources and ore deposits. Coverage and detail will depend partly on student interest and background. Pre: consent.
Evaluates ethical practice of geoscience as it relates to studies of natural disasters that result from geological and meteorological phenomena and the means that earth scientists interact with the laymen. Pre: 101, 103, 104, or 170. (Once a year)
Essential techniques for remote compositional analysis of planets; understanding spectroscopy, mineralogy, and geochemistry of planetary surfaces. Comparative studies of fundamental planetary science phenomena. Planetary surface science discoveries. Sustainability of planetary environments. Repeatable one time. Pre: (101 or 105 or 107 or ASTR 150; and CHEM 161; and MATH 241 and 242 and PHYS 272) with a minimum grade of C+; or consent.
Consists of lectures, discussions, and field trips about the geology of the Hawaiian islands. Focus on geological processes and the geologic history of all islands will be covered. Pre: 302 and 303; or consent.
Scientific study of the materials that make up the Earth. Properties of minerals on micro- and macro-scales; their properties and behavior. Pre: 302 and PHYS 272, or consent. (Alt. years)
Directed reading in earth sciences. Repeatable up to six credits. Junior/ Senior standing only. Pre: consent.
Experiential approach to earth science; students serve as interns to field professionals; responsibilities include supervised field work. Open to undergraduate SOEST majors. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: junior/senior standing and consent.
Theory and applications of chemical principles and chemical analysis to Earth, ocean and environmental sciences; chemistry of hydrosphere-geosphere-biosphere system, origin/differentiation of Earth/Solar system, volcanic processes, natural radioactivity, organic/inorganic chemistry. Pre: 200, 250, MATH 241 or MATH 251A, CHEM 162 (or concurrent); or consent. (Fall only)
Advanced mathematical methods with emphasis on application to the earth and ocean sciences and engineering. Topics include linear algebra, vector calculus, ordinary differential equations, and numerical methods. Pre: MATH 242 or consent. (Cross-listed as OCN 312)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles of sedimentology, sedimentary petrology, geochemistry and stratigraphy. Description and discussion of modern and past processes and environments that form sedimentary rocks, properties of sedimentary rocks and interpretation of these properties and stratigraphic relationships in terms of Earth history. Repeatable one time. Pre: 200 or consent. (Spring only)
Physical properties of water, geological aspects of surface water and ground water occurrence, surface water and groundwater resources, use, and problems. Pre: 200 or consent. (Alt. years: fall)
Methods used in geological investigations in the field. Eight hours on Saturday in the field. Pre: 302, 303, and 309; or consent.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Essentials of geophysics: formation of Solar System and Earth, gravity, seismology, heat flow, geomagnetism, isostasy, plate tectonics. Course work involves application of basic physics to understanding Earth structure. Labs include field surveys and computer analyses. Pre: 250, 303, MATH 241, MATH 242, and PHYS 272; or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to (a) the geometry, kinematics, and mechanics of crustal deformation, and (b) continuum mechanics in geology. Develops skills in three-dimensional thinking through geologic maps, cross sections, various projections, experiments, and vector analyses. Pre: 200, 250, MATH 241 or MATH 251A, and PHYS 151 or PHYS 170; or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Survey of composition, classification, and occurrence of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Hand-specimen identification and optical petrography of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Development of critical thinking and writing skills. Pre: 301 or consent.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Crystallography, crystal chemistry, phase equilibria, and crystal structures. Also covers mineral optics and identification and includes an introduction to modern methods of mineralogy and crystallography. Pre: 200 and (CHEM 162/162L or CHEM 171/171L). or consent.
Volcanic eruptions and their consequences. Includes models for volcanic eruptions including explosive eruptions and lava flows, monitoring of active volcanoes, evaluation and impacts of volcanic hazards, and mitigation of volcanic risk. Field trips. Normally fall. ERTH and GEOL majors or consent. Pre: 200 or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to solving scientific problems by computer programming. Overview of the MatLab programming language and environment. Emphasis placed on good style, logical reasoning, and applied mathematics. Pre: MATH 241 (or concurrent).
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Origin and age of the solar system and earth: interior of the earth; plate tectonics and records of biological evolution and past environments. Pre: 170, or 101 and 101L, or 103 and 101L; or consent. 101L may be taken concurrently. ERTH and GEOL majors only. Consent required for all non-majors.
Lower division reading and research in any area of ERTH under the direction of a faculty member. Repeatable four times or up to six credits. CR/NC only.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Structure, composition and evolution of Earth; processes responsible for formation, deformation and transformation of rocks; plate tectonics. Emphasis on quantitative methods, problem solving and critical thinking to geology. Laboratory and field trips required.
Introduction to pre-calculus math and physics applied to Earth and environmental science. Students work on real-world problems and engage in participatory learning. Preparatory for classes in calculus and physics. Pre: MATH 134, 161, or MATH assessment exam (with score required for MATH 140). (Fall only) (Cross-listed as ATMO 150 and OCN 150)
Examines how natural hazards have affected the course of human culture and societies from pre-history to the present in Hawai‘i/Oceania, Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. A-F only. (Spring only)
Introductory course covering the causes of, and effects from, earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic eruptions, landslides, rockfalls, and other natural geologic phenomena. Open to non-majors. Field trips. (Alt. years)
Examines the origin and classification of volcanoes, volcanic eruptions, and volcanic deposits. Includes the history of volcanic studies, myths, and legends. Emphasis on volcanic eruptions, eruptive products, volcanic hazards, and risk management. (Spring only)
Explore the wonders of the Solar System through hands-on experience of science. Will study satellite images, evaluate planetary surface observations, analyze data of objects in our Solar System, conduct experiments, and communicate their findings. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Prepares students to make decisions such as where to build/buy a house, sustainable use of natural resources, and what environmental actions relevant to society and Earth’s ecosystem are appropriate on a local and global scale. A-F only. (Cross-listed as SUST 116)
An illustrated voyage through the Solar System based on recent scientific results. The class highlights the origin, evolution, and current knowledge of the eight planets, their moons, asteroids, comets, and one star, the Sun. Field trip. (Cross-listed as ASTR 150)
Lecture with field trips covering the manner in which geological conditions, resources, and events have affected past and present circum-Pacific societies.
Hawaiian geology and geologic processes: origin of Hawaiian islands, volcanism, rocks and minerals, landforms, stream and coastal processes, landslides, earthquakes and tsunamis, groundwater, geologic and environmental hazards. Field trip.
Introductory mathematical approaches to quantifying key aspects of global and environmental change. Includes data analysis, graphical representation and modeling of population growth, greenhouse gas emissions and fate, sustainable resource utilization, and sea level change. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as SUST 113)
(1 3-hr Lab) Hands-on study of minerals, rocks, and topographic maps. Examine volcanism, hydrology, coastal processes and hazards, geologic time and earthquakes. Field trips to investigate landslides, beaches and O‘ahu geology. A-F only.
The natural physical environment; the landscape; rocks and minerals, rivers and oceans; volcanism, earthquakes, and other processes inside the Earth; effects of human use of the Earth and its resources. Field trip.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Advanced seminar on social production of space. Topics include spatial metaphor in social theory; western spatiality from the renaissance through the enlightenment, modernity and post modernity; and geography of the body, home, landscape, and nation. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
(Cross-listed as SUST 763)
Two forces shape the Pacific: Imperial geopolitical efforts and indigenous environmental knowledge and practices. Analyzes how the ongoing history of war and environmental struggles make and remake the region and the world.
Topics vary; may include borders, boundaries, geopolitics, homelands, identity politics, nations and nationalism, social categorization, the sovereign state system, territoriality. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Once a year)
Examination of resource management problems in Asia and the Pacific. Problems of resource use—agriculture, forestry, energy, minerals, ocean, air quality. Pre: graduate status.
Graduate seminar to provide geography students a roadmap through the important literature and research on political economic theories of population, natural, and critical resources. Graduate standing only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Study and discussion of significant topics, problems. (B) regional and locational analysis; (C) geography, environment, and culture; (H) Multi-objective decision analysis. Repeatable two times. Pre: 455.
Current understanding of geomorphological concepts, processes, and the dynamic relationship between human landscape modification and system response. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Elements of research design, practical field experience, exposure to research and ideologies, broad exposure to heritage and ethos of the discipline. Pre: 695.
Concepts, theory, models. Geographic approaches to spatial and environmental problems. Required of entering graduate students unless waived by department. Pre: consent.
Survey of tools for evaluating risks to human health from technological and natural hazards. Historical and international context of methods.
Graduate seminar required of all department MA students and PhD students. Single credit course in which faculty present ongoing research in their fields. Pre: consent. Co-requisite: 695.
The application of geostatistics to estimate spatial dependence to improve soil and regional sampling; provide insight into underlying soil, geographic, and geologic process, and to provide quantitative scaling up of point measurements to fields, regions, and watersheds. State-space modeling also will be included. A-F only. Pre: 388 or ZOOL 631; or consent. (Cross-listed as TPSS 680)
Investigation of geographic problems of Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia. Repeatable with consent of instructor. Pre: consent
Repeatable with consent of instructor. Pre: consent.
Selected physical and human features that represent economic, social, and political life of modern Japan. Repeatable with consent of instructor. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as ASAN 652)
Concepts and theories of community, resource access, and governance. Practical challenges to CBNRM in contemporary political economy. Pre: graduate standing. (Cross-listed as PLAN 639)
Theories of globalization and sustainability in development, impacts of globalization and sustainability on development planning and policy formation, selected case studies of Asia-Pacific development. Pre: (ASAN 600 or PLAN 630) with a grade of B or above. (Cross-listed as ASAN 638 and PLAN 638)
Theories and practice of development; how changing development paradigms shape different ideas concerning the environment and the management of natural resources; emerging debates in development and environment in post-modern era. (Cross-listed as PLAN 637)
Seafood production in Southeast Asia, including both regional fisheries and aquaculture. Case studies used to illustrate challenges to the implementation of sustainable seafood production and emerging approaches, such as community supported seafood. (Cross-listed as ASAN 633)
Key issues and policies in urban planning, rural-urban relations, rural regional planning, and frontier settlement in Asia and the Pacific. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as PLAN 630)
Resource development and use in a time perspective. Ecological and socioeconomic impacts, concepts, definitions, and methodology. (B) renewable; (C) nonrenewable. Pre: consent.
Theory and practice of environmental impact assessment. Policy and planning frameworks supporting environmental assessment in the U.S. and abroad. Cumulative environmental effects and strategic environmental assessment. (Cross-listed as PLAN 622)
Theory and practice of coastal planning and management in the U.S. and abroad. Case studies investigate topics such as coastal land conservation, marine protected areas, coastal hazards, fisheries, and aquaculture. Repeatable one time with consent. (Crosslisted as PLAN 623)
Will critically examine what constitutes progress, advancement, or betterment in this highly uneven world, where inter-regional, inter-class, inter-group, and inter-gender differences in development are expanding. Graduate standing only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Role and potential of systems science in analysis of human environment interaction, especially resource management. Framework and methodology for problem structuring; overview of techniques. Pre: graduate standing or advanced undergraduate standing with consent.
Social and cultural analysis of tourism practices, with emphasis on Hawai‘i, Asia and the Pacific. Tourism in relation to consumer culture, transnational flows of people and images, post-colonial politics, performance and identity formation. (Cross-listed as ANTH 610)
Methods of determining energy budget and water balance; applications in agriculture, hydrology, climatic classifications. Theory of climatic change. Bibliography. Pre: 300 or 400 or 401 or 402 or 405 or ATMO 303 or ATMO 310 or ATMO 320; or consent.
Geography majors conduct research under faculty supervision on a topic of their choice. Minimum GPA of 3.0 and consent. Repeatable two times, up to six credits. GEO majors only. Senior standing only.
Current and historical geographic literature provides a background for local and global issues. Through discussion, written reviews, and research reports, the geographic perspective in modern life will be explored. Pre: senior GEO major.
Internship in applied geography under professional and faculty supervision. Field placement integrated with academic study. Repeatable up to six credit hours maximum. Pre: senior major and consent.
Preparation of research paper under individual faculty supervision. Recommended for admission to graduate program. Pre: senior GEO major and consent.
(2 Lec, 1 2-hr lab) Applications of GIS technologies to solve real-world problems in natural and environmental sciences. Research project, lab. Pre: 388 or consent.
(3 2-hr Lab) Introduction to interactive web mapping techniques for sharing and visualizing various forms of geospatial data. Requires basic knowledge about GIS. Pre: consent.
Techniques for field measurement and recording of cultural and physical data. Field sketching, Brunton surveying, plane table mapping, oblique photo compilation, topographic mapping, and representation of field data. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as ANTH 471)
Environmental mapping and analysis using 3-dimensional geographical data acquired from high resolution remote sensing systems. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Spring only)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to the principles of remote sensing and image processing skills. Topics include electromagnetic spectrum, sensors, aerial photo and satellite imagery interpretation, geometric and radiometric correction, digital image processing. Research project, lab. Pre: 370 or consent.
Selected topics in geography not offered in the regular geography curriculum. Pre: 101 or 102 or 151, or consent.
Explores the relationship between environment and society in the Chinese society, including both traditional nature-culture connections and modern human-environmental issues. Examines China’s long-range cultural change, environmental transformations, and modern development challenges. Pre: 102 or 151, or consent.
Geographical factors underlying conflict in the world. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as PACE 436)
The geopolitics of the oceans and the law of the sea as applied to regions of conflict and cooperation in marine resource development and preservation. Focus on Indo-West Pacific, South China Sea, Arctic Ocean. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent.
Examines cultural practices of tea in different parts of the world, focusing on history and culture of tea in China, Japan, and England. Also includes changing technologies and economies of tea worldwide. Junior standing or higher.
Human interaction with the environment. How market, property institution, and technological change affect the environment. Epistemological basis of environmental policies. Debates on controversial environmental issues. Pre: 102, 151, or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 426)
Examines contemporary geographical debates related to concepts of discourse, identity, space/place, power, representation, and popular culture. Considers various landscapes of popular culture and how popular culture mediate a sense of place, geopolitics, and identity formation. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent.
Spatial dynamics and environmental implications of urban and rural development. Concepts of regions, process of regional development, patterns of spatial interaction, and theoretical bases for development strategies; emphasis on Hawai‘i. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent.
Introduction to the law and policies concerning the marine environment, commerce and security. Role of science, law and politics in historical and current policies for maritime trades, navigation safety, marine resources, and marine exploration. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent.
Examines historical and contemporary development of the global agro-food systems. The impacts of technological, political and economic changes to food security, environment and development. Open to non-majors. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 423)
Origins, functions, and internal structure of cities. Problems of urban settlement, growth, decay, adaptation, and planning in different cultural and historical settings. Dynamics of urban land use and role of policies and perceptions in shaping towns and cities. Pre: 102 or 151 or 330, or consent. (Cross-listed as PLAN 421)
Principles of nature-based tourism, including a survey of impacts, objectives, planning, and management systems. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 324/TIM 324 or TIM 101. (Cross-listed as TIM 415 and SUST 415)
Investigation of the forces behind natural and technological hazards, and human actions that reduce or increase vulnerability to natural disasters. Junior standing or higher.
Management of land, water resources, coastal fisheries, forests and agriculture. Focus on problems facing Hawai‘i and the Pacific. A-F only. Pre: junior standing or higher.
Introduction to analytical methods for identifying, measuring, and quantifying the impacts of changes or interventions in resource, human-environment, and other geographic systems. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. (Alt. years)
Study of past environments to understand present and future global change. Focus on terrestrial Quaternary environments and global processes. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 413)
Human impacts through time on vegetation, animals, landforms, soils, climate, and atmosphere. Special reference to Asian/Pacific region. Implications of long-term environmental change for human habitability. Pre: with a minimum grade of B, one of 101, BIOL 101, BIOL 123 and either 322 or BIOL 310; or consent. (Cross-listed as BIOL 410)
Coevolution of human societies and plants over the last 10,000 years. Foraging, farming and urban societies economies; spread and modification of selected plants; issues of preservation of genetic resources and traditional plant knowledge. The form and function of gardens. A-F only. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent.
Theories and techniques for the analysis of spatial microevolutionary patterns, taught from an interdisciplinary perspective. Examples and readings emphasize Hawai‘i and the Pacific region. Pre: either 309, BIOL 265 or ZOOL 485, or consent. (Alt. years)
Water fluxes in the environment. Occurrence and movement of water; methods of quantification. Water balance of soil-plant system: precipitation, interception, infiltration, runoff, soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and groundwater recharge. Pre: 101 or 300 or 400 or 401 or 402 or ATMO 101 or ATMO 200 or ATMO 302 or ATMO 303 or ATMO 310, or consent.
Examination of air quality problems from scientific and policy perspectives. Includes case studies that explore economic, political, technical, and legal aspects of pollution control. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent.
Introduction to the single most important geomorphic agent shaping the terrestrial environment. Focus on fluvial process, fluvial dynamics, fluvial landforms, and sediment transport. Pre: 101/101L or 303 or ERTH 101/101L.
Analyzing climatic data; relation to photosynthesis, phenological development, and crop yields. Crop-weather models as guides to improved land-use planning and agronomic practices. Pre: 101 or 300 or 400 or 401 or 405 or ATMO 101 or ATMO 200 or ATMO 302 or ATMO 303 or ATMO 310, or consent.
Approaches to the study of past and future climate change. Pre: 101 or 300 or 401 or 402 or 405 or ATMO 101 or ATMO 200 or ATMO 302 or ATMO 303 or ATMO 310, or consent.
Role of vegetation in the climate system; links to hydrology and biogeochemical cycling; vegetation and climate history; evolution of terrestrial ecosystems; effects of global warming. Pre: 101 or 300 or 401 or 402 or 405 or ATMO 101 or ATMO 200 or ATMO 302 or ATMO 303 or ATMO 310, or consent.
Limited to senior majors with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or a minimum GPA of 3.0 in geography.
Introduction to spacial analysis and GIS for social science studies, using open-source GIS tools to collect, visualize, and analyze social data; public health, socio-economic and social media data. Requires basic knowledge about GIS.
Design, implementation, and use. Database construction and documentation. Techniques for spatial data manipulation and display. Evaluation of existing systems. Student research projects.
Quantitative statistical methods will be explored for describing and interpreting geographic/environmental phenomena. Topics will include data display, measurement, sampling, spatial statistics, dimensional analysis, nonparametric and parametric models. Pre: 101 or 102 or 151 (or concurrent) or consent.
(3 2-hr Lab) Compilation, design and production of maps for presentations, research, and illustration using artists and mapping software. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles of cartography: compilation and measurement from aerial photographs, alternate forms of data presentation, symbolism, design, and map projection.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle systems) and the measurement, interpretation, analysis, and use of photography acquired by UAV and other aerial systems.
Regional, physical, cultural geography. Detailed study of people and resources.
Development of Honolulu and O‘ahu from 1778. Evolution of function, land use, and social patterns. Contemporary planning and environmental issues arising from urban growth.
Physical character of the Pacific; cultural, political, economic geography of Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia (except Hawai‘i).
An investigation of the development context of Southeast Asia including socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental resources. Problems and prospects for change. (Cross-listed as ASAN 356)
Introduction to physical and human geography of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Himalayan kingdoms. Environmental, economic, social, cultural, and political factors in development.
Topics: environmental parameters and resource base, ecological control and resource management, institutional and technological transformation of agriculture, industrial potential and industrial location, settlement patterns and rural urban symbiosis.
Regional synthesis of physical and cultural features; economic, social, political geography; origins and development of cities.
Overview of the physical and cultural geography. Regions and characters. Patterns of population, natural resources, industry, agriculture, and transportation/ communication networks. Pre: 101 or 102 or 151, or consent.
Examines the political organization of space in the sovereign state system. Contemporary and historical analyses of boundaries, geopolitics, homelands, nations, nationalism, and territory. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Introduction to cultural geography, the cultural landscape, and perceptions of the environment across different cultures. Pre: 102 or 151, or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 330)
Examines the geography of resources and environmental change with a holistic and multi-scale perspective. Social approaches to resolving environmental problems. (Cross-listed as SUST 326)
Tourist landscape in relation to resources, spatial patterns of supply and demand, impacts of tourism development, and models of tourist space. Flows between major world regions. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as TIM 324)
Debates on globalization and development, population and resources; root causes of environmental degradation; impacts of globalization on environmentalism and environmental change; social approaches to managing environmental change. Junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as SUST 322)
Examines how factors of production like land, labor and capital; economic activities like consumption, trade, production, and investments; and institutions like state, markets, and corporations alter economic space. A-F only. Pre: 102 or 151. (Fall only)
Analysis of environmental potential and constraints and of spatial organization of economy and society of tropical agrarian systems. Emphasis on change through colonial and post-colonial periods.
Perspectives on planning; planning tools and methods; specific Hawai‘i planning–research problems from a multidisciplinary approach. Pre: junior standing or consent.
Introduction to ecosystem concept; environmental adaptations for energy and nutrient transfer; characteristics, dynamics, productivity, and distribution of principal vegetation communities. Human dominance. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Interaction of people with water at household, community, regional, national, and international scales, from cultural, political, economic, and biophysical perspectives. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 315)
Introduction to geomorphological concepts, process mechanics, and relationships between forms and processes. Emphasis on various subdisciplines of geomorphology: coastal hillslopes, fluvial, aeolean, and glacial. Pre: 101 and 101L, or ERTH 101 and ERTH 101L.
Use and abuse of natural resources and humanity’s progress toward developing a sustainable relationship with its supporting environment. A-F only. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as SUST 314)
Elements and controls of climate. World patterns of insolation, temperature, evaporation, precipitation, atmospheric circulation. Climatic classifications. Pre: 101 or ATMO 101 or ATMO 200, or consent.
Elements of economic geography and resource management, population and urban geography; application to current problems of developed and underdeveloped worlds.
Cartographic representation and meaning in a digital age. Earth models, map projections, coordinate systems, scale, distance, and direction. Data types and transformations in graphic and digital representation. Manual, automated, and web-based map making and analysis.
World’s major cultural regions; geographic aspects of contemporary economic, social, political conditions.
A survey of field and laboratory methods commonly used by physical geographers. Pre: 101 (or concurrent).
Introduction to physical geography including weather, climate, vegetation, soils, geology, and landforms. Environmental issues and natural hazards.
Study of authors or a period. Repeatable two times with consent. Pre: consent of instructor and French graduate advisor.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of department chair.
Historical development; major dramatists who have influenced movements or established techniques. Pre: 6 credit hours at 400 level.
Novels which have influenced movements or established techniques. Repeatable two times with consent.
Genesis and evolution of literary genres from the 12th to 15th centuries. Epic, romance, lyric poetry, prose, and drama.
Origins and development of French language in its cultural context. Contrastive analysis.
Advanced practice in translation into French and from French to English in various fields (literature, business, medicine, other), with reflection on choices. Readings in translation theory. Repeatable one time.
Philosophic movements and their impact on the social, political, and literary life of the period and the modern era.
Dramatic or prose works of the classical period.
Poetry, theater, prose. Emphasis on Montaigne and Rabelais. Lectures, discussions, reports.
Authors and movements of modern period.
Reading of scholarly and technical French for graduate students; open to undergraduates with consent of department chair. Not applicable to undergraduate language requirement. Repeatable two times with consent. CR/NC only.
Independent study of approved readings and research with faculty supervision. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: consent.
(B) French literature by period; (C) Francophone literature; (D) French film; (E) topic in French literature. Repeatable two time per alpha. Pre: 331 (or concurrent) and 332 (or concurrent), or consent.
Intensive course of formal instruction on the fourthyear level in French language, culture and literature in a French-speaking country. For semester programs only. Pre: 360 or equivalent.
Continuation of 458.
Intensive course of full-time formal instruction on the fourth-year level in French linguistics, civilization, culture, and literature in a French-speaking country. Pre: 359 or 360 or equivalent.
Study of representative prose and poetry of the major trends of 20th century France: modernism, surrealism, existentialism, postmodernism and multiculturalism. Pre: 332 or consent.
Major French playwrights and their works: Claudel, Giraudoux, Anouilh, Sartre, Camus, etc. Pre: 332 or consent.
Study of representative prose and poetry of the major trends of 19th century France: romanticism, realism, symbolism, aestheticism. Pre: 332 or consent.
Pre: 332 or consent.
Principal works of major dramatists: Corneille, Moliere, Racine. Principal movements and major authors of non-dramatic prose and poetry. Pre: 331 or consent.
Samplings from all major writers of the period. Readings in original text in editions giving modern French equivalents for difficult words. Pre: 331 or consent.
Advanced course in spoken and written French with intensive review of alternative grammatical structures and shades of meaning in the modern language. Graduates who have not taken prerequisites may request consent. Pre: 306 or 405 (or equivalent); or consent.
Samplings from epic, novel, verse and prose, tale, lyric poetry, chronicle, theater, didactic literature. Elementary readings in original text in editions giving modern French translation. Pre: 331 or consent.
Practice in techniques based on contrastive linguistics. Translation of texts from various fields from French into English and the reverse. Pre: 306 or 309, and 312; or consent.
Further development of listening, comprehension, speaking, and writing skills through viewing of French videotapes, reading French newspapers, frequent oral and written reports. Pre: 311 and 312, or 306, or 358, or 360; or consent.
Independent study of approved reading with faculty supervision. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: consent.
(B) French film; (C) the Fantastic; (D) Francophone literature. Repeatable two times with consent. Pre: 311 or 312, or consent.
A historical survey of the development of French culture. The course is interdisciplinary, focusing on the relations between politics, literature, science, and the arts. A-F only. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.
Survey of culture and institutions of modern France. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.
Intensive formal instruction at the third-year level in French language skills: reading, writing, grammar, or conversation in a French-speaking country. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.
Continuation of 358.
Intensive formal instruction at the third-year level in French language skills: reading, writing, grammar, or conversation in a French-speaking country. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.
Continuation of 331. Pre: 311 (or concurrent) and 312; only 311 may be concurrent.
Major authors and movements. Pre: 311 (or concurrent) and 312; only 311 may be concurrent.
Systematic and advanced practice for control of spoken French, advanced development for accurate, mature expression. Pre: 311 or consent.
Emphasis on strengthening facility with language through further training in syntax, structure, and composition writing. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.
Systematic practice for control of spoken French. Further development of vocabulary for accurate, mature expression. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.
Reading and writing commercial materials. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.
Structure of contemporary French as analyzed by descriptive linguists. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.
Development of language skills through reading of cultural and literary texts. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.
Analysis of phonological system; methods of teaching pronunciation; understanding various types of spontaneous speech. Drills in pronunciation, intonation, stress, and rhythm. Pre: 202 or 210 or 259 or consent.
Continuation of 258.
Intensive course of full-time formal instruction on the second-year level in French language and culture in a French-speaking country. Pre: 102 or 110 or consent.
Content of 201-202 covered in one semester. Three two-hour sessions per week. Pre: 102 or 110 or consent.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201.
Reading, conversation, laboratory drill, composition. Pre: 102 or 110 or consent.
Content of 101-102 covered in one semester. Three two-hour sessions per week.
Conversation, grammar, and reading. Pre: 101 or consent.
Conversation, grammar, and reading.
Research for doctoral dissertation in nutrition. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate standing only. Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory only. Pre: candidacy for PhD in Nutrition.
Presentation-discussion of selected research topics in the field of diet-cancer relationships including: nutritional epidemiology of cancer, diet and supplement intervention trials, and cellular/molecular effects of diet on cancer pathophysiology. Repeatable one time. Pre: 685 and 689, or consent.
Lecture/discussion of current research on gut physiology, gut microbes, dietary fiber, bioactive food components, and their impact on health, including colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, heart disease, diabetes, and immune function. Pre: 485 and 486 (or equivalent), statistics, physiology; or consent.
Provides an overview of the epidemiology and prevention of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and associated complications. Discusses methodological issues associated with evaluating these in epidemiologic studies. A-F only. Pre: 663 (with a minimum grade of B-) or consent. (Cross-listed as PH 749)
Advanced topics in food science and technology, from basic to applied research, including current issues in food science and technology and critical analysis of current research literature. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Independent study for students working on a Plan B Master’s project. A grade of Satisfactory (S) is assigned when the project is satisfactorily completed. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in nutritional sciences.
Dietary, biochemical, anthropometric and clinical methods used for evaluating nutrition and diet in the etiology and epidemiology of disease. Pre: 685 and PH 663, or consent. (Cross-listed as PH 689)
Explores Indigenous Peoples’ food systems as local food resources Indigenous People acquire through specific cultural knowledge of traditional territories. Global forces transforming these food systems and their impact on population health and nutrition are explored. Graduate students only. (Fall only)(Cross-listed as PH 688)
(1 Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) Advanced laboratory techniques used in food science and human nutrition research. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent and MBBE 402/402L, and FSHN 477; or BIOC 441/441L. (Cross-listed as ANSC 687 and MBBE 687)
Addresses nutrition, growth, and development in children and adolescents and nutrition-related issues, such as childhood obesity and chronic disease risk factors, with a focus on current research in the Pacific region. Pre: 370 or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as PH 686)
In-depth lecture, discussion, and student presentations on selected topics relating nutrition to the etiology and prevention of chronic diseases at the cellular and molecular level. Repeatable one time. Pre: 485 and 486; statistics; or consent.
Examines a variety of issues associated with nutritional and supplemental approaches to reduce disease incidence, morbidity, and mortality in relation to public health prevention strategies. PH majors only. (Cross-listed as PH 684)
Examination of global food and nutrition problems, programs, issues, policies, and strategies for improvement. A-F only. Pre: statistics and consent. (Alt. years: fall) (Cross-listed as PH 683)
Advanced topics in nutritional sciences, from basic to applied research, including current issues in nutrition and critical analysis of current research literature. Repeatable three times, up to 12 credits. Pre: consent.
Student presentation of literature reviews and research. Repeatable five times. Pre: consent.
Advanced topics in nutrition assessment, diagnosis, and interventions of patients with specialized clinical conditions. Students will further their knowledge in clinical research methods through case study presentations and evidence-based review. Repeatable one time. Pre: 389 and 467; or instructor consent.
Combined lecture/discussion on grants and grant writing. Designed to introduce graduate students to grants and grant proposal writing through lectures, class discussion, writing assignments, and peer review. Open to CTAHR graduate students only; others with consent. (Cross-listed as ANSC 657 and TPSS 657)
Examines the use of libraries and information technology for scholarly investigation in support of scientific research; provides experience utilizing and critically evaluating a variety of print and electronic sources in basic and applied sciences. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as ANSC 652, NREM 652, and TPSS 652)
Combined lecture-lab for students interested in genetic analysis of humans, animals, and other species. Molecular techniques, such as PCR, DNA marker identifications, transgenics, expression analysis and functional genomics, are included. Open to nonmajors. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Cross-listed as ANSC 650 and MBBE 650)
Analysis of major nutrition problems in developing countries. Comparative review of the design, implementation, and evaluation of programs to intervene in the development of malnutrition. Pre: 185 or consent.
Real and perceived food hazards, their ethical issues and implications, advanced emerging topics in food safety, and controls, including laws and regulations of food safety issues and public perception of food safety will be discussed. A-F only. Pre: graduate student status with undergraduate courses in biochemistry, microbiology, food processing, physics and organic chemistry. Basic food science knowledge is required; or consent.
Advances in sensory quality and evaluation, deterioration of foods and food safety, as well as food processing technology. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: graduate student status with undergraduate courses in organic chemistry, microbiology, additional biological sciences, physics, and biochemistry. Basic knowledge of food science is expected; or consent.
Advanced topics in chemical and physical characteristics of foods as well as their role in human nutrition. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: graduate student status with undergraduate courses in organic chemistry, microbiology, additional biological science, physics, and biochemistry. Basic knowledge of food science is expected; or consent. (Cross-listed as MBBE 607)
(1 50-min Lec, 1 2-hr discussion) Discussion of food systems as they apply to animal science, food science, and human nutrition. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Cross-listed as ANSC 601)
Repeatable unlimited times.
Field practicum designed to integrate knowledge from previous FSHN courses to develop novel and innovative food products. Students deal with shelflife, marketing, packaging, labeling, sensory evaluation, and quality assurance. Repeatable one time. FSHN majors only. A-F only. Pre: 381 and 460, or consent.
Integration and application of academic knowledge and critical skills emphasizing professional development. Placement with an approved cooperating supervisor/employer. Writing a learning plan and field report. A-F only. Pre: senior standing in FSHN. (Cross-listed as ANSC 492)
Study and discussion of significant topics, problems, or laboratory experiments. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: instructor approval.
In-depth study of obesity, including research, etiology, treatment, and prevention. Pre: 480 and 486.
Metabolism and biochemistry of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, including chemical structure, digestion, absorption, transport, and cellular/ molecular functions in human nutrition; relevance to establishing nutrient requirements and to mechanisms of chronic disease. Pre: 485 or consent.
Metabolism and biochemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, including chemical structure, digestion, absorption, transport, cellular/molecular functions in human nutrition; integration of metabolic pathways; energy metabolism and balance, including relevance to chronic disease. Pre: 185; PHYL 142/142L or PHYL 302/302L; BIOC 341 or higher (or concurrent) or MBBE 402 (or concurrent); or consent.
Effects of physiologic demands of exercise on nutrition. Emphasis on physiologic and biochemical basis for nutrition recommendations to enhance exercise participation and optimize athletic performance. Pre: 185, and PHYL 103 or 141 or 301. (Cross-listed as KRS 480)
(2 3-hr Lab) Application of different chemical and physical methods for the identification and quantitation of food components. Co-requisite: 477.
Principles of sample preparation and chemical and physical analysis of food components using current methodology. Pre: 430; and CHEM 162 or higher; and BIOL 402 or MBBE 402 or PEPS 402.
Study of eating from behavioral perspectives. Implications for health practitioners and health education. Pre: two classes from ANTH 151 or higher or SOC 100 or higher or PSY 100 or higher.
Application of basic nutrition principles; includes sources and functions of essential nutrients and food patterns compatible with nutrient needs, health, disease prevention, and sustainability. Intended for undergraduate and graduate students. Pre: CHEM 161 (or higher) or BIOC 241 (or higher); PHYL 141, BIOL 171; or consent.
Theory and practice in nutritional counseling. Combined lecture and discussion on nutrition/dietary counseling. Knowledge and theories. Application through lab experiences including role playing, case presentations, and performing actual counseling sessions. A-F only. Pre: 467 (or concurrent) or consent.
Understanding of the pathophysiology of disease processes and nutritional intervention, using medical terminology and case studies. Dietetics majors only. Pre: 467 or consent
Development of dietary, anthropometric and clinical lab assessment skills measuring nutritional status. Understanding pathophysiology of disease processes, medical terminology and nutritional intervention, utilizing case studies. Dietetics majors only. Pre: 389 and 486 or consent.
Principles and applications of food dehydration, thermal processing, low temperature preservation, chemical and biochemical preservation, irradiation, packaging, manufacturing, plant sanitation, water and waste management. Pre: 403 and 430, or consent.
In-depth study of Pacific culture, land, people, and history and its relationship to child health. Explores cultural competency, cultural safety, and multidisciplinary approaches to promote a healthy Pacific. Includes an emphasis on instruction in writing. Pre: 185 (with a minimum grade of B). (Summer only)
Covers topics related to health and nutritional status monitoring and surveillance, including epidemiology, biostatistics, health and nutrition surveillance systems, and the uses of technology for conducting these activities. Repeatable one time. Pre: 185 (with a minimum grade of B). (Summer only)
Teaches techniques for measuring anthropometry and collecting dietary intake in children. Online course imitates hands-on training through partnering with local organizations and the use of technology. Repeatable one time. Pre: 185 (with a minimum grade of B). (Summer only)
Provide students with a basic overview of the causes and effects of childhood obesity, evidence-based approaches, community-based research, and policies to prevent childhood obesity as it relates to the Pacific region. Pre: 185 (with a minimum grade of B). (Summer only)
(4 Lec) Concepts and methods of nutrition program planning and nutrition education; analysis of nutritional problems of local, national, and international communities; strategies used to educate groups or individuals. A-F only. Pre: 370 and either HDFS 380 or NREM 310; or consent.
Fundamental principles of quality control in the food industry: measurement of quality parameters, utilization and integration of the individual test procedures into grades and standards of quality, sampling, and reporting results.
Discussion of potential microbiological, parasitic, chemical, and natural food hazards; food laws and standards; and related aspects of consumer protection. Pre: 181, BIOL 171, and CHEM 272; or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Application of different chemical methods in the study of food constituents—proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, pigments, enzymes, etc. Pre: 430 (or concurrent).
Chemical properties of food constituents studied in relationship to their effects on processing, nutrition, and spoilage. Pre: CHEM 161 and 161L or consent.
Design course focused on fundamentals of electronic interfacing, control and automation, including biological processes. Topics include sensor physics, basic instrumentation, digital communication, and programming of microcontrollers and other portable computer systems. Pre: EE 160, EE 211, and BE 350 or MATH 302 or MATH 307 or EE 326; or consent.
Principles and applications of thermodynamics, electricity, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, psychrometry, and material and energy balances of food processing and preservation. Pre: (BIOL 171, CHEM 162 or CHEM 171 or CHEM 181A, MATH 243 or MATH 253A, PHYS 151 or PHYS 170) with a minimum grade of C; or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as BE 411 and MBBE 411)
Microorganisms encountered in foods; types of food spoilage; microbial hazards in food; methods of food preservation. Pre: MICR 130 and MICR 140L, or consent.
Addresses concepts and uses of nutrition assessment tools at individual and community levels. Students will be introduced to national surveys and new, more sophisticated body composition measurements. Includes an emphasis on writing instruction. A-F only. Pre: 185 and 370 (or concurrent).
Experimental approach to study food preparation, food formulation, and sensory evaluation with laboratory exercises in a certified kitchen environment. Applying basic food science research design to conduct experiments, interpret data and write reports. A-F only. Pre: 181/181L, CHEM 161/161L. Co-requisite: 381.
Experimental approach to study food preparation problems. Applying basic food science research design to conduct experiments, interpret data and write reports. Subject matter used to practice critical thinking and problem solving skills. A-F only. Pre: 181/181L, CHEM 161/161L. Co-requisite: 381L.
Physiological changes and nutritional requirements during human life stages: prepregnancy, pregnancy, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and older adulthood. Includes an emphasis on writing instruction. Pre: B or better in 185; C or better in CHEM 161/161L; C or better in PHYL 142/142L (or concurrent)
Will apply skills in technology, research, and career development to nutrition. Students will identify evidence-based nutrition information and demonstrate their academic skill sets for future professional success through technology. Pre: 185 (with a minimum grade of B). (Summer only)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Ethical issues and other controversies related to human and animal needs; their impact on resource sustainability and quality of life are explored from scientific perspectives. A-F only. Pre: 181 or 185 or ANSC 200 or ANSC 201. (Cross-listed as ANSC 350)
(1 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Fundamental marketing principles applied to nutrition and food. Will include concepts such as the psychology of food purchasing decisions and consumer behavior. Field trips and group projects included. Open to non-majors. Pre: 181/181L, 185, 312; or consent.
Principles and procedures of menu planning, quantity food production, production scheduling, recipe adaptation, equipment operation, and formula costing. Principles of procurement including purchasing, selection, storage of equipment and quantity foods. Pre: 181 and 181L (with a minimum grade of C), or consent.
Critical and essential aspects of management and effective leadership practices to direct and delivery quality foodservices. Focus on the role and competencies of the Registered Dietitian (RD) working in these environments. Pre: 181 and 181L (or concurrent), or
consent. FSHN 31
Digestive systems and nutrient functions, interrelationships and metabolism are compared among animal species, including humans. An intermediate, general nutrition course for Food Science and Human Nutrition and Animal Science majors. Pre: ANSC 200 (or concurrent), CHEM 161/L or higher. (Cross-listed as ANSC 244)
Integration of natural science concepts basic to the study of human nutrition. Emphasis on nutrient requirements of healthy individuals, food sources, functions of nutrients.
(1 3-hr Lab) Experiments in foods emphasizing ingredient function and standard preparation methods for food groups. Co-requisite: 181.
Lectures, discussions, and demonstrations on how food components contribute to the functional, sensory, and safety characteristics of foods, and what changes occur in foods due to preparation, processing, and storage. Co-requisite: 181L.
A timeline of the world history of food and how it relates to culture, diversity, ethnicity, and religion. International food demonstrations and tastings included.
Principles and procedures of sanitation and safety in the food service industry, including the study of foodborne illnesses, biological, chemical, physical hazards and cross-contamination as they may occur during the flow of food.
Principles and theories; examples from current experimental and analytical literature. For students in biological sciences. Pre: BIOL 265 and MATH 205 or MATH 215 or MATH 241; or consent.
Reading and research in a special area of major under direction of faculty member(s). Project must include statement of objectives, outline of activities planned, results expected, and how they are to be reported and evaluated. Must be approved in advance by department chair and the faculty advisor. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in international management, or consent.
Provides in-depth review of scholarly journal articles and working papers relevant to Asian-Pacific financial markets to prepare PhD students for scholarly research work focusing on market microstructure, corporate finance, investments. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in business administration, or consent.
Covers research issues in corporate finance and financial markets. Topics include capital structure theory, corporate governance, corporate innovations, and mergers and acquisitions, etc. Student develop academic research papers that lead to dissertation work. A-F only. Pre: student status in PhD in business administration, or consent.
Covers research issues in investments. Topics include empirical asset pricing tests, characteristics of asset returns, behavioral finance, and investment issues that overlaps with corporate finance, accounting, and economics, etc. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in business administration, or consent.
First PhD course in finance. Covers basic theory and empirical methodology in asset pricing, provides a concise framework of conceptual knowledge to understand the literature on financial theory and related empirical evidence. A-F only. Pre: graduate students only.
Focus on important accounting and financial management principles relevant to management of health services organizations. Designed around a series of cases that examine the issues that confront healthcare managers. A-F only. Pre: BUS 629. (Alt. years: fall only)
Students either program a model or write a paper with high practical or scientific merit. Outcome enhances the chances for employment. Represents the culminating experience for students in this program. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in Financial Engineering program, or consent. (Once a year)
In-depth analysis of selected current practices and issues in finance. Pre: BUS 629 or consent. May be repeated with change in topic.
Covers the real estate market, mortgage backed securities (MBSs) and real estate derivatives. Focuses on modelling weather, climate change, and weather derivatives. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in Financial Engineering program, or consent. (Once a year)
Addresses advanced techniques in financial modelling and related fields. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in Financial Engineering program, or consent. (Once a year)
Addresses specific properties of interest rate modelling as mean reversion as well as latest developments in credit risk modelling. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in Financial Engineering program, or consent. (Once a year)
Introduces students to topics in the actuarial science and latest developments in risk management. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in Financial Engineering program, or consent. (Once a year)
Focus on financial forecasting and financial econometrics as volatility and correlation modeling. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in Financial Engineering program, or consent. (Once a year)
Will familiarize the students with the mathematical foundation and the application of Futures, Swaps, and Options. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in Financial Engineering program, or consent. (Once a year)
Introduces students to principles of capital markets, classical portfolio theory, and focus on portfolio optimization. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in Financial Engineering program, or consent. (Once a year)
Addresses programming principles, and programming languages used in financial modeling. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in Financial Engineering program, or consent. (Once a year)
Covers PDEs (Partial Differential Equations) and calculus in a stochastic environment. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in Financial Engineering program, or consent. (Once a year)
Regulatory structure over capital market institutions, market developmental issues, market microstructure issues, and corporate governance, and creation of capital market infrastructure. Seminar format. Pre: BUS 629 or consent.
Assessment of financial needs, arranging venture financing, assessing value to the entrepreneur and the investor(s), financial aspects of strategic planning, analyzing the tradeoffs between alternative financing choices and flexibility and control, harvesting the investment. Pre: BUS 629 or consent.
Commercial, investment, and merchant banking in the international arena. Includes international lending, Euromarkets, global gap management, Forex activities, and international risk management. Pre: BUS 629 or consent.
Financial decision-making in an international setting: analysis of direct foreign investment; economic, accounting, and regulatory environments, including taxation; international money and capital markets; import and export financing; multinational working capital management; and risk aspects of international finance. Pre: BUS 629 or consent.
Major current financial issues and problems. (C) Japanese financial management; (D) portfolio management theory; (F) stocks, bonds, and modern instruments. Pre: BUS 629 or consent.
Techniques of security analysis, theories of investment, and the analysis of investment decisions related to portfolio planning. Pre: BUS 629 or consent.
Application of financial principles and analytical techniques to financial problems. Case method. Pre: BUS 629 or consent.
Supply and demand for capital in national and international markets. Nature of capital movements and role of capital in industrialization of regions and nations.
In-depth analysis of selected current practices and issues in finance. (B) equity research and corporate valuation methods; (C) Japanese financial management; (D) financial analysis; (E) retirement and employee benefit planning; (F) finance estate planning. A-F only for (E) and (F). Repeatable four times for (D). Pre: 311 and BUS 314 for (B); BUS 314 or BUS 629 for (C); 311 or 629, or consent for (D); 301 for (E) and (F). (Fall only for (B))
Interdisciplinary investigation of development in East Asia is an urgent issue. Status and role of Asian business; current technological, economic, and financial developments; impact on world economy. A-F only.
A capstone course for financial services and planning track. This is a case study course intended to provide students the opportunity to integrate concepts from earlier courses and develop a comprehensive view of the financial planning process. A-F only. Pre: 301 and 311 and two of the following courses: 490E, 490F, ACC 401, INS 300.
Study and discussion of significant topics and problems in the field of finance and finance-related fields. Repeatable two times in different topics. Pre: BUS 314 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent.
Overview analyzing various primary risks faced by corporations and developing important risk management techniques with an emphasis on enterprise risk management. Combined lectures, case studies, and discussions. BUS majors only. A-F only. Pre: BUS 314 or consent. (Once a year)
Financial systems, regulatory structure over financial institutions in the Asia-Pacific region. Major financial policy issues for financial sector reforms in the region. Seminar format. A-F only. Pre: BUS 314 or consent.
Covers the analytical skills necessary to work in the financial services industry, in particular in the bank treasury department or the fixed income capital market sector. A-F only. Pre: BUS 314 or consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Analysis of financial institution management within the domestic economy and regulatory environment. Topics include federal reserve activities, interest rates, regulation, lending, investments, and asset/liability management. Pre: BUS 314.
Security analysis and portfolio management from standpoint of the professional analyst and institutional investor. Recent advances in security valuation models, portfolio selection, and techniques for appraising portfolio performance. College restriction: Shidler students only. A-F only. Pre: 311.
Options and other derivatives. Equity options, index options and options on futures. Black-Scholos Model. Trading strategies and tactics. Contemporary developments in financial engineering. A-F only. Pre: 311 or consent.
Reading and research in a special area of major under direction of faculty member(s). Project must include statement of objectives, outline of activities planned, results expected, and how they are to be reported and evaluated. Must be approved in advance by the department chair and the faculty advisor. Repeatable unlimited times.
Examination of underlying business models for new ventures, how to determine corresponding financial requirements, and approaches to resource acquisition. Students explore a range of financing sources and related issues of valuation and deal structure. College restriction: Shidler students only. Pre: junior standing and BUS 314, or consent.
Commercial, investment, and merchant banking. Includes theory and practical applications. Topics include international lending, Euromarkets, global gap management, Forex activities, and global risk management. Pre: BUS 314 or consent.
Financial management of foreign and international business operations: the regulatory environment of international finance, financing international transactions, international capital markets, taxation. Financial decision-making in the firm. Pre: BUS 314 or consent.
Introduction to various investment media and capital markets. Topics include the analysis of security returns using techniques such as beta, filter rules, and portfolio theory. Pre: BUS 314 or consent.
Development and analysis of modern financial theory and its implications for management decisions: market efficiency, capital asset pricing, firm investment decisions, capital structure, dividend policy, and cost of capital. Pre: BUS 314.
Application of financial principles to cases involving important financial decisions. Pre: BUS 314.
Focuses on principles and techniques for handling personal financial decisions, including: personal budgeting, obtaining credit, life and casualty insurance, buying a home, buying an automobile, savings and investments, and retirement planning.
Physicalchemical cellular mechanisms underlying function of organ systems; general principles inferable from study of adaption to diverse environments. Pre: BIOL 171 and 172, and MBBE 402 (or concurrent) or BIOC 441 (or concurrent); or consent.
Survey of literature from the 80s (1986) to the present. Co-curricular cultural activities included. Pre: 302 or consent.
Selected readings in poetry, short stories, and plays from early 1900s to present. Co-curricular cultural activities included. Pre: 302 or consent.
Introduction to phonology, morphology, syntax. Pre: 202 or consent.
Techniques of bilingual translation: Filipino to English and English to Filipino. A-F only. Pre: 302 or consent.
Continuation of 315. Training in comprehension and analysis/criticism of spoken authentic materials through films. Pre: 315 or consent.
Advanced reading in current literature; discussion of cultural implications; advanced conversation and composition. Meets three hours weekly. Pre: 302 or consent.
Advanced reading in traditional literature; discussion of cultural implications; advanced conversation and composition. Meets three hours weekly. Pre: 302 or consent.
Study and analysis of Filipino films: its history, forms, development and relationship to cultural, social, philosophical, and aesthetic context. Pre: 202 or consent.
Training in comprehension of spoken authentic/ simulated authentic materials presented in news broadcasts, songs, documentary narration, formal lectures, radio and television soap operas, etc. Pre: 202 or consent.
Conversation, advanced reading, and composition on contemporary issues. Meets three hours weekly. Pre: 202 or 225, or consent.
Conversation, advanced reading and composition on traditional culture and indigenous knowledge. Meets three hours weekly. Pre: 202 or 225, or consent.
Continuation of 202 or 224.
Continuation of 102. Lessons focus on various aspects of Philippine culture and specialized topics that cater to the needs of teachers intending to teach Filipino immigrant students or teach Filipino as a second language. Meets five hours a week; daily lab work. Pre: 102.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.
Continuation of 102. Meets four hours weekly, includes one hour out-of-class field experience (Co-curricular cultural activities) weekly. Pre: 102 or consent.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing skills. Structural points introduced inductively. Meets four hours weekly, includes one hour out-of-class field experience (Co-curricular cultural activities) weekly.
Laboratory investigation of function of organs, tissues, and cells, especially in vertebrates. Nerve and muscle physiology, circulation, membrane transport, respiration, excretion. Pre: BIOL 275. Co-requisite: 430.
Repeatable up to 15 credits. Pre: consent.
Study tours to various centers of the world to examine historical and modern apparel and textiles. Merchandising and design methods and operations examined. Repeatable up to 12 credits. Pre: consent.
Introduction to function of organs, tissues, and cells, especially in vertebrates. Nerve and muscle physiology, endocrinology, circulation, respiration, excretion, and temperature regulation. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 275. Corequisite: 430L
(2 3-hr Labs) Analysis of animal development by experimental methods, using local organisms. Pre: 420 (or concurrent) and BIOL 275, or consent. Recommended: BIOL 407.
Fundamental principles, methods, concepts, and significance of developmental biology, emphasizing experimental methods. Pre: BIOL 275. Recommended: BIOL 407.
(2 Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) Preparation of animal tissues and organs
for microscopic examination; introduction to cytochemical and histochemical techniques. Pre: BIOL 275 or consent.
Examination of issues and opportunities associated with careers in fashion and related businesses and industries. Topics include interpersonal skills development, job search and interview strategies, and ethical issues in the workplace. FDM majors only. A-F only. Junior standing or higher. Pre: consent.
Study and discussion of special topics, problems. Offered by staff and visiting faculty. Repeatable five times.
Theories, concepts, problems of international trade of textile and apparel products. Issues of importing and exporting apparel products globally. Social, political and economic factors affecting textile and apparel trade.
Investigation of skills and techniques needed for handling textile and apparel artifacts in museums and other collections. Active involvement in documenting, researching, interpreting, and exhibiting costumes and textiles. Involves written work and oral presentations. Repeatable one time. FDM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 210, 269, or 418.
Application of principles, procedures and techniques of organizing a small retail business in a brick-and-click world. Creative use of low and high tech resources. Students plan, write and evaluate small retail business plans. Junior standing or higher. FDM majors only; open to non-majors with instructor’s consent. Pre: one FS or FQ course, or consent.
Application of principles and procedures related to the promotion of fashion apparel. Preparation and presentation of fashion information through shows, displays, media, and written communications. Repeatable one time. Pre: 101. (Spring only)
Development of niche market. Problem solving in the design process. Includes sketching, draping, blocking, muslin proofs, complete garments, and portfolio. Repeatable one time. Pre: 210, 221, 316, and 330. Enrollment in 419 or 420 is required to show designs in annual fashion show, but doesn’t guarantee acceptance. (Spring only)
Development of independent expression through creative designing for a ready-to-wear collection. Problem solving in the design process; includes sketching, draping, blocking, muslin proofs, complete garments, and portfolio. Studio courses must be taken in sequence. Repeatable one time. Pre: 210, 221, 316, 330. Enrollment in 419 or 420 is required to show designs in annual fashion show, but doesn’t guarantee acceptance. (Fall only)
Development of traditional dress as visual manifestation of culture. Ethnic and national dress of Afghanistan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand and Saudi Arabia. Pre: 200, 221, two FG courses; or consent.
Development of traditional dress as visual manifestation of culture. Ethnic and national dress of China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Okinawa, Tibet, and Vietnam.
Application of principles of apparel production management, including methods engineering (detail construction for ordering), story boards and color tables, production measurements, costing, and PLM computer applications. A-F only. Pre: 338 (Once a year)
Theories, problems, and procedures of financial and assortment planning and control of merchandise inventories. FDM majors and merchandising minors only. Pre: 371.
Theories and procedures in selecting, buying and selling apparel and textiles. Types of merchandising organizations, analysis of consumer demand, brick-and-click opportunities and challenges, development of an image, operation location, store and floor layout. FDM majors only. Pre: 101 and 221.
Analysis and creation of different types of writing in the fashion industry, with emphasis on creating a professional writing style. A-F only. Pre: 101, 200 or 210, and 221.
Emphasis on design principles as applied to stitchery using a variety of techniques and raw materials. Processes and problems experienced and critiqued in a group environment. Repeatable two times. Pre: 205.
Gerber Technology (GT) AccuMark System Management. The system is designed to use CAD for specific apparel industry applications in grading patterns into different sizes and making production markers. Pre: 338. Computer skills are helpful.
Visual merchandising concepts and planning; use of a virtual 3D store modeling software package. Visual Retailing/ Mockshop, to design store interiors, fixtures, lighting, signage, window displays, and planograms. A-F only. (Spring only)
Exploration of CAD applications from the design to the pattern-making process. Use of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop for fashion illustration. Use of OptiTex PDS pattern design software featuring 2D and 3D CAD. Repeatable one time.
Principles of advanced techniques for garment construction with emphasis on new, difficult-to-handle fabrics. Repeatable one time. Pre: 205 and 215.
Examination of textile properties through standardized textiles testing laboratory equipment. FDM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 221 or consent. Co-requisite: 321. (Spring only)
Chemical nature and structure of fibers and fabrics, their properties and finishes. FDM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 221 or consent. Co-requisite: 321L. (Spring only)
Advanced study in the specialty market design, pattern making, and construction for fashion design majors. Different specialty designs, such as swimwear, menswear, or others, will be offered each semester. Repeatable five times. Pre: 215, 221, and 301. Recommended: 315, 330.
Principles of pattern making through draping muslin models on standard garment forms. Pre: 205 and 215.
Principles and practices in fashion trend forecasting and their role in apparel company marketing strategies. Analysis of aesthetics as it related to apparel and marketing. Adapting fashion trend forecasts to apparel lines. FDM majors only. Pre: 101, 210, and 221.
(2 2-hr Lab) Light microscopic study of animal tissues, especially vertebrates. Primarily for pre-professional students. Pre: BIOL 275. Recommended: BIOL 407. Corequisite: 416.
Introduction to fibers, fabric structure, and finishes related to selection and care. Interrelationship between textile characteristics, properties, and end uses. Open to non-majors. A-F only.
Functional microanatomy of the animal body, emphasizing vertebrates. Oriented toward pre-professional students. Pre: BIOL 275. Recommended: BIOL 407.
The biogeography, evolution, ecology, and physiology of corals and coral reefs, and the application of this information to the management of coral reefs. Emphasis will be placed on processes such as dispersal, the evolution and operation of mutualisms, calcification,
reproduction, and the maintenance of diversity. Pre: 265 (or concurrent) or 301 (or concurrent). (Spring only)
Pre: written consent.
(2 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 340. Pre: 340 (or concurrent) and BIOL 275.
Animal parasites of man, and domestic and wild animals; systematics, comparative morphology, life history, pathology, treatment, control. Pre: 275.
(2 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 320. Pre: 172 and 172L. Co-requisite: 325.
Introduction to the evolution and systematics of vertebrates, with emphasis on comparative morphology, physiology, and ecology. Pre: BIOL 265. Co-requisite: 325L.
(1 3-hr Lab) Application of methods in the study of animal behavior by demonstrations, labs and projects. Pre: 306 (or concurrent).
Introduction to animal and human ethology and sociobiology; emphasis on social and interspecific behavior, its causes and adaptive significance. Lab optional. Pre: 171 and 171L and 172 and 172L or ANSC 201; or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory, field trips to accompany 200. Pre: 200 (or concurrent).
Biology and ecology of marine plants and animals; coral reefs, the deep sea, rocky shores, marine mammals, fisheries, aquaculture, pollution, and conservation of marine resources.
Laboratory to accompany 101. Pre: 101 (or concurrent).
Structure, development, physiology, reproduction, evolution, behavior, and ecology of animals.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles and techniques of sketching the fashion figure including garment details and fabric drape. Development of a personal style of illustration. Introduction to use of computers for illustration. Pre: 101.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles of pattern making for women’s apparel through manipulation of pattern blocks. Pre: 205.
Historic study of dress as related to customs and cultures in the Western world, in sociohistorical and contemporary contexts. Emphasis on 19th and 20th centuries. Pre: 101.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles, concepts, and procedures for quality construction and custom fitting of clothing.
Social construction of gender within culture and its visual expression through appearance. Analysis of role, identity, conformity, and deviance in human appearance. Repeatable one time. Open to nonmajors. (Cross-listed as WGSS 200)
Introduction to the fields of apparel design and merchandising including theories of fashion change, apparel industry operations, current industry issues, literature of the field, professional competencies, careers in apparel and related businesses. A-F only.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Fourth-year elective in which medical students may do study of selected topics within the field of family medicine and community health: (B) primary care preceptorship; (C) topics in community health; (D) sub-internship in family medicine; (E) extramural elective in family medicine and community health-miscellaneous; (F) sports medicine preceptorship; (G) longitudinal underserved care preceptorship (6). MED majors only for (G). CR/NC only. Pre: 531 or 532. (Spring only for (G))
5.5-month ambulatory clerkship. Students learn history taking, physical exam skills, and management of family medicine patients. Emphasis on behavioral care, caring for the underserved, sports medicine, preventive care, and common acute/chronic ambulatory problems. Repeatable one time. Co-requisite: third-year standing and concurrent registration in 532 courses.
Ambulatory-based clerkship in Hawai‘i. Students learn history taking, physical exam skills, and management of family medicine patients. Emphasis on behavioral care, caring for the underserved, sports medicine, preventive care, common acute/chronic ambulatory problems. Pre: third year standing.
Seminar to support student teaching experiences and prepare teacher candidates to transition into a full time teacher, examine ethical issues in the field, prepare for employment, and demonstrate ability to meet professional standards. A-F only.
Full-time student teaching in grades K-6 in an elementary school inclusion classroom, or a combination of general education and special education settings. The experience is directed by a qualified mentor teacher and has university-provided supervision. A-F only.
Teacher candidates are immersed in a general education, inclusion, or a self-contained special education field setting. A mentor teacher and a field supervisor from the university provide support and oversight. A-F only.
Teacher candidates are immersed in a general education, inclusion, or a self-contained special education field setting. A mentor teacher and a field supervisor from the university provide support and oversight. A-F only.
Field-based course engages teacher candidates in a variety of purposeful observation and reflection activities aligned with course work. Field settings are appropriate to concurrent classes; supervision provided by participating site personnel and college supervisor. A-F only.
Teacher candidates in this field based course will use an evidencebased practice in reading within a response to intervention (Rtl) framework. Supervision provided by participating site personnel and college supervisor. A-F only.
Methods, programs, and strategies for planning, teaching, and assessing writing for elementary students in inclusive settings, grades K-6. Visual arts methods are integrated to develop visual literacy. A-F only.
Teacher candidates demonstrate essential reading comprehension strategies, engaging students in complex text by planning, instructing, and assessing elementary students in grades 4-6, in inclusive settings. Emphasis on writing instruction. A-F only.
Overview of principles and practices for teaching reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension) to diverse students, grades K-3; including planning, instruction, and assessment. Writing assignments include lesson reflections, case studies, modules, and reading responses. A-F only.
Social Studies and Performing Arts integrated content in diverse K-6 classrooms. Teacher candidates engage with social issues through collaborative, expressive, aesthetic, creative, and critical pedagogy. Candidates perform, present, and teach to develop oral communication skills. A-F only.
Examination of content, processes, strategies, and issues related to teaching and learning of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) content for inclusive elementary classrooms, K-6. Teacher candidates focus on planning, teaching, and assessing STEM. A-F only.
Prepares beginning elementary school teachers of mathematics, K-6. Candidates learn to differentiate instruction based on learner needs, planning to facilitate inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education environment through evidence-based practices. A-F only.
Examination of content, processes, strategies, and issues related to the teaching and learning of science in elementary settings, K-6. Candidates learn to differentiate instruction based on learner needs, using evidence-based practices. A-F only.
Teacher candidates engage in reflective, procedural, and research writing to differentiate instruction based on learner needs, planning to facilitate inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education environment through evidence-based practices. A-F only.
Understand techniques in the assessment, planning, and instructional process appropriate for students with mild/moderate disabilities. Inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education environment is stressed. Significant instruction on writing individualized education programs. A-F only.
Introduction to foundational aspects of assessment and emphasizes the importance of linking assessment with planning and instruction. Candidates develop knowledge, skills, and dispositions important for designing, implementing, and analyzing effective assessments for diverse learners. A-F only.
Teacher candidates demonstrate the ability to establish, maintain, and (when necessary) restore the classroom as an effective environment for teaching and learning. Candidates demonstrate ability to identify maladaptive student behaviors and implement effective, research-based interventions. A-F only.
Teacher candidates explore the ethical implications for establishing, maintaining, and restoring the classroom as an effective environment for teaching and learning. A-F only.
Knowledge and skills related to the context of teaching. Teacher candidates will examine the impact of culture, family, school, classroom, and individual characteristics on learning, and orally present, in varied formats, acquired knowledge and competencies. A-F only.
Selected themes in ethnic studies exploring current issues and new topics; taught by regular and visiting faculty. Repeatable two times. Pre: one 300-level DS or DH course.
Conditions of work under varying political, social, and economic transformations in Hawai‘i; anthropological, sociological, and historic data. Pre: one DS or DH course or consent.
Literature and methodology; project design. Students develop and execute an oral history project. Junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as ANTH 493)
The development of ethnic relations and political approaches to multiculturalism in two multiethnic nations: Canada and the U.S. A-F only. Pre: SOC 300 or one 300 level ES course, or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 492)
Critically examines the historical and contemporary experiences of various people of Hawai‘i using anthropological and ethnic studies approaches. Emphasis on cultural perspectives and values of peoples indigenous to Hawai‘i, the Pacific, and Asia. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ANTH 486)
Engagement with theoretical elements and qualitative and quantitative research methods of Oceanic Ethnic Studies: theories of class, race, indignity, migrancy, diaspora and political economy; community-based and participatory research methods. A-F only. Pre: one upper division ES or SOCS course or consent.
Examines historical, socio-cultural, and contemporary Latinx presence; relations among Latinx, other immigrant, and Indigenous communities; causes and patterns of immigration; racism and discrimination; ethnicity and identity issues; struggles for justice. Pre: one DH or DS course, or consent.
Ethnic conflicts cause most wars on our globe today. Examines causes of ethnic conflict, including climate change. Will evaluate approaches to building peaceful relations between groups and developing sustainable relationships with the environment. Junior standing or higher. Pre: one DS or DH course or consent. (Crosslisted as SUST 461)
The historical and contemporary social processes involved in inter-ethnic relations in Hawai‘i. Pre: SOC 300 or one ES 300 level course, or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 456)
Causes and dynamics of ethnic conflicts with attention to problem resolution; (B) Middle East; (C) Hawaiian sovereignty in Pacific context. Pre: one DS or DH course, or consent for (C). ((C) Cross-listed as SUST 455)
A research seminar on the study of Filipino Americans. Special themes in film/video/media, the performing arts, or literature may be offered. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 401)
Compares the circumstances under which contemporary Asian, Pacific Islander, or African migrants form diasporas across the globe; focus on a particular ethnic group to examine its site-specific experiences. A-F only.
Introduction to visual documentary theory and methods. Basic instruction in using digital video technology and hands-on production to tell visual stories and examine social issues related to diverse peoples, cultures, and communities through video projects. A-F only. Pre: one DH or DS course, or consent. (Cross-listed as COM 425)
Critically examines historical and contemporary issues surrounding mixed race identities and experiences through themes that resonate in localized contexts within the continental U.S. and Oceania. Pre: one DH or DS course, or consent.
Surveys ethnic and race relations in the U.S. Focus on historical conflicts and critical issues such as racism, immigration, affirmative action, changing economic structures, and the role of government. Pre: one DS or DH course.
Gender and racial division of labor nationally and internationally; racial and gender differentials in wages, training, working conditions and unemployment; historical trends and future directions. Pre: one 300-level ES or WGSS course, or SOC 300; or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 418 and WGSS 418)
Historical context and implications of landmark court decisions and legal issues affecting social change in ethnic communities in Hawai‘i and the continental U.S. Pre: one DS or DH course or consent.
Repeatable up to 6 credits. Pre: consent only.
Historical, social, cultural, and political aspects of the formation and development of Hip Hop culture in Hawai‘i and other Pacific islands. Special attention to the significance of Hip Hop in facilitating cultural interactions. Junior standing or higher. Pre: one DS or DH course or consent.
Impact of cultural and physical change and their interrelationship. Pre: one DS or DH course.
Oceania-centric perspective. Analysis of imperialism, colonialism, gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, and queer(ed) relations and identities in Hawai‘i and the Pacific. Junior standing or higher. Pre: one DS or DH course, or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 371)
Historical and sociological studies of race and gender in U.S. society; grassroots feminist and racial/justice activism on the continent and in Hawai‘i. A-F only. Pre: 101 or WGSS 151 or junior standing. (Cross-listed as WGSS 390)
Role of various contemporary movements for social change in Hawai‘i: community, ethnic, labor, student, etc. Theories of social movements and social change. Pre: one DS or DH course.
Supervision of individual student research projects pertinent to ethnic studies, including service learning, civic engagement, internship, oral history, or supervised practicum experience in teaching select ethnic studies courses. Repeatable to total of 6 credit hours. Pre: consent.
Examines issues of diversity within higher education. Examines different dimensions of diversity including ethnicity, gender, national origin, age, and sexual orientation. Will utilize national and local case studies. Junior class standing or higher. Pre: one DS or DH course.
An introduction to the study of Filipino Americans in the U.S. and the diaspora. The course pays special attention to labor migration, cultural production and community politics. Pre: sophomore standing. (Cross-listed as AMST 373)
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of Asian American literature by writers from a variety of backgrounds. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent. (Cross-listed as ENG 372)
Writings of various ethnic groups in Hawai‘i, ancient to contemporary. Songs, stories, poetry, fiction, essays that illustrate the social history of Hawai‘i. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent. (Cross-listed as ENG 370)
Adaptive strategies of Hawaiian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Samoan, and Southeast Asian women in Hawai‘i; feminist anthropological and historical analysis. Pre: one ANTH, SOC, or WGSS course. (Cross-listed as WGSS 360)
Historical overview: “push and pull factors”; effect of changing economy; experiences of various ethnic groups; problems of recent immigrants; immigration policies in the U.S. and Hawai‘i. Pre: one DS course.
Hawai‘i’s economic transformation from sustainable communal subsistence through mercantile capitalism, plantation capitalism, and global finance capital and impact on its people. Alternative sustainable enterprises for a self-sufficient island economy. Pre: one DS or DH course. (Cross-listed as SUST 351)
Dynamics of change: indigenous Hawaiian land tenure; Great Mahele and Kuleana Act; ethnic succession of land ownership; concentration of ownership today; effects of land development on ethnic communities. Pre: one DS or DH course. (Cross-listed as SUST 341)
Historical and contemporary experiences of South Asian migrants in North America, Pacific, Caribbean, and/or African diasporas; causes and patterns of migration, inter-ethnic relations policies; role of race, gender, culture in community, identity formation. A-F only. Pre one ES or WGSS course in the 100, 200 or 300 level; or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as WGSS 339)
Provides a comprehensive look at the indigenous foundation of life and society in the Americas and elaborates on historical and contemporary importance of American Indian rights issues. Pre: one DS or DH course.
Historical and contemporary experiences; immigration; traditional culture and values; plantation experience; labor organizing; development of Filipino community; racism; discrimination; and ethnic identity. Pre: one DS or DH course.
Historical and contemporary experiences of Chinese in Hawai‘i and the U.S. continent with a focus on Chinatowns; urbanization; economic development, community organizing; comparative racialization. Pre: one DS or DH course.
Issei roots in Japan; the role of Japanese in labor, politics, and business; sansei and perspectives on local identity and culture. The Japanese in light of changing economic, social, and political conditions in Hawai‘i today. Pre: one DS or DH course.
Hawai‘i as part of the Pacific community: selected historical and contemporary problems of Pacific areas; cultural and economic imperialism, land alienation, and the impact of development on Pacific peoples. Pre: one DS or DH course. (Cross-listed as SUST 321)
History of selected Asian immigrant groups from the 19th century to the present. Topics include: immigration and labor history, Asian American movements, literature and cultural productions, community adaptations and identity formation. Pre: junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as AMST 318)
Site visits to museums, social welfare units, etc., as well as guest lecturers from the community including police, health, education. Pre: one DS or DH course. (Summer only)
Introduction to environmental justice, explores the premise that all people have a right to a life-affirming environment. Will examine environmental racism, and the geographical dimensions of race and indigeneity. Pre: one DS or DH course, or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 318)
Afrocentric sociopolitical analysis. The struggle for freedom: Reconstruction period, reign of terror, intellectual and cultural awakenings, civil rights movements, contemporary issues. Pre: one DS or DH course.
Afrocentric perspective. Analysis of the black political/cultural diaspora, including ancient African kingdoms, the slavery experience, organized resistance, emancipation struggles, the Civil War and Reconstruction. Pre: one DS or DH course.
Individual and group problems of identity, identity conflict, culture conflict, inter-ethnic relations. Critical review of available material on Hawai‘i. Pre: one DS or DH course.
The sustainable social system, culture, spirituality, language, land stewardship, and governance of Native Hawaiians. Transformation of the sustainable Hawaiian social system by a capitalist economy. Resiliency, land issues, and Native Hawaiian quest for sovereign governance. (Cross-listed as SUST 222)
Race and ethnic relations in world perspective; social, economic, and political problems associated with perception, existence, and accommodation of these groups within the wider society. (Cross-listed as SOC 214)
Contemporary issues of race, class, and gender in popular culture (film, television, music, social media, sports, etc.). Introduction to critical media analysis and social science theories and methods.
Concepts and theories analyzing ethnic group experiences in relation to colonization, immigration, racism, and social class. Emphasis on cultural perspectives and values
rooted in the experiences of peoples indigenous to Hawai‘i, the Pacific, and Asia.
Extensive practice for international teaching assistants in speaking in classroom situations with emphasis on oral skills, American cultural expectations and classroom management. CR/NC only. Pre: 080.
Introduction to academic writing conventions common at the graduate level. Students explore academic writing in their disciplines, develop clarity of written expression, and improve command over textual, rhetorical, and discursive conventions common in academic writing. Pre: 073 or placement by examination.
Further development of skills and strategies for dealing with the high demands of academic reading by focusing on becoming efficient and autonomous readers. Instruction and practice of developing critical reading strategies and building field-specific vocabulary. Pre: 072 or placement by examination. CR/NC only.
Further development of the academic English-language listening/speaking skills and strategies required at the university. Instruction and practice of effective note-taking skills, critical listening strategies, delivery of effective academic presentations and leading of academic discussions. Pre: 070 or placement by examination.
Extensive practice in expository writing. Analysis and use of rhetorical devices. Individual conferences and tutoring as required. CR/NC only.
Introduction to the academic English-language reading demands required at the university. Instruction and practice of effective means to understand text patterns, increase reading fluency and comprehension, and develop vocabulary. Designed as a bridge to ELI 082. CR/NC only.
Introduction to the academic English language listening/speaking demands required at the university. Instruction and practice of effective note-taking skills, listening strategies, delivery of presentations, and participation in academic discussions. Designed as a bridge to ELI 080. CR/ NC only.
Extensive practice in writing expository essays; linguistic devices that make an essay effective. (Fulfills composition requirement for nonnative speakers of English only.)
Pre: graduate standing and consent. Repeatable nine times.
Content to be announced. Repeatable five times.
Introduction to comparative literature; relationship of English to other literatures; sources and influences. (B) African lit. and literary theory; (F) folklore and literature; (G) theory/practice of poetry; (H) contemporary drama; (I) mythic method; (J) postmodern fiction; (M) modernism; (N) colonial/ postcolonial; (P) postmodernism and postcolonialism; (W) medieval women writers. Repeatable one time for different alphas.
Intensive study of selected issues in cultural studies and cultural and social theory; topics to be announced. Repeatable one time.
Intensive study of selected issues, genres, and traditions in Hawaiian literature written in English or translated from Hawaiian into English. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Fall only)
Introduction to comparative literature; relationship of Hawaiian to other literatures; sources and influences. Repeatable one time.
Intensive study of selected issues in the literatures of the Pacific in English, or translated into English. Topics to be announced. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Spring only)
Intensive study of selected issues in cultural studies in Asia and the Pacific; topics to be announced. Repeatable one time.
Intensive study of critical and theoretical issues raised by various forms of life writing (biography, autobiography, oral history, diaries, etc.) and of their history and methodology. Repeatable one time.
Classic theories of representation and aesthetics; modern and contemporary cultural, psychoanalytic, and aesthetic theories as they apply to film.
Study of one or more authors, English or American literature. (C) neoclassicism; (D) tragedy; (E) modern American short story; (F) sonnet and sonnet sequences; (G) Rest., 18th century dramatic comedy; (H) 18th century literature and art; (I) medieval drama; (J) narrative theory and criticism; (K) reinventing the author; (M) laughter and the comic arts; (N) nature of romance; (O) Victorian novel; (P) Jacobean drama; (Q) science fiction; (R) essay, past and present; (S) Eng. hymn in Western culture; (W) 18th century British women novelists; (Y) English romanticism; (Z) English novel and criticism. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Intensive study of Shakespeare.
Study of one or more authors, English or American. (C) George Eliot; (D) Emily Dickinson; (M) Milton; (S) Chaucer and his backgrounds; (T) Austen; (U) Yeats and his circle; (X) Beowulf; (Y) Faulkner’s narrative; (Z) Virginia Woolf. Repeatable one time for different alphas. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Study of authors or a period. (B) American modernism; (C) race in American literature; (D) 19th century American poetry; (E) American literature naturalism; (F) African American literature and theory; (G) American transcendentalism; (H) 19th century American novel; (J) contemporary American poetry; (N) poetry by 20th century American women; (P) women writers and multiculturalism; (Q) Asian American literature and theory; (R) relocating American literature; (S) early American literature; (T) H. Melville and T. Morrison. Repeatable one time for different alphas.
Study of authors or a period. (C) re-reading Chaucer; (N) 14th century poetry; (P) extended Victorian lyric; (Q) modern British fiction; (R) early 17th century poetry; (S) dominant Victorians: the 1840s; (T) Baroque and English literature; (U) literature and social change; (X) literature and history; (Y) studies in satire. Repeatable one time.
Intensive study of selected topics in literary theory and its practical application; topics to be announced. Repeatable two times. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
The study, from the point of view of the creative writer, of works written within the last 25 years. (B) techniques in fiction; (C) techniques in poetry; (D) techniques in creative nonfiction. Repeatable one time in each ENG graduate degree. Pre: 613 (or concurrent) or consent.
Advanced study in creative writing focused on thesis and dissertation projects. Repeatable one time in each English graduate degree. Pre: 613 or consent.
Intensive study of selected topics in the history of rhetoric, rhetorical theory, or rhetorical criticism; topic to be announced. Repeatable one time. Pre: 625C or consent.
Intensive study of selected issues in composition studies. Repeatable one time. Pre: 625C or consent.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: graduate standing and consent.
Individual reading or research. Repeatable with consent of Graduate Director. Pre: graduate standing and consent.
Applies course work in literature, creative writing, cultural studies, or composition and rhetoric to hands-on activities engaging publics outside of the university under direction of practicing professionals and university faculty. ENG majors only. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing and consent.
Individual reading and research towards preparation of MA project. 3 credit hours required. CR/NC only. Repeatable one time. Pre: 625 and consent.
Study of one or more authors, English or American literature. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
(B) classical period through 18th century; (C) Romantic and post-Romantic.
Required course in the MA student’s area of concentration. (B) theories and methods of literary study; (C) introduction to composition and rhetoric; (D) foundations of creative writing; (E) theories in cultural studies. Repeatable in different alphas. ENG majors only. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Fall only)
Advanced practice and critical evaluation of the writing of poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction. (B) poetry; (C) fiction; (D) nonfiction. Repeatable one time in each English graduate degree. Pre: graduate standing plus 411 for (B); 414 for (C); 412 for (D); or consent
Intensive discussion of the craft and technique of creative writing through readings in poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and creative writing pedagogy. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Fall only)
Major contemporary theorists and classroom practices that evolve from their theories; observation and applications. A-F only.
Structure of the language, relation to present English; reading of selected prose and poetry.
Practicum in the current best approaches to teaching writing across the curriculum. Participants write, read published theory and research in composition, and demonstrate effective writing lessons. Repeatable one time.
Repeatable one time.
Repeatable up to six credits. A-F only. Pre: two ENG DL courses or consent.
Faculty supervised participation in the operations of an organization. A-F only. Pre: two ENG DL courses, junior standing, or consent.
Intensive study in the English language of selected topics, issues or writers from the host country in a UH Manoa-approved study abroad location. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: two ENG DL courses or consent.
Intensive study of selected questions and issues in the construction and representation of sexuality and gender in specific genres, social and cultural contexts, or thematic/figurative clusters. Repeatable one time. Pre: 320 and one other 300-level ENG course; or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 483)
Intensive study of selected problems, issues, traditions, writers, movements, or genres in the field of popular literature and/or popular culture. Repeatable one time. Pre: 320 and one other 300-level ENG course; or consent.
Intensive study of selected questions, issues, traditions, or genres in folklore and oral traditions and their performance and transformations within specific social and cultural contexts. Repeatable one time. Pre: 320 and one other 300-level ENG course; or consent.
Intensive study of selected questions, issues, traditions, writers, movements, and genres in the field of Hawaiian and/or Pacific literature. Repeatable one time. Pre: 320 and one other 300-level ENG course. (Cross-listed as PACS 474)
Intensive study of postcolonial literatures and of historical, cultural, and theoretical issues such as colonialism, migration, assimilation, national identity, or transnationalism. Repeatable one time. Pre: 320 and one other 300-level ENG course; or consent.
Intensive study of selected questions, issues, traditions, genres, or writers relating to Asia. Repeatable one time. Pre: 320 and one other 300-level ENG course; or consent.
Intensive study of forms and theories of life writing in forms such as biographies, autobiographies, oral histories, diaries, journals, letters, film, drama, and portraiture. Repeatable one time. Pre: 320 and one other 300-level ENG course; or consent.
Intensive study of selected topics in film, e.g.: genres, major filmmakers, film theory/criticism, or film and literature. Repeatable one time. Pre: 320 and one other 300-level ENG course; or consent.
Reading of selected works of U.S. women’s literature and cultural texts (such as art and film). Emphasis on historical and cultural context and diverse expressions of women’s gendered identities. (Cross-listed as AMST 455 and WGSS 445)
Intensive study of the works and literary milieu of John Milton. Pre: two ENG DL courses or consent.
Intensive study of the works and literary milieu of William Shakespeare. Repeatable one time. Pre: two ENG DL courses or consent.
Intensive study of the works and literary milieu of Geoffrey Chaucer. Pre: two ENG DL courses or consent
Intensive study of the works and literary milieu of a single author considered significant by most scholars in English Studies. The English Department maintains a list of versions focusing on specific authors. Repeatable one time for a different author, with consent. Pre: two ENG DL courses or consent.
Intensive study of selected questions, issues, writers, traditions, or movements in texts written from the 20th century to the present. Repeatable one time. Pre: 320 and one other 300-level ENG course; or consent.
Intensive study of selected questions, issues, writers, traditions, or movements in texts written during the 19th century. Repeatable one time. Pre: 320 and one other 300-level ENG course; or consent.
Intensive study of selected questions, issues, writers, traditions, or movements in texts written during the period 1660-1830, the “long” 18th century. Repeatable one time. Pre: 320 and one other 300-level ENG course; or consent.
Intensive study of selected questions, issues, writers, traditions, or movements in texts written during the period 1500-1700. Repeatable one time. Pre: 320 and one other 300-level ENG course; or consent.
Intensive study of selected questions, issues, writers, traditions, or movements in Old/Middle English literature from 500-1500, including works in modern translation. Repeatable one time. Pre: 320 and one other 300-level ENG course; or consent.
Intensive study of selected questions, issues, writers, traditions, or movements in the field of comparative literature. Repeatable one time. Pre: 320 and one other 300-level ENG course; or consent.
Intensive study of selected questions, issues, writers, traditions, or movements in regard to cultural studies and the reading and interpretation of cultural texts. Repeatable one time. Pre: 320 and one other 300-level ENG course; or consent.
Intensive study of selected topics, questions, themes, writers, or modes of creative writing in a workshop setting. Repeatable one time. Pre: 313 and 410, 412, or 413; or consent.
Writing, evaluating fiction. Repeatable one time. Pre: 413 or consent.
Narrative techniques for students interested in writing fiction. Pre: 313 or consent.
Workshop analysis of nonfiction as a literary form. Repeatable one time. Pre: 306, 311, or 313; or consent.
Writing, evaluating poems. Repeatable one time. Pre: 410 or consent.
Poetic theories and techniques for students interested in writing poetry. Pre: 313 or consent.
Intensive study of selected topics, questions, themes, issues, and/or writers in composition, rhetoric, and/or English language. Repeatable one time. Pre: 320 and one other 300-level ENG course; or consent.
Discussion and practice in the professional editing of articles, reports, books; logic, clarity, coherence, consistency of tone and style, grammar and punctuation. Pre: 303, 306, 311, 313, or 405; or consent.
Combined lecture/lab on writing and rhetoric in computermediated communication. May include online technical writing, courseware development, social media content creation. Pre: two ENG DL courses or consent.
Advanced study of both the philosophical and practical dimensions of written reasoning. Emphasis on argument as a process of inquiry. Pre: FW and either 200 or one ENG DL course, or consent.
Theory, observation, and practice in teaching writing, especially the use of one-on-one and small group instruction. Pre: two ENG DL courses; or consent. Recommended: 306.
English language in Hawai‘i viewed historically and in a multicultural context, with attention to politics, religion, race, and education, from 1820 to present. Pre: two ENG DL courses or consent.
Comparative analysis of selected tales of magic and their adaptations across history, cultures and media such as book illustration and film. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of children’s literature; may include study of children’s book illustration. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of literary constructions of gender and sexuality. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 381)
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of popular literature genres, such as detective fiction, science fiction, the thriller, the romance, and westerns. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of folktales, legends, ballads, wonder
tales, and other folklore genres in various cultures; consideration given to folklore/literature relationships. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of Native Hawaiian literature, ancient to contemporary, in translation and in English, that demonstrate the depth and breadth of the Native Hawaiian literary tradition. Pre: one DL course.
Philippine folk literature translated into English: epics, myths, legends, and other folklore. Classic works of vernacular writers. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent. (Cross-listed as IP 396)
Critical survey of 20th-century Philippine literature written in English; cultural values. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent. (Cross-listed as IP 363)
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of race and ethnicity as the basis for literary inquiry. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of African American literature by writers from a variety of backgrounds. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of Asian American literature by writers from a variety of backgrounds. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 372)
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of the literature of the Pacific, including Pacific voyagers and contemporary writings in English by Pacific Islanders. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent. (Cross-listed as PACS 371)
Writings of various ethnic groups in Hawai‘i, ancient to contemporary. Songs, stories, poetry, fiction, essays that illustrate the social history of Hawai‘i. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 370)
Comparative analysis of selected plays by Shakespeare and films which appropriate, reenact, adapt, or offer variations on his texts. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of non-fiction such as essays, biographies, autobiographies, speeches, political and legal documents, conversion and captivity narratives, testimonials, science writing, and travel writing. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of the form, function, and development of cinematic narrative techniques. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of the form, function, and development of the genre of drama. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the analysis of imagery, sound, language, form, and structure in poems. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of American literature since approximately 1950. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of prose, poetry and drama in American literature from the middle of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of prose, poetry, and drama in American literature through the middle of the 19th century. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of prose, poetry, and drama in English from 1900 to the present. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of 19th century prose and poetry in English. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of prose, poetry, and drama in English from 1660 to 1780, exclusive of Milton. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of prose, poetry, and drama in English from 1500 to 1660. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of literature before 1500. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and representative texts for the transhistorical, transnational, and/or comparative study of literatures in English and in translation from regions around the world. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Sources of European and American literary themes and allusions; myth, legend, and folklore of Western cultures; e.g., Classical texts, Arthurian romances, King James Bible. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Introduction to English Studies at UH Manoa, including the purpose, practice, and potential of literary and rhetorical study of texts; consideration given to Hawaiian and/or Pacific texts in cultural and historical context. Restricted to ENG manors/ minors and Secondary Education-English majors only. Prerequisite to 400-level work for ENG majors. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic principles of the craft as developed through writing in two of the following genres: fiction, poetry, drama, screenwriting, and creative nonfiction. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Writing clear, effective prose based on the writer’s own experiences and ideas. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Combined lecture/ lab preparing students to write about technical subjects for specialists and laypersons. Introduces theory of technical communication and document design and teaches students to make use of relevant technology. A-F only. Pre: FW and either 200 or one ENG DL course; or consent.
Introduction to computer-based writing and reading technologies. Study of principles of traditional and online composition. Writing traditional and multimedia essays. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Theory and practice of written argument; emphasis on the role of invention in argumentative discourse and on the nature of rhetorical proof. Pre: FW and either 200 or one ENG DL course, or consent.
Introduction to the structure of present-day English for native speakers and others with advanced competency. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Basic concepts and methods for the study of the English language; general history of the language; grammar and usage, issues of language diversity and standardization; English as a world language. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
History of theory and practices of rhetoric from Classical to contemporary periods; e.g., Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Quintilian, Augustine, Sidney, K. Burke, DeMan. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent.
Study of significant works through analytical and creative writing. Repeatable one time. Pre: FW. No waiver.
Study of significant works of selected cultures and cultural formations. A significant portion of class time is dedicated to writing instruction. Repeatable one time. Requires a minimum of 4,000 words of graded writing. Pre: FW.
Study of significant works of selected genres. A significant portion of class time is dedicated to writing instruction. Repeatable one time. Requires a minimum of 4,000 words of graded writing. Pre: FW.
Study of significant works of selected historical periods. A significant portion of class time is dedicated to writing instruction. Repeatable one time. Requires a minimum of 4,000 words of graded writing. Pre: FW.
Practice in informative, analytical, persuasive writing. Pre: FW. Students may not earn credit for both ENG 209 and BUS 209.
Further study of rhetorical, conceptual, and stylistic demands of writing; instruction develops the writing and research skills covered in Composition I. Pre: FW.
Introduction to the rhetorical, conceptual and stylistic demands of writing at the university level; instruction in composing processes, search strategies, and writing from sources. Restricted to students with more than 24 credits. Students may not earn credit for both ENG 100 and 190. A-F only. Pre: placement.
Introduction to the rhetorical, conceptual and stylistic demands of writing at the university level; instruction in composing processes, search strategies, and writing from sources. Students may not earn credit for both ENG 100 and 190. Pre: placement. Freshmen only.
Supervised internship in engineering practice under professional and faculty direction. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: junior standing in engineering and consent.
Introduction to engineering management with emphasis on development of skills for professional advancement. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Team-based research project for junior-level students. Project topic varies by instructor. Students are expected to continue working in this project as a senior. Repeatable unlimited times. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 296 or consent. (Cross-listed as EE 396)
Introduction to career development as it pertains to engineering and business industry; client relations, networking, job skills, career assessment and direction. Repeatable one time. (Fall only)
Team-based research project for sophomore-level students. Project topic varies by instructor. Students are expected to continue working in this project as a junior (ENGR 396). Sophomore standing or higher. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as EE 296)
Exploration and application of basic leadership theories and processes which foster personal and interpersonal development via cognitive experiential classroom methods and mentoring relationships with experienced peer leaders. (Cross-listed as IS 250)
Team-based research project for freshman-level students. Project topic varies by instructor. Students are expected to continue working in this project as a sophomore (ENGR 296). Repeatable one time, up to six credits. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Introduces modern tools for launching technology-based new ventures. Teams of students engage in term projects to learn design thinking, business model generation, product development, rapid prototyping, customer validation, and pitching to investors. ENGR and BUS majors only. Freshmen only. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as BUS 102)
Topics include the engineering disciplines, the development of problem solving and technical communication skills, the design process and analysis methods using a team design project, and introduction to programming in Matlab for engineering applications. ENGR majors only. Freshman standing only.
Overview of the engineering field, the different disciplines, and opportunities. Success strategies for studying engineering. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: candidacy for PhD in electrical engineering.
Student assists in classroom instruction under direction and close supervision of faculty member. CR/NC only. Pre: admission to PhD candidacy.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: candidacy for MS in electrical engineering.
Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: graduate standing and consent.
Content will reflect special interests of visiting/permanent faculty. (B) artificial intelligence; (C) circuits; (D) communications; (E) computer hardware; (F) computer software; (H) control; (I) devices; (J) fields; (K) power. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Biomedical signals, digital filters and filter banks, spike train analysis, time-scale and time-frequency representations, nonlinear techniques, Lomb’s algorithm and the Hilbert transform, modeling, Volterra series, Wiener series, Poisson-Wiener series, multichannel data, causality. CE, EE, ME, ICS majors only and any graduate student in JABSOM who has a suitable technical background. Pre: 415 or consent. (Spring only)
Design and fabrication of micro- and nanodevices for biomedical applications. Topics include micro- and nanoscale physics, microfluidic physics and microfluidic devices, and micro- and nanoscale fabrication techniques. ENG majors only. A-F only. Pre: 324 or consent. (Fall only
Advanced topics in the design of biological detection technologies. Topics include fundamentals of electrochemistry, electrochemical biosensors, DNA and protein biochips, and bioelectronics for bio-signal conditioning and processing. Pre: 324 and 326, or consent. (Once a year)
Systems analysis and electronic instrumentation methods in biomedicine. Network and control-loop modeling, computer simulation, biological transducers, and analysis of electronic and physiological systems. Pre: 326, 326L, and 371; or consent.
Develop comprehensive understanding of computations techniques for solving engineering electromagnetic problems formulated in terms of integral or differential equations. Eigenvalue problems, radiation, and electromagnetics scattering problems will be discussed and computer programming is required. EE, BE, and CENG majors only. A-F only. Pre: 471 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent. (Spring only)
Advanced RF and microwave circuit design for wireless applications. Pre: 473 or consent.
Solutions of Maxwell’s equations and applications to radiation and propagation of electromagnetic waves. Pre: 372 or consent.
Telecommunication-network architecture; switching, broadcast, and wireless networks; protocols, interfaces, routing, flow- and congestion-control techniques; intelligent network architecture; service creation capabilities; multimedia, voice, data, and video networks and services. Pre: 468 or consent.
Modern operating system software, process communication, distributed systems, device drivers. Software development and maintenance, integration of software packages. Projects reflecting special interests of faculty. Pre: 461 and 468.
Models of computation, high-performance processors, pipelined machines, RISC processors, VLIW, superscalar and fine-grain parallel machines. Data-flow architectures. Hardware/software tradeoffs. CEE, EE, and ME majors only. Pre: 461. (Cross-listed as ICS 660)
Multivariable frequency response design, signals and systems, linear fractional transformations, LQG Control, Full Information H-infinity Controller Synthesis, H-infinity filtering, model reduction, the four-block problem. Pre: 453 and 650.
Optimal controls introduced through parametric optimization, calculus of variations, Euler-Lagrange and Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Pontryagin’s maximum principle, minimum-time and minimum-fuel problems, dynamic programming, applications. Pre: 650 or consent.
Digital simulations, phase-plane analysis, limit cycles and amplitude bounds, Lyapunov’s theorem, circle criterion of stability, lure systems, Popov’s stability theorem. Pre: 650.
State space theory of linear systems, controllability, observability, stability, irreducible realizations. Pre: 452.
Convolutional codes, Viterbi algorithm, coded modulation, multistage decoding, concatenated coded modulation, probabilistic decoding, turbo codes, low density parity check codes and iterative decoding. Pre: 648.
Linear block codes, soft and hard decision decodings, correction of random errors, cyclic codes, BCH codes, ReedSolomon codes, majority logic decodable codes, burst-error correcting codes, concatenated codes. Pre: MATH 311 or consent.
Theory and applications of source coding, rate-distortion theory, companding, lattice coding, tree coding, trellis coding, entropy-constrained coding, asymptotic theory, predictive and differential encoding, combined source/channel coding, vector quantization. Pre: 640.
Measure of information, coding for discrete sources, discrete memoryless channels and capacity, the noisy channel coding theorem, source coding with fidelity criterion, rate-distortion theory, multiuser channels. Pre: 640.
Learning theory, pattern recognition and regression; gradient based algorithms and least square algorithms; Kernel methods; Bayesian learning algorithms; ensemble learning and boosting; principal component analysis; independent component analysis, and clustering; reinforcement learning and approximate dynamic programming. EE, ME, ICS, MATH majors only. Pre: 342.
Fundamentals of computer communication networks including modeling, performance evaluation, routing, flow control, local area networks, distributed algorithms, and optimization algorithms. Pre: 342, MATH 471; or consent.
Fundamental performance limits, signal detection and estimation, modulation, intersymbol interference, equalization adaptive filtering, sequence detection, synchronization, fading multipath channels, spread spectrum. Pre: 640.
Fundamentals of signal detection and estimation theory. Hypothesis testing, parametric and nonparametric detection, sequential detection, parametric estimation, linear estimation, robust detection and estimation, and applications to communication systems. Pre: 640.
Poisson, Markov, and renewal processes, M/G/1 queue, G/M/1 queue, queueing networks, simulation, and performance evaluation of computer systems and communication networks. EE, ICS, MATH majors only. Pre: 342, 640 (or concurrent), or consent.
Random variables, multivariate distributions, random sequences, stochastic convergence, stationary and nonstationary processes, spectral analysis, KarhunenLoeve expansion, Markov processes, mean square estimation, Kalman filters. Pre: 342 or MATH 471 (or equivalent).
Challenges and solutions for integrating intermittent renewable energy sources into the power system, with a focus on “smart grid” approaches and demand-response. Using linear programming and other modeling techniques to answer policy-relevant questions. Graduate students only. Pre: 435. (Spring only)
Fabrication constraints and design guidelines for integrated circuits. Nonlinear model of integrated circuit transistor. Design and analysis of integrated logic circuits and linear circuits. Pre: 323.
Recent developments in phenomena and devices of physical electronics. Pre: 327.
Hands on experience in designing, fabricating, testing, and iterating according to rapid-prototyping principles. Students learn state-of-the-art equipment for making their designs, software for simulating designs, and working in design teams. EE majors only. Graduate students only. (Spring only)
Technology methods and physical principles of microsensors and microactuators. Vacuum technology, thin film deposition and characterization techniques, solid mechanics, micromachining, acoustics, piezoelectricity and principles of current microtransducers. Pre: 327 or consent.
Electro-optics, noise detection, light and sound dielectric waveguide phenomena, lasers, optics, phase conjugation. Pre: 622 or consent.
Fundamentals of optical radiation, including stimulated and spontaneous processes. Optical electronics including optical resonators, lasers, optical detectors, lightguiding, and applications. A-F only. Pre: 327 or consent.
Advanced physical principles and design of modern solid-state electronic devices. Heterostructures, photodetectors, LED, junction lasers, and other devices of current importance identified from the current literature. A-F only. Pre: 327.
Electronic circuits for precision measurement, computation, and signal processing. Low noise and interference reduction techniques. High-frequency and high-speed techniques. Micro-processor and biomedical applications. Pre: 422.
Sequential decision-making via dynamic programming. Optimal control of stochastic dynamic systems. Applications in linear-quadratic control, inventory control, resource allocation, scheduling, and control of queues. Rollout and other suboptimal methods. Value and policy iteration. Pre: 342 or MATH 371 or MATH 471, or consent.
Algorithms for linear, nonlinear, and convex optimization. Emphasis is on methodology and the underlying mathematical structures. Topics include simplex method, network flow methods, optimality conditions, duality, Newton’s method and interior point methods. EE, ME, MIS and MATH majors only. Pre: MATH 311 or consent. (Alt. years)
Human visual perception, image formation, sampling and quantization, enhancement and restoration, color image processing, wavelets and multiresolution representations, image and video compression. Pre: 415 or equivalent.
An advanced course in digital processing. Topics include fast DFT algorithms, multirate systems and filter banks, power spectrum estimation, linear prediction, optimum linear filters, and adaptive filtering. A-F only. Open to nonmajors for CR/NC only. Pre: 415 or 640, or consent.
Basic security theory, current practices, and emerging research issues. First covering the fundamentals of computer and network security, then will work on research projects on computer and network security
Propagation of signals in fibers, components, modulation and demodulation, transmission system engineering, network systems and architectures, network design, control and management and packet switching. Pre: 342, 367, and 371; or consent.
Network algorithms, protocols, and packet switching systems for the internet including TCP/IP, routing algorithms, transmission scheduling, link management, buffer management, and simple network management. Pre: 367 or consent.
Theory, methods and practical applications of autonomous agent systems, including common applications of both software and hardware (robotic) agents. In-depth practical experience with autonomous agents through programming assignments and projects. Pre: 467 or ICS 313 (or equivalent), graduate standing; or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ICS 606)
LISP for machine intelligence applications, or related constraint object and logic-oriented languages. Pre: 467 or knowledge of LISP/PROLOG.
Design and evaluation of machine representations, techniques and algorithms for sorting, pattern processing, computational geometry, mathematical computations, and engineering applications. Introduction to computational issues of time, space, communication, and program correctness. Pre: 367 or consent.
Graphs and subgraphs, trees and treelike graphs, planar graphs, connectivity and edge-connectivity, applications. Pre: MATH 311 or consent.
Investigation of advanced engineering problems. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: senior standing and consent.
Significant project integrating the design content of previous courses and incorporating engineering standards and realistic constraints. Written report must document all aspects of the design process: reliability, safety, economics, ethics. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: 396 or consent.
Equip electrical engineers with the necessary background for ethical reasoning, as it pertains to technology, society, workplace issues, and the environment. EE majors only. A-F only. Pre: senior standing or consent. (Once a year)
Upper division course with subject matter to be announced.
Content will reflect special interests of visiting/permanent faculty; to be oriented toward juniors and seniors. (B) artificial intelligence; (C) circuits; (D) communications; (E) computer hardware; (F) computer software; (G) computer vision; (H) control; (I) devices; (J) fields; (K) power. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles, applications, and design of biomedical instrumentation. Transducers, IC and microcomputer applications, patient safety. Pre: 326, 480; or consent.
Study of electrical phenomena in living systems. Mechanisms underlying bioelectric activity. Membrane and transepithelial potentials, skin impedance, electrocardiography, neuroelectric signals, diagnostic considerations, laboratory demonstrations. Pre: 480 or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Measurement of bioelectrical signals, computer and electronic simulation of biological systems, design and evaluation of electronic circuits for biomedical measurements, evaluation of instruments for patient safety. Pre: 323 and 323L. Co-requisite: 480.
Application of engineering principles and technology to biological and medical problems. Introduction to human anatomy, physiology, medical terminology, clinical measurements. Systems modeling, physiological control systems, computer applications, health-related problems. Pre: 213 and either MATH 244 or MATH 253A.
Discussion of basic radar detection and position- and velocity-measurement principles. Applications to various types of radar and sonar systems. Modern navigation aids. Pre: 371 (or equivalent), and familiarity with waveguides or waveguide theory.
Principles and applications of optical fibers and waveguides. Fundamentals of optical communication systems (optical links, high-speed systems, wavelengthdivision-multiplexing networks, and network elements) and optical components (guided-wave circuits, lasers, detectors, and optical amplifiers). System and network integration issues. A-F only. Pre: 372 or consent.
Electromagnetic wave propagation in free space and ionized media. Geomagnetic and solar effects on the ionosphere. Absorption and dispersion. Antenna arrays, apertures, horns, impedance. Design of antenna systems. Pre: 371.
Passive and active microwave devices and circuits for RF and wireless applications. Scattering parameters, signal-flow graphs, and computer-aided design. Pre: 371.
Introduction to computational methods used to simulate/solve engineering design problems focusing on electromagnetics. Finite difference, method of moments, and finite elements methods will be described; students will write computer programs in each. A-F only. BE, EE, ENGR majors only. Pre: 371 or consent. (Spring only)
Fundamentals of classical physical optics emphasizing linear systems theory, including optical fields in matter, polarization phenomena, temporal coherence, interference and diffraction (Fourier optics). Specialized applications include Gaussian beams, laser resonators, pulse propagation, and nonlinear optics. Pre: 372 (or concurrent with a minimum grade of C-) or PHYS 450 (or concurrent with a minimum grade of C), or consent. (Cross-listed as PHYS 460)
Mobile agent’s platforms and systems, mobile agent-based service implementation, middleware, and configuration, wireless local area networks, wireless protocols, network architecture supporting wireless applications, routing protocols in mobile and wireless networks, handoff in mobile and wireless networks. Pre: 344 and 367, or consent.
Computer system organization; multiprocessor systems, memory hierarchies, assemblers, compilers, operating systems, virtual machine, memory management, processor management; information management. Pre: 361 (or concurrent) and 367 or consent.
Introduction to advanced techniques for designing, implementing, and testing computer software with a particular focus on using object-oriented design, analysis, and programming to produce high-quality computer programs that solve non-trivial problems. A-F only. Pre: 367 or consent.
Structure of stored program machines, data flow machines, pipelining, fault-tolerant computing, instruction set design, effects of compilation on architecture, RISC vs. CISC architecture, uses of parallelism. Pre: 361.
Study of the design principles of computer-controlled, intelligent robots such as roving vehicles, hand-eye systems. Pre: 351 and 367.
Analysis and synthesis of nonlinear control systems by means of Lagrange’s equation, state space techniques, maximum principle. Lyapunov’s theorems, the phase plane, and Z-transform techniques. Optimization and adaptation by means of gradient methods, calculus of variations, dynamic programming. Pre: 351.
Sampling/ reconstruction, Z-transform, DT transfer function. Reachability/observability. State and output feedback, observer design, input-output models, diophantine equations. Implementation procedures. Pre: 315 and 351, or consent.
ISO Reference Model. Physical Layer, Data Link Layer, Network Layer and Transport Layer protocols. Wired and wireless local-area networks. Structure and operation of the Internet including routing, congestion control and flow control. Pre: 315 and one of 342, or MATH 371 or MATH 471; or consent.
Models of communication systems. Channel noise, measurement, and coding of information. Intrinsic limits of performance of communication systems. Pre: 342 and 343, or consent.
Foundation for algorithms, practice, and theory behind common machine-learning applications. Includes projects, statistical programming, and an introduction to the unique challenges of high-dimensional problems. EE, CENG, CEE, ME, MATH, ICS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 342 (or equivalent) and MATH 307 (or equivalent).
Baseband transmission, intersymbol interference and pulse shaping, partial response signaling, equalization, bandpass modulation and demodulation, channel coding, synchronization, multiplexing and multiple access, spread spectrum techniques. Pre: 342 and 343, or consent.
Fundamentals of power, electric power grid and conventional electricity generation. Wind and solar power systems. Photovoltaic materials and systems. Distributed generation and energy storage. ENG majors only. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 213 or consent. (Spring only)
Design/ operation of “the grid.” History of electric power systems, three-phrase power, real and reactive power, transformers, transmission, distribution, circuit analysis, protection, load flow, load frequency control, optimal power flow, and renewable energy integration. Pre: MATH 243 (or concurrent) or MATH 253A (or concurrent). (Fall only)
Application of the computer to the analysis, design, simulation, and construction of analog and digital circuits. Pre: 326 and 326L, or consent.
State of the art Si-based devices including advanced bipolar and MOS devices, heterojunction devices, new device trends. Topics from the most current literature included. Pre: 327 and either MATH 243 or MATH 253A, or consent.
Instrumentation systems and circuits for measurement, control, signal processing, transmission, and detection. Noise and interference, ADC/DAC, modulation demodulation, high-frequency and high-speed techniques, IC applications. Pre: 422 and 422L, or consent.
Algorithms and techniques used in computer-aided analysis and design of electronic circuits. Circuit simulation with interactive computers. Pre: 326 or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory for 422. Co-requisite: 422.
Design course focused on fundamentals of electronic interfacing, control and automation, including biological processes. Topics include sensor physics, basic instrumentation, digital communication, and programming of microcontrollers and other portable computer systems. Pre: (160, 211, and BE 350 or MATH 302 or MATH 307 or EE 326) with a minimum grade of C; or consent. (Cross-listed as BE 420 and MBBE 422)
Application of linear, nonlinear and integer optimization models and algorithms to communications, control, signal processing, computer networking, financial engineering, manufacturing, production and distribution systems. CE, EE, ME, or CBA majors only. Pre: MATH 307 or consent. (Alt. years)
Digital image representation, intensity transformations, spatial filtering, filtering in the frequency domain, image restoration, color spaces and transformations, the fast wavelet transform, image compression. Pre: 315 (or equivalent) or consent.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Discrete-time signals and systems, sampling, Z-transform, transform, transform analysis of linear time-invariant systems, filter design, discrete Fourier transform, and computation of discrete Fourier transform. Pre: 315 and 342 (or concurrent), or consent.
Review basic network mechanisms, introduce basic cryptography concepts, and study algorithms and protocols used in computer and network security. Discuss practical security mechanisms. A-F only. Pre: 361 or ICS 312 or ICS 331 or instructor consent. (Once a year)
Junior level individual or team project under EE faculty direction and guidance. The project provides design experience and develops practical skills. It may be a continuation of EE 296 or a new project. Repeatable unlimited times. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 296 or consent. (Cross-listed as ENGR 396)
(1 3-hr Lab) Experiments illustrating the basic principles of electromagnetics and optics. Pre: 371 and PHYS 274 (or concurrent), or consent. Co-requisite: 372.
Solution of Maxwell’s equations under various boundary conditions. Introduction to radiation, guided waves, and principles of optics. Pre: 371 and PHYS 274 (or concurrent); or consent.
Transient and steady-state waves on transmission lines. Plane wave solutions of Maxwell’s equations. Application of Maxwell’s equations under static and time-varying conditions. Pre: 213.
Topics include General Purpose Input/ Output (GPIO), serial communications, sensors, actuators, low-power wireless communications. TCP/IP networking, dynamic service discovery, distributed network messaging, machine-to-machine communication and cloud-computing interaction. A-F only. Engineering majors only. Pre: 205.
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory for 367. Pre: 367 (or concurrent).
Design and analysis of data structures and algorithms, including correctness and performance. Topics include time complexity, hash tables, sorting, search trees, self-balancing trees, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, and graph algorithms. Pre: (205 or ICS 212) and (362 or ICS 241) with a minimum grade of C-.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to the design of very large scale integrated (VLSI) systems and use of CAD tools and design languages. Lab includes hands-on use of CAD tools and experiments with field programmable logic devices. Pre: 260.
Logic, sets, number theory, properties of functions, properties of relations, methods of proofs, recursion, counting, probability, trees, graphs, analysis of algorithms, finite state autonoma. Pre: 160 and 260 and MATH 242.
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory for 361, experiments on digital systems and interfacing. Co-requisite: 361.
Design methodology, processor design, control design, memory organization, system organization. Pre: 160 and 260, or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Provides experience in applying theoretical tools to analyze linear systems. Extensive use is made of computer-aided analysis and design packages study system performance. Pre: 315. Co-requisite: 351.
Analysis/design of feedback systems. Compensator design via root locus and Bode analysis. Routh/ Nyquist stability. State space representation and introduction to MIMO formulation. Controllability/ observability. Application to physical dynamic systems such as industrial robots. Pre: 315 or ME 375 or consent.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Covers 4 semesters from the Cisco Networking Academy plus supplementary material; hands-on experience with routers and switches; prepares students for the CCNA. Topics include TCP/IP, LANs, WANs, routing protocols, network security; PPP; ISDN, frame relay. A-F only. Pre: 160 or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Experiments illustrating the basic principles of communication systems. Pre: 315. Co-requisite: 343.
Signal representation, Fourier analysis; amplitude and angle modulated systems; sampling theorems, pulse and digital modulation systems; carrier modulation by digital signals. Pre: 342 (or concurrent) and 315.
Probability, statistics, random variables, distributions, densities, expectations, limit theorems, and applications to electrical engineering. Pre: 315 (or concurrent) and either MATH 244 or MATH 253A; or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Hands-on laboratory where students make various electronic and electromechanical micro-devices using IC technology. Devices are also tested and analyzed. Pre: 324 or consent. Co-requisite: 328.
Technology principles, materials, and methods for the design and fabrication of semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, and microelectromechanical systems. Pre: 327 or consent. Co-requisite: 328L.
Band structure models and carrier transport physics review. Theory and design of semiconductor IC devices: Schottky diodes, bipolar devices (PN junction diodes, BJTs), FETs (MOSFETs, JFETs, and MESFETs). Pre: 324 and either MATH 243 or MATH 253A; or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory for 326, experiments on linear and analog electronics. Includes an emphasis on writing laboratory reports. Pre: 323L. Co-requisite: 326.
Principles and design of linear electronic circuits including differential, operational, feedback, and tuned amplifiers; integrated circuits, current mirrors, signal generators, filters, and stability. Pre: 323.
Review of quantum mechanics fundamentals, H-atom, and chemical bonding. Introduction to band structure models and materials. Semiconductor doping, charge carrier statistics and charge transport, including ambipolar transport. Metal-semiconductor and PN junctions. Pre: MATH 243 or MATH 253A, and PHYS 274; or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Experiments on linear and logic properties of diodes and transistor networks. Pre: 213. Co-requisite: 323.
Semiconductor structures, operating principles and characteristics of diodes and amplifying devices. Their application as circuit elements in building basic digital, analog, and integrated circuit subsystems. Pre: 213.
Discrete time and continuous time signals and systems, linear systems, convolution, Fourier series, Fourier transform, sampling. Pre: 213 and either MATH 244 or MATH 253A; or consent.
Sophomore level individual or team project under EE faculty direction and guidance. The project provides design experience and develops practical skills. Repeatable unlimited times. CENG, EE, and PREN majors only. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or higher. (cross-listed as ENGR 296)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to the design of digital systems with an emphasis on design methods and the implementation and use of fundamental digital components. Pre: 160 or 110 or ICS 111 or consent.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Laplace transforms and their application to circuits, Fourier transforms and their applications to circuits, frequency selective circuits, introduction to and design of active filters, convolution, and state space analysis of circuits. A-F only. Pre: 211, and MATH 244 (or concurrent) or MATH 253A (or concurrent); or consent
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Linear passive circuits, time domain analysis, transient and steady-state responses, phasors, impedance and admittance; power and energy, frequency responses, resonance. BENG, CE, CENG, EE, ME, PREN, and ENGS majors only. A-F only. Pre: MATH 243 (or concurrent) or MATH 253 (or concurrent), and PHYS 272 (or concurrent); or consent.
Second-level programming for computer engineers. Object oriented programming paradigm, definition and use of classes, fundamentals of object-oriented design in modern object-oriented languages such as C++. Common data structures, simple searching and sorting techniques. CEE, EE, ME, PREN majors only. A-F only. Pre: 160 or consent. (Once a year)
Freshman level individual or team project under EE faculty direction and guidance. This project provides early student entry into EE hands-on project activity providing practical skills, EE subject exposure and experience. Second semester freshman standing required. Repeatable unlimited times. CENG, EE, and PREN majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introductory course on computer programming and modern computing environments in C with an emphasis on algorithm and program design, implementation, and debugging. Includes a hands-on laboratory to develop and practice programming skills. BENG, CE, CENG, EE, ME, PREN, CNST, and ENGS majors only. A-F only. Pre: MATH 241 (or concurrent) or MATH 251A (or concurrent) or consent.
Engineering problem solving using MATLAB. Basic programming concepts include input/output, branching, looping, functions, file input/output, and data structures such as arrays and structures. Matrix operations for solving linear equations. Engineering computations and visualization. EE and CENG majors only. A-F only. Pre: MATH 241 (or concurrent) or MATH 251A (or concurrent) or consent.
Electrical engineering subjects in a skill acquisition context at the freshman level. Learning, creative problem solving, brainstorming, technical information assimilation, and presentation skills development. Repeatable two times. A-F only.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times.
Current issues and problems in the context of education: (B) general; (C) learning; (D) measurement; (E) statistics; (F) psycho-social development; (G) educational evaluation; (H) research methodology. Repeatable nine times. Pre: consent. Seminar may be repeated for credit as topics vary.
Analysis of psychology of adult learner; forces that affect learning in dynamics of individual, group, and organizational behavior; concept of lifelong learning vis-à-vis development of creative strategies that assist maturing, self-directed persons to develop their potentialities. (Cross-listed as EDEA 745 and NURS 745)
Supervised practicum in teaching or program evaluation as each is reflected by professional activities of the members of the faculty. Repeatable six times. Pre: consent of supervisory professor.
Research techniques and thesis development.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable seven times.
Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable ten times. Pre: consent.
To be taken in the final semester or the second to last semester to complete the certificate. Students are expected to integrate, extend, critique and apply knowledge learned in the certificate program. Repeatable three times, up to 12 credits.
Systematic analysis of social reasoning abilities conjunctive with or prerequisite to effective social interaction in educational settings.
Application of learning theory and cognitive skills training in instructional settings.
Cognitive models of knowledge acquisition, organization, and utilization; theory and research relating learning and cognition to interactive instructional models.
Research methods and theories relating social mediation and learning group structures to intellectual growth.
Analysis and critique of (Piagetian) developmental stage theory and traditional behavioristic and cognitive learning theories; introduction to current models of learning and development. Pre: consent.
Introduction to concepts and issues related to program evaluation. Topics include formative and summative uses, planning and design approaches, and metaevaluation processes. A-F only. Pre: 608 (or equivalent).
Discussion-based course presenting an overview of educational psychology applied to teaching adolescents, including theory and research on human learning, adolescent development and its social context, and student assessment.
Theories and applications of modern psychometrics. Topics include item response theory, detecting biased items, measurement invariance, and current issues in psychometrics. Pre: 604 (with a minimum grade of B+) or consent.
Theories and applications to test models with manifest and latent variables. Topics include path analysis, factor analysis, latent variable model, multi-group analysis, latent means model, and other advanced topics in SEM. Pre: 606, PSY 610, PSY 614, or consent.
Theories and methods for data analysis with categorical and discrete variables; analysis of contingency tables, loglinear models, introduction to generalized linear models for binary, nominal, ordinal, and count outcomes in cross-sectional and longitudinal data sets. Pre: 604, PSY 610, or consent.
Concepts, theories and practices in testing and measurement. Specific topics include classical and modern test theories, reliability estimation, validity, psychometric validation methods including factor analysis and item response theory. Pre: 604 or PSY 610 or consent.
Introduction to methods of qualitative research in education. (Meets PhD common core requirement.) (Cross-listed as EDEA 604)
Theories and applications of multilevel model to analyze cross-sectional and longitudinal data. Topics include two-level and three-level models, growth models, and multilevel logistic regression. Pre: 604, PSY 610, 612 (with a minimum grade of B or higher), or consent.
Graduate level introduction to educational psychology theories, research, and topics.
Fundamental design and evaluation procedures in educational research. Topics include an introduction to qualitative and quantitative research, the review of literature, developing research questions, research design, instrumentation, data collection, and writing a research proposal. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) (with a minimum grade of B or higher) or consent.
Conditions for valid applications of nonparametric statistical techniques in education and behavioral sciences; theoretical and methodological perspectives. (Cross-listed as PSY 615)
Multivariate forms of multiple linear regression, analysis of variance and co-variance, and exploratory factor analysis are developed. Pre: 604, PSY 610, or consent.
Introduction to linear statistical models as principle of data analysis. Topics include multiple regression models with continuous and categorical predictors. ANOVA with multiple factors, ANOVA with repeated measures, and ANCOVA. Pre: 601 or EDEA 629 (with a grade of B+), or consent.
Analysis of variance and other models of assessing results of experiments. Relation of analysis to design.
Survey study designs, survey sampling, questionnaire construction, interviewing, pre-tests, pilot studies, logic of measurement and association, table construction, and elaboration models. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as EDEA 608 and SOC 608)
Introductory graduate-level statistics in education and social sciences. Topics on descriptive and inferential statistics including central tendency, variability, sampling distribution, z-test, t-test, correlation, simple linear regression, and one-way ANOVA. (Meets PhD common inquiry methods requirement or elective.)
Application of motivation theory and research to understanding and increasing human motivation for education.
Introduction to concepts and logics of statistical reasoning and statistical literacy. Topics include descriptive statistics, sampling distribution, and inferential statistics such as z-test, t-tests, correlation, and one-way ANOVA.
Introduction to basic concepts and issues in assessment and measurement, development of formative and summative assessment procedures, descriptive statistics, scales of measurement, and standardizing testing.
In-depth analysis of contemporary issues in education from the theoretical and methodological perspectives of the faculty in educational psychology. Repeatable one time.
Introduction to the methodology of systematic study of problems in education: principles of research design, data processing, technical writing, and evaluation of research proposals and reports.
Individual reading or research. Pre: consent.
Theory and use of self-regulated learning strategies in academic contexts.
Psychology as applied to education, including major theories and research and development, cognitive, sociocultural, and multicultural approaches to teaching and learning. Incorporates introductions to standardized testing, classroom assessment, motivation, instructional planning and classroom management. (Cross-listed as PSY 301)
An experience-based introduction to teaching as a career. Repeatable one time.
Examination of the structure and dynamics of educational system. Particular focus on how educational policy interacts with principles that explain educational system behavior. A-F only. Pre: 675 or EDEA 675, or consent. (Cross-listed as EDEA 767)
Aspects of the history of education. Application of historiography to educational problems and policy. Repeatable with different content. A-F only. Pre: 651 or 652, or consent.
Advanced studies in philosophical inquiry. Examination of philosophically based methods of analysis and interpretation and their influence in educational research and practice. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Examination of social, political, and cultural issues affecting educational policy with special emphasis on methods of inquiry and theoretical constructs. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times.
Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of department chair.
Focuses on the development of an ecological consciousness through a cultural and environmental approach to teaching and learning in schooling and everyday life.
Introduction to international development education in Asian and Pacific nations. Students explore links between education and development. Emphasis is on cross-cultural perception of development.
Focuses on the challenges educators face in identifying appropriate pedagogical frameworks and practices in global education that address the impact of globalization in our society today. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Focuses on the interplay of class, race, gender and ethnicity in school and community settings. Social praxis, educational reform and policy are considered. A-F only.
Introduction to educational law and the way it relates to issues of race and ethnicity. Particular focus on how the U.S. courts have dealt with the question of educational inequality in a multiracial/multiethnic society. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Overview of different research methods in educational inquiry with an opportunity to explore through practice one or more methods (ex: case study, interviewing, narrative construction, practitioner inquiry. Preparation for MEd or PhD proposals.
Examination of the ways in which education can be viewed as political, arising from its connection to the larger political system including local, state, and federal governments. A-F only. Pre: 675, EDEA 675, or consent. (Cross-listed as EDEA 676)
Examines theories and models of educational policy and policy-making and the contribution of policy analysis to the policy-making and change processes. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Crosslisted as EDEA 675)
Educational institutions, structures, processes, policies, and problems viewed within the context of political, social, and cultural milieus. Geographic region or theme focus. Repeatable three times. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Introduction to basic methods of comparative studies, focusing on schooling, but also treating broader educational issues. A-F only.
Multi-disciplinary (historical, philosophical, social/cultural and comparative/international focus on topical issues in education. (B) general; (C) leadership and governance in education; (D) educational reform; (E) foundations of teaching; (F) foundations of curriculum; (G) globalization in education; (H) moral political education. Repeatable one time for (H). A-F only for (H). Pre: graduate standing and departmental approval.
Readings of the original texts of major philosophers impacting American education. Considerations about the conditions of knowing and their extension in everyday practices in education. A-F only.
Salient historic, social, and organizational aspects of higher education; history, philosophy, purposes, governance, administration, structures, financing, faculty and student selection, curricula, legal and social issues.
From pre-contact, ancient Hawai‘i to the present. Social and intellectual influences on the development of national, local, and indigenous educational institutions; emphasis on multicultural as well as monocultural directions in Hawai‘i’s schools. A-F only.
History of educational thought and practice from European colonialism to revolutionary nationalism to the present. A-F only.
Field-based participant research projects, including analysis of educational problems and issues. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only.
Examines issues, theories, perspectives and practices in multicultural education and promotes awareness, encourages knowledgeable reflection and develops skills necessary for multicultural practitioners. A-F only. (Cross-listed as EDCS 630)
An in-depth review of social, philosophical, and historical views underlying various theories of education and their applications in teaching and learning. A-F only.
Education as cultural and cross-cultural learning; universal aspects of the process. Ethnographic study. Applied anthropological theory and practice for educators. A-F only.
Identity and learning within and among Hawai‘i ethnic groups; study of prejudice and inter-ethnic hostilities as these impact education and teaching. College of Education majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Examination of current and historical issues in education and how they are impacted upon by gender, with particular reference to gender as it intersects with ethnicity and class, locally and globally. Pre: WGSS 151 or consent. (Cross-listed as EDCS 453 and WGSS 453)
Introduction to sociological frameworks of analysis of the institutional, cultural and social dynamics of schooling, classroom management, school reform, social group and individual role behavior. A-F only.
Theoretical and practical approaches to understanding the constitution of community life. A focus on the social construction of normative values, social dynamics of organizations, and school-community relations. A-F only.
Individual reading or research. Pre: senior majors with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or a minimum GPA of 3.0 in education, and consent of instructor and department chair.
Concepts and methods to develop sensitivity and awareness of cultural influences on behavior as these relate to the schooling process. A-F only. (Cross-listed as ITE 360)
History of educational though and practices from pre-contact Hawaii through statehood. Social, intellectual, political, and cultural influences on indigenous, territorial, and state educational institutions; emphasis on white-settler colonialism, multiculturalism, assimilation, resistance, indigenous, and immigrant experiences. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Spring only.
Interrelated historical, philosophical, and sociocultural contexts of education with an emphasis on identifying, analyzing, and deliberating on contemporary ethical issues, problems, and applications. Students enrolled in colleges other than the College of Education are asked to confer with the College of Education director of student services before enrolling in 310. A-F only.
Study in trends, research, and problems. (B) policy formulation; (C) organizational change; (D) evaluation and research management (meets PhD common required advanced methodology course); (G) school governance; (H) college student affairs administration; (I) higher education administration; (J) administrative theories; (K) administrative problems and issues; (M) engaging diverse student populations; (N) exploring Indigeneity in higher education. (K) is repeatable two times in different topics. EDEA majors only for (I) and (K). A-F only for (M). Pre: consent.
Series of planned seminar experiences on problems and issues confronting school principals, such as contract administration, program planning and budgeting systems (PPBS), teacher evaluation. Topic to be announced. Repeatable unlimited times.
Examination of structure and dynamics of the educational system. Particular focus on how educational policy interacts with principles that explain educational system behavior. A-F only. Pre: 675 or EDEF 675, or consent. (Cross-listed as EDEF 767)
Analysis of psychology of adult learner; forces that affect learning in dynamics of individual, group, and organizational behavior; concept of lifelong learning vis-a-vis development of creative strategies that assist maturing, self-directed persons to develop their potentialities. (Cross-listed as EDEP 745 and NURS 745)
Supervised intern experience in school and university administration. Emphasizes the development of leadership skills through program and project management. A-F only. Pre: approval of cooperating agencies and department.
Study in trends, research, and problems. Pre: 604 or comparable, or consent.
Research master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times.
Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of instructor and department chair.
Required for higher education Plan B option. 3 credits required for program completion. Taken in final semester or second to last semester in program. A-F only. Pre: 602 and 657, and consent of instructor and chair.
Master’s level course in curriculum administration and leadership, focusing on fundamental theories underlying curriculum development, as well as the implementation of curriculum policy at the school level. Pre: consent.
Examination of the ways in which education can be viewed as political, arising from its connection to the larger political system including local, state, and federal governments. A-F only. Pre: 675, EDEF 675; or consent. (Cross-listed as EDEF 676)
Examines theories and models of educational policy and policy-making and the contribution of policy analysis to the policy-making and change processes. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as EDEF 675)
The role of teacher evaluation in the development of teachers and learning communities and to support effective teaching. Repeatable one time.
Development and changing missions of community colleges; in-depth study of emerging leadership issues: planning, financial management, decision-making, governance, and student personnel. Repeatable one time. Pre: 660 or consent.
Traditional and contemporary curriculum issues. Development of performance competencies in curriculum design and evaluation using systems and design theory as central paradigms. Repeatable one time. Pre: 657 or consent.
Philosophy, history, organization, and administration of student personnel services at college and university levels, including admissions, housing, student activities, financial aids, placement, counseling, health services. Repeatable one time. Pre: 657 or consent.
Trends, research, and problems in college and university management. Repeatable one time. EDEA majors only. Pre: 657 or consent.
Salient historic, social, and organizational aspects of higher education; history, philosophy, purposes, governance, administration, structures, financing, faculty and student selection, curricula, legal and social issues. Repeatable one time.
Theory-based frameworks and training methods of intercultural interaction and their applications to educational administration situations. Repeatable one time.
Conflict resolution theory and practice for administrators, faculty and staff in educational organizations. K-12, community colleges and universities. Application and theory of negotiation, mediation, facilitation and hybrid ADR processes. Repeatable one time. Pre: 601 or 650, or consent. (Cross-listed as PACE 652)
Analysis of the nature of organizations, human nature and needs, and their relationship to leadership, staffing, and staff development. Implications of group structure and human conflict, communications, and supervision and evaluation considered. Repeatable one time.
Study of psycho-social characteristics of the American college student and college environment, from viewpoint of student personnel work. Repeatable one time. EDEA majors only.
Examine the emergent theories, issues, practices, and problems relevant for educational leaders in school organizations. Integrates the aspects of management and administration within the context of leadership.
Status and functions of educational institutions and personnel relative to their legal rights and responsibilities. Includes interpretation of important court decisions, statutes, equity measures. (H) higher education: specific for higher education students; (K) K-12: specific for K-12 students. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Statistical inference including applications of parametric and nonparametric methods to educational problems.
Current problems, trends, and strategies in the administration of athletic training, physical education, recreation, sport and fitness programs in school and non-school settings. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as KRS 623)
Educational revenues, apportionments, budgetary procedures, costs, business management, economics of education, measures of productivity. (H) higher education: specific for higher education students; (K) K-12: specific for K-12 students. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Application of principles, techniques, policies, organization of school-community information program. Repeatable one time.
Survey study designs, survey sampling, questionnaire construction, interviewing, pre-tests, pilot studies, logic of measurement and association, table construction, and elaboration models. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as EDEP 602 and SOC 608)
Introduction to methods of qualitative research in education. (Meets PhD common core requirement.) (Cross-listed as EDEP 613)
Develops basic concepts of research on educational administration: methodology, status of particular topics, communication, and application of findings to problems of school administration. (Meets PhD common core inquiry methods requirement.) Repeatable one time.
Develops view of administrative process and organization elements in context of system of personal, social, and physical variables. Emphasis on role and functions of school administrator. Repeatable one time.
Planned individualized study, reading, research, teaching, and/ or projects under direct supervision of instructor. A-F only. Repeatable up to six credits. Pre: consent.
Exploration, application, analysis and synthesis of advanced leadership concepts including emergent theories, issues, trends and empowering approaches. (B) survey of emergent paradigms; (C) Asian Pacific American leadership; (D) gender and leadership; (E) ethics and leadership; (K) issues and problems in leadership. Repeatable one time per alpha. Pre: 360 (or equivalent) and consent.
Theoretical explorations and a supervised practicum experience in student peer leadership education and mentoring in a variety of curricular and co-curricular contexts. Pre: 360 (or equivalent) and consent.
Theoretical approaches and an experimental orientation toward leadership in student organizations via classroom activities and practicum experiences with student organizations.
Research for doctoral dissertation.
Introduction to college-level teaching; doctoral students serve as apprentices to professors; responsibilities include supervised teaching, planning and evaluation. Repeatable up to six credits. CR/NC only. Pre: admission to PhD candidacy and consent.
Practicum experience in area of specialization. Variable credit: minimum of 3 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Capstone for the Doctoral Degree in Professional Education Practice. Involves a conference presentation of research project results to an audience of faculty, fellow graduate students, and interested members of the public. Restricted to students in the Doctoral Degree in Professional Educational Practice. CR/NC only. Pre: other approval.
Practicum in conducting individual practitioner research within the EdD. Includes the formulation of individual applied research project, developing a plan of action, selection of appropriate methods, implementation of plan and composition of practitioner research report. Repeatable three times. Restricted to students in the Doctoral Degree in Professional Educational Practice. A-F only.
Practicum in the EdD program in professional practice; involves a group consultancy project requiring independent research and reflective activity embedded in a group project dealing with a problem of practice. Repeatable three times. Restricted to students in the Doctoral Degree in Professional Educational Practice. A-F only. Pre: other approval.
Development of effective school-based HIV, STD, and unintended pregnancy prevention strategies, based on curriculum evaluation research and participant and student inquiries. Emphasis on serving as classroom models and mentors for other educators. A-F only. (Summer only)
Examines cultural and societal factors contributing to and extent of violence in schools, and outlines schoolwide education for social and emotional literacy, conflict resolution, peer mediation, and appreciation of diversity for peaceable and inclusive schools and communities. A-F only. (Summer only)
Theory and practice in collaborative action research; critical inquiry into current educational work in schools with goals of improvement of teaching and participation in school and curriculum reform.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times.
Student applies theoretical and quantitative techniques, critical thinking, and communicative skills to prepare a written and oral presentation of original research on a topic of his or her choice. A-F only. Pre: 606, 607, 627, 628, and consent of graduate chair.
Selected issues emphasizing research techniques. Required for students who have passed the two theory qualifying exams and have not passed the comprehensive exam. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of department chair
Reflects interests of visiting and permanent faculty, focusing on specialized methods or topics in economics. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: 606 or 607, or consent.
Experimental economics: methodology. Experimental game theory. Market experiments. Applications include: topics in industrial organization, provision of public goods, asset markets, auctions. Repeatable one time. Pre: 606 and 608, or consent.
Economic analysis of health-care policy; efficient design of health-care financing schemes; private and public demand for health, health insurance, and medical care; provider behavior. Pre: 604 (or concurrent) or 606 (or concurrent), or consent.
Economic determinants and consequences of population change. Pre: consent.
Supply of and demand for labor; implications for labor markets and unemployment level. Pre: 606 or consent.
Surveys empirical research in international macroeconomics, finance and econometric methods: including balance of payments adjustment, international equilibrium, international prices, interest rates and exchange rates, models of exchange rate determination, capital flows, balance of payments crises. Pre: 607 and 629 (or concurrent), or consent. (Fall only)
Advanced international monetary and macroeconomic theory: balance of payments, output, price and exchange rate determination, international aspects of growth and economic fluctuations, alternative exchange rate regimes, international capital flows. Pre: 607 or consent.
Surveys theoretical and empirical research on topics such as regionalism and multilateralism, trade and wages, foreign direct investment and multinational firms, trade and the environment, and trade and economic growth. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: 660 or consent.
Classical and new theories of international trade: why nations trade, gains from trade, patterns of trade, and trade policy effects under perfect and imperfect competition. Empirical trade and other special topics. Pre: 606 or consent.
Theoretical and empirical analysis of public-sector allocation. Adverse selection, moral hazard, networks, auctions, public choice and political mechanisms; tax and mandate incidence; economics of education and local public goods; social insurance programs. Pre: 606 or consent.
Microeconomic principles for expenditure and tax policies. Externalities, public goods, non-convexities, regulation; cost-benefit analysis, general equilibrium, shadow-pricing; rent-seeking, corruption; optimal taxation, incidence, excess burden; dynamic public finance, national debt, social security. Pre: 604 or 606; or consent.
Seminar on the economics of the marine environment. Topics include fisheries management, ocean recreation, shipping, and coral reef protection. Pre: 606 or consent. (Once a year)
Principles of policy design and evaluation for environmental resources management, forestry and watershed conservation, and sustainable economic development. Pre: 604 or 606; or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 638)
Analysis of problems of development and management of natural resources with emphasis on resources in agriculture and role in economic development. Pre: 608 and 629. (Cross-listed as NREM 637 and SUST 637)
Analysis of economic and policy aspects of renewable energy use, and interactions of markets for renewable energy and other energy options. Evaluations of policies to develop renewable energy options. Pre: college calculus and principles of microeconomics; or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 636)
Economic analysis of disasters. The economics of prevention and mitigation, as well as post-disaster economic consequences and policy, will be examined. Graduate students only.
Specification, statistical estimation, inference and forecasting of econometric models. Includes advanced topics for single-equation models, pooled models, qualitative dependent variables, simultaneous systems, distributed lags, and time series. Pre: 628, AREC 626, or consent. (Cross-listed as AREC 634)
Review of probability, estimation, small sample and asymptotic properties. Bivariate and multiple regression and matrix algebra formulation. Regression diagnostics. Introduction to heteroskedastidity, autocorrelation, simultaneity, dichotomous variables, advanced topics.
Sets, functions, limits, convexity, continuity; constrained and unconstrained optimization; difference and differential equations; matrix algebra; simultaneous equations; comparative statics; Kuhn-Tucker theory; game theory; mathematical programming.
Game theory and strategic behavior. Economics of information and incentives principal-agent theory. Economic design. Applications include: theory of contracts; incentive compatible mechanism for provision of public goods; auction theory. Pre: 608 or consent.
Analysis of growth from Meiji period to present. Problems of population change, capital formation, income distribution, industrial structure. Pre: 610 or consent.
Analysis of policies for the promotion of industrial and agricultural development. Project evaluation, industrial regulation, public administration, investment and capital market policies, land-use policies, trade policies, pricing, and stabilization. Pre: 604 or 606; or consent.
Nature and causes of economic growth and structural change. Roles of macroeconomic policy and foreign trade. Pre: 606 and 607, or consent.
Models of economic growth and fluctuations; stochastic and dynamic macroeconomic models; econometric testing of rational expectations models; theory of public debt; current topics in macroeconomic theory. Pre: 607 or consent.
General equilibrium analysis: production, consumption and Walrasian equilibria; Pareto efficiency, fundamental theorems of welfare economics; externalities; public goods; game theory; information theory. Pre: 606 or consent.
Neoclassical theory of real and monetary equilibrium, economics of J. M. Keynes, standard IS/LM models and aggregate demand/supply analysis in the closed and open economy, theory of rational expectations.
Theory of the firm: production, costs, duality; theory of the market: competition, monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition; theory of the consumer: preferences, expenditures, duality; expected utility theory.
Theory of the consumer, firm, and market. Role of governments and analysis of public policy. Applications to both industrialized and developing countries. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Economics majors and minors conduct research, under faculty supervision, on a topic of their choice. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: minimum GPA of 3.0 in economics and consent.
Economic analysis of current events. Topics announced each semester, e.g., environmental pollution, crime control, racial discrimination, traffic congestion. Pre: 300 or 301 or consent
Microeconomics explains urban land and housing phenomena, and analyzes selected land and housing issues relevant to Honolulu. Pre: 301 or consent.
Legal issues of property rights, contracts, torts, and crime. Efficiency of U.S. legal process. Economics of law enforcement, juries, prosecutors; evolution of legal rules. Pre: 301.
Theoretical and empirical analysis of contemporary topics in industrial organization. Uses economic theory to analyze important issues facing firms, and examines the practical challenges of empirical applications of theory. Pre: 301.
The determination of output, price levels, exchange rates and the balance of payments for economies that are integrated with the global economy; theory and application to historical and/or contemporary policy issues. Pre: 300.
Theory of international specialization and exchange; general equilibrium, tariffs, quotas, common markets. Pre: 301.
Principles of project evaluation and policy analysis. Shadow pricing, economic cost of taxes and tariffs; public policy for exhaustible, renewable, and environmental resources. Pre: 301. (Cross-listed as SUST 458)
Fiscal institutions, operations, and policy questions within state and local governments in U.S. grant programs and other links with central government. Pre: 301.
Welfare economics, public expenditure and policy evaluation, public finance by debt and taxes. Pre: 301.
Theoretical foundation and empirical evidence for analyzing key issues facing today’s developing world. Topics include characteristics of underdeveloped economies, economic growth, structural change, poverty, inequality, education, population growth, foreign aid and financial sector. Pre: 300 or 301, or consent.
Micro-foundations and critical analysis of monetary and macroeconomic theory and policy. Topics include the causes and consequences of inflation, optimal monetary policy and international monetary systems, bank risk and insurance, and national debt and taxation. Pre: 300 or 301 or consent.
Private and public demand for health, health insurance, and medical care; efficient production and utilization of services; models of hospital and physician behavior; optimal public policy. Pre: 301 or consent.
Determinants and consequences of growth and structure of human populations. Relationships between economic factors and fertility, population growth and economic growth. Pre: 301 (or concurrent).
Economic analysis of labor market. Investment in human capital, education, health, migration, etc. Pre: 301 or consent.
Introduction to quantitative decision-making methods for effective agribusiness management in resource allocation, scheduling, logistics, risk analysis, inventory, and forecasting. Emphasis on problem identification, model formulation and solution, and interpretation and presentation of results. Pre: 130 or NREM/SUST 220, and 321 or NREM 310; or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as NREM 429)
Forecasting methods for business and economics with applications to the U.S., Asian, and Hawai‘i economies. Topics include time series modeling of trend, seasonal, and cyclical components, multivariate regression modeling, and forecast evaluation. A-F only. Pre: 321 or BUS 310 or NREM 310 or (MATH 251A and NREM 203) or (MATH 371 and MATH 373) or (MATH 471 and MATH 472); or consent.
Regression analysis, analysis of variance, hypothesis testing, problems in estimation of single equation models, simultaneous equation models, problems and methods of estimation. A-F only. Pre: 321 or MATH 241 or BUS 310 or NREM 310 or (MATH 251A and NREM 203) or (MATH 371 and MATH 373) or (MATH 471 and MATH 472); or consent.
Mathematical techniques applied to theories of the consumer, the firm, markets. Linear programming, input-output analysis. Pre: 300, 301; MATH 203, MATH 215, MATH 241, or MATH 251A.
Historical and current economic development of the Pacific islands (excluding Hawai‘i). Analysis of selected economic issues such as tourism, population growth, etc. Pre: 120, 130, or 131; or consent.
The Chinese economy during the imperial and republican periods, under Mao, and into the present reform era, with a brief comparison to Taiwan and Hong Kong. Pre: 120, 130, or 131; or consent.
History and economic development. Resources, population, and income, saving, investment, and consumption patterns. Role of government and private enterprise. Pre: 120, 130, or 131; or consent.
Causes and consequences of financial and economic crises: crisis origins and global transmission; macroeconomic and regulatory policy responses; recovery challenges. Pre: 120, 130, or 131; or consent.
U.S. economy from colonial times: government policies, institutions, industries, financial markets, economic growth, economic crises. Pre: 120, 130, or 131; or consent.
Examination of society’s interaction with the ocean. Topics include: ocean recreation, shipping, boat building, ports, offshore energy production, aquaculture, fishing, coastal construction, and coral reef protection. Pre: 120 or 130, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as SUST 412)
Economics majors and minors participate in faculty supervised reading of economic literature. Enables students to self-study topics not covered in the department’s scheduled course offerings. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Economic analysis of current events. Topics announced each semester. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: 120 or 130 or 131.
Economics majors and minors, under the supervision of faculty members, work at paid positions with public agencies, private companies, and campus organizations. The Econ Co-op integrates academics with practical work experience. Repeatable two times. Pre: consent.
Economics majors and minors work at paid positions with public agencies, private companies, and campus organizations. Students combine academic work with practical experience. Repeatable two times. Pre: consent.
Political economy of the world trading system. Case studies of trade cooperation and conflict under the World Trade Organization and other institutions. Future challenges, including investment policies, environmental and labor standards. Pre: 120, 130 or 131; or consent.
Women’s role, status, work and treatment in the Third World; economic development, changing work/family roles, and improvement/ deterioration in gender equity across the Third World; global feminization of poverty; efforts to promote gender equity. Open to non-majors. Pre: a 100 level economics course or any women’s studies course; or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 361)
Nature and causes of environmental degradation/economic solutions, with emphasis on relevant ethical issues and decision-making. Topics include air and water pollution, toxic waste, deforestation, soil erosion, biodiversity, global warming, and sustainable development. Pre: 120, 130, or 131; or consent.
Introduces students to the study of strategic behavior with applications to economics, business, and public policy. Simple economic models of strategic decision making are used to analyze provision of public goods; competition, cooperation, and coordination among firms; bargaining between employers and labor unions; international trade negotiations; reputation as a competitive advantage, and others. Pre: 120, 130, or 131; or consent.
Fundamental questions about the connections in the social, economic, and technological worlds. Topics include: matching markets, traffic, financial and social networks; and the political and economic consequences of the internet and other large networks. Pre: 120 or 130 or 131.
Transdisciplinary introduction to sustainable development. Interactions between environment, economy, and public policy, especially in Hawai‘i. Topics include: curse of paradise, global warming, energy use, health, poverty, population, water resources, traffic congestion, biodiversity, pollution controls. Pre: 120 or 130 or 131, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as SUST 350)
Introduces major western economic theorists and ideas since around 1700. Considers the history of views on work, poverty, the market and government, and the relationship of those doctrines to society, philosophy, and public policy. Pre: 130, 131, or HIST 151, or HIST 152; or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as HIST 342)
Comparative historical study of economic ideas and change since around 1700. Considers the histories of capitalism, poverty, industrialization and labor in Europe, Asia, the U.S., and other regions. (Cross-listed as HIST 340)
The determination of asset prices; the risk and term structure of interest rates; efficient markets hypothesis; risk management and financial derivatives, asymmetric information models of financial market structure, innovation, regulation and deregulation; and financial crises. Pre: 120, 130, or 131; or consent.
Analysis of economic and policy aspects of energy use, and interactions of markets for various nonrenewable and renewable energy options. Evaluations of policies to develop alternative energy sources. Pre: 120 or 130 or 131. (Cross-listed as PPC 336 and SUST 336)
Nature and causes of global climate change and economic solutions. Topics include valuing climate change impacts, energy solutions, environmental implications, societal adaptation, and international cooperation. A-F only. Pre: 120 or 130 or 131, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as SUST 332)
Basic elements; descriptive statistics, probability, inference, distributions, hypothesis testing, regression, and correlation analysis.
Examines tourism from an economic perspective. Topics include: the determinants of consumer demand for leisure travel, structure of competition among suppliers of tourism services, benefits and costs of tourism development to the host community, government’s role in the taxation, subsidy, regulation and protection of the tourism industry, tourism’s impact on the environment, and sustainable tourism development. Pre: 120 or 130 or 131; consent. (Cross-listed as TIM 320)
Analysis of Japan’s growth past and present. Does Japan’s economy look different in terms of its international trade structure, industrial structure, labor market, savings patterns, government policies, etc.? Does it matter? Pre: 120 or 130, or consent.
History of development of Hawaiian economy; current economic problems. Pre: 120, 130, or 131; or consent.
Develops basic techniques and fundamental concepts of microeconomic theory. Learn to use economic reasoning to understand the social consequences of decisions made by individual consumers, producers, and governments. Analyze the nature of market outcomes under alternative market structures, and further discuss possible welfare-improving government policies when markets fail to be efficient. Special attention is paid to the analysis of strategic behavior and markets with public goods and externalities. Pre: 130 or consent.
Develops basic techniques and fundamental concepts used to study the overall macroeconomy and policies that affect it. Study the determinants of national income and long-run growth; causes and consequences of unemployment, inflation, and business cycle fluctuations; determination of foreign exchange rates and current account imbalances, and the role of government policy in various settings. Pre: 131 or consent.
Develops basic techniques of data analysis and visualization. Introduces sources of economic data; methods of preparing data from various file/data formats for analysis; methods of visualization: bubble plots, scatterplot matrices, heatmaps, hexbins, rug plots, etc. A-F only.
An introduction to macroeconomics–the study of the overall economy. Topics include the determination of national income, causes and effects of inflation, unemployment, and income inequality; causes and consequences of international differences in economic growth; sources of business cycle expansions and contractions; role of government policy in stabilizing the economy and promoting long-term growth; financial markets and monetary policy; taxes, spending, consequences of budget deficits, determination of trade imbalances, exchange rate fluctuations, and balance of payment crises.
Examination of the decision-making process of both households and firms. Analysis of the functioning of a competitive market system, using supply and demand models and the role of government in cases where the market system fails. Additional topics include the effects of international rate on the welfare of a nation and the effects of different competitive market structures on society.
One semester survey of the principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics to enable students in all disciplines to understand current economic events.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Comparison of lexicon, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, etc., of two or more East Asian languages, contact influence on them. Pre: CHN 451, CHN 452, or JPN 451; or consent.
Comparison of authors, modes, topics, and genres in poetry and prose; theoretical and practical criticism. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Introduction to Classical Tibetan grammar and vocabulary with emphasis on the earliest Tibetan texts; reading and analysis of pre-classical, classical and postclassical texts.
In-depth study of selected topics and issues in modern/contemporary East Asian literary and cultural studies using an interdisciplinary, inter-regional, and transnational approach, from an intercultural perspective. Repeatable two times in different topics, but need consent for second repeat. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as ASAN 665)
Introduction to contemporary Chinese independent documentary with these goals: to achieve in-depth understanding of Chinese society through documentary; be familiar with theoretical debates on documentary form; and understand documentary as a cultural discourse. Pre: 473 or 476, or instructor consent. (Alt. years: fall)
Critical scholarship in Chinese literature and cultural studies, broadly defined to include the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and others. Reading knowledge of Chinese desirable but not required. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as ASAN 612)
Traditional and modern references and other library materials basic to research in all areas of East Asian studies: (C) Chinese; (J) Japanese; (K) Korean. Pre: CHN 402 for (C); JPN 407 (alpha) for (J); KOR 402 for (K).
Introduction to cross-linguistic comparison of the writing systems, dialects, history, phonology, morphology, and syntax of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Pre: CHN 451 and 452, or JPN 451, or KOR 451 and 452; or consent. (Once a year)
Survey on East Asian language pedagogy designed to develop students’ familiarity with and facility in addressing the major issues, initiatives, and innovations in the field. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Less commonly taught languages of East Asia: (B) Manchu; (C) Mongolian. Recommended: previous experience in history, linguistics, or languages. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Comparative perspectives; some works studied in the original. Pre: third-level East Asian language.
Introduction to Chinese cinema studies, with emphasis on the theoretical and critical approaches to Chinese film. Pre: one DH or DL course, or consent. (Once a year)
Survey of contemporary Chinese popular entertainment forms that are produced and appreciated transnationally. Examples include martial arts genres, kung fu films, commercial novels, ballroom dancing, karaoke culture, music videos and rock music. Material will be selected based upon availability and readings will include critical essays from the fields of popular culture, media studies, and literary criticism. Pre: any 300- or 400-level DL or DH course. (Cross-listed as ASAN 474)
Multidisciplinary and historically located study of Chinese culture through the examination of literary/visual texts and critical essays from cultural studies. Specific topics will depend upon term. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: one DH or DL course or consent. (Cross-listed as ASAN 473)
Critical examination of encounters between Western and East Asian cultures across time. In addition to literary texts, the course may use sources from other media, and focus on a specific era, region, or genre. Pre: an EALL course at 200 level or above; or a DH or DL course at 200 level or above; or consent.
Study of fiction by modern Korean women writers in the changing context of Korean culture. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or higher.
Multi-disciplinary and historically located study of Japanese culture through the examination of literary and visual texts. Specific topics will depend upon the term. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: one DH or DL course, or consent. (Alt. years)
Reading and analysis of English translations of selected important works in modern Japanese literature. No knowledge of Japanese required. Repeatable two times in different topics with consent.
Reading and analysis of English translations of selected important works in the classical tradition. No knowledge of Japanese required. Repeatable two times in different topics with consent.
Study of the fictional and visual representations of the city in the changing contexts of Chinese modernization from the late imperial age to the beginning of the 21st century. Pre: one DH or DL course, or consent. (Once a year)
Survey of pre-modern Chinese fiction in translation. (B) short story; (C) novel. Pre: one DH or DL course, or consent.
A survey and critical examination of contemporary Chinese women writers from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Traces a genealogy of women’s writing from the early 1920s up until now through novels, poetry, drama, and film. Pre: one DH or DL course, or consent. (Crosslisted as ASAN 364 and WGSS 346)
Survey of 20th-century Chinese literature in translation. Includes a variety of genres from the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong: (B) 1919–1949; (C) 1949–present. Pre: one DH or DL course, or consent.
Survey of all major genres from the ninth into the 20th-century. Pre: one DH or DL course, or consent.
Survey of all major genres from antiquity until the ninth century. Pre: one DH or DL course, or consent.
Selected works of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean literature in English; relationships and parallels. Pre: one DH or DL course, or consent.
Study and analysis of Chinese film; its history and relationship to cultural, social, philosophical, and aesthetic contexts. (Cross-listed as ASAN 330)
Study and analysis of Japanese film; its history and relationship to cultural, social, philosophical, and aesthetic contexts. (B) 1900-1960; (C) 1960-present; (D) special topics. Pre: upper division standing or consent. (Cross-listed as ASAN 325)
Survey of 20th-century Korean literature with emphasis on development and cultural context; all readings in English translation. Students write essays about the readings.
Survey of Korean literature from earliest times with emphasis on development and cultural context; all readings in English translation. Students write essays about the readings.
Survey of traditional and modern Japanese literature in translation, covering all major genres. Only offered at Konan University in Japan. Not open to students with 271 or 272.
Survey from mid-19th century to present; emphasis on fiction.
Survey of all major forms from the earliest era to mid-19th century.
Provides students with interesting perspectives on and some general knowledge of Chinese language, literature, and culture.
Develops a space mission with a multidisciplinary team of engineers and scientists using concurrent science and engineering methodologies. Will build a small spacecraft and payload. The project will seek to answer important science questions. A-F only. Pre: 301 and 302. (Fall only) (cross-listed as ME 401)
Will cover all aspects of spacecraft design, subsystems, science payload, systems engineering, project management, and budgets that are important to producing a fully successful mission. A-F only. Pre: 301. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as ME 400)
Essential techniques for remote compositional analysis of planets; understanding spectroscopy, mineralogy, and geochemistry of planetary surfaces and their measurement. Design of space flight instrumentation. A-F only. Pre: 201, or ERTH 101 and ERTH 101L
and ERTH 105, or ERTH 101 and ERTH 107; and CHEM 161 and PHYS 272. (Fall only) (crosslisted as ME 301)
Introduction to the science or engineering of Solar System exploration. Covers science instruments, mission trajectories (fly-by, orbit, or lander), and science and engineering constraints imposed on spacecraft design. Lectures, discussions, class projects. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as ME 201)
Mixed methods research is designed for PhD and masters students in education and social sciences considering combining qualitative and quantitative research. Covers philosophical and practical implications culminating in a mixed methods dissertation/thesis proposal. Repeatable one time. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as EDCS 780 and LTEC 780)
Directed reading and/or research. Repeatable three times. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Interdisciplinary community experience and portfolio in disability and diversity studies. Repeatable three times. A-F only.
In-depth explorations of current and compelling interdisciplinary topics related to advancing the social, political, educational, and economic integration of individuals with disabilities of all ages. A-F only.
Assessment methods and techniques to instructional research-based practices and supports across disciplines, cultures and PK-12 that address barriers to learning for all students with the context of the Comprehensive Student Support System (CSSS). A-F only.
Assessment methods and techniques to instructional research-based practices and supports across disciplines, cultures and PK-12 that address barriers to learning for all students with the context of the Comprehensive Student Support System (CSSS). A-F only.
Develop knowledge and skills to participate effectively on interdisciplinary teams for the common goal of promoting service integration and coordination of education, social, health, mental health, and other services with individuals with disabilities and their families. A-F only.
Develop understanding of current issues faced by individuals with disabilities and their families within the disability paradigm and across cultures.
Explores disability and diversity across time to gain an understanding and context of issues such as difference, culture, identity, community, privilege, and oppression and how the past affects the present and future. Repeatable two times. A-F only.
Provide background and understanding of various Pacific Rim cultural issues in the conceptualization and treatment of individuals with disabilities and their families. A-F only.
A historical overview of disability that visits diverse perspectives, attitudes, and treatment toward individuals with disabilities through many centuries, societies, and cultures throughout the world; and how people with disabilities perceived themselves. A-F only.
Supervised field experience in applied behavior analysis. The format is a combination of fieldwork and seminar meetings. Repeatable four times or up to 15 credits. A-F only.
Strategies for identifying and adopting best practices that support all students in inclusive learning environments with an emphasis on STEM curriculum for English Language Learners; (B) science; (C) technology; (D) math. A-F only.
Classroom-based research covers the fundamentals of qualitative, quantitative, Action Research, mixed methods, and Curriculum Based Assessment. Exploratory, explanatory, and confirmatory research will be highlighted culminating in an outline for Plan B/Thesis proposal. (Cross-listed as EDCS 606)
How have people over many centuries, and from broad geographical perspectives perceived and treated individuals with disabilities? An overview of the history of the conditions in which people with disabilities lived. A-F only.
Focuses on creating accessible technology and instructional media, developing long-term resources, advancing accessible social interaction between students and students with instructors, and using case studies as examples of good practices. A-F only.
Focuses on disability as a category of diversity and identity, as well as diversity within disability. Different strategies used to increase the freedom or liberty of people with disabilities are critically examined. A-F only.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Research experience in developmental and reproductive biology. Repeatable unlimited times.
Introductory laboratory research experience under the supervision of faculty. Repeatable two times. A-F only.
Combined lecture-lab on current technologies and methods for mammalian reproduction and developmental biology. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or concurrent), 613/614 (or concurrent); or consent. (Spring only)
Seminar designed to teach graduate students and advanced undergraduate students about current topics relating to stem cell biology, as well as the application of stem cells to modern medicine. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 275 and PHYL 604, or consent. (Spring only)
Discussion of current research in developmental and reproductive biology. A-F only.
Presentations of current research carried out by developmental and reproductive biology graduate program faculty.
Lecture on the basics of vertebrate and invertebrate fertilization and early embryonic development. Open to all graduate students. (Fall only)
Individualized program of directed reading, field work, or research for major under supervision in related areas of dentistry and dental hygiene. Pre: consent.
Advanced clinical application and knowledge in the care of pediatric patients 0-5 years of age. DH majors only. A-F only. (Spring only)
Provides an opportunity to synthesize, analyze, and develop solutions to an oral health care problem affecting children ages 0-5 years. Requires one credit to be spent in fieldwork to meet course requirements. DH majors only. A-F only. (Spring only)
Emphasizes community-based oral health promotion, dental disease risk reduction and management in children 0-5 years of age with a focus on vulnerable and special needs populations. DH majors only. A-F only. (Spring only)
Focus on the management of dental emergencies in children. DH majors only. A-F only. (Spring only)
Field experience. Clinical application and knowledge in the care of pediatric patients 0-5 years of age. DH majors only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Focus on interprofessional practice principles and competencies while providing students an opportunity to participate in interprofessional team simulations to address health care issues of children. DH majors only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Focus on pharmacological principles and clinical therapeutics in pediatric dental care. DH majors only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Focus on advanced health and diagnostic assessment for pediatric patients. Includes behavior management techniques as well as oral habits and subsequent malocclusions and speech difficulties. DH majors only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Focus on the normal growth and development of children based on current clinical practice guidelines and evidence in pediatric research. DH majors only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Application of knowledge of expanded functions in periodontics with emphasis on principles, techniques, procedures in pain-anxiety control, soft tissue curettage, host factors, and modification of behavior. A-F only. Pre: 475 and 475L. Co-requisite: 480. (Spring only)
In-depth knowledge, communicated via oral delivery, on development of expanded functions in periodontics with emphasis on principles, techniques, procedures in pain-anxiety control, soft tissue curettage, host factors, and modifications in behavior. A-F only. Pre: 475 and 475L. Co-requisite: 480L. (Spring only
Application of knowledge of expanded functions in periodontics with emphasis on principles, techniques, procedures in pain-anxiety control, soft tissue curettage, host factors, and modification of behavior. A-F only. Pre: 380, 380L, 389, and 391. Co-requisite: 475. (Fall only)
An in-depth knowledge and clinical application of expanded function in periodontics with emphasis on principles, techniques, procedures in pain-anxiety control, soft tissue curettage, host factors, and modification of behavior. A-F only. Pre: 380, 380L, 389, and 391. Co-requisite: 475L.
Introduction and application of the principles of health education and dental public health into practice in schools, community agencies, and private dental offices (inclusive of problem assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation processes); epidemiology and biostatistics. A-F only. Pre: 361. (Fall only)
Continuation of DH 390. Normal periodontium, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and epidemiology of periodontal diseases, and mode of periodontal therapy. Emphasis on writing. A-F only. Pre: 390. (Spring only)
Normal periodontium, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and epidemiology of periodontal diseases, and mode of periodontal therapy. Emphasis on writing. A-F only. Pre: 240, 251, and 366. (Fall only)
Basic concepts of pain control and local anesthesia in dentistry with appropriate emphasis on psychological preparation, pharmacological preparation, and safe and effective administration of anesthesia in the practice of dental hygiene. Pre: 231 and 250. Co-requisite: 240, 251, and 366. (Spring only)
Continuation of 375. Clinical application of dental hygiene concepts and skills; emergency procedures; team approach to dentistry; planning, implementing and evaluating total oral hygiene care to patients. A-F only. Pre: 375, 375L, and 389. Co-requisite: 380.
Continued development of dental hygiene concepts, skills, emergency procedures, team approach to dentistry, planning, implementing and evaluating oral hygiene care of patients. Review and analyze dental periodicals and conduct a case study. Emphasis on writing. Pre: 375, 375L, and 389. Co-requisite: 380L. (Spring only)
Clinical instruction and application of dental hygiene concepts and skills; emergency procedures; team approach to dentistry; planning, implementing, and evaluating total oral hygiene care of patients; review and critical analysis of current dental periodicals and research. A-F only. Pre: 240, 240L, 281, 281L, and 389. Co-requisite: 375.
Development of dental hygiene concepts and skills; emergency procedures; team approach to dentistry, planning, implementing and evaluating total oral hygiene care of patients; review and critical analysis of current dental periodicals and research. A-F only. Pre: 240, 240L, 281, 281L, and 389. Co-requisite: 375L.
(2 1.5-hr Lab/Clinic) Application of basic concepts of expanded functions in dental hygiene. A-F only. Pre: 369. Co-requisite: 370.
Basic concepts of expanded functions in dental hygiene. A-F only. Pre: 369. Co-requisite: 370L.
Laboratory and clinical application of concepts in the science of dental materials. A-F only. Pre: 231. Co-requisite: 369.
Science of dental materials and its application to dentistry and dental hygiene. A-F only. Pre: 231. Co-requisite: 369L.
The study of the nature and causes of diseases, the progress and termination or associated alterations of tissue with emphasis on diseases affecting the teeth and the structures of the oral cavity. Pre: 366. (Fall only)
The study of the nature and causes of diseases, the progress and termination or associated alterations of tissue with emphasis on diseases an tissue alterations associated with the human body organ systems. Pre: 250 and 251 (or concurrent). (Spring only)
Provides an overview of the concepts and application of health education and health promotion theories and principles as applies to individuals, groups and the larger public. Pre: open to non-nursing majors with consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as NURS 361)
(1 3-hr Lab/Clinic) Preparation and evaluation of radiographic survey of patients with varying dentition; methods, and indications of safety considerations in clinical application of roentgen rays. A-F only. Pre: 231. Co-requisite: 281.
Basic principles of radiation and fundamental information to understand and safely use radiation in dental radiography. A-F only. Pre: 231. Co-requisite: 281L.
Cells and tissues as they relate to the oral cavity and the embryological development of the head, neck, and related oral structures. Pre: 250. (Spring only)
Cells, tissues, the organs they make up, and their embryologic origin. Pre: 231 (or concurrent). (Fall only)
Laboratory and clinical experiences in basic dental hygiene skills and competencies including history taking, examination, patient care plan, oral prophylaxis, application of caries preventive agents, and clinic procedures. A-F only. Pre: 238 and 238L. Co-requisite: 240.
Basic dental hygiene theory and skills including competencies in health history taking, examination, patient care plan, oral prophylaxis, application of caries preventive agents, plaque control and support procedures. A-F only. Pre: 238 and 238L. Co-requisite: 240L.
Application of preliminary dental hygiene clinical and support procedures including instrumentation, vital signs, and team concepts in dentistry. A-F only. Co-requisite: 238.
Relationship to dentistry, problems, trends, issues; role and functions of dental hygienists in prevention and control of chronic oral diseases; preliminary dental hygiene clinical and support procedures including vital signs; team concepts in dentistry. A-F only. Co-requisite: 238L.
(2 3-hr Lab) Application of DH 231 didactic concepts to laboratory activities and practices. A-F only. Pre: BIOC 241 and PHYL 103, PHYL 103L; or equivalent. Co-requisite: 231.
The study of the structure and functions of the head and neck with emphasis on structures in or related to the oral cavity; of tooth morphology. A-F only. Pre: BIOC 241, PHYL 103, PHYL 103L; or equivalent. Co-requisite: 231L.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Individual projects: tutorial. Repeatable up to six credits. Pre: consent.
Internship program where students will work for or with a professional theatre company under supervision of a UH faculty member, plus possible supervisor(s) from the theatre company. Students must participate hands-on in production activities of that company and receive a satisfactory (or better) review from their supervisor(s); (B) entertainment design: costume, lighting, scenery, props, sound, or other related disciplines; (C) performance: acting, directing, dance, choreography, or other related disciplines. Repeatable eight times per alpha, up to nine credits per alpha. A-F only. Pre: 345 or 353 or 356 for (B); 621 or 682 or DNCE 371 for (C). (Cross-listed as THEA 696 (Alpha))
Forum for presentation and discussion of current intellectual and artistic activities in the dance field. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.
Supervised leadership experiences in dance/theater program with children. Students spend nine hours per week in supervised setting and three hours in weekly class meeting. Pre: 490, THEA 470, or THEA 476; or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 693)
Supervised teaching experience at the introductory or undergraduate level. Students will teach an appropriate level course in their field of expertise under faculty supervision. Repeatable up to nine credits. THEA or DNCE majors only. (Cross-listed as THEA 692)
Pedagogy and classroom experience in teaching technique and theory. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as THEA 691)
Concert choreography for selected performance settings under the direction of a faculty advisor. Repeatable six times. Pre: 372 (or concurrent) or 671 (or concurrent), or consent.
Graduate level course designed for students with prior choreographic experience. Students will research, create, revise, and perform new works based on a variety of choreographic methodologies. Repeatable one time. Pre: 371, 372; or consent. (Alt. years)
Graduate performance in various dance styles and settings. By audition only. Repeatable six times. Pre: consent.
Advanced analytic and creative study. Pre: 372 or consent. (Alt. years)
Advanced skills in movement analysis and interpretation of movement scores. Emphasis on Labanotation. Repeatable two times. Pre: 362. (Alt. years)
Study and application of Laban Movement Analysis as a framework for enhancing analytical and artistic abilities. Pre: 260 (or concurrent) and 360 (or concurrent); or consent.
Readings, research, and/or field movement experiences. Repeatable one time if topic changes. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Seminar offering overview and foundation for launching or advancing enterprises in the arts. A focus on the processes and method for creating economically successful grants and project development applications. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 658)
Dance content and historico-social context of principal dance traditions. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years)
Dance content and historico-social context of principal dance traditions. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years)
Exemplary studies and field research. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years)
Major theories of dance and dance criticism; emphasis on Western ideas. Pre: 452 and 453, or consent.
Research materials and methods; preparation for thesis and scholarly research reporting. Required for graduate concentrations in dance. (Alt. years)
Special topics. Repeatable up to two times when topics change. Pre: THEA 615 or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 617)
Individual projects, tutorial. Pre: consent.
Individual choreographic project; student choreographs, performs, and oversees all technical aspects of a creative project; tutorial. A-F only. Pre: 372, senior standing, and consent.
Dance activities for young people. Appropriate for teachers, group workers, recreation majors, and others working with children. Also adults with special needs. Supervised field activities.
Preparation of standard and new works for performance. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.
Advanced-level dance improvisation. Repeatable two times. Pre: 370 or consent.
Performance in various dance styles and settings. Repeatable eight times.
Principles, techniques, and materials used in the teaching of dance technique. A-F only.
Readings, research, and/or field and movement experiences. Repeatable if topic changes unlimited times. Pre: upper division standing and consent.
Field experiences in relevant contexts under professional and faculty supervision. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: upper division standing and consent.
Advanced costume design for theatre and dance. Introduction to collaborative process in costume. Intensive work on rendering skills, applied to various design problems. Cost analysis and organizational techniques. Pre: 356 or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 456)
Development of modern dance, contemporary ballet, and dance forms of musical theater and film. Pre: upper division standing or consent.
Development of Western theatrical dance from Ancient Greece through 19th-century ballet. Pre: upper division standing or consent.
Costume production techniques, both Western and Asian, for theatre and dance. Topic rotation includes: understructures and armatures, patterning, tailoring, dyeing, fabric modification, millenery and crafts, within the context of current industry practice. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: 354, 356, or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 446)
Theatrical dance forms used in 20th-century musical theater. Pre: 100 level or above dance technique class, 421, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as THEA 439)
Movement styles and social deportment of the Baroque and pre-Romantic periods in Europe and the American colonies. Pre: 435 or THEA 435, one semester of a 100-level dance technique class; or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as THEA 438)
Movement styles and social deportment of European societies in the Renaissance and early Baroque periods. Pre: 435 or THEA 435, one semester of a 100-level dance technique class; or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as THEA 437)
Detailed development of material presented in 435. Focus on Bartenieff fundamentals and movement analysis as it applies to the physical interpretation of theatrical roles. Pre: 435 or THEA 435, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as THEA 436
Training actors to discover experientially the sources of movement; to teach skills for analyzing movement for its mechanical, anatomical, spatial, and dynamic content; and then to apply these skills in a role. Pre: THEA 222 or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 435)
Intermediate-level Taijiquan (T’ai Chi Ch’uan) movement training. Repeatable two times. Pre: 334 or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 434)
Special workshops in movements relating to specific departmental theatrical productions beyond the scope of movement taught in 437 and 438. Repeatable one time. Pre: one of 435 or THEA 435, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as THEA 433)
Advanced contemporary dance technique. Repeatable six times. Pre: 331 or consent.
Advanced ballet technique. Repeatable six times. Pre: 321 or consent
Ancient style; hâlau protocol. Repeatable nine times. Pre: 412. (Cross-listed as MUS 413)
Ancient style. Pre: 312 or consent. (Cross-listed as MUS 412)
Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 311 or consent.
Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 307 or consent.
Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 306 or consent.
Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 305 or consent.
Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 304 or consent.
Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 303 or consent.
Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 302 or consent.
Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 301 or consent.
Intermediate techniques and theories for dance-making. Pre: 371 or consent.
Elementary techniques and theories for dance-making. Pre: 370 or consent.
Introduces movement improvisation to all levels and disciplines. Movement studies will explore improvisation approaches, devices, elements, exercises, and implications to gain skills in and appreciation for the art of improvisation. Repeatable one time.
Introductory theory of digital technology for dance with practical applications in documentation and performance. (Alt. years)
Elementary theory of Labanotation with practical application in scoring and reconstructing dances. (Alt. years)
Practical information for dance students on diet and nutrition, anatomy, training and conditioning, and injury prevention. Pre: 260 or consent.
Basic principles and approaches to costume design for theatre and dance. Visual communication methods, creative process, historical research, and organizational practices. Repeatable one time. Pre: 250, THEA 240, or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 356)
Workshop on basic principles of costume construction for theatre and dance. Professional practices, materials, and methods. (Cross-listed as THEA 354)
Workshop introducing the basic principles and approaches of scenic design for theatre and dance, with emphasis on the creative process. Pre: a course in THEA or DNCE, production experience, or consent. (Consent required for production experience option) (Cross-listed as THEA 353)
Basic principles of lighting design and associated technologies. Includes functions and properties of light, lighting and control equipment, working procedures, and drafting and paperwork techniques. Pre: DNCE/ THEA 240 or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as THEA 345)
Basic Taijiquan (T’ai Chi Ch’uan) movement training. Repeatable two times. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 334)
Intermediate modern dance technique. Repeatable four times. Pre: 232 or consent.
Intermediate ballet technique. Repeatable four times. Pre: 222 or consent.
Ancient style. Pre: upper division standing or consent. A-F only. (Cross-listed as MUS 312)
Performance and techniques at the introductory level.
Performance and techniques at the introductory level.
Performance and techniques at the introductory level.
Performance and techniques at the introductory level.
Performance and techniques at the introductory level.
Performance and techniques at the introductory level.
Performance and techniques at the introductory level.
Performance and techniques at the introductory level. Repeatable up to eight credits.
Organized somatic systems as a framework for understanding movement and dance techniques. Required for majors. Repeatable two times.
Overview of global perspectives on dance, with emphasis on Asia and the Pacific, and related concepts.
Survey class introducing theater management, lighting, costuming, scenery, and other aspects of theatre that relate to producing stage performances. (Cross-listed as THEA 240)
Introduction to general design principles as applied to theatre. Will introduce the language and tools of visual literacy and visual communications via individual projects and collaboration. Repeatable two times. (Cross-listed as THEA 245)
Survey class introducing theater management, lighting, costuming, scenery, and other aspects of theatre that relate to producing stage performances. (Cross-listed as THEA 240)
Low intermediate modern dance technique. Repeatable three times.
Low intermediate ballet technique. Repeatable three times. Pre: 122 or consent.
Will view 10 locally-produced theatre and dance productions. Readings, class discussion, and live demonstration will assist students to understand each performance. Performances may include theatre, dance, musical theatre, opera, and performance art. Repeatable one time. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as THEA 152)
Elements of music and relationship to dance; emphasis on rhythmic analysis. (Alt. years)
Survey the development of major dance styles and their relationship to contemporary choreography.
Introduction to those with or without ballroom dance experience. Students will learn the fundamentals of various ballroom dances. Repeatable five times.
Introduction to jazz dance technique. Repeatable two times.
Introductory lecture/lab geared towards those with or without Hip Hop dance experience. Students will learn the fundamentals of various Hip Hop dance styles. Repeatable two times.
Introduction to contemporary dance technique. Repeatable three times.
Continuation of beginning classical ballet technique. Repeatable three times. Pre: 121 or consent.
Introduction to classical ballet technique. Repeatable three times.
Beginning techniques of Philippine dance. Repeatable three times.
Beginning techniques of Okinawan dance. Repeatable three times.
Beginning techniques of Korean dance. Repeatable three times.
Beginning techniques of Japanese dance. Repeatable three times.
Mixed methods research is designed for PhD and masters students in education and social sciences considering combining qualitative and quantitative research. Covers philosophical and practical implications culminating in a mixed methods dissertation/thesis proposal. Repeatable one time. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as DIS 780 and LTEC 780)
Critical examination of theoretical and methodological positions on curriculum and educational program evaluation. Pre: classified doctoral student or consent.
Analysis and critical examination of models and curriculum theory and theories of instruction leading to generation of theories by seminar members. Pre: classified doctoral student or consent.
Uses problem-centered approach and field experiences. Topics include historical review of curriculum development since 1900, examination of current curriculum practices at all levels of education, and prediction of future directions in curriculum theory and design. Pre: classified doctoral student or consent.
Intended for doctoral students who are at the dissertation stage in their program. Supports students in developing their dissertation proposals and/or initial dissertation drafts. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Examination of alternative approaches and multidisciplinary perspectives on research on teaching and learning in and out of school, on educational change, and on teacher education and professional development. Pre: classified PhD student or consent.
Advanced seminar in qualitative research methods with an emphasis upon qualitative data analysis, theory construction, data presentation and reporting. Pre: 632, a course in introduction to qualitative research methods; or consent.
Repeatable up to 36 credits.
Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: written consent.
Independent study for students working on a Plan B master’s project. A-F only.
Exploration and application of school and district-wide roles of the literacy specialist, such as collaborating with other educators to: (1) design and implement literacy programs, and (2) provide research-supported professional development. A-F only. Pre: 605 or consent.
Process approach to teaching information retrieval, analysis, and use. Emphasizes concepts, practices ineffective instructional design, selection of resources that meets learning needs. Required for Librarian HDOE licensure. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as LTEC 686 and LIS 686)
) Overview of museum education including museum learning theories, informal learning programs, audience research, national and international policies and reports, and community projects. Pre: AMST 683 (or concurrent) or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 685)
Designed to help classroom teachers understand sources and principles of curriculum in early childhood education and to provide experience in evaluating, selecting, and developing appropriate curriculum for young children.
Curriculum trends and issues related to school organization, program, administration, faculty. Required for Plan B MEd candidates in their final semester or summer session. Repeatable one time. (B) early childhood; (D) middle-level; (G) K-14. Pre: 622 (any alpha), and 606 or EDEF 678 or EDEP 408, and 632 or EDEA 604 or EDEP 429 or EDEA 608; or consent.
Concepts and inquiry regarding the application of early childhood educational principles and approaches to programs serving children between birth and age five. Study and discussion of topics and problems presented in required summer courses and by invited experts in early childhood education. Restricted to masters in Early Childhood Education. Repeatable six times. A-F only. (Two times a year)
Research and practice in ethnomathematics from an interdisciplinary framework. Analysis of ethnomathematics content knowledge and pedagogy; connections among curriculum, standards, and classroom practice; examination of theory and research; and building sustainable campus-community networks. Topics vary. Repeatable three times. A-F only. Pre: teaching experience or consent.
School mathematics, K-12 content, curricula, pedagogy, and standards; trends and issues; theory and research. (B) number and operation; (C) patterns, functions and algebra; (D) geometry and measurement; (E) probability and statistics; (F) integrated math content. Each alpha represents a different K-12 content area. Repeatable three times for (F). Pre: teaching experience or consent.
Theory and practices of coordinating cooperative education in high school and community college. Pre: teaching experience or consent.
Presents key concepts and theories in teaching reading to K-12 English language learners. Topics include instructional decisions in teaching reading to ELLs, the interrelationship of language skills, strategies, and teaching academic content. A-F only. Pre: 601 or consent.
Advanced use of formative and summative assessments to monitor/lead classroom and
school literacy programs. Focus on diversity, leadership, state/national initiatives, and practical applications in schools or other educational contexts. (B) general; (C) multilingualism. May take each alpha one time only.
Application of formative assessments to better monitor/guide struggling readers and writers. Topics include diversity and state/national initiatives. A-F only.
Interdisciplinary examination of research and issues in the teaching and learning of literacy in diverse multicultural settings. A-F only. Pre: course in teaching language arts of multicultural education, teaching experience, or consent.
Examination of principles in multicultural education and diversity. (D) middle level; (G) K-14; (R) reading K-12. Each alpha repeatable five times. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Study in trends, research, and problems of implementation of language education instruction. (B) French; (C) German; (D) Japanese; (F) Spanish. Pre: teaching experience, and consent.
Study in trends, research, and problems of implementation in teaching field. (C) English; (H) mathematics; (I) literacy; (J) science; (K) social studies; (M) interdisciplinary education; (N) art; (P) place-based education. Each alpha repeatable two times. COE-related majors only for (P). Pre: teaching experience or consent for all alphas except for (P); graduate and/or undergraduate courses in education and/or social sciences or consent for (P). (K Cross-listed as PACE 640, P Cross-listed as SUST 641)
Theory, philosophy, objectives, and development of business and marketing education curriculum. Pre: ITE 390D or consent.
Understanding art methods and materials related to art education for teachers grades K-12. Writing curricula, integrating visual arts across the curriculum, developing evaluation methods observing stages of artistic growth among students of multiple ages/abilities. (B) painting, drawing, printing; (C) fiber arts, ceramics, sculpture; (D) photography, technology, collage; (E) Combination of any three of B, C, and/or D. Previous BA, BS, BEd, and BFA only. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: teaching experience or consent. (Once a year)
Methods of qualitative research in education or related social science from an interdisciplinary framework.
Examines issues, theories, perspectives and practices in multicultural education and promotes awareness, encourages knowledgeable reflection and develops skills necessary for multicultural practitioners. A-F only. (Cross-listed as EDEF 630)
Review of research and theory illuminating the nature, purposes, and meaning of play as a critical aspect of early childhood education. (Summer only)
Interdisciplinary inquiry and examination of the role of physical objects and site visits in schools and other educational contexts, through visits to local art museums and related sites.
Principles, goals, and objectives in teaching and learning art K-12; curriculum, instruction, and assessment in art education; laboratory experiences in art media. Pre: student teaching or teaching experience.
Examination and evaluation of social science content, societal values and research findings as basis for development and revision of social studies materials, texts, curriculum guides, methodology. Pre: ITE 322 or equivalent, social studies teaching experience, or consent.
Analysis of research related to teaching and learning school mathematics, application of research to classroom practices. Appraisal of recent curriculum trends; critical examination of assumptions underlying proposed curriculum changes. Pre: teaching experience or consent.
Application of recent developments in science, sustainability, curriculum development, and learning theory to pre-kindergarten through secondary school. Science philosophy, content and methodology stressed, including inquiry, nature of science, sustainability, and
science literacy. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as SUST 623)
Foundation for critical study of curriculum development and improvement from the perspective of teacher leaders. Online/hybrid sections available; (B) early childhood; (D) middle school; (G) K-14. Pre: teaching experience or consent.
Seminar examines the interrelated socially constructed concepts of children and childhood and places them in the larger contexts informed by sociological, anthropological, historical, critical, and technological perspectives. A-F only. Graduate students only.
Analysis and practical application of selected early childhood education program and/ or instructional materials. Restricted to majors. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: 415 and 416, or consent.
Theory and practice for PK-3 early literacy and language development. Focus is on content knowledge and pedagogical strategies that support the optimal development of oral language, reading, and writing skills in PK-3 classrooms. A-F only.
Focuses on research and practice related to the first five years of teaching. Especially recommended for beginning teachers and graduate students interested in this stage of teaching development. Repeatable one time.
Explores theoretical and practical principles of literacy and sustainability across academic disciplines, investigating the role of language and literate practices of reading, writing, speaking, visualizing, and representing in social, cultural, and educational contexts. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Cross-listed as SUST 608)
New approaches to analyzing 21st century literacies K-12, including visual, media, digital, and critical literacies as well as developing leadership practices in multi-literacies pedagogy. A-F only.
Classroom-based research covers the fundamentals of qualitative, quantitative, action research, mixed methods, and curriculum based assessment. Exploratory, explanatory, and confirmatory research will be highlighted culminating in an outline for Plan B/Thesis proposal. (Cross-listed as DIS 606)
Exploration and application of literacy specialist roles. Includes teaching, coaching, providing resources, advocating for all students, and collaborating with other professionals. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Analysis and practical application of principles and strategies of effective writing and informed writing instruction in K-12 classrooms. Pre: teaching experience and consent. (Summer only)
In-depth examination of traditional and current books/media, birth through young adult, with emphasis on applications in schools or other educational contexts. Focus on use of narrative, exposition, and other genres across the curriculum. A-F only. Pre: student teaching or teaching experience or consent.
Current theories and teaching strategies of writing and oral language throughout the lifespan within various social contexts. Focus on teaching writing and oral language as tools for learning and to demonstrate learning. Pre: student teaching or teaching experience or consent.
Current theories and teaching strategies of reading throughout the lifespan within various social contexts. Topics include psychological, sociological, and cultural foundations of reading; 21st century literacies; emergent literacy; diversity; multilingual learners, formative assessment; state/national initiatives. Pre: student teaching or teaching experience or consent.
Examines the role that language plays in the social construction of knowledge within various disciplines, K–adult. Collaborative group learning strategies will be modeled. A-F only. Pre: student teaching or teaching experience or consent.
Identification, analysis, and remediation of difficulties in learning mathematics. Pre: consent.
Experiencing and learning to teach heuristics of solving mathematical problems; designing curricula, classroom organization, evaluative measures for problem solving. Pre: consent.
Integration of microcomputers into school curriculum and key issues related to microcomputer use in education. Pre: LTEC 442 or consent. (Cross-listed as ITE 480)
Examination of current and historical issues in education and how they are impacted upon by gender, with particular reference to gender as it intersects with ethnicity and class, locally and globally. Pre: WGSS 151 or consent. (Cross-listed as EDEF 453 and WGSS 453)
Examination of current theory, research, issues, and models in programs for infants and toddlers, including criteria for evaluation and planning. A-F only. Pre: (HDFS 230 (or concurrent), HDFS 331 (or concurrent)) with a minimum grade of B-; or consent. (Cross-listed as SPED 451)
Selecting and using methods and materials, demonstrations and simulations, open-ended experimentation, inquiry and discovery, task analysis measurement tools and techniques, activities from various curricula, opportunity for individualized goals and projects. Repeatable one time. Pre: ITE 323, ITE 404(H), teaching experience; or consent.
Examination of trends, issues, school practices, and program in multicultural education and its related area of study–bilingual-bicultural education. (Cross-listed as ITE 440)
Conceptual schemes and processes for integrating science curricula within the sciences and with subject areas. Methods and models of curricular integration such as interdisciplinary, culturally relevant, place and community-based learning. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as SUST 433)
Selection and interpretation of young adult literature, including multicultural literature for middle level and high school students. Theory and teaching strategies for integrating literacy instruction in the literature program for diverse student populations. A-F only.
Examination of language (talking, reading, and writing) processes within a collaborative teaching framework in the secondary curriculum. Field experience may be required. A-F only.
Continuation of 415L. Co-requisite: 416. (Cross-listed as ITE 416L)
Continuation of 415: focuses on the design, implementation, evaluation of meaningful, challenging integrated curriculum that promotes comprehensive developmental and learning outcomes for diverse young children (pK-3). Pre: 415 or consent. (Cross-listed as ITE 416)
Direct experience with children in early childhood settings in order to apply concepts from 415 and gain perspective on the role of the practitioner in ECE settings.
Emphasizes interrelated historical and philosophical roots and socio-cultural context and their influence on policy and practice in early childhood education settings. A-F only. Pre: HDFS 331 or consent.
Research elective for medical students. MD students only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 554 or consent. (Fall only)
Provides in-depth lectures and case studies reviewing the role of nutritional therapy in health and illness. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 554 or consent. (Fall only)
Overview of integrative (complementary) medicine covering Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, naturapathy, traditional healing practices, homeopathy, nutrition and diet, herbs and dietary supplements, environmental health, mind-body, energy, spiritual, and positive psychology. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher.
Overview of applied clinical nutrition that includes nutrients, dietary recommendations for healthy populations, and medical nutrition therapies for patients with diet related diseases or conditions. Repeatable one time. Junior standing and higher. Pre: CHEM 151 (or higher) or BIOC 241 (or higher); PHYL 141 or ZOOL 141; highly encouraged: FSHN 185 or any other basic nutrition course.
Practice mindfulness meditation to reduce burnout and live life in the present moment. Learn life skills to handle life better and be more resilient. Respond rather than react to life. No experience necessary. Repeatable nine times.
Contemporary interpersonal and/ or public communication issues in health communication research. Topics include communication functions such as information management, interpersonal influence, relational management, emotional management, social influence. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) and 602 (or concurrent), or consent.
Comprehensive understanding of the role and function of computer technology (including. A.I.) within the field of communication. Basic methodological and analytical issues of research related to semi-intelligent artifacts as information source or receiver. COMG majors or consent. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) and 602 (or concurrent); or consent.
Functional approach to the study of communication in intercultural settings. Examination of culture-based variables and their impact on social influence, relational management, and message processing. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: (601 (or concurrent) and 602 (or concurrent)) with a minimum grade of B, or consent.
Contemporary research in interpersonal relations. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: (601 (or concurrent) and 602 (or concurrent)) with a minimum grade of B, or consent.
Contemporary research in verbal and nonverbal message processing. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: (601 (or concurrent) and 602 (or concurrent)) with a minimum grade of B, or consent.
Contemporary research in persuasion and influence. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: (601 (or concurrent) and 602 (or concurrent)) with a minimum grade of B, or consent.
Substantive areas in communication that are of current interest and the focus of research, but not addresed in other COMG courses. Topics vary each semester. Content to be announced. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: (601 (or concurrent) and 602 (or concurrent)) with a minimum grade of B), or consent.
Theory, concepts, research, and application of communication processes between members of different social groups. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) or 602 (or concurrent), or consent.
Seminar on communication theories and models in instructional environment; emphasis on message processing, classroom dynamics, cognitive and metacognitive processes associated with learning, and learning assessment. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) or 602 (or concurrent), or consent.
Advanced focus on survey, laboratory, and field study design, data collection, and data analysis. Emphasis on control of variance through design and statistical analysis. Appropriate preparation for graduate theses and dissertations. A-F only. Pre: 602 or consent.
Repeatable three times. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
Repeatable unlimited times. Only three credits can count toward degree.
Major models, theories, and concepts of intercultural communication; basic methodological and analytical issues of research related to intercultural communication; research on intercultural communication. Graduate standing only. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) and 602 (or concurrent); or consent.
Major models and theories of interpersonal communication; research on interpersonal relationships; interaction and functions of human communication. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) and 602 (or concurrent); or consent.
Theories of human message processing. Effects of verbal and nonverbal codes, channels, and message forms on encoding and decoding. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) or 602 (or concurrent); or consent.
Theories of persuasion and resistance to persuasion; assessment of attitudes and measurement of change. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) or 602 (or concurrent) or consent.
Analysis of communication issues in business through discussion of verbal/nonverbal messages, interpersonal relationships, conflict, and persuasion. Focus on interviewing, group communication, and public speaking skills. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) or 602 (or concurrent), or consent.
Combined seminar and lecture/ discussion format on techniques and procedures for teaching communication skills and their related components in a laboratory setting. CR/NC only. Repeatable three times. COMG majors only. Pre: COMG GTA or consent.
Design and analysis of quantitative research in communicology. Focus on measurement issues, research design, descriptive and inferential statistics. COMG majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Major theoretical foundations; humanistic and social scientific perspectives. Examination of the research and the development of different models of human communication. COMG majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Enrollment for degree completion. Repeatable three times, up to 12 credits. A-F only. Pre: master’s Plan B candidate and consent.
Pre: consent of department chair and instructor.
Develop understanding of the process through which communication influences health outcomes, and learn how to design effective health communication programs using theory and research. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.
For communicology majors who lead, under supervision, a freshman seminar section of communicology. Pre: senior standing and consent.
Theory and application of personal and interpersonal elements affecting communication of human-service professionals. Supervised practice. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits. (Cross-listed as PSY 477)
Survey and critical discussion of current theory and research in relational management literature. Focus on conversation management, deception, jealousy, privacy, communication of emotions. Pre: 381 or consent.
Survey of major social scientific theories, concepts, and research findings on deceptive communication, in a lecture/discussion format. Emphasis is on how people create deceptive messages, induce deception, and strategies used to detect deception. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.
Roles of language: perception and assumption in human relationships; relation of language symbols to emotion and attitudes. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.
Understanding communication beyond the words themselves. Review of theory and research on gestures, facial expressions, touch, personal space, and physical appearance. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.
An in-depth overview of theories related to strategic communication and scientific approaches to attitude formation and changes. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 301 or 364 or consent.
Analysis of evolving communicative exchanges in the Internet age including how people communicate with computer technology: focus on personal, interpersonal, and cultural effects associated with technology use. Pre: 60 or more credits.
Examination of the theories, assumptions, practices, models, and techniques of managing interpersonal conflicts. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.
Survey of interpersonal and mass communication theories in the political context. Topics may include communication in public opinion processes, elections, debates, political campaigning and advertising. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.
Surveys theory and research on communication between members of different social groups, highlighting how communication influences and is influenced by social identity. Applies concepts to intergenerational, health, family, educational, multilingual, and computer-mediated contexts. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.
Analysis and application of communication knowledge and behaviors in organizational settings. Repeatable up to six credits. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Survey of research on communication behavior. Verbal and nonverbal data collection; analysis of research data. Students design and implement a research project. Repeatable three times. Pre: 301 and 302.
Analysis of the role of human communication in mate attraction, intrasexual competition, cooperation, family dynamics, and coalition formation; discussion on the biological function of language, laughter, yawning, and emotion expressions. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.
Survey of theory and research on the communicative demands of obtaining reliable information from others. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.
Contemporary research and theory on intercultural communication. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.
Survey of major factors affecting interpersonal communication between members of different cultures. Emphasis upon interaction between U.S. and Asian-Pacific peoples. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.
Theory and research on the development, maintenance, and termination of interpersonal relationships. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.
Focuses on the role of interaction patterns (both constructive and destructive) in the evolution of family communications. The impact of family dynamics upon these interaction patterns is given equal attention. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.
Introduction to theory and research on human communication, comprehension, creation of understanding. Discussion of codes and media, information and message processing theories. Topics include inference-making, implicature, natural language processing, and deception. Junior standing or higher.
Theories, concepts, strategies, and processes of persuasion and social influence in contemporary society. Focus on analyzing, developing, and resisting persuasive messages. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.
Principles and practices of organizational communication and its relationship to networks, leadership, power, conflict, cultures, and other contemporary views of organizational work, change, and development. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.
Adapting communication theory to forensic strategies for social action. Practice in formal argument. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits
Study of decision-making within the small group. Effects of organization, leadership, membership, and goals on achieving group purposes. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.
Extends application of public speaking skills to professional contexts: group sales, press conferences, and corporate annual reports. Emphasis on organization, preparation, and delivery. Pre: 151 or 251, or consent.
Analysis of and practice in using models of communication in the classroom. Extends application of oral communication skills to various instructional and teaching contexts. Emphasis on organization, preparation, and delivery. Pre: 151 or 251; or consent.
Introduction to methods of inquiry in the field of communication. Topics include research design and problem formulation, sampling, analytic and observational techniques, and data interpretation. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.
Introduction to the theoretical perspectives that are the foundations of the communication discipline. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.
Principles and practice; training in informational, persuasive, employment, appraisal, and research interviewing. Pre: one of 151, 170, 181, 185, 251 or 301; or consent.
Combined lecture/laboratory providing extensive practice in preparing and presenting effective public speeches with special emphasis on organization, outlining, audience analysis, analytical reasoning, and delivery skills.
Expose students to practical skills needed for effective intercultural communication. Offer guidelines for improvement in diverse cultural settings such as business, education, counseling, and healthcare.
Introduction to basic principles of interaction between two people. Emphasis is on enhancement of skills in a variety of interpersonal contexts.
Beginning course on the fundamental components of nonverbal communication. Aspects of body movements, facial expressions, eye behavior, physical appearance, voice, touch, space, smell, time, and environmental features will be examined in a lecture/discussion format. Extensive practice in skills.
Develops communication skills necessary to function effectively in today’s society. Students will enhance their communication skills in one-on-one situations, public speaking, and small group situations. Ideal for new majors and non-majors.
Understanding, communicating, and evaluating quantitative information in everyday contexts. Topics include describing and interpreting data, basic statistics, and evaluating the validity of results.
Clinical practice in administering tests and interpreting results, counseling of individuals with impaired hearing; use of various rehabilitation techniques. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: 603, 617, 717, and consent.
Clinical practice in diagnostic and therapeutic procedure with various types of speech and language problems in different clinical settings. Repeatable unlimited times, up to 18 credits.
Procedures and philosophies presented in recent literature dealing with rehabilitative phases of audiology. Pre: 603 and consent.
Study of diagnostic procedures as reflected in current literature. Pre: 603 and consent.
Clinical practice in administering tests and interpreting results; counseling individuals with impaired hearing; use of various rehabilitation techniques. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: 603, 617, and consent.
Clinical practice in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures with various types of speech and language problems in different clinical settings. Repeatable unlimited times, credit earned for 12 credits only
(B) study of contemporary developments in speech/language pathology; (C) study of contemporary developments in audiology. Repeatable for credit for different alphas unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Explores the dynamics of normal and disordered swallowing across the life span with emphasis on the adult population. CSD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 601 (with a minimum grade of B-). (Summer only)
Study of early, middle, and late auditory evoked potentials with emphasis on the auditory brainstem response. Pre: 603 or consent.
Contemporary developments and theoretical issues in diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of disorders of fluency such as stuttering in both children and adults.
Comprehensive study of amplification. Assessment, fitting, evaluation, electroacoustic evaluation, dispensing. Personal instruments and instructional-educational systems. Pre: 603 and consent.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
To allow student and faculty advisor to design research/study units outside existing academic structure in specialized area. Repeatable unlimited times. (B) language pathology; (C) audiology. Pre: 603 for (C).
Required of all CSD graduate students following the non-thesis (Plan B) program and emphasizing audiology. Pre: 600 and consent.
Required of all CSD graduate students following the non-thesis (Plan B) program and emphasizing speech-language pathology. Repeatable three times. Pre: 600 and consent.
Study of acquired adult language and cognitive communication disorders associated with stroke, traumatic brain injury, and dementia. Application of evidence-based procedures and strategies for assessment and intervention, review of current literature, and discussion of professional issues. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Contemporary development and theoretical issues in the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of vocal system disorders in children and adults; current literature and clinical practice issues are addressed. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Clinical practice in administering tests, interpreting results; counseling of individuals with impaired hearing; use of various rehabilitation techniques. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Clinical practice in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures with various types of speech and language problems in different clinical settings. Repeatable unlimited times, credit earned for six credits only.
Language acquisition by hard-of-hearing and deaf children; methods of stimulating growth. Pre: consent.
Study of the etiology, behavioral characteristics and treatment methods for child language disorders. Examination of methods, test, and instruments employed in diagnosis of child language disorders. Includes identification of language deficits and writing intervention goals. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Study of the etiology, assessment, and remediation of disorders and articulation. A-F only.
Provides in-depth examination of various motor speech disorders, including apraxia of speech and dysarthria. Emphasis is on assessment/treatment of these diagnoses. Review of current treatment literature, anatomy/physiology, practical exercises in treatment planning. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Instrumentation; special tests of hearing.
Explores the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of the human nervous system as it relates to communication and swallowing and how neurological pathologies lead to behavioral deficits in those areas. CSD majors only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Research methods applicable to the field of speech-language pathology and audiology; analysis and reporting of data. Required of all CSD graduate students. Pre: previous coursework in inferential statistics and consent.
Provides students from behavioral sciences and health-related professions with an overview of normal distribution, central tendency, variability, sampling, hypothesis testing, frequency distribution, correlation, regression, and t-test. A-F only. (Spring only)
Covers anatomy and physiology of the auditory system, acoustic, basic knowledge of auditory disorders and testing procedures, and introduction to rehabilitative audiology. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. (Summer only)
Information and theoretical foundations serve as an introduction to the field of communication disorders. Will provide an overview of the normal processes and disorders of speech, language, hearing, and swallowing. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. (Spring only)
Provides observation and discussion of the clinical management of individuals with communication disorders, and practical experience related to clinical procedures and requirements. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. (Spring only)
Provides an understanding of the fundamental processes underlying the production and perception of speech. Students gain an understanding of the physical and psychological aspects of sound and their measurement. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. (Spring only)
Will develop an understanding of children’s acquisition of speech, language, and normal communication development from birth through adolescence. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. (Fall only)
Introduction to the fundamentals of phonetic and phonological development. International Phonetic Alphabet Transcription of English speech sounds; phonological developments and models; cultural variations; analysis interpretation and other considerations related to speech sound development and production. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. (Fall only)
Will overview anatomy and physiology of speech and hearing. Students gain exposure to structures and functions of respiration, phonation, resonance, articulation, deglutition, and hearing systems required for normal communication and swallowing. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. (Fall only)
Repeatable unlimited times.
Individualized program of directed reading and/or research outside the scope of regularly titled courses. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent. Plan must include goals and rationale.
Exploration of relationships between disciplines in social sciences, science and technology, and humanities. Faculty and student presentations. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
All aspects of data science: the methodology and processes; ethics and regulatory issues; programming tools; data acquisition, cleaning, analysis and mining; visualization, publication, curation, and preservation; applications in various fields. Graduate students only.
Seminar reflecting research interests of faculty and current interdisciplinary topics in communication and information sciences. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only.
Current research methodologies in decision sciences, computer science, library science, and communication. Emphasis on methodologies suitable for interdisciplinary analysis. Pre: consent.
Technological concepts underlying data communications; information processing and computers; communication channels and networks, information storage and retrieval, and computer hardware and software. Pre: consent.
A critical review of major theoretical and empirical traditions in communication and information sciences. Focus on European, American, Third World, and applied research. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable up to six credits. Pre: 611 and 612, or consent.
Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable up to six credits. Pre: consent.
Supervised work experience, study of an organization, and career planning. Required of Plan B students in the main communication program. Repeatable up to six credits. CR/NC only. Pre: 611 and 612, or consent.
General research seminar in communication. In-depth coverage of specific research methods to develop, refine, or interpret graduate students’ thesis or dissertation projects. COM, CIS majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 611 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent.
Coverage in depth of some area of theory and research. Repeatable one time. Pre: 611 or consent.
Processes and methods of planning appropriate to the information and communication sectors, including future economic, social, political, technical, and environmental perspectives. Pre: 611 (or concurrent) or consent. (Cross-listed as PUBA 628)
Describes the array of communication-related intervention programs designed to enhance effectiveness in multicultural organizations at home and abroad. A-F only. Pre: 623 or 643 or consent.
Analysis of the emerging global media landscape as digital technologies enable the sharing of news, information, and commentary across geographical and cultural borders. Focuses on causes, characteristics, and consequences. Pre: 612 (or concurrent).
Problems and opportunities of intercultural communication from theory and research, consulting and training, and policy and program perspectives. Pre: 611 (or concurrent) or consent.
Systematic study from a social science perspective of current and emerging social media. Attention to user needs and impact. Pre: 612 (or concurrent) or consent.
Information and communication technologies, structures, processes, and networks as an area of research and study in the social sciences. Pre: 611 (or concurrent) or consent.
Theories, concepts, and applications of strategic communication and public relations to achieve organizational goals. Pre: 611 (or concurrent) or consent.
Introduction to inquiry and the array of quantitative and qualitative research methods commonly used in communication.
Systematic study of major theories of communication and current status of communication research.
Independent study of selected topics under faculty supervision. Repeatable up to three credits. Pre: COM major and junior standing, or consent.
Application of communication skills and knowledge. (B) community setting; (C) School of Communications activity. Under faculty supervision, interns participate in operations of an organization and analyze communication processes and effects. Maximum of three credits per semester; six credits total toward major; each alpha repeatable up to three credits. Pre: COM major or consent.
Completion of the thesis project appropriate to the selected area of concentration within the context of a seminar. Emphasis on ongoing process of writing, editing, review, and revision. Pre: COM major and senior standing, or consent.
The role of communication in fostering or inhibiting creativity. Exploration of theoretical bases for shared scientific or artistic creativity in communication research. COM major or consent. Pre: 201 and senior standing, or consent. (Once a year)
Application of theoretic and methodological criteria to researchable questions. Topics will vary. Pre: 201 and senior standing, or consent.
Focus on specific ICT and policy problems related to Hawai‘i and the Asia-Pacific region. COM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 and 320 and 330; and 432 or 438; or consent.
Synthesize knowledge, apply research findings in service to community, and develop proposal for intervention or campaign. COM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 and 320 and 330; and 340 or 421; or consent.
Design, development, and evaluation of interactive computer-based multimedia communication. Emphasizes authoring and production of such multimedia elements as fullmotion images, audio, and graphics. COM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 and 320 and 330 and 337, or consent.
Creating, scripting, and producing complex programs. Media aesthetics and professional production, preparation, and execution are emphasized. COM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 and 320 and 330 and 331, or consent.
Problems and opportunities of communication in a variety of international contexts. Focus on commerce, diplomacy, and mass communication. COM majors only. Pre: COM/JOUR major or consent. (Cross-listed as JOUR 475)
An examination of how various aspects of digital media platforms, such as affordances and communication processes impact political outcomes. COM majors or consent. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: 201. (Fall only)
Ethics and social responsibility for media professionals. Application of ethical theories and principles to case studies and research projects. COM majors only. (Cross-listed as JOUR 460)
Topics of interest to faculty and students; taught by regular and visiting faculty. Repeatable on different topics to six credit hours. COM majors only. Pre: COM/JOUR major and junior standing, or consent. (Cross-listed as JOUR 459)
Major theories of communication in terms of requirements for a theory, theory development, associated research, and application. Pre: COM major and junior standing, or consent.
Role of communication in the legal process; impact of law on communication processes. Pre: COM/JOUR major and junior standing, or consent. (Cross-listed as JOUR 365)
Theories, myths, and the missing links in gendered communication. Application of established and emerging theories of gender and communication to interpersonal, organizational, intercultural, and mass communication. Pre: COM major and junior standing, or consent.
Development of international telecommunication, with special emphasis on the evolution of wireless communication and the internet. A-F only. Pre: COM major or consent.
Social, political, economic, and cultural effects of broadcast media are examined to understand their impact on human behavior. Pre: COM major and junior standing, or consent.
Application of communication theory to creating and revising commercial and dramatic script material for video production. Pre: 331 or consent.
Combined lecturediscussion on situated use of ICTs in various personal and institutional settings. A-F only. Pre: COM major or consent.
Studio production ranging from three-camera studio production to broadcast and magazine show formats to on-line web production. Fundamental knowledge of lighting, sound, blocking, and equipment competency. Pre: COM major or consent.
Introduction to visual documentary theory and methods. Basic instruction in using digital video technology and hands-on production to tell visual stories and examine social issues related to diverse peoples, cultures, and communities through video projects. A-F only. Pre: one DH or DS course, or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 425)
Synthesizing and applying the principles and techniques of public relations to create comprehensive campaigns. COM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 421 or consent.
Practice and effects of public relations. Strategic management, techniques, new communication technologies, diverse publics, ethics, and social responsibility will be emphasized. A-F only. Pre: COM major or consent.
Cultural diversity in multicultural and multinational organizations is examined regarding communication-related aspects of working life. Pre: 320 and 340, or consent.
Exploration of quantitative and qualitative research methods commonly used in communication studies and related professional work. Pre: COM major or consent.
Emerging communication topics of interest to faculty and students. Repeatable one time on different topics, up to six credits. COM majors only. A-F only.
Short-term intensive workshops in journalism and mass communication skills and projects. (B) workshop in new media; (C) workshop in reporting; (D) workshop in editing; (E) workshop in broadcast journalism; (F) workshop in public relations. Repeatable in different alphas up to 6 credits. COM or JOUR majors only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as JOUR 390)
Introduction to the social, cultural, and ethical implications of information and communication technologies by studying new and emerging media including games, interactive media, and virtual worlds. COM majors or consent. Pre: 330.
Theory and practice of interpersonal communication from a social science perspective. Pre: COM major or consent.
Problems and opportunities of communication in a variety of intercultural contexts. Focus on theory, research, and managing intercultural effectiveness. Pre: COM major or consent.
Enhance students’ professional writing skills in the contemporary public relations field and equip students with the foundations of essential techniques for persuasive communication. COM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 201 (with a minimum grade of B).
Combined lecture-lab providing an orientation to, and examination of, procedures and techniques of multimedia. Emphasis on new media literacy, human computer interaction, and basic design of electronic multimedia. Pre: 310 or consent.
Orientation to techniques of production. Emphasis on history, language, and theory of the creative process and application to video productions and multimedia. Pre: 310 or consent.
Combined lecture discussion on basic technical concepts related to ICTs embedded in sociocultural context. Pre: 201 (or concurrent) or consent
Application of scientific communication theory, strategic communication, and multimedia techniques to select issues of environmental sustainability. COM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 201 or consent. (Crosslisted as SUST 325)
Combined lecture-discussion on communication within organizational communities and between organizations and their communities with attention to intercultural issues in local, global, and online interactions. Pre: 201 (or concurrent) or consent.
Combined lecture-discussion on theories and criticism of visual media, covering aesthetic development and delivery through multimedia and cinematic principles. A-F only. Pre: 201 (with a minimum grade of B) (or concurrent) or JOUR 150 (or concurrent), or consent.
An overview of communication emphasizing intercultural, organizational and international communication and media arts with introduction to multimedia, ICTs, and public relations perspectives.
The Classics capstone involves the preparation of a major research paper or project that represents the culmination of the Classics degree. Topics are chosen based on student interest and experience. CLAS majors only. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Fall only)
Historical examination of the interaction between the Achaemenid and Parthian empires of Persia and the classical societies of the Mediterranean, such as the Greek city-states, Macedonia, the Hellenistic, and Roman Empires. Recommended: HIST 151. (Cross-listed as HIST 430 and PER 430)
Minoan and Mycenaean arts; Greece and Rome. Pre: ART 175 or consent. (Cross-listed as ART 373)
Survey of South Asian literature from ancient times to the early medieval period; focusing on Sanskrit, Prakrit, and Tamil poetry traditions. Readings in English translation. (Cross-listed as IP 366)
Examines the archaeology of the Roman world from the Etruscan period to the reign of the emperor Constantine. Pre: sophomore standing or higher.
Introduction to the field of Greek archaeology and methods of archaeological research in the Mediterranean. Pre: sophomore standing or higher.
A survey of Greek and Roman epic literature, beginning with Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey and proceeding through the Hellenistic Greek and Roman periods. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Major writers: emphasis on Vergil, satire, and novel. Pre: sophomore standing or higher or consent.
Major writers: emphasis on Homer, drama, and philosophy. Pre: sophomore standing or higher or consent.
Survey of Greek and Roman novels, a collection of highly entertaining texts that offer windows into various aspects of life in the ancient world. Pre: sophomore standing or higher.
Survey of war-related literature from Greece and Rome, its major themes, and how it reflects the wide range of social, political, intellectual, and literary perspectives on war found in the ancient world. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as PACE 325)
Study of the relationship between the Greeks and Romans and the natural environment. Particular attention will be given to the place of nature in ancient science, philosophy, literature, and “real life.” Pre: sophomore standing or higher.
Survey of Greek and Roman drama, both tragedies and comedies, tracing the history of a genre that contains some of the wittiest and most agonizing moments in ancient literature. Pre: sophomore standing or higher.
A hands-on history of writing beginning in Ancient Greece and Rome. Content includes the development of the alphabet, scripts, books, libraries, and writing in ancient culture. Sophomore standing or consent.
Decipherment of hieroglyphs and reading of Middle Egyptian literary texts, including Tale of Sinuhe. Pre: 305 or permission of instructor. (Spring only)
Decipherment of hieroglyphs and reading of Middle Egyptian literary texts. (Fall only)
Reading of selected prose passages from the Hebrew Bible; analysis of literacy forms, paying special attention to stories which have played an important role in the development of the Abrahamic religions. Minimum C- grade required for prerequisites. Pre: 301/REL 301. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as REL 302)
Orthography and structure of Biblical Hebrew, history and development of Hebrew as the sacred language of Judaism, overview of religious and historical development of the Hebrew Bible. Pre: sophomore standing or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as REL 301)
Reading and analysis of myths and legends from around the globe, from before the dawn of writing to 1500 C.E. Students will learn to interpret traditional stories from several theoretical and cross-cultural perspectives. A-F only.
Important roots, prefixes, and suffixes for building a scientific vocabulary.
Important roots, prefixes, and suffixes for building a literary vocabulary.
Combines readings and analyses of myths from the ancient world including Europe, Asia, Africa, and Hawai‘i, with an emphasis on comparative analysis of cultures and religions.
An overview of ancient Egyptian civilization through lectures and class discussion on Egyptian literature, archaeology, history, religion and society.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: candidacy for PhD in civil engineering.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Highly specialized topics in structures, soils, hydraulics, sanitary, water resources, applied mechanics, transportation. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Independent study for students working on a Plan B master’s project. A grade of Satisfactory (S) is assigned when the project is satisfactorily completed. CR/NC only. Pre: graduate standing in CEE or consent.
Discussions and reports on literature, research, developments and activities in civil engineering. One unit of all graduate students for each graduate degree. Student presentations are required. Repeatable two times. CR/NC only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Composition and hydration of concrete, chemical, and mineral admixtures, fresh and hardened properties, mix proportions, high performance concretes, durability and retrofitting technology, non-destructive testing, and advanced material characterization techniques. A-F only. CEE majors only. Graduate students only. Pre: 375 (with a minimum grade of C). (Spring only)
Behavior of prestressed concrete members, including prestress losses. Analysis and design of prestressed beams, slabs, and composite sections. Anchorage zone design; continuous systems. Recommended: 485 or consent.
Finite element method in structural engineering. Extension of structural theory. Virtual work. One- two-, and three-dimensional elements; axisymmetric elements; plate bending. Application to linear problems. Recommended: 681 or consent.
Load and resistance factored design (LRFD); steel building modeling and analysis; moment-resisting frames; bracing systems; beam-columns; moment connections; composite construction; and plate girders. A-F only. Pre: 486 or consent.
Slender columns; biaxial bending; combined shear and torsion. Building lateral load resisting frame analysis and design—shearwalls, rigid frames. Floor system analysis and design—flat slabs, joist systems. Computer applications. A-F only. Recommended: 485 or consent.
Fundamentals of modern structural analysis theory, with emphasis on frame structures. Virtual work. Member stiffness/flexibility. Matrix formulation of stiffness and flexibility methods. Computer modeling issues. A-F only.
Fundamentals of sensor technologies for structural engineering applications. Control devices and strategies for protection of structures against extreme events, i.e. earthquakes, strong winds, etc. Structural health monitoring and smart sensor networks. Smart materials for civil structures. CE majors only. A-F only. Pre: 675.
Elastic and inelastic response of structures due to earthquakes. Seismic design criteria. Code design procedures. Advanced topics in time- and frequency-domain dynamic analysis of structures. A-F only. Pre: 675.
Response of single and multi degree-of-freedom systems due to dynamic forces. Direct integration of equations of motion. Response spectrum analysis. Application to earthquake loading. Systems with distributed mass and elasticity. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Project integration and PMIS; organizational power; conflict, strategic, and life-cycle management in construction management; matrix structure compared to projectized structure; project success; team building; change and culture in construction organizations; competitive bidding. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Cartesian tensors in mechanics; coordinate transformations; analysis of stress and strain; principal values, invariants, equilibrium and compatibility equations; constitutive relations; field equations. Problems in elasticity. A-F only. Recommended: 370 or ME 371, or consent. (Cross-listed as ME 671)
Pavement engineering with emphasis given to understanding fundamental issues such as historical development of pavement design, approaches used for design of new pavements and overlays, understanding of construction issues and their effects on pavement performance, and various design factors: environmental, loading and materials characterization. Introduction of pavement management systems. A-F only. Recommended: 461 or consent.
Demand modeling, discrete choice and activity-based modeling. Demand forecasting by simulation. Transportation surveys and sampling methods. Application of cluster, factor, regression, logistic and ARIMA analyses to transportation. A-F only. Recommended: 305 and 464, or consent.
Definition, technologies and their attributes. Analysis and implementation based on FHWA’s User Services. Automated incident detection algorithms. Machine vision applications to traffic engineering. A-F only. Recommended: 462 or 464, or consent.
Optimization used in design and management of systems for minimizing resources or optimizing outcomes. Evaluation of alternatives, economic efficiency and effectiveness analysis. Logistics. Open to engineering students. Computer applications and labs. Recommended: 462 or 464, or consent.
Estimation of lateral earth pressures; analysis and design of retaining walls and excavation support systems. A-F only. Pre: 355 and 455.
Principles of geotechnical engineering applied to marine environments; marine geology; surveying and sampling methods; seabed sediment types, properties, and behavior; coastal and offshore foundations. A-F only. Pre: 355.
Classification of landslides and triggering mechanisms; field investigation procedures; limit equilibrium slope stability methods; numerical techniques; seepage and dynamic considerations; case studies. A-F only. Pre: 355. (Alt. years)
Soil continuum mechanics principles; elastic, plastic, and Cam clay soil behavior; critical state and strength; interpretation of laboratory test results. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: 355. (Alt. years)
Analysis and design of deep foundations; driven piles and drilled shafts. A-F only. Pre: 355 and 455. (Alt. years)
Theory of seepage, field and laboratory methods of measurement; graphical and numerical methods; design of drainage structures; construction dewatering. A-F only. Pre: 355.
Applications of membrane separations to desalination, power generation, and ultrapure water systems. Discussion of reverse osmosis, osmosis-driven processes, ultrafiltration, microfiltration, electrodialysis and ion exchange technologies. Membrane fouling and concentration polarization from practical/theoretical standpoints. A-F only. Pre: 635 or consent.
Mathematical formulation of pollutant transport and mixing in the water environment. Kinetics formulation and parameter identification, model calibration and verification. Design projects. A-F only. Recommended: 422 and 431, or consent.
Introduces the national problems dealing with the contamination of groundwater and presents remedial measures. Such measures include pump and treat (PAT) technology, in-situ bioremediation, soil vapor extraction, air sparging, electrokinetics, hydraulic fracturing, reactive walls, and phytoremediation. A-F only.
Combined lecture-discussion on major topics in environmental microbiology, microbial ecology, and a broad understanding of microbial processes in natural and engineered environments. CEE majors only. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in CEE or consent.
Basic concepts of chemistry as related to the environment, with more emphasis on water. Topics include chemical kinetics, equilibrium, acid-base, precipitation and dissolution redox reactions, sorption, organic chemicals in the environment. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Fundamentals of applied microbiology and biochemical reactor engineering, quantitative description of microbial growth, operational theory and design basis of aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic treatment processes. Applications for water, wastewater, air, solid wastes, and soil. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as BE 634)
Introduction to physical and chemical processes for water and wastewater treatment: Review of momentum and mass transfer, chemical reactions, colloidal chemistry, coagulation and flocculation, granular filtration, sedimentation, carbon adsorption, gas transfer, disinfection and oxidation. A-F only.
Groundwater occurrence, movement, quality, and resource evaluation, development, and management. Emphasis on saltwater encroachment, well evaluation, aquifer protection, recharge with wastewater, and Hawai‘i type hydrology. Recommended: 424 or consent.
Deterministic and probabilistic methods include reliability of empirical distributions, multiple regression analysis, extreme value analysis and domain of attraction. Short-memory models for stochastic simulation of streamflows include autoregressive, Markov chain and moving average models. Time series analysis of hydrologic data is discussed. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Hydrologic properties in soils and the processes involved in water infiltration drainage and solute transport. Emphasis on key parameters required for modeling. Recommended: 424 or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as BE 664 and NREM 660)
Introduction to the finite-difference method; steady-state and transient groundwater flow in saturated and unsaturated media; applications to groundwater recharge and aquifer evaluation. A-F only. Pre: 627 or consent. (Cross-listed as ERTH 656)
Theory of fluid dynamics in differential form, covering equation of motion, vortex generation, flow in rotating frame, potential theory, laminar flow, and introduction to turbulence.
Explores the possibilities for reducing the most difficult aspects of the bureaucratic form in public organizations while increasing effectiveness and accountability. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PUBA 620)
Concepts and techniques in high performance parallel computing. Topics include parallel language and algorithms, parallelizing pre-existing serial codes, statistical analysis, and techniques up to increase computational speed and accuracy for problems requiring large memory size. A-F only.
Lawyers negotiate settlements in almost all their cases. This class presents a “hands-on,” skill-building approach to the newest ideas, as well as centuries-old techniques, about the skill lawyers will use most often in their private practice-negotiation. The class also examines the rapidly developing field of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), including mediation, facilitation, arbitration, and court-annexed ADR. (Cross-listed as LAW 508)
Analysis of operations and construction processes; CYCLONE simulation language; MicroCyclone and EZstrobe software; production rates; queue waiting time, resource utilization; throughput; cost measurements; programming variables; projects. CEE, ME, and EE majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: (with a minimum grade of C) 474, 476, and consent. (Spring only)
Study and applications of cost/schedule control systems criteria, earned value analysis, probabilistic cost estimating, construction risk management, construction quality control, and operations research in construction. Recommended: 472 or 474, or consent.
Precedence networks, CPM, float, updating, resource leveling, least cost scheduling, scheduling case studies, computerized scheduling, exclusion reports, sorting, term project; contract law, types of claims, proving claims, delay claims, impact of changes, Eichleay Formula, acceleration, overtime, stacking, crowding, efficiency losses, contract interpretation, Leonard Study, Kuiper model, labor escalation, claims case studies, term paper. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in civil and environmental engineering and consent.
Linear programming, simplex method, graphical representation: dual; degeneracy; transportation problem; assignment problems; data envelopment analysis; applications; case studies; managerial deporting; LINDO software. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 476 (or equivalent) (with a minimum grade of B-), and consent.
CR/NC only
Individual investigation in civil and environmental engineering topics as approved by instructor. Pre: senior standing, and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or minimum GPA of 3.0 in engineering.
Will reflect special interests of visiting and/or permanent faculty. Repeatable one time. Pre: junior or senior standing, and consent.
(Lec/Lab) Design problem involving several areas of civil engineering and requiring a team approach for a solution. A-F only. Pre: senior standing in CEE or CNST and 489B. (Spring only)
(B) Surveying and AutoCAD (2 cr.) Basics of surveying and AutoCAD for civil engineering projects; (C) Professional ethics (1 cr.) Engineering ethics, ethical decision making and deliberation. A-F only. Senior standing. Pre: 305. (Fall only)
Basic properties of steel; behavior and design of steel beams, columns, and connections; introduction to rigid frames. Pre: 381.
(3 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Behavior and design of reinforced concrete beams, one-way slabs and columns. Laboratory section includes design and hands-on manufacturing and testing of reinforced concrete members. A-F only. Pre: 375 and 381.
Introduction to the minimum load requirements for buildings and other structures used in current structural design codes. Derive and apply dead, live, rain, soil, snow, wind, earthquake, flood, inundation, and other loads to structural systems. CEE majors only. A-F only. Pre: (305 and 381) with a minimum grade of C.
Individual research project for undergraduate students in the structures track. Topic to be determined by consultation with structural faculty advisor. A-F only. Pre: senior standing and consent.
To teach the theory and the practice of planning, scheduling, and reporting a construction project through the use of bar chart and CPM. Format to include lectures, text, outside speakers, site visits, discussions, case study, and computers. Pre: 375.
Estimating science; techniques of estimating quantities and pricing of work for construction contracting; classification of costs, analysis of plans and specifications for estimating; computerized estimating; cash flow, bidding strategy, preparation and submission. A-F only. CEE, CNST, EE, ME, OE majors only. A-F only. Pre: 375.
Methods and equipment used on horizontal/ heavy engineering projects. Available equipment, their production, and how they are used to excavate, move, process, and place the earth. Pre: 375 and senior standing.
Introductory treatment of the management of construction. Construction supervision, contract documents, estimating and bidding, organization, planning and scheduling, administration, business methods, safety, and labor. CE, CEM, CNST, EE, and
ME majors only. A-F only. Pre: 375. (Cross-listed as ARCH 432)
Methods of construction, primarily buildings. Construction types: light and heavy wood; steel; plain, reinforced, and prestressed concrete; masonry. Foundations; associated details of frames, walls, roofs, floors,openings, finishes. Disasters, failures, and their causes. Industrialization of the building process. CE, CEM, CNST, EE, ME majors
only. Pre: 375.
Application of travel demand forecasting models to transportation planning. Evaluation and decision-making. Term projects. Pre: 361.
Design/analysis of signalized, unsignalized intersections, urban networks. Traffic impact studies; analysis steps and applications. Design/redesign options. Parking studies: demand, alternative designs (lot layouts). Pre: 361.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Design principles of flexible and rigid pavements; HMA mixture design, equipment and construction; and application of life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) in pavement engineering. Includes laboratory sessions for aggregate testing and Superpave mix design. A-F only. Pre: 355, 361, and 375.
Introduction to regional and global climate modeling for environmental scientists and engineers. Learn principles of climate modeling, how to access and use climate data for sustainable engineering and environmental management solutions, and effectively communicate results. Repeatable one time. ATMO, CEE, ERTH, GES, OCN, NREM majors only. Senior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as ATMO 449 and SUST 449)
Continuation of 355 field exploration, lateral earth pressures, heating capacity theory, slope stability, use of geosynthetics. A-F only. Pre: 355.
Evaluation of infrastructure impacts. Impacts regulation and mitigation. Effects of environmental and other policies on infrastructure. Infrastructure relations to sustainability. Energy consumption, transportation efficiency and infrastructure recycling. Lectures and presentations by experts and enrolled students. Senior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: senior standing, open to engineering, science, urban planning, and economics majors. (Cross-listed as SUST 444)
Key principles of sustainability and its analysis. Quantification of environmental impact/assessment using target plots, mass/energy balances, and life cycle analyses (cradle to gate/grave) applied to products, processes, or systems. Use of SimaPro. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as OCN 441 and SUST 441)
Assessing vulnerability of coastal communities to climate change stressors and providing technical engineering solutions for adaptation. Senior standing or higher. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as SUST 440)
Physical operations, chemical and biological processes, design flow and process loading rates, pilot plant testing, and treatment plant design. Engineering majors only. Pre: 330.
Hydrologic fundamentals of water demand and supply; water and wastewater distribution; collection systems; quality characterization; analytical methods for water quality management. Pre: 330.
Surface water hydrology topics include hydrologic cycle, hydrographs, regression methods, urban rain-runoff process, flood frequency analysis, flood routing and hydrology for detention basin design. Groundwater hydrology topics include seawater intrusion, theory of groundwater flow and solutions to steady and unsteady aquifer flows. A-F only. Pre: 305 and 320.
Introduction to basic concepts of pollutant transport phenomenon through theoretical modeling, lab and field experiments and observations. Specific topics include mass balance, jets and plumes, mixing and transport in rivers, reservoirs, groundwater and estuaries; non point course pollution. A-F only. Pre: 320, and MATH 244 or MATH 253A (or equivalent). (Alt. years)
Hydraulics of closed conduits and open channels with emphasis on engineering applications. Topics also include pump hydraulics, bridge hydraulics, urban drainage engineering, and flood plain management. A-F only. Pre: 320.
Numerical solutions of engineering problems using digital computers. Regression analysis; numerical differentiation and integration; solutions of algebraic, transcendental, and differential equations; and analysis of large structural systems. Pre: computer programming and senior standing.
Economic analysis in engineering and management decisionmaking, interest, depreciation, income tax, cost classification, break-even analysis, economic comparisons of alternatives, benefit-cost analysis. BENG, CE, CEM, CNST, EE, and ME majors only.
A-F only. Pre: ECON 120 or 130, and senior standing. (Cross-listed as BE 405)
Analysis of statically determinate plane and space trusses and frames; deflections; introduction to matrix methods; computer applications. A-F only. Pre: 370.
(2 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Introduction to the crystalline and molecular structure of materials. Properties of metals, concrete, concrete admixtures, asphalt, wood, and other materials commonly used in construction. A-F only. Pre: 305 (or concurrent); 370.
Tension, compression, and torsion of bars, and bending of beams. CEE and CNST majors only. A-F only. Pre: 370 (or concurrent).
Introduction to analysis and design of deformable bodies subject to loading. Stress, strain, constitutive relation, axially loading, torsion, statically indeterminate systems, Mohr’s circle, failure criteria, buckling, defection due to axial, shear, torsional, and flexural loading. Pre: C or better in all of the following: 270; and MATH 244 (or concurrent) or MATH 253A (or concurrent). (Crosslisted as ME 371)
Transportation modes: land, air, water, pipelines. Tourist, urban transportation. Geometric design, human factors, vehicular flow models, capacity analysis. Overview: traffic impact, air quality, parking studies. A-F only. Pre: 271.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to geotechnical engineering: soil characterization, index properties, seepage and flow in soil, stresses in soils, compressibility, consolidation, shear strength. Substantial emphasis on writing lab reports. A-F only. Pre: 320, 370.
(3 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Parameters and indices of environmental quality; materials balances; chemical kinetics; ideal reactor models; water and air pollution control; solid and hazardous waste management; emphasis on instruction in writing lab reports. A-F only. Pre: 271.
(3 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Compressible and incompressible fluid properties; fluid statics; kinematics, energy and momentum considerations in steady flows; application of steady flow concepts to various fluid processes; with an emphasis on instruction in writing lab reports. A-F only. Pre: 271.
Description of sample data; correlation and regression; probability and statistical distributions; estimations of population parameters; fitting distributions to histograms; hypothesis testing. A-F only. Pre: MATH 244 or MATH 253A.
Dynamics of particles and rigid bodies; force, acceleration, impulse-momentum, work-energy. CE, CNST, ENGS, ME majors only. A-F only. Pre: C or better in 270; MATH
244 (or concurrent) or MATH 253A (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as ME 271)
Forces, resultants, and equilibrium; analysis of trusses, frames, and machines; centroids, moments of inertia; friction. A-F only. Pre: grade of C or better in all of the following: PHYS 170; MATH 242; and either MATH 243 (or concurrent) or MATH 252A (or concurrent).
Study of authors, a genre, a period, or a problem. (M) modern; (T) traditional. Repeatable one time for (M). A-F only for (M). Pre: EALL 611, WGSS 613, WGSS 615, or WGSS 650; or consent for (M); 612, or consent for (T). (Cross-listed as WGSS 753) (Alpha))
(B) teaching methods; (C) structure; (D) classical grammar; (E) sociolinguistics. Pre: 643 for (B) and (E); 452 for (C) and (D).
Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Pre: 661 and consent.
Pre: 660 and consent.
Builds on the foundation laid in 461; introduces complex syntactic patterns, advanced vocabulary; teaches sophisticated reading strategies and cultural literary contexts; exposes students to a wide range of intermediate level texts. Repeatable two times. Pre: 461 or consent. (Spring only)
Current approaches to Chinese grammar and related issues and debates, focusing on the papers published by leading Chinese linguists employing these approaches. Pre: 452, 455, or 456; or consent. (Alt. years)
Extensive studies of selected topics (B) teaching and testing: specific problems in teaching Chinese including characters and cultural elements; proficiency and communicative ability; (C) cognitive grammar. A-F only for (C). Pre: 451 and 452, or consent. Once a year.
For graduate students pursuing teaching Chinese language. Students gain practical skills and hands-on experiences in creating instructional and assessment materials and teaching an actual Chinese language class using the self-developed materials effectively. Pre: 643 or consent. (Alt. years: fall)
Problems in language learning and teaching. Practice in preparing and presenting lessons with materials based on comparative linguistic analysis. Materials, teaching aids, test construction. Pre: 451 and 452, or consent.
Verbal categories, aspects, focus devices, resultative and directional compounds, coverbial constructions. Interaction between syntax and semantics. Pre: 452 or consent.
Synchronic description of a Chinese dialect other than Cantonese and Mandarin; contrastive and comparative studies with Mandarin. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 451 and 452, or consent.
(B) phonology; (C) syntax. Pre: 451, LING 421, or consent for (B); 452 or consent for (C).
Formal and thematic analysis of short stories, historical romances, and novels. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 402 or consent.
Critical study of major traditional Chinese poetic forms. (B) ancient (to 5th century); (C) medieval (5th–10th century). Pre: 461 or consent for (B), 610B or consent for (C).
Panoramic overview of major perspectives in contemporary Chinese linguistics. Readings on recent developments of fields. Report on selected research papers and present analysis of linguistic phenomena of interest. Pre: 452 or consent. (Alt. years)
For those who need special assistance, e.g., in reading texts in area of specialization or at a pace more rapid than those of standard courses. CR/NC only. Repeatable three times. Primarily for graduate students from other departments. Pre: consent
Supervised internships in a Chinese-speaking institution in China. Students must pass 486 with a B- or higher and be accepted to the Flagship Capstone Year in China to take this. Repeatable two times, up to 12 credits. CR/NC only. Pre: 461 and 485 and 486 (with a minimum grade of B- or better) and proficiency assessment and acceptance to Flagship Capstone year in China.
Faculty supervised participation in the operations of an organization in a position making use of students’ Chinese language skills in Hawai‘i. Students must achieve a grade of B- in CHN 302 to take this course. Repeatable two times, up to 12 credits. CHN majors only. Junior/senior standing only. Pre: 302 (with a minimum grade of B-) or consent.
Development of listening and speaking skills through discussion of Chinese films. Students will be required to watch the films before class. Pre: 301 or consent.
Designed for students participating in the Flagship Capstone Year in China taught entirely in Chinese. Students will take two courses taught in Chinese in their field at Nanjing or Beijing Union University. Repeatable one time, up to six credits. CR/NC only. Pre: 486 or consent.
Designed for students participating in the Flagship Capstone Year in China taught entirely in Chinese. Students will improve their knowledge of Chinese media, how it operates, and its effects on Chinese society. A-F only. Pre: 486 or consent.
Designed for students participating in the Flagship Capstone Year in China taught entirely in Chinese. Students will improve their knowledge of and ability to use Chinese to effectively communicate in writing. A-F only. Pre: 486 or consent.
Representative works of writers from People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. (B) short stories; (C) poetry and drama; (D) novels and essays. Repeatable two times. Pre: 402 or consent.
Continuation of 485. Focus on academic and professional reading, writing, speaking, and listening in order to train students to the Superior (according to ACTFL standards) level of language proficiency. Repeatable one time when taken in China as part of the UH Chinese Flagship Program. Pre: 402 or consent.
Focus on academic and professional reading, writing, speaking, and listening in order to train students to the Superior (according to ACTFL standards) level of language proficiency. Repeatable one time when taken in China as part of the UH Chinese Flagship Program. Pre: 402 or consent.
Extensive exposure–chiefly through tape recordings, classroom conversation, and outside readings–to history, culture, and institutions. Pre: 202 or 204, or consent.
Analysis of basic structural patterns through selected readings in various texts. Pre: 302 or consent.
Defines properties of the Chinese lexicon, introduces its principles, approaches, and methodologies in Chinese lexicology, outlines similarities and differences between the Chinese and English lexicons, and advances students’ Chinese language proficiency. Pre: 202 or 205, or consent. (Alt. years: fall)
Study of the meaning of Chinese sentences in isolation, in discourse contexts, and in written texts. Pays equal attention to theoretical issues and practical problems in Chinese semantics and communication. Pre: 202 or 204, or consent. (Once a year)
Introduction to pragmatics and discourse analysis of Mandarin Chinese; some discussion of usage and linguistic geography. Pre: 202, 204; or consent.
Continuation of 453. Pre: 453 or consent. (Alt. years)
Origin, structure, and evolution. Pre: 402, 461; or consent. (Alt. years)
Introduction to syntax and semantics of Mandarin Chinese; some discussion of usage and linguistic geography. Pre: 202 or 204; or consent.
Introduction to phonology and morphology of Mandarin Chinese; some discussion of usage and linguistic geography. Pre: 202 or 204; or consent.
Asynchronous web-based course with focuses on (i) reading selected texts across a broad range of topics and genres, and (ii) writing expository/argumentative essays by referencing and reflecting on the readings, along with interacting with peers. Pre: 401 (or concurrent) or consent. (Spring only)
Asynchronous web-based course with focuses on (i) reading selected texts across a broad range of genres, and (ii) writing expository and argumentative essays by referencing and reflecting on the readings, along with interacting with peers. Pre: 401 (or concurrent) or equivalent or consent. (Fall only)
Training in techniques; theory of translation. (B) Chinese–English; (C) English–Chinese. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as TI 420(Alpha))
Continuation of 411. Pre: 411 or consent.
Systematic practice on academic topics of conversation. Lab work. Pre: 302 or 303, or consent.
Accelerated, intensive advanced course focusing on specialized advanced listening, speaking, reading, and writing communicative needs of business professionals in the Chinese business context. Pre: 305 (or equivalent) or consent.
Content of 401 and 402 covered in one semester. Meets two hours, three times a week. Pre: 302 or 303 or 305; or consent.
Continuation of 401. Pre: 401 or consent.
Extensive reading in academic topics. Meets one hour a day, three times a week. Pre: 302 or 303 or 305; or consent.
For those who need special assistance, e.g., in reading texts in their area of specialization or at a pace more rapid than those of standard courses. CR/NC only. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.
Web-based training in Chinese reading and writing to develop skills at the advanced level. Activities combine independent work with communicative activities on the course web site. Ideal for in-service professionals seeking language development and maintenance. Repeatable one time. Pre: 301 (or concurrent) or consent.
Web-based training in Chinese listening, reading, and writing to develop skills at the advanced level. Activities combine independent work with communicative activities on the course website. Features language exchange with native speakers. Repeatable one time. Pre: 301 (or concurrent) or consent.
Advanced Cantonese or other Chinese dialects. Repeatable one time. CR/NC for native Chinese speakers. Pre: consent.
Continuation of 311. Pre: 311 or consent.
Systematic practice on everyday topics of conversation. Lab work. Pre: 202 or 204 or 252; or consent.
Accelerated, intensive advanced course focusing on general advanced listening, speaking, reading, and writing communicative needs of business professionals in the Chinese business context. Pre: 205 (or equivalent) or consent.
Content of 301 and 302 covered in one semester. Meets two hours, three times a week. Pre: 202 or 204 or 205 or 252; or consent.
Continuation of 301. Pre: 301 or consent.
Vocabulary building and extended mastery of sentence structures of modern Chinese through reading and related conversation. Meets one hour a day, three times a week. Pre: 202 or 204 or 205 or 252; or consent.
Continuation of 251. Pre: 251 or consent.
For students who have completed the conversational Mandarin courses up through 212 and wish to continue on to 301, or others who can handle daily conversation in Mandarin but cannot read or write in the language. Pre: 212 or consent.
Continuation of 211. Pre: 201 or 211, or consent.
Further development of listening and speaking skills in Mandarin. The student is expected to be able to comprehend and produce speech at the paragraph level. Pre: 102 or 103 or 112, or consent.
Accelerated, intensive intermediate course focusing on everyday listening, speaking, reading, and writing communicative needs of business professionals in the Chinese business context. Pre: 105 (or equivalent) or consent.
Content of 201 and 202 covered in one semester. Meets two hours, four times a week. Pre: placement test and 102 or 103 or 105; or consent.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.
Continuation of 101 and 102. Meets one hour a day, four times a week. Pre: 102 or 103 or 105; or consent.
Continuation of 111. Pre: 101 or 111 or consent.
Development of basic skills (listening, speaking and grammar) of spoken Mandarin with application to some familiar everyday topics.
Accelerated, intensive elementary course focusing on everyday listening, speaking, reading, and writing communicative needs of business professionals in the Chinese business context. Pre: consent. (Fall only)
Content of 101 and 102 covered in one semester. Meets two hours, four times a week. Pre: placement test.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar. Meets one hour, four times a week. Pre: placement test.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: candidacy for PhD degree and consent of dissertation chair.
Theory and applications. A-F only. Repeatable unlimited times in different topics.
Theory and applications. Repeatable unlimited times in different topics. Pre: consent.
Theory and applications. Repeatable unlimited times in different topics. Pre: consent.
Theory and applications. Repeatable unlimited times in different topics. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: candidacy for MS degree and consent of thesis chair.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Continuation of 691. Current topics in: (D) physical; (E) organic; (Q) biochemistry; (Z) inorganic chemistry. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: graduate standing.
Current topics in (D) physical; (E) organic; (Q) biochemistry; (Z) inorganic chemistry. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: graduate standing.
The chemical mechanisms of reactions catalyzed by enzymes in biochemical pathways, with an emphasis on the major types of cofactor and metal catalyzed reactions. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Crystal symmetry. Elementary x-ray physics. Diffraction theory and its application to crystal and molecular structure determination. Pre: 352 and MATH 244 or MATH 253A.
Formation of astrobiologically important molecules and their precursors in the interstellar medium and in our solar system: first principles and latest trends. Pre: consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as ASTR 657 and ERTH 657)
Rigorous introduction to quantum mechanics, including operator formalism, matrix formation, group theory, and perturbation theory; introduction to the electronic structure of atoms and molecules. Pre: graduate standing in CHEM.
Kinetics and chemical reaction dynamics of elementary reactions relevant to combustion processes, astrochemistry, chemical vapor deposition and planetary sciences. Pre: graduate standing in CHEM. (Spring only)
Includes statistical thermodynamics, with application to chemical systems. Pre: graduate standing in CHEM.
Continuation of 642, and is the second half of a two-semester course in Modern Organic Synthesis. Pre: 642 and a minimum required grade for prerequisites of B. (Spring only)
Theory of molecular structure, stereochemistry, and reaction mechanisms. Pre: 601 or consent.
Modern synthetic methods with emphasis on the design and execution of multi-step sequences. Pre: graduate standing or consent
Interpretation of chemical and physical (primarily spectral) data in the identification of organic compounds. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Theory, instrumentation, applications. Three areas each semester-one credit hour per area. Repeatable unlimited times in different areas. Pre: 333 and graduate standing in CHEM or consent.
Introduction to the principles of catalysis and the classes of catalytic reactions effected by organometallic compounds. A-F only. Pre: 622 and a minimum required grade for prerequisites of B.
Survey of Lewis acids and bases, coordination numbers, geometries, stereochemistry, ligand field theory, formation constants, and bioinorganic chemistry. Pre: 601 and 602 (or concurrent).
Reactivity and reaction mechanisms of compounds containing metalcarbon bonds. Pre: 352 and 427.
Introduction to magnetic resonance, infrared, UV, and visible spectroscopy, emphasizing applications to organic and inorganic chemistry. Three topics each semester–1 credit hour per topic. Repeatable unlimited times in different topics. Pre: graduate standing in CHEM.
Application of quantum mechanics and symmetry principles to descriptions of chemical bonding. Pre: graduate standing in CHEM.
Introduction to field-specific methods and skills needed for success in graduate research. Includes training modules for safety, ethics, and library resources. Short faculty research overviews may also be given.CHEM majors only. Graduate students only. CR/NC only. (Fall only)
Advanced biochemistry lab techniques: protein purification and characterization, identification of unknown proteins, enzyme kinetics, ligand binding, enzyme kinetics, protein structure, and spectroscopy, with instruction in writing scientific reports. A-F only. Pre: 274L, 372, 462 (or concurrent), and BIOL 275L.
Advanced topics in biochemistry including nucleic acid replication, transcription, and translation; genetic and epigenetic regulation; bioenergetics and control of metabolism; alternative metabolic strategies; and enzyme structure and mechanism. A-F only. Pre: 372 and BIOL 402. (Spring only)
Laboratory on the preparation of organic compounds and physical methods for their characterization. Includes optical methods (UV-vis, IR), chromatography (HPLC, GC), mass spectrometry (GCMS and LCMS) and NMR. A-F only. Pre: 273L with a grade of C (not C-) or better, or departmental approval. Co-requisite: 445. (Spring only)
Introduction to multi-step synthesis and instruments/analytical techniques used to characterize organic compounds. Retrosynthesis and diastereoselective reactions; spectroscopy (optical methods, NMR), mass spectrometry. Chromatography (GC, HPLC) and coupled techniques (GCMS, LCMS). CHEM or BIOC majors only. A-F only. Pre: 273 with a grade of C (not C-) or better, or departmental approval. (Spring only)
Classification, description, fundamental theory. Pre: 425.
Laboratory on preparative methods and analytical techniques and instruments in inorganic chemistry. A-F only. Pre: 425 (or concurrent). (Fall only)
Lecture on advanced methods of preparation and characterization of inorganic compounds and materials. A-F only. Pre: 351 (or concurrent) or 461 (or concurrent). (Fall only)
Directed laboratory research culminating in a written research report. Repeatable unlimited times. CHEM or BIOC majors only. A-F only. Pre: minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or minimum in-major GPA of 3.0.
Directed reading and discussion of scientific journal articles culminating in a written literature review. Repeatable unlimited times. CHEM or BIOC majors only.Pre: minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or minimum in-major GPA of 3.0.
Student team-led discussions of contemporary ethical issues and ethical decision making in chemistry using case studies and additional examples from the media. CHEM or BIOC majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 274 (or concurrent). (Spring only)
Mechanism of biochemical reactions, biophysical structure, techniques for studying biochemical reactions. Pre: 273 (with a grade of C or better) or graduate standing with consent, or departmental approval. (Fall only)
Biochemical thermodynamics, chemical and enzyme kinetics, biomolecular structure, and biomolecular spectroscopy. A-F only. Pre: 162, PHYS 272, and MATH 242 or 252A with a grade of C or better for prerequisites.
(2 3-hr Lab) Modern laboratory techniques. Includes emphasis on instruction in scientific report writing. Pre: 274L, 351, and 352 (or concurrent).
Continuation of 351. Pre: 351.
Principles and theories; physico-chemical procedures. Pre: 274, 274L, PHYS 272, PHYS 272L, and MATH 243 or MATH 253A.
(2 3-hr Lab) Phase separations, chromatography, titrimetry, spectrophotometry, etc. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 162L or 171L or 181L; and 274 (or concurrent).
Selected methods and principles, e.g., phase equilibria, ionic equilibria, electrode equilibria, separations, spectroscopy, automation, and process control. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 162 or 171 or 181A, MATH 215 or MATH 241 or MATH 251A.
(1 4-hr Lab) Techniques, synthesis and qualitative analysis, applications of spectroscopy. Pre: 272L and 273 (or concurrent).
Continuation of 272. Molecular structure, stereochemistry, spectroscopy, mechanisms, reactions, and synthesis of organic compounds. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 272.
(1 4-hr Lab) Techniques, synthesis and qualitative analysis, applications of spectroscopy. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 162L, 171L, or 181L; and C (not C-) or better in 272 (or concurrent).
Molecular structure, stereochemistry, spectroscopy, mechanisms, reactions, and synthesis of organic compounds. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 162 or 171 or 181A.
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory experiments illustrating chemical principles involving advanced techniques and modern instrumentation. A-F only. Students who successfully completed 161L or 171L with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 181L without instructor override. Students who successfully complete 181L with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 161L or 171L without instructor override. Corequisite: 181A.
Rigorous, in-depth introduction to chemical principles with emphasis on experimental and applied aspects of modern chemistry. Students who successfully completed 161 or 171 with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 181A without instructor override. Students who successfully complete 181A with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 161 or 171 without instructor override. Pre: satisfactory placement exam score and MATH 215 (or concurrent) or MATH 241 (or concurrent) or MATH 251A (or concurrent) with a minimum grade of C. (Fall only)
(1 3.5- hr Lab) Laboratory experiments illustrating fundamental principles of chemistry. Students who successfully completed 161L or 181A with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 171 without instructor override. Students who successfully complete 171L with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 161L or 181A without instructor override. Co-requisite: 171. (Fall only)
Principles, theories, elementary analytical methods of chemistry. Intended for physical science majors and engineers. Pre: Satisfactory Placement Exam score, and MATH 241 or MATH 242 or MATH 243 or MATH 251A or MATH 252A or MATH 253A. Co-requisite: 171L. Students who successfully completed 161 or 181A with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 171 without instructor override. Students who successfully complete 171 with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 161 or 181A without instructor override. (Fall only)
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory experiments introducing techniques and fundamental principles of chemistry. Pre: 161L and 162 (or concurrent).
Continuation of 161. Liquids and solids. Solutions and colligative properties. Continuation of thermodynamics, including entropy and free energy. Principles and applications of chemical equilibrium, including acidbase chemistry (titrations, buffers). Kinetics. Redox reactions and electrochemistry. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 161.
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory experiments introducing techniques and fundamental principles of chemistry. Students who successfully completed 171 or 181A with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 161 without instructor override. Students who successfully complete 161 with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 171 or 181A without instructor override. Pre: 161 (or concurrent).
Basic principles of chemistry, including stoichiometry. Introduction to solution phase chemistry. Gas phase chemistry. Thermodynamics, including enthalpies of formation and reaction. Atomic structure, periodic trends, chemical bonding, molecular structure. Students who successfully completed 171 or 181A with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 161 without instructor override. Students who successfully complete 161 with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 171 or 181A without instructor override. Pre: C (not C-) in 131 or C (not C-) in 151 or successful completion of placement exam, or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Techniques of preparation, purification, identification of organic compounds. Pre: 151L, 162L, or 171L; and 152 (or concurrent).
Structure, nomenclature, properties, reactions of organic compounds emphasizing those of practical importance in related fields. Pre: 151, 162, or 171.
(1 3-hr Lab) Experiments introducing laboratory techniques and illustrating chemical principles. Pre: 151 (or concurrent).
Nonrigorous but adequate background in fundamentals. Preparation for technical training in life sciences.
For students lacking preparation in chemistry. Provides background in algebra and elementary concepts of chemistry in preparation for entering the General Chemistry sequence. A-F only. Pre: successful completion of placement exam.
Introduction to chemistry for non-science majors. Discussion of the role of natural and manmade chemicals in everyday life, with an emphasis on sustainable and environmentally-sensitive use of chemicals to improve our world. A-F only. Students who successfully completed 100 with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 110/SUST 120 without instructor override. Students who successfully complete 110/SUST 120 with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 100 without instructor override. (Cross-listed as SUST 120)
Introduction to chemistry for non-science majors. Discussion of basic chemistry concepts and their application to everyday life. No credit for science and engineering majors. A-F only. Students who successfully completed 110/SUST 120 with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 100 without instructor override. Students who successfully complete 100 with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 110/SUST 120 without instructor override.
Continuation of 201. Emphasis on comprehension and language production. Pre: 201 (or equivalent), or consent.
Continuation of 102. Emphasis on comprehension and language production (speaking). Meets five hours weekly. Pre: 102 (or equivalent), or consent.
Listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills; emphasis on oral and reading proficiency. Meets five hours weekly. Pre: 101 (or equivalent), or consent.
Introduction to Chamorro, emphasis on listening and speaking, language structure. Meets three hours weekly.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: acceptance of dissertation topic.
Advanced topics in neuroscience, from basic neurobiology to clinical neurology and psychiatry. Emphasis on current investigations at the cellular or molecular level. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: acceptance of thesis topic.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: graduate standing and consent.
Continuation of 671.
Laboratory training in procedures used in diagnosis of genetic diseases, cytogenetics, immunogenetics, and dermatoglyphics. Repeatable three times. Pre: graduate standing in genetics or consent.
(1 2-hr Lec) Presentation and discussion of hypothesis-driven research and grant writing. Topics include the process of proposal, submission, and review. Course work includes writing, critiquing, and revising a proposal. Graduate students only. Repeatable two times. CR/ NC only. Pre: recommended 626 and consent.
Research and topical literature reports in genetics. May be repeated. (B) molecular genetics; (C) molecular biology of cancer; (D) human genetics; (E) cytogenetics; (F) evolutionary genetics; (G) molecular biology of the cell; (H) drosophila genetics; (I) population/statistical genetics; (J) developmental genetics; (K) insect molecular biology; (M) genetics and molecular biology of fungi. Repeatable unlimited times for (G). Pre: graduate standing in genetics or consent.
Aims to improve the skills of graduate students in Biomedical Sciences in literature search, analysis, and management, as well as in scientific writing and other forms of scientific communication. Graduate students only or consent. A-F only. (Fall only)
Mathematical, observational, experimental results on effects of mutation, selection, and systems of mating on distribution of genes. Analysis of non-experimental populations. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as BIOL 650)
Modern biomolecular and genomic concepts are explored through brief guided hands-on web-based bioinformatic projects using public domain resources. Understanding key concepts and algorithms, technical literacy, and operational confidence are goals. Programming skill development is student-optional. A-F only. (Fall only)
Lecture and example-based introduction to the critical biostatistics skills commonly required of the bench life scientist. Technical literacy and basic practical application are the goals. Problem sets will be scored. A-F only. (Spring only)
Physiology and pharmacology of central and peripheral nervous systems, focusing on synaptic chemistry and signaling. A-F only. Pre: 606, or consent from the course director. (Cross-listed as PHRM 640)
Individualized research project in three laboratories of CMB faculty with a written report on each project. Faculty laboratories will be selected by consultation with student’s graduate committee and individual faculty. Repeatable two times. Pre: 621 (or concurrent), 622 (or concurrent); or consent.
Topics include responsible data management, recording, reporting, misconduct and scientific fraud, conflicts of interest, critical use of animals and human issues and subjects in research, genetic screening, stem cell and gene therapy and patenting. (Cross-listed as BIOM 641)
Advanced treatment of frontiers in genetics. Pre: graduate standing in genetics or consent.
Molecular approaches to cell structure and function emphasizing cells in multi-cellular plants and animals. Pre: 621, BIOC 441, and BIOL 408; and either BIOL 402 or MBBE 402; or consent.
Molecular approaches to cell structure and function emphasizing cells in multi-cellular plants and animals. Pre: BIOL 402 or MBBE 402; and BIOC 441, BIOL 408, and graduate standing; or consent. Recommended: CHEM 351.
Presentation and discussion of research topics in biomedical science. Repeatable nine times. CR/NC only. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Cross-listed as REPR 611)
Writing intensive asynchronous computer-based course examines biological processes and challenges relevant to the public health professional. Topics include anatomical, pathophysiological, and molecular bases of public health; genetics, immunology, ethics; disease prevention, control, and management. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as PH 610)
An interdisciplinary overview of the central nervous system, drawn from current knowledge and research on vertebrate and invertebrate neurobiology. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Genetic changes involved in the processes of adaptation and in species formation. Pre: 411. Recommended: population and/or quantitative genetics.
Research elective for medical students. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 551 and consent.
Prepare medical students to identify and resolve ethical dilemmas in medical career and biomedical research, and to maintain integrity and professionalism in accordance with relevant ethical principles, policies, and laws. Repeatable one time. MD majors only. CR/NC only.
First-year elective course in which medical students may take an in-depth study of genetics. Repeatable six times. Pre: first-year medical student or consent.
Directed reading and research in genetics. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: 351 or 411.
Principles of human genetics. Designed for pre-medical or pre-dental students or others who require a course with emphasis on human genetics. Pre: BIOL 172 and BIOL 172L, or consent.
The role of genetics in evolution, medicine, behavior, plant and animal breeding and technology; its impact on today’s society. Pre: one semester of biological science at college level or consent. Not a BIOL major elective. (Cross-listed as BIOL 340)
Focus on advanced reading, writing, aural comprehension and speaking skills through the study of Khmer newspaper, radio, TV, audio/video clips and film. Repeatable one time. Pre: 402 (or equivalent), or consent.
Continuation of 401. Computer assisted learning. Pre: 401 (or equivalent), or consent.
Continuation of 302. Computer assisted learning. Advanced reading in current literature; discussion of social and cultural issues; advanced conversation and composition. Pre: 302 (or equivalent), or consent.
Continuation of 305. Online course provides opportunities for learners to enhance their linguistic, discourse and sociolinguistic competencies in Khmer at the advanced level. Use a multimedia CD-ROM and a textbook to complement the web-based instruction. Pre: 305 or consent. (Spring only)
Online course provides opportunities for learners to enhance their linguistic, discourse and sociolinguistic competencies in Khmer at the advanced level. Use a multimedia CD-ROM and a textbook to complement the web based instruction. (Fall only) Pre: 207 or consent.
Continuation of 212. Practice in idiomatic conversation and extensive reading. Integrated development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Meets 10 hours weekly. Pre: 212.
Continuation of 301. Computer assisted learning. Lab work. Pre: 301 (or equivalent), or consent.
Continuation of 202. Advanced reading, writing, conversation and comprehension. Emphasis on modern contemporary texts. Computer assisted learning. Lab work. Pre: 202 or 212 (or equivalent), or consent.
Continuation of 205. Online course provides opportunities for learners to enhance their linguistic, discourse and sociolinguistic competencies in Khmer at the intermediate level. Use a multimedia CD-ROM and a textbook to complement the web-based instruction. Pre: 201 or 205, or consent. (Spring only)
Introduction to classical Cambodian folktales of the Hare. Familiarize students to Cambodian basic language, cultures, and custom as seen in daily life. Pre: 203 or consent. (Spring only)
Online course aims to develop student’s proficiency-based units exploring Cambodian language and culture and focusing on reading and writing at the intermediate level. Pre: 102 or 105, or consent. (Fall only)
Introduction to classical Cambodian folktales of the Hare. The Hare, known as ‘Judge Rabbit,’ is one of the most famous figure in Oral folktale stories. Pre: 102 or 107, or consent
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or exam or consent.
Continuation of 102. Conversation, reading, writing. Meets five hours weekly. Pre: 102 or exam or consent.
Continuation of 105. This online course aims to develop proficiency skills in listening, reading, and writing Khmer at the first year level. Use a multimedia CD-ROM and a textbook to complement the web-based instruction. Pre: 105 (or equivalent) or consent. (Spring only)
Online course aims to develop the student’s proficiency skills in reading and writing Khmer at the First Year level.
Online course aims to develop students’ proficiency skills in speaking and listening at the first year level for the purpose of communication, travel, and for enjoyment. Pre: 103 or consent.
Online course aims to develop students’ proficiency skills in speaking and listening at the first year level for the purpose of communication, travel, and for enjoyment.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or exam or consent.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing. Structural points introduced inductively. Meets five hours weekly
Study of the legal environment of management with particular attention to the sources, principles, and form of the law; contracts, business organizational structures, agency, and partnership.
Overview of international and national law as it applies to international trade. Readings and case studies focus on the legal environment of selected areas in the Asia Pacific region and strategies for doing business overseas. Pre: 200.
Critical study of the legal environment of business administration including competition, monopolies, mergers, securities, taxation, and regulatory agencies. Pre: 200.
Introduction to the legal environment of business operations with particular attention to business law and ethics and to principles of law relating to contracts, agency, partnerships, and corporations.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: PhD student status in business administration or consent.
Developing research and teaching skills in international business, preparation for teaching college-level courses in “international business,” give presentation on recent research in most selective business journals, integrating expectations of university teaching, research, and service. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: student status in PhD in business administration or consent.
Covers research topics including research projects currently underway by Shidler College faculty, advanced PhD students, distinguished visiting faculty, and research contemplated by new PhD students. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: student status in PhD in business administration or consent.
Analysis of current theories in international business; design research studies in areas of possible dissertation research through application of scientific method; includes formation of research questions and testable hypothesis, identification of data sources, and analysis. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: two graduate level courses (six credits) in statistics and methodology, or consent.
Required for Plan A candidates only; six credit hours required, one of which must be taken during semester in which degree is awarded. Repeatable unlimited times.
Outline (including methodology or sources, results expected and means of measurement) must be prepared by student and approved by supervisor and chair of graduate programs before registration. Repeatable up to 12 credits.
Final MBA requirement for those candidates not writing a thesis. Candidates will form consulting teams to perform a meaningful, strategic study for a client organization. Pre: 632 and at least 12 credits of MBA electives. MBA students only or advisor approval.
On-the-job experience in the business community. Project paper and meetings with faculty advisor required. A-F only. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Industry observations conducted entirely in Asian countries for three and a half weeks. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Analysis of the business environment and business issues through study and direct observation of businesses, governmental entities, and/or nongovernmental organizations in non-U.S. settings. Involves group travel to selected international business cities. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 675 and consent. (Summer only)
Analysis of the business environment and business issues through study of businesses, governmental entities, and/or non-governmental organizations in specific geographic areas, in non-U.S. settings. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Summer only)
Study abroad experience emphasizing international business issues. Content varies depending on course of study and educational institution selected. Course qualifies as an international business elective(s). Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: business core or permission of academic advisor.
Integration of learning through analysis of comprehensive business problems, resolution of policy issues, and the study of competitive strategies in the international setting. Pre: MBA core courses completed or taken concurrently; or consent. MBA students only or advisor approval.
Theory, practices, techniques for managing operations and supply chains for global integration of firms and organizations. A-F only. Pre: 621 and 622, or consent. Co-requisite: 630.
Theory, practices, techniques for managing information technology resources for innovation and for strategic advantage in global business environment. A-F only. Pre: 621 and 622. Co-requisite: 631.
Financial management theories and tools for business professionals; asset management; capital budgeting; capital structure and dividend policies. MBA students only or advisor approval. A-F only. Pre: 619, 620, and 624; or consent.
Assists students in developing an awareness of major ethical issues which affect business decisions, and encourages a socially responsible consideration of those issues and being able to express their views. A-F only.
Important issues related to the external environment of business. This includes international trade and finance, regulatory environment, social impacts of business. A-F only. Pre: 622 or consent. Co-requisite: 628.
Personal leadership and communications development and the contributions of the behavioral sciences to understanding human behavior in organizations with a focus on leading organizations in times of change. MBA students only or advisor approval.
Practices, techniques, and tools for managing digital innovation in markets, firms, and enterprise systems through information technologies and applications. Repeatable unlimited times. MBA students only or advisor approval. A-F only. (Pre: 619 and 620 or consent. Spring only)
Accounting tools for business professionals focusing on the role of accounting information in capital markets, managerial decision-making and corporate governance. A-F only. Completing an additional 12 contact-hour tutorial will be required and incorporated into the class schedule. With instructor approval, the tutorial requirement may be waived if student has successfully completed an accounting course (ex. ACC 200 (with a minimum grade of C-) or 201 (with a minimum grade of C-) or an approved online tutorial.
Concepts and issues in marketing within the global environment of business. Ethical dimensions and social responsibilities; market research; consumer segmentation and positioning. Strategic marketing planning. MBA students only or advisor approval. A-F only.
Microeconomic principles that provide structure to solve managerial problems, and to suggest strategies for success. Evaluation of the microeconomic competitive environment in which organizations operate. A-F only. Co-requisite: 621.
Statistical tools for the MBA with emphasis on quality control, time series, and forecasting using regression. A-F only. Corequisite: 622.
Applications of micro- and macro-economic principles to managerial decisions. Microeconomic focuses on economic foundations of business strategies. Macroeconomics focuses on the external economic environment including regulatory and international trends and issues. Admission to MBA program. Complete an additional 3 contacthour tutorial will be required and incorporated into the class schedule. MBA students only or advisor approval. A-F only. (Fall only)
Data analytical and statistical tools for the MBA with emphasis on descriptive and predictive quantitative analytical methods, including time series and regression. Completing an additional six contacthour tutorial will be required and incorporated into the class schedule. MBA students only or advisor approval. A-F only.
Professional development course designed to focus and improve the career development and leadership skills of MBA students. Students learn from guest speakers through site visits, intensive workshops, and hands-on experience. MBA students only or advisor approval. No grading.
Analysis of selected key industries of Asian countries: business/ economic trends, shifting product mix, technological changes, joint ventures, international competition, and productivity strategy, including contrasting management styles, worker/management relationships, and decision-making processes under different cultural settings. Industry observations conducted in Asian countries for three weeks during the summer. Pre: 6 credit hours of economics or business, PAMI participant; or consent.
Analysis of business environment and business issues through study and direct observation of businesses, governmental entities, and non-governmental organizations in non-U.S. settings. Involves group travel to selected international business cities. Travel sites will vary. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 475 and consent. (Summer only)
Analysis of business environment and business issues through study of businesses, governmental entities, and nongovernmental organizations in specific geographic areas in non-U.S. settings. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Summer only)
On-the-job experience in the business community. Term paper and meetings with faculty advisor required. (D) MIS; (F) finance; (G) management; (I) international business; (K) marketing; (M) human resource management; (R) real estate. CR/NC only. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent and RE 300 for (R) only.
Study abroad experience emphasizing international business issues. Content varies with courses taught; (C) accounting; (D) management of informational systems; (F) finance; (G) management; (I) international business; (K) marketing; (M) human resources; (R) real estate. Each alpha repeatable three times, up to 12 credits. Pre: consent.
Applications of strategy to domestic and global business problems using an interdisciplinary approach. Emphasis on AsiaPacific business, assessment of risk, integration of all business core disciplines. Extensive writing expected. Pre: all core courses and graduating senior standing.
Analysis of theories and concepts underlying domestic and global organizational management, including behavioral and personnel issues. Emphasis on leadership, team-work, cultural differences in the Asia Pacific region. Prerequisite to all other advanced management courses. Students may not receive credit for BUS 315 and TIM 303. Pre: PSY 100 or SOC 100.
Introduction to the theory and practice of financial management: analysis and decision making for asset management, capital budgeting, capital structure, and dividend policy. Prerequisite for all other finance courses. Pre: ACC 200 and ACC 210, ECON 130 and ECON 131; or consent.
International trade, financial flows, and direct investment. Public and private institutions including government policies and capital markets. Emphasis on Asia Pacific issues, with attention to the cultural differences among countries. Pre: ECON 130 and ECON 131 or consent.
Concepts, problems, and opportunities in marketing within its competitive, political-legal, economic, social and global environments. Social responsibility and ethics. Marketing research. Consumer and businessto-business segmentation and positioning. Strategic marketing planning. Students may not earn credit for BUS 312 and TIM 304.
Skills and strategies for using information resources applied to local and global business issues; advanced skills in computer-based analytical techniques and information management; impact of information technology on business operations and business strategies. Must be taken in first semester of BBA program. Pre: ICS 101, or LTEC 112 and 113, or equivalent, or consent.
Problem recognition and formulation; stress on cross-disciplinary complex problem solving and communication; computer intensive. Coverage of descriptive statistics, probability and hypothesis testing with emphasis on quality, productivity, and regression analysis. Must be taken in first semester of BBA program.
Provides problem-solving and quantitative skills essential in business. Reviews algebra, mathematics of finance, calculus in business applications, probability, introductory statistics, and hypothesis testing. Pre: two years high school algebra.
An interactive writing class stressing persuasive writing in the context of memos, letters, and business reports. A-F only. Pre: ACC 200 or ACC 210, and ENG 100. Students may not earn credit for both BUS 209 and ENG 209.
Introduction to each of the functional areas of business. Intends to help students understand the interrelationships of business functional areas and the role of business in society. Stresses written communication in business. BUS majors only. Freshman or sophomore standing only. A-F only.
Introduces modern tools for launching technology-based new ventures. Teams of students engage in term projects to learn design thinking, business model generation, product development, rapid prototyping, customer validation, and pitching to investors. ENGR and BUS majors only. Freshmen only. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as ENGR 102)
Study overseas in an approved international exchange or similar program. Repeatable four times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent of academic advisor.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: candidacy for PhD and approval of dissertation proposal.
Advanced topics in conservation and environmental biology. Repeatable three times, up to twelve credits. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as ZOOL 750)
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: candidacy for MS degree and approval of thesis proposal.
Research preliminary to thesis or dissertation research. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent of graduate committee.
Theories and concepts of ecology, evolution, and genetics for conservation of biological diversity. Topics will include restoration ecology, management planning, laws and policies, biological invasions. Pre: BIOL 375 and either 462 or ZOOL 480; and either 453, 454, 456, or 492; or ZOOL 410, 439, 620, 623. (Crosslisted as NREM 690 and ZOOL 690)
Field and laboratory research techniques and projects in the physiological ecology of algae and seagrasses. A-F only. Pre: upper division ecology class recommended, 470L (or equivalent), 480 (or equivalent), or consent. Co-requisite: 682.
Discussion of current studies in morphological, physiological, cellular, and molecular adaptation to marine environments by macroalgae, phytoplankton, and seagrasses. A-F only. Pre: upper division ecology class recommended, 470 (or equivalent), 480 (or equivalent), or consent. Co-requisite: 682L.
Discussion of current literature in physiological ecology, cellular and molecular adaptations to environmental factors by marine plants. Repeatable four times. Pre: 480.
Environmental stress; pollution; salinity, geobotany, and other interactions between the environment and plant processes. Current literature emphasized at multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary levels. Pre: graduate status in a biological science, geosciences, etc.; consent for well-prepared undergraduates.
Graduate level course to train students in the pedagogical tools to enhance active learning in STEM classes. Includes discussions of the primary literature, demonstrations and practice using scientific teaching techniques. BOT or ZOOL or MBIO majors only. Graduate students only. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as ZOOL 670)
Molecular approaches to evolution, phylogenetics, and systematics. Basic use of chloroplast DNA, mitochondrial DNA, nuclear DNA, and electrophoresis. Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony, distance, and comparative methods. Repeatable two times. Recommended: 201.
Modern issues of naming and classifying of organisms, with a botanical emphasis. Includes lectures, discussions, class projects, and field trips. A-F only. Pre: 461 (or equivalent) or consent. (Once a year)
Fundamentals of experimental design, lab techniques and data analysis to conduct research using high throughput sequencing. Students will work in groups to conduct an amplicon sequencing study with ten samples. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. (Alt. years: spring)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Identification, systematics, evolution, and biogeography of native plants. Field trips. Pre: 461 or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 661)
Learn how to choose appropriate statistical methods to test hypotheses in ecology, evolution, and conservation biology and applications using R as a platform. Lecture/discussion, term paper. Pre: ZOOL 631 or consent. (Alt. years: fall)
A researchoriented course focusing on recent advances in all areas of plant ecology. Involves critical review of recent literature, independent research project, oral and written presentation of project results. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.
Learn advanced modeling techniques to investigate the dynamics of size-structure populations (using matrix and integral population models in R), and discuss various applications in ecology and conservation biology. Recommended: students have working knowledge of calculus. (Alt. years: fall)
Theory and applications of population biology; behavior of population models, as revealed by analytical methods and computer simulation; application to population problems such as endangered species; discussion of classical and current literature in population biology. Pre: one of 453, 454, 456, NREM 680, PEPS 671, ZOOL 439, ZOOL 467, ZOOL 620, or ZOOL 623; or consent. (Cross-listed as ZOOL 652)
Theories, models, patterns, and predictive methods relating to the introduction, establishment, and spread of introduced organisms. Application of principles of invasion biology to conservation and natural resource management. Pre: one of 453, 456, MICR 485 or ZOOL 439; and 462 or BIOL 375; or consent
Practical field training experience for a scientific career conducting ethnobiological research. Repeatable one time. Pre: 640 or consent. (Summer only)
Field techniques for assessing the ecological effects of cultural uses of plants. Emphasis on documenting traditional and local patterns of plant use and measuring the effects on plant individuals, populations, communities, and landscapes. Pre: previous course work in anthropology or biology.
Modern ethnobotanical field research project design, execution, data analysis, and documentation methods. Intended for students preparing to conduct field research studies. Lecture/discussion, term paper. Pre: 105 and one of 201, 461, ANTH 200, or BIOL 172.
Vegetative response to hydrologic controls and nutrient cycles; quantitative linkages between hydrological dynamics and ecological patterns/ processes. MatLab is used to develop and simulate ecohydrological models. Pre: college level calculus or consent. (Once a year)
Lectures by distinguished visiting professor on contemporary botanical topics in the lecturer’s area of expertise. No more than 6 credit hours may be counted toward the MS degree requirements. Repeatable five times.
Investigation of any botanical problem; reading and laboratory work. Repeatable nine times. Pre: consent.
Study and discussion of significant topics and problems in botany. Repeatable three times.
(1 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Survey of major research areas in the botanical sciences with emphasis upon research opportunities in Hawai‘i and an overview of 1) skills needed by botanical researchers including writing scientific papers and proposals, practicing ethical research procedures, and collection of specimens; and 2) equipment used by botanical researchers including computers, cameras, measuring and monitoring equipment, and global positioning systems. Lecture/ discussion, laboratory. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing in biological science or approval.
Study and discussion of Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species, 1st edition 1859, and related current literature. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: BA or BS in BOT, BIOL, GEOL, or related field; or consent. (Spring only)
Discussion of current research and classical papers important to modern concepts in ecology, plant interactions with other plants or animals, and ecosystem functioning. BOT majors only. Pre: graduate standing in BOT or consent. (Spring only)
Discussion of current research and classical papers important to modern concepts in history of science, plant diversity, plant interactions with the environment, and plant integration. Pre: graduate standing in BOT or consent. (Fall only)
Scientific grant writing from inception through management to completion; students will write a DDIG and participate in a panel. Professional skills including “rules,” job applications, interviews, transitioning from graduate student to academic or non-academic job. A-F only. Pre: current standing as a graduate student, or consent.
Performance of research project under the direction of a faculty advisor. Preparation of written proposal, final oral presentation to be given to the Botany Department audience and written report required. Preference given to BOT majors. Repeatable up to eight credits. CR/NC only. Pre: 301 or SUST 313, and 301L or SUST 313L, and 302 and 303; and consent.
Practices from around the world that focuses on the tropics. Integrates across disciplines, considers how science based management interacts with world views and considers management plans that are scientifically rigorous but culturally sensitive. Pre: BIOL 265 and an upper level ecology course, or consent. (Once a year)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles of algal diversity, structure, and evolution. Identification of common Hawaiian algae. Pre: one of 101, BIOL 172, MICR 351, ZOOL 101; or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Principles of experimentation in plant physiology, includes individual investigations. A-F only. Pre: consent. Co-requisite: 470.
Integration of form and function from cellular to whole plant levels in processes from seed germination, through photosynthesis, growth, and morphogenesis, to flowering and senescence. A-F only. Pre: CHEM 152 and BIOL 171, or consent. Co-requisite: 470L.
Major events and principles; includes the blue-green algae and fungi. Pre: 201 or BIOL 172. (Alt. years)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) “Hands-on” experience with Hawai‘i’s unique tropical flora; emphasis on recognition and identification of vascular plant families and the principles and methodologies that define them; evolution of biodiversity. Pre: 101 or college general biology.
Analyzing diverse land and water use strategies of O‘ahu, from traditional Hawaiian, scientific and economic perspectives, through classroom and on-site lectures. Topics include traditional Hawaiian methods, modern development, threatened ecosystems, ecotourism and scientific research. A-F only. Pre: HWST 207/SUST 217 or HWST 307/SUST 317 or HWST/SUST 356.
Overview of the history of land, resources and power in Hawai‘i; players and processes influencing land and natural resources policies today explored from Native Hawaiian and other viewpoints. Extensive use of case studies. Pre: HWST 207/SUST 217 or HWST 307/ SUST 317 or HWST/SUST 356.
Comprehensive analysis of traditional Hawaiian and modern resource management practices. Rigorous overview of the dominant physical and biological processes from the uplands to the oceans in Hawai‘i. Pre: HWST 207/SUST 217 or HWST 307/SUST 317
or HWST/SUST 356. (Cross-listed as HWST 457 and SUST 457)
Interdependence of plants and animals, emphasizing the influence of animals on plant fitness and evolution. Topics include pollination, fruit/seed dispersal, herbivory, and ant-plant mutualisms. Pre: 201/201L or BIOL 265/265L.
Application of computers to analysis of biological data; preparation and storage, report production, database analysis procedures, univariate and bivariate statistical analyses. Pre: BIOL 172 or consent.
(2 Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) Covers selected topics in plant population and community ecology. Strong emphasis on how ecology is practiced as a science. Labs take advantage of working outdoors in local natural areas. Pre: 305.
(2 Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) Influence of natural environments on plant behavior (autecology). A field-oriented course to complement 454. Field trips. Should precede 454. Pre: one of 101, BIOL 172, or ZOOL 101.
(2 Lec, 1 1-hr Lab) Geography, geology, climatology, biotic environment of Pacific Basin and Hawaiian Islands; endemism and evolution in terrestrial and marine biota. Pre: one semester of biological sciences at college level. (Cross-listed as BIOL 454 and SUST 450)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Methods and techniques of handling and identifying plant materials used by early Hawaiians and modern Hawaiians for house and canoe construction, clothing, household and fishing items, medicine, and food preparation. Reading, laboratory, and fieldwork. Pre: 440 or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 446)
Ecological implications of cultural uses of plants. Examines the biological basis for, and ecological effects of traditional and local resource management systems. Pre: BOT 305 or BIOL 265/265L or consent. (Crosslisted as SUST 445)
Survey and theory of plants used as medicines, cultural perspectives of herbal medicine, and the botanical/ chemical basis of allopathic and naturopathic medicine. Lecture/discussion, term paper or project. Pre: 461 or consent.
(2 2-hr Lab) Advanced studies of plant uses in cultural contexts, focusing upon impacts of plant-culture interactions in development of cultures, cultivars, medicinals, ethnoecologies, ethics, and intellectual property. Lecture/discussion, term paper. Pre: 105 or 107 or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to the morphology and life cycles of organisms in the Kingdom Fungi. Focus on learning how to identify a diversity of fungi based on macro- and microscopic features. Field trips to collect specimens. Pre: 430 (or concurrent) or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as BIOL 430L and TPSS 432L)
Will introduce the diversity, ecology, evolution, and biology of the Kingdom Fungi. Focus on our current understanding of fungal evolution and diversity and how fungi interact
with environments and hosts. Pre: 201, BIOL 172; or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as BIOL 430 and TPSS 432)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Lecture/laboratory to examine the anatomy, physiology, morphology, and functional ecology of plants. Labs will develop skills in microscopy, experimental techniques for studying plant physiology, and basic functional ecology. A-F only. Pre: 101/101L or BIOL 171/171L; BOT 201/201L; or consent. (Spring only)
(1 3-hr Lab) Lab study of plant structure. Co-requisite: 410.
Structure of vascular plants; origin and differentiation of tissues; relation of structure to function. Pre: 201. Co-requisite: 410L. Recommended: 470.
Teaching Internship (TI) allows upper division undergraduates to experience assisting in laboratory courses for BOT 101, 105, 201, 202, 203, or other lab courses in Botany or peer-mentoring for BOT 100, as available. Repeatable one time. BOT majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 301 or SUST 313, and 301L or SUST 313L, and 303; or consent.
Current research themes in botany presented in discussion format; reading current research papers. Oral presentations of primary research. Repeatable one time. BOT majors only. Senior standing and consent. A-F only. (Once a year)
Individualized directed research. Intended for upper division botany majors. Repeatable six times. A-F only. Pre: 101/101L or BIOL 172/172L; or consent.
Management of native Hawaiian organisms and terrestrial ecosystems with particular attention to strategies, planning, research, and management actions necessary to control alien influences and promote native species. Pre: college general biology.
Combined lecturelaboratory with intensive field experience for observational and experimental field work in native/impacted Hawaiian ecosystems. Field experience typically held during spring break. Terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats considered. A-F only. Pre: 305 and consent. (Once a year)
General survey of the principles of ecology. Focus on processes influencing the distribution and abundance of organisms, interactions among organisms, and interactions between organisms and the environment. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171; BIOL 172 or BOT 201. (Cross-listed as BIOL 305)
Provides three rounds of opportunities for grant writing associated with research in biodiversity, conservation biology, ecology, and plant systematics. Students will gain experience in peer review, grant cycles, and budget preparation. A-F only. Pre: 301/SUST 313 (or concurrent) and 303, or consent. (Once a year)
Introduction to approaches, methods, and analyses used in the study and practice of plant conservation, with an emphasis on experimental design and problem-solving. Includes both laboratory and field components. A-F only. Pre: 305 or consent. Corequisite: 301. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as SUST 313L)
Introduction to the concepts and principles of plant conservation biology and to plant conservation-inpractice in Hawai‘i and elsewhere. A-F only. Pre: 305 or consent. Co-requisite: 301L. (Once a year) (Crosslisted as SUST 313)
Introduction to and discussion of ethical issues associated with biodiversity, ecology, and conservation biology. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: any DB course or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as SUST 310)
(1 3-hr Lab) Lab exercises in the morphology and systematics of land plants, fungi, and algae. Corequisite: 201.
Significance of evolutionary trends in the plant world, including reproductive, morphological, and life history adaptations by algae, fungi, and vascular plants. Pre: 101 or college general biology. Co-requisite: 201L.
Presentations by faculty highlighting research in tropical ecosystems. Topics include alien species, biodiversity, ecosystem services, ethnobotany, marine ecology, plant-animal interactions, and systematics of Hawaiian species. Assigned reading and writing exercises from papers in current journals. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 101/101L or BIOL 171/171L. (Once a year)
(3 Lec, 1-3-hr Lab) Combined lecture-lab to introduce common marine plants in Hawaiian coastal areas via discussion of morphology, growth, ecological functions and native/alien status. Field trips to observe plants in local habitats.
Nontechnical course emphasizing recognition of the many interesting tropical plants seen on campus; origin, status in Hawai‘i, and cultural and economic uses of campus plants.
Impact of fungi in nature and on humankind. Selected historical events in which fungi played a significant role, their activities as decomposers and pathogens, and their uses as sources for mind altering drugs in religious ceremonies and in food and beverage production in various societies.
The exploration of concepts and the process of science through hands-on experience in studying Hawaiian and introduced plants, their ecology, and cultural significance. Pre: 130 (or concurrent).
Introduction to the native flora of Hawai‘i, its origin, evolution and ecology, and the observation, identification, and systematics of the Hawaiian flora.
Laboratory and outdoor observations and experiments examining the range of biological diversity among the Earth’s species and ecosystems. A-F only. Pre: 110 (or concurrent).
Lecture exploring the range of Earth’s diversity, the evolutionary processes that generate it, the ecological roles it plays, the consequences of its loss, and the processes by which it can be conserved. A-F only. (Fall only)
Ethnobotany. Interactions between plants and people: use in religious, medical, and shamanic traditions; roles in cultural formation, destruction, and revolution; plant domestication and food systems; roles in human migration; cultural components of plant conservation. (Fall only)
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory exercises, experiments, and analysis in ethnobotany. A-F only.
(2 Lec, 1 Demonstration) Plants and their influence on culture and history including: plant domestication and agriculture; plant biogeography and human migration; plant use in religious, medical, and shamanic traditions; and cultural aspects of plant conservation.
(1 3-hr Lab) Lab observations and experiments illustrating basic principles of plant biology. Pre: 101 (or concurrent).
Growth, functions, and evolution of plants; their relations to the environment and particularly to humans and human activities.
Discussion of hot topics in botany, including conservation of rare plants, invasive species, marine botany, ethnobotany, poisonous plants, evolution in action, fungal networks, and careers in botany with emphasis on Hawaiian examples. Students should enroll in BOT 100 and 101/101L, or BOT 100 and BIOL 171/171L. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Corequisite: 101/101L or BIOL 171/171L. (Once a year)
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/ NC only. Pre: consent.
Assess impact on health in disasters and diseases. Enhances research skills related to management and communication. Repeatable one time. BIOM, PH, NURS, and SPA majors only. Pre: consent.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Students may register on approval of department. CR/NC only. Repeatable unlimited times.
Current methods for analyzing longitudinal and clustered, clinical data through lectures, discussions, and a group analysis. Topic areas include multi-level, multi-state, multi-process, and structural equation models. A-F only. Pre: 642 and 643, or consent.
Conduct research under the direction of a mentor. Participants will be responsible for submission of a proposal, acquisition of IRB approval, and conduct of the project. Repeatable five times or up to 12 credits. BIOM students only. A-F only.
Focus on heritable disorders, genetic mechanisms, patterns of inheritance, phenotype-genotype correlations, genetic/ environmental factors, clinical diagnoses, genomic and precision medicine.
Seminar focuses on teaching participants to work independently and collaborate in order to accomplish specific results. Students will be exposed to group dynamics, communication, healthy competition, conflict resolution, and innovative means of crossing boundaries between departments, organizations, industries and disciplines. Repeatable two times. A-F only.
Explore topics in cultural competence in greater depth, encouraging trainees to address issues from a unified yet flexible conceptual framework. Involves building knowledge, skills and action plans to address a range of learning styles and to appreciate and benefit from diversity. A-F only.
Develop biomedical ethics through case studies to incite discussions on topics such as gene therapy, gene enhancement, genetic counseling, informed consent, health care professional/patient and investigator/student participant communication, advanced directives and living wills, clinical research in developing countries, clinical research in ethnic minority and socio-economically disadvantaged populations, and non-discrimination in health care and research settings. A-F only.
Explores the foundations of biomedical ethics via small group seminars and discussion, presentations. Enrolled in MS or PhD in Biomedical Sciences program only. A-F only. (Alt. years)
Introductory lecture-seminar on the conduct of multidisciplinary research from a culturally competent perspective. Enrolled in MS or PhD in Biomedical Sciences program only. A-F only. (Alt. years)
Provides overview of research related to health and health disparities in Hawai‘i. Seminar topics include ethnic disparities in health research, Native Hawaiian health, childhood research initiatives, fitness and obesity, social and cultural factors and ethics. Repeatable six times. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Provides training in proposal development. Governance structures of funding agencies; funding opportunities and decisions; review processes; NIH application and processes; reading RFAs; compliance issues; cultural sensitivity; and types of questions using databases are addressed. A-F only.
Lectures focus on translational research methods through selected genetic and acquired diseases including cancer, neurodevelopmental, inflammatoryimmune, and metabolic conditions with insight into analyses of DNA, RNA, genomics-proteomics, cell and animal models, and advanced imaging. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Ethical dilemmas in clinical research are identified and resolved in cases, research on human subjects regulation are discussed. Research misconduct is defined. Ethical considerations in protocol developed in the Designing Clinical Research course are resolved. A-F only. (Cross-listed as CMB 626)
Instruction in developing clinical research questions and creating a concise protocol that includes a literature review, study design, subject recruitment and sampling, instruments, other measures and bioinformatics, sample size, consent form, budget and timetable. A-F only.
Analysis of emerging problems and impact in countries on a multidimensional perspective. Repeatable one time. BIOM, NURS, PH, SPA majors only. Pre: consent.
To provide elective courses for undergraduates in the biomedical sciences specialties. Repeatable unlimited times
) Practical introduction to molecular methods used to address ecological and evolutionary questions. Advanced undergraduate/graduate level. Focus on methods and application to independent research project. A-F only. Pre: 265/265L (or equivalent) or 275/275L (or equivalent), and 375/375L, and consent. (Alt. years)
Principles taught in a conceptual and/ or hands-on manner either in a laboratory setting or in the field. (B) biotechnology; (C) ecology, evolution and conservation; (D) marine biology; (F) general biology. A-F only. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: 171/171L, 172/172L, in-service teachers; or consent.
Mathematical, observational, experimental results on effects of mutation, selection, and systems of mating on distribution of genes. Analysis of non-experimental populations. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as CMB 650) Professional Development Courses for Science Teachers.
Development and completion of a research project under the direction of a faculty advisor. Repeatable two times, up to 12 credits, up to 6 credits apply towards BA and BS BIOL major requirements. A-F only. Pre: 2.5 GPA minimum, written proposal and consent.
Reports on research in mathematical biology, reviews of literature, and research presentation. Required for Certificate in Mathematical Biology. Repeatable one time. Pre: junior standing or higher and consent. (Cross-listed as MATH 490)
Focuses on the use of computational tools and approaches to analyze the enormous amount of biological data (DNA, RNA, protein) available today. A-F only. Pre: 171 (or equivalent), or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as MBBE 483)
Laboratory to accompany 480. Technical examination of bacteria, fungi, protists, nematodes, arthropods, and other invertebrate, and the essential functional roles these organisms contribute to sustainability of the planet. Repeatable one time. Pre: 171L and 172L, or MICR 351L, or consent. Co-requisite: 480. (Crosslisted as TPSS 480L)
An interdisciplinary study of the diverse life in the soil beneath our feet that includes bacteria, fungi, protists, nematodes, arthropods, invertebrate, viruses, and the essential functional roles these organisms contribute to sustainability of the planet. Repeatable one time. Pre: 375 or TPSS/PEPS/SUST 371, or MICR 351, or consent. (Cross-listed as TPSS 480)
Integrative, in-depth focus on the genetics, cell biology, and molecular basis of cancer. Combination of classroom lectures and problem-based discussions in small groups. Addresses ethical implications of cancer research and treatment. A-F only. MCB or BIOL majors only. Senior standing or higher. Pre: 407 (or concurrent) and 408 (or concurrent) or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as MCB 472)
The origins and early evolution of fishes, with a focus on morphological innovations that have led to lineage divergence and adaptive radiation, and the nature of underlying processes associated with novel character trait evolution. A-F only. Pre: 265. (Alt. years: spring)
Taxonomy, ecology, biochemistry, distribution, cultural history, and contemporary use of mind-altering drug plants; examples from primitive, traditional, and modern societies. Pre: junior standing, one semester of biological science, and either ANTH 200 or GEO 151; or consent.
Principles of conservation biology and wildlife management techniques, illustrated with animal, plant, and ecosystem examples. Examination of ethical, cultural, legal, political, and socio-economic issues impinging on conservation policy and practice. Group project and field trips. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 265/265L or consent.
Human impacts through time on vegetation, animals, landforms, soils, climate, and atmosphere. Special reference to Asian/Pacific region. Implications of long-term environmental change for human habitability. Pre: with a minimum grade of B, one of 101, 123 or GEO 101 and either 310 or GEO 322; or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 410)
(2 3-hr Lab) A laboratory to accompany 407 and 408. Pre: 407 (or concurrent) or 408 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as MCB 408L)
Cell structure and function. Structure, chemistry, and functions of organelles and macromolecules. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 407; or consent. (Cross-listed as MBBE 408 and MCB 408)
Relationship between structure and function at macromolecular level. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 275/275L and CHEM 273, or consent. (Cross-listed as MCB 407)
Biology, physiology, and ecology of marine organisms and marine ecosystems, and the physical and chemical factors, which influence them. Cannot be used to satisfy BS-MB major requirements. Credit granted for only one of ZOOL 200, BIOL 301, or BIOL 406. Junior standing or consent. A-F only. Pre: 171 and 172. (Spring only)
Current themes in marine biology and experience in scientific assessment. Repeatable two times. MBIO majors only. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 301/301L or consent.
Integrated program of intensive lectures, laboratory experiments, and field research that focus on the biological processes that shape the lives of marine organisms. A-F only. Limited space; enrollment by consent; GPA considered. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 301/301L and consent.
Molecular basis of living processes in bacteria, plants, and animals; emphasis on metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 275/275L, and CHEM 273; or consent. (Cross-listed as MBBE 402)
General principles, applications, and recent advances of the rapidly growing science of biotechnology. Topics include impact of biotechnology on medicine, animal sciences, environment, agriculture, forensics, and economic and socio-ethical issues. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 275 or consent. (Cross-listed as MBBE 401)
Students carry out marine-related internships, practica, research projects or field experience on-or off-campus with faculty guidance. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: minimum cum GPA of 2.5, junior or senior standing in any field of study and IS 100/BIOL 104 or consent, project proposal. (Crosslisted as IS 400)
Supervised laboratory internship in the preparation and demonstration of laboratory experiments in selected laboratory courses. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Combined lecture/lab impart essential knowledge and skills in technical writing, poster design, and oral presentations for effective communication for life science majors. Research papers, lab reports, project proposals, conference presentations are covered. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 171/171L, 172/172L, and ENG 100.
(1 4-hr Lab) Experiments with a variety of organisms to illustrate principles discussed in BIOL 375. Pre: 275/275L, 375 (or concurrent) or consent.
Genetic concepts at advanced undergraduate level; genetic transmission, recombination, gene action, mutation, population and evolutionary genetics. A-F only. Pre: 275 or consent.
Biological survey, collection, and analysis techniques will be reviewed and applied through field studies. Students will be introduced to the uniqueness of the Hawaiian environment and its diversity of life. Emphasis on diversity, evolution and ecology. Repeatable up to six credits. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 265/265L (or equivalent), or consent.
Characteristics of island biota; examples from Hawai‘i and the Pacific. Impact of island and continental cultures; policy and ecosystem endangerment; contemporary legislation, policy, and management practices. Pre: one semester of biological science or consent. Not a BIOL major elective.
Human sex differences, their biological basis and significance; genetic, hormonal, and behavioral determinants of sexual differentiation; biology of gender, sexuality, parenting, menopause, and aging. Pre: one semester of biological science. (Cross-listed as WGSS 350)
The role of genetics in evolution, medicine, behavior, plant and animal breeding and technology; its impact on today’s society. Not a BIOL major elective. Pre: one semester of biological science at college level or consent. (Cross-listed as CMB 351)
Laboratory to accompany 331. Activities will include taxonomy, anatomy, morphology, necropsy, hematology, population estimating methods, tracking, field distribution surveys, stranding response, and energetics, and/or similar depending on field access and availability of specimens. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 171/171L and 172/172L and 265/265L and 331 (or concurrent), or consent.
Overview of marine mammal science, significance and roles of marine mammals in their ecosystems, and marine conservation issues. Current research topics in marine mammal science will also be covered. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 171/171L, 172/172L, and 265, 265L; or consent.
Atoll as ecosystem and as human environment. Formation, structure, distribution, biota. Pre: two semesters of introductory science or consent. Not a BIOL major elective.
Global environmental problems in historical perspective; physical, biological, sociocultural views. Pre: one of 101, 123, or GEO 101; or consent.
General survey of the principles of ecology. Focus on processes influencing the distribution and abundance of organisms, interactions among organisms, and interactions between organisms and the environment. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171; BIOL 172 or BOT 201. (Cross-listed as BOT 305)
Introduction to the concepts, goals, ethical issues and consequences of biotechnology using real-life case studies of GMOs, cloning, DNA fingerprinting, gene therapy and genetical engineering. Pre: 171 or consent. (Cross-listed as MBBE 304)
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 301. MBIO majors only. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 301 (or concurrent).
Functional, ecological, and evolutionary problems faced by life in the sea. Draws from major marine habitats and associated communities, from the deep sea to the plankton. Impacts of overfishing, marine pollution, and land development on the ecology and evolution of marine organisms. Emphasis on developing problem solving and quantitative skills. MBIO majors only. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 265/265L, 301L (or concurrent), and OCN 201; or consent.
Directed participation on tutorials and related activities in public schools and approved community and UH Mânoa organizations. A-F only. Repeatable one time. Pre: 265/265L, 275/275L, and consent.
(1 4-hr Lab) Laboratory for Cell and Molecular Biology. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 275 (or concurrent) and CHEM 272.
Integrated cell and molecular biology for life science majors. Modern advances in recombinant DNA technology. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 171/171L and CHEM 272. (Cross-listed as MCB 275)
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 265. A significant portion of class time is dedicated to writing instruction, and requires a minimum of 4,000 words of graded writing. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 265 (or concurrent).
Principles of ecology and evolution for life science majors stressing integrated approach and recent advance. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 171/171L, 172, 172L (or concurrent), and 265L (or concurrent).
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 172. Pre: CHEM (131, 151, 161, 171, or 181A) or concurrent, and BIOL 172 (or concurrent) or consent.
Anatomy, physiology, and systematics of plants and animals; behavior; ecosystems, populations, and communities. Pre: CHEM (131, 151, 161, 171, or 181A) or concurrent, and BIOL 172L (or concurrent), or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 171. A significant portion of class time is dedicated to writing instruction, and requires a minimum of 4,000 words of graded writing. Pre: CHEM (131, 151, 161, 171, or 181A) or concurrent, and BIOL 171 (or concurrent) or consent.
Introductory biology for all life science majors. Cell structure and chemistry; growth, reproduction, genetics, evolution, viruses, bacteria, and simple eukaryotes. Pre: CHEM (131, 151, 161, 171, or 181A) or concurrent, and BIOL 171L (or concurrent), or consent.
Characteristics of science and interaction with society illustrated by topics in geology, astronomy, oceanography, and biology of Hawaiian Islands. Not a BIOL major elective.
Overview of ocean issues and organizations involved with marine activities, management, education, research, and business. Exploration of internships, research, and career opportunities. Preparation of resumes, proposals, and professional presentations. Not a BIOL major elective. (Cross-listed as IS 100)
(1 3-hr Lab) Explores connections between biological principles and everyday life with a focus on the environment. Topics include environmental health and sustainability with examples from Hawai‘i. Not a BIOL major elective. (Cross-listed as SUST 111L)
Characteristics of science, historical development of scientific concepts, and interaction of society with science illustrated by topics from biological science. Not a BIOL major elective.
Use of computer and video technology in technical presentation, review of current biosystems engineering research. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Hydrologic properties in soils and the processes involved in water infiltration drainage and solute transport. Emphasis on key parameters required for modeling. Recommended: CEE 424 or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as CEE 625 and NREM 660)
Introduction to system thinking, procedures for developing system models, characteristics of important agricultural system models, computer approach to evaluation and optimization of system models. Pre: one of MATH 215, MATH 241, MATH 251A; or consent. (Crosslisted as AREC 610)
Fundamentals of applied microbiology and biochemical reactor engineering, quantitative description of microbial growth, operational theory and design basis of aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic treatment processes. Applications for water, wastewater, air, solid wastes, and soil. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as CEE 634)
System integration for computer-based control, automation, and study of biological systems. Topics include physical, chemical, and biological sensors, actuators, digital interfacing/communication, image analysis, and structured code for microcontrollers and other portable computers. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as MBBE 625)
Factorial designs and fractional factorial designs for screening variable and response optimization. Response surface methodology. Experimental designs appropriate to building and testing multi-variable behavior relationships. Sequential experimental designs.
Overview of biofuel/bioenergy production, biorefinery concept; renewable feedstocks; thermochemical and biochemical conversions of biomass to biofuel; biodiesel production; algal-biofuel; environmental impacts, life-cycle analysis; value-added processing of biofuel residues; selected case studies; term paper and presentation. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Measurement concepts and operating principles applied to the selection and use of instruments important to scientists and engineers dealing with biological systems, including automatic data acquisition and processing. Pre: CHEM 151, MATH 241, and ME 311; or consent.
Research in the area of biosystems engineering. Pre: consent.
Integration and application of academic knowledge and critical skills emphasizing professional development. Placement with an approved cooperating supervisor/employer. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Study and discussion of significant topics and problems. Offered by visiting faculty and/or for extension programs. Repeatable nine times.
(1 1-hr Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) Continuation of 481. Properties of biological materials; risk and reliability; design ethics; guest lectures on engineering design by practicing engineers; extension and completion of the design project with submission of a final design report. A-F only. Pre: 481 or consent.
(1 1-hr Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) First of a two-semester sequence that provides a major design experience for senior students in biosystems engineering. Design process; project management; design methods; modeling and simulation; design optimization; engineering economics; engineering statistics, initiation of an open-ended design project. A-F only. Pre: 350/350L, 373, CEE 320 or ME 322, ME 311, EE 211; or consent.
Combined lecture/computer lab on theory and practice of bioprocess design and analysis, involving biological basics and engineering principles of bioprocessing, computer-aided unit operations, process integration, and economic evaluation. A-F only. Pre: 373, or 437 (or concurrent) or 460 (or concurrent); or consent. (Alt. years)
Application of mass/energy balances and reaction kinetics for the design and analysis of bioreactors for microbial, plant, and animal cell cultures. Pre: 373 or CEE 320 or ME 322; or consent. (Cross-listed as MBBE 460)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Soil environment, fate and transport of contaminants; microbial ecology, metabolism, and energy production; biodegradation of selected compounds. In situ treatment, solid-phase bioremediation, slurry-phase bioremediation, and vapor-phase biological treatment. Open to nonmajors. Repeatable one time. Pre: 260, CHEM 161, PHYS 170; or consent.
Introduction to unit operations in biological, environmental, food, and manufacturing processes. Integration of biology and chemistry into engineering using basic concepts in mass and energy conservation and transport in reacting and non-reacting systems. A-F only. Pre: 373; and either CEE 320 or ME 322; or consent.
Environmental impact and control; the microorganism and its nutrition and growth conditions; microbial growth and substrate removal kinetics; bioreactors; biological treatment systems; biodegredation of xenobiotic organic chemicals; case studies. A-F only. Pre: 373 or consent. (Spring only)
Process control in both time and Laplace domains with an introduction to the frequency domain; selection and design of appropriate control systems for bioprocesses with consideration of the impact on the total system; identification of safety concerns in designing control systems and process equipment. Pre: 260, MATH 243; or consent.
Design course focused on fundamentals of electronic interfacing, control and automation, including biological processes. Topics include sensor physics, basic instrumentation, digital communication, and programming of microcontrollers and other portable computer systems. Pre: (EE 160, EE 211, and BE 350 or MATH 302 or MATH 307 or EE 326) with a minimum grade of C; or consent. (Cross-listed as EE 422 and MBBE 422)
Principles and applications of thermodynamics, electricity, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, psychrometry, and material and energy balances of food processing and preservation. Pre: (BIOL 171, CHEM 162 or CHEM 171 or CHEM 181A, MATH 243 or MATH 253A, PHYS 151 or PHYS 170) with a minimum grade of C; or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as FSHN 411 and MBBE 411)
Overview of biofuel/bioenergy production; fundamental concepts in biofuel/ bioenergy production; renewable feedstocks; thermochemical and biochemical conversions of biomass to biofuel/bioenergy; biodiesel production; environmental impacts, economics and life-cycle analysis; value-added processing of biofuel residues; selected case studies. A-F only. Pre: 373 or consent. (Once a year)
Economic analysis in engineering and management decision-making, interest, depreciation, income tax, cost classification, break-even analysis, economic comparisons of alternatives, benefit-cost analysis. BENG, CE, CEM, CNST, EE, and ME majors only. A-F only. Pre: ECON 120 or 130, and senior standing. (Cross-listed as CEE 405)
Fundamental principles and applications relating to mass, momentum, and energy transfers in biosystems and other systems for engineers and scientists. Pre: 260, CEE 270, MATH 243 or 253A, CEE 320 (or concurrent) or ME 322 (or concurrent, ME 311 (or concurrent).
Industry field trips and lab experiences to illustrate behavior of representative dynamic systems in biological engineering. Data acquisition and model validation. A-F only. Co-requisite: 350.
Introduction to analytical and numerical solutions for systems of differential equations. Modeling and computer simulation of representative dynamic systems encountered in biological engineering. A-F only. Pre: 260, EE 110 or 160, MATH 243 or 253A, CEE 270; or consent. Co-requisite: BE 350L.
Introduction of the principles of mass and energy conservation; development of systematic approaches to apply these principles in calculations for design and analysis of biochemical, chemical, and physical processes. Pre: BIOL 171, CHEM 162 or 171 or 181A, PHYS 170, and MATH 242 or 252A; or consent.
Discussion and investigation of special topics, problems and applications of biological engineering. Pre: consent.
Discussion and experimental investigation of physical and chemical principles underlying representative biological processes and systems. Bioproduction, energy conversion processes, physiological systems, biological treatment, biosensors, biomechanics, and related natural and engineered systems. A-F only. Pre: MATH 140 or consent. (Once a year)
Quantitative approach to applied topics in biology including synthesis and metabolism, kinetics, physiological systems, cellular processes and signaling, informatics, and emerging technologies for health, biological production/processing, and discovery. Pre: MATH 241 (or concurrent) and CHEM 162 (or concurrent), or consent. (Once a year)
Sustainability and its social and technical significance; global population growth; resource management and quantification; designs for sustainable society; challenges interfacing technology and culture/religion; green and ecological engineering; life cycle analyses; engineering ethics; selected case studies. A-F only. (Fall only)
Provides highly interactive, small group discussions on concepts of biochemistry important to the various organ systems; such as cardiac, respiratory, hematology, gastrointestinal, endocrine, musculoskeletal and neurological systems, and relevant to clinical medicine. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 554. (Fall only)
Fourth-year elective in which medical students take an in-depth study of selected topics in biochemistry. Pre: fourthyear medical student or consent.
Independent research or selected reading of current literature in the area of biochemistry and biophysics. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Principles of biochemistry, applicable to medicine and real-life situations, involving metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, and vitamins. Taught by biomedical researchers. Evaluated based on exams, quizzes, homework, and group presentation.
Biochemical principles and concepts as applied to living systems, including sufficient organic chemistry to understand these principles. Pre: 241 or consent.
Biological chemistry stressing integration of concepts of general, inorganic, and biochemistry and application to life chemistry. Pre: beginning algebra and high school science.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Participation in departmental seminars and presentation of a seminar on research results. Includes written critiques of departmental seminars. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.
Concentrated studies on selected atmospheric problems. Repeatable two times. Pre: 600 or consent.
Theory, observations, large-scale analyses, and global model simulations that describe characteristic large-scale circulation of the Earth’s atmosphere. Includes zonally averaged climatology, asymmetric features of the general circulation, and El NinoSouthern Oscillation phenomenon. Repeatable one time. Pre: 600 or consent. (Alt. years)
Overview of current progress in tropical climate dynamics with a particular focus on large-scale atmosphere-ocean interactions; introduction of basic numerical techniques for students to construct and run immediate tropical atmosphere and ocean models. Pre: 600.
Physical basis of climate, numerical climate models, paleoclimatic indicators, modern instrumental climate records, assessment of human impact on climate, predictions of future climate. Repeatable one time. Pre: 600 or OCN 620, or consent. (Alt. years)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Fundamental methods and techniques in numerical weather prediction: time differencing, spatial finite differencing, spectral methods, numerical stability, explicit and implicit methods. Modern operational and research forecast models. Hands-on laboratory includes simple to complex dynamic models, with a term project. Repeatable one time. Pre: 600 or OCN 620; MATH 407 or 408; or consent. (Alt. years)
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Lecture/seminar introduces physical oceanography and meteorology students to the stateof-the-art theories and observations of large-scale ocean-atmosphere interaction, as well as conveying the fundamental understanding that has been developed during the past 30 years. Emphasis will be on phenomena such as El Niño/Southern Oscillation, the North Atlantic Oscillation, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and global climate change. Repeatable one time. Pre: 600 or OCN 620, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as OCN 666)
Observations and theory of small-scale processes which couple the atmosphere and ocean boundary layers, including introduction to turbulence theory and parameterization of turbulent fluxes. Pre: MATH 402 and 403 (or their equivalents) and either 600 or OCN 620; or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as OCN 665)
) Methods for numerous multivariate analyses will include singular spectrum, extended empirical orthogonal function, singular-value decomposition, canonical correlation, discriminant and cluster analysis. Other advanced topics include wavelet analysis, statistical downscaling and Bayesian analysis. A-F only and audit. Pre: 631 or consent. (Every 3rd year)
Probability; frequency distributions of atmospheric variables; linear models; time series analysis (frequency and time domain); principal component analysis; statistical weather forecasting and verification. Pre: MATH 371. (Alt. years)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Radar hardware, electromagnetic propagation and scattering, radar equation, signal processing, precipitation estimation and polarimetric applications, Multi-Doppler wind synthesis, mobile and spaceborne radars, forecasting, and data assimilation applications. A-F only. Pre: 620 (with a minimum grade of B- or higher) or consent. (Alt. years)
Molecular kinetics, atmospheric thermodynamics, cloud physics, precipitation processes, atmospheric electricity, scattering and absorption of solar radiation, absorption and emission of infrared radiation, radiative transfer. Pre: 302 or consent.
Synoptic components of monsoons, regional and temporal variability, numerical models, research exercises. Pre: 610 or consent. (Alt. years)
Lecture covering fundamentals of tropical cyclone structure, motion, and impacts on society. Observations from satellites, aircraft, ships and buoys, and numerical simulations focusing on storm structure and track. Some forecasting exercises. Repeatable one time. Pre: 600 and 610, or consent. (Alt. years)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr. Lab) Principles and practices of satellite remote sensing as used in the atmospheric sciences, specifically clouds, aerosols, precipitation, ocean and land cover datasets from various satellites. Develop skills including data manipulation, analysis, and visualization using Matlab. A-F only. Pre: 620 or consent. (Alt. years)
Climate and general circulation of the tropics; El Niño and Southern Oscillation; intraseasonal oscillation; trade winds; tropical weather systems; energy balance; typhoons. Pre: 303 or consent.
Scale analysis. Observational and theoretical aspects of mesoscale circulation systems. Pre: 600 or consent. (Alt. years)
Dynamics of convective systems: tornadoes, waterspouts, squall lines. Interactions with synoptic scale. Pre: 620 or consent. (Alt. years)
Overview of dynamic meteorology, numerical weather prediction, geophysical fluid instabilities, approximate dynamical systems, atmospheric general circulation, stratospheric dynamics. Pre: 600 or consent. (Alt. years)
Governing equations for moist atmospheric motions, approximations, basic theoretical models, boundary layer dynamics, atmospheric waves, quasi-geostrophic theory for mid-latitudes. Pre: 402, and either MATH 402 or MATH 405; or consent.
Capstone for senior Meteorology majors. Undergraduate thesis project includes literature review, experiment or research design, data collection and analysis, technical writing of a final thesis paper and oral presentation of the paper. Junior and senior standing only. A-F only. Pre: 302, 303 (or concurrent).
Introduction to regional and global climate modeling for environmental scientists and engineers. Learn principles of climate modeling, how to access and use climate data for sustainable engineering and environmental management solutions, and effectively communicate results. Repeatable one time. ATMO, CEE, ERTH, GES, OCN, NREM majors only. Senior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as CEE 449 and SUST 449)
(2 Lec 2 3-hr Lab) Techniques of portraying and analyzing atmospheric structure and weather systems in tropical and equatorial regions; forecasting tropical systems. Pre: 303 or concurrent.
(2 4-hr Lab) Techniques and methods of forecasting extratropical systems with analyzing atmospheric structure and weather systems. Students will be instructed on how to communicate and discuss a weather forecast and how to present a research paper. Pre: 303 or concurrent. (Alt. years)
History; tropical clouds and hydrometeors; typhoons; monsoons; local and diurnal effects. Pre: 303.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Satellite applications to synoptic meteorology and forecasting, including orbital elements, ephemerides, viewing geometry, radiation, satellite sensors, and interpreting satellite data. Pre: 302.
Advanced concepts in dynamics: vorticity, cyclogenesis, jet streams, fronts, mesoscale circulations. Pre: 303.
Individual reading in Atmospheric Sciences. Repeatable one time, up to three credits. ATMO students only. Junior and senior standing only. A-F only. Pre: consent
Experiential approach to earth science; students serve as interns to field professionals; responsibilities include supervised field work. Open to undergraduate SOEST majors. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: junior/senior standing and consent. (Fall only)
Scientific programming in Fortran 77, graphics software and meteorological applications. A-F or Audit. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) and MATH 241; or consent.
Global environmental change problems such as carbon dioxide and the greenhouse effect, acid rain, chlorofluorocarbons and the ozone layer, global deforestation and the effect on climate, etc. Pre: 200, OCN 201, ERTH 101, ERTH 103, or ERTH 170; or consent. (Cross-listed as GES 310 and OCN 310)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Each week targets a different meteorological instrument and culminates in a lab exercise and report. The focus is on accurate measurement and scientific-style writing. A-F only. Pre: 302 and PHYS 272/272L
Scalar and vector development of basic laws of hydrodynamics, equations of motion, kinematics, divergence and vorticity, viscosity and turbulence, introduction to numerical weather prediction, general circulation. Pre: 302 and MATH 244.
Energy and thermodynamics, statics and stability, physical processes of cloud formation, radiation and Earthatmosphere heat balance, kinetic theory, optical effects. Pre: 200, MATH 242, and PHYS 272; or consent.
Atmospheric variables, gas laws, radiation processes, thermodynamics, conservation laws, dynamic approximations, clouds and precipitation, convection, atmospheric circulations, mid-latitude and tropical weather systems, forecasting, climate. Pre: PHYS 170 (or concurrent).
Students gain familiarity with ATMO research. Students can select 1-3 credits per semester for maximum 6 credits over 4 semesters. Students must pre-arrange research and reading content with instructor. Repeatable three times, up to six credits. Freshman and sophomore standing only. CR/NC only. Pre: instructor approval.
Introduction to pre-calculus math and physics applied to Earth and environmental science. Students work on real-world problems and engage in participatory learning. Preparatory for classes in calculus and physics. Pre: MATH 134, 161, or MATH assessment exam (with score required for MATH 140). (Fall only) (Crosslisted as ERTH 150 and OCN 150)
Highlights the interface between the observed weather and climate of the Pacific and the past and future culture of the people of the Hawaiian and Pacific islands. A-F only. (Alt. years)
(1 3-hr Lab) Exercises with meteorological data and measurement systems. Characteristics of Hawaiian winds, temperatures, and rainfall
Introductory physical science course for all undergraduates in any major. A non-mathematical introduction to basic atmospheric variables, Earth’s past climates, global warming, air pollution, El Nino, hurricanes, tornadoes, and forecasting weather in Hawai‘i.
Repeatable unlimited times
Seminar discussions of the most recent research papers covering all areas of astronomy. Student lead discussion sessions and discuss papers of their choice during the semester. ASTR majors only. Graduate students only. CR/NC only. (Fall only)
Molecular clouds, collapse processes, physics of circumstellar disks and accretion, properties of young stars, outflows and jets, formation of binaries, extrasolar planets and planet formation, meteorites and the early solar system. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Principles of scientific grant writing are taught by working on draft proposals through a mix of lectures, discussions, and hands on activities. The final proposal will be reviewed and evaluated via a review panel. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Interdisciplinary research topics in astrobiology as they relate to the theme of water: formation in space, role in creating pre-biotic molecules, delivery to earth, and terrestrial planet habitability. Repeatable three times. Pre: graduate level sciences and ideas, or consent.
Selected advanced topics in astronomy and astrophysics. Available for 1 to 3 credit hours by arrangement. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Selected advanced topics in astronomy and astrophysics. Available for 1 to 3 credit hours by arrangement. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Selected advanced topics in astronomy and astrophysics. Available for 1 to 3 credit hours by arrangement. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent
Formation of astrobiologically important molecules and their precursors in the interstellar medium and in our solar system: first principles and latest trends. Pre: consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as CHEM 657 and ERTH 657)
Phenomenology of active galactic nuclei, black holes, accretion flows and jets, emission mechanisms, host galaxies, and cosmic evolution. Pre: 635 or consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Introduction to gravity and general relativity. Tensor basics, classical scalar, vector and tensor field theories. Exact symmetric Einstein equation, gravito-magnetic weak field, and radiation solutions. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)
Applications of fundamental physics to astrophysical situations. Elements of general relativity. Basics of hydrodynamics and shock waves. Radiative processes, high energy astrophysics. Modern dynamics. Pre: consent. (Fall only)
Design and operation of astronomical instrumentation. Physics of optical and infrared detectors. Wavefront sensors and adaptive optics. Radio and infrared interferometry. Optical design: methods and software. A-F only. Pre: 633 (with a minimum grade of B-). (Alt. years: spring)
Telescopes, positional astronomy, photon detection, error analysis, photometry, spectroscopy. Pre: consent. (Fall only)
Excitation, ionization, and radiative transfer in stellar atmospheres; model atmospheres, formation of line and continuum radiation. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)
Survey of observational data and physical concepts on planets and smaller bodies; formation of planetary systems; solar activity. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)
Geometry and evolution of the universe. Dark matter. Early universe. Formation of large–scale structure, galaxies, and clusters. Cosmological models. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)
Observations and stellar dynamics of elliptical and spiral galaxies including our galaxy, globular clusters, and dark matter. Galaxy formation and evolution. Pre: consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Structure and evolution; energy sources, radiative processes; relations to observables. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)
Astrophysics of diffuse matter, HII regions, molecular clouds, etc. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)
Seminar focusing on development of professional skills for astronomical research, and on scientific writing as a tool for organizing research. A final paper describing a supervised research project is required. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 301; 399 (or concurrent) or PHYS 399 (or concurrent).
Observations and physical nature of planets and moons, asteroids, comets, and other small bodies; formation of the Solar System; discovery of other planetary systems; solar activity. Pre: 300; and PHYS 152 or 274; and MATH 216, 242, or 252A. (Alt. years)
Survey of extragalactic astronomy and cosmology, including: galaxy morphology and kinematics; luminosity functions; dark matter; properties of galaxy groups/ clusters; gravitational lensing; redshifts; cosmological models; the Big Bang; thermal history of the Universe; structure formation. A-F only. Pre: 300 (or concurrent); PHYS 152 or PHYS 274; MATH 216 or MATH 242 or MATH 252A. (Alt. years)
Advanced survey of stellar astrophysics, including application of astrometry, photometry, and spectrometry to determine fundamental stellar properties; stellar structure and evolution of single and binary stars; astrophysical distance determination methods; stellar nucleosynthesis. Pre: 242 and 300, and PHYS 480.
Individual reading, observation, or experimentation in astronomy and astrophysics. Repeatable four times. Pre: consent.
History and intellectual context of astronomical discovery; the evolution of ideas of space, time, and motion from the Babylonians to relativistic cosmologies; emphasis on the interaction of astronomy with the history of ideas. Pre: any ASTR or PHYS course. (Spring only)
Introduction to astronomical spectroscopy. Stellar atmospheres, line formation, elements of radiative transfer. Phases of interstellar medium. Emission line diagnostics. Doppler shift and kinematics. A-F only. Pre: 210 or 242; PHYS 152 or 274; MATH 216 or 242 or 252A. (Spring only)
Practical astronomical observing. Students select objects to study, plan, and conduct remote observations using research-grade telescopes, reduce data, present results in written and verbal form. Introduces LaTeX, literature research, time allocation. A-F only. Pre: 300 and 300L. (Spring only)
Optical and near-infrared astronomy laboratory. Error analysis, properties of light, data, and image processing. Astrometric, photometric, and spectroscopic measurement. A-F only. Pre: 300 (or concurrent); PHYS 152 or 274; PHYS 152L or 274L; MATH 216, 242, or 252A. (Fall only)
Principles and techniques of optical and near-infrared astronomical observation. Astronomical coordinate systems. Telescopes, cameras, spectrographs, and detectors. Astrometry, photometry, and spectroscopy of astronomical objects. A-F only. Pre: 210 or 242; PHYS 152 or 274; MATH 216, 242, or 252A. (Fall only)
Are we alone in the universe? Modern astronomical, biological, and geological perspectives on this fundamental question. Searches for life on Mars, oceans on Europa, planets orbiting other stars. Space exploration and colonies, interstellar spaceflight and communication. Pre: 110 or 210, or consent. (Spring only)
The Big Bang, origin of the elements, formation and evolution of galaxies and stars. Pre: 110 or 210 or 241 or 242, or consent
Stellar and galactic astrophysics. Stellar magnitudes, colors, distances, and spectra. Galactic structure and evolution, active nuclei, large-scale structure, Big-Bang cosmology. Stellar interiors, nuclear “burning,” main-sequence and evolved stars. Introduces computer programming. A-F only. Pre: 241, PHYS 274 (or concurrent), and MATH 243 (or concurrent) or 253A (or concurrent). (Spring only)
Solar system astrophysics. Dynamics of planets, satellite systems, asteroids and comets;
planetary atmospheres and internal structure; thermal balance; the Sun as a star. Introduces numerical computing. A-F only. Pre: PHYS 170, MATH 242 or 252A, and PHYS 272 (or concurrent). (Fall only)
A rigorous overview of modern astronomy: solar system, stellar, galactic and extragalactic astronomy and cosmology. For science and engineering students. Pre: 110; PHYS 151 or PHYS 170.
An illustrated voyage through the Solar System based on recent scientific results. The class highlights the origin, evolution, and current knowledge of the eight planets, their moons, asteroids, comets, and one star, the Sun. Field trip. (Cross-listed as ERTH 105)
Astronomy and celestial lore in ancient cultures: Neolithic Europe, Mayan, Mesoamerican, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, American Indian, Chinese, and Polynesian. Concepts of the cosmos, calendars, eclipse predictions, motion of celestial bodies, and navigation.
Construction of simple observing tools.
Observations of constellations and the night sky, the sun and moon, planets, stars, and deep-sky objects; laboratory and observational experiments illustrating basic concepts in astronomy. Offered in the evening. Pre: 110 (or concurrent), or consent.
Introduction to the astronomical universe: sky and celestial objects, planetary motion, planets and the Solar System, Sun and stars, the Milky Way and galaxies, cosmology and the universe.
Investigates artistic representations, appropriations, and exchanges constructed on the basis of East/Orient vs. West/Occident differences. Includes analysis of: Orientalizing artistic traditions throughout history, history and concept of Orient, post-colonial critique
of Orientalism. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. 2-3 years) (Cross-listed as ART 792)
(C) China; (I) South Asia; (J) Japan; (K) Korea; (P) Philippines; (S) Southeast Asia. Pre: 600 or consent.
Capstone experience for MAIA students that emphasizes practical applications of Asia knowledge. Develop an Asiarelated project necessary for career goals, or work with
a professional partner to address well-defined, realworld problem. ASAN majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 626, 629, 687, or 689; and 630, 651, or 654.
Bibliography, reference tools, and research methods in sources on Asia in Western and Asian languages. Discussion of published and archival repositories. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as LIS 645)
Repeatable nine times.
Individual problems and research. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Students work with their advisor to select, revise, and defend a portfolio of work produced in seminars before a three-person faculty committee. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only. ASAN majors only. Graduate students only. Pre: any 600(Alpha) or 750(Alpha).
Seminar on selected topics in Buddhist studies. Repeatable three times. Pre: PHIL 360, PHIL 406, REL 475, or REL 490; or consent.
With prior consent and supervision of an Asian Studies faculty, students design, conduct, and write the results of a field research project. Repeatable one time, up to six credits. Graduate students only.
How well do international relations theories explain interstate relations in Asia? How do international issues interact with domestic politics? Covers Japan, China, Korea, ASEAN nations, India, and touches on Russia, Australia, and New Zealand. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Examination of China’s rise and world view, review of China’s regional relations, China and U.S. relations, formation of a new world order. Pre: 600, 608, or POLS 645C, or consent.
Explores conflict and cooperation among Asian nations. Topics may include economic integration, business networks, space and cyberspace, military alliances, territorial disputes, transnational crime, environmental cooperation, soft power, and regional institutional architecture. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Overview of the historical foundations of Chinese law and introduction to the present legal system in the People’s Republic of China. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as LWPA 586)
Interdisciplinary examination of the classical civilizations of Southeast Asia, the 9th to 14th centuries. Includes Pagan, Sukhothai, Angkor, Dai Viet, Srivijaya, and Majapahit. Considers historical themes and patterns, issues in Southeast Asian studies. A-F only. Pre: 310, 312; or consent.
In-depth study of selected topics and issues in modern/contemporary East Asian
literary and cultural studies using an interdisciplinary, inter-regional, and transnational approach, from an intercultural perspective. Repeatable two times in different topics, but need consent for second repeat. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as EALL 665)
Intensive study of selected topics and issues in modern/contemporary Korean fiction,
focusing on texts that problematize critical sociocultural issues in the evolving contexts of modern Korean intellectual history. Repeatable one time. Pre: KOR 494 or consent.
Views South Asia as an interactive region. Examines common historical and cultural, economic, and political themes, including global interactions. Focus upon present state of the region. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Advanced study of major Korean fiction writers from the 1910s to the present with
emphasis on critical reading of their lives and writings to arrive at informed appraisal of their contribution to modern Korean literature. Repeatable one time. Pre: KOR 494 or consent.
Selected human and physical features that represent economic, social, and political life. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as GEOG 652)
Views East Asia as an interactive region. Examines common historical and cultural, economic and political themes including various experiences with the West. Focus upon present state of the region. A-F only. Pre: 310, 312; or consent.
Examines gendered/generational practices, expectations, and ideologies of marriage, childrearing, and caregiving; state’s role in legitimizing certain kinds of families; how transnational marriage migration is changing notions of belonging, relatedness, and national identity in East Asia. Graduate standing or consent.
Examination of the impact of economy, society, and history on urban form; case studies of the evolution of Asian urban form. Pre: 312 or PLAN 310. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as PLAN 649)
Intensive study of selected topics in Japanese literature, primarily of the modern period. English translations of original texts will be provided whenever available. Repeatable unlimited times with consent. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as JPN 640)
Theories of globalization and sustainability in development, impacts of globalization and sustainability on development planning and policy formation, selected case studies of Asia-Pacific development. A-F only. Pre: (600 or PLAN 630) with a grade of B or above. (Crosslisted as GEO 638 and PLAN 638)
Cultural and historical impact on urban form, contention of tradition and modernity in urban space, spatial expression of state and society, perception and utilization of urban design, evolution of urban form in selected Asian capitals. Pre: 312, ARCH 341, PLAN 310, or PLAN 600. (Cross-listed as ARCH 687 and PLAN 636)
Seafood production in Southeast Asia, including both regional fisheries and aquaculture. Case studies used to illustrate challenges to the implementation of sustainable seafood production and emerging approaches, such as community supported seafood. (Cross-listed as GEO 633)
Examines the ways global influences are shaping the cultural developments in the diverse societies of contemporary Southeast Asia. (Spring only)
Comparative study of conceptualizations, practices and institutions of national security in Asia in light of their geographic and historic contexts. Pre: 310 and 312, or consent. (Once a year)
Interdisciplinary approach to broad economic, social, and political issues. Focus on benefits and costs of economic development and effects on local cultures. Exploration of dilemmas of modernization and comparison of societal responses to development. Repeatable one time. Pre: 312 or consent.
Contemporary theories of ethnic and cultural nationalism from perspective of Asia. Issues of nationstate, power hierarchies, modernity, and identity in contemporary societies. Pre: 310 (or concurrent) or 312 (or concurrent), or consent.
Historically grounded theoretical examination of capitalism in 20th-century Asia; multidisciplinary approach to fundamental change in political and economic structures and institutions, prospects for the future. Pre: 600 or 625, or consent.
Comparative developmental analysis of Asia’s leading economic powers. Considers Japanese political and economic developmental model; discusses problems for continued Asian growth; examines Korea, Taiwan, China, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines and other Asian nations. Pre: 312, 600, or consent.
Analysis of theories and debates (cultural studies, feminist writings, post-colonial issues). Case studies of the transformation and creation of “traditional” cultures under colonialism. Pre: 310 or 312, or consent.
Performance is a rich site for gender construction, critique, and articulation in Asia. This seminar examines gender reflected in traditional music, dance, and theatre, including character role and performer persona; approaches of performance and culture studies, and an “Asian way.” A-F only. (Once a year
Analysis from multidisciplinary perspective: rural development, urbanization, international relations, ethnicity, religion, language, etc. Repeatable one time with different topics. Pre: 312 or consent.
Selected topics on contemporary China. Center for Chinese Studies has details of current offering. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 312 or 320C, or consent.
Critical scholarship in Chinese literature and cultural studies, broadly defined to include the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and others. Reading knowledge of Chinese desirable but not required. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as EALL 611)
Will compare Muslim societies and cultures in Asia with each other and with the so-called “core” Middle Eastern Muslim societies. Pre: 600 or consent.
Consists of three parts: key theories for socialist transition as basis for seminar discussion, policy evolution to illustrate the radical changes, and emerging and prominent current development and practice. (Cross-listed as POLS 645C and PLAN 608)
Repeatable with consent up to nine credits.
Major issues in and approaches to the interdisciplinary study of Asia and Asian regions; resources for the advanced study of Asia at UH; developing a research focus; preparing and presenting research proposals. (C) China; (I) South Asia; (J) Japan; (K) Korea; (P) Philippines; (S) Southeast Asia; (Z) Inter-Asia. Pre: graduate standing.
Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.
A comparative, interdisciplinary examination of indigenous beliefs, Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism in island Southeast Asia, and how they have been adjusted because of economic and social change.
A critical examination and current impact of tourism on contemporary Asian and Pacific
Island societies. Topics include colonial antecedents, social impacts, cultural and environmental concerns, case studies (including Hawai‘i). (Cross-listed as PACS 495)
Examines Asia’s role in the development of global foodways. Topics include the relationship between spices and imperialism, global popularity of Asian cuisines, Asian-influenced “hapa” cuisine in Hawai‘i, McDonaldization in Asia, and food security and
sustainability. A-F only.
Conditions under which women’s activism and participation in protest and revolutionary movements developed in the 19th- and 20th-centuries. Cross-cultural comparisons. (Cross-listed as HIST 492 and WGSS 492)
Selected topics in Asian studies. (C) China; (G) Asia; (I) South Asia; (J) Japan; (K) Korea; (P) Philippines; (S) Southeast Asia; (Z) Other. Each alpha is repeatable two times.
Development and planning in contemporary China: economic policy and institutional structure in the development and urbanization process; urban and rural transformation in a socialist economy. Pre: upper division standing or consent.
Theoretical and historical analysis of a global, nineteenth, and twentieth century phenomenon using an interdisciplinary approach organized around lectures, readings, and discussions. (Fall only)
Explores core values and cultural principles of the four major Asian region as represented in major works of fiction from those regions. (Spring only)
Examines interplay between tradition and modernity; religion and secularism;
individual and collective; youth, wisdom, and the world; and role of gender identification/community response as they find articulation in medium of film across Southeast Asia. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher. A-F only.
An exploration of the cultural and economic development of the countries of Southeast Asia from early times to the present day, with an emphasis on the effects of outside influences.
Approaches the cultural study of music and performance through a specific focus on South Asia. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as MUS 478H)
Survey of contemporary Chinese popular entertainment forms that are produced
and appreciated transnationally. Examples include martial arts genres, kung fu films, commercial novels, ballroom dancing, karaoke culture, music videos and rock music. Material will be selected based upon availability and readings will include critical essays
from the fields of popular culture, media studies, and literary criticism. Pre: any 300- or 400-level DL or DH course. (Cross-listed as EALL 474)
Multidisciplinary and historically located study of Chinese culture through the examination of literary/visual texts and critical essays from cultural studies. Specific
topics will depend upon term. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: one DH or DL course or consent. (Cross-listed as EALL 473)
Acquaint students with significant films from the major countries in Asia and how these films reflect and comment on profound social, political, and historical changes that have occurred in recent decades.
Interdisciplinary investigation of development in East Asia is an urgent issue. Status and role of Asian business; current technological, economic, and financial developments; impact on world economy. A-F only.
Focus on the world of Japanese anime, manga, and films. What can one learn about Japan from these products? Focus on issues of gender, national identity, and race. A-F only. (Summer only)
Examines modern Japan and South Korea through popular music. Examines genres from early popular music, today’s K-pop and J-pop music. A-F only. (Summer only)
Construction of gender identities in contemporary Asia. How these interface with other aspects of social difference and inequality (e.g., with class, religion, ethnicity). (Cross-listed as WGSS 463)
Familiarizes students with public discourse in Japan by analyzing key current issues widely debated in the Japanese media and in public forums in light of their political, historical, cultural, social and economic contexts. A-F only. Previous course work related to Japan or Asia will be helpful.
Reviews the evolution of Asian urban space. Political history, migration, culture, and production are the determinants of urban changes. Uses visual material to illustrate the change in Asian cityscape. Pre: 310 or PLAN 310 or ASAN 312, or consent. (Cross-listed as PLAN 449)
Examines the influence of local culture and global flows on identity formation in the Himalayan region. Topics include: Hindu caste and gender, constructions of ethnicity, Tibetans and tourists, Sherpas and mountaineers, development ideologies, and consumerism. Pre: 202 or ANTH 152 or ANTH 301 or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ANTH 442)
Investigates the impact of globalization on sustainable development in Asia.
Globalization and sustainability often contradict, raising serious planning issues. Examines how these issues affect Asian development policies and urban planning. Pre: 310 or 312 or PLAN 310, or consent. (Cross-listed as PLAN 438)
In-depth understanding of Korean-Japanese relations in the past and present by examining conflicting views and interpretations by Japanese, Korean, and Western scholars on important issues that divide the people of East Asia. A-F only.
Develop an understanding of Korean culture and society through visual, narrative, and contextual analysis of Korean films. Topics include post-Korean War experience, compressed modernity, authoritarianism, and postauthoritarian transformation. Special attention to independent films. A-F only.
Will compare Muslim societies and cultures in Asia with each other and with the so-called “core” Middle Eastern Muslim societies. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Alt. years)
Examines gender in Okinawa in relation to historical dynamics in the Asia-Pacific region with attention to issues such as militarism and violence, colonialism and memory, and tourism and commodification of indigenous culture. A-F only. Pre: WGSS 151 or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 410)
History of Philippine Islam and the Moro struggle, the peace process in Mindanao and
sovereignty movement for Hawaiian nation. 75 min. Lec, 75-min. joint online discussion with Philippine students. Junior standing only. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as PACE 407)
Survey of major developments from pre-colonial through Spanish and American colonial periods, the revolution, Japanese occupation, and post-war republic. (Cross-listed as HIST 406)
Students may submit proposals to have academic course work, field research, or work experience in Asia. See specific center for guidelines and procedures. (C) China; (I) South Asia; (J) Japan; (K) Korea; (P) Philippines; (S) Southeast Asia; (Z) Other. Repeatable one time. A-F only for (C), (I), (J), (S), and (Z).
A survey and critical examination of contemporary Chinese women writers from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Traces a genealogy of women’s writing from the early 1920s up until now through novels, poetry, drama, and film. Pre: one DH or DL course, or consent. (Crosslisted as EALL 364 and WGSS 346)
Survey in English traditional and modern literatures of Southeast Asia. A-F only. (Cross-listed as IP 361)
Survey of central thinkers and schools. (Cross-listed as PHIL 360)
An investigation of the development context of Southeast Asia including socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental resources. Problems and prospects for change. Sophomore standing or higher. (Cross-listed as GEO 356)
Study and analysis of Chinese film; its history and relationship to cultural, social, philosophical, and aesthetic contexts. (Cross-listed as EALL 330)
Study and analysis of Japanese film; its history and relationship to cultural, social, philosophical, and aesthetic contexts. (B) 1900-1960; (C) 1960-present; (D) special topics. Pre: upper division standing or consent. (Cross-listed as EALL 325)
Actual practice of the tea ceremony as history and culture of Japan. Repeatable one time. Pre: 323 (or concurrent), HIST 323 (or concurrent), or consent.
History and culture of Japan as revealed in study and practice of tea ceremony: Zen, aesthetics, calligraphy, architecture, ceramics, gardens, politics. (Cross-listed as HIST 323)
Multidisciplinary examination of major Asian countries; cultural, social, economic, and political lives of their peoples. (C) China; (I) South Asia; (J) Japan; (K) Korea; (O) Okinawa; (P) Philippines; (S) Southeast Asia; (Z) Other. Repeatable three times in different alphas.
Multidisciplinary examination of problems and issues affecting peoples and institutions of
contemporary Asia: ethnic, language, religious, and cultural differences; population growth; public health; economic development; political and social change; environmental problems; etc. Pre: 201 and 202 are recommended, but not required.
Multidisciplinary. Classics of literature, philosophy, and religion shaping Asian beliefs and values. Pre: 201 and 202 are recommended, but not required.
Interdisciplinary review and analysis of the social and political issues in contemporary China, the interchange between state and society in national policies, the relationship between cultural tradition and technological modernization in the social
transformation process. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 308)
Understanding South and Southeast Asia through multidisciplinary approaches.
Examines the interrelationship of policies, economy, literature, religion, the arts, and history as the basis for such an understanding.
Understanding East Asia through multidisciplinary approaches. Examines the interrelationship of policies, economy, literature, religion, the arts, and history as the basis for such an understanding.
Introductory course focuses on change and continuity in the history, culture, values, and political institutions of South, East, and Southeast Asia, and the region’s interrelationships with the rest of the world. A-F only.
Theoretical foundations in student learning and holistic development. Practical leadership
skills acquisition and application through the facilitation of a seminar for new freshmen. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Fall only)
Discussion based seminar led by senior faculty/administrator. Students meet with instructor for 1 hour once a week. Discussion based seminar led by senior faculty/ administrator. Students meet with instructor for 1 hour once a week. Freshmen may take up to three alphas. (H) scholar seminar; (I) scholar seminar; (J) scholar seminar; (K) scholar seminar; (M) scholar seminar. A-F only.
Through the use of a unifying theme, students explore linkages with academic disciplines represented in Freshman Learning Communities. Theme examples: diversity, epistemology. A-F only. (Spring only)
An introduction to the university community; topics include critical thinking, the value of higher education, cultural and transition issues. A-F only.
Focus on communication and research skills. Multilevel work with technology, community service, linking with K–12 students, creation of museum exhibits. A-F only. Open only to RAP students.
Concepts and practice for effective information seeking, evaluation, and use in context of information technology and libraries. Research framework structures activities involving fiction, film, scholarly studies, writing, oral presentation; original research is culminating project. A-F only.
Designed for students accepted for participation in an international exchange program while enrolled at UH Mânoa. CR/NC only. Pre: Admittance to an international exchange program.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Advanced individual projects; advanced tutorial. Maximum: 3 credit hours per semester; total 6 for MA Plan A, 9 for MA Plan B, MFA students must petition OGE for permission
to apply toward degree requirement. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of instructor and department chair.
Observation, analysis and participation in teaching a lower division course under the direction of an instructor in the student’s area of concentration. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 690, admitted to candidacy for MFA in art, and consent.
Selected topics in art. Emphasis on the convergence of one’s studio practice and research, and the refinement necessary to the preparation for entrance into thesis. ART majors only. A-F only. Pre: 613 or consent. (Spring only
Selected topics in art. Emphasis on the development of critical analysis and the understanding of one’s position relative to the contemporary art world. ART majors only. A-F only. Pre: 612 or consent. (Fall only)
Selected topics in art. Emphasis on the analysis of the systems by which art is conceived and the ability to define developing direction and related research. ART majors only. A-F only. Pre: 611 or consent. (Spring only)
Selected topics in art. A critique-based course with emphasis on the development of critical analysis, artistic research, and practice. Repeatable six times. ART majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Studies the interpretive strategies and methods used by museums to communicate with visitors in museums, art galleries, historic sites, parks, and related places. Considers how interpretations contribute to cultural knowledge. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. (Crosslisted as AMST 457)
In conjunction with the production of art for the BFA annual exhibition, this seminar will examine, critique, and evaluate the student’s art within the context of contemporary art, professional practices, exhibition theory, and integrate theoretical and practical issues in
the life of an artist. BFA majors only. A-F only. Pre: BFA major or consent. (Spring only)
Required graduation portfolio for BA Art History and Art Studio students. BA ART majors only. Undergraduates only. CR/NC only. To be taken during the semester prior to expected graduation.
Examination of the role of the artist in society, the artist as self, as community member, as teacher. Professional Practice skills in the arts; planning, grantsmanship, fundraising, budgeting, marketing, outreach, and media relations. ART majors only. Senior standing or graduate students only. A-F only.
Intensive and specialized work at advanced level in fields of special interest of visiting or resident faculty; (B) studio art; (C) art history. Repeatable three times per alpha, up to 12 credits. Junior standing or higher and instructor consent only.
Individual projects; tutorial. Maximum: 3 credit hours per semester; total 3 for BA, 6 for BFA. Pre: two 200-level or above art courses in area of directed work, as well as consent of instructor and department associate chair
Intensive study of advanced topics in art history at a UH Mânoa-approved study abroad institution. (B) introductory; (C) upper-division. Repeatable one time per alpha. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Intensive study of topics in studio art at a UH Manoa approved study abroad institution. (B) introductory; (C) upper-division. Repeatable one time per alpha. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Introduction to collections management and preservation techniques, incorporating both theoretical and practical approaches, and including hands-on work with the collections of the John Young Museum. Junior standing or higher. A-F only.
Design theory and techniques for presentation of artworks and mounting exhibitions. Pre: junior standing.
Integrated beginning studio art course, which offers students the opportunity to understand and express Hawaiian cultural perspectives through contemporary art practice. A-F only.
Intermediate level specialization in either intaglio, lithography, screenprinting, or relief printmaking. Concentration on the techniques and formats of color printing and sequential image development. Repeatable two times. Pre: (with a minimum grade of B) two of 215, 217, 218, or 316.
Studio practice in concepts and techniques of making prints from lithographic limestone and plates. Pre: (with a minimum grade of B) 215 or 217 or 218.
Studio practice in the techniques and concepts of woodblock, linoleum cut, monotype, and calligraph printmaking. Emphasis on both traditional and contemporary practices. A-F only. Pre: 113.
Studio practice in screenprinting on paper. Copy camera and basic photo-stencil techniques introduced. A-F only. Pre: 113.
Studio practice in concepts and techniques of making prints from metal plates including etching, engraving, aquatint, and drypoint. A-F only. Pre: 113.
Foundation explorations in the processes of relief, intaglio, and stencil printmaking. Direct workshop studio experience in the basic techniques and concepts of wood cut, linoleum cut, drypoint, monotype, and basic stencil processes.
Emphasis on aesthetic and critical analysis. (B) digital color photography and printing; (C) hand-applied emulsion. Each alpha is repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 202 and 207 with a minimum grade of B.
Emphasis on aesthetic and critical analysis. Techniques covered include continuous light, strobe and handheld flash. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 202 and 207 with a minimum grade of B.
Black and white photography emphasizing communication and self-expression. Lectures,
demonstrations, and projects. Student must supply camera and material. Pre: 107 (with a minimum grade of B).
Studio/lecture combining history, theory and practice of photography. (B) film and darkroom, students must have 35mm film-based camera with adjustable shutter speed, aperture, and light meter; (D) digital, students must have digital camera with manual control and image editing software.
Individual and team investigations of complex problems in graphic design. Emphasis on projects with actual clients (when available) and/or independent investigations addressing advanced and current questions in the graphic design field. BFA majors only. ART majors only. A-F only. Pre: with a minimum grade of B- for (465 and 466) and credit for 465L. (Spring only)
Advanced study of digital media for graphic designers. Focuses on skills and specific technical information to complement material covered in 467. BFA majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 465 and 465L and 466. Co-requisite: 467. (Spring only)
Advanced techniques in design production from printed and digital media. BFA majors only. A-F only. Pre: 465, 465L, and 466; or consent. Co-requisite: 467L. (Spring only)
Advanced typographic design. Exploration of 2D, 3D, electronic, and intermedia. Emphasis on contemporary typographic models. BFA majors only. A-F only. Pre: 365, 365L, and 366; or consent.
Advanced instruction in the Macintosh computer environment, including software and peripheral devices. Instruction in image manipulation and editing still video images for the web, CD, DVD, and portable interface devices. BFA majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 365, 365L, and 366; or consent. Co-requisite: 465.
Advanced graphic design. Emphasis on postmodernist theory, context, audience, and alternative media. BFA majors only. A-F only. Pre: 365, 365L, and 366; or consent. Co-requisite: 465L.
Intermediate typographic design, exploration of word and text composition in the context of multiple-page structures. A-F only. Pre: 113, 116, 175, 176, 265, 266; or consent. Co-requisite: 365 and 365L.
Intermediate instruction in the Macintosh computer environment, software, and peripheral devices, including intermediate layout. Introduction to graphic design industry standard multi-media and web design programs. CR/NC only. Pre: 265, 265L, and 266; or consent. Co-requisite: 365.
Intermediate graphic design. Emphasis on communication problems involving process and analysis. Introduction to modernist precedents and information theory. A-F only. Pre: 113, 116, 175, 176, 265, 266; or consent. Co-requisite: 365L and 366.
Introduction to typography. Exploration of letterform and word compositions in the context of single-page structures. ART 176 is recommended as a prerequisite. A-F only. Pre: 113 or consent. Co-requisite: 265 and 265L.
Beginning instruction in the Macintosh computer environment, including hardware, software, and lab networking as it relates to graphic design production. ART 176 is recommended as a prerequisite. CR/NC only. Pre: 113 or consent. Co-requisite: 265 and 266.
Introduction to graphic design. Explorations of rhetorical and semiotic structures and their relationship to visual form and content. ART 176 is recommended as a prerequisite.
A-F only. Pre: 113 or consent. Co-requisite: 265L and 266.
Glass as an expressive medium. Individual problems; construction of studio equipment. Readings and discussions of contemporary glass issues. Repeatable one time. Pre: Two of the following: 230, 234, 303, 306.
Glass kiln casting techniques, lost wax fuse casting, pâte de verre. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 and 130.
Expressive explorations in the use of kiln-formed, fusible-sheet glasses and enameling on glass. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 and 130.
Expressive explorations using architectural sheet glass. Development of 2D and 3D forms using engraving, sandblasting, and cold joinery techniques. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 and 130.
Expressive explorations in glass casting with wet sand, bonded sand, and metal molds. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 and 130.
Basic techniques of working with cold and molten glass. Theory of glass studio operation and introduction to glass theory.
Tutorial studio that encourages exploration in combined and new media through independent work within an environment of theoretical and critical discourse. Repeatable one time. Pre: 301 or consent.
(6 Lec/ Lab) Combined theory and practice studio course(s) that investigate language, processes, and personalized composing systems related to the use of technological media and its application to a variety of contemporary art areas and related disciplines. (B) imaging systems; (C) sound; (D) interactive systems. Pre: 201 and one 200-level studio; or consent.
Theory and practice course investigating language common to all arts activity particularly as related to the contemporary arts. Pre: any studio art course; or consent.
Painting from the model; a survey of the figurative tradition. Repeatable one time. Pre: 123 or 223, and 214.
Studio practice in painting emphasizing contemporary developments in art. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 223 or consent.
Theory and application of color as related to studio practice. Pre: 113.
Further investigations of the figure concerning anatomical and diagramatic construction, light, space, and thematic content. Repeatable one time. Pre: 214 or consent.
Studio practice in drawing emphasizing contemporary developments in art. Repeatable one time. Pre: 213 or consent.
An introduction to water-based media. Traditional transparent color, gouache and acrylics. Pre: 113 or consent.
Theory and practice of painting; contemporary conceptual and expressive approaches. Pre: 113.
Investigations of the figure concerning anatomical construction, light, space, diagramatic analysis, and thematic content. Pre: 113 or consent.
Extension of the observational foundation established in 113 to address contemporary conceptual and expressive approaches to drawing. Pre: 113 or consent.
Theory and practice of painting; material and technical procedures. A standalone course aimed at non-majors. ART majors should start with ART 223 after taking ART 113.
Combined theory and practice. Merges digital printing, mark-making, photography, and traditional printmaking. Includes image transfers, lifts, precoating techniques, as well as printing on alternative substrates such as watercolor papers, metals, and cloth. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 202 (with a minimum grade of B).
Combined theory and practice. Investigates industry standard methods for archival pigment printing. Techniques include: device calibration and profiling, black and white, coating techniques, mounting and adhesive techniques, professional portfolio presentation. A-F only. Pre: 202 (with a minimum grade of B).
Combined theory and practice examining major techniques, concepts, and aesthetics in contemporary digital image production. Direct studio experience in essential software, printing techniques and hardware necessary in producing the gallery quality inkjet print. A-F only. Pre: 113.
Clay body development, glaze development, empirical and calculation methods. Emphasis on glaze maturity, surface, and color. A-F only. Pre: 242, and one of 343, 344, or 345; or consent.
Western ceramics history from chronological, developmental, contextual, and theoretical standpoints; influence of Asian ceramics. Pre: 242, with 175 and 176 recommended; or consent.
Form and surface problems related to earthenware clay bodies and low-temperature glazes; mold-making for ceramics. Repeatable one time. Pre: 242 or consent.
Exploration of the ceramic vessel as function, metaphor, and expression. Advanced hand-building, throwing, glazing, and firing techniques. Repeatable one time. Pre: 242 or consent.
Sculptural concepts and techniques specifically related to the medium of clay; advanced hand-building, throwing, glazing, and firing techniques. Repeatable one time. Pre: 242 or consent.
Three-dimensional concepts in clay; hand-building and wheel-throwing techniques. Projects, lectures, and demonstrations.
Investigates artistic representations, appropriations, and exchanges constructed on the basis of East/Orient vs. West/Occident differences. Includes analysis of: Orientalizing artistic traditions throughout history, history and concept of Orient, post-colonial critique of Orientalism. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. 2-3 years) (Cross-listed as ASAN 792)
Selected topics in South and/or Southeast Asian art and architectural history with an emphasis on Hindu and Buddhist traditions. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent, repeatable with consent.
Selected topics in Japanese art history. Pre: consent.
Selected topics in European and American art history. Pre: consent.
Selected topics in global contemporary art history. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)
Research and discussion seminar supporting advanced critical theory in the context
of contemporary art and other creative practice. Pre: consent.
Research topics in the history of Chinese sculpture, ceramics, bronzes, jade, and textiles. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Arts from Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia explored in context of issues involving belief systems and cultural change. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 475C or consent.
An introduction to art historiography, analytical techniques, and research methods and materials. Pre: consent and graduate standing.
Specific period or national style of cinema studied in its historical context. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: 176 or consent.
Major design movements in Europe and America from late 19th century to present; arts and crafts movement, art nouveau, modernist trends of the 20th century. Pre: 176 or consent.
Seminar on theoretical, ethical and aesthetic issues relating to the practice of photography, past and present. A-F only. Pre: 396B or 396C, or consent.
Major developments in art and architecture. Pre: 175 or consent.
Art and architecture of South Asia in historical and cultural context. Hindu visual culture. Pre: 175 or consent.
Critical analysis of the historical and cultural development of Buddhist and Hindu art in Southeast Asia; (B) island Southeast Asia; (C) mainland Southeast Asia. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 175 or consent.
Focused study of particular periods, regions and critical themes in Southeast Asian art
and architectural history. (B) Angkor & art of Khmer civilization; (C) art & architecture of Thailand; (D) monuments & nationalism in Southeast Asia. Repeatable one time for up to two different alphas. A-F only. Pre: 175, or consent. (Once a year) (D Cross-listed as ANTH 491)
Introduction to the arts of China in the modern and contemporary periods, in all media and genres, from 1840 to the present. Pre: 176 or consent.
Stylistic and historic development of two-dimensional arts; painting and calligraphy from prehistory through 18th century. Pre: 175 or consent.
History of contemporary art in Hawai‘i: the institutions, artists, critics, and historians that have shaped it. Strong focus on oral history of Hawai‘i artists. A-F only. Pre: 176.
Explores the recent history of environmental and ecological art; provides a critical framework for the contemporary image politics of environmentalism, ecology, sustainability, and climate change. A-F only. Pre: 176.
Ceramics, metalwork, lacquer, and textiles throughout Japanese history. Pre: 175 and 176; or consent.
Stylistic and aesthetic characteristics of art of ancient Hawai‘i; relationship to art from other parts of Polynesia. Pre: 176 or consent.
Architecture, sculpture, and textile traditions of indigenous Indonesia in cultural context. A-F only. Pre: 176.
Thematic approaches to contemporary art and visual culture. Course themes may include identity, local/global issues, and appropriation. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 176 or consent. (Alt. years)
Visual form and function of arts in cultural context. Mali, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Guinea, Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Congo, Zaire. Pre: 176 or consent.
Visual form and function of the arts in cultural context: (B) Melanesia and Australia; (C) Polynesia and Micronesia; (D) North Pacific coast Indian, Eskimo. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 176 or consent.
Art since 1945, with a focus on the global expansion of the avantgarde; (B) contemporary art 1945-2000; (C) global contemporary art since 2000. A-F only. Pre: 176 or consent.
Development of modern art in Europe 1900–1939. Pre: 176 or consent.
Emphasis on the 18th and 19th centuries. Pre: 176 or AMST 202 or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 456)
Architecture, sculpture, and painting of Europe in the Baroque and Rococo periods. Pre: 176 or consent.
Painting, sculpture, and architecture: (B) early Renaissance in Italy; (C) northern Europe; (D) High Renaissance and mannerism in Italy. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 176 or consent.
American art in the first half of the 20th century and its impact on American culture. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 176 or consent. (Alt. years: fall) (Crosslisted as AMST 460)
History of photography from its beginnings to the present; emphasis on the evolution of photography as an art form; (B) nineteenth century, from the invention of photography through pictorialism; (C) twentieth century, from World War I to the present. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 176 or consent.
Contextual study of art from selected areas in Africa, the Pacific, and North America. Pre: 176 or consent.
Thematic introduction to sculpture in China from the Neolithic period through the present day. A-F only. Pre: 175.
A culturally oriented study of Chinese visual arts; emphasis on the rise of literati painting and theory individualism in art and theory, garden, and architecture, and the Chinese pursuit of modernity and post-modernity in art. Pre: 176 or consent.
A culturally oriented study of Chinese visual arts; emphasis on jade, bronze, secular and religious sculptures, and paintings from prehistory to the 9th century. Pre: 175 or consent.
Ceramics, sculpture, painting, and architecture; neolithic through Yi periods. Pre: 175 or consent.
Introduction to the arts and material culture of the Philippines from the pre-colonial to the contemporary period through the examination of sculpture, metalwork, ceramics, textiles, and painting from various ethnolinguistic groups. Sophomore standing or higher. (Cross-listed as IP 382)
Major developments, Muromachi to modern period; painting, sculpture, architecture. Pre: 176 or consent.
Major developments, prehistoric through Kamakura; architecture, painting, sculpture. Pre: 175 or consent.
Architecture, sculpture, and painting of Europe. Pre: 176 or consent.
Minoan and Mycenaean arts; Greece and Rome. Pre: 175 or consent. (Cross-listed as CLAS 373)
Arts of Europe from early Christian era to Renaissance. Pre: 175 or consent.
Introduction to the methods and approaches of art history. Students will develop skills in perception and comprehension of visual art forms, and a critical understanding of the methods used by art historians to analyze them. A-F only. Pre: 175 and 176 and consent.
Examination of the significant themes and issues in contemporary critical theory as they relate to the production and reception of art. Pre: 176 or consent.
Art produced in Asia, Africa, Native America, Europe, and the Pacific Islands, from the 15th century to the present. Religious and philosophical ideas expressed in architecture, painting, prints, sculpture, applied art, body art, and textiles. (Spring only)
Art produced in Asia, Africa, Native America, Europe, and the Pacific Islands, from prehistory to the 15th century. Religious and philosophical ideas expressed in architecture,
painting, prints, sculpture, applied art, body art, and textiles. (Fall only)
Basic concepts, elements, and principles of art.
Descriptive, expressive, and formal aspects of visual language through drawing practice.
Nature of the world’s visual arts and their influences on personal expression. Lectures, demonstrations, and studio practice. (Not for art majors or minors)
Theoretical and design investigations into fabrication and construction techniques using computer aided design and manufacturing technologies. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: 733.
Extension of the development of a doctorate project with an approved committee that advances architectural knowledge through research, scholarship, design, and engages theoretical and architectonic propositions. Repeatable one time. ARCH majors only. CR/NC only.
Individual development of a doctorate project with an approved chair and doctorate project committee that advances architectural knowledge through analysis, research, scholarship, design, and engages theoretical and architectonic propositions; (H) Hawaii; (T) Tongji. Repeatable one time for (H). ARCH majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 784H for (H); 784T for (T).
Individual development of a doctorate project with an approved chair and doctorate project committee that advances architectural knowledge through analysis, research, scholarship, and design; (H) Hawaii; (T) Tongji. Repeatable one time for (H). ARCH majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 747C or 747P or 747E for (H); 750C or 750G for (T).
Individual development of a case study project that advances architectural knowledge through analysis, research, scholarship, design, and engages theoretical and architectonic propositions. ARCH majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: instructor consent.
Individual development of a doctorate proposal that advances architectural knowledge through analysis, research, scholarship, and design. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: 750G.
Investigation of social, cultural, political, climactic, and technological factors influencing the historical development of architecture in Hawai‘i. ARCH majors only. A-F only.
Investigation of architectural history and theory in the world from antiquity to present. Examining social, political, technological, material, and environmental forces. ARCH majors only. A-F only.
Advanced landscape architectural design inquiry and applied research investigation. Serves as a capstone experience, synthesizing theory, values, and practice. Limited to
MLA students under Plan B. (D) design (6 credits); (R) research (3 credits). Repeatable one time per alpha, up to 18 credits. LAND majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 743 and 763.
Design and programming for a complex, medium-scale, multi-layered urban landscape architecture project. Iterative, advanced design inquiry and materials exploration. Production of in-depth, comprehensive design development and partial construction documents. LAND majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 634, 635, 743, and 761.
Exploration of the interaction of landscape and community necessities in urban ecological design. Studio problems, design research projects, lectures, and discussion applied to the integration of ecological and social factors in urban contexts. LAND majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 483 and 652.
Comprehensive study of architectural practice investigating architect’s response to global forces, including entrepreneurial practice, office organization, project delivery, compensation, and construction law. A-F only. Pre: 745.
Varied topics furthering knowledge and ability needed for professional design practice emphasizing communication methods for collaborative and integrated design using digital technologies. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: 739.
Range of topics allowing acquisition of knowledge and ability needed for professional architectural practice offered online. Repeatable two times. ARCH majors only. A-F only.
Pre: 415.
Urban design focused on investigating social, cultural, political, and technological factors; study of historical precedents, building/block typology, circulation, infrastructure, and context response. (C) China; (G) design research. A-F only. ARCH Global Track only.
Graduate standing only. Pre: 744 for (C); 739 and 743 for (G).
Scholarly and research activity combined with professional experience occurring in an off campus location. (C) China; (G) global. ARCH majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 743 for (C).
Scholarly and research activity combined with professional experience occurring in an off-campus location. (B) business; (C) community design; (E) alternative experience; (G) global; (H) Hawai‘i; (P) practicum; (T) China. Repeatable one time per alpha. ARCH majors only. Graduate standing only for (G), (H), and (T). A-F only. Pre: 744, and 750C or 750G for (B), (G), and (T); 744 and 745 for (H); 726, 744, 745, 750G, and 781 for (C), (E), and (P).
Comprehensive study of architectural practice investigating architect’s response to global forces, including entrepreneurial practice, office organization, project delivery, compensation, and construction law. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: 739 and 743.
Design and programming for a moderately complex building and site. Production of design development and partial construction documents describing sustainable building assemblies and construction cost. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: 724, 725, 733, and 743. Co-requisite: 726.
Urban design focused on Asian cities investigating social, cultural, political, and technological factors; study of historical precedents, building/block typology, circulation, infrastructure, and context response. ARCH and LAND majors only. A-F only. Pre: 733
and 742, or 761.
Design of complex, large scale building and site engaging social, cultural, code, sustainable systems, and acoustic issues. Production of schematic and design development documents. ARCH majors only. Graduate standing only. A-F only.
Design of a medium complexity building and site engaging social, cultural, codes, building systems, and sustainable design. Production of program and schematic design documents. Individual projects. ARCH majors only. A-F only.
Design theories and systematic analytic and synthetic methodologies applied to creation of
building and site spaces responsive to environmental and human needs. Several individual projects. ARCH majors only. A-F only.
Comprehensive assessment of objectives and function of research in architecture and landscape architecture. Lecture, seminar, independent work with emphasis on research project topic and proposal development. ARCH and LAND majors only. Graduate students
only. A-F only. Pre: 715 or 761.
Interdisciplinary investigation of design theory as connected to architectural presentation techniques, particularly oral and written, to current developments in architectural practice. A-F only.
Comprehensive study of architectural practice within the global context with emphasis on the Asia Pacific region. Exploration of information technology systems, materials and design process research, construction technology, computer aided manufacturing, and entrepreneurial approaches. ARCH majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
An interdisciplinary investigation of design theory as connected to digital technology and its applications to current developments in practice and research within architecture and design. ARCH majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Exploration of digital technologies, their relationship to design, and their application to architectural analysis, conceptualization, design processes, communication, representation, and construction. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: departmental approval.
Properties, evolution, and range of building materials, assemblies, and systems and their applications in integrated high-performance building design with a focus on the role of detail and systems in the design process. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: 724, 725, 733, and 742.
Application and analysis of highperformance building design principles. Emphasis on climate-appropriate passive design, energy-efficient lighting and conditioning strategies, innovative water systems, and renewable energy production. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: 723.
Introduction to procedures and wood, steel, concrete, and masonry material properties used for structural analysis and design of individual structural elements and building structural systems. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: 723.
Introduction to the theory of bioclimatic principles and structural systems and the ability to analyze, assess, select, design, and integrate them as initial determinants into the building design. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: graduate status.
Study of building materials, assemblies, and integrated design including structural,
environmental, life-safety, and building envelope systems. Development of ability to design, analyze and assess appropriate systems. ARCH majors only. A-F only. Pre: MATH 140.
Detailed investigation of major theories in architecture and urban design and examination of their impact on contemporary architectural practice in varied geo-political contexts. Open to non-majors. A-F only.
Study of the history and theory of culture and the built environment with particular focus on the Asia-Pacific region. ARCH majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Landscape architectural thesis research and design inquiry. Limited to MLA students under Plan A. Repeatable unlimited times. LAND majors only. Graduate students only.
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Pre: consent.
ARCH and LAND majors only.
Seminar on a wide range of landscape architectural topics to be directed by both
visiting and regular faculty. Repeatable three times. ARCH and LAND majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Graduate seminar on discussion of central ideas and theories in landscape architecture and environmental design, drawing on primary literature and speculative or built design work over many decades of thought. ARCH and LAND majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Intensive work on specialized topics in the fields of architecture and design. May include research and/or studio experiences in architecture, interior architecture, computer-aided design, professional practice, advanced visual design, and architectural graphics. Repeatable unlimited times.
Specialized investigation at an advanced level of technological developments in structural systems, environmental control systems, or materials and methods of construction. Repeatable unlimited times.
Specialized work at an advanced level on the history and theory of architecture. Repeatable unlimited times.
Seminar on a wide range of architectural topics to be directed by both visiting and regular faculty. Repeatable three times. ARCH and LAND majors only. Pre: consent
Cultural and historical impact on urban form, contention of tradition and modernity in urban space, spatial expression of state and society, perception and utilization of urban design, evolution of urban form in selected Asian capitals. Pre: 341, ASAN 312, PLAN 310 or PLAN 600. (Cross-listed as ASAN 636 and PLAN 636)
History, concepts, and theories behind the relationship between health and the built environment stressing transdisciplinary understanding and collaboration through readings, discussion, and real world-based exercises. LAND and ARCH majors only. Graduate students only. A-F Only. (Cross-listed as PH 682)
The manifestations, visual characteristics, and social/ cultural meaning of “style” in American architecture and decorative arts from the early settlement period through the present. (Cross-listed as AMST 679)
Understanding the science and art of green landscape technologies, with a comprehensive understanding of LID (low impact design) principles and practices; to increase knowledge to help produce more viable and enduring built landscapes. LAND majors only. A-F only. (Crosslisted as TPSS 658)
Exploring, understanding, and implementing Hawaiian and Western cultural and environmental landscape design principles. A concentrated look at how to think about creating and respecting a sense of place through landscape design. LAND and TPSS majors only. A-F only. (Cross-listed as TPSS 656)
Landscape project design at the site scale; from concept development through detailed design. Synthesis of foundational skills into more complex, layered spatial, and functional problems. Emphasis on site research and design methods. LAND majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Theory and application of foundational landscape design principles, programming, and physical analysis to site-based design problems. Visual, formal, spatial, and functional design principles are applied to ecological and cultural influences in landscape design. LAND majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Methods and approaches in the study of vernacular architecture, cultural landscapes and material culture, with an emphasis on traditions and innovations in the Americas. (Cross-listed as AMST 681)
Issues and methods of urban land use planning practice and plan making. A-F only. Pre: PLAN 640 or consent. (Crosslisted as PLAN 645)
Introduction of practices and core methods of the landscape architecture profession.
Subjects include business and governmental organization, elements of contract law, business management, professional relationships, marketing, professional licensure, and ethics. LAND majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 634 and 635.
Examination of materials and methods of landscape construction from source, extraction, and manufacturing, to use and reuse. Assignments include drawing standard construction details and a report on the history of material use, properties, and qualities. LAND majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 381.
Introduction to the identification, recognition, and use of plants in landscape design and built environment applications. Students will be introduced to a variety of landscape plants commonly used in Hawai‘i and the tropics. LAND majors only. A-F only. (Cross-listed as TPSS 634)
Introduction to the use of computers in landscape architecture, emphasizing two- and three dimensional computer-aided drawings and graphics suitable to landscape architectural design and practice. LAND majors only. A-F only.
Theory and application in design communication, including drawing and presentation
skills; emphasis on the design process and critical thinking through analog and digital media, diagramming, three-dimensional modeling, and various other presentation techniques. LAND majors only. A-F only.
History and philosophy of historic preservation movement. Analysis of values and assumptions, methodologies and tactics, implications for society and public policy. (Cross-listed as AMST 675 and PLAN 675)
Reading, research, and work on topics in architecture and design. Includes an intensive
writing component. May include specialized research and/or studio experience in architecture, design, and the history and theory of architecture and design. Repeatable unlimited times. ENVD majors only. Pre: 100 and 101.
Various course work including design, history, theory, technology, and sustainability offered for international exchange students. (E) elective; (L) laboratory; (P) project; (S) seminar. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: departmental approval.
Work on specialized topics in the fields of architecture and design. May include research
and/or studio experiences in architecture, interior architecture, computer-aided design, professional practice, advanced visual design, and architectural graphics. Repeatable unlimited times. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only.
Specialized investigation of technological developments in structural systems,
environmental control systems, or materials and methods of construction. Repeatable unlimited times. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only.
Specialized work on the history and theory of architecture. Repeatable unlimited times. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only.
Selected topics in any aspect of architecture. Content to be announced. Repeatable four times. ARCH and ENVD majors only.
Introduction to the use of plants as design elements in the built environment across diverse scales. Examination of the spatial, sensory, ecological, and performative qualities of vegetation through analysis of historic and contemporary examples. ENVD and LAND majors only. A-F only. Pre: 381.
Applied urban and landscape ecology principles and strategies for analysis, design, and management of urban regions and sites; emphasis on structure, functions, and processes that form urban landscapes at multiple scales and in diverse contexts. ENVD and LAND majors only. A-F only. Pre: 381.
Research methodology for the qualitative development of an optimum environment. Repeatable three times. ARCH and ENVD majors only. Pre: consent.
Lectures and discussions on historic preservation issues in Hawai‘i, Asia, and the Pacific.
Emphasis on indigenous and national expressions. ARCH and ENVD majors only. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 474)
History of American architecture in terms of style, techniques, and symbolic meaning. ARCH and ENVD majors only. (Cross-listed as AMST 423)
Study and documentation of existing buildings, structures, and sites of historic and/or cultural significance, including field measurements and drawings, historical research, photo documentation, and preparation of archival drawings to be deposited in the Library of Congress. Documentation conducted according to standards of the Historic American
Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record (HABS/HAER). Repeatable three times, up to 24 credits. ARCH, ENVD, and AMST majors only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 475)
Introduction to historic preservation. Exploration of design principles and elements
as applied to conservation of historic resources, including basic conservation materials and methods, professional practices, and critical analysis of existing methodologies. ARCH and ENVD majors only; open to non-majors if space available. A-F only.
Introduction and orientation to the field. Fundamental design principles and elements as applied to interiors. Basic materials and methods of interior construction; basic professional and business practices. Critical analysis of an existing interior space. ARCH and ENVD majors only; open to non-majors if space available. Repeatable three times.
Principles and practice of landscape architecture within the comprehensive design processes of the built environment. Focus on context-specific sociocultural, economic, political, environmental determinants of landscape forms and patterns. ARCH and ENVD majors only; open to non-majors if space available. A-F only.
Principles and practice of urban design within the comprehensive planning process. Sociocultural, economic, political, environmental determinants of urban form and pattern. ARCH and ENVD majors only; open to non-majors if space available. A-F only.
Seminar centered on academic and cultural exchanges, focused on advanced topics related to the design of built environments. ARCH majors only. A-F only.
Investigation of processes for generating architectonic form using current digital technologies. Making advanced geometric models including investigation of morphological transformations. Study of design optimization, digital fabrication, information modeling, and generative algorithms. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 235.
Exploration of the practice of architecture including: professionalism; office organization and administration; public, client, consultant, and other contractor relations; project administration, procedure and compensation; construction law and contract administration. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 200 and 341.
Introductory treatment of the management of construction. Construction supervision, contract documents, estimating and bidding, organization, planning and scheduling, administration, business methods, safety, and labor. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. (Cross-listed as CEE 472)
Introduction to green building design, construction, and operation standards and rating systems. Emphasis on understanding the intent, criteria, and process of the LEED system in preparation for application in a professional setting. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only.
Professional experience combined with scholarly and research activity occurring in an off-campus location with a focus on architectural concentration areas. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 342.
Exploration of the management of architectural services from project initiation through project completion. Investigation of project delivery options; management of project
design teams, project operations and services; design parameter definition; design service documentation; and project execution. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 200.
ARCH and ENVD majors only. Pre: consent.
Essential topographic site design concepts and skills needed to reshape the land for human use, circulation, water management, and resilience. Topics will be reinforced
through problem sets and analytical, computational, graphical, and technical exercises. ENVD and LAND majors only. A-F only. Pre: 201 and 220.
An examination of specific theories, movements, or periods of architectural history. Changing topics to be taught by both regular and visiting faculty. ARCH, ENVD, and AMST majors only. Repeatable three times. Pre: 271 and 272.
Examination of theories, movements, and periods in architectural history focusing on contemporary issues. Requires a minimum of 4,000 words of writing, and three oral
communication assignments. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 201, 220, 271, and 272.
Students will develop basic skills of residential landscape graphic and design processes in
order to clearly articulate the ability to think, analyze, and extend a physical solution in the proper scale. Repeatable one time. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as TPSS 354)
Basic skills of landscape graphic communication through a creative process model. Learning free hand and technical drafting techniques to creative effective landscape graphics. ARCH and ENVD majors only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as TPSS 353)
Survey of the history of landscape architecture from Mesopotamia to present. Review of the physical, cultural, social, economic, and political factors, as well as the environmental concerns, horticultural techniques, and technological innovations of historic landscapes. ENVD and LAND majors only. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as TPSS 352)
Principles and practice of urban design within the comprehensive planning process. Sociocultural, economic, political, environmental determinants of urban form and pattern. ARCH and ENVD majors only, open to nonmajors if space available.
Perspectives on planning; planning tools and methods; specific Hawai‘i planning/research problems from a multidisciplinary approach. ARCH and ENVD majors only. Pre: consent.
Architectural design with emphasis on space planning, building materials, technology, climatic responses, and codes including complex functional requirements, multi-story design issues, vertical transportation, structure, and finishes. Production of complete schematic design documents. Detailed writing instruction. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 341.
Building and site design with emphasis on site development, analysis, and climatic response. Introduction to sustainable design, land use ordinances, description and delineation of property and land features, and urban and community design influences. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 200 and 201.
Introduction to environmentalism; focusing on the impact of building systems of the
global environment; the role of environmental regulations/certifications, and understanding of sustainable principles (economic, social, and natural systems). ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 220 and PHYS 151/151L.
Investigation of the history and theory of architecture from the 15th century C.E. to the present. Investigation of architecture in relationship to social, political, technological, and material forces. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: HIST 152.
Investigation of the history and theory of architecture in the world’s major cultural regions, from early agricultural settlements to 1500 C.E. Investigation of architecture in relationship to social, political, technological, and material forces. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: HIST 151.
Principles and practice of landscape planning, design, and technology. Ecological, sociocultural, and natural science determinants of landscape form and pattern. ARCH and ENVD majors only, open to nonmajors if space available.
Exploration of digital design fundamentals and their application to design analysis, conceptualization, design process, and communication of design intent. Pre: 100, 101, and 132.
Introduction to building systems, including structural, environmental, life-safety, building envelope, building materials and building assemblies. Development of design skills with emphasis on elevating skills in assessing and selecting appropriate building systems. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 132 and MATH 140.
Development of designs and processes to study precedents and explore solutions responding to human needs in built and natural environments. Analysis and representation of architectonic space and form using hand and computer techniques. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 201 or 235.
Investigation of the various disciplines in the environmental design field, including architecture, landscape architecture, interiors, historic preservation, urban design, and construction management. Emphasis given to collaborative methods to address critical issues. Open to non-majors. A-F only.
Exploration of critical judgment and means to conceptualize, develop, present, and both visually and orally communicate form and space, including fundamentals of freehand drawing, mechanical drawing, physical model making, diagramming, and graphic techniques. ARCH and ENVD majors only. A-F only. Pre: 101.
Introduction to creative design processes focusing on the investigation of composition within defining perceivable space. Hands-on exploration of materials and structures as an introduction to design processes. ENVD majors only. A-F only.
Continuation of third-level Arabic I. Emphasis on developing writing and interaction ability at advanced levels of proficiency. Course includes extensive reading, composition exercises, listening skills, conversation practice and extensive review of Arabic grammar.
Developing fluency is the main objective of this course. Classes meet 3 hours weekly. Pre: 301 (or equivalent), or consent.
Develop proficiency in reading/listening comprehension in Modern Standard Arabic. The instructional materials consist of authentic written, visual and audio materials. Classes meet 3 hours weekly. Pre: 202 (or equivalent), or consent.
Designed for students who have successfully completed three semesters of Arabic. Focus is on intensive practice of interactive functional skills such as listening comprehension and fundamental conversation strategies. Pre: 201 or exam or consent. (Spring only)
Designed for students who have successfully completed a year of Elementary Arabic. Focus is on acquisition of more complex grammatical structures, expanding vocabulary, and developing competence in a wide range of communicative situations. Pre: 102 or exam or consent. (Fall only)
Focuses on developing proficiency in the standard written Arabic language as well as formal spoken Arabic. It introduces a wide range of situation-based texts and topics that build vocabulary, grammar, and general communicative competence. Pre: 101.
Designed to provide students with basic knowledge of Modern Standard Arabic. Focuses on developing proficiency in the standard written Arabic language, as well as formal spoken Arabic.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable nine times.
Selected problems in current research. (B) archaeology; (C) medical; (D) ethnography; (E) social; (G) biological. Repeatable nine times. Pre: graduate standing.
Japan examined through three dimensions of cultural anthropology: cultural/symbolic, social/organizational, and individual/psychological. Selected topics analyzed and interpreted in terms of conjunctions of these dimensions. Pre: 483 or 484.
Research design and proposal writing. For students preparing for advanced research. Pre: graduate standing and consent.
Ethnographic research methods. Introduction to the approaches and techniques of participatory research, including the collection, analysis, and interpretation of social and
cultural data. Politics and ethics of research practice. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing in anthropology or consent.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable nine times, up to 12 credits.
Repeatable nine times, up to 12 credits. Pre: graduate standing and consent.
Seminar prepares graduate students for entry into profession, including employment
opportunities, research, presentations, ethics and outreach. Required of all Plan B students. Pre: graduate standing.
Applies course work in cultural anthropology to hands-on activities under the direction of practicing professionals and university faculty. Repeatable one time. ANTH majors only. Graduate students only. Pre: 681.
Theory, methods, and results of application of cultural anthropological concepts to practical problems. Graduate students only.
Techniques in recording and evaluation of historic buildings and other resources, with an emphasis on field recordings and state and federal registration procedures. (Cross-listed as AMST 676 and PLAN 676)
Graduate seminar focused on method and theory in the practice of applied archaeology in Hawai‘i. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years)
Applies course work in archaeology to handson activities under the direction of practicing professionals and university faculty. MA track in Applied Archaeology students only. Repeatable one time, up to 12 credits. Pre: consent.
(5 7-hr Lab) Laboratory and field training in the principles and practice of methods of archaeology—survey, mapping, excavation, conservation. Repeatable one time, up to 12 credits. Pre: graduate standing.
Examination of the social and cultural foundations of, and responses to, the values, technologies, and practices of modern medicine. Pre: graduate standing. (Alt. years)
Advanced introduction to the fundamental principles of statistics as applied to the analysis of archaeological data. (Alt. years)
Examines ideologies of development, humanitarian, and global health interventions from an anthropological perspective. Explores the disjuncture between discourses that portrays global aid as easing suffering and those that accuse it of maintaining relationships of domination. A-F only. (Alt. years: spring)
Prehistory and protohistory of Southeast Asia, and of Southeast Asian contacts with East Asia, india, Australia, and Oceania. Pre: background in archaeology or Southeast Asian history or consent.
Survey of the Asian paleoanthropological record, particularly in its paleoenvironmental setting; Out of Africa I; modern human origins. Pre: graduate standing and relevant background in anthropology or related field. (Alt. years)
To delve deeply into the primary literature that focuses on the subjects of extinction and conservation broadly speaking, with particular emphasis on the 6 mass extinction events, including the Anthropocene. (Alt. years)
Federal, state, and local laws and regulations that regulate and provide protection to significant archaeological and historical resources in Hawai‘i and the region. (Alt. years: spring only) (Cross-listed as AMST 645).
Focused seminars pertaining to distinct areas of archaeological method and theory. (B) analytical; (C) environment/landscape; (D) applied archaeology; (E) economic/resources; (F) survey/locational. Repeatable two times. Pre: 603.
Advanced theoretical and methodological examination of archaeological research in Oceania, a region including the islands of Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia. (Fall only)
Major theoretical problems in (B) kinship; (C) cognitive systems; (D) religion; (E) political institutions; (F) law and social control; (G) economics; (H) ecology; (I) other to be announced. Repeatable nine times. Pre: graduate standing.
Graduate seminar that examines the history of theory in sociocultural anthropology from 1960 to present. Designed to be taken in sequence after 601. Pre: 601 or concurrent. (Once a year)
Social and cultural analysis of tourism practices, with emphasis on Hawai‘i, Asia and the Pacific. Tourism in relation to consumer culture, transnational flows of people and images, post-colonial politics, performance and identity formation. (Cross-listed as GEO 610)
History and collective memory as culturally formed and politically contested realities. The role of narrative, ritual, and media technologies in shaping representations of the past. Pre: graduate standing.
Role of the mass media in constructing meaning in social cultural processes such as nationalism, ritual, identity, and collective memory. Attention to interactional and post-structural theories of discourse that link the mass media to discursive practice. A-F only.
The role of human behavior, including its social and cultural determinants, in understanding the distribution of infectious diseases and in shaping preventive and therapeutic strategies. Pre: graduate standing.
Emphasizes linguistic, semantic, and interactional aspects of culture, exploring ways that discourse constructs social action and social realities, examining processes by which culture is produced as meaningful behavior in actual situations. Pre: graduate standing.
Human evolution and human variability in extant and previously existing populations; emphasis on history of physical anthropology, evolutionary systematics, primate biology and behavior, paleontology, anthropological genetics, climatic adaptation, growth, and nutrition. A course in the graduate core of anthropology. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing.
Development of critical and analytical skills in assessment of archaeological literature; emphasis on the science, theory, explanation, and paradigms that comprise archaeology. A course in the graduate core of anthropology. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing.
Investigation of mutual influences of linguistic theory and methodology and anthropological theory and methodology. A course in the graduate core of anthropology. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing.
Survey, in historical perspective, of theory in social and cultural anthropology, from the origin of anthropology to 1976. A course in the graduate core of anthropology. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing.
Preparation of a major paper in anthropology with a committee of one chairperson and one other. Second semester of a two-semester sequence with 495. May be taken concurrently with 495. Optional for majors. Pre: 490 and senior standing.
Preparation of a major paper in anthropology with a committee of one chairperson and one other. First semester of a two-semester sequence with 496. May be taken concurrently with 496. Optional for majors. Pre: 490 and senior standing.
Literature and methodology; project design. Students develop and execute an oral history project. Junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 493)
Focused study of particular periods, regions and critical themes in Southeast Asian art and architectural history. Monuments and nationalism in Southeast Asia. A-F only. Pre: ART 175, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ART 490D)
Development of anthropological ideas, focusing on theoretical issues concerning culture, society, and human nature. Required of majors. Pre: 152.
Critical interpretations of ethnographic and biographic texts depicting individual and family lives in different socioeconomic circumstances, geographical regions, and historical periods of modern China.
Explores the ties of identity that exist within and between Okinawa and its diasporic populations. Pre: 152. (Alt. years)
Critically examines the historical and contemporary experiences of various people of Hawai‘i using anthropological and ethnic studies approaches. Emphasis on cultural perspectives and values of peoples indigenous to Hawai‘i, the Pacific, and Asia. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ES 486)
Pre-European society and culture from an anthropological viewpoint. Pre: junior standing or consent.
Explores contemporary Japanese popular culture through themes such as gender, consumerism, globalization and nostalgia. Rather than a survey of popular culture genres, the course is organized thematically around issues and problematics.
Sociocultural factors in Japanese behavior. Social structure; traditional institutions
Investigates environmental problems from an anthropological perspective, and examines the cultural politics of contestations over resources, rights, and the meanings of nature. Pre: 152 or 415 or consent. (Alt. years) (Crosslisted as SUST 482)
The application of anthropological methods and concepts to solving practical human problems such as homelessness, domestic violence, maternal morbidity, conflict over resources, and the loss of indigenous languages. Includes a significant service-learning component. Pre: 152.
Study of cross-cultural patterns in ritual behaviors and creolization of African, indigenous, and Iberian ideological frameworks in the Americas. Topics may include syncretic religions (voodoo, candomble), Andean Christianity, spiritual conquest, conceptions of death, etc. Sophomore standing or higher. Minimum C- required grade for prerequisites. Pre: LAIS 360, or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as LAIS 478 and REL 478)
Lecture/lab. Introduction to the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and spatial statistics in archaeological research. Topics include: map creation; spatial database management; spatial analysis; image processing, data reporting; and data display. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 466. (Alt. years)
Analysis of archaeologically recovered faunal collections with emphasis on identification and interpretation of nonhuman vertebrate remains. Pre: 210.
Combined lecture/lab on the manufacture and analysis of stone tools. Students work with experimental collections and engage in stone tool production. The ways in which lithics enlighten us about past human behavior are discussed. Pre: 210 and 380, or consent.
Concepts, methods, and approaches used in the analysis of ancient pottery. Emphasis placed on ceramic technology, stylistic analysis. Pre: 210.
Techniques for field measurement and recording of cultural and physical data. Field sketching, Brunton surveying, plane table mapping, oblique photo compilation, topographic mapping, and representation of field data. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 472)
Examination of the social and cultural foundations of, and responses to, the values, technologies and practices of modern medicine. Pre: junior standing or higher, 152, or consent. (Alt. years)
Combined lecture/lab. Introduction to the basic principles of statistics as applied to the analysis of archaeological data. Exploratory data analysis approach. A-F only. ANTH majors only. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 210. (Alt. years)
Explores anthropology’s critical analysis of approaches to reproductive health and procreation, primarily in developing countries. Examines sex and reproduction as sites of intervention from public health, development, and biomedical specialists, while also considering local strategies. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 152 or 301 or WGSS 151. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as WGSS 465)
Archaeological perspective in Hawai‘i’s past; origins of Hawaiians; early settlement and culture change; settlement patterns and material culture; historic sites preservation. Pre: junior standing and consent.
Seminar explores the definitions and histories of development and global health initiatives
in developing countries from an anthropological perspective. Reading materials include scholarly and popular texts that propose and critique solutions to global poverty. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: 152 or 301. (Alt. years)
Prehistory and protohistory of China, Japan, and Korea from earliest human occupation to historic times. Geographical emphasis may vary between China and Japan/Korea. Pre: junior standing or consent.
Prehistory and protohistory of Southeast Asia and of Southeast Asian contacts with East Asia, India, Australia, and Oceania. Pre: junior standing or consent
Neogene-Quaternary paleoenvironmental reconstructions; human evolution in East Asia during the Pleistocene; Out of Africa I; modern human origins. Pre: sophomore standing, recommend 310, or consent. (Alt. years)
An extraordinary number of plants and animals have gone extinct. Delves deeply into the primary literature that focuses on extinction and conservation from the beginning of the earth to the present day. Pre: 215 or consent. (Alt. yrs: fall)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Application of physical anthropology to problems in human identification. Determination of age, sex, ancestry, etc., of the skeleton and preparation of reports for legal medicine. Pre: 215 and 215L.
Close study of cultures of Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, and Fiji through anthropological ethnography. Pre: 152 or consent. (Once a year)
Analysis of Polynesian cultures from their origins to contemporary states. Pre: junior standing or consent.
Cultures of Southeast Asia from hunting and gathering groups to high civilizations; kinship, economic, political, and religious systems; recent developments. Pre: junior standing or consent.
Lectures and seminars provide a cross-cultural survey of sites which societies recognize as sacred and their cultural, ecological and conservation aspects. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as REL 445)
Lectures and seminars provide a cross-cultural survey of the relationships between religions, environment and environmentalism. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as REL 444)
Selected aspects of national, regional and local manifestations of Buddhism are explored through the perspective of anthropology with an emphasis on the daily lives of monks, nuns and lay persons in their socio-cultural contexts. Pre: 422, REL 207, REL 475, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as REL 443)
Examines the influence of local culture and global flows on identity formation in the
Himalayan region. Topics include: Hindu caste and gender, constructions of ethnicity, Tibetans and tourists, Sherpas and mountaineers, development ideologies, and consumerism. Pre: 152 or 301 or ASAN 202 or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ASAN 442)
Exploration of agriculture from the perspective of anthropology, with a focus on alternatives to industrial agriculture, especially in the context of Hawai‘i. Readings include academic writing and also literary non-fiction and journalism. A-F only. Pre: 152. (Alt. years)
Schemes for managing sequences and combinations of crops and crop production activities. Ecosystem and social determinants. Multiple cropping. Analysis of alternative cropping systems. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only. Junior standing or higher.
Examines the practices and meanings of consumption in the contemporary world. Topics include social class, branding, fandom, global-local nexus. A-F only. Pre: 152 or consent. (Alt. years)
Exploration of the history and development of theories of the body via topics such as phenomenology, perception, bodily rituals, gender, sex, race, colonialism, power, pain, medicalization, immunology, reproductive health and cyborgs. Pre: 152 (or concurrent) or 301 (or concurrent).
How human groups identify, collect, create, and transform foods; how they shape those into dietary behaviors, and the influence of those behaviors on health. Pre: junior standing or higher or consent.
Explores the intersection of sexuality research and queer theory with other anthropological concerns such as identity, race, gender, religion, economy, politics, and globalization. A-F only. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 426)
Various approaches to examples of social and cultural change in non-literate societies; evolution, diffusion, acculturation, revolution, etc. Historical features and social processes of colonialism. Pre: 152.
Cults, legends, millennial movements, myths, possession, rituals, sacred healing, shamanism, sorcery, spirits, symbolism, witchcraft, and other forms of religious and symbolic expression and experience, from small scale to highly urban societies. Pre: 152. (Cross-listed as REL 422)
Anthropological introduction to communication; intercultural and interspecies comparisons; verbal and nonverbal. Ethnography of communication, discourse and structural analyses, ethnomethodology. Pre: 152.
Exploration of how anthropology studies indigenous groups throughout the world. An examination of the changing contexts of anthropological practice as calls for reflexivity lead anthropology of all backgrounds to bring insights from their “homes.” Issues include
the question of objectivity, the emicetic distinction, and the ethics of different kinds of anthropological research and the role of anthropologists in indigenous self-determination. Repeatable one time. Pre: 152.
Character of political institutions and their development in nonWestern and non industrial societies. Pre: 152.
Analysis of economic activities in non-Western, non-industrial societies; production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services in a variety of cultures. Pre: 152.
Introduction to the ethnographic study of speech and language. Pre: 152. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as LING 414 and IS 414)
The role of language in the construction of gender and in the maintenance of the gender order. Field projects explore hypotheses about the interaction of language and gender. No previous knowledge of linguistics required. A-F only. (Cross-listed as LING 415)
Lecture discussion providing an overview of evolutionary theory in anthropology: focus on the evolution of culture, behavioral ecology, and cultural diversity; emphasis on archaeological and ethnographic research and explanatory models. Pre: 210 or 215, or consent. (Once a year)
Anthropological study of museums and related sites of cultural production (historic sites, memorials, theme parks). Junior standing or higher. (Alt. years)
Seminar surveying ethical cases, problems, issues and questions from the inception of anthropology to the present. Junior standing or higher or consent.
Repeatable nine times. Pre: major or minor in Anthropology.
Selected problems in current research. (B) archaeology; (C) ethnography; (D) social anthropology; (E) applied; (F) psychological; (G) biological. Repeatable nine times. Pre: consent.
Laboratory to accompany 384. Co-requisite: 384.
Introduction to the human skeleton and methods for analyzing archaeological human remains including age, sex, ethnicity, paleodemography, skeletal and dental variation, paleopathology, population studies. Corequisite: 384L.
Uses archaeological examples to illustrate social science research techniques. Students learn how to create, analyze, and evaluate data through lab-based exercises, and examine ethical issues inherent in anthropological practice. Repeatable one time. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: 210 or instructor consent.
Archaeological survey and excavations; field trips, mapping, photography. May focus on terrestrial or underwater. May be taught entirely in the field at a national or international archaeological site. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 210.
Laboratory analysis and evaluation of field data; preservation and restoration of artifacts. Preparation for publication. Repeatable two times. Pre: 210 or consent. (Once a year)
Students will gain practical archaeological experience (e.g., materials processing, analysis, documentation, conservation) under the direction of practicing archaeological professionals in the local community and in collaboration with supervising archaeological faculty. Repeatable two times, up to 6 credits. ANTH majors or minors only. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 210 or consent of instructor.
Human genetic and physical variation; latitudinal, longitudinal, and altitudinal variation across human populations; history of racism; contemporary issues in race and racism. Pre: sophomore standing, recommend 152 and 215; or consent. (Once a year)
Survey of the history and culture of the indigenous peoples of Latin America through a study of their literature, texts and practices. (B) Mesoamerica; (C) Andean South America. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: sophomore standing or consent. (Cross-listed as LAIS 372 (Alpha))
Problems and techniques of social-cultural anthropological fieldwork; ethnographic literature; work with informants. Repeatable one time. Pre: 152 OR 301.
Study of cross-cultural patterns in household and community level organizations in Latin America and elsewhere. Topics may include gender relations, kinship structures, political economy, impacts of colonialism, modernization, and globalization on households. Sophomore standing or higher. (Cross-listed as LAIS 368)
Introduction to cultures of Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia from time of first settlement to emergence of modern nation states. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Biocultural, evolutionary, and cross-cultural perspectives on the conditions, patterns, and processes of violence, war, nonviolence, and peace. Pre: 152. (Cross-listed as PACE 345)
Anthropological study of computer mediated interaction. Focus on the ethnography of massively multiplayer online games, text-based chat rooms, and blogs. Pre: 152 or consent. (Once a year)
Climate change is a reality, yet there is much uncertainty about how it will affect our lives. Investigates cultural response to climate change, using studies of the past to plan for the future. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as SUST 333)
Applies cultural anthropology to assess surfing as an indigenous Hawaiian and modern globalized activity. Discusses the history of surfing, surfing culture, and the impacts of surfing tourism on coastal development, reef ecology, and ocean safety. A-F only. (Fall only)
Lectures and discussion offer an anthropological introduction to how humans created and transformed food through time. Sophomore standing or higher. (Spring only)
Review of ethnohistory, i.e., the interdisciplinary, holistic and inclusive investigation of the histories of native peoples drawing not only on documented sources, but also on ethnography, linguistics, archaeology, ecology and other disciplines as an alternative to conventional Eurocolonial history. A-F only. Pre: HIST 152, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as IS 322)
Examination of the history and ethics of folklore studies and the dynamics and social functions of traditional culture in diverse communities through topics such as ritual, storytelling, games, gossip, belief, music, and cultural tourism. Junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as AMST 326)
Combined lecture/ discussion on the emergence and development of ancient cities in comparative perspective and the dynamics of (pre)modern urban life. Examples are drawn from the Near East, Mediterranean, Africa, India, China, and the Americas. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Origins of Pacific peoples; chronology of settlement; sequences of culture in Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Anthropological perspectives on the subject of the global phenomenon of tourism. Includes issues of cultural performance, identity, and commoditization. Open to nonmajors.
Cross-cultural theories and perceptions of sexual differences; linkage between biology and cultural constructions of gender; relationship of gender ideology to women’s status. Pre: 152 (or concurrent) or 301 (or concurrent). (Crosslisted as WGSS 315)
Historical development of documentary films of non-Western peoples; critical examination of ways in which ethnographic films represent different cultures. Pre: 152 (or concurrent).
Theory of evolution, evolutionary systematics, and taxonomy; evolutionary biology of primates; fossil records for primate and human evolution. Laboratory included. Pre: 215, ZOOL 101; or consent.
Social and cultural aspects of medicine; the relationship of medicine to the beliefs, social systems, ecological adaptations, and cultural changes of human groups.
Significance of anthropology for contemporary affairs, particularly American ethnic and minority group relations. Relevance to various professions, governmental policy, political action, and accomplishment of change. Pre: 152 (or concurrent).
Achieve basic quantitative literacy and to familiarize them with statistical reasoning so that they are prepared to carry out anthropological (and other social science) research. A-F only.
Laboratory to accompany 215. Co-requisite: 215.
Human evolution, primatology, human genetics, biological variation, human adaptability, growth and development. Co-requisite: 215L.
Introduction to prehistoric archaeology; methods and techniques of excavation and laboratory analysis; brief survey of theory in relation to change and diversity in prehistoric human groups.
175 co-requisite lab. Surfing sites are visited, ancient and modern Polynesian surfing practices and surfboard design and technology are discussed. Shoreline assessments emphasize ocean safety. Social issues surrounding surfing sites in Hawai‘i are analyzed. A-F only. Co-requisite: 175. (Fall only)
Examines environmental and cultural factors in the development of Polynesian surf culture, surfing’s decline due to Western influence, and its revitalization as a modern recreational activity. Business practices of the surfing industry are critically analyzed. A-F only. Co-requisite: 175L. (Fall only)
Introduction to cultural anthropology. How humans create, understand, order and modify their natural, social, supernatural and physical environments, and make meaning and order. Restricted to students in the Honors Program.
Introduction to cultural anthropology. How humans create, understand, order and modify their natural, social, supernatural and physical environments, and make meaning and order. Open to non-majors, required for ANTH majors. A-F only.
Introduction to human biological evolution and the archaeology of culture in the world prior to AD 1500. Restricted to students in the Honors Program.
Introduction to human biological evolution and the archaeology of culture in the world prior to AD 1500. Open to nonmajors, recommended for majors.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Pre: consent. Repeatable unlimited times.
(1 Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) Advanced laboratory techniques used in food science and human nutrition research. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent and MBBE 402/402L, and FSHN 477; or BIOC 441/441L. (Cross-listed as FSHN 687 and MBBE 687)
Combined lecture/discussion on grants and grant writing. Designed to introduce graduate students to grants and grant proposal writing through lectures, class discussion, writing assignments, and peer review. Open to CTAHR graduate students only; others with consent. (Cross-listed as FSHN 657 and TPSS 657)
Examines the use of libraries and information technology for scholarly investigation in support of scientific research; provides experience utilizing and critically evaluating a variety of print and electronic sources in basic and applied sciences. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as FSHN 652, NREM 652, and TPSS 652)
Combined lecture-lab for students interested in genetic analysis of humans, animals, and other species. Molecular techniques, such as PCR, DNA marker identifications, transgenics, expression analysis and functional genomics, are included. Open to nonmajors. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Crosslisted as FSHN 650 and MBBE 650)
Growth and development of meat-producing animals; skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, and bone; protein turnover, lipid metabolism, and bioenergetics; regulation of animal growth. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Comparative differentiation, development, growth, and function of the reproductive systems of mammals and birds; external factors that influence response; artificial insemination. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
An advanced course in the nutrition of mono-gastric, ruminant, avian, and aquatic species. Topics include digestive system structures, utilization of nutrients, energy metabolism, and experimental techniques used in the study of animal nutrition. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Topics of current interest and current research related to nutrition, genetics, and physiology. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Design of experiments and variance analyses in biological and agricultural research. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: ZOOL 632. (Cross-listed as TPSS 603)
(1 50-min Lec, 1 2-hr Discussion) Discussion of food systems as they apply to animal science, food science, and human nutrition. Repeatable one time. Pre:graduate standing or consent. (Cross-listed as FSHN 601)
Limited to exceptional undergraduate students, generally with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or a minimum GPA of 3.0 in major. Exceptions may be granted for students with high achievement in last three semesters. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: junior or senior standing.
Integration and application of academic knowledge and critical skills emphasizing professional development. Placement with an approved cooperating supervisor/employer. Writing a learning plan and field report. A-F only. Pre: senior standing in ANSC. (Cross-listed as FSHN 492)
Study and discussion of significant topics, problems. Offered by visiting faculty and/or for extension programs. Repeatable five times, up to 18 credits. Pre: junior or senior standing.
Practical aspects of planning and developing an aquaculture business from conceptualization to a final business plan. Topics include species/technology, project planning, business structuring, permitting, contracts, production plans, financial planning and analysis, market/competition analysis, capital acquisition, intellectual property and
legal issues. Pre: 450 or OCN 450. Must have strong interest in hands-on rearing aquaculture animals and flexible time for live animal care.
Structure and function of endocrine systems across vertebrate groups, surveying how hormones mediate adaptive responses to dynamic environments and coordinate key aspects of growth, development, metabolism, osmoregulation, and stress. Pre: 301.
Intensive, hands-on course involving the culture of larvae and juveniles of marine shrimp, freshwater prawns, molluscs, fish, and their food. Must have strong interest in hands-on rearing and flexible time for continuous live animal care. Lab fee required.
Reproductive anatomy and physiology of domestic animals, estorus synchronization, breeding soundness, and artificial insemination laboratory, field trips. One week offisland field trip. Repeatable one time. ANSC majors or consent. Pre: 301 and 462.
Introductory exploration of anatomy, development, and physiology of reproduction of domestic animals and artificial insemination. Repeatable one time. Pre: 301.
Aspects of the biology and culture of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii and marine shrimp Penaeus (sp) species. Scientific research results and case studies presented and analyzed. Pre: 450 or consent.
Explore human and companion animal relationships in biological, social, cultural, economic, legal, health, and welfare contexts to prepare students for careers in the various animal-related fields in Hawai‘i, the Pacific rim, and worldwide. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171, or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Livestock and poultry slaughter, carcass evaluation, meat chemistry, muscle physiology and biochemistry, meat microbiology, and meat processing. Pre: 454 (or concurrent).
Development, growth, function, carcass evaluation of muscle tissue. Pre: 301 (or concurrent).
Disease problems of livestock, poultry, and companion animals; their economic significance, causes, public health implications, and control. Pre: 200 (or concurrent), and BIOL 171/L or ZOOL 101/L.
Functions and relationships of organs and organ systems of domestic animals excluding reproduction and lactation. Problem-based learning and case studies are emphasized. Pre: 301 or consent.
Theory and practice of aquaculture: reproduction, yield trials, management, economics and business case studies of fish, crustaceans, and molluscs. Field classes held at commercial farm and hatchery. Pre: 321 and 445: or BIOL 172/L and CHEM 162/L or higher. (Crosslisted as OCN 450)
An understanding of animal biology at the level of genes and their regulations; emphasis on gene structure, recombinant DNA, transgenic animals and functional genomics being used for agricultural, nutritional and biomedical sciences. Open to nonmajors. A-F only. Pre: 301, BIOL 171 or ZOOL 101; or consent
Review and application of genetic principles to livestock, poultry, companion, aquatic, and laboratory research animals. Current practices and future developments. Pre: BIOL 171/L or ZOOL 101/L, and MATH 140 or higher. Recommended:biochemistry and genetics or equivalent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles involved in economical milk production in the tropics, including management, recordkeeping, breeds, breeding, selection, culling, feeding, housing, milking, quality control, and raising young animals. Pre: 321 and 445.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles of efficient pork production, including comparative breed evaluation, breeding, feeding, management, marketing, and business aspects. Problems and practices associated with tropical environment emphasized. Pre: 321 and 445.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles of economic beef production, including beef breeds, selection, breeding, management systems, feeding, and marketing under tropical conditions. Pre: 321 and 445.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Origin of species, breeds, nutrition, care, management. Lab on management practices with work on light horses. Pre: 200, or 201 (or concurrent).
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Ethical issues and other controversies related to human and animal needs; their impact on resource sustainability and quality of life are explored from scientific perspectives. A-F only. Pre: 200 or 201 or FSHN 181 or FSHN 185. (Cross-listed as FSHN 350)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Application of the principles of nutrition to feeding of farm animals; composition and nutritional value of feed stuffs; nutritional requirements of beef cattle, dairy cattle, horses, poultry, and swine. Pre: 201 (or concurrent), and 244 or FSHN 244.
Laboratory to accompany 301. Dissection and identification of anatomical arrangements of tissues and organ systems of domestic animals. A-F only. Pre: 200 (or concurrent). Corequisite: 301. (Fall only)
Micro and gross anatomical arrangements of tissues and organ systems of domestic animals. Pre: 200 (or concurrent). Co-requisite: 301L.
Digestive systems and nutrient functions, interrelationships and metabolism are compared among animal species, including humans. An intermediate, general nutrition course for Food Science and Human Nutrition and Animal Science majors. Pre: 200 (or concurrent), CHEM 161/L or higher. (Cross-listed as FSHN 244)
Biology, behavior, and management of animals of economic and social importance. Topics include physiology, genetics, nutrition, reproduction, behavior, care, and management to achieve productivity, performance, and welfare. (lecture, discussion, and field trips)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to animal agriculture, animal science, and the use of animals by humans. Ethics and importance of human use of animals in agriculture are emphasized.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times. (V) Pre: admission to candidacy (master’s program).
Repeatable unlimited times.
Effective teaching methods, organization of courses in anatomical sciences, development and evaluation of exams, experience in teaching with audiovisual/ computer aids. Open to graduate students in physiology or KRS. CR/NC only. Repeatable eight times, up to 32 credits. Pre: 603 and 604.
Systematic study of human development, including implantation, placentation, basics of development of each organ system with reference to pertinent congenital anomalies and their surgical repair. Pre: 603 or 604. Recommended: gross anatomy course.
Human gross anatomy dissection of the upper extremity, head, neck, and spine. Emphasis is placed on muscles, function, innervation, and vascular supply. Repeatable one time. Enrolled in DRB or KRS graduate programs (including Biomed Sci-Anat/ RepoBiol & Phys majors) only or consent. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as KRS 604)
Human gross anatomy dissection of the lower extremity, thorax, and abdomen. Emphasis is placed on muscles, function, innervation, and vascular supply. Repeatable one time. Enrolled in DRB or KRS graduate programs (including Biomed Sci-Anat/ RepoBiol & Phys majors) only or consent. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as KRS 603)
Elective course for advanced medical students. (B) human gross anatomy; (C) histology; (D) research in anatomy and developmental biology. CR/NC only. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent for (B) and (C); MDED 551 for (D).
Advanced study of human anatomy by dissection and individual observation of surgical procedures. (C) topics in reproductive biology. Repeatable two times. CR/NC only. Pre: FMCH, MED, OBGN, PED, PSTY, SURG 531 or 532; or consent.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
On-site historic preservation field study. Site will rotate. Academic and hands-on preservation training. (B) Hawai‘i; (C) Asia; (D) Pacific. Each alpha repeatable up to 18 credits. Pre: consent.
Applies course work in historic preservation to hands-on activities under the direction of practicing professionals and University faculty. Historic preservation certificate students only.
Themes, problems, and issues not addressed in other American studies graduate courses; emphasis upon research methods. Repeatable unlimited times.
Applies course work in Indigenous studies to hands-on activities under the direction of practicing professionals and university faculty. Repeatable one time. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Applies coursework in museum studies to hands-on activities under the direction of practicing professionals and university faculty. Museum studies certificate students only. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Overview of museum education including museum learning theories, informal learning programs, audience research, national and international policies and reports, and community projects. Pre: 683 (or concurrent) or consent. (Cross-listed as EDCS 685)
Work of museums and professionals (registrars, collections managers, conservators, curators and others) in the care of collections, interpretive studies of museum displays and collections and field trips. Pre: 683 (or concurrent) or consent.
History and theory of museums and related institutions (art galleries, historic houses, zoos, parks). Relationship between museums, collections, and communities. Introduction to governance, planning, legal, and ethical concerns.
Methods and approaches in the study of vernacular architecture, cultural landscapes, and material culture, with an emphasis on traditions and innovations in the Americas. (Cross-listed as ARCH 650)
History of buildings, building technologies, materials, and finishes, including construction techniques and methods of investigating older buildings. Emphasis on North American building practices c.1600–c.1960.
The manifestations, visual characteristics, and social/cultural meaning of “style” in American architecture and decorative arts from the early settlement period through the present. (Cross-listed as ARCH 679)
Local-level historic preservation, with an emphasis on historic districts, design guidelines, regulatory controls, and community consensus-building. (Cross-listed as PLAN 677)
Techniques in recording and evaluation of historic buildings and other resources, with an
emphasis on field recordings and state and federal registration procedures. (Cross-listed as ANTH 676 and PLAN 676)
History and philosophy of historic preservation movement. Analysis of values and assumptions, methodologies and tactics, implications for society and public policy. (Cross-listed as ARCH 628 and PLAN 675)
Provides participants with basic knowledge of the field of historic preservation as well as the fundamental knowledge of how to document, conserve, and preserve both tangible and intangible cultural properties. Repeatable three times. (Summer only
Cultural and social imagination of blacks and whites as revealed in literature, poetry, and drama.
Selected works of 20th-century literature as cultural documents.
Seminar explores the history, evolution, and contemporary movement towards indigenous curation within museums, emphasis on the Americas and Oceania, as shaped by colonialism, globalization, multiculturalism, selfdetermination, and nationalism. (Fall only)
Examines approaches to American studies that use comparison as a primary method. Comparison of histories, institutions, of phenomena between the U.S. and another country as well as among communities in the U.S. Graduate standing only. Co-requisite: 600 or 601 or 602, or consent. (Every 2-3 years)
Historical and contemporary issues in America’s global relationships.
Examines the socioeconomic and cultural meanings of globalization and transnationalism. Emphasis on how the deployment and flows of power beyond the nation-state have an impact on regional, national, and/ or local communities and cultures.
Critical analysis of regional formation in and across the Pacific and the role of the U.S. therein; migrations within and across the Pacific; political, military, economic, cultural, and environmental dynamics of transpacific exchanges.
Survey of the literature of the field.
Examination of various roles of motion picture film in America with particular respect to art form, cultural artifact, document, and myth.
Prepares students to achieve specialization in an American Studies-related academic field. Repeatable two times with different contents. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Examination of intellectual figures and movements in American history.
Readings and research on American business, labor, and technological history. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing and consent. (Crosslisted as HIST 639K)
Readings and research on American social and intellectual history. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing and consent. (Cross-listed as HIST 639B)
Federal, state, and local laws and regulations that regulate and provide protection to significant archaeological and historical resources in Hawai‘i and the region. (Alt. years: spring only) (Cross-listed as ANTH 645)
Examines the role of social movements in transforming American society and culture.
Advanced seminar designed to convert graduate research projects into publishable scholarly articles. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Examines the history of American criminal punishment, from the birth of the penitentiary to the rise of the prisonindustrial complex. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing. (Cross-listed as SOC 638)
Approaches to public presentations of history and examination of various ways in which historic memory is constructed in sites such as museums, memorials, and theme parks.
Critical examination of the relationship between war and media with particular attention to the overlapping histories of technologies of perception and destruction in the modern era and to the military-entertainment complex today. Graduate students only or consent.
Appraisal of major media of communications in American society with attention to political, educational, cultural, and ethical implications.
Technological development in cultural perspective; its relation to the American environment, science, capitalism, public policy, and values.
Physical artifacts considered as documents of American cultural and regional development.
American wilderness as both physical setting and social construction. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent
Cultural analysis of the evolution of American architecture from the Colonial period to the present involving sociopolitical and economic, as well as aesthetic, considerations.
Interdisciplinary and comparative focus on how Indigenous identity is constructed, negotiated, asserted, ascribed, and deconstructed within and without Indigenous communities with attention to the U.S. Graduate students only. Pre: graduate level standing or higher.
Exploration of contemporary resonances of slavery in the Americas through literature, historical scholarship, memory and trauma studies, and the visual and performing arts. Graduate students only. A-F only.
Aspects of sexual identity within the context of American culture.
Examination of selected subcultures in America.
Explores the impact of the African Diaspora on the cultures and histories of the Americas through interdisciplinary and feminist scholarship and cultural sources including fiction, foodways, film, poetry, religion, music, and dance. A-F only. Graduate standing only.
Survey of major critical works in fields of performing arts and public culture (e.g., dance, theater, music, commemoration). Topics include: theoretical application for the discipline of American studies, and the impact of social movements and labor migration on the performing arts.
Examination of the U.S. colonization of the American West. Topics include: European-indigenous relations, migration and labor, regional literature, frontier ideology, ethnic conflict, and new community formation. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing and consent. (Cross-listed as HIST 639F)
Historical/contemporary status of women in the U.S.; women’s roles as defined by legal, educational, political, economic, and social institutions; implications for social science method. (Cross-listed as WGSS 612)
The Asian American experience from an interdisciplinary and humanities perspective. Asian American history, literature, media, and theater arts. Comparative study of Hawai‘i and the Continental U.S.
Interdisciplinary approach to understanding early American culture and history. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as HIST 632B)
Prepares advanced graduate students to present original research findings to colleagues, write for peer review, design undergraduate classes in their areas of expertise, and participate actively in their fields. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: (600 and 601) with a minimum grade of B-.
American cultural origins and development.
Introductory survey of methodological issues underlying research in American studies.
Directed readings and research for majors. Pre: consent.
Themes, problems, and issues not addressed in other American studies undergraduate courses, focused within these areas: (B) social structure and interaction; (D) arts and environment. Repeatable one time. Pre: junior standing or consent for (D).
Survey of world maritime history from earliest times to the present, with emphasis on the evolution of nautical technology, motives from maritime enterprises, and the impact of cross-cultural encounters between oceanic peoples. (Cross-listed as HIST 489)
Capstone course for American studies students to undertake a major research-based project. AMST majors only. Pre: consent.
Study and documentation of existing buildings, structures, sites of historic and/or cultural significance, including field measurements and drawings, historical research, photo documentation, and preparation of archival drawings to be deposited in the Library of Congress. Documentation conducted according to standards of the Historic American Buildings Survey/ Historic American Engineering Record (HABS/ HAER). Repeatable three times, up to 24 credits. AMST, ARCH, and HIS majors only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as ARCH 472)
Lectures and discussions on historic preservation issues in Hawai‘i, Asia, and the Pacific. Emphasis on indigenous and national expressions. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as ARCH 474)
Examines religious and ethical conflicts about sexuality and gender nonconformity in contemporary America. Students gain knowledge, practical wisdom, and communication skills to negotiate moral disagreement in a pluralistic society. Pre: junior standing or consent.
Comparison of American experiences in Japan, China, and Southeast Asia within historical and perceptual framework.
American attitudes toward Africa, as well as how Africa has functioned within the dynamics of American culture and history.
Examination of America’s role in modern world affairs, against the background of history, perceptions, and values.
American art in the first half of the 20th century and its impact on American culture. Junior standing or higher. Pre: ART 176 or consent. (Alt. years: fall) (Cross-listed as ART 460)
Sports as reflected in literature, films, and TV.
Comprehensive survey of varieties of film experience from historical and contemporary points of view.
Studies the interpretive strategies and methods used by museums to communicate with visitors in museums, art galleries, historic sites, parks, and related places. Considers how interpretations contribute to cultural knowledge. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. (Crosslisted as ART 481)
Emphasis on the 18th and 19th centuries. Pre: 202 or ART 176, or consent. (Cross-listed as ART 472)
Reading of selected works of U.S. women’s literature and cultural texts (such as art and film). Emphasis on historical and cultural context and diverse expressions of women’s gendered identities. (Cross-listed as ENG 455 and WGSS 445)
Examines linkages between American identity, representation, labor and capital through fashion theory, clothing discourses and other practices of textile production over history. Pre: junior standing or consent.
Literary and non-fictive exploration of the intellectual and moral response of Americans to institutions and culture of 20th-century marketplace economy.
Novelists, painters, poets, jazz musicians as examples of culture of the 1920s and 1930s in America.
Major themes, modes, and media of popular or mass culture in the U.S.; emphasis on cultural trends and social implications.
Examination of the history and significance of melodrama as a dominant mode of American cultural production from the early republic to the present, with a focus on issues of race, gender, and national identity.
Investigates gender representation in the evolving genre of American action cinema through combined stylistic and cultural analysis, with special attention to the relationship of gendered action to categories of morality, race, class, and nation. Junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 466)
An exploration of the critique of racial ideologies in American film. The course also examines how aggrieved communities develop cultural sensibilities, aesthetic choices and politicized identities through film, video and media work.
Examination of mass mobilization in U.S. history from the Revolution forward, including abolitionism, feminism, civil rights, labor, and more. Concludes with analysis of various community organizing efforts today.
Racial ideas and ideologies, and their effects throughout American history. (Cross-listed as HIST 476)
History, culture, and contemporary reality of Asian women in Asia and the U.S. Includes critical analysis of American feminist methodology and theory. Pre: one of 310, 316, 318, 373, 455, POLS 339, WGSS 360, WGSS 361, WGSS 439; or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 372 and WGSS 462)
Exploration of landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases related to sex and gender. Topics may include sex discrimination, sexual orientation discrimination, privacy, and reproductive freedom. A-F only. Pre: one of WGSS 151, WGSS 175, WGSS 176, WGSS 202, WGSS 360, WGSS 381, or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 368 and WGSS 436)
History of American crime and punishment from 18th century to the present. Topics: changing crime patterns, evolving punishment methods, penal reform movements, convict resistance, growth of prison industrial complex, racism, class, and gender. Pre: junior standing or consent.
Discussion of modern politics against the background of recent history and major contemporary issues.
Histories of colonialism, neocolonialism, and cultures of resistance in literature, film, and arts of the Caribbean and American diaspora. Role of arts in political dissent; historical memory; nation building; construction of race, class, gender. Junior standing or higher. A-F only.
Examines the history of slavery, race, and abolition in the Americas from a comparative, global perspective, and traces the legacy of slavery in the post-emancipation societies of the New World. (Cross-listed as HIST 473)
Conditions of labor in major phases of American development; response of labor and community to changing work environment. Capitalism, unionism, race, gender, law, etc. Emphasis on 20th century. (Cross-listed as HIST 477)
Survey history of the complex relations between American societies and diverse U.S. ecosystems, from European contact and colonization to the present. (Cross-listed as HIST 480 and SUST 481)
History of American architecture in terms of style, techniques, and symbolic meaning. (Cross-listed as ARCH 473)
The natural world in American thought from Native Americans to modern ecologists.
A multidisciplinary examination of the dynamics of the Hawaiian Islands’ racial and cultural diversity from the perspectives of historical trends, social processes, and contemporary political, social, and economic issues as they impact interracial relations.
Definition of a Southern identity and its relation to the larger U.S. culture, using literary and polemical works of 19th- and 20th-century.
Research and thematic seminar on Japanese American culture, issues, and history. Pre: junior standing or consent.
An exploration of how Asian American music making is related to community formation, labor migration, and cultural sensibilities throughout the 20th century.
Interdisciplinary, comparative course examining native literary texts (novels, short fiction, poetry), films, etc. that address issues of representation and how native peoples actively resist colonial ideology.
A research seminar on the study of Filipino Americans. Special themes in film/video/media, the performing arts, or literature may be offered. Pre: junior standing
or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 443)
Materials and methods for the study of American life and thought. AMST majors only.
An introduction to the study of Filipino Americans in the U.S. and the diaspora. The course pays special attention to labor migration, cultural production and community politics. Pre: sophomore standing. (Cross-listed as ES 373)
Examines the interplay between an “American culture of empire” and the rise of the U.S. as a superpower. Topics: imperialism and political culture, social movements and international affairs, race, gender and class relations. (Cross-listed as HIST 379)
Introductory history of American cinema from the silent to the digital era, with an emphasis on criticism, genre and style, as well as cultural and sociopolitical context.
Survey examines the roles that travel writing plays in American identity- and nation-formation, from early colonial history to the present. A-F only. Pre: 110, 150, 201, 202, 211, or 212. (Alt. years)
Examines indigenous practices born of and located in Indigenous places. Analyzes how indigenous knowledge of place informs Indigenous cultural, linguistic, intellectual, and political survivance and sovereignty, and resistance.
Survey of Asian and Asian American representations in American film and television from the silent era to the present, with an emphasis on Orientalism and multiculturalism, as well as performance and spectatorship. ACM majors: A-F only. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as ACM 352)
Study of the role of the arts in American society and diverse cultural practices in historical and contemporary contexts.
Investigates design in contemporary American culture. Graphic, industrial, urban, and user-interface design practices are situated within broader social and economic forces. Modes of design practice, production, and consumption studied as reflection of American society today. Open to all class standings. A-F only. (Alt. years)
Examination of design in American culture over the last century. Readings in industrial, graphic, interior, architectural, landscape, and user interface design used to study issues of gender, race, and class in the U.S. Open to all class standings. A-F only. (Alt. years)
Analyzes selected historical examples of religious conflicts in America, discerning characteristic patterns of American religious discourse, and identifying the social structures, interests, and ethical principles at stake in conflicts about religion.
Sophomore standing or higher. (Fall only) (Crosslisted as REL 345)
Continuation of 343: 20th century. Pre: 150 or 201 or 202 or 211 or 212 or HIST 151 or HIST 152; or consent. (Cross-listed as HIST 374)
Politics, family, philosophy, technology, etc.; their interrelationship with the total society. Pre-Colonial to end of Reconstruction. (Cross-listed as HIST 373)
Examination of a range of media, including photography, film, print journalism, television, video games, and the internet, as they have shaped popular representations and
experiences of war in America from the Civil War through the present. A-F only. (Alt. years)
Examination of American religious traditions, both historical and contemporary, with an emphasis on the principles of religious liberty, non-establishment, and pluralism. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Seminar on the impact of the digital revolution and virtual communities on American culture and society, with an emphasis on questions of identity and participatory democracy. Open to non majors. Pre: one DH, DA, or DL course, sophomore standing, or consent.
Examination of the history and ethics of folklore studies and the dynamics and social functions of traditional culture in diverse communities through topics such as ritual, storytelling, games, gossip, belief, music, and cultural tourism. Junior standing or higher.
(Cross-listed as ANTH 326)
Surveys church-state jurisprudence since the 1940s, with special attention to difficulty of defining religion, and applies the religion clauses to current issues. A-F only. Pre: sophomore or higher standing, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as POLS 325)
Survey of social, political, and cultural relations in diverse, contemporary American environments, including: island societies, urban centers, suburbs, Indian reservations, farming communities, and national parks. Special emphasis on contemporary environmental issues in Hawai‘i.
Examines WWII as a watershed in American and Hawai‘i history and culture. Topics include: Pearl Harbor, Japanese American internment, sex and racial tensions, Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, and the dawn of the Atomic Age.
History of selected Asian immigrant groups from the 19th century to the present. Topics include: immigration and labor history, Asian American movements, literature and cultural productions, community adaptations and identity formation. Pre: junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as ES 318)
Analysis of a variety of American musical genres and histories through focused writing assignments (record and performance reviews, personal narratives, interviews, research proposals, research papers). Pre: second year standing or consent. (Alt. years)
History of U.S. women and gender relations. Topics include women’s work in and outside the household, women’s involvement in social movements, changing norms about gender and sexuality, and shared and divergent experiences among women. (Cross-listed as HIST 361 and WGSS 311)
Traces the history and culture of African Americans and outlines contemporary issues. Topics include: slavery and racism, community formation and resistance, cultural expression, African American diversity, civil rights, gender and class relations.
Explores the experiences of Japanese Americans in Hawai‘i and the U.S. at large: historical and cultural heritage, biographical portraits, changing family ties, ethnic lifeways, gender relations, local identity, and the future of island living.
Examination of demands for and the changing nature of justice, historical and contemporary, through court cases, legislation, presidential orders, and social movements that address legal, social, and political definitions of Asian America. Sophomore standing or higher
Survey tracing hip-hop from its Afro-Carribean musical beginnings to contemporary adaptations and interpretations. Students will analyze various materials and will pay attention to the relationships between hip-hop and contemporary social forms. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Will analyze examples from the visual and performing arts, including murals, digital art, film, poetry, and music, paying particular attention to the connections and influence upon social and political movements, both historically and today. A-F only
Interdisciplinary survey that examines the histories, politics, popular representations, self-representations, and contemporary issues of the indigenous peoples of the U.S. and its territories, including Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Kanaka Maoli, Chamorro, and Samoans.
Interdisciplinary exploration of such current global issues as international diplomacy, economic development, national security, demographic change, and environmental protection.
Interdisciplinary exploration of such current American domestic issues; topics such as politics, economics, civil rights, family life, the justice system, and the environment.
Interdisciplinary course that examines diversity and changes in American values and culture-literature, film, visual arts, and architecture.
Interdisciplinary course that examines diversity and changes in American values and institutions–political, economic, legal, and social.
Examines America’s role in world history and the influence of world affairs on U.S. culture and society. Focuses on U.S. interdependence with African, European, Native American, Asian, and Polynesian civilizations, from 1492 to present.
Introduction to different types of college level writing and information literacy with a focus on American culture and society. A-F only.
Introduction to different types of college-level writing through analyses of contemporary American culture and to the main themes and approaches used in American studies and the humanities.
Continued development of receptive and expressive conversational skills in American Sign Language; linguistic structure introduced inductively through mix of lectures and discussion; includes discussion of history and culture of Deaf community in the U.S. Pre: 201.
Continued development of receptive and expressive conversational skills in American Sign Language; linguistic structure introduced inductively through mix of lectures and discussion; includes discussion of history and culture of Deaf community in the U.S. Pre: 102 (or equivalent).
Continued development of basic receptive and expressive conversational skills in American Sign Language; linguistic structure introduced inductively through mix of lectures and discussion; discussion of history and culture of Deaf community in the U.S. Pre: 101 (or equivalent).
Development of basic receptive and expressive conversational skills in American Sign Language; linguistic structure introduced inductively through mix of lectures and discussion; includes discussion of history and culture of Deaf community in the U.S.
Specification, statistical estimation, inference, and forecasting of economic models. Includes advanced topics for single-equation models, pooled models, qualitative dependent variables, simultaneous systems, distributed lags, and time series. Pre: 626 and ECON 628, or consent. (Cross-listed as ECON 629)
Review of probability, estimation, small sample and asymptotic properties. Bivariate and multiple regression and matrix algebra formulation. Regression diagnostics. Introduction to heteroskedastidity, autocorrelation, simultaneity, dichotomous variables, advanced topics. Pre: NREM 310 or ECON 321, and MATH 241; or consent.
Introduction to system thinking, procedures for developing system models, characteristics of important agricultural system modes, computer approach to evaluation and optimization of system models. Pre: one of MATH 215, MATH 241, MATH 251A; or consent. (Crosslisted as BE 638)
Laboratory consists of providing prospective Air Force officers opportunities to continue to develop leadership, managerial, and supervisory skills. Instruction will include preparation for active duty. CR/NC only. Pre: must have completed 351 and 352L; or consent.
Continuation of 401. A-F only. Pre: 401 or consent.
Laboratory consists of providing prospective Air Force officers opportunities to continue to develop leadership, managerial, and supervisory skills. Instruction will include preparation for active duty. CR/NC only. Pre: must have completed 351 and 352L; or consent.
Study of the national security process, regional studies, advanced leadership, ethics, and Air Force doctrine. Special focus placed on preparation for active duty and current issues affecting professionalism. A-F only. Pre: 352 or consent. (Fall only)
Continuation of 301L. CR/NC only. Pre: must have completed AFROTC Field Training; or consent.
Continuation of 301. Focuses on an examination of Air Force leadership and management concepts. Continued emphasis is given to the refinement of both written and oral communicative skills. A-F only. Pre: must have completed 301.
Laboratory consists of demonstration of leadership and management skills needed to successfully function as an Air Force officer. Instruction will include lessons covering planning, organizational and communication skills, and the ability to use available resources to complete an assigned task. CR/NC only. Pre: must have completed AFROTC Field Training; or consent.
Focuses on an examination of ethical Air Force leadership and management concepts. Continued emphasis is given to the refinement of ethical thought through writing and debate. A-F only.
Continuation of 251L. Repeatable unlimited times, but credit earned one time only. Sophomore standing or higher. Open to all majors. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 102 and 202. (Spring only)
Laboratory on the basic skills of leadership and followership. Lab includes application of leadership/followership skills, various field trips to military installations, group projects, and physical training. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 101 and 201; or consent. (Fall only)
Continuation of 201L. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Continuation of 201. A-F only.
Laboratory consists of preparing second-year AFROTC cadets with the skills needed to successfully complete AFROTC Field Training. Students will learn basic military skills, Field Training skills, and participate in physical fitness training. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Study of Air Force heritage, Quality Air Force principles, ethics, and an introduction to leadership and group leadership problems. Application of written and verbal communication skills is included. A-F only.
Laboratory consists of activities that focus and promote the Air Force way of life. Instruction will include leadership and followership development, teamwork, physical fitness training, and activities designed to build camaraderie and esprit de corps. Course is open to all majors. CR/NC only.
Continuation of 101. A-F only
Laboratory consists of activities that focus and promote the Air Force way of life. Instruction will include leadership and followership development, teamwork, physical
fitness training, and activities designed to build camaraderie and esprit de corps. Course is open to all majors. CR/NC only.
Study of the total force structure, strategic offensive and defensive, general purpose, and
aerospace support forces of the Air Force in the contemporary world. A-F only.
Reading and research in an area of accounting under the direction of faculty member(s). Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in international management or consent.
Provides an overview of accounting research in Auditing and International Accounting
topics. Specific research studies are examined as to their theoretical basis, design, implications, methodology, relevance, etc. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in business administration or consent.
Provides an overview of accounting research in accounting information systems topics. Specific research studies are examined as to their theoretical basis, design, implications, methodology, relevance, etc. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in international management or consent.
Provides an overview of accounting research in behavioral accounting topics. Specific research studies are examined as to their theoretical basis, design, implications, methodology, relevance, etc. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in international management or consent.
Provides an overview of managerial accounting research. Specific research studies are examined as to their theoretical basis, design, implications, methodology, relevance, etc. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in international management or consent.
Provides an overview of financial accounting research. Specific research studies are examined as to their theoretical basis, design, implications, methodology, relevance, etc. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in international management or
Required for Plan A candidates only; six credit hours required, one must be taken during semester that degree is being awarded. Repeatable up to six credits. ACC majors only. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Pre: MAcc student and School of Accountancy Director approval.
On-the-job experience in the accounting community. Necessary evaluation reports and meetings with faculty advisor required. ACC majors only. Pre: consent.
Concentration on current issues impacting the accounting profession. Topics vary each semester. Repeatable two times, up to nine credits.
Integrates learning through analysis and communication of comprehensive business problems. Stresses research, critical thinking, and analytical and communication skills applied to contemporary accounting and tax issues. Pre: 415 or 625 with C- or better (or concurrent), no waiver. Co-requisite: 648.
Introduction to visual analytics. Tableau and Power BI for Excel. Introduction to data processing and blending, data visualization and other visualization techniques. Introduction to PowerQuery, PowerPivot, PowerView, and PowerMap. Repeatable one time.
Examines international, state, and local tax issues. Topics include U.S. International taxation of in- and out-bound transactions, sourcing of income and deductions and nexus. ACC majors only. Pre: 401 with C- or better.
Examines advanced topics in federal taxation of partners and partnerships regarding the contribution, operation, and distribution from partnerships and transfers of partnership interests. Pre: 407 with C- or better
In depth examination of tax and accounting research, IRC, and SEC procedures. Extensive practice in issue identification, reading and analyzing primary authority, and communicating results. Credit not given for both 606 and 625. Pre: 401 or 584 with C- or better, orientation program, or consent.
Theory and fundamental causes of international variations in accounting. Special emphasis on problems such variations create for financial reporting, control, and decision-making within multinational business enterprises. Pre: 323 or 582 with C- or better, or consent
Focus on auditing processes, standards, and guidance specific to IT risks. Exposure to advanced IT audit software and its practical application and real world IT audit issues. Pre: 418 or 585 with C- or better, or consent
History and theoretical background of accounting standards. Including accounting theories, formulating and testing theories; scientific, pragmatic, syntactic and semantic theories; normative and positive theories. Literature supportive and critical of accounting
theories and standards. Pre: 323 or 582 with C- or better, or consent.
Understanding of complex and critical issues of international corporate governance, financial reporting, and ethical conduct. Includes corporate governance in the U.S., major European markets, and Asia. Emphasis on internal and external stakeholders, regulators, and gatekeepers. Graduate students only. A-F only.
The Regulation section focuses on federal taxation, especially taxation of business entities; individuals, and property taxation, but also tests on business law, business ethics, and professional and legal responsibilities. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 407.
The (FAR) section focuses on U.S. GAAP, including concepts and standards for financial statements, typical items in financial statements, specific types of transactions and events, accounting and reporting for governmental and other entities. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: 323.
The Business Environment and Concepts (BEC) section focuses on business concepts and the significance of a CPA’s professional duties and responsibilities within the larger context of the business environment. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only.
Auditing and Attestation (AUD) section covers the entire auditing process, including auditing procedures, generally accepted auditing standards, standards related to attest engagements, and the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 418.
Lectures, discussions, case analysis. Integration of numerous elements of the accounting program. Current accounting issues discussed. Relevant topics for (B) managerial; (C) financial, (D) auditing and accounting information systems; (E) tax and ethics. Together with 460B, 460E, includes an emphasis on instruction in writing. Repeatable one time, credit earned for one time only. ACC majors only. A-F only. Pre: 418 (or concurrent), no waiver for (B), (C), (D); 401 and 418 (or concurrent, no waiver for (E). Co-requisites: E for (B); D for (C); C for (D); and B for (E).
Theoretical and real life aspects of forensic accounting. Includes discussions of the legal environment, types of forensic engagements such as, lost earnings, business valuations, fraud, and real world forensic cases. Repeatable one time, but credit earned one time only. A-F only. Pre: 418.
Auditing concepts including standards, objectives and ethics for external auditors. Emphasis on reporting standards, internal control, evidence, statistical sampling, IT audits and assurance. Development of professional writing skills is an integral part of this course. Pre: 323 and 409, both with C- or better.
Addresses current issues impacting the accounting profession. Topics vary each semester. Repeatable two times, up to nine credits. Pre: consent.
Introduction to managerial and financial accounting and methods used to record and report managerial and financial information to decision makers internal and external to the firm. Part I. A-F only. Sophomore standing or higher.
Independent research or creative project under supervision of ACM faculty member. Only six credits of 399/499 in any combination can be applied to meet requirements for the major. Repeatable up to six credits. ACM majors only. Pre: 310 or 315 or 316B, and 350 or 355, and consent.
Internship in professional cinematic, television, animation and/or digital media production company under professional and faculty supervision. Repeatable up to six credits. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 or 315 or 316B, and 350 or 355; and consent.
Involves close textual analysis and strategic analysis of the globalism phenomenon, with an emphasis on transnational media corporations. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent. (Fall only)
Students will team design, build, and demonstrate video games or related interactive entertainment environments and applications. Topics will include emerging computer science techniques relevant to the development of these types of environments. Junior
standing or higher. Pre: any 215 or ICS 110(Alpha) or ICS 111. (Cross-listed as ICS 485)
Intellectual issues in creative media. Conducted by regular and visiting faculty with extensive student participation and scholarly presentation. Repeatable one time on different topics. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 255 and junior standing, or consent.
Introduction to data visualization through practical techniques for turning data into images to produce insight. Topics include: information visualization, geospatial visualization, scientific visualization, social network visualization, and medical visualization. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 215 or ICS 110(Alpha) or ICS 111. (Cross-listed as DATA 484 and ICS 484)
In-depth study of the nature and impact of documentary filmmaking in America, focusing on the interplay between filmmaker, subject, and audience. Will critically examine documentaries for their use of rhetoric, ethics, and narrative voice. Junior standing only. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.
Involves close textual analysis of film, TV and multimedia content. The course includes cinematic and television screenings. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.
Ethical theory and dilemmas as reflected in film and filmmaking. Social responsibility for filmmakers. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: junior standing and 255.
Theories and studies of indigenous films and creation of a cinematic project based in indigenous cultural and value systems. Students must complete a certification workshop in camera and editing processes to be enrolled in this course. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310, and 350 or 355; or consent.
Application of narrative principles of character development, story structure and thematic spine to students’ short and feature-length screenplays. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 350 or 355.
Student teams produce a short, animated film. Prior knowledge of 2D and 3D media authoring tools and animation techniques is necessary. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 320 or consent.
Applies the basic foundations, techniques, and theory of cinematography (covered in ACM 312) to a more informed and crafted practice with Camera and Lighting Scene study workshops, and research exercises and film projects. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 and 312.
Production of a major cinematic/digital narrative project. Working in groups, each student takes on creative and technical role and responsibilities of a principle crew position. Emphasis on artistic form in narrative development; timely execution from pre- to post-production. Repeatable one time with instructor approval. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310; 350; and one of 312, 330, 370, 372, or 374.
Analysis and practical knowledge of the documentary process including, but not limited to, research, organization and story structure, shooting, camera coverage, and editing. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310, and 350 or 355; or consent.
Participation in a group research or creative project under supervision of ACM faculty member. Only six credits of 399/499 in any combination can be applied to meet requirements for the major. A-F only. Repeatable up to six credits. ACM majors only. Pre: 310 or 316B, and 350, and consent.
Short-term intensive workshop in focused area of media production. Repeatable up to six credits. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.
Specialized techniques in the creation of digital media: taught by regular and visiting faculty. Repeatable one time in different topics. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 (or concurrent) or 316B (or concurrent), or consent.
Topics of interest to faculty and students; taught by regular and visiting faculty. Repeatable one time on different topics. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.
Intensive study of selected topics, genres, filmmakers, or digital media production in the host country in a UH Mânoa approved study abroad location. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 255 and consent.
In-depth study of the auteur theory and specific application to authors in creative media, such as film directors, animators, screenwriters or game designers. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.
Focus on the concept of genre, genre films, genre film criticism and popular genres such as
Western, film noir, documentary, and Chinese martial arts. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.
Practical course on the theory, art, and techniques of sound recording, editing, and design for cinema. Students work on projects involving dialogue and sound effects in post production. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 or 316B, and 372.
Advanced course examining the theory, techniques, and practices of motion picture editing; use of non-linear digital editing systems; and practical experience in digital
editing projects. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 (or concurrent) or 316B (or concurrent), or consent.
Introduction of the screen-director to the craft of acting for the camera. Students will develop collaborative communication skills and learn practical techniques to elicit spontaneous and relaxed performances from actors. A-F only. Pre: 255, and 310 (or concurrent).
Aesthetic theories and practices of indigenous cultures of the Pacific and their adaptation to the screen in cinematic storytelling. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.
Adapting the stories, styles, and cultural values of oral tradition storytelling to cinematic narratives. A-F only. Pre: 255, and 310 (or concurrent) or 215 (or concurrent); or consent.
Introduction to the basics of writing a short narrative screenplay for film or television. Students learn the fundamentals and format of screenwriting as well as basic elements of
storytelling and character development. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 255, 310 (or concurrent) or 215 (or concurrent); or consent.
Fundamentals of producing for independent filmmaking, focusing on business acumen and role of the producer through various stages of production. Topics include proposal writing, script breakdowns, budgeting, scheduling, legal issues, festival strategy, and distribution. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 (or concurrent), or 316B (or
Students work independently to produce a short, animated film. Emphasis on visual storytelling and character animation. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 316B, and 350 or 355.
Computer animation directing and cinematography for the design and creation of visual effects. Using particles and dynamics systems to simulate natural phenomena. Compositing of visual layers. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 215, 216, and 255; or 215, 310, and 255; or consent.
Creating the illusion of life through the principles of animation. (B) 3D character animation; (C) 2D animation. ACM majors only. Sophomore standing or higher for (C). A-F only. Pre: 215 and 216 and 255 and ART 113 for (B); 216 (with a C or better) for (C), or consent.
Storytelling through computer games. Effect of interactivity on narrative. Interactive plot structures, conceptual design, artwork, audio, cinematography, two- and three dimensional computer graphics. Design and programming of game narrative using scripting languages. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 215 and 216 and B or better in 255, or consent.
Comprehensive course in visual styles supporting screen narratives through a study of principles of camera elements, operations, lighting, color and composition. Professional role and responsibilities of cinematographer. Project-oriented. Must have access to manually controlled still camera. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310.
Production-intensive course with collaborative as well as individual projects. Theories and application of basic digital cinema productions, including camera, lighting, sound, and editing. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 255 (or concurrent).
Introduction to the basic techniques of cinematic digital production and allows them to explore their personal voice in this process. A-F only.
Introduction to managerial and financial accounting and methods used to record and report managerial and financial information to decision makers internal and external to the firm. Part II. Pre: 200 (with a C- or better).
A basic overview of the 3D animation production process, including modeling, texturing, rigging, animation, lighting, and rendering. A-F only. Pre: 255.
Introduction to traditional styles and methods of hand drawn 2D, digital, and stop motion animation through theory and practice. A-F only. Pre: 255 and ART 113, or consent.
Accounting process and the application of GAAP to the recognition and measurement of cash, receivables, inventories, property plant and equipment, depreciation and depletion, intangibles, and current liabilities. Pre: (201, 202, 210, or BUS 624) with C- or better.
Application of GAAP to the recognition and measurement of long-term liabilities, investments, contributed capital, retained earnings, accounting changes and errors, income recognition, accounting for income taxes, pensions, leases, and statement of cash flows. Pre: 321 with C- or better.
Introduction to the study of cinema: history, aesthetics, and cultural impact. A-F only.
On-the-job experience in the accounting community. Term paper and meetings with faculty advisor required. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Reading and research of a special area in major under direction of faculty member(s). Project must include statement of objectives, outline of activities planned, results expected, and how they are to be reported and evaluated. Must be approved in advance by the department chair and faculty advisor.
Examines federal income tax concepts, such as gross income, exclusions, deductions, exemptions, and tax credits, especially for sole proprietors. Introduces taxation of property transactions. Development of professional writing skills is integral to this course. Pre: (201, 202, 210, or BUS 624) with C- or better.
A survey of the general concepts, rules, and practices involved in the taxation of sole-proprietorships, corporations, partnerships, and subchapter S corporations. Pre: 401 with C- or better.
Accounting systems analysis, control and design in manual and computerized environments. Knowledge and skills of information technology for auditing AIS systems. Hands-on experience with microcomputers and a computerized accounting system. A-F only. Pre: 323 (with C- or better or concurrent) and BUS 311 (with C or better).
Intensive study of areas of law of importance to accountants. Particular attention is given to principles of law relating to contracts, sales, commercial paper, secured transactions, property, legal entities, agency, securities, and accountant’s legal liability. Pre: BLAW 200 or consent.
Accounting topics relating to consolidation requirements and introduction to the fundamentals of fund accounting, including the general fund, restricted funds, debt service funds, enterprise funds, general long-term account group, general fixed assets accounting group, and accounting entries for encumbrances. Pre: 323 with C- or better.