Frequently Asked Questions

1) What is the Mānoa Service Award?

The Mānoa Service Award is a scholarship for undergraduate students at UH Mānoa. In return for receiving tuition assistance, students must do community service hours. For the 2023-2024 academic year, the award amount will be $1,000 per semester. For each semester that you are awarded the scholarship, you must complete 50 hours of volunteer service.

2) Am I eligible?

To be eligible for the Mānoa Service Award scholarship you must:

  • Be pursuing an undergraduate degree at UH Mānoa
  • Be at least a sophomore and enrolled full-time
  • Demonstrate financial need and be declared eligible by the Financial Aid Office
  • Have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0
  • Be willing and able to complete the required amount of hours (50 hours/semester)

3) How many hours do I have to serve?

You have to complete 50 hours of volunteer service per semester.

4) How much money do I receive once I am awarded the scholarship?

For the 2023-2024 academic year, the award amount will be $1,000 per semester.

5) How do I enroll in the program?

After applying for financial aid—if you are deemed eligible for the award—you will be invited to attend a mandatory orientation session to enroll in the program.

6) If I am from a neighbor island, can I complete my service in my home community?

Yes, you may serve in person or virtually as long as it is with an allowable site.

7) What if my site shuts down due to COVID-19 and I am unable to complete my 50 hours?

If at all possible we encourage you to complete your required service. We are allowing virtual service, so if COVID-19 becomes a barrier to in-person service, we encourage you to seek out another site. Depending on your circumstances, we may allow you additional time to complete your hours.

8) What if I become ill during the semester and am unable to complete my service?

Please notify the Program Coordinator, Liane Akana as soon as possible via email at

9) What if I complete more than 50 hours?

If you have completed more than 50 hours in the fall semester, you may apply those hours in excess of 50 hours to the spring semester as long as you are approved to receive the award in the spring. Excess hours may not be carried over between academic years, i.e. Spring 2023 to Fall 2023.

10) I’ll be carrying the equivalent of a full-time course load, but at two UH campuses. Will I be able to receive the MSA?

No. You must be a full-time student at UH Mānoa.

11) What happens if I decide I don't want to continue with my MSA?

If you have already accepted the award, please email the Program Coordinator, Liane Akana as soon as possible at notifying us of your intent to return your award and for which semester(s) and we will notify the Office of Financial Aid. If your award is declined or cancelled, the amount of your award will be debited from your myUH account.

12) Can I volunteer over the breaks and use those hours toward my service?

Yes, we will accept hours served over the winter and spring breaks.  We will accept service logged beginning in August, but not for the months of June or July.

13) If I receive the Mānoa Service Award this fall, will I automatically receive the award following semester?

Not necessarily. In order to receive the Mānoa Service Award, you must meet the eligibility criteria for each semester you are awarded. Also, if you did not successfully meet the obligations of your award in the previous semester, you may not continue to receive the award.

14) My major requires me to perform 50 hours as an intern before I graduate, would I be able to count those hours toward my Mānoa Service Award?

As long as your internship is with a non-profit or government organization and is unpaid, we would accept the hours. If you are performing clinic hours through your UH department, please check to make sure the clinic supervisor is willing to sign off on your service logs.

15) If I have another scholarship that requires me to volunteer, would I be able to count those hours?

Yes, we would accept those hours.

16) My friend wants to receive the Mānoa Service Award, how can he apply?

To be considered for the MSA, your friend would need to submit a FAFSA and meet the award criteria for the award. The Office of Civic and Community Engagement will notify students of their eligibility.

17) Whom do I contact if I have questions?

Liane Akana, Program Coordinator
Office of Civic and Community Engagement
Queen Liliuokalani Center for Student Services Room 209
Phone: 808-956-4641