Peace Corps Recruiters at UHM
The Office of Civic and Community Engagement is where you will find UHM's Peace Corps Recruiters.
The Peace Corps Recruiting Team are all Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) and are here on campus to answer any questions you may have about Peace Corps opportunites and, for those that are interested in service, help you through the application process. Recruiters can be reached for one-on-one meetings, virtual meetings, emails and by phone.
Meet Your Peace Corps Recruiter's Team!

Kevin Sander
Aloha! My name is Kevin Sander and I joined the Peace Corps in 2017 as an agriculture volunteer in Paraguay. There, I focused on working with local beekeepers to improve management practice as well as establish a regional committee of beekeepers to provide each other support and petition the government for equipment. My experience got me interested in pursuing a Master's Degree in Entomology at UHM so that I could better understand the science behind beekeeping and continue to offer technical supporrt to beekeepers abroad. Originally from the Seattle area, I arrived on O'ahu in 2022 and am now a third-year graduate student studying honeybee health, pests, and disease. I also teach environmental science courses at the Hawai'i Nature Center for 1st-3rd grade.
I'm excited and grateful for the opportunities I've found here to continue to support local beekeepers and engage in education - both things I got my start in through the Peace Corps.

Orion Young
Aloha! My name is Orion Young, I am originally from California and I joined the Peace Corps after receiving my undergrad degree in Community Health Education. I volunteered in rural villages in Togo and Côte d'Ivoire, as well as refugee camps in Guinea-Conakry on several health projects including Child Nutrition, Guinea Worm, and HIV/AIDS.
My Peace Corps service was truly a formative part of my life. I was inspired to get back to my Chinese roots by attending grad school in China and then working on study abroad programs for American students studying Mandarin both on the ground overseas and right here at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.
It is always a pleasure to help those interested in learning more about the Peace Corps!
Watch Video: BOLD Invitation
University of Hawai'i Mānoa
2600 Campus Road, QLCSS 209
Peace Corps Recruiters In-Office Hours
Wednesday & Thursday | 10:00am - 11:00am and 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Peace Corps Recruiters Virtual Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Friday | 11:00am - 1:00pm
For more information, please contact Kevin or Orion at
or call 808-956-6860.
The Matsunaga Institute has partnered with the Peace Corps to bring the Peace Corps Prep Program to the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.